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Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« on: August 23, 2021, 05:24:30 PM »

Recently, I began a concerted effort to overhaul and rebuild the Clan WarShip Fleets.  I see this taking place in the later half of the Great Century and continuing up through the Dragoon Compromise . . . as it is during this time frame that the Crusader's quest to return to the Inner Sphere was reverberating throughout the Clans.  Without the recon intel provided by the Dragoons, who knew what kinds of WarShips would be waiting for the Clans?

So, in my own head-canon, the Clans began to overhaul, refit, and upgrade their existing units to be better able to handle most threats.

Armor, capital-scale weapons, fuel stores, cargo bays, bay personnel quarters were all adapted to the needs of each separate Clan.  Some Clans went so far as to overhaul in-system drives for greater thrust (Clan Ice Hellion--I see you!) and individual Clans made the decision on whether or not to incorporate Lithium-Fusion Batteries (my Scorpions, for example, are one Clan that does not).  New systems (such as the Small and Large Naval Comm-Scanner Suites) were also introduced and incorporated into the WarShips of some Clans.

Part and parcel of that immense project was the installation of an extensive array of secondary weapon systems designed to deal with hostile Aerospace Fighters, OmniFighters, and Assault DropShips.

Now, I see many Clans choosing to do their "own thing" in regards to these secondary batteries.  For example, my Scorpions have the following secondary battery on their WarShips:

3 ER Large Lasers
2 Gauss Rifles (120 rounds)
1 Ultra AC-20 Autocannon (120 rounds)
4 ER Medium Lasers
5 ER Small Lasers

This armament is duplicated on each arc (although some Scorpion vessels forgo the ER Small Lasers).  This armament package seems to fit the Scorpion preferences . . . and at the same time gives a variety of weapon systems and engagement ranges.  Capital damage is a total of 18 per arc (3 per bay).

The Ice Hellions, on the other hand, focus exclusively on long-range combat with their secondary batteries.

2 LRM-20s with Artemis IV FCS (120 units of fire)
3 Large Pulse Lasers
2 Gauss Rifles (120 shots)
4 Ultra AC-5 Autocannon (480 shots)

This arrangement lets the Hellions bring their full secondary firepower to bear the instant a hostile fighter or DropShip enters range and serves well with the faster Hellion WarShips.  Capital damage is 15 per arc (3 per day).

The Wolves favor a more traditional arrangement with a mix of missiles, ballistic weaponry, and energy weapons, having lighter individual mounts, but rather more of them for a flexible response at all ranges. 

2 ER Large Lasers
1 LRM-20 with Artemis IV FCS (48 units of fire)
2 Large Pulse Lasers
3 ER Medium Lasers
3 Medium Pulse Lasers
1 Ultra AC-10 Autocannon (100 bursts)
2 Streak SRM-4 (50 units of fire)
3 ER Small Lasers
5 Small Pulse Lasers

This allows the Wolves to divide their fire among separate squadrons/Stars and have ever increasing firepower as the ranges close.  Capital damage is 18 per arc (2 per bay).

And for the Cloud Cobras, I can see them as really focusing on hostile fighters due to their own emphasis on Aerospace Fighters and OmniFighters.

5 LB-2X Autocannon (270 shots)
5 LB-2X Autocannon (270 shots)
5 LB-5X Autocannon (260 shots)
5 LB-5X Autocannon (260 shots)
5 LB-10X Autocannon (250 shots)
5 LB-10X Autocannon (250 shots)
3 LB-20X Autocannon (150 shots)
3 LB-20X Autocannon (150 shots)

This weapons mix is very accurate and just fills the sky with loads of flak that hostile fighters, small craft, and DropShips have to navigate through.  And the damage just gets worse and worse the closer to the Cloud Cobra WarShip you get.  Capital damage is 20 per arc (1, 2, 3, or 4 per bay).  [EDIT:  I had an OOPS.  Doubled the LB-2X bays on my original post.  Above is corrected--MA.]

So what do you think the other Clans might mount as their secondary batteries?  I can Smoke Jaguar favoring heavy-damage (6, 7, 8, 9, or even 12 (quad UAC-20s!) Capital) bays that will literally decimate hostile fighter squadrons or Stars.  Maybe Steel Viper goes exclusively missile (long and short ranged).  Star Adder, I could see as favoring Pulse Lasers for the increased accuracy, as these weapons are very efficient (and they are a very pragmatic Clan). 

But how do you see them? 
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 06:47:08 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2021, 06:41:10 PM »

Nova Cat I could see exclusively energy based, probably ERs.

Ghost Bear I could see a mix of powerful but also defensive so probably larger LBX and antimissile weaponry.

Jade Falcon not really sure ER PPCs but not sure what else.

Agree with you on the ones you've thought of so far.

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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2021, 07:57:26 PM »

Something like this for Clan Nova Cat?

2 ER Large Lasers
2 ER Large Lasers
3 ER Medium Lasers
3 ER Medium Lasers
3 ER Small Lasers
3 ER Small Lasers

All ER Lasers (& two ER PPCs) in eight bays that deal 2 Capital damage apiece (16 Capital per arc, total).  No ammunition based weaponry and it has a bit of something that starts damage at Extreme (Standard) Range and continues to build all the way into Short (Standard) Range.  Pretty light-weight (29 tons per arc), but heat-intensive.  Almost the opposite of Clan Cloud Cobra above.

And for the Ghost Bears, perhaps something like this?

3 Gauss Rifles (120 shots)
5 Large Pulse Lasers
4 LB-20X Autocannon (160 bursts)
7 Medium Pulse Lasers
7 AMS (720 bursts)

The would give the Bear WarShips good range (all offensive guns at either Long (Standard) or Medium (Standard) Range), good defensive capabilities (able to auto-kill a Killer Whale with a single AMS burst), good accuracy (+1 on the LB-20Xs, +2 on the LPLs and MPLs) and excellent damage potential (20 Capital per arc; 5 Capital per offensive bay).

Sure, there aren't as many bays . . . but if a Ghost Bear secondary hits you, then you will definitely know you have been hit!  They can't engage multiple targets as well as many other Clan WarShips, but when those bays connect, they will lay down some major pain.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2021, 08:46:49 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2021, 09:16:29 PM »

Like the two. Will think more on others
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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2021, 09:31:02 PM »

For Clan Star Adder, I was thinking about this:

2 Large Pulse Lasers
2 Large Pulse Lasers
2 Large Pulse Lasers
4 Medium Pulse Lasers
4 Medium Pulse Lasers
4 Medium Pulse Lasers
4 Medium Pulse Lasers

Highly accurate across their range, each arc has seven bays (three of 2 Capital damage and four (shorter-ranged) of 3 Capital damage), for a total Capital damage per arc of 18.  No ammunition worries, either.  Not very imaginative, but very efficient and very practical.  And the Adders strike me as a Clan that values both! 


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2021, 11:09:56 PM »

I'd have to take a look at who invented what again in Golden Century but I agree with Nova Cat being ER Large users in this case.


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #6 on: August 24, 2021, 01:28:29 PM »

Since Clan Steel Viper seems to really like missiles, here is what I have come up with.

2 LRM-20 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
2 LRM-20 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
4 ER Medium Lasers
4 ER Medium Lasers
3 SRM-6 with Artemis IV (180 units of fire)
3 SRM-6 with Artemis IV (180 units of fire)

Heavy on the missiles, with 18 capital damage per arc (3 Capital damage per bay).  Plus covers a good spectrum of range with a pair of energy bays to back up the ammunition intensive missile launchers.

The Coyotes also favor missile launchers, but tend towards LRMs instead of SRMs (at least until the ATM becomes available!).  So this is what I think the Coyote secondary batteries might look like.

2 LRM-15 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
2 LRM-15 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
2 LRM-15 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
2 LRM-15 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
2 LRM-15 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
2 LRM-15 with Artemis IV (120 units of fire)
3 ER Medium Lasers
3 ER Medium Lasers

Eight bays, all with 2 Capital Damage for a total of 16 Capital Damage per arc.  Six of the bays reach out to Long (Standard) Range, and there are just a pair of ER Medium Laser bays to complement them.

Clan Smoke Jaguar loves (well, loved) pure unadultered firepower.  So, for them, I can picture this:

4 Ultra AC-20 Autocannon (400 bursts of fire)
4 Ultra AC-20 Autocannon (400 bursts of fire)

Only four bays, but talk about OUCH TIME!  Six Capital damage for both the two bays able to reach to Long (Standard) Range, then TWELVE Capital damage for the pair of Medium (Standard) Range bays!  36 Capital damage per arc!  Fits the Jaguars to a "T", doesn't it?

The Snow Ravens are the authority in the Clan space on WarShips.  So, their secondary batteries should reflect that.  I'd say that they opt for flexibility and ability to split targeting over raw firepower.  Perhaps with this configuration.

2 ER Large Laser
2 Large Pulse Laser
1 Gauss Rifle (48 shots)
3 Ultra AC-5 (300 bursts)
1 LRM-20 with Artemis IV FCS (48 units of fire)
3 ER Medium Lasers
3 Medium Pulse Lasers
3 LB-10X Autocannon (150 bursts)
2 Streak SRM-4 (100 units of fire)
3 ER Small Lasers
5 Small Pulse Lasers
2 SRM-6 with Artemis IV FCS (90 units of fire)
5 AMS (240 bursts)

This gives the Raven WarShips a whopping 26 Capital damage per arc, divided into thirteen 2 Capital damage bays (1 Extreme (Standard), 5 Long (Standard), 4 Medium (Standard), and 3 Short (Standard) Range).  Plus an AMS bay able to auto-kill a White Shark.  All types of weapons (energy to include both ER and Pulse, ballistic with standard, LB-X, and Ultra, and missiles including Streaks) give the Ravens tremendous flexibility to engage multiple hostile targets in the same arc. Of course, some ships might well removes the three Short (Standard) Range bays to save on Fire Control tonnage, but it is still an intimidating array, isn't it?

This leaves us with the Blood Spirits, Diamond Sharks, Fire Mandrills, Hell's Horses, and Jade Falcons left to do (and maybe the Burrocks, just cause we can).


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #7 on: August 24, 2021, 02:41:33 PM »

Was trying to think of these earlier.

Burrock I can't see having a set grouping they change tactics too much.

Jade Falcon looking at their signature mechs. ER PPC Gauss LBX lighter versions. Possibly some LRMS

Fire Mandrills would be like Burrock because of Kindraa hard to nail down

If Dropships I could see Hells Horses having some artillery otherwise I can't get a feel for them

Blood Spirit energy weapons to cut costs

Diamond Shark hmmm very flexible in their tactics. I could see a diverse mixture to cover all bases

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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #8 on: August 24, 2021, 05:12:55 PM »

All energy for Clan Blood Spit?  Okay, how about this?

2 ER Large Laser
2 Large Pulse Laser
3 ER Medium Laser
3 Medium Pulse Laser
3 ER Small Laser
5 Small Pulse Laser

Overall Capital damage of 14 per arc (2 per bay).  No ammunition and uses every type of energy weapon available during the early 3000s.  Costly initial outlay (especially with the added DHS), but less of a burden logistically in the long run.

The Diamond Sharks are very flexible and are also pragmatic in most regards.  And while cost-effectiveness is not quite outweighed by combat effectiveness, it is still very much a consideration for this Clan that is the unparalled leader of the Clan economic system.  I can see them going for a flexible approach.

2 ER Large Laser
1 Gauss Rifle (48 shots)
1 LRM-20 with Artemis IV FCS (48 shots)
3 ER Medium Lasers
3 LB-10X Autocannon (120 bursts)
2 Streak SRM-4 Launchers (25 tandem shots)
3 ER Small Lasers

This is a layered, flexible approach that deals 16 Captial damage per arc (with 8 bays doing 2 Capital damage each) and covers each range band.

Hmmmmm.  Clan Hell's Horses.  Masters of vehicles and infantry . . . no real preferences before they introduced the HAG later on (and what a wonderful secondary weapon that is).  Still, I can see them focusing a bit on the more powerful weapons, albeit with Gauss Rifle and Autocannon bias.

3 Large Pulse Lasers
2 Gauss Rifles (120 shots)
4 Ultra AC-5 Autocannon (480 bursts)
4 ER Medium Lasers
4 Medium Pulse Lasers
2 Ultra AC-10 Autocannon (120 bursts)

This gives seven bays each capable of dealing 3 points of Capital damage (21 Capital damage per arc).  Skewed towards a long-range engagement, but adding a good bit of damage at Medium (Standard) Range.

For Clan Jade Falcon, they are a strong, traditional Crusader Clan that is not the most mentally flexible.  However, they do tend to like using a variety of weapon systems.  I could see these guys sneer at the Smoke Jaguars for their "overkill" secondary batteries, perhaps favoring a more varied and flexible capability themselves.

2 Gauss Rifles (120 shots)
5 LB-5X Autocannon (300 shots)
2 LRM-10 with Artemis IV FCS (120 shots)
4 ER Medium Lasers
2 Ultra AC-10 Autocannon (240 shots)
3 ER Small Lasers
5 Small Pulse Lasers

Good flexibility in range and capabilities, with a mix of 4 bays dealing 3 Capital damage and 4 more that inflict 2 Capital damage (for a total of 20 Capital damage per arc) while still retaining the ability to inflict heavy damage on hostile aerospace forces.

This leaves us with Burrocks and Fire Mandrills.  And I have absolutely no idea what they might use.


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2021, 08:56:07 AM »

Nice, haha good luck with last two. I feel can go any direction with them and it would make sense.
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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2021, 03:04:40 PM »

Personally I prefer the longest range anti-fighter screen possible to deter any small craft strikes my valuable capital ships. This would include the following weaponry with the innovator in () and the AeroTech 2 range [].

LB 2-X AC (?) [Extreme]
LB 5-X AC (?) [Long]
Ultra AC/2 (?) [Extreme]
Ultra AC/5 (Mongoose) [Long]
Gauss Rifle (Burrock) [Long]
ER Large Laser (Nova Cat) [Extreme]
ER PPC (Snow Raven) [Long]
Large Pulse Laser (Coyote) [Long]
LRM (Coyote) [Long]

Burrock could use the Gauss Rifle which they've developed in a very sneak way. This powerful weapon which was deployed en masse to safeguard their warships against fighter attacks is also used versus Dropships and Warships to directly supplement their capital weaponry. For the Clans who don't generally engage in large scale naval actions and generally limit their supplemental fire versus secondary targets like fighters this tactic is seen as dubious at best.

While they did invent the Clan Flamer I think Fire Mandrill could vary their naval anti-fighter screen for each Kindraa who has a warship. Perhaps it is a little bit of everything.


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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2021, 03:50:36 PM »

I agree in part, Takiro.  But in practice, there is only a 1-hex difference in between Long (1-24 hexes) and Extreme (1-25 hexes).  And those LB-2X and Ultra AC-2s eat up a lot of tonnage for a minimal contribution.  Still, the Cloud Cobras do use the LB-2X in their secondaries.  Long range is where the real meat and potatoes begins, plus the ER Large Laser at Extreme.

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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2022, 04:12:49 PM »

I like the idea of standardized weapon upgrades for some of the older designs, the refit crews are given a specific set of instructions, what to install and how and its copied along the course of the class
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

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Re: Secondary (Anti-Fighter/DropShip) Armament for Clan WarShips
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2022, 11:28:07 AM »

I like the idea of standardized weapon upgrades for some of the older designs, the refit crews are given a specific set of instructions, what to install and how and its copied along the course of the class

And it avoids the waste of precious ressources.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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