Heavy Fighter DronesHeavy Q-Fighters don't see much use, as the prevailing notion is that these more powerful and expensive ffighters are much better suited to manned operations. There are exceptions, however.
Transgressor TR-13Q /Eagle EGL-R6QBase: Transgressor TR-13 (RS3039u) / Eagle EGL-R6 (RS3075u-AoW)
5.5 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Remove all four medium lasers, one heatsink (24)
Reduce armor as follows: n:78, w:50 a:38
Slayer SLQ-15Base: Slayer SL-15 (RS3039u)
6 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Remove four heatsinks (16), two tons of fuel (
Typhoon TFN-2QBase: Typhoon TFN-2A (RS3075u-AoW)
6.5 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Replace the paired large lasers in each wing with a single blazer cannon
Remove both PPCs
Add nine heatsinks (35)
Increase armor as follows: n:46 w:35 a:28
Ahab AHB-QBase: Ahab AHB-X (RS3050u-C/SL)
6.5 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Replace LRM-20s with LRM-15s
Remove one medium laser, add one small laser to the nose
Small Craft DronesUnlike Heavy Fighters, Small Craft class drones are reasonably common, especially around heavily populated and industrialized systems. Armed patrol drones are usually only used as support vessels to manned craft, with the Taurian Concordat being a notable exception. The Taurian navy uses their own Tigress Drones extensively to conduct automated patrols of the Hyades cluster, considering the occasional bit of friendly fire simply a good way to keep out unwanted visitors.
Aquarius-QBase: Aquarius (RS3075u-AoW)
14 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Replace both nose large lasers with a single Blazer Cannon
Remove both LRM-10s and associated ammunition, one heatsink (31)
Lyonesse-QBase: Lyonesse (RS3075u-AoW)
12.5 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Replace LRM 20 and ammunition with LRM-10 with one ton ammunition
Remove SRM 6 and ammunition, one aft medium laser, and aft small laser
Intrepid-QBase: Intrepid (2478) (Primitives IV)
10.5 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Remove infantry bay, all medium lasers, add small laser to aft
Tigress-QBase: Tigress TIG-15 Gunboat (HB:MPS)
10.5 ton control system (SRCS-I)
Downgrade crew quarters to steerage
Remove 2.5 tons cargo (4.5)