First the summary;
After decades of apparent calm, the hypothesis of naval combat is once again plausible. If the twentieth century ended with the undivided domination of Western naval power, the twenty-first is opening with a challenge to old balances, particularly in the "common spaces" of which the sea is a part. Rivalry between naval forces, once thought to be a thing of the past, is making a comeback, raising a host of questions about how to assert oneself at sea... This book fills a gap: there is no historical or prospective synthesis on naval forces in combat. And yet, the need for reflection in this field has never been so pressing, so vital... This is the task that two naval officers set themselves in Vaincre en mer au XXIième siècle. Invoking numerous episodes often forgotten, they unravel the invariants and inflections of war at sea, analyze the conditions of victory and make naval history thrilling. They also identify a fifth age of naval conflictuality, more lethal, rapid and technological, in which the will, courage and intelligence of man will be more than ever the key to success. An age that succeeds, but does not totally erase, the ages of sail, cannon, airplane and missile... This book of general naval tactics for the general public is a sea-spray-filled immersion into the heart of the naval battles that lie ahead, in the light of historic confrontations whose lessons are astonishingly relevant today.