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Author Topic: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #1: Naval Support Fighters (TWO DESIGNS!!)  (Read 21398 times)

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One of the final areas which the Quicksilver Program touched was in the aerospace field. While the Fighter fleet of the Clans always ran behind the ‘Mech forces in level of sheer importance is not really a question for debate. Add to that the near universal disregard of second line forces by the Clans until Operation Revival and is it any wonder that the last newly designed AeroFighter took to the skies some one hundred and fifty years ago. Many Clans still used Star League era refits to fill out these garrison formations right up till the arrival of the Outbound Light above Huntress in 3048. That was until the invasion and the growing importance of these auxiliary forces began to change these established norms. However, it most be said that the first new craft for second line aerospace forces to come from this was due entirely to front line developments.

The Maori OmniFighter was developed by Clan Goliath Scorpion from the concept drawings of a potential aerofighter design called the Ammon which itself was imagined by Clan Diamond Shark scientists. While the 23rd Quicksilver Trial ended in failure for this second-place entry it did prove the viability of the Ammon frame. Recognizing the need for such a second line fighter the ever profit wary Sharks leaned on the Scorpions to help finish the Ammon. This effort was helped by Clan Nova Cat which eventually agreed to pick up the Maori as its Supplemental OmniFighter in the 29th Quicksilver Trial. The Ammon project may even be a more profitable venture then first thought as many Clans sought to update their second line fighter forces with this new design. 

The success of the Ammon sparked the rapid development of the Gaugamela (Wolf and Coyote), Sogdiana (Ice Hellion), and Granicus (Nova Cat) from concepts prototyped during the Quicksilver Trials. Reviewing their second line aerospace forces the Khans of Ghost Bear and Jade Falcon both recognized a need at the 100 and 80-ton mass categories. Neither the Clans (TRO3067) or the SLDF (TRO2750) before them fielded any aerospace fighters of this weight. Both Clans also realized the need to supplement their Naval Trinaries attached directly to Warship, Jumpships, and Dropships which support their operations. These forces falling somewhere between front line and second line formations are not as glorious as some would like but were nonetheless vital in maintaining Clan naval supremacy.

What I am looking for here are two different heavy aerospace fighter designs (NO OMNIFIGHTERS) focused on naval support. Both the Halicarnassus from the Ghost Bears and the Miletus from the Jade Falcon are named for naval victories of Alexander the Great in accordance with ilKhan Victoria Ward’s Uniform Designation Protocols (pg 158 Technical Readout 3067) but that is were the similarities end. The 100-ton Halicarnassus is a high-end fighter using a 400 XL Engine gleaned from production of the Kodiak and DeChevalier Mech designs. The Miletus on the other end was a low-cost fighter utilizing a standard Fusion Engine drawn from the Falcon’s recent Vehicle enhancements which have utilized these reliable power plants to create effective equipment for garrisons in the Occupation Zones.

The constraints placed on the Halicarnassus which will be produced at a Secondary Factory (the Aeroyard Gargain) on Bearclaw (which formerly produced the Hydaspes that the Clan recently discontinued manufacturing) are its weight (100 tons required) and its power plant (400XL). The Miletus produced at Tokasha AeroWorks Epsilon (also a Secondary Facility which formerly produced the Vandal) can be constructed with a little more flexibility thanks to the introduction of the Horus (80 tons) and upgraded Huitzilopochtli (85 tons). While the original target was 80 tons for this craft the Falcon Khans have granted latitude to their Scientists so long as they get their job done. So, designers may enter 80 or 85-ton fighters featuring standard Fusion Engines only here.

As detailed in a recent Chattermail to the ilKhan from Master Technician Olivia (thanks marauder648) which detailed a Review of Brian Caches existing aerospace frames are available which might facilitate deployment (and make it easier to use minis, no duplicates please). Also, as with the power plants outlined above use existing components where available to reduce development time and save costs. Please remember I love fluff and your story matters here so explain why your design is the best and how it fills the role described. Clan Level 2 is the tech level for this contest just after Tukayyid so no ATMs, AP Gauss, Heavy Lasers, or Light Active Probes! Teamwork is also very welcomed so if you have an idea it is acceptable to collaborate.

Design: Halicarnassus and Miletus Aerospace Fighters
Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: Clan Level 2
Mass: Halicarnassus =100 tons / Miletus = 80 or 85 tons
Engine: Halicarnassus = 400 XL (26.5 tons) / Miletus = Standard Fusion Engine

Since there are two different designs for you guys to take a crack at and another couple of things going on you have three weeks to complete this contest so please have your entries in by Friday November 2nd, 2018 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, good luck!!!


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I hate its appearance and want to give it modern Facelift


With just a few stars of the Royal variant TRB-D36b Thunderbirds available within Clan space the Ghost Bears had long utilized the largest concentration of the fighters as a screening force for the naval yards of their homeworld. Having been upgraded long ago and used as the test bed for some of the weapon configurations that ended up becoming utilized on their first omnifighter the Kirghiz. When the Ghost Bear Khan requested the creation of a new second line fighter to complement their limited naval forces, the Ghost Bear Scientists turned to one of the designs they knew best.

Gaining the blessing of the Khan to utilize the finest in Ghost Bear military technologies as the material resources from the Inner Sphere were bolstering the Clans industrial capabilities to levels unseen in their history. The Scientist caste began by bolstering the production speed of the massive 400XL engines already being produced for the Kodiak and now for the new DeChevalier, the new signature OmniMech of the clan. With an impressive engine for the basis of the design the team then had to determine its weaponry capabilities.

Factoring in its role as a naval escort the team chose the ER PPC as its primary weapon, with its significant range capability and impressive damage output it was the idea weapon for its role. Originally the team batted the idea of supplementing the weapon with smaller and multiple secondary weapons but it was decided to keep the design simple. With the benefit of aerospace fighters having enlarged and effective heat dispensation systems, unlike 'Mechs, the team was able to install the required heat sinks to fully nullify the heat concerns inherit with the ER PPC weapon systems. To bolster its offensive capabilities the advanced targeting systems was installed allowing for devastating effects when used as a ground support fighter.

With the decision to upgrade from the standard armor used on the 100 ton Omnifighter, the Kirghiz, to the more advanced Ferro-Aluminum the fighter is able to match the armor capacity with less tonnage devoted towards it. With this savings the team was able to increase the fuel capability by a ton for an increase in its patrol range and time. As well, an ECM system was able to be installed allowing the fighter to patrol unseen and unnoticed in the vastness of space.

Code: [Select]
Weight: 100 tons
BV: 3,784
Cost: 20,351,800 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 400 XL
Heat Sinks: 31 [62]
Fuel Points: 0/480 (6.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 10
Armor: 259 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           75 
Left Wing      65 
Right Wing     65 
Aft            54 

Weapons  Loc  Heat 
ER PPC   LWG   15   
ER PPC   LWG   15   
ER PPC   RWG   15   
ER PPC   RWG   15   

Equipment                  Loc 
Targeting Computer [Clan]  NOS 
ECM Suite [Clan]           AFT 
« Last Edit: October 19, 2018, 12:50:40 PM by Bradshaw »
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Vulcan Aerospace fighter


With the overwhelming success of the Clan in the initial Trials of Quicksilver, the Falcons looked to add one final trophy piece to their collection. With the recent discovery of a Naga light Destroyer in an unnamed system near Trinity the Jade Falcons were pleased to find the warship contained its full complement of two squadrons of Aerospace fighters, consisting solely of the Vulcan class Aerospace fighters which became the bedrock of the new design. Unable to salvage the warship itself the Falcon Commander requested additional transports to return the Clans gains back to the Homeworlds. The timing of their return proved fortuitous as the second-line aerospace Quicksilver trials had just recently had begun being bidded upon. With a quick turnaround the Falcons put together a crash program, the Falcon team quickly started by stripping the frame of everything besides its Olympus 240 engines and its five ton fuel tanks. For future production the Falcons will be utilizing the 240 Pitban Fusion Engine one of the most common and reliable fusion engines in the history of humanity.

Attempting to utilize components and parts already readily available due to the quick turnaround demanded by the Khan the team returned to the core of its weaponry layout. The team replaced the old twin Class 10 Republic Mk VII Autocannons with four Type OVR-X LB-5X Autocannons found commonly already on Falcon Kit Foxes. Believing the slightly increased range and the benefit of increased accuracy for the fighter allowed it to be able to find weaknesses in other aerospace fighters. Replacing the old Firefly lasers the team replaced the single Type III in the Nose with twin Series 7K ER Large Lasers and in the rear with twin Series 14a Medium Pulse Lasers. Both Lasers produced on Tokasha in already sufficient amounts by the Clan to not cause a strain on their existing needs. The Short Range Missile system was not replaced, as the team felt the design would most benefit from keeping at a reasonable distance from its opponents taking advantage of its long range capabilities. Tokasha Foundriy Series 9 Ferro-Aluminum the same series as the Vandal was used to replace the old standard type from its original design.

Code: [Select]
Weight: 80 tons
BV: 2,165
Cost: 5,802,720 C-bills
Role: Attack Fighter

Movement: 5/8
Engine: 240
Heat Sinks: 13 [26]
Fuel Points: 400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 259 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           75 
Left Wing      65 
Right Wing     65 
Aft            54 

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser      NOS   12   
ER Large Laser      NOS   12
LB 5-X AC           RWG    1   
LB 5-X AC           RWG    1
LB 5-X AC           LWG    1   
LB 5-X AC           LWG    1   
Medium Pulse Laser  AFT    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  AFT    4   

Ammo                 Loc  Shots 
LB 5-X Cluster Ammo  LWG     40 
LB 5-X Cluster Ammo  RWG     40 
« Last Edit: October 18, 2018, 09:55:57 AM by Bradshaw »
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Interesting Bradshaw, our first two entries! Very nice, anyone else care to tango?


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Designed around the twin concepts of endurance and survivability the Miletus Assault fighter was also designed to be easy to repair and capable of landing on poorly finished landing strips if needs be and to keep costs down the Falcons also used ‘off the shelf’ components that were already easily available.  The fighter had a slightly modified version of the Hellbringer’s TTS whilst its comms outfit was near identical to that on the Summoner, making it easy to repair and replace as parts were very common and Techs were intimately familiar with both systems.

The fighter’s hull  design was broad and rather simple with a blunted arrow head nose section and a rather simple delta winged body for maximum surface area on the wings in an atmosphere.  The 340 rated standard engine provided plenty of thrust for the 85-ton craft, allowing it to keep up with modern OmniFighters like the Sabutai, Jagatai and Scytha. 
For maximum endurance a large (by Clan standards) 5-ton fuel tank is fitted whilst 14-tons of Ferro-Aluminium armour give the craft a surprisingly thick hide.
Despite its somewhat crude look, the Miletus’ design team ‘kept things simple’ as any extravagant hull shapes would require new machinery to make the hull parts, so to reduce waste and keep production costs down they made the fighter look rather ungainly if its performance certinally exceeded its looks.

Armed for long and short ranged battles the primary punch of the Miletus comes from its nose mounted ER PPC and the ER Large laser under each wing.  At short range a nose mounted medium pulse laser can also engage along with a pair of Streak SRM-6 launchers, one under each wing.  A medium pulse laser is sufficient deterrent for the fighters.

The heavy energy weapon punch allows the fighter to remain in battle longer whilst the efficient Streak launchers, each with their own ton of ammunition conserve ammunition unless a hit is assured.  Twenty double heatsinks built into the hull and along the wings allow the fighter to fire its three main weapons without any heat build up and at shorter ranges, dropping one of the lasers allows the Streak’s to engage with no heat threat. 

Because the design used readily available parts and had a simple hull layout the Miletus went from digital design to prototype in 4 months and was flying in 6 months. Although the ‘crude’ design was a significant step down from sleek butchers like the Scytha, in tests the fighter’s broad wings made it surprisingly manvouverable in an atmosphere and easy to control at low level and high speed.  Numerous RCS thrusters along with its powerful engine also made the fighter agile in space.

Code: [Select]
Miletus Aero
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-D

Weight: 85 tons
BV: 2,792
Cost: 6,257,911 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 340
Heat Sinks: 20 [40]
Fuel Points: 0/400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 268 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           83 
Left Wing      67 
Right Wing     67 
Aft            51 

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
ER PPC              NOS   15   
ER Large Laser      LWG   12   
ER Large Laser      RWG   12   
Streak SRM 6        LWG    4   
Streak SRM 6        RWG    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  NOS    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  AFT    4   

Ammo               Loc  Shots 
Streak SRM 6 Ammo  LWG     15 
Streak SRM 6 Ammo  RWG     15 

A slightly smaller and lighter Miletus was also designed by another team of Falcon Scientists lead by the group that had worked on the Scytha and although matching the 85-ton fighters performance and protection, their craft was developed to be more of a mid-range dogfighter.  A pair of ER large lasers gave the fighter its long range punch but the nose was filled with a pair of Medium pulse lasers, and most impressively, an LB-10 pattern autocannon, fed by a 2-ton magazine.  A medium pulse laser was also mounted in the wings whilst an ER small laser covered the fighters aft.  Continuing the same ‘off the shelf’ drive that had gone into the 85-ton craft the 80-ton design also featured an ECM system mated to its electronics.  The biggest difference was visually, the 80-ton design was sleek, elegant and refined whilst looking exceptionally aggressive.  This was a deliberate design choice as it was a direct appeal to the Warriors who would be flying them.  The Scientists gambled that the Warriors wouldn’t want to be seen in a flying brick that the other junior team was developing and so went for a far sleeker and modern looking craft.  The downside to this was a slower production time and somewhat increased costs due to the need to produce new moulds and rigging to produce the new hull shapes.

Both designs were trialled and tested and placed before the Khan and the Warrior caste for approval.

Code: [Select]
Miletus Aero
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-D

Weight: 80 tons
BV: 2,514
Cost: 5,965,003 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 320
Heat Sinks: 16 [32]
Fuel Points: 0/400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 268 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           83 
Left Wing      67 
Right Wing     67 
Aft            51 

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
LB 10-X AC          NOS    2   
ER Large Laser      LWG   12   
ER Large Laser      RWG   12   
Medium Pulse Laser  RWG    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  LWG    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  NOS    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  NOS    4   
ER Small Laser      AFT    2   

Ammo                  Loc  Shots 
LB 10-X Cluster Ammo  NOS     10 
LB 10-X Cluster Ammo  NOS     10 

Equipment         Loc 
ECM Suite [Clan]  NOS 

« Last Edit: October 15, 2018, 03:38:12 AM by marauder648 »


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Helicarassus Assault Fighter

With the CGB Great Bear and Leviathan taking shape these huge WarShips would need fighters to compliment their striking power and whilst the Kirghiz was a superb attack craft, it was in high demand with front-line forces and there simply wasn’t the production capacity to produce more of them at their existing facilities.  This was also true of the Jenghiz but there was room to produce a non-modular craft at Aeroyard Gargain on Bearclaw, which until recently had produced the Hydaspes heavy fighter.
The Bear’s immediately set to work on designing the new fighter, using the Hydaspes as a baseline template.  Whilst the Hydaspes wasn’t the most graceful of fighters and not the fastest either, its huge armour protection made it a nightmare to face and the new fighter was to have similar levels of protection.  Eighteen tons of Ferro-Aluminum armour would drape the fighters frame making it a very difficult target to destroy.

Working from their dual love of size and speed the Scientists of Clan Ghost Bear were eager to start designing a new 100-ton Second Line fighter and now with the base hull laid out and its protection scheme calculated they went to work. 
Powered by a massive 400 rated XL engine, the same as that found in the Kodiak and DeChevalier Mech’s the new fighter would be able to reach speeds similar to the Falcon’s Scytha.  Although this huge engine would cut down on available space due to its bulk and weight the improved performance from the engine and its associated 5-ton fuel tank was felt to be worth it as few would expect so large a fighter, especially a 100-ton craft to be capable of such high speeds.

Like the Hydaspes the new fighter would focus primarily on long range firepower and a pair of ER large lasers, a pair of Artemis IV equipped LRM-15’s and a single gauss rifle certainly gave it the punch needed, whilst 18 double heatsinks kept the heat of this fully under control.  The ballistic weapons each have their own 2-ton ammunition bays and the LRM launchers are near identical to those that were fitted to the Hydaspes which in turn helped reduce costs and design time.

For shorter range firepower a quartet of ER medium lasers (two in each wing) can cause significant damage and can make the fighter a dangerous ground attack fighter in strafing runs.  The rear was somewhat lightly protected with an ER small laser, but it was felt that the fighters higher speed and manoeuvrability, combined with its heavy armour would reduce the threat from hostile craft trying to slot in on the new designs six. 

By making extensive use of the Hydaspes parts and using the fighter as a template the Bear Scientists were able to reduce design costs and cut development time to a mere 8 months and six days before the first prototype took to the air above Bearclaw.
Although the engine was more maintenance intensive than was liked the aerodynamics and performance were highly favourable as was the thick layers of armour that protected the fighter.  Named the Helicarassus  after the ancient city captured by Alexander the Great and keeping in line with the Uniform Designation Protocols, the new fighter was available for production if it was approved for construction.

Code: [Select]
Halicarnassus Assault Fighter
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-D

Weight: 100 tons
BV: 3,519
Cost: 21,109,375 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 400 XL
Heat Sinks: 18 [36]
Fuel Points: 0/400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 10
Armor: 345 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose          103 
Left Wing      86 
Right Wing     86 
Aft            70 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
Gauss Rifle      NOS    1   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Small Laser   AFT    2   
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
LRM 15           LWG    5   
LRM 15           RWG    5   

Ammo                                Loc  Shots 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]             NOS      8 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]             NOS      8 
LRM 15 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo  RWG      8 
LRM 15 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo  LWG      8 
LRM 15 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo  LWG      8 
LRM 15 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo  RWG      8 

Equipment       Loc 
Artemis IV FCS  LWG 
Artemis IV FCS  RWG 



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Very nice marauder648, our second of two entries has arrived!

Most appropriate they come from the folks who inspired the contest along. Bradshaw noticed I had not completed the designs yet and marauder648 with his outstanding Chattermail fiction which reviewed available Cache storage. Well done guys!


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While they come from two from two different clans, the Halicarnassus and the Miletus are designed as long-ranged escorts for WarShips. The Halicarnassus is a Clan Ghost Bear design and is built on an enlarged Ahab frame and features a pair each of ER PPCs and LRM20 launchers. These are backed up by a trio ER medium lasers. With eight tons of fuel available it can stay out on patrol for extended periods of time or engage in deep strike against enemy WarShips or installations. Initial production will go to building full trinaries for the Leviathan-class transports.

The Miletus is a whole new design from Clan Jade Falcon and is built around the standard 320 fusion plant. While this makes for a less acrobatic fighter, the Miletus packs a quartet of R large lasers backed up by a pair of ER medium lasers.


Code: [Select]
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3054+
Tech Rating: F/X-F-D-D

Weight: 100 tons
BV: 3,576
Cost: 20,637,400 C-bills
Source: Custom

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 400 XL
Heat Sinks: 24 [48]
Fuel Points: 640 (8.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 10
Armor: 336 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose          121 
Left Wing      75 
Right Wing     75 
Aft            65 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
LRM 20           RWG    6   
LRM 20           LWG    6   

Ammo         Loc  Shots 
LRM 20 Ammo  RWG      6 
LRM 20 Ammo  RWG      6 
LRM 20 Ammo  RWG      6 
LRM 20 Ammo  LWG      6 
LRM 20 Ammo  LWG      6 
LRM 20 Ammo  LWG      6 


Code: [Select]
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3054+
Tech Rating: F/X-F-D-D

Weight: 80 tons
BV: 2,698
Cost: 3,505,552,493 C-bills
Source: Custom

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 320
Heat Sinks: 22 [44]
Fuel Points: 640 (8.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 316 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose          106 
Left Wing      70 
Right Wing     70 
Aft            70 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Large Laser   LWG   12   
ER Large Laser   RWG   12   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5           

EDIT: Ultra boring fluff added for the sake of completeness. Multiple design changes over the last two hours. At least three for each design.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2018, 03:32:26 PM by Abele »
The Honor of Men cannot be bound by the words of Fools- Marco Hietala
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. - Confucius
May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies. - Voltaire
Chaos doesn't need a recipe, just a list of ingredients. - Drakensis
Kachi ni Fushigi no Kachi Ari. Make ni Fushigi no Make Nashi
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Awesome Abele, glad to have you onboard!


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Anyone else interested in this contest?


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The second of the Falcon submissions pleased the Khans with its simplicity. Scientist Eslupmi's proposal to the Khan was the quickest solution for the call for a new second line fighter. It would be to simply take an old design and upgrade it with the newest in Clan tech, possibly updating its armor coverage while doing so and be done with it. The side benefit to this would be the rapid transition of existing stockpiles to this "new" design. A review of the Jade Falcon caches found the SLDF Rapier was the fighter most numerous in their Brian Caches. With it falling ideally into their targeted weight range it was the obvious choice for the upgrade to the modern battlefield.

The Falcons have been fortunate enough to reverse engineer the Rapiers cutting edge Bauer Scope 130Y, which used overlapping wave signals to produce a three-dimensional image of what the system was "seeing" in the operator's mind, a system that impressed the SLDF so much with.  The Falcons have integrated this already impressive system with the Active Probe of Clan manufacture. Combining the 3D imaging of the Bauer Scope with the Active Probe and its ability to record the events of a battle for later playback. Allows Falcon aerospace sibkos to "re-fight" battles in a perfect virtual environment and is expected to have a massive impact to the quality of future Falcon aerospace pilots. This also has the benefit for improved scouting, as the Commander is able to virtually walk the terrain scouted allowing for intricate knowledge of potential battlefields and ambush possibilities.

200 years since its inception the aerospace fighter continues to boast better maneuverability and protection compared to most crafts of similar mass, especially now with its twelve tons of armor being upgraded to the Tokasha Foundry Series 9 Ferro-Aluminum for a significant boost in its armor protection.

Unable to duplicate the intricacy of the original Cavalier Industries LRM-10. the team has dropped it from the design, this allowed for additional fuel tonnage, and a third Large Pulse Laser to be added. Falcon scientists are working still on the reverse engineering of the Cavalier systems with their stockpile of stripped components and hope to integrate it again into the design in the future. Copying the SLDF Royal weapon package the mammoth AC/20 has been downsized to the LB-10X version, for its increased range and critical hit ability against opposing aerospace fighters.

Code: [Select]

Weight: 85 tons
BV: 2,195
Cost: 6,162,721 C-bills
Source: TRO 3075 - Star League
Role: Dogfighter

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 340
Heat Sinks: 16 [32]
Fuel Points: 400/480 (6.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 230 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           70 
Left Wing      55 
Right Wing     55 
Aft            50 

Weapons            Loc  Heat 
Large Pulse Laser  NOS   10   
Large Pulse Laser  NOS   10   
Large Pulse Laser  NOS   10   
LB 10-X AC         NOS    2   

Ammo                  Loc  Shots 
LB 10-X Cluster Ammo  NOS     20 

Equipment            Loc 
Active Probe [Clan]  NOS
« Last Edit: October 26, 2018, 11:03:17 AM by Bradshaw »
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Halicarnassus Heavy Aerospace Fighter

Originally intended intended as a theoretical design study of how the Clan might replace the aging Hydaspes in Clan Ghost Bear service, the prototype Halicarnassus came about only because of Project Quicksilver.  Using common resources from the Kodiak production line, Clan Ghost Bear quickly came to realize that the time to bring this new Naval Support Fighter to life was now.

Massing 5 more tons than the Hydaspes, the Halicarnassus is a 100-ton leviathan.  While the 400-rate Extra Light Engine was "borrowed" from the Kodiak production line, the targeting systems and communications array were taken whole-sale from the Clan's Kirghaz factory.

But despite sharing electronics, the Halicarnassus was an entirely different beast!  The selection of the 400-rate Extra Light Fusion engine gave this Aerospace Fighter a safe thrust of 3-g's and a maximum overthrust of 4.5-g's . . . very similar to the acceleration and maneuverability profile of the Clan Jade Falcon Scytha OmniFighter.

Right from the start, the Ghost Bear leadership demanded exceptional endurance . . . which led to the Clan scientists installed a six-ton fuel tank!  The additional ton devoted to fuel cost very little overall effectiveness, but provided the Halicarnassus with an additional 20% endurance (or more!) over virtually all Clan OmniFighters and Aerospace Fighters.  And with that endurance, the Bear Khans demanded that their newest Aerospace Fighter be heavily protected. 

And so it was that 18.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor were provided for the design in a 94/94/94/73 pattern.  This superb amount of armor protection made the Halicarnassus immune to threshold criticals from Clan ER Large Lasers and Large Pulse Lasers, as well as Inner Sphere PPCs and AC/10s, along with all less damaging weapons.  The aft was the "weakest" section of the new fighter and even it proved immune to critical thresholds from Inner Sphere Large Lasers and lighter weaponry.

With 46 tons remaining for weapons and heat sinks, the design team began to ponder the role of this mighty Aerospace Fighter.  As a Naval Support Fighter, the members of the design team could envision a number of roles and purposes for the Halicarnassus.  But eventually, one and one alone won out.  A fighter with weaponry so devastating, so horrific that a single pass could cripple or destroy any other currently existing Aerospace or OmniFighter in known service.

Taking the ancient motto "Keep It Simple, Stupid!" to heart, the design team applied the KISS strategy to the Halicarnassus.  Only four guns were mounted to fire forward, all concentrated in a single nose bay for maximum damage on a successful attack.  While there were many who recommended that the the weapons be divided between the nose and wings, the design team instead decided to go for the hardest punch possible.

And with four Clan Extended-Range PPCs concentrated in the nose, they got that!  Even if a successful hit does not punch through the armor of a hostile fighter (i.e., if it has 60 or more points of armor on a single facing!), this weapons bay will force a threshold critical on any existing Aerospace or OmniFighter . . . even on many DropShips!

In fact, three points of Halicarnassus making an attack run on a hostile WarShip will deliver more damage than a NAC-35 Naval Autocannon!

In order for these weapons to be used as intended, the design team had to install twenty tons of double-strength heat sinks.  This left only two tons remaining.  These were used to mount a pair of rear-firing ER Medium Lasers to help protect this fearsome fighter from lighter and more maneuverable craft.

Seeing the final prototype in action, the Ghost Bear Khans praised their newest Aerospace Fighter which had met all of their design goals and ordered it to be placed into production immediately for service with the Ghost Bear Fleet. 

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                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Halicarnassus
Tech:              Clan / 3055
Vessel Type:       Aerospace Fighter
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              100 tons
Length:            22 meters
Power Plant:       400 XL Fusion
Safe Thrust:       6
Maximum Thrust:    9
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
    4 ER PPC
    2 ER Medium Laser
Class/Model/Name:  Halicarnassus
Mass:              100 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  400 XL Fusion                                             26.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 6
      Maximum Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity: 10                                                  .00
Total Heat Sinks:    30 Double                                          20.00
Fuel:                                                                    6.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (355 total armor pts)                      18.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 94
   Left/Right Wings:                  94/94
   Aft:                                  73

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
4 ER PPC                   Nose        15     15     15     --   60     24.00
2 ER Medium Laser          Aft          7      7     --     --   10      2.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment       Body                                           .00
TOTALS:                                                    Heat: 70    100.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        20,405,800 C-Bills
Battle Value:      3,563
Cost per BV:       5,727.14
Weapon Value:      4,288 (Ratio = 1.20)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 58;  MRV = 46;  LRV = 14;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 6,  Armor/Structure: 9 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 6/6/6,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FH;  Point Value: 36


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I hate its appearance and want to give it modern Facelift

Halicarnassus . . .

Just saw this after I posted my design!  DUH!  I didn't realize you had also done a quad ER PPC version.  Ah, well.  Great minds think alike, perhaps.  ;)



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  • For the Last Cameron!

Just saw this after I posted my design!  DUH!  I didn't realize you had also done a quad ER PPC version.  Ah, well.  Great minds think alike, perhaps.  ;)

Actually both designs are a little different so I wouldn't worry about it MA, nice entry!

And Bradshaw I like the Rapier inspired Miletus!

Still plenty of time to go folks please keep those entries coming!!


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Changed the Rapier variant a little due to lack of compatibility with the LBX and Targeting Computers. Instead went with Large Pulses to supplement the LBX. Think I like this version more.
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin
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