Named Korolov as nod to Soviet Union Space Program Head back during Sputnik.
One of the largest combined construction efforts in recent memory the Odyssey Project was a join endeavor led by Clans Star Adder, Wolf, Diamond Shark and Hell’s Horses and with assistance from Cloud Cobra and Snow Raven the project was initiated after the recent revitalization of combat vehicles being integrated once again in many front line toumans began. No dropship besides the rare Colossus Dropship that survived from the Amaris Civil War was able to attempt to meet this need and the amount of other individual dropships that could was considered a tactical as well as strategic liability to many of the Clans. Forcing them to look at developing a new means of delivering these new reorganized clusters to their destinations.
While the few surviving Colossus may have been modified to fit the needs of a Clan or two not nearly enough of the enormous designs were available for the needs of all the interested Clans. Evaluating the schematics for the design and allotting for advances in technology the structure for the Odyssey has remained the same. The Clan scientists stripped the design down to its basic framework and replaced the older Ferro Aluminum armor with the more advanced Clan variant increasing its armor protection by 30%. Stripping out and upgrading all of its weaponry systems saved tonnage allowing for the installation of a Mobile HPG and small Naval Comm Scanner bolstering its capabilities for strategic operations. Still with all of its all these other upgrades it still has been able to improve its fuel capacity by 25% and more than tripling its cargo capacity. Upgrading and extending its crew quarters as its designed to allow for comfort on the extended trips to and from the Front Lines. This has pleased the majority of the crew who are able to have individual quarters with only bay personnel having to sleep two to a cabin accounting for alternating shifts most bunk mates don’t mind as they have the room to themselves off shift.
Utilizing the massive Strana Mechty Shipyards as the eventual production site for this design as a third of the Clans were actively involved with its design and a few others were interested in acquiring one or two for their own Toumans. The security provided being produced at these Shipyards allows for multiple clans to divert forces to protect their interests. Producing an impressive 4 dropships a year considering its size and required resources.
Designed to carry an incredible 6 Binaries of combined arms and with an impressive arsenal that discourages enemy combatants to close with the design shortly this new Dropship will make a name for itself when deployed to the front lines.
Odyssey (Korolov) (Kardaan)
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Weight: 20000 tons
BV: 14,074
Cost: 30,210,880,000 C-bills
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 255 [510]
Fuel Points: 7500/10000 (500.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 1.84
Structural Integrity: 20
Armor: 1289 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose 386
Left Side 323
Right Side 323
Aft 257
Weapons Loc Heat
PPC Bay NOS 30
Laser Bay LS 49
ER Large Laser
ER Large Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
Laser Bay RS 49
ER Large Laser
ER Large Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
Laser Bay (R) LS 49
ER Large Laser (R)
ER Large Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
Laser Bay (R) RS 49
ER Large Laser (R)
ER Large Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
ER Medium Laser (R)
PPC Bay LS 60
PPC Bay RS 60
PPC Bay (R) LS 60
PPC Bay (R) RS 60
LRM Bay LS 12
LRM 20
LRM 20
LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo 120
LRM Bay RS 12
LRM 20
LRM 20
LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo 60
LRM Bay (R) LS 12
LRM 20 (R)
LRM 20 (R)
LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo 120
LRM Bay (R) RS 12
LRM 20 (R)
LRM 20 (R)
LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo 120
LRM Bay AFT 12
LRM 20
LRM 20
LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo 180
Laser Bay NOS 20
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
Laser Bay AFT 20
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
ER Medium Laser
PPC Bay AFT 30
Equipment Loc
Artemis IV FCS RS
Artemis IV FCS RS
Artemis IV FCS LS
Artemis IV FCS LS
Artemis IV FCS (R) LS
Artemis IV FCS (R) LS
Artemis IV FCS AFT
Artemis IV FCS AFT
Artemis IV FCS (R) RS
Artemis IV FCS (R) RS
Naval Comm-Scanner Suite (Small) NOS
Mobile Hyperpulse Generators (Mobile HPG) NOS
Carrying Capacity
Heavy Vehicle Bay (2 doors) - 20 units
Mech (2 doors) - 30 units
Battle Armor Bay (1 door) - 20 Points
Aerospace Fighter (2 doors) - 20 units (2 recovery open)
Cargo Space (1 door) - 3,289 tons
Officers 9
Enlisted/Non-rated 99
Gunners 12
Bay Personnel 380