Hey guys just throwing around more numbers today and one group of them is from the old Succession War game (FASA1612). I know its a flawed system but it got me thinking about the number of jumpships during the Succession War. Gonna give you the pure numbers from the game below and I'd love to hear your comments.
Each House (2785)
1 5-unit Jumpship
2 3-unit Jumpship
3 2-unit Jumpship
4 1-unit Jumpship
10 Jumpships (21 units)
Liao 3025
1 3-unit Jumpship
1 2-unit Jumpship
1 1-unit Jumpship
3 ships (6 units)
Marik 3025
1 3-unit Jumpship
3 2-unit Jumpship
2 1-unit Jumpship
6 ships (11 units)
Steiner 3025
1 5-unit Jumpship
1 3-unit Jumpship
2 2-unit Jumpship
4 ships (12 units)
Kurita 3025
1 3-unit Jumpship
3 2-unit Jumpship
2 1-unit Jumpship
6 ships (11 units)
Davion 3025
1 5-unit Jumpship
2 3-unit Jumpship
2 2-unit Jumpship
1 1-unit Jumpship
6 ships (16 units)
I don't even know if I agree with all that but it is a little food for thought. The 2785 numbers which are higher than the 3025 ones seem to be "right". I can see the Capellans being reduced so badly they have the smallest jumpship fleet by 3025 but do the other Houses "feel right" to you? I'm pretty sure I've seen other takes on this game having Marik with the largest jumpship fleet which might make sense given their merchantile practices. Davion does have big territories which could help "hide" jumpships during the Succession Wars but Kurita specifically targeted them during the 1st War. Would they really have the largest?
I was also thinking post 3025 (after the 4th Succession War) that recovered technologies and higher learning help halt jumpship "atrophy". Greater technical knowledge might help maintenance of functioning craft, restore some derelicts, and increase manufacturing numbers. This would likely result in the first bump in Jumpship numbers since 2785.