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Author Topic: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All  (Read 28954 times)

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Following the replacement of the high end 95-ton Hydaspes with a decided lower tech fighter craft the ilKhan decreed that only one other XL Engine second line unit would be manufactured by the Clans. This ruling would add a fourth such craft to the 25-ton Sogdiana (Ice Hellion), the 50-ton Granicus (Nova Cat), and the 100-ton Halicarnassus (Ghost Bear). With this limit imposed on the number of high-end aerospace fighters to just four a race began to see which Clan would win the honor of manufacturing such a craft. Five (Cloud Cobra, Coyote, Ghost Bear, Smoke Jaguar, and Nova Cat) competing Clans with available secondary production slots all rushed to complete this new design. Modernization of the aerospace forces in these rear-guard formations which have long been neglected is now picking up steam with this challenge and few design slots remain.

The Clan reliance on Star League era ‘upgrades’ and a handful of Golden Century replacements is dangerous given the dramatically expanding role of second line units in the invasion. While modernizing these forces is important to the Clans they recognize restrictions are wise given their finite resources. It is therefore important that your design entries use existing frames which sit unused in cache storage and recycle components from other designs already in production. This will facilitate the upgrade of existing craft into service and speed the deployment of this design into Clan service. Since production facilities will be limited to a single secondary line the reutilization of salvageable fighters is vital. Specifications call for Extra-Light (XL) Engines only to be applied in all entries to enhance these ‘Heavy Fighters’. What role and the capabilities this new fighter will use are up to you but please consider the Clans’ existing second line craft as well as the already accepted craft as part of Quicksilver.

As detailed in a recent Chattermail to the ilKhan from Master Technician Olivia (thanks marauder648) which detailed a Review of Brian Caches existing aerospace frames are available which might facilitate deployment (and make it easier to use minis, no duplicates please). Also, as with the power plants outlined above use existing components where available to reduce development time and save costs. Please remember I love fluff and your story matters here so explain why your design is the best and how it fills the role described. Clan Level 2 is the tech level for this contest just after Tukayyid so no ATMs, AP Gauss, Heavy Lasers, or Light Active Probes! Teamwork is also very welcomed so if you have an idea it is acceptable to collaborate.

Era: 3052, just following the Truce of Tukayyid
Tech: Clan Level 2
Mass: 60 or 75 tons
Engine: XL Fusion

Designers have two weeks to complete this contest so please have your entries in by Friday November 30th, 2018 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, good luck!!!


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« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2018, 10:29:16 AM »

Both designs have been re-designed with one getting a new name.


The Phalanx was developed by the engineers within the Clan Cloud Cobra and used the airframes of a dozen mothballed Gotha pulled
from a cache on Babylon. Having already been stripped of most equipment when placed into mothballs, it was a fairly simple task of modifying the
airframe to accept the new larger 300XL powerplant which increased overall speed by 40% from the original. The Cloud Cobra chose to keep the
armament of the Phalanx as close as possible to that of the SLDF-era Gotha. The twin LRM15 launchers were retained while a pair of
small pulsers replace the small lasers. An ER large laser replaces the PPC and two ER medium laser are mounted.

Test flights went well with only one prototype being lost in an incident involving Clan Coyote and its new Diadochi fighter that was also under-
going flight testing at the same time. In a series of four individual Trials, Cobra pilots proved their fable superiority by winning three of the four
Trials and downing two Coyote Diadochi fighters.

Code: [Select]
Phalanx (Gotha)
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3052+
Tech Rating: F/X-F-D-D

Weight: 60 tons
BV: 2,461
Cost: 9,127,300 C-bills
Source: Custom

Movement: 7/11
Engine: 300 XL
Heat Sinks: 17 [34]
Fuel Points: 560 (7.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 7
Armor: 240 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           75 
Left Wing      55 
Right Wing     55 
Aft            55 

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser      NOS   12   
ER Medium Laser     NOS    5   
ER Medium Laser     NOS    5   
LRM 15              RWG    5   
LRM 15              LWG    5   
Medium Pulse Laser  AFT    4   
Small Pulse Laser   RWG    2   
Small Pulse Laser   LWG    2   

Ammo         Loc  Shots 
LRM 15 Ammo  RWG      8 
LRM 15 Ammo  RWG      8 
LRM 15 Ammo  LWG      8 
LRM 15 Ammo  LWG      8   


Clan Coyote chose to pull four Eagle fighters from garrison aerospace clusters to develop the new Diadochi fighter that would be
used to upgrade both frontline and garrison units. Coincidentally, they chose to use the same 300XL powerplant that their nemesis, Clan Clous
Cobra was using for the Phalanx. Being a larger airframe, the Diadochi could not match the performance of the Phalanx, but
it would be able to outgun and outlast it. Mounting a pair each of large ER and pulse lasers, the Diadochi easily outgunned their nemesis,
Added to the arsenal of the Diadochi were a trio of medium pulsers and brace of ER medium lasers.

While on a training flight, all four Diadochi fighters encountered a flight of six Clan Cloud Cobra fighter, including four the new Phalanx
fighters. After several verbal taunts over comms, individual Trials of Grievance were made between the pilots of the new fighters. Events went
poorly for the Coyote pilots as two of their fighters were shot down and one severely damaged while only one Cobra fighter was show down and
another was lightly damaged.

Code: [Select]
Diadochi (Eagle)
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3052+
Tech Rating: F/X-F-D-D

Weight: 75 tons
BV: 3,007
Cost: 11,421,781 C-bills
Source: Custom

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 300 XL
Heat Sinks: 25 [50]
Fuel Points: 400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 7
Armor: 278 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           84 
Left Wing      67 
Right Wing     67 
Aft            60 

Weapons             Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser      NOS   12   
ER Large Laser      NOS   12   
Large Pulse Laser   RWG   10   
Large Pulse Laser   LWG   10   
Medium Pulse Laser  RWG    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  LWG    4   
Medium Pulse Laser  AFT    4   
ER Medium Laser     NOS    5   
ER Medium Laser     NOS    5   

Musical score for the writing of the fluff was provided by Band-Maid, Foo Fighters and Doll$Boxx
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 10:42:36 PM by Abele »
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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2018, 10:35:36 AM »

Spearheaded by the Cloud Cobras the Haemus is a fast attack fighter powered by a massive 360 XL Fusion Engine, giving it unparalleled speed and maneuverability for similar sized aerospace fighters. Acquiring the basic schematics from the Visigoth in a Trial with the Falcons saved the Cobras valuable R&D time and effort, but still many hours have been needed for aeronautical testing as the armor profile for the new fighter has changed significantly due to an increase of an impressive four and half tons of Ferro-Aluminum armor. The heart of the design though is its massive engine which have been acquired in trade with the Adders whom have ramped up their production of the 360 XL for their new Hellfury OmniMech. Gaining in return a small number of Haemus to bolster their own limited aerospace fighters assets.

Increasing the internal fuel supply by an additional ton over the Visigoth was seen as a must with the feedback received via their Clan Watch and the staying power of Clan fighters compared to their Inner Sphere counterparts. Many times fighter cover was lost when Clan fighters needed to return for refueling while their enemies were able to stay in the field of battle for additional time. For weaponry the design is equipped with entirely energy weapons. A single ER PPC is able to hit targets at a distance and as it quickly closes upon its target an additional four ER Medium Lasers can come into play. For any opponents that are able to maneuver to take advantage of the rear of the fighter a single ER Medium Laser and Small Laser will force opponents to keep their distance.

Haemus Strike Fighter
Code: [Select]
Weight: 60 tons
BV: 2,610
Cost: 9,978,865 C-bills

Movement: 8/12
Engine: 360 XL
Heat Sinks: 18 [36]
Fuel Points: 480 (6.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 8
Armor: 288 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           84 
Left Wing      72 
Right Wing     72 
Aft            60 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER Medium Laser  NOS    5   
ER Medium Laser  NOS    5   
ER Medium Laser  NOS    5   
ER Medium Laser  NOS    5   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
ER Small Laser   AFT    2   
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 02:27:21 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2018, 11:47:34 AM »

Named after the famous Companions of ancient Macedonia, the Hetairoi Aerospace Fighter like those ancient fighters is geared to protect the Nova Cats and their holdings.  And like the ancient cavalry they were the fighters are extremely effective against massed forces.

Based off the frame of the Royal variant Eagles that survived Operation Klondike. The Hetairoi is a potent energy boat, centered on a quad mounted battery of four ER Large Lasers in the nose. If the pilot chooses to close the distance they are able to swap over to a blistering ten ER Medium Lasers, five in each wing. With so much forward firing weaponry there was a lack of tonnage that could be dedicated to covering its rear. A single ER Small is placed there but it at best can just keep enemy fighters from picking at it without fear of return fire. Sixteen tons of Ferro Aluminum armor are dedicated towards its defense. While it has a moderate five tons of fuel dedicated towards keeping the fighter afloat.

Hetairoi Assault Fighter

Code: [Select]

Weight: 75 tons
BV: 3,409
Cost: 12,179,750 C-bills

Movement: 6/9
Engine: 300 XL
Heat Sinks: 25 [50]
Fuel Points: 400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 7
Armor: 307 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           93 
Left Wing      77 
Right Wing     77 
Aft            60 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Large Laser   NOS   12   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Small Laser   AFT    2   
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 03:03:07 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2018, 05:58:23 PM »

Very nice Abele and Bradshaw!

Just a reminder cause maybe I left it out Alexander the Great naming standards are a must for Clan Aerospace Fighters.


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2018, 06:16:32 PM »

Wasn't sure as i saw Shoshone as a name for other 60 tonner plus cant find any other battles. Can we do other things associated with Alexander
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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2018, 07:04:11 PM »

The Shoshone was named for a tribe as it was an OmniFighter following their traditional convention. Aerospace Fighter were named after battles of Alexander the Great but it may be possible for a wider interpretation. I'll have to look at TRO3067 again.


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2018, 07:31:42 PM »

Ok bud I just looked it up and here is the quote.

Second,we found second-line fighters that all use another naming convention—important events and locations associated with perhaps the greatest general of all time, Alexander the Great. These moved beyond mere coincidence and gave me the impetus to dig for an answer.
Only after years of research—most Clansmen don’t know such “trivial” details and Khans generally aren’t willing to talk of such unimportant matters, or give authority for digging in their data-archives—did I find an interesting bit of history.
From 2873 to 2891, Victoria Ward was ilKhan of the Clans, elected to act as a stabilizing influence and to help stem the tide of factionalism among the Clans. She did her job so well that her name is hardly remembered, unlike such infamous ilKhans as Tobias Khatib. In one of her efforts to help unify the Clans, she enacted the Uniform Designation Protocols, which called for all vehicle and aerospace fighter assets to be named under common themes.

So it goes beyond battles just look at one of the fighters there being named Xerxes, Alexander's chief rival.

Also I have to say I really liked marauder648's naming options which included Greek weaponry. Link below, so there seems to be a lot of possibilities.


Oh and I see marauder648 has a qualified entry in his post that started us going here.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 07:34:18 PM by Takiro »


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2018, 10:44:30 PM »

Still no time for fluff (at least not in-depth fluff!), but here is a design if someone wants to flesh it out.

75 ton Heavy Aerospace Fighter.  Using the 300XL that is pretty widely available.  Thrust is 6/9 which isn't the top-of-the-line, but decent for a heavy-weight design (and right on par with the Subatai and Jagatai OmniFighters).  Five tons of fuel, 24 DHS, and 14.5 tons of armor (rendering it immune to threshold criticals vs. IS Large Lasers and lighter damaging weapons on the nose and wings, and IS Medium Pulse Lasers and lighter damaging weapons from astern).

Twin ER Small Lasers are mounted to cover the rear, while the nose carries a single ER Large Laser for token long-range armament.  But the weapons that make this design a buzz-saw are the twelve Medium Pulse Lasers mounted in six two-gun bays (two in the nose, two in the right wing, and two in the left wing).  This fighter has the heat sinks to fire all of them at once, or if one wing doesn't bear on a target, use the ER Large Laser, the nose MPLs, and the wing MPLs that do bear and be at -4 on the heat scale (before overthrust).

This second-line fighter spares little expense, but doesn't include ammunition based weaponry which reduces the logistical burden and cost of deploying them.  Further, the main battery of MPLs are highly accurate . . . without including an expensive Targeting Computer that eats up vital tonnage.

Oh, and since it doesn't carry explosive ammunition, the CASE was omitted to reduce costs (Slightly.  Okay, it's a tiny amount, but every penny counts to the bean-counters!).

Anyway, someone want to finish this one, they are welcome to it.

Code: [Select]
                    AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:  New Aerospace Fighter 
Tech:              Clan / 3055
Vessel Type:       Aerospace Fighter
Rules:             Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set:         AeroTech2

Mass:              75 tons
Length:            19 meters
Power Plant:       300 XL Fusion
Safe Thrust:       6
Maximum Thrust:    9
Armor Type:        Ferro-aluminum
    1 ER Large Laser
   12 Medium Pulse Laser
    2 ER Small Laser
Class/Model/Name:  New Aerospace Fighter 
Mass:              75 tons

Equipment:                                                              Mass
Power Plant:  300 XL Fusion                                              9.50
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 6
      Maximum Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity: 7                                                   .00
Total Heat Sinks:    24 Double                                          14.00
Fuel:                                                                    5.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:                                            3.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-aluminum  (278 total armor pts)                      14.50
                           Standard Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Nose:                                 74
   Left/Right Wings:                  74/74
   Aft:                                  56

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
1 ER Large Laser           Nose        10     10     10     10   12      4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser       Nose         7      7     --     --    8      4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser       Nose         7      7     --     --    8      4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser       RW           7      7     --     --    8      4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser       LW           7      7     --     --    8      4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser       RW           7      7     --     --    8      4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser       LW           7      7     --     --    8      4.00
2 ER Small Laser           Aft          5     --     --     --    4      1.00
TOTALS:                                                    Heat: 64     75.00
Tons Left:                                                                .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        11,210,719 C-Bills
Battle Value:      2,859
Cost per BV:       3,921.2
Weapon Value:      3,615 (Ratio = 1.26)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 77;  MRV = 63;  LRV = 2;  ERV = 0
BattleForce2:      MP: 6,  Armor/Structure: 7 / 0
                   Damage PB/M/L: 9/9/1,  Overheat: 1
                   Class: FH;  Point Value: 29


As an Aerospace Pilot, Khan Bjorn Jorgensson of Clan Ghost Bear has always had a weakness for the Aerospace branch of his Clan, even if his training and position gave him the foresight to see the bigger picture and to work for the best for his Clan.
When the IlKhan offered the opportunity to develop a new Aerospace Fighter, he ordered to develop one designed to “defend high value targets, which means our worlds in the Inner Sphere.” Having fought against “rebels” during Operation Revival, he knew that part of the solution (the iron fist one) was to have a reasonably cheap Fighter that could be deployed easily and could patrol without any problem, meaning that it had to have an almost non-existent logistical footprint.
Trying to find a hull that no other Clan would contest, thus making it easier for Clan Ghost Bear to have enough materials for testing, the choice was made to use a design that almost doomed the Liberation of Terra by the Star League Defence Forces, the Voidseeker of which some were staying idle in various Brian Caches.
When he launched Clan Ghost Bear Touman to seize this precious target, Khan Jorgensoon called them “the Agema of their Clan”, from some military detachment from old, targeting or keeping high-valued targets, a name that stayed with the new Aerospace Fighter.

Inspired by the Voidseekers, which were taking inspiration from the Stingray, the Agema had to be resilient and endurable. This is why the heaviest frame was selected, giving the new Aerospace Fighter, a weight of 75 tons.
Its 14.5 tons of Ferro-Aluminium turns it into a real brick that can take a really impressive punishment but thanks to its 300 XL Fusion Engine, it is still manoeuvrable enough to fly without problem in the atmosphere while having a thrust in par or superior with all the heaviest designs both in the Clans and in the Inner Sphere.
However where the Agema shines is in the weapons area. Clearly designed to destroy with a few shots most opponents and to perform precise strafing against all kinds of targets, it packs an impressive 12 Medium Pulse Lasers mounted in six two-gun bays (two in the nose, two in the right wing, and two in the left wing) with enough Heat Sinks to fire them continuously.
For long range, it only carries an ER Large Laser while two ER Small Lasers protecting its tail should anyone try to bring it down while it attacks its targets.

Battle History:
So far, the Agema has only served in battles against raiders from the Draconis Combine or the remains of the Free Rasalhague Republic. It has performed well destroying any ground target it selected.

The initial idea was to spread it the new design as quickly as possible but with the idea to ease the logistical burden, it was decided to deploy them only in Stars, spreading a bit slower than usual but giving each Ghost Bear unit a more powerful punch once it has received this new Aerospace Fighter.

A variant easy to make and aiming at fighting against Dropships has already been designed with 4 ER Large Lasers and LRM. Whether or not, this will turn the Agema into the basis of a new OmniFighter design remains to be seen.

Notable Aerospace Pilots:
In spite of her name, Warrior Cat has no link with the Nova Cats. Assigned to the 63rd Provisional Garrison Cluster and serving like all Kappa Galaxy units on Warships or supply bases during Operation Revival. Thanks to this, she got quite often in touch with people from the Periphery or from the Inner Sphere and has experimented an increased likening for their way of life. This has only served to increase her willingness to better do her job: defend what could become a home for Clan Ghost Bear.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 01:23:44 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #9 on: November 20, 2018, 06:06:43 AM »

Well there is another two weeks almost to go for fluff. You need an Alexander the Great inspired name and the Clan who developed her at least. ;)


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #10 on: November 20, 2018, 10:33:57 AM »

Pelium heavy fighter

Named after one of Alexander the Great’s earlier sieges and a battle that helped cement his hold over Macedonia the Pelium is based on the popular HMR-HD Hammerhead heavy fighter that saw service in the SLDF and was upgraded to Royal standards with the HMR-HDb of which several score still existed within Clan space and even saw service in PGC’s.
Clan Cloud Cobra, who had one of the largest contingents of Hammerheads still in service would use this craft as a base frame as well as inspiration for their new craft.

Like the Hammerhead the new fighter massed 75-tons and was built around a 375 rated engine giving it superior performance for a craft its size and let it keep up with smaller and lighter craft like the Turk or ever popular Visigoth in chase or dogfight.  Unlike other Clan fighters the Pelium featured a generous (by Clan standards) 5 ton fuel tank but the fighters mission profile changed somewhat from a ‘boom and zoom’ attacker with a single heavy weapon to a multi-role heavy fighter that was at home as an interceptor or ground attack aircraft.

To this end the HDb’s gauss rifle was retained, although of Clan standard, but with the weight freed up by the use of an XL engine and Ferro-Aluminium armour the design now had a considerably more tonnage to spare for other weapons. 
For additional long range firepower the Pelium featured a pair of ER large lasers, one in each wing, whilst short range firepower was covered by a pair of SRM-6’s, also one in each wing, and each with their own ammunition hopper.  A single ER medium laser covered the fighters rear but with the speed and agility offered, it was felt that only lighter interceptors would dare turn with the Hammerhead in a dogfight or try to get in on the fighter’s vulnerable 6.

Draped in 13.5 tons of Ferro-Aluminium armour the Pelium also boasted superior protection than its Hammerhead progenitor as well as the Jagati and Sabutai’s and its armour levels were more akin to the formidable Jengiz Omnifighter.

Structurally the forwards lifting surfaces were all but eliminated and smaller canards were fitted that could be retracted when in space.  The large wings were angled forwards slightly and the body ‘flattened’ out to use some lifting body ideas when in an atmosphere whilst keeping the profile down.
Initial test flights discovered some issues but these were mainly with control surfaces and the ideal location for RCS thrusters when in space but test pilots gave very good marks for the Pelium’s speed and agility as well as its heavy protection and solid firepower.  In mock dogfights the heavy fighter was able to out manoeuvre the current generation of Clan Omnifighters and only the Visigoth proved to be a serious competitor with the Omnifighter having a heavier short range punch but being far weaker at long range. 
The Pelium, like the Hammerhead can also trade its gauss rifle for a heavy bore autocannon and the weapon mount was built to be semi-modular and the fire control to accept either an LB or Ultra-20 pattern autocannon is pre-installed, considerably increasing its firepower at the cost of endurance.

Code: [Select]
Pelium Heavy Fighter
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-D

Weight: 75 tons
BV: 2,698
Cost: 13,443,031 C-bills

Movement: 7/11
Engine: 375 XL
Heat Sinks: 16 [32]
Fuel Points: 0/400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 7
Armor: 259 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           78 
Left Wing      65 
Right Wing     65 
Aft            51 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER Large Laser   RWG   12   
ER Large Laser   LWG   12   
Gauss Rifle      NOS    1   
ER Medium Laser  AFT    5   
SRM 6            LWG    4   
SRM 6            RWG    4   

Ammo                     Loc  Shots 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]  NOS      8 
Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan]  NOS      8 
SRM 6 Ammo               LWG     15 
SRM 6 Ammo               RWG     15 

And here's a 35-ton fighter

Aretes Interceptor

Massing 35 tons the Aretes started off as being inspired by the ZRO-114 which still soldiered in in Clan Cloud Cobra Solahma units.  But whereas the Zero was a multi-role fighter the new Aretes, named after the Commander of Alexander the Great’s cavalry at the Battle of Gaugamela was designed to be a straight up interceptor.  With its 5-ton fuel tank the fighter immediately boasted superior endurance to current Clan fighters and like the Zero it featured 10-tons of armour, now updated to Ferro-Aluminium, making it very heavily armoured for its size with protection comparable to craft 20 tons heavier. 
A 280 rated XL engine provided more than enough thrust and let it match the same speeds as the Avar OmniFighter.  The size of the fuel tank and the weight of the crafts armour did cut back on the available weapons space but, taking inspiration from the Zero it was built around a single large weapon and some supporting weapons.
An ER PPC gave the Aretes a massive punch and was mounted under the pointed nose whilst a pair of ER medium lasers, one in each wing gave additional firepower.  Initially a pair of ER small lasers were also mounted to cover the fighter’s rear but tests found these weapons to be all but unused as the Aretes could out turn or out run almost any other interceptor and any fighter it couldn’t out run, it outgunned and could out last thanks to its thick hide.
Instead the lasers were replaced with an Active probe as the fighters high speed and endurance, thanks to its big fuel tank and energy based weapons made it an ideal scout.

The fighter’s hull used a blended wing with the ER PPC mounted almost under the forward placed cockpit which offered exceptional visibility.  Lacking the Zero’s famous folding wings, the Aretes was sleek and refined and had superb handling characteristics in an atmosphere or in space.  Although not as fast as the Vandal or Bashkir the Aretes was far more survivable and had a far greater range allowing it to loiter over a battlefield for longer and the particle cannon gave the small fighter a very nasty bite.  It could also out run any current Clan light fighter other than the Avar and even that redoutable standby was outgunned at long range by the Aretes' big cannon.

Code: [Select]
Aretes Interceptor
Base Tech Level: Standard (Clan)
Level          Era
Experimental    - 
Advanced        - 
Standard      3145+
Tech Rating: F/X-X-X-D

Weight: 35 tons
BV: 2,059
Cost: 5,146,128 C-bills

Movement: 10/15
Engine: 280 XL
Heat Sinks: 10 [20]
Fuel Points: 0/400 (5.0 tons)

Structural Integrity: 10
Armor: 192 (Ferro-Aluminum)
Nose           58 
Left Wing      48 
Right Wing     48 
Aft            38 

Weapons          Loc  Heat 
ER PPC           NOS   15   
ER Medium Laser  RWG    5   
ER Medium Laser  LWG    5   

Equipment            Loc 
Active Probe [Clan]  NOS 

« Last Edit: November 20, 2018, 11:00:03 AM by marauder648 »


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #11 on: November 20, 2018, 11:31:44 AM »

And here's a 35-ton fighter

Heads up it was 60 or 75 tons for this challenge
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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2018, 11:41:18 AM »

Ahh! Well..there's an interceptor regardless :D I know she won't count but the 75 will :)


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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2018, 11:52:18 AM »

Ahh! Well..there's an interceptor regardless :D I know she won't count but the 75 will :)

I did like the design though
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Re: Quicksilver AeroFighter Challenge #3: High End Fighter Free for All
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2018, 12:11:32 PM »

Two nice designs but only one can win!
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