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Author Topic: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #2: 95-ton Aerospace Fighter (Clan Coyote)  (Read 21184 times)

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The introduction of the Ammon Aerospace Fighter spurred the development of the Gaugamela, Sogdiana, and Granicus which then sparked construction of the Halicarnassus and Miletus. These six new second line designs continued to drive forward a revitalization of aerospace fighters in the Clans especially since the discovery of cached Star League equipment. This mothballed material could be stripped down and refitted with modern Clan technology to produce much needed replacements for garrison units. With these guardians of newly won Clan possessions increasing in importance such projects continued to take shape.

A low end 95-ton replacement for the high end Hydaspes which uses an expensive Extra-Light (XL) Engine is necessary for two reasons. One, the current Hydaspes fleet is currently transitioning to front line service in the form of the new Hyberborean OmniFighter requiring replacement. Two, the Ghost Bear’s new 100-ton Halicarnassus use of an XL Engine has already filled the high-end role of the Hydaspes. Enter Clan Coyote who has just aided their traditional Wolf allies in building the Gaugamela and before that their scientists assisted in the completion of the Ammon.

The Coyote’s have two secondary production slots available at the Omega Orbital Production Plant 2 around Tamaron. One of these small assembly plants was to produce the 25-ton Chaeronea and the other the new 65-ton Ammon. As I see it there are two possible ways this story can go. Coyote Technologists still smarting from the failure of their ‘Total Modularity’ concept during the Quicksilver Trials and ever ready to take a shot at their blood rivals in the Cloud Cobra Clan forward this design. Seizing their rival’s precious fighter weight class could be a coup for these science driven Yotes.

Or Coyote Spiritualists (Warden Missionaries) might help the Cloud Cobras build a new craft together. Either way the new Wardmaster, a Reactionary, would back the modernization of the aerospace forces in these rear-guard formations which have long been neglected. The Clan reliance on Star League era ‘upgrades’ and a handful of Golden Century replacements is dangerous given the dramatically expanding role of second line units in the invasion. While modernizing these forces is important to the Clans, he recognizes they should limit the commitment of their finite resources.

It is therefore important that your design entries use existing frames which sit unused in cache storage and recycle components from other designs already in production. This will facilitate the upgrade of existing craft into service and speed the deployment of this design into Clan service. Since production facilities will be limited to a single secondary line the reutilization of salvageable fighters is vital. Specifications call for standard Fusion Engines only to be applied in all entries to reduce the commitment of resources. What role and the capabilities this new fighter will use are up to you but please consider the Clans’ five (5) existing second line craft as well as the already accepted six (6) designed as part of Quicksilver.

New Clan AeroFighter Force for Quicksilver
Chaeronea      25 tons      225 (11/17)      TRO3067   Smoke Jaguar
Sogdiana       25 tons      300XL (14/21)   QS #3      Ice Hellion
Issus          40 tons      240 (8/12)      TRO3067   Snow Raven
Granicus      50 tons      250XL (7/11)      QS #4      Nova Cat
Tyre         55 tons      165 (5/8)      TRO3067   Steel Viper
Ammon       65 tons      260 (6/9)      TRO3067   Diamond Shark
Gaugamela       70 tons      280 (6/9)      QS #2      Wolf
Miletus      80 Tons   240 (5/8)      QS #6      Jade Falcon
Halicarnassus      100 tons   400XL (6/9)      QS #5      Ghost Bear

Existing Clan AeroFighter Intro Dates
Chaeronea      25 tons      225 (11/17)   TRO3067 (2849)   Smoke Jaguar
Issus          40 tons      240 (8/12)   TRO3067 (2842)   Snow Raven
Tyre         55 tons      165 (5/8)   TRO3067 (2907)   Steel Viper
Xerxes         85 tons      340 (6/9)   TRO3067 (2827)   Smoke Jaguar
Hydaspes      95 tons      285XL (5/8)   TRO3067 (2840)   Cloud Cobra

OmniFighter Design Basis
Sarmatian      25 tons      SB-26 Sabre      20th Quicksilver Trial
Apache       30 tons      Royal Spad      21st Quicksilver Trial
Zulu         55 tons      Starfire         22nd Quicksilver Trial
Qashqai      65 tons      Lucifer         23rd Quicksilver Trial
Cimmerian      85 tons      Xerxes         24th Quicksilver Trial
Hyberborean      95 tons      Hydaspes      25th Quicksilver Trial
Kubulai      85 tons      Rapier         26th Quicksilver Trial
Gypsy          35 tons      Avar         27th Quicksilver Trial
Shoshone      60 tons      Gotha         28th Quicksilver Trial
Maori         65 tons      Ammon      29th Quicksilver Trial

Aerospace Design Basis
Sogdiana      25 tons      Sabre
Granicus      50 tons      Samurai
Gaugamela      70 tons      Jagatai

As detailed in a recent Chattermail to the ilKhan from Master Technician Olivia (thanks marauder648) which detailed a Review of Brian Caches existing aerospace frames are available which might facilitate deployment (and make it easier to use minis, no duplicates please). Also, as with the power plants outlined above use existing components where available to reduce development time and save costs. Please remember I love fluff and your story matters here so explain why your design is the best and how it fills the role described. Clan Level 2 is the tech level for this contest just after Tukayyid so no ATMs, AP Gauss, Heavy Lasers, or Light Active Probes! Teamwork is also very welcomed so if you have an idea it is acceptable to collaborate.

Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: Clan Level 2
Mass: 95 tons
Engine: Standard Fusion

Designers have two weeks to complete this contest so please have your entries in by Friday November 16th, 2018 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, good luck!!!
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 11:24:48 PM by Takiro »


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I'm not going to have a lot of time over the next couple of weeks, so here is just the bare bones of a design.  If anyone wants to provide fluff . . . knock yourself out!  I'll be happy to collaborate with anyone who wants to share a design.

Okay.  This one is a little out of the box.  Because it is SLOWWWWW.  Yep.  It uses a 190-rate Standard Fusion Engine that gives it an acceleration profile of 4/6.  But this is a second-line fighter, and that weight savings let us really stack on the weapons, armor, and fuel.

Seven ton fuel tank.  So it can slowly (very slowly!) cruise around all day long.

18.5 tons of ferro-aluminum armor plating gives superb protection.

And that left us with FIFTY-NINE tons (yep; you read that right:  59.0 tons!!) for weapons and heat sinks.

Since the 'Yotes like their missiles, the main battery are five nose-mounted LRM-20 launchers with Artemis IV fed by ten tons of ammunition (60 salvoes . . . or 12 quintuple shots!).  This massive bank of missile launchers can fire 100 missiles down-range . . . and using the newest rule set inflicts 80 points of standard-scale damage (or 8 Capital) per hit!

That is enough to shatter most fighters outright!  And will allow for a Threshold Critical against any DropShip in Canon.  And operating in two or three point formations, this big bad ugly angry bird poses a serious threat to almost every WarShip in existence!

But that isn't all.  A dozen ER Small Lasers provide back-up weapons.  Four each in the right wing, left wing, and astern.  These guns only (ONLY!) inflict 20 points of standard scale damage for the bay.  And they've got a short range, but they do provide good secondary weapons for when the LRM ammo supply dwindles.  And keeps the opposing fighters honest and off their 6s!

Twenty-three DHS lets you fire all of your forward mounted weapons at safe thrust:  5 LRM-20s and 8 ER Small Lasers! 

All for a bargain basement price of just 7,616,433 C-Bills!

What more do you want in a Garrison/Second-Line ASF designed for defense of 'Yote enclaves?

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                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Coyote Quicksilver 
Tech:              Clan / 3055
Vessel Type:       Aerospace Fighter
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              95 tons
Length:            22 meters
Power Plant:       190 Fusion
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
    5 LRM 20+ArtIV
   12 ER Small Laser
Class/Model/Name:  Coyote Quicksilver 
Mass:              95 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  190 Fusion                                                 7.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 9                                                   .00
Total Heat Sinks:    23 Double                                          13.00
Fuel:                                                                    7.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (355 total armor pts)                      18.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 94
   Left/Right Wings:                  94/94
   Aft:                                  73

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
5 LRM 20+ArtIV             Nose        16     16     16     --   30     30.00
  Ammo (LRM 20) 60         ---                                          10.00
4 ER Small Laser           RW           5     --     --     --    8      2.00
4 ER Small Laser           LW           5     --     --     --    8      2.00
4 ER Small Laser           Aft          5     --     --     --    8      2.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment       Body                                           .00
TOTALS:                                                    Heat: 54     95.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        7,616,433 C-Bills
Battle Value:      2,850
Cost per BV:       2,672.43
Weapon Value:      4,103 (Ratio = 1.44)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 109;  MRV = 49;  LRV = 19;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 9 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 12/8/8,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FH;  Point Value: 29
                   Specials: if
« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 12:47:04 AM by masterarminas »


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I may skip this one. The only 95-ton airframe out there is the Hydaspes. Anything else will have to be variation of an existing airframe and those haven't done well in contests before.
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I may skip this one. The only 95-ton airframe out there is the Hydaspes. Anything else will have to be variation of an existing airframe and those haven't done well in contests before.

Yeah there is no viable option for this could you extend the range +/- 5 tons
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I may skip this one. The only 95-ton airframe out there is the Hydaspes. Anything else will have to be variation of an existing airframe and those haven't done well in contests before.

Yeah there is no viable option for this could you extend the range +/- 5 tons

5 tons wouldn't be a horribly large increase or decrease, certainly you may try your design hands on that.  ;)


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I'm not going to have a lot of time over the next couple of weeks, so here is just the bare bones of a design.  If anyone wants to provide fluff . . . knock yourself out!  I'll be happy to collaborate with anyone who wants to share a design.

Sorry to hear you are so busy. Love reading your fluff but in regards to your design I just have to say damn! Can a 4/6 design even transit the atmosphere!? I really hope someone takes a whack at finishing this one of, certainly out the box.

Keep those designs coming folks!


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Sorry to hear you are so busy. Love reading your fluff but in regards to your design I just have to say damn! Can a 4/6 design even transit the atmosphere!? I really hope someone takes a whack at finishing this one of, certainly out the box.

Keep those designs coming folks!

If a 3/5 thrust spheriod DropShip can lift off from surface to space, why shouldn't an aerodyne 4/6 ASF be able to do the same?

That said, I really don't know.  However, even if it can't, all you need is a Carrier DropShip to lift 10 of these bad boys into low orbit.  And serve as a mobile refueling/rearming base.

But I do know that you can do a lot with nearly 60 tons of space for weapons and heat sinks!  Kinda thought of this one as a modern take on an A-10 Thunderbolt II (aka the "Warthog") used by the USAF.

Just with a whole lot of missiles instead of one big gun!

Of course, you could do the whole big gun thing as well if you wanted to:

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                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Coyote Quicksilver 2
Tech:              Clan / 3055
Vessel Type:       Aerospace Fighter
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              95 tons
Length:            22 meters
Power Plant:       190 Fusion
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
    3 Ultra AC/20
Class/Model/Name:  Coyote Quicksilver 2
Mass:              95 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  190 Fusion                                                 7.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 9                                                   .00
Total Heat Sinks:    21 Double                                          11.00
Fuel:                                                                    7.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (355 total armor pts)                      18.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 94
   Left/Right Wings:                  94/94
   Aft:                                  73

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
3 Ultra AC/20              Nose        30     30     --     --   42     36.00
  Ammo (Ult AC/20) 60      ---                                          12.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment       Body                                           .00
TOTALS:                                                    Heat: 42     95.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        6,411,358 C-Bills
Battle Value:      2,442
Cost per BV:       2,625.45
Weapon Value:      2,884 (Ratio = 1.18)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 83;  MRV = 65;  LRV = 0;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 9 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 9/9/-,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FH;  Point Value: 24

Three UAC-20's with 60 total shots (10 double-taps).  90 Standard Damage!!  And it is even cheaper as a point-defense garrison fighter at 6,411,358 C-Bills.  Of course, no backup weapons, but . . . when a point of two of these birds can inflict 18 Capital on a DropShip or WarShip?  Do I need say anything more?  Six of these fighters will hit a WarShip or DropShip with a 54 point Capital Bay in a single pass.  Even a Leviathan is going to feel that!

And if you get lucky on the Threshold Critical roll?  One pass from this fighter might just achieve a kill on even the most heavily armored canon WarShip in existence.

Or if you want range with the BFGs:

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                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  Coyote Quicksilver 3
Tech:              Clan / 3055
Vessel Type:       Aerospace Fighter
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              95 tons
Length:            22 meters
Power Plant:       190 Fusion
Safe Thrust:       4
Maximum Thrust:    6
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
    4 Gauss Rifle
   10 ER Small Laser
Class/Model/Name:  Coyote Quicksilver 3
Mass:              95 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  190 Fusion                                                 7.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 4
      Maximum Thrust: 6
Structural Integrity: 9                                                   .00
Total Heat Sinks:    10 Double                                            .00
Fuel:                                                                    7.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (355 total armor pts)                      18.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 94
   Left/Right Wings:                  94/94
   Aft:                                  73

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
4 Gauss Rifle              Nose        15     15     15     --    4     48.00
  Ammo (Gauss) 48          ---                                           6.00
4 ER Small Laser           RW           5     --     --     --    8      2.00
4 ER Small Laser           LW           5     --     --     --    8      2.00
2 ER Small Laser           Aft          5     --     --     --    4      1.00
1 C.A.S.E. Equipment       Body                                           .00
TOTALS:                                                    Heat: 24     95.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        5,948,945 C-Bills
Battle Value:      2,727
Cost per BV:       2,181.5
Weapon Value:      3,536 (Ratio = 1.30)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 84;  MRV = 36;  LRV = 14;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 4,  Armor/Structure: 9 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 10/6/6,  Overheat: 0
                   Class: FH;  Point Value: 27

Quad Gauss Rifles (with 12 shots each!) and 8 ER Small Lasers as secondaries . . . and heat neutral.  Plus another 2 ERSLs firing astern.  Damage from that nose bay is down to 60 . . . but backed up by two 20 point bays in close.  Meaning each one of these fighters can inflict 100 standard (10 Capital) damage at short-range if they get lucky and hit all three times.  And it is even less expensive than the UAC-20 version, which is cheaper than the LRM version!

Yeah.  You can do a lot with 59 tons.


« Last Edit: November 05, 2018, 11:08:06 AM by masterarminas »


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Holy crips!  :o


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Danube: 95-ton Aerospace Fighter (Clan Coyote)
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2018, 10:46:33 AM »

In an attempt to improve their forces members of the Scientist caste dug deep into their archives and found the plans to the Thundebird in a cache that had been acquired from the Goliath Scorpions nearly a century ago. Not pleased with either the aesthetics or the atmospheric flyability of the Thunderbird they decided to redefine the cockpit by giving it a single canopy and narrowing the forward fuselage slightly and a slight cank at the wing root. This moved shave off a half ton of structure in the process. This allowed for the installation of a standard 285 fusion engine. Wanting to maximize firepower the Scienitsts chose to mount a Gauss rifle in the now between a pair of medium pulser. For added destructive capability each wing was fitted with an ER PCC and ER medium laser. To discourage enemy fighters from pursuit a pair of ER Medium lasers in a limited traverse turret. A total of twenty-five double heat sinks are installed to battle the heat. A total of 18. tons of ferro-fibrous cover the airframe with protection biased towards the nose. In keeping with the theme of using the military history of Alexander the Great, the Scientists to name the new fighter the Danube where Alexander defeated the Getae early in his reign.

Code: [Select]
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3054+
Tech Rating: F/X-F-D-D

Weight: 95 tons
BV: 3,640
Cost: 3,694,642,171 C-bills

Movement: 5/8
Engine: 285
Heat Sinks: 25 [50]
Fuel Points: 0/480 (6.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 9
Armor: 355 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose          105 
Left Wing      80 
Right Wing     80 
Aft            90 

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
Gauss Rifle         NOS    1   
ER PPC              RWG   15   
ER PPC              LWG   15   
Medium Pulse Laser  NOS    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  NOS    4   
ER Medium Laser     RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser     LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser     AFT    5   
ER Medium Laser     AFT    5   

Ammo                     Loc  Shots 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]  NOS      8 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]  NOS      8 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]  NOS      8 

Equipment         Loc 
ECM Suite [Clan]  AFT

« Last Edit: November 16, 2018, 02:26:33 PM by Abele »
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With the success of Khan McGibbon in his recent Trial of Position for Khan of Coyote, the new Khan has quickly got to work with his new saKhan in efforts to bolster the Clans Touman. Changing the structure of the Clans Trials of Position and allowing Freebirths access to them was a controversial maneuver even for the liberal Coyotes. In an effort to quell the grumbling within the Warrior Caste he has assigned Star Captain Ursulina Levine of the 92nd Fighter Wing of Nu Galaxy as the Missionary to Cloud Cobra, one of her first objectives is to coordinate a joint project between the two Clans on a replacement of the Hydapes Aerospace Fighter for their second-line forces. Finding in their Brian Cache a small stockpile of vintage Stuka Aerospace fighters believed to be donated to the SLDF by the Federated Suns during the Amaris Coup. The Scientists have been tasked with stripping these aged fighters down to their frame and refurbishing for the purposes of streamlining the design and reducing its overall tonnage by five while maintaining its aerodynamic capabilities is a challenging endeavor for even the technology savvy Coyotes.

As of the end of 3052 the Scientists of both Clans have only been able to create theoretical makeups for the new aerospace fighter as challenges are being raised weekly on the project. The Cobras have already donated some of their similarly aged Typhoons as an alternative if the current prototypes being worked upon fail to meet their expectations. By mid 3053 the Scientists believe to have working models for the Khans of both Clans to witness in a series of live trials to determine its production stage configuration.

The variant proposed by the Coyote scientists, the Aornos I has a similar selection of weaponry as the original Stuka, only moving the weaponry to more pilot friendly locations. With the upgrading from the design with SLDF era Houses technology to Modern Clan Tech is a major upgrade from its ancestor, allowing for a significant improvement in capability.

Code: [Select]
Weight: 95 tons
BV: 3,066
Cost: 7,756,361 C-bills

Movement: 5/8
Engine: 285
Heat Sinks: 23 [46]
Fuel Points: 640 (8.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 9
Armor: 336 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose          101 
Left Wing      84 
Right Wing     84 
Aft            67 

Weapons         Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser  NOS   12   
ER Large Laser  NOS   12   
ER Large Laser  NOS   12   
LRM 15          NOS    5   
LRM 15          NOS    5   
Streak SRM 4    LWG    3   
Streak SRM 4    RWG    3   
ER Large Laser  AFT   12   

Ammo                                Loc  Shots 
Streak SRM 4 Ammo                   RWG     25 
Streak SRM 4 Ammo                   LWG     25 
LRM 15 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo  NOS     48 

Equipment       Loc 
Artemis IV FCS  NOS 
Artemis IV FCS  NOS 

Aornos II
The Cobras have gone in another direction with their prototype, intending it to be versatile in its role. Armed with the accurate Large Pulse Lasers useful in both antiaircraft or ground support roles as well being outfitted with (I believe) the first of its kind Arrow IV missile systems, something usually considered as a dishonorable weapon by Clan MechWarriors the Cobra pilots though have found them to be incredibly effective. Able to engage with enemy capital ships at extreme ranges as well as support warriors on the ground when called upon.

Code: [Select]
Weight: 95 tons
BV: 2,759
Cost: 7,075,796 C-bills

Movement: 5/8
Engine: 285
Heat Sinks: 15 [30]
Fuel Points: 480 (6.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 9
Armor: 278 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           80 
Left Wing      70 
Right Wing     70 
Aft            58 

Weapons            Loc  Heat 
Large Pulse Laser  NOS   10   
Large Pulse Laser  NOS   10   
Large Pulse Laser  NOS   10   
Arrow IV           RWG   10   
Arrow IV           LWG   10   
ER Medium Laser    AFT    5   
ER Medium Laser    AFT    5   

Ammo           Loc  Shots 
Arrow IV Ammo  LWG      15 
Arrow IV Ammo  RWG      15 

« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 11:09:43 AM by Bradshaw »
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If a 3/5 thrust spheroid DropShip can lift off from surface to space, why shouldn't an aerodyne 4/6 ASF be able to do the same?

Why couldn't a 3/5 Aerospace fighter then as well do the same!  ;)

Massaga seen in a test flight as the Texas class Ancestral Home passes over Tamaron in a Low Orbit Orbital Bombardment Training Exercise


While the Khan has proposed a collaborative effort between the Coyotes and the Cloud Cobras, saKhan Tchernovkov has tasked a chosen group of Coyote Scientists to work on a separate design. While not opposed to the idea of a joint endeavor saKhan Tchernovkov is hoping to surprise his Khan with a superior design completely designed from within their Clan. Then "gift" the design to other Warden Clans as a sign of Coyote superiority and benevolence. While the Scientists were hoping to be able to showcase some of their projects they were firmly told the design could only contain standard Clan technologies and resources required for the design must not be a strain on even the weakest of Clans. Coming in under budget by a significant margin the Scientists believe their design will gain the Clan much honors when it is revealed.

While not the fastest bird in the sky. The Massaga like its namesake is a flying fortress. With an impressive 20 tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor the fighter is more armored than any other design currently being utilized by a major power, Clan or Inner Sphere. Since its essentially a floating brick, the weaponry needed to be able to reach long ranges. Keeping the weaponry centralized in the Nose and simple with five of the devastating ER PPCs commonly seen throughout the Clans. As it has limited mobility aft weaponry was key, a quad mount of ER Medium Lasers is able to protect its rear in the cases enemy fighters are able to engage it thus.

With enough heat sinks for enemies in its front arc, it is able to engage foes in both front and rear with only minor heat concerns if fires just four of its front facing PPCs. As it has no ammo concerns 7 tons of fuel were added to keep the large bird in the skies as long as possible.

Code: [Select]
Weight: 95 tons
BV: 3,396
Cost: 5,851,350 C-bills

Movement: 3/5
Engine: 95
Heat Sinks: 38 [76]
Fuel Points: 560 (7.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 9
Armor: 384 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose          114 
Left Wing      95 
Right Wing     95 
Aft            80 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
« Last Edit: November 07, 2018, 10:12:33 AM by Bradshaw »
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Bradshaw, from the bottom of my creative heart, I hate you.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2018, 09:05:08 PM by Abele »
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Chaos doesn't need a recipe, just a list of ingredients. - Drakensis
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Bradshaw, from the bottom of my creative, I hate you.

Not sure how to take this, so I'll take it as in a humorous way.

NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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What have I done?  ;)



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I blame daylight savings time
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin
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