Yeah, the industrial requirements to build conventional aircraft and vehicles are really pretty low. They should be all over just about any planet. And Australia, a nation of only 22 million people, easily affords a high-tech military of 80,000+ people. 30k of those are Army regulars, another 17k in trained, usable reserve. The regulars have only 60 MBTs, but 250 LAVs, which practically are like a less-armored Vedette, while the M1A1 is more Manticore-ish. And 450 active APCs, with another 300 in reserve status. ~100 helicopters for your VTOLs.
The Australian Air Force has 14k people on active duty, and fields 95 F/A-18 fighter-bomber variants. That's a lot of conventional fighters.
And this is a nation with only moderate industrialization and a population of 22 million people. There are a lot of planets in BT which can match those figures.