Once again thanks to Takiro for permission to mangle er redesign the Defender class Cruiser into a completely different beast for my Project Beast Clan Alt Universe, credits are also included in the HMA file.
PS information for the design fluff wise is in the Variant
darn sorry cant post the HMA file, if any one wants a copy pm me with your contact details and I will send it to you.
Corsair SG
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Defender class Cruiser/Guardian CV varient MK I
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2767
Vessel Type: WarShip
Rules: Level 3, Standard design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 650,000 tons
K-F Drive System: (Unknown)
Length: 700 meters
Sail Diameter: 1,110 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-carbide
80 ER Large Laser
80 LRM 20+ArtIV
160 Streak SRM 2
160 Medium Laser
80 Gauss Rifle
80 Autocannon/20
80 LB 10-X AC
64 Piranha*
80 AMS
The Defender was a very unusual design for a Star League Warship, as it was
intended to be used against fighters, rather then other Warships. The Defender
class was designed in response to the New Vandenberg Uprisings of 2765, where
several Star League ships were lost to massed fighter attacks. This forced
the Star League Naval Command to finally acknowledge that the use of capital
missiles to defend the fleet against fighters was ineffective, and that future
designs would need to mount improved fighter defenses. As an interim measure,
the SLDF began working with Delhi Warships to develop a light cruiser capable
of defending other SLDF warships against massed aerospace fighter attacks. The
design work was almost complete when Amaris conquered the Terran Hegemony. As
all work on the Defender was being done at Delhi’s Facility at Capella, the
work continued uninterrupted and the final design was presented to the
commander of the SLDF Navy, Admiral Janos Grec, in 2767. The SLDF was hard
pressed to get any weapons they could get their hands on, due to the loss of
Terra, and immediately accepted the design for production. The funding for
the new ships came from a very unusual source. Chancellor Barbara Liao agreed
to fund production of the ships for the SLDF until the end of the Amaris
Crisis. From Capellan documents that have been recovered, it appears this was
not an altruistic gesture on the part of the Chancellor. Rather, Chancellor
Liao had doubts that the Star League would survive the war and this was a way
to provide the Confederation with advanced ship building capability, on par
with that of the Terran Hegemony. The first defenders entered service in 2768
and were rushed to the SLDF forces fighting the Usurper. A total of fifteen
ships were built before the end of the Coup, when production was temporary
halted. Following the disbanding of the Star League, production of the
Defender resumed for the Capellan Navy in 2782. Construction of the Defender
class continued until the Delhi facilities were destroyed by the Free Worlds
League in 2789. In 2785 the Terran Republic secretly resumed production of
the Defender at Krester’s Ship Construction in the Sol System. Since then,
the company has produced twenty seven Defenders for the Terran Republic Navy.
The Defenders are the most capable anti-aircraft (AA) cruisers ever built.
Designed for the single purpose of destroying aerospace fighters, the ships
mount an impressive anti-fighter weapons array. This was done at the expense
of the capital class weapons, making the ship out matched by all but the
smallest corvettes.
The Defender mounts a variety of anti-fighter weapons to provide a layered
defense for the fleet. The ship carries 8 AR10 launchers to provide a first
strike capability against enemy aerospace fighter squadrons. For long range
defense the ship carries a number of advanced lasers, particle cannons, gauss
rifles and LRM launchers. As enemy fighters get closer to the fleet the
Defender relies on SRMs, lasers and autocannons to deal with the threat.
Particularly deadly are the LB-10x series autocannons, which can provide heavy
flak cover for the fleet. [Editor’s Note: Free Worlds League fighter pilots
who have engaged Terran and Capellan Defenders describe the ship’s firepower
as a solid sheet of steel surrounding the ship.]
The Defenders mount a limited number of capital class weapons. These weapons
are intended primarily for use against dropships, which may be supporting the
enemy fighters, rather then for use against Warships. SLDF fleet doctrine
called for the other fleet elements to screen the Defenders from enemy
warships, while the Defenders dealt with the aerospace fighter threat.
The armor on the Defender is relatively light, but the ship does make use of
the latest Lamellor Ferro-Carbide alloys to provide the best possible
protection. While there was some thought given to increasing the armor
protection, this was rejected as the designers felt the armor was adequate for
a ship that was not intended to engage other warships.
Intended to cover an entire SLDF fleet if necessary, the Defender mounts
larger engines then most SLDF cruisers. These engines provide the ship with
enough thrust and manueverability to enable the ship to maneuver around the
ships which it is defending and rapidly approach and engage enemy fighters.
While the ship does not carry any fighters, the two docking collars are
typically used to carry either Leopard CVs or Titan fighter carriers.
The Guardian CV variant of the Defender was a proposal put forward by Admiral
Fredrick Travis, commander of the12th Secret Space Operations Group which was
later lost in action in the Deep Perriphercy due to what was later detemined
to be a Gamma Ray Wave from a super nova.
The Guardian CV variant of the Defender is a radical departure even from the
case studies of the New Vandenburg uprising that brought about the design for
the Defender in the first place. Admiral Travis while applauding the idea for
a heavily armed conventional warship was the step in the right direction, he
felt the inclusion of a mixed bag of light Naval Grade Weapons was not the
most effective use of the design's potential and also the exclusion of AMS
counter systems as a fatal flaw in the defensive capabilities and
survivability of the design. The admiral was a very aggressive advocate of
arming warships with adequate AAA and AMS suite's along with over sized
Fighter compliments, even with the Enterprise super carrier failure which the
Admiral was not part of, he still pushed for the eventual development of a
carrier based warship instead of the Dropship CV's compromise for warship
fighter support, the Guardian variant would carry dedicated Attack Dropships.
Though the original Naval weapons of the Defender were removed the Admiral did
order the inclusion of a older weapon's system that was a older version of the
more modern Capital Missile system's, which have been classified as Sub
Capital Weapons, while not having the extreme ranges of Capital Missiles and
Naval Laser's and PPC's, the range was still greater than fighters and most
current dropship's this took form in 64 launchers of the Piranha Sub Cap
missile system. To combat missile threats of both Capital and conventional
nature the Guardian was also outfitted with a oversized AMS suite of 80
launchers with over sized ammo loads for continuous fire compared to other
Also shoehorned into the design was a Combat Information Center which could
better integrate the expanded capabilities of the Guardian along with similar
ships or the ships the Guardian is escorting to weave a greater defensive
curtain around a squadron or fleet.
Unfortunately the design the Admiral submitted has not been constructed even
though Virtual Simulations have proven the effectiveness of the concept, the
MK I is a direct refit of the Defender, a proposed MK II version was to be
refitted with a greater Internal Structure and armor along with the expensive
Lithium Fusion Battery System to allow for a second jump in fast moving fleets
or squadrons.
The first fifteen Defenders were deployed by the SLDF during the Amaris
Crisis. They proved to be valuable ships and were credited with the
destruction of thousands of enemy aerospace fighters. Even so, the class took
heavy losses with only three ships surviving to leave on the Exodus.
The Capellan Confederation has deployed a total of ten Defenders during the
current conflict. These models were built to the exact same specifications as
the Star League versions. The ships have primarily seen service against the
Free Worlds League as a counter to their carriers and large aerospace fighter
regiments. In several early battles of the war, the Defenders managed to
destroyed numerous FWL aerospace regiments that attempted to engage the
Capellan fleets. In many cases, the Defenders would come racing through the
Liao fleet to beat off a wave of aerospace fighters that was attacking a
Capallen Warship. Many times just the sight of a Defender coming towards a
FWL fighter regiment was enough to make League forces retreat.
At the Battle of Calloway VI, the Confederation lost three of these ships
when the FWL fleet sent several Sian class Battlecruisers to engage them.
Pushing past the Capellan warship screen, the League battlecruisers quickly
destroyed the three Defenders. While all of the FWL Sian Battlecruisers were
destroyed in the process, the loss of the Defenders allowed the League’s
aerospace fighters to overwhelm the Capellan fleet, forcing them to retreat.
Currently only two Defenders remain in service with the Capellan Navy. Since
the loss of the Delhi shipyards in 2789, maintenance of the ships has become
very problematic. The Capellans have recently requested aid from the Terran
Republic in refitting the ships, but so far the Republic has refused to aid
the Capellans.
The Terran Republic currently deploys a dozen Defenders. With heavy fighting
along both the Combine and League front, Terran Defenders have seen heavy
action. The Defenders have proven to be a great boon to the Republic Navy,
their anti-fighter capabilities have significantly reduced losses due to
fighter attacks. However, with all the heavy fighting that has taken place,
the Republic has lost fifteen Defenders in action, mainly on the Draconis
front, where Combine naval commanders have been willing to sacrifice an entire
destroyer squadron to destroy a single Defender.
Class/Model/Name: Defender class Cruiser/Guardian CV varient MK I
Mass: 650,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 156,000.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive: Compact (Integrity = 14) 294,125.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 4) 62.00
Structural Integrity: 70 45,500.00
Total Heat Sinks: 7,000 Single 6,397.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10,200.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 1,625.00
Fire Control Computers: 5,904.00
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-carbide (768 total armor pts) 726.00
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 128
Fore-Left/Right: 128/128
Aft-Left/Right: 128/128
Aft: 128
Bay 1: Cargo (1) with 2 doors 50,736.00
Bay 2: Fighters (36) with 8 doors 5,400.00
Small Craft (6) 1,200.00
Bay 3: Fighters (36) with 8 doors 5,400.00
Small Craft (6) 1,200.00
Bay 4: Fighters (36) with 8 doors 5,400.00
Small Craft (6) 1,200.00
Bay 5: Cargo (1) with 1 door 16,759.00
Bay 6: Reserve Tonnage (1) 6,500.00
DropShip Capacity: 2 Docking Hardpoints 2,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 3: (125-meter diameter) 300.00
Life Boats: 70 (7 tons each) 490.00
Escape Pods: 70 (7 tons each) 490.00
Crew and Passengers:
71 Officers (71 minimum) 710.00
118 Crew (104 minimum) 826.00
211 Gunners (211 minimum) 1,477.00
108 Marines 540.00
306 Bay Personnel .00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
10 ER Large Laser Nose 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) -- 120 50.00
10 ER PPC Nose 10(100)10(100)10(100) -- 150 70.00
10 LRM 20+ArtIV(198 rounds)Nose 16(160)16(160)16(160) -- 60 143.00
20 Streak SRM 2(800 rounds)Nose 8(80) -- -- -- 40 46.00
20 Medium Laser Nose 10(100) -- -- -- 60 20.00
10 Gauss Rifle(200 rounds) Nose 15(150)15(150)15(150) -- 10 175.00
10 Autocannon/20(150 roundsNose 20(200) -- -- -- 70 170.00
10 LB 10-X AC(120 rounds) Nose 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 20 122.00
8 Piranha*(160 msls) Nose 24 24 24 -- 72 2,400.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) Nose -- -- -- -- 5 102.50
5 AMS(1200 rounds) Nose -- -- -- -- 5 102.50
10 ER Large Laser FL/R 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) -- 240 100.00
10 ER PPC FL/R 10(100)10(100)10(100) -- 300 140.00
10 LRM 20+ArtIV(198 rounds)FL/R 16(160)16(160)16(160) -- 120 286.00
20 Streak SRM 2(800 rounds)FL/R 8(80) -- -- -- 80 92.00
20 Medium Laser FL/R 10(100) -- -- -- 120 40.00
10 Gauss Rifle(200 rounds) FL/R 15(150)15(150)15(150) -- 20 350.00
10 Autocannon/20(150 roundsFL/R 20(200) -- -- -- 140 340.00
10 LB 10-X AC(120 rounds) FL/R 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 40 244.00
8 Piranha*(160 msls) FL/R 24 24 24 -- 144 4,800.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) FL/R -- -- -- -- 10 205.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) FL/R -- -- -- -- 10 205.00
10 ER Large Laser L/RBS 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) -- 240 100.00
10 ER PPC L/RBS 10(100)10(100)10(100) -- 300 140.00
10 LRM 20+ArtIV(198 rounds)L/RBS 16(160)16(160)16(160) -- 120 286.00
20 Streak SRM 2(800 rounds)L/RBS 8(80) -- -- -- 80 92.00
20 Medium Laser L/RBS 10(100) -- -- -- 120 40.00
10 Gauss Rifle(200 rounds) L/RBS 15(150)15(150)15(150) -- 20 350.00
10 Autocannon/20(150 roundsL/RBS 20(200) -- -- -- 140 340.00
10 LB 10-X AC(120 rounds) L/RBS 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 40 244.00
8 Piranha*(160 msls) L/RBS 24 24 24 -- 144 4,800.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) L/RBS -- -- -- -- 10 205.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) L/RBS -- -- -- -- 10 205.00
10 ER Large Laser AL/R 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) -- 240 100.00
10 ER PPC AL/R 10(100)10(100)10(100) -- 300 140.00
10 LRM 20+ArtIV(198 rounds)AL/R 16(160)16(160)16(160) -- 120 286.00
20 Streak SRM 2(800 rounds)AL/R 8(80) -- -- -- 80 92.00
20 Medium Laser AL/R 10(100) -- -- -- 120 40.00
10 Gauss Rifle(200 rounds) AL/R 15(150)15(150)15(150) -- 20 350.00
10 Autocannon/20(150 roundsAL/R 20(200) -- -- -- 140 340.00
10 LB 10-X AC(120 rounds) AL/R 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 40 244.00
8 Piranha*(160 msls) AL/R 24 24 24 -- 144 4,800.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) AL/R -- -- -- -- 10 205.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) AL/R -- -- -- -- 10 205.00
10 ER Large Laser Aft 8(80) 8(80) 8(80) -- 120 50.00
10 ER PPC Aft 10(100)10(100)10(100) -- 150 70.00
10 LRM 20+ArtIV(198 rounds)Aft 16(160)16(160)16(160) -- 60 143.00
20 Streak SRM 2(800 rounds)Aft 8(80) -- -- -- 40 46.00
20 Medium Laser Aft 10(100) -- -- -- 60 20.00
10 Gauss Rifle(200 rounds) Aft 15(150)15(150)15(150) -- 10 175.00
10 Autocannon/20(150 roundsAft 20(200) -- -- -- 70 170.00
10 LB 10-X AC(120 rounds) Aft 6(60) 6(60) -- -- 20 122.00
8 Piranha*(160 msls) Aft 24 24 24 -- 72 2,400.00
5 AMS(1200 rounds) Aft -- -- -- -- 5 102.50
5 AMS(1200 rounds) Aft -- -- -- -- 5 102.50
1 Combat Information Center 1,625.00
TOTALS: Heat: 4,896 650,000.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 4,060,294,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 183,187
Cost per BV: 22,164.75
Weapon Value: 94,015 (Ratio = .51)
Damage Factors: SRV = 8,800; MRV = 4,938; LRV = 2,476; ERV = 533
Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 491,378
(72,146 Structure, 226,112 Life Support, 193,120 Weapons)
Support Points (SP) = 466,927 (95% of MPV)
BattleForce2: Not applicable