With many thanks to Dragon Cat and Daryk(from the official forums) for their help troubleshooting, advice on layout, and suggestions for improvement, I present to you:
Battletech Warship Calculator using Strategic Operations rules rather than Aerotech 2.
Most Current Link (Updated 5-6-17):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rKDdKk5b4wjZcsDrkciN03oQIZTjteRwh4Nh6wGY_Oo/edit?usp=sharingEdit: Link is view only, to make a usable version, go to 'File' and select 'Make a copy'.
Edit: For anyone who didn't know, this sheet doesn't work in other spreadsheet programs. It uses formulas that don't translate from one to another.
Here is a link to instructions on using google sheets offline.
Green Fields need user input.
Light Grey Fields are automatic functions.
Blue is important totals.
The first thing you should do is go to File, and select "Make a Copy" this will create a separate version just for you, rather than everyone trying to use the same one.
If you need to clear a field just select the cell and hit delete.
Some of the limitations on items in the rules I was not able to get to function on this sheet, so you will need to use this in conjunction with the rules for items in the books. (For example, the rules only allow one mass driver on a warship, but you could put dozens on this sheet if you wanted)
The choice to have a Lithium Fusion Battery or not is included in selecting the type of K-F drive you want.
The weapons and equipment section has everything including bays, cargo, ect. This is not a TRO entry, and for the sake of not overwhelming the sheet, I needed to combine these into one section on the sheet.
Several Things are named in a different order than you may be used to, in order for google sheet's automatic functions to group them together on the lists. Things like Lasers' name starts with the word 'Laser' (IE 'Laser Large ER'). In addition to Lasers, other names like this are Bays, Cargo, Naval scale Weapons (Start with Naval), Capital Launchers, Subcapital Weapons, Gauss of all types (except naval).
Any infantry carried, whether marines or otherwise, are included in the bay personnel. Simply assign bays in the weapons and equipment section, and the number of bay personnel will increase appropriately. The battle armor bays have 3 types 4-, 5-, and 6-man bays respectively. If you want any bay personnel to have quarters outside the bay, simply add these as passenger quarters of the type desired.
One thing that came up as a question while working through stuff with Dragon Cat and Daryk, is that of marines. While some ship's stats list marines as a separate line, Strategic Operations doesn't mention any specific entry for them, and as I understand it, that inclusion is a holdover from old rules systems. My understanding is that these are handled by adding infantry bays to the ship, and possible quarters as well (via passengers). My guess as to why this is is that you can send marines out of your ship to board a hostile ship, so they use their own battle value (which you can calculate using custom infantry rules, I even have a link for another sheet that helps with that, in my signature), and are treated as a separate entity from the ship itself, though if they are on it when the ship is boarded, they can of course defend it. That is my guess. Either way, current rules do not have the marines as part of the ship any more than it treats other transported units as part of the ship, and this sheet reflects that.
Last item is, that I use passenger quarters as a catch all for any quarters you want to add beyond the calculated crew needed (the minimum), so that is where you would add extra crew if you wanted to.