SARMATIAN AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (Base)
Tech: Clan / 3052
Vessel Type: Aerospace OmniFighter
Rules: Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 25 tons
Frame: Scorpion Mk 25-2
Length: 12 meters
Power Plant: Series III 150 XL Fusion
Safe Thrust: 8
Maximum Thrust: 12
Armor Type: Compound GS Ferro-aluminum
Armament: None
Manufacturer: Roche QuadPlex Alpha
Location: Roche
Communications System: 2SH C3
Targeting & Tracking System: Build 4 jvj TTS
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (Base)
Mass: 25 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant: 150 XL Fusion 3.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 8
Maximum Thrust: 12
Structural Integrity: 8 .00
Total Heat Sinks: 10 Double .00
Fuel: 5.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters: 3.00
Armor Type: Ferro-aluminum (154 total armor pts) 8.00
Standard Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Nose: 42
Left/Right Wings: 42/42
Aft: 28
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
TOTALS: Heat: 0 19.00
Tons Left: 6.00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,736,914 C-Bills
Battle Value: 437
Cost per BV: 6,262.96
Weapon Value: 0 (Ratio = .00)
Damage Factors: SRV = 0; MRV = 0; LRV = 0; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: -/-/-, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 4
Specials: Omni
OverviewAlthough often referred to as a 'Combined-Arms Clan', Clan Goliath Scorpion has suffered for many decades with a weak, almost ignored, aerospace arm. Despite the integration of ASF and OmniFighters into the Scorpion mixed Trinary formations, this branch of the Scorpion Touman was regarded (in many ways) as the hindmost behind the BattleMechs, OmniMechs, and Elemental Infantry.
With her acension to the Khanship in 3052, Ariel Suvorov (herself a Pilot) was determined to change that.
Already, Scorpion Scientists had all but abandoned the Pilot phenotype, citing the results that Ghost Bear pilots (using the genetic phenotype developed for MechWarriors) acheived against the genetic modifications intended to produce superior pilots for Aerospace Fighters and OmniFighters. In 3017, Khan Djerassi approved the Scientist's request to improve existing Scorpion Pilot blood-lines by combining their modifications with those from the MechWarrior phenotype program.
The results of this blending resulted in Scorpion Pilots that were stronger, taller, and more robust than the normal phenotype (although still not equal in these areas to a 'pure' MechWarrior strain). However, each generation showed more improvement in these areas . . . and Ariel Suvorov was a member of the second generation of the Pilot Improvement Program. It was those improvements in her genetic heritage that allowed Suvorov to defeat two challengers in hand-to-hand combat, becoming the first Scorpion Pilot to be elected Khan in more than a century.
Suvorov realized that while the Scorpions lacked the resources to become an ASF-centric Clan (like the Cloud Cobras or Snow Ravens), the lack of experienced, veteran Pilots WAS an area that she could correct. While still a Star Colonel, she had petitioned Khan Djerassi to consider a new Light OmniFighter designed for Pilot survivability over pure acceleration or weapons load. This project (designated as the Sarmatian) was a success, but Khan Djerassi decided against putting the design into production at that time.
But with Project Quicksilver turning its attention to aerospace assets, now was the time, thought Khan Suvorov.
Dusting off the old files, she ordered production of a full Star of prototypes for immediate flight-testing and evaluation.
CapabilitiesAt 25-tons, the Sarmatian falls squarely in the Light Aerospace Fighter weight class. The Scorpion design team, lacking extensive experience with Aerospace and OmniFighter design and production, decided to use a proven chassis for their new design: that of the SB-26 Sabre.
Although orignally designed by the Draconis Combine, the Sabre was eventually adopted by the SLDF and was praised throughout its long and stellar career for its atmospheric handling abilities. The design team left voids within the nose, fuselage, and wings for the installation of Omni-pods, but otherwise adopted the original frame of the sabre almost exactly. This new frame was designated as the Scorpion Mk 25-2.
The communications system was the 2SH C3 used on the Ares Medium Tank already produced on Roche, adapted for the single Pilot aboard the Sarmatian. Likewise, the Build 4 jvj TTS targeting and tracking system from the Ares was reconfigured and adopted for the new fighter.
Compound GS Ferro-Aluminum armor plating was used instead of the original design's standard armor . . . and in a shocking move, the Scorpion scientists (at the direct order of the Khan) layered no less than EIGHT full tons of armor on the bird. Such armor protection was virtually unknown in a light weight ASF, let alone one of only 25-tons total mass! However, as Khan Suvorov had stated time and again, machines can be replaced, armor can be repaired, but it takes twenty years to birth, grow, educate, and train a Pilot. The heavy levels of armor protection give the Sarmatian immunity to critical thresholding against Clan ER Small Lasers and IS Medium Lasers across the nose and wings, while the stern is protected against only IS Small Lasers, Machine-Guns, and individual SRM/LRM strikes.
But, in order to add such a large volume of armor to the design, the Scientists were forced to down-grade the original 225-rate Fusion engine; the replacement was a 150-rate Extra-Light Fusion Engine originally intended for the Scorpions Commando IIC 2 produced on Marshall. This much more compact and light (as well as less powerful) engine reduced the available thrust from the 8.5-g max acceleration of the Sabre to just 6-g's (with a safe thrust of 4-g's). However, this was deemed as acceptable as the role of the majority of Scoprion ASF and OmniFighters is direct ground support operations of the Touman, not space superiority missions.
As an added bonus, the use of the smaller engine also reduced the production costs to less than that for the 20-ton Bashkir and half that of the 30-ton Vandal and 35-ton Avar. Which means that the resource poor Scorpions can build (and field) more OmniFighters than they otherwise might well be able to. Of course, the Sarmatian is more expensive than the 25-ton Chaeronea (and less responsive), but is far more survivable and flexible, as well as easier to repair and carrying two-thirds more fuel.
These decisions left the Sarmatian with just six tons available for weapons and equipment within the pod-bays . . . and the inexperience of the Scorpion design team was revealed here. While the nose/main fuselage bay was ample in volume, the wing bays were uanble to accommodate a weapon more bulky than a pair of ER Medium Lasers or a single Medium Pulse Laser. The stern bay was even tighter . . . and was limited to a single ER Medium Laser or a pair of ER Small Lasers!
While this did present problems with installing larger weapon systems in the wings, the space within the nose/main fuselage bay was ample enough to accomodate any weapon system within the six-ton pod-space limit. Although disappointed, Khan Suvorov approved the design for production, citing the Scorpion reliance on less-bulky energy weapons anyway.
The design team retained the standard five internal hardpoints of the Sabre, allowing the new OmniFighter to be used as a light fast bombers (max thrust of 5.5-g's with a full five-ton bomb load). Fuel tankage was also retained at five tons . . . a full ton more than many Light weight Clan ASF and OmniFighter designs.
In an unusual move, the Scorpion designers also removed all CASE systems from the Sarmatian. With the limited payload for weapons available, they considered it far more efficient to instead concentrate on energy weapon configurations rather than missile launchers . . . which fits well with Scorpion doctrine. The removal of CASE systems did lower the total cost of the new OmniFighter, but has raised some eyebrows among the other Clans.
However, in partial compensation, the Scientists did redesign the cockpit for a more modern and ergonomic design that was no longer quite as cramped as the original. In a bold move, the Scorpion design team also incorporated a full cockpit ejection system instead of the old-style ejector seat. Designed to separate from the fuselage when engaged, the ejection system consists of a series of rockets set beneath the cockpit housing, which also stores all life support systems. When activated, the entire cockpit is boosted away from the fighter and then either drifts (in space) or relies on four parachutes (within an atmosphere) for safe landings. The cockpit transponder and emergency batteries allow for a greater than normal chance to recover an ejected pilot in space (and the additional life support allows Pilots to survive longer UNTIL a Search-and-Rescue team can retrieve them). Within an atmosphere, the system prevents common injuries to the lower extremities that often occur during a normal ejection, allowing for a greater chance of Pilot survival on the ground once he lands.
ConfigurationsThe six known Sarmatian configurations are typically Goliath Scorpion in execution. Lacking the mass and volume for ballistic weaponry, the design Scientists and supervising Warriors instead concentrated on using energy weapons exclusively. Surprisingly enough, few configurations strain the heat-load of the onboard double-strength heat sinks, despite the all-energy loadouts.
The Prime is armed with an ER Large Laser in the nose, backed up at short-range by four ER Small Lasers (two each in right and left wing bays). Heat neutral both at range and in close, the Sarmatian Prime is able to inflict a great deal of damage, while having the longest sting of any Clan weapon mounted in an ASF.
Configurations A and B are almost identical. Each carries a single weapon mounted in the nose: an ER PPC for the Sarmatian A and a Large Pulse Laser for the Sarmatian B. The A Configuration is used in strike missions, while the B is used when Scorpion Pilots must make every shot count.
Configuration C is an in-fighter supreme. The main guns are two ER Medium Lasers mounted in the nose, supported by SIX ER Small Lasers (three each in the right and left wing). An eleventh DHS has been installed in the fuselage alonging the Sarmatian C to remain heat neutral.
Configurations D and E are designed for mid-range combat, and are almost identical. Both include a one-ton Targeting Computer in the fuselage bay, two ER Medium Lasers in the nose, and two more ER Medium Lasers in the wings (one each in the right and left wing). The Sarmatian D includes two ER Small Lasers firing aft to protect the vulnerable rear, while the Sarmatian E forgoes those weapons for an Active Probe to use when conducting recon overflights.
DeploymentKhan Suvorov, regardless of the outcome of Project Quicksilver, has already authorized full-scale production of this design for assignment to the Scorpion Touman. Although this has angered the ilKhan (who is seeking to streamline and rationalize production in the Homeworlds) so far he has not taken action against Clan Goliath Scorpion over this issue.
It is expected that the first production Sarmatians will begin to join the Scorpion Touman in 3053.
Clans Hell's Horses, Smoke Jaguar, and Star Adder have expressed interest in the design as a light ground-support OmniFighter, although none of these Clans have (yet) issued any batchalls for the production rights or an actual shipment of these fighter craft.
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (Prime)
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 ER Large Laser Nose 10 10 10 10 12 4.00
2 ER Small Laser RW 5 -- -- -- 4 1.00
2 ER Small Laser LW 5 -- -- -- 4 1.00
TOTALS: Heat: 20 25.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,081,445 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,142
Cost per BV: 2,698.29
Weapon Value: 1,497 (Ratio = 1.31)
Damage Factors: SRV = 28; MRV = 7; LRV = 3; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 3/1/1, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 11
Specials: Omni
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (A)
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 ER PPC Nose 15 15 15 -- 15 6.00
TOTALS: Heat: 15 25.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,158,789 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,216
Cost per BV: 2,597.69
Weapon Value: 1,504 (Ratio = 1.24)
Damage Factors: SRV = 14; MRV = 11; LRV = 4; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 2/2/2, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 12
Specials: Omni
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (B)
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Large Pulse Laser Nose 10 10 10 -- 10 6.00
TOTALS: Heat: 10 25.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 2,983,008 C-Bills
Battle Value: 938
Cost per BV: 3,180.18
Weapon Value: 1,290 (Ratio = 1.38)
Damage Factors: SRV = 10; MRV = 9; LRV = 5; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 1/1/1, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 9
Specials: Omni
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (C)
Total Heat Sinks: 11 Double 1.00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
2 ER Medium Laser Nose 7 7 -- -- 10 2.00
3 ER Small Laser RW 5 -- -- -- 6 1.50
3 ER Small Laser LW 5 -- -- -- 6 1.50
TOTALS: Heat: 22 25.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,065,273 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,197
Cost per BV: 2,560.8
Weapon Value: 1,637 (Ratio = 1.37)
Damage Factors: SRV = 40; MRV = 10; LRV = 0; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 4/1/-, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 12
Specials: Omni
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (D)
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
2 ER Medium Laser Nose 7 7 -- -- 10 2.00
1 ER Medium Laser RW 7 7 -- -- 5 1.00
1 ER Medium Laser LW 7 7 -- -- 5 1.00
2 ER Small Laser Aft 5 -- -- -- 4 1.00
1 Targeting Computer 1.00
TOTALS: Heat: 24 25.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,232,617 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,440
Cost per BV: 2,244.87
Weapon Value: 1,952 (Ratio = 1.36)
Damage Factors: SRV = 31; MRV = 19; LRV = 0; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 3/3/-, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 14
Specials: Omni
Class/Model/Name: Sarmatian (E)
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Active Probe Nose -- -- -- -- 0 1.00
2 ER Medium Laser Nose 7 7 -- -- 10 2.00
1 ER Medium Laser RW 7 7 -- -- 5 1.00
1 ER Medium Laser LW 7 7 -- -- 5 1.00
1 Targeting Computer 1.00
TOTALS: Heat: 20 25.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,482,227 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,440
Cost per BV: 2,418.21
Weapon Value: 1,793 (Ratio = 1.25)
Damage Factors: SRV = 27; MRV = 23; LRV = 0; ERV = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 8, Armor/Structure: 4 / 0
Damage PB/M/L: 3/3/-, Overheat: 0
Class: FL; Point Value: 14
Specials: omni, prb