Very good research my friend, and I agree with the last part, the Ravens will do everything they can to maintain their stranglehold on space based assets. I'd say though that the facilities in Strana Mechty could very much be like the Titan yards in the Sol system, large and established but not used or only used in a maintenance sense because in reality most of the Clan's don't really give two figs for aerospace assets.
According to the fluff most Clans, WarShips are ill wanted solhama and a DropShips only job is to get Warriors from A to B. The most aerospace minded Clans AFAIK are the Cloud Cobras and Ravens whilst the Shark's also are big ship users but only for trade.
And then you look at the Falcons with their seemingly endless march of Aegis class ships and commissioning a Nightlord and so forth. And then logic must sit there and go "The Clans DO care about WarShips, but they just use them very differently."
Basically because of their limited construction facilities, (until the War of Reaving where the Vipers managed to build a yard big enough to produce a Leviathan II in secret) with Lum probably being the only yard capable of making new WarShips of any size, WarShips are an asset that simply can't be risked.
And they, and the Raven's know this, its why they probably ensured that they were the only ones who had the yards, the experience and knowledge to build WarShips outside of the Fredassa which is fairly small and could probably be built at JumpShip yards. So this makes WarShips in Clan service difficult to replace, and because of their age with most ships being several hundred years old, hard to maintain.
This makes running them very expensive in light of the limited population base the Clans would probably struggle to man the crew intensive WarShips of the SLDF era. And then you've got to get the parts for them, most of which are probably not built by many of the Clans and again are probably only built by the Sharks, Cloud Cobras and Ravens. This means that, say, if you needed to get a nice new NL-55 for your cruiser as the one its got has failed due to age, you better hope your clans relations with them are good otherwise you're not getting that laser.
Also, in the face of it, most SLDF designs are quite obsolete, poorly armoured and near defenceless against fighters, built for the mass deployment tactics enjoyed by the SLDF who would rely on numbers, firepower and skill to compensate for any shortcomings in their ships. But the Clans can no longer deploy massed squadrons of Destroyers who would work together with their aerospace groups and interlinked layers of fire from their weapons to deal with threats. Instead, the Clans seemingly often deployed at most in pairs, and when a WarShip did go out, it was often alone.
And a lone WarShip is a powerful but very vulnerable statement that is worryingly vulnerable to Aerospace fighters.
So you've got hard to man, hard to maintain ships that are of limited use in the Clans style of fighting, its no wonder that most Clans simply mothballed their WarShips in caches to be called upon IF needed. But are then too vulnerable to risk and near impossible to replace. So they simply didn't use them, it wasn't worth the hassle and expense.
I would assume that most Clans have some orbital repair and refit facilities but these are for JumpShips and DropShips for the most part but some Clans would have a monopoly on this. Also don't forget you can probably build a DropShip at ground facilities if needed and they can land to be altered and changed, you do not need an orbital facility, but you'd still need one hell of a factory for such an endeavour, which would make other Clans covet such a facility.
In reality, to make any expansion or changes of the Clans naval program work, we'd have to go outside of the canon.
1 - First, the Clans are going to have to accept that their doctrine is wrong in regards to aerospace assets, especially DropShips. They are not just a glorified cargo scow that gets Warriors from A to B. Tukkayid, Luthen and more showed them that DropShips are vulnerable in space and on the ground and that the Spheroids WILL go for them in battle if they can because destroying a DropShip in space can severely impact the fight on the ground. So use to SafCon the Clans would need to be shaken from their complacency and the idiotic idea that the Inner Sphere is going to play by their rules because they expect them to.
2 - To do this you're probably going to have to work with the Ravens, in reality they are the only Clan with the expertise and the yard facilities to take the strain of a surge in DropShip building. If this means that the Invading Clans have to work out a deal with them to ship them resources from the Inner Sphere to the Raven's holdings then so be it. Work something out with the Sharks to ensure its 'fair' for all parties involved.
3 - The Clans have different designs and these could be shared or traded for production by other Clans in return for runs of Mechs or equipment or whatever. The Jaguars for example have the very very new Miraborg/Charybdis which is far superior to the aeging and unmodernized (for some unknown reason) Titan II. But they probably lack the resources to build it as well as the time, with them having to focus on rebuilding their shattered Tourman as a priority. So to get the resources they need, they might be convinced to trade the design with the other Clans. The same goes for the Vipers, their Noruff design is a potent ship and something that is needed to counter Spheroid tactics and hostile Assault DropShips.
4 - Spheroid WarShips. Something tells me that the Great Houses wouldn't keep their WarShip building program a secret. Its a big propaganda boost, flouting their industrial strength, their will, their techological expertise in facing the Clan threat and so on. And if this was made public through news or something, the Clans would hear about it. And the cold hard reality is that the Inner Sphere can EASILY outbuild the Clans once they get going. And this means that the Invaders are going to have to shake off the ghost of Edo and Turtle Bay and view it as an abberation. They'll need to have their own WarShips there just in case. And whilst the Houses probably won't be able to build up enough forces to counter the Clan's WarShip fleets for a decade, how long does that 'Truce' last again?