Still no time for fluff (at least not in-depth fluff!), but here is a design if someone wants to flesh it out.
75 ton Heavy Aerospace Fighter. Using the 300XL that is pretty widely available. Thrust is 6/9 which isn't the top-of-the-line, but decent for a heavy-weight design (and right on par with the
Subatai and
Jagatai OmniFighters). Five tons of fuel, 24 DHS, and 14.5 tons of armor (rendering it immune to threshold criticals vs. IS Large Lasers and lighter damaging weapons on the nose and wings, and IS Medium Pulse Lasers and lighter damaging weapons from astern).
Twin ER Small Lasers are mounted to cover the rear, while the nose carries a single ER Large Laser for token long-range armament. But the weapons that make this design a buzz-saw are the
twelve Medium Pulse Lasers mounted in six two-gun bays (two in the nose, two in the right wing, and two in the left wing). This fighter has the heat sinks to fire all of them at once, or if one wing doesn't bear on a target, use the ER Large Laser, the nose MPLs, and the wing MPLs that do bear and be at -4 on the heat scale (before overthrust).
This second-line fighter spares little expense, but doesn't include ammunition based weaponry which reduces the logistical burden and cost of deploying them. Further, the main battery of MPLs are highly accurate . . . without including an expensive Targeting Computer that eats up vital tonnage.
Oh, and since it doesn't carry explosive ammunition, the CASE was omitted to reduce costs (Slightly. Okay, it's a tiny amount, but every penny counts to the bean-counters!).
Anyway, someone want to finish this one, they are welcome to it.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: New Aerospace Fighter
Tech: Clan / 3055
Vessel Type: Aerospace Fighter
Rules: Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 75 tons
Length: 19 meters
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Armor Type: Ferro-aluminum
1 ER Large Laser
12 Medium Pulse Laser
2 ER Small Laser
Class/Model/Name: New Aerospace Fighter
Mass: 75 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant: 300 XL Fusion 9.50
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity: 7 .00
Total Heat Sinks: 24 Double 14.00
Fuel: 5.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters: 3.00
Armor Type: Ferro-aluminum (278 total armor pts) 14.50
Standard Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Nose: 74
Left/Right Wings: 74/74
Aft: 56
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 ER Large Laser Nose 10 10 10 10 12 4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser Nose 7 7 -- -- 8 4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser Nose 7 7 -- -- 8 4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser RW 7 7 -- -- 8 4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser LW 7 7 -- -- 8 4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser RW 7 7 -- -- 8 4.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser LW 7 7 -- -- 8 4.00
2 ER Small Laser Aft 5 -- -- -- 4 1.00
TOTALS: Heat: 64 75.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 11,210,719 C-Bills
Battle Value: 2,859
Cost per BV: 3,921.2
Weapon Value: 3,615 (Ratio = 1.26)
Damage Factors: SRV = 77; MRV = 63; LRV = 2; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 6, Armor/Structure: 7 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 9/9/1, Overheat: 1
Class: FH; Point Value: 29
EDIT: Fluff by ICE HELLIONOverview:
As an Aerospace Pilot, Khan Bjorn Jorgensson of Clan Ghost Bear has always had a weakness for the Aerospace branch of his Clan, even if his training and position gave him the foresight to see the bigger picture and to work for the best for his Clan.
When the IlKhan offered the opportunity to develop a new Aerospace Fighter, he ordered to develop one designed to “defend high value targets, which means our worlds in the Inner Sphere.†Having fought against “rebels†during Operation Revival, he knew that part of the solution (the iron fist one) was to have a reasonably cheap Fighter that could be deployed easily and could patrol without any problem, meaning that it had to have an almost non-existent logistical footprint.
Trying to find a hull that no other Clan would contest, thus making it easier for Clan Ghost Bear to have enough materials for testing, the choice was made to use a design that almost doomed the Liberation of Terra by the Star League Defence Forces, the Voidseeker of which some were staying idle in various Brian Caches.
When he launched Clan Ghost Bear Touman to seize this precious target, Khan Jorgensoon called them “the Agema of their Clanâ€, from some military detachment from old, targeting or keeping high-valued targets, a name that stayed with the new Aerospace Fighter.
Inspired by the Voidseekers, which were taking inspiration from the Stingray, the Agema had to be resilient and endurable. This is why the heaviest frame was selected, giving the new Aerospace Fighter, a weight of 75 tons.
Its 14.5 tons of Ferro-Aluminium turns it into a real brick that can take a really impressive punishment but thanks to its 300 XL Fusion Engine, it is still manoeuvrable enough to fly without problem in the atmosphere while having a thrust in par or superior with all the heaviest designs both in the Clans and in the Inner Sphere.
However where the Agema shines is in the weapons area. Clearly designed to destroy with a few shots most opponents and to perform precise strafing against all kinds of targets, it packs an impressive 12 Medium Pulse Lasers mounted in six two-gun bays (two in the nose, two in the right wing, and two in the left wing) with enough Heat Sinks to fire them continuously.
For long range, it only carries an ER Large Laser while two ER Small Lasers protecting its tail should anyone try to bring it down while it attacks its targets.
Battle History:
So far, the Agema has only served in battles against raiders from the Draconis Combine or the remains of the Free Rasalhague Republic. It has performed well destroying any ground target it selected.
The initial idea was to spread it the new design as quickly as possible but with the idea to ease the logistical burden, it was decided to deploy them only in Stars, spreading a bit slower than usual but giving each Ghost Bear unit a more powerful punch once it has received this new Aerospace Fighter.
A variant easy to make and aiming at fighting against Dropships has already been designed with 4 ER Large Lasers and LRM. Whether or not, this will turn the Agema into the basis of a new OmniFighter design remains to be seen.
Notable Aerospace Pilots:
In spite of her name, Warrior Cat has no link with the Nova Cats. Assigned to the 63rd Provisional Garrison Cluster and serving like all Kappa Galaxy units on Warships or supply bases during Operation Revival. Thanks to this, she got quite often in touch with people from the Periphery or from the Inner Sphere and has experimented an increased likening for their way of life. This has only served to increase her willingness to better do her job: defend what could become a home for Clan Ghost Bear.