Hmm, this is very interesting and allows me to discuss a future plan with you guys. Again the Guillotine IIC BattleMech is rapidly becoming the Crazy Horse OmniMech which is a result of the Quicksilver Trails. Modularizing existing BattleMechs or upgrading to OmniMechs was a theme begun by the Locust IIC which is being refitted to the Sparrow by the Jade Faclons. This was example was quickly followed by others; Glass Spider/Galahad to Iron Spider by Burrock, Black Python/Viper to Golden Lion by Steel Viper, Warhammer IIC to Glaive by Diamond Shark, Highlander IIC to Clansman by Diamond Shark, Blood Kite to Stone Lion by Goliath Scorpion, and the Kodiak to DeChevalier by Ghost Bear. That is eight (

second line designs upgraded to front line status for the war effort against the InnerSphere. Not only is this an impressive military mobilization by the Clans but an economic advantage selling how to OmniKits (Upgrade Packages) to other Clans.
Lets not forget about the scientific potential of such upgrades. Making an OmniMech is not easy as we know. Where possible and necessary you would have to remove any "hardwired" equipment. Certain gyroscopic modifications and software upgrades are required to transform a standard BattleMech into an Omni requiring greater expenses (overall cost multiplied .25). This is where Coyote comes in with their research acumen. While they have come up short in the Quicksilver Trails with only three (3) designs in full scale production (Savage Coyote OmniMech, Menoetius OmniMech, Shoshone OmniFighter) it has given them room to explore new possibilities.
While the new leadership and scientists of the Coyotes are intrigued by possibility offered in creating new Combat OmniVehicles their traditional Mechwarrior based touman is not. Leaving the production of such endeavors to others means that the remaining primary manufacturing slots of the Clan (3) will be filled with second line equipment (BattleMech and Aerospace Fighters) which are necessary for the war effort but far less glorious. However, recognizing the new trend toward modularize of existing equipment the scientist went back to the drawing "Omni" drawing board. Learning again from the examples provided by the Star League Mercury and Spad researchers have come up with a new concept.
The "Pocket OmniMech" is a standard BattleMech much like the Mercury built with future modularization in mind cutting the time for any such upgrade and making it ideal for such a process. The three Dog series BattleMechs (35 ton Dingo, 55 ton Jackal, and 75 ton Hyena) were to be this equipment. Now the Dingo and the Hyena (aka the Arctic Horror) are JPArbiter creations so I would love his input. I could see the Gaugamela (great name by the way) being the possible out growth of this effort aerospace wise.