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Author Topic: AEROSPACE UNITS OF FANBOOK, THE PERIPHERY:3145  (Read 1645 times)

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Red Pins

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« on: April 10, 2016, 01:10:08 PM »

This thread is for the Aerospace portion of the book, and a fairly large amount of effort and research went into it.  However, it was shortened considerably with the loss of two units, one an ASF and another a Bastion-style space station for the capital of the FedSuns Periphery March.

The remainder took a fair bit of time to explain, since like the Brigand, the Privateer is one of the designs I created to prompt the Periphery Alliance idea.  With none of the post-Jihad manufacturers working on ASF, I needed a reason to prompt them to do so.  The Primitive design was supposed to be another tie-in to the New Clans of my AU, the design being manufactured under a different name during their expansion and build-up before being mothballed and eventually traded to pirate bands.

Like most of them, the Privateer was designed by hand, so be wary.

PV-1 Privateer

Produced By: Unknown
Introduced: 3125
Mass: 35 Tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Primitive)

Safe Thrust: 9 (4.5 G)
Maximum Thrust: 14 (7.0 G)

Weapons and Equipment:
  2 Medium Pulse Lasers

     First identified by AeroSpace fighters of the Magistracy Navy, the unknown AeroSpace fighter code-named “Priva-teer” seems to be an effort by an unknown group or manu-facturer to create a small, fast, and reliable fighter to chase down civilian targets.

     With an emphasis on speed, the Privateer sacrifices armor and weapons to move as quickly as possible, a trait it shares with the Brigand.  Paper-thin armor hides a large, five-ton fuel tank to chase down unfortunate Merchant Jump- and DropShips, and a pair of Medium Pulse lasers to force them to surrender.
     Within a planet’s atmosphere, the Privateer makes an acceptable bomb truck, but there have been no recorded instances of successful strafing attacks on anything other than civilian buildings and vehicles.
     While the fighter seems to be in mass-production, the supply of trained pilots seems to have become the primary stumbling block, with the number of sightings dropping quickly as the green pilots quickly die off, either in action or simple accident.

Battle History
     The Privateer has been noted to have one kind of luck – bad.  Although dozens of poorly-trained pilots have been shoved behind its controls and been lost in normal opera-tions, the highest number of survivors have come from en-gagements with defending AeroSpace forces.
     The Magistracy Navy’s first experience with the Privateer was in rescue operations as pilots of an entire squadron sur-rendered rather than try dogfighting with the Navy’s heavier Lightning and Thunderbird AeroSpace Fighters over Early Dawn.  Left to cover the retreat of the pirate DropShips, the Privateers surrendered within minutes of making contact with the defenders.  Leaving a pair of fighters to guard their captives, the remainder of the Navy fighters continued on a heading to intercept their carriers.
     At close range, the Privateers turned to engage and crip-ple the single Air Lance before boosting in pursuit of the rest of their force, only to surrender to the pursuing DropShips as the green pilots began to run low on fuel.
     The Privateer has greatly expanded on the dangers of piracy in the Periphery, as popular trade routes are picketed by small groups of Privateers in jury-rigged stations or carri-ers.  A high-value target due to its L-F battery, smugglers aboard the Mercury Vapor found themselves attacked by Privateers when a deal to transport a raiding party into the Marion Hegemony went sour in 3128.  Jumping to an adja-cent system, the Vapor found itself the target of a squadron of Privateers within days of their arrival.  Jumping again, the Vapor encountered another squadron, actively searching for new arrivals, but too far away to establish radar contact.
     Fast charging the K-F drive, Captain Krespin followed a circuitous course emerging at random distances from the standard zenith or nadir Jump Points.  The crew of the Vapor managed to continue their mercenary careers for nearly a year, but burned out the rare L-F battery that allowed them to demand high rates for rapid transit.  Captured by the Mag-istracy Navy in 3139, the records of the incident proved an organized attempt to capture JumpShips had been in opera-tion for over a decades, with captured vessels disappearing without a trace.

     No variants of the Privateer have been identified.

Notable Pilots and Fighters
Lt. John Smith and Firefly
     Planner behind the Privateer attack over Early Dawn, “Lt. Smith” was later identified as Piotr Anasanko, formerly a student of the Tikonov Martial Academy.

Type: Privateer
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Primitive)
Tonnage: 35

Equipment            Mass
Engine:           295       18.0
     Safe Thrust:          9
     Maximum Thrust:         14
Structural Integrity:         9
Heat Sinks:        10
Fuel:          400         5.0
Cockpit: Primitive               5.0
Armor Factor:    32 AP            2.0
                             Armor Value
  Nose          8
  Wings                      6/6
  Aft          2

Weapons & Ammo     Location  Mass  Heat  SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
Medium Pulse Laser       Nose        2         4        6
Medium Pulse Laser         Nose       2         4        6
« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 01:12:15 PM by Red Pins »

Red Pins

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« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 01:18:08 PM »

I was rather proud of the Nike - everything seemed to go together well, before somebody commented that I had made a mistake in the engine and thrust.  Since I had thrown out the sheets as I finished typing them, I dreaded re-creating it, so I simply accepted the 7/11 thrust and mass requirements that limited the AC ammo.

NKE-01(P) Nike

Produced By: Marion Hegemony
Introduced: 3096
Mass: 50 Tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Primitive)

Safe Thrust: 7 (3.5 G)
Maximum Thrust: 11 (5.5 G)

Weapons and Equipment:
  1 AC/10 (10)
  2 Medium Laser

     Designed by Word of Blake engineers during their alliance with Caesar Sean O’Reilly, the Nike was to become the He-gemony’s first domestically produced AeroSpace Fighter.  The success of his son’s coup and the expulsion of his allies left the plans for the Nike shelved as the Hegemony lacked the facilities and technical expertise needed for production.
     After Cassius O’Reilly assumed power during the uncer-tainty of the Jihad, the spread of so-called “Retrotech” used by several nations inspired the new Caesar to curtail civilian manufacturing to produce a Primitive version of the design to equip the Legions.

     Uncertain of their own needs and abilities, Hegemony engineers sought to design a general-purpose Fighter that sacrificed weapons for the equivalent speed and protection of modern units.  Depending on the common VLAR 300 fu-sion engine to produce a maximum of 4Gs of thrust, the Nike carries the maximum practical amount of armor to protect the Hegemony’s pilots.
     Restricted to the use of antiquated single Heatsinks, the Nike supports a nose-mounted Pontiac 50 (also found on the Gladius hovertank) with one ton of ammunition and a pair of standard Medium lasers in each wing as backup

Battle History
     The Nike’s first appearance in combat came in 3097, in-tercepting a pirate Union DropShip escorted by a pair of Heavy AeroSpace Fighters over the Hegemony world of Illyr-ia.  As a Maniple of Nikes (ten Fighters) engaged the defend-ing Fighters in orbit, a second Maniple scrambled from their bases to engage the DropShip.
     Returning to defend their DropShip, the pirates escorted the crippled Union back into orbit where the surviving Nikes joined their fellows to harass the enemy fighters.  Denied the opportunity to land and refuel, they were forced to eject and were captured while the Union made its escape.
     Nikes are most commonly deployed in Maniples of ten Fighters in defensive roles across the Hegemony and lesser Periphery states as part of an effort to foster military cooper-ation and good trade relations.  In 3109, this lead to the loan of two Maniples (twenty Fighters) to the Calderon Protec-torate, where Hegemony pilots escorted neutral shipping with cargoes of food and medical supplies, through the Con-cordat’s naval blockade.

     A tense situation quickly became violent when TDF per-sonnel opened fire on a suspected smuggler, destroying the pair of escorting fighters in self-defence.  Wishing to make a statement to the Protector and the rest of the Periphery, Caesar Cassius arranged for the next relief convoy to be es-corted by elite Sea Fox pilots in Clan AeroSpace fighters, who destroyed the TDF’s Nadir blockade forces in retaliation.
     The original NKE-01(P) continues to serve in the Periph-ery, particularly on worlds considering membership in the Periphery state and the Cohors Morituri, the Hegemony’s second-line militia forces.  The modern NKE-01 serves in front-line forces using technology such as a 300 XL fusion engine, Double Heatsinks, and Reflective armor to allow the Nike to carry a LB-10X with two tons of ammunition and a heavy wing-mounted laser battery to support the Legions on the ground.  A single Medium laser is mounted aft to dis-courage pursuit.
     Still in the design phase, the Caesar and MHAF hope to design the NKE-O, incorporating Omnitech with Clan Sea Fox’s assistance.

Notable Pilots and Fighters
Legatus Thaddeus “Thud” Friesen, Ret.
     A career Nike pilot, “Thud” flew the updated -01 variant for most of his career, becoming famous among his fellow pilots for preferring to negate or ‘mission kill’ opposing AeroSpace forces to reduce casualties among the green pilots under his command.  Now an instructor at the Alphard Air Academy, Thaddeus reminds his students the most valuable component of their fighter is the life of the pilot behind the controls.

Principes Leo Stella and the Stella Magistar
     Chief pilot and organizer of the Stella Magistar, a training program to create ace pilots, Leo has assembled AeroSpace fighters and instructor pilots from across the Inner Sphere and Clans.  Pilots chosen to participate in the program take a leave of absence from the MHAF and train until they manage to ‘kill’ five of their instructors in mock combat and earn the title of Ace.
     For his devotion to the Hegemony, Cassius has declared Leo the chief test pilot of the NKE-O program.

Type: Nike
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Primitive)
Tonnage: 50

Equipment            Mass
Engine:          300 Primitive Fusion   19.0
     Safe Thrust:        7
     Maximum Thrust:        11
Structural Integrity:         7
Heat Sinks:        10
Fuel:          400        5.0
Cockpit: Primitive              5.0
Armor Factor:    75 AP        7.0
          Armor Value
  Nose       20
  Wings                     20/20
  Aft       15

Weapons & Ammo     Location  Mass  Heat  SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
AC/10          Nose      12         3      10     10
Medium Laser       Nose       1          3       5
Medium Laser       Nose       1          3       5
Ammo (AC) 10       Body       1

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« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 01:30:38 PM »

Originally, I wanted to use another Primitive design, but the Knights were already doing Primitive Mechs and upgrading them during or soon after the Jihad.  I decided a SW-era ASF wasn't too big a jump, and fluffed an unknown conventional aircraft as a learning project before creating the unimaginative "Winged Knight".

The weapons layout was designed to fight the Reflec armor becoming more common to ASF since its development, and since the Kirghiz and its 5-ton infantry bay is fairly unknown but interests me, I included a variant to deploy BA.

As usual, this was hand-made, so be cautious.

WK-1 Winged Knight

Produced By: Warrior Arms (Randis IV)
Introduced: 3122
Mass: 85 Tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)

Safe Thrust: 6 (3.0G)
Maximum Thrust: 9 (4.5G)

Weapons and Equipment:
  2 RAC/5 (120)
  2 Light PPC
  6 ER Medium Laser
  1 Small Laser

     A successful manufacturer, Warrior Arms of Randis IV had previously produced a conventional fighter before setting their sights on a domestically produced AeroSpace Fighter to supply the Brotherhood.

     The WK-1 has only average thrust, but carries an abnor-mally large ten ton fuel tank, reflecting the need to remain on station long after other Fighters have retired.  Using fif-teen tons of imported Reflective armor and ballistic weapons to counter the growing number of Fighters taking advantage of the specialty armor, twin RAC/5s fed by six tons of ammu-nition provide the bulk of the Knight’s arsenal, allowing low probability fire to keep an opponent on his toes.
     The remaining armament is unflinchingly energy based, oriented around paired Light PPCs in the nose and a trio of ER-Medium lasers in each wing.  Designed for strafing attacks to support the remainder of the Brotherhood, the WK-1 also mounts a Small laser aft to discourage pursuit.

Battle History
     The Knight had its first engagement during an aid mission to the Rim Collection in 3123, as two prototypes assigned to 1st Battalion took advantage their advanced armor to ignore the pirate Transgressor AeroSpace Fighters attempting to defend their Leopard DropShip over Hunter’s Paradise.  As the pirate Fighters tried to force the Knights to break off, the Brotherhood pilots took repeated firing runs on the Leop-ard’s weak aft armor, eventually damaging the Aerodyne DropShip’s transit system.
     Able to remain with the DropShip while the pirate Fight-ers were forced to land as their fuel grew short, the Broth-erhood’s Union DropShip managed to rendezvous and trans-fer the crew of the crippled vessel to face charges of piracy in the Collection before the Knights ensured the Leopards destruction and returned to their DropShip.
     The Brotherhood’s predilection for pirate hunting and aid missions put the Fighter to good use, but a small number of the design have been captured over the years as pirate bands have managed to overcome the missions they sup-ported.  Four of these Fighters used their speed and fire-power over Lahti (a former FWL planet) offered assistance by the Caesar as a means of encouraging interest in joining the Hegemony.
     Correctly identifying the enemy fighters as Winged Knights, the pilots of Ala Flavo (Yellow Wing) used drop tanks and held back as long as possible to try to present a threat and force the Knights to remain deployed as escorts, but were unable to avoid action.  As the Knights closed to AC/10 range, each of them fired their complement of ER-Medium lasers, quickly penetrating the Nikes primitive armor.  Una-ble to reply effectively, the Hegemony Fighters tried to re-treat from orbit to eject over Lahti’s southern continent, but were destroyed before they could do so.

     Kept secret for nearly a decade, the WK-2 was a created to offer the Brotherhood a means of quickly deploying squads of Templar Battlearmor.  Sacrificing one of the RAC/5s and both Light PPCs, the Knight carries two Battlearmor squads in comfortable Infantry Bays in the body of the Fight-er for deployment either in zero-G or atmosphere.
     Looking to expand their Touman from sources outside the Imperio, Merchants from the Abjured Goliath Scorpions made inquiries to purchase the design in 3133 resulting in the proposed WK-C.  Reducing fuel by five tons and armor by a half-ton, the new fighter would carry three Clan-made ER-PPCs and seven ER-Medium lasers linked to an advanced targeting computer with an additional fourteen Double Heatsinks but was cancelled after the Clan was unable to increase production of the Fighter’s primary armament.

Notable Pilots and Fighters
Star Captain Jax of Clan Goliath Scorpion
     Chief test pilot of the Winged Knight’s Clan Acceptance Trials, Jax was impressed with the Fighter’s basic design and capabilities but never flew the prototype WK-C before the project’s cancellation.  To date he remains the sole Clan AeroSpace Pilot Phenotype to fly the design.

Marcus “Red Five” Jung
     Identified as one of the pirates over Lahti in 3119, He-gemony Senators approved an impressive bounty for his capture on the urging of Senator Archibald, father of Princi-pes Archibald who died as he attempted to re-enter Lahti’s atmosphere.

Type: Winged Knight
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)
Tonnage: 85

Equipment            Mass
Engine:          340 XL       13.5
     Safe Thrust:         6
     Maximum Thrust:         9
Structural Integrity:         8
Heat Sinks:       15 (30)         5.0
Fuel:          800       10.0
Cockpit:                   3.0
Armor Factor:    240 Reflective        15.0
                              Armor Value
  Nose      80
  Wings                    60/60
  Aft      40

Weapons & Ammo     Location  Mass  Heat  SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
RAC/5        Nose           9         6      20     20
RAC/5        Nose           9         6      20     20
L-PPC        Nose           3         5       5       5
L-PPC        Nose           3         5       5       5
3 ER-Medium Lasers       RW             3        15     15     15
3 ER-Medium Lasers      LW              3        15     15     15
Small Laser (R)     Body           .5        1        3
Ammo (RAC)  120     Body           6

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« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 01:38:57 PM »

Small craft have different roles in my AU; among other things, they're the equivalent of twin-engine fighter/bombers.  But their common availability made them the perfect choice for long-term surveillance; just one more unarmed Craft plying its trade unnoticed in a populated system.  Plus, despite their size, they use the DropShip expansion drive.

ARG-O Argus Observation Small Craft

Produced By: Taurian Concordat
Introduced: 3077
Mass: 150 Tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)

Safe Thrust: 4 (2G)
Maximum Thrust: 6 (3G)

Weapons and Equipment:

     Brought face-to-face with the horrifying potential of DropShips as weapons of mass destruction, the TDF began to address the possibility of future attacks in 3077 as the Alli-ance began overwhelming the Blake Protectorate’s defend-ers.  Investigators and scientists consulted on the matter eventually agreed that the keys to preventing future attacks were early detection and the ability to focus sufficient force to destroy or divert the attackers.  However, after the for-mation of the Calderon Protectorate, the solution needed to be something the Concordat could afford.
     With the need for secrecy to prevent attackers from tak-ing additional precautions to conceal themselves, Protector Boris Tharn ordered Taurus Territorial Industries to create a basic Small Craft design capable of serving as long-term ob-servation platforms to monitor Taurian systems.

     The Argus met several benchmarks set by the TDF, primar-ily the ability to sustain a crew of nine for three months with sophisticated sensor and observation equipment, but in order to do so is designed to spend most of their deploy-ment on a ballistic path.
     In order to help maintain the health and fitness level of the crew and passengers, the Argus is actually designed to use centripetal force to provide .5 G while on deployment.
     Breaking into a Pilot and sensor watch of three during normal operations, up to two shifts might be active aboard the Argus at staggered intervals in particularly heavily-travelled systems such as Taurus.

Battle History
     Since its inception, the TDF avoided revealing the exist-ence of the Argus-Class Small Craft, even to the extent of allowing pirate attacks on Concordat possessions to go un-challenged.  During such times, these craft use carefully hidden orbital caches to extend mission duration until re-lieved.

     Because of the specific needs and secrecy of the program, there have been no variants produced.

Notable Small Craft and Crews
  Captain Norman Buck and the Raindancer
     Captain Buck and the crew of the Raindancer were the victims of an overzealous Taurian military early in the pro-gram, suffering several suspicious equipment failures and contaminated stores until a series of poorly worded requests by officials for updates revealed the nature of the situation.
     Infuriated, the crew began sending falsified reports claim-ing an attack was underway, sending military units to high alert and causing panic as unconfirmed reports were leaked to the media.  Eventually locating the Raindancer on a ballis-tic orbit approaching New Vandenburg, authorities passed off the event as an unannounced readiness drill.
     Besides the Captain and crew of the Raindancer, nearly a dozen others (some of them volunteers with no connection to the program) were publicly disciplined and removed from the TDF and public service to protect the program.

Type: Military Spheroid   Dimensions
Tech Base: Inner Sphere     Length: 19 m
Mass: 150 Tons        Width: 30.5 m
Structural Integrity: 6
  Safe Thrust: 4
  Maximum Thrust: 6

Fuel: 15 Tons       Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Heat Sinks: 8
Armor Value:  22

Cargo: 18.5 Tons
Crew: 3
Passengers: 6

  Carries 20 Tons of Communications and Monitoring Equip-ment.

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« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 01:55:08 PM »

Besides being the final entry in the book, this small craft became my favorite unit.  I didn't find anything like it in canon, and that made it even more fun to design and fluff.  Besides the original, the -M variant was even more fun, intended to supply an easily deployed Infantry unit without a major outlay of resources or DropShips.

Frankly, any of these make sense to me; with the resource-poor conditions of the New Clans early in their history, I've decided to use these small craft in the AU in the service of Clan Piranha (who possess a large BA and Standard Infantry branch), maybe produced by the AU-equivalent of the merchant Diamond Sharks.

Again, this one was designed by hand, but it was given a close scrutiny as the variants took shape.  I feel confident it isn't riddled with errors.

BGH-01 Bridgehead

Produced By: Hanseatic League
Introduced: 3098
Mass: 200 Tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern)

Safe Thrust: 4 (2G)
Maximum Thrust: 6 (3G)

Weapons and Equipment:

     Despite having sufficient military assets to defend the League’s merchant traffic, in 3055 the Hansa were defeated in a skirmish that cost them several Jump- and DropShips of the CPF (Convoy Protection Force) that convinced them to concentrate on new markets further away from the route to the Clan Homeworlds and Chainelane Isles.
     As part of the process, the League designed and began limited production of the Bridgehead, a Small Craft capable of carrying a single vehicle and small Infantry detachment to escort merchants attempting to open the smaller but more numerous markets of the more prosperous Periphery states in 3098.

     Designed to ensure the safety of its merchants, the Bridgehead is severely limited in many ways due to the trade-offs involved.  Incapable of defending itself, it relies on its two tons of standard armor and the threat of retaliation by the RDF or mercenaries to deter assault.  Intended for limited deployment, the limited fuel supply is rarely a con-cern but restricts it from extended operations.
     Able to land at isolated or unprepared sites, the Bridge-head offers its passengers a secure base of operations with a choice of vehicles (normally a ground or VTOL transport) and small quantities of trade goods to interest buyers.

Battle History
     The earnest attempts to open new markets and the lack of available force has led to only a few standoffs with angry crowds since its deployment.  Most often, a member of the small crew violates some local law or custom, and after ne-gotiating and levying a suitable fine or punishment the crewman is normally abandoned on the planet to fend for himself.  Not surprisingly, such incidents are suitable rare.

     The Bridgehead-E is an executive transport, reducing its cargo capacity to provide seven First-Class suites for the com-fort of its passengers.  Able to sustain 4.5 G in an emergency, it carries an enlarged fuel tank.
     The Bridgehead-M removes the vehicle bay and amenities and uses commonly available Stealth armor to assist in covert insertions of Battlearmor or Infantry units of various sizes.  Supplied with communications gear, medical facilities, a single Arrow IV launcher, and twenty-five tons of supplies, the –M carries 8 Battlearmor troopers and four foot Infantry Platoons in six bays.
     Besides the military aspects, the –M is also popular with relief agencies within the Republic, using it for disaster relief in smaller areas.  Able to coordinate rescue efforts, provide emergency medical care, and house aid workers in enlarged Infantry bays, the military Battlearmor is replaced with con-struction- or demolition- oriented designs.
     In service with the League CPF, the Bridgehead-T is a heavily armored craft with slightly larger engines, dedicated to refueling AeroSpace Fighters and Search-and-Rescue oper-ations.

Notable Small Craft and Crews
Standard Infantry and Muster
     Established in 3100, Standard Infantry offered professional security forces for planetary governments or corporate in-terests across the Republic.  Famous for offering its clients an “army in a box”, SI grew to nearly 10 Regiments with a small fleet of small craft until 3110, when the company was ac-cused of accepting a contract to garrison Liao-occupied plan-ets in the Republic.

The Republic Aid Society and Lonesome Dove
     Modified from the standard Bridgehead–M for aid mis-sions within the Republic, the crew of the Dove starred in a long-running reality show eventually cancelled after accusa-tions of favoritism and extorting sexual favors for aid surfaced in 3122.

Type: Civilian Spheroid   Dimensions
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Modern) Length: 28 meters
Mass:  200 Tons         Width: 22.5 meters
Structural Integrity: 6
  Safe Thrust: 4
  Maximum Thrust: 6

Fuel: 5 Tons      Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Heat Sinks: 9
Armor Value: 36

Cargo: 50.5 Tons
Crew: 3
Passengers: 29

  The main cargo bay is accessible through the Light Vehicle Bay, but a smaller half-ton storage weapons locker is adjacent to a Foot Infantry bay.
  The standard Bridgehead maintains a single First-Class cabin for the use of a merchant representative.
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