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Author Topic: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.  (Read 39666 times)

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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2018, 12:25:18 PM »

I'll use this for any finds.

Did you come up with names yourself?? This makes it a little more difficult to confirm if you found ones that sometimes are mentioned but no names.

   Smoke Jaguar (23 warships)
1 Texas class Battleship: Veiled Huntress
1 Potemkin class Troop Cruiser: Osis’ Pride
1 Black Lion class Battlecruiser: Streaking Mist (Flagship)
1 Liberator class Heavy Cruiser: Korat
1 Sovetskii Soyuz class Heavy Cruiser: Pouncing Fury
3 Congress class Frigates: FireCrest, Hunter’s Pride, Snow Leopard
2 Lola III class Destroyers: Storm Cat, Griffin
3 Essex class Destroyers: Dark Claw, The Iowa, Sabre Cat
2 York class Destroyer/Carriers: Lioness, Queen Lynx
1 Whirlwind class Destroyer: Shadow Fang
4 Vincent Mk42 class Corvettes: Ripper, Azov, Simas Osis, Ghostwalker
1 Carrack class Transport: Pusher
2 Fredasa class Corvettes: Ocelot, Jaguarundi

Field Manual: Warden Clans, p. 31
The Fredasa-class corvette Hell Fury was a WarShip in service with Clan Cloud Cobra after they captured it from Clan Smoke Jaguar in 3053.

So unsure at this time

Veiled Huntress should be SJ Flagship
Clan Troops Page 32

One captured Du Shi Wang, originally the Jasmine Liao and renamed the Quicksilver Mongoose, survived the liberation of Terra and accompanied General Kerensky on his Exodus. Clan records show that it served Clan Mongoose until its demise, being mothballed after its near destruction by the Smoke Jaguars. It now resides in the Strana Mechty system.

TRO 3075 pg 252

« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 03:16:16 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2018, 03:06:53 PM »

Found this the FM Crusader & Warden Book thought it fit here

The Clans take great pride in their WarShips. Nowhere else is so much raw military might concentrated in a single war machine. Though the nature of WarShip combat makes it difficult for individual warriors to distinguish themselves, such fighting remains the calling of a specialized few. Each Clan has its preferred WarShip, more often a workhorse destroyer or cruiser rather than a larger but less versatile heavy cruiser or battleship.
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2018, 03:07:36 PM »

The Quicksilver Mongoose was basically left as a hulk following her capture during the Mongoose absor trial, because the Jag's didn't want to use anything associated with a lesser and now fallen Clan they didn't bother repairing her.  She could probably be bought back into service and maybe traded away as she was a serious overhaul of the type and was far better than a standard DuShi Wang class ship.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2018, 03:38:50 PM »

The Quicksilver Mongoose was basically left as a hulk following her capture during the Mongoose absor trial, because the Jag's didn't want to use anything associated with a lesser and now fallen Clan they didn't bother repairing her.  She could probably be bought back into service and maybe traded away as she was a serious overhaul of the type and was far better than a standard DuShi Wang class ship.

Considering they gained 4 from the Mongoose surrenders. Which if they took those why wouldn't they take their flagship boggles my mind. The battle took place at Circe so they bothered to bring it Strana Mechty as well.

Considering it states half the Smoke Jaguar fleet was destroyed in versus Mongoose. How many ships did they lose? Your talking 10 or so warships probably. I see there's a central stockpile that the Clan Council allowed the Jaguars to pull from to help rebuild. If we have Free Lancers in charge of maintaining this stockpile. Perhaps they took the Quicksilver Mongoose as collateral and have slowly returned it into fighting shape though no one has had a need to take from cache since.

I think this is where the Newgranges probably come into play again. As they probably have a good amount in this stockpile.

Adding up the totals and removing the classes specifically made by Clans Nightlord etc..
Removing all but the 6 yorks converted from Riga's
And all the Carracks that may or may not be original Carracks

We have 230 Warships. Lets say 50 have been lost since Kerensky left on the Exodus with his 402 Warships. Clans still have a very healthy reserve to pull from.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 03:47:52 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2018, 03:48:48 PM »

Yeah there must be a considerable number sitting in Caches.  In War of the Reaving the Sharks pull a Sarmakand class out of their naval Caches and use her for some time.  So who knows what else they have sitting in their caches, probably no battleships as these would have all been used up or divvied out amongst the clans but you could probably find Riga I's, some Pinto's, probably some more Sov Soy's, Quixote's, Volga's etc


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #35 on: September 19, 2018, 04:06:00 PM »

Some interesting thoughts Vition2! Fleet modernization for the Clans is a bit of a tricky issue cause every Clan has its own agenda but Operation Restoration is trying to get them all the same page. Right now I think their goals would be linking the Homeworlds and Occupation Zones effectively as well as maintaining security in that area. Sounds like Transports and Patrol Ships (smaller warships like Destroyers and Corvettes) might be prioritized.

Still the Clans have their differences especially in the naval arena.

Blood Spirit are fleet minimalists due to resource shortages
Burrock have a nice size fleet likely aimed at raiding and are specialists in hunting bandits
Cloud Cobra could focus on a carrier force thanks to their aerospace strength
Coyote building a York class Destroyer now with Snow Ravens help
Diamond Shark is all about the money baby and their fleet is composed of transports for commerce
Fire Mandrill has the second smallest fleet which like their Clan is divided by the Kindraa
Ghost Bear is building the Leviathans and is far ahead of every other Clan in linking their worlds to the OZ
Goliath Scorpion has a large fleet of museum pieces which they might not want to alter all that much
Hell's Horses has the third smallest fleet concentrated on transports and escorts
Ice Hellion is another Clan which I'd imagine as excellent raiders
Jade Falcon relying on the Aegis and superior firepower to quickly decimate any opponent
Nova Cat possesses many smaller warships
Smoke Jaguar has a large fleet which participated in battle at Turtle Bay
Snow Raven is the naval masters and wants to maintain a 2 to 1 warship advantage
Star Adder is reputed to have a fine naval tradition but possesses only an average number of warships at this time
Steel Viper is an average size Clan fleet with ships of all different varieties
Wolf is an average size Clan fleet with ships of all different varieties

Did you come up with names yourself?? This makes it a little more difficult to confirm if you found ones that sometimes are mentioned but no names.

Some ships were indeed named by me as I compiled this list from known canon sources such as FM Updates (THE WARSHIPS OF A DEAD CLAN, page 105) which lists most of the Jaguar fleet but at times has no ship name.

I am aware of the Fredasa capture by the Cloud Cobras but that hasn't happened yet.

Clan Troops is a dubious source and I believe the Streaking Mist is the flagship in many different sources.

The Quicksilver Mongoose is one of those ships floating around in Clan space probably in mothballs or in this case as a hulk in space. Wars of Reaving has various Clans activating fleet caches and this ship too.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #36 on: September 19, 2018, 04:40:00 PM »

The Star Adder convoy discovered shortly after arriving that a group from the Dark Caste had already been working on activating ships from the mothballed fleet, and had already successfully activated a Kimagure-class pursuit cruiser and a Riga-class frigate, both of which were missing from the cache;[1] with the Society providing WarShip assets to Clan Burrock, it was likely that these two ships were the Kimagure-class CBS Admiral Russell Nga and Riga-class CBS Hetherington respectively.[2]

As the Star Adders moved to engage the Dark Caste party, another supposedly mothballed ship from the cache, a Baron-class destroyer, powered up and moved to engage the Star Adder forces.

Tomorrow i need to look through reaving book as i found this on sarna looking up samarkand warship. Guess adders had one as well the yorktown
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #37 on: September 19, 2018, 05:28:23 PM »

Does it ever say anywhere how many warships were left behind by SLDF

I saw on the Dictator writeup they chose to take more of the Overlords to take over the older design, wouldnt they do the same with Warships prioritizing ones with collars and larger size for more space? Stockpiles could contain more of the larger ships. The reason to stockpile is the huge resources in maintaining them.

Looking up old Canon ships Monsoon and Farragut both have no mentions but the images show caption them as being seen in the Exodus
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 05:38:22 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #38 on: September 19, 2018, 06:40:21 PM »

Does it ever say anywhere how many warships were left behind by SLDF

Long ago Irose and myself came up with some numbers based on avaiable canon information which gave us an idea.

Warships          Numbers on Exodus
Vincent                30
Whirlwind            10
Riga                     22   
Carrack                20     
Essex                   25   
Lola III                 40   
Aegis                    38   
Congress              18     
Volga                    22   
Black Lion             12     
Sovetski Soyuz     42     
Avatar                    6   
Cameron              15   
Potemkin              30   
Texas                     7   
McKenna              18   
Kimagure               5   
Newgrange            2         
Bug Eyes            5

Custom creations - 35

Total :             402 ships



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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2018, 04:29:23 AM »

Good break down, we can also expect a scatter shot of older ships as seen in the Revised 3057 TRO, as well as other prizes, or survivors like the Sarmakand class and other ships, hell there might even be a Monsoon in the stocks.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2018, 06:32:55 AM »

Thanks marauder648, hopefully I can get Irose to comment on it here. From the time stamp this info is 12 years old so perhaps we can update. As I recall Battlespace and TRO3057 were the two most instrumental sources. This is well before TRO3075 came out with designs like the Samarkand (3 in Exodus) and the Du Shi Wang (1 which became the Quicksilver Mongoose).

There was also the question of what is a warship for purpose of the count as well. The Bug Eye is a good example of a vessel that may or may not have been counted in that catch all 402 number. And a little more in regards to the Bug Eye (FASA1673) Intelligence Operations Handbook says the Jade Falcon Watch use 'bug' ships in orbit around planets (page 119).


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2018, 08:57:08 AM »

Was wondering more in my question of do we have any of numbers and types left behind in the Inner Sphere after the Exodus.

I saw 3057R last night but didn't comment last night as its easier to do it on my desktop at work.

3057R has been proven wrong by ships seen in the War of Reeving

On December 20, 2766, the last remaining Farragut was dismantled.

The modifications were only performed on ten ships before the last Monsoon-class battleship was finally retired in 2668. (Vague so some could be with Clans)

No mention at all of serving in SLDF

The last Luxor-class heavy cruisers were destroyed during the final battle to liberate Terra.

Although the Avatars were almost obsolete by the standards of the era, General Kerensky chose to take these vessels with the Exodus fleet, where their superb cargo and DropShip capacities would
be of considerable value; they’re currently motlballed in naval caches. (6 Survived to join Exodus and become Liberators)

Placed in mothballs, the vessels were reactivated for duty in 2709 and modified into the Volga-class transport.

Vague served with the SLDF no mention of last destroyed or numbers left behind after the Coup

The final ships were mothballed in 2740. (We know some went with the Clans and most were turned into Yorks.)

During the Reunification War, all of these aging craft were destroyed in various engagements, with the final vessels falling to the SLDF Navy in 2581 at the titanic Battle of Robsart.

The SLS Gettysburg destroyed the last known Dart in the New Vandenberg revolt in 2722.

Lola I & II
in 2660 the Star League Navy ordered the remaining vessels decommissioned and subsequently scrapped. However, at least four Lola IIs   surfaced in the hands of the Taurian rebels during the Second Periphery Uprising, leaving some doubt as to the actual disposition of these vessels.

Wagon Wheel
Only handful made doubt any would have been around

Today, only three Nagas are known to exist, having remained in mothball since the fall of the Star League. Left in orbit around Neptune, all three of these destroyers were largely overlooked during the fighting for Terra.

Prince Alexander leased all but three of the surviving Block I Davions to the SLDF during the build-up to the Reunification War, most of which were later purchased by the Star League and edesignated as Whirlwind-class after receiving weapon upgrades. Those Whirlwind vessels were then upgraded by the Clans.

Vague some could be with Clans

The SLDF decommissioned the Baron-class in 2720, selling them to member states, where they served until eliminated by attrition in the Succession Wars.

We know the Clans took some and even built their own

Doubtful as the SLDF created the Carrack of the inspiration of the Lyran ship

Old decommissioned in 2432 but that never stopped the SLDF before from using them during Coup

Survived in IS until 2841 so entirely possible some joined the Exodus

The Pinto class did not survive Kerensky’s return to oust the Republican forces when heavier SLDF WarShips entered the fray. Between the campaigns in the Periphery and the liberation itself, the Pinto class was apparently destroyed along with the WarShip’s two shipyards in the shattered Rim Worlds Republic. However there are rumors that a few of these vessels, crippled and presumed destroyed during the fighting, may actually have withdrawn to uncharted worlds in the Deep Periphery where they survive to this day as derelicts.

None accompanied Kerensky’s exodus fleet. The few that survived the Star League’s fall were believed destroyed in the early Succession Wars.

Despite repeated refits, the Tracker had become obsolete by the beginning of the twenty-sixth century. Several remained in service until the end of the Reunification War, acting as Q-Ships against pirates and Taurian Concordat raiders.

None are thought to have survived the Amaris crisis.

29 survived to see the liberation. Eleven of those vessels were so badly damaged they had to be scuttled. The remaining vessels left with the Exodus fleet, but only three have been seen in service with the Clans.

Only seven of the 52 original vessels survived to depart with the Exodus fleet, and two of these were destroyed in the Exodus Civil War. The remaining five have been renovated and serve as command vessels for several Clans.

All 30 Potemkins from the Exodus fleet—except one ship lost after the formation of the Clans—remain in service with the Clans.

40 built for SLDF only 1 known destroyed in fluff

Sovetski Soyuz
40 Survived and joined Exodus

Black Lion
less than a dozen Black Lion-class WarShips survived to accompany the Exodus fleet.

Unspecified amount joined Exodus

About two dozen Volgas left the Inner Sphere with the Exodus fleet

70 were sent to Hegemony shipyards for refitting.but a surprising number survived the fall of the Star League and departed the Inner Sphere during the Exodus.

Lola III
A large number of Lolas survived the campaign to liberate Terra. It comprised the second largest WarShip class in the Exodus fleet.

Less than 30 Essex-class destroyers survived the campaign to liberate Terra following the Amaris coup, and these few vessels departed with the Exodus fleet in 2784.

Unknown Number
The Vincent’s roomy design and “smart modularity” technology make the vessel particularly easy to modify and upgrade, which has undoubtedly contributed to the Vincent’s longevity.
Can you say Snow Raven OmniWarships.....

3075 TRO
with many serving as escorts in the Star League Defense Force.

Going to look now through War of Reaving to see if I can find specifics
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2018, 10:53:31 AM »

After the Pentagon Civil War and the rise of the Clans under the auspices of ilKhan Nicholas Kerensky the General Stuart was one of many former Exodus vessels to be stored in one of ten boneyards distributed around the Clan Homeworlds. The General Stuart ended up in the Norfolk Boneyard, moored with Exodus Fleet Station Five in the Strana Mechty system.[

Forces from Clan Wolverine appropriated a number of ships from the various post-Exodus boneyards in the Clan Homeworlds as a part of Operation SWITCHBACK, a planned emergency evacuation. The General Stuart wasn't one of the ships taken by the Wolverines, and as at the end of December 2824 was one of at least fifteen vessels still mothballed in the Norfolk Boneyard.

San Diego Boneyard is one of the locations where the Clans store their mothballed spacecraft.
Norfolk Boneyard  is one of the locations where the Clans store their mothballed spacecraft.
The Bismark a Texas class Battleship was one of five ships within the Norfolk cache being worked on at the time; the other ships included another battleship and three transports, one of which was the SLS Rawhide.

The Bismark was not present for the battle between ilKhan Kerensky's Grand Fleet and the bulk of the Clan Wolverine touman and thus survived the apparent destruction of the Wolverines. Ebon had the Bismark return to Barbados via a pirate point, having already located and joined her force with one of the other three screening task forces. The Bismark and several other WarShips from the mothballed Exodus fleet were able to muster two Clusters of ground forces by this point, and were full of Wolverine civilians in addition to the small number of survivors found at Barbados who had survived the various Clan hunting parties, including a number of people recovered from the shattered remains of the WarShip Rickenbacker (Unknown class)

The ultimate fate of the Bismark is unknown.

From Betrayal of Ideas

Aegis (General Stuart) see above
Cameron (Unknown Name)
McKenna (Zughoffer Weir Became Blakes Sword for WoB)
Michigan Wolverine Black Lion Destroyed
Potemkin (Egg Sac) Destroyed
Vincent (Badger) Destroyed Vincent
Whirlwind (Weasel) Unknown Fate from Wolverine)

WarShips of unspecified class:
Buccaneer Unknown Crusier Unknown fate
Hunter's Pride Unknown Ship Destroyed Jade Falcon ship
Mustang Unknown Hells Horses Warship Destroyed
Rickenbacker Unknown Wolverine Warship Destroyed
Rough Rider Unknown Warship Flagship for Kerensky in his hunt for Wolverines
Yukon unknown Wolverine Destroyer escaped with survivors

Maverick unknown Transport The exact fate of the crippled Maverick was not mentioned, and it is unknown if it was salvaged, or left to drift at the jump point (like the Rickenbacker), or scuttled (like the Wolverine vessels in orbit around Barbados that were crashed on the planet)
Munich Flagship of Ravens Cameron Class
Rawhide massive jump transport Unknown fate
Saratoga believed Carrack Class for Wolverines escaped with survivors
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #43 on: September 20, 2018, 10:57:02 AM »

RE the Dart we know that some were in service with the Amaris forces and one was destroyed securing Terra when he was attacked by a group of Elephants.

In one of the books you do see a Farragut as part of the Exodus fleet and the WoB somehow found one too so its possible that one or two went with the Exodus fleet.  The Lola II also served with the Amaris lot and whilst we don't know just how many ships the SLDF put into mothballs, we can guess its many megatonnes worth of vessels, so in reality there's nothing really stopping us going "Clan Cloud Cobra was surprised to find a mixed group of three Baron and two Carson class Destroyers in one Naval cache and after examining the ships to see what ones were in the best material condition, two Barons and one Carson joined the Cobra's naval reserve on DATE. through to DATE."


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #44 on: September 20, 2018, 11:10:44 AM »

I'd also like to put my Antares class Supply and Ordinance Ship to be part of the Quicksilver canon.

Antares class Fleet Support Vessel.

The Reunification War showed that the SLDF was not prepared for long distance and long term deployments.  With repair facilities, stockpiles of material far away in Hegemony space the SLDF was forced to either build facilities to support offensives or rely on inferior House yards with an increased risk of espionage and sabotage.

Whilst fixed facilities like orbital docks were the most effective means of repairing a ship, they were also the most vulnerable, and building one took months, which meant that damaged vessels were without proper facilities until it was completed.

To cure this the SLDF developed the first Yardships with the Liparius class but whilst these ships were capable something more was needed.  Instead of a dedicated mobile repair yard a new design emerged that would act as a support vessel with a large grav-deck for crews to be able to relax in, as well as carrying a huge amount of supplies from crated fighters to Mech’s, rifles, ammunition, food, water, fuel and spare parts for anything from portable toilets to warships autocannon barrels.

Of course to carry this the ship had to be large and the cruiser sized Antares would easily rival the Avatar class in terms of length and displacement with the Antares being 60 meters longer.

On the port and starboard hull a large array of arms and linkages could allow the ship to hard dock with another vessel to transfer supplies over as well as allowing her to operate like a tug to tow a disabled vessel if needs be.  There was also an extensive hosing system to allow the transfer of fuel or water from huge liquid storage tanks.
The ship enjoyed a single large grav-deck much like that of the later Potemkin class and this was also used as a hospital  with multiple surgery theaters with beds for hundreds of injured.  In times of peace the ship could also act as a disaster relief ship, replacing Mech’s and fighters with rescue vehicles and construction equipment.

The ship was rather lightly armed in terms of capital weaponry but it was heavily protected against fighter attacks as well as having a layered anti-missile system to protect against ship and fighter launched missiles.

Whilst extremely specialised the design was approved alongside the Liparius class and both would be seen as welcome additions to the fleet.  But the sheer specialised nature of the Antares class limited its usefulness in the eyes of those who controlled the budget.  The ship was expensive to build and maintain and was not a Warship in most beauracrats eyes but an over large transport who’s role outside of wartime did not justify their cost.  With other wrangling over the budget this cut short the Antares programme after only 21 ships had been completed out of a planned 50.
Deployed when large scale exercises were carried out the Antares class spent most of their time in and out of orbit round Hegemony worlds or in orbit over developing worlds acting as a mobile command center until ground facilities were completed.

The ‘tag-team’ of the Antares and Liparius class with each ship performing a specific role was at its core, inefficient but it did highlight the usefulness of such craft that could repair ships and maintaint their crews and assist other ships.  This lead to studies into making a single hull that could do both, that would eventually result in the huge Newgrange class.

Deployed when large scale exercises were carried out the Antares class spent most of their time in and out of orbit round Hegemony worlds or in orbit over developing worlds acting as a mobile command center until ground facilities were completed.
Because of their rear echelon role many of the class were spared having to fight the CASPAR drones but those that were caught were classed as priority targets due to their strategic nature, despite this 11 survived the War to help with the reconstruction efforts but when it was obvious that the House Lords would not listen to the SLDF and Operation EXODUS was ordered the class, bar the SLS Aquitania who remained in the Sol system, deactivated as part of the Titan yards, left with General Kerensky.

The Aquitania nserved as a maintenance vessel and helped with cleaning up the Sol system of wreckage and debris the ship was still active when Jerome Blake seized the Sol system.  She would continue to service ComStar's hidden fleet but was finally retired to an undisclosed location when the first Faslane class entered service.

Code: [Select]
Tech:              Inner Sphere
Vessel Type:       WarShip
Rules Set:         Strategic Operations

C-bills:           $34,666,142,000.00
Full Magazine:     $15,520,000.00
BV2:               38,378

Mass:              830,000 tons
Safe Thrust:       3
Maximum Thrust:    5
Armor Type:        Ferro-carbide
   8 Barracuda Launchers
     80 Barracuda Missiles
   24 Anti-missile Systems
   24 Gauss Rifles
   16 LRM-20 with Artemis IV
   48 ER ML
Mass:              830,000 tons

Equipment:                                                            Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                      151,475.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust: 3
      Maximum Thrust: 5
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 18)               375,575.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 5)                                              72.00
Structural Integrity: 75                                            62,250.00
Total Heat Sinks:    500 Single                                          0.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                   1,200.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                  0.00
Armor Type:  Ferro-carbide  (996 total armor pts)                    1,245.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                 166
   Fore-Left/Right:                    166/166
   Aft-Left/Right:                     166/166
   Aft:                                  166

   Bay 1:  Small Craft (25) with 8 doors                             5,000.00
   Bay 2:  Liquid Cargo (10,010 ton capacity) with 1 Door           11,000.00
           8 Fluid Suction Systems                                       8.00
           8 Sprayers                                                    4.00
           25 Refueling Drogues                                         25.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (82,712.5 tons) with 8 Doors                       82,712.50

DropShip Capacity:  6 Docking Hardpoints                             6,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 4:  (200-meter diameter)                               400.00
Life Boats:  100 (7 tons each)                                         700.00
Escape Pods:   0 (7 tons each)                                           0.00
Unpressurized Repair Facility (1,000,000 ton capacity)              25,000.00
Lithium Fusion Battery                                               8,300.00

Crew and Passengers:
     73 Officers                                                       730.00
    365 Crew                                                         2,555.00
    220 2nd Class Passengers                                         1,540.00
    280 Marines                                                      1,990.00
    125 Bay Personnel                                                    0.00

Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
2 Barracudas (10 Missiles) Nose       4      4      4      4    20     180.00
3 Gauss Rifles (240 rounds)Nose       5(45)  5(45)  5(45)  --   3       45.00
2 LRM 20 w/Artemis (120)   Nose       3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  --   12      22.00
6 ER Medium Lasers         Nose       3(30)  3(30)  --     --   30       6.00
6 AMS (720 rounds)         Nose       2(18)  --     --     --   6        3.00

3 Gauss Rifles (240 rounds)FR/L       5(45)  5(45)  5(45)  --   3       45.00
2 LRM 20 w/Artemis (120)   FR/L       3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  --   12      22.00
6 ER Medium Lasers         FR/L       3(30)  3(30)  --     --   30       6.00

2 Barracudas (10 Missiles) R/LBS      4      4      4      4    20     180.00
3 Gauss Rifles (240 rounds)R/LBS      5(45)  5(45)  5(45)  --   3       45.00
2 LRM 20 w/Artemis (120)   R/LBS      3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  --   12      22.00
6 ER Medium Lasers         R/LBS      3(30)  3(30)  --     --   30       6.00
6 AMS (720 rounds)         R/LBS      2(18)  --     --     --   6        3.00

3 Gauss Rifles (240 rounds)AR/L       5(45)  5(45)  5(45)  --   3       45.00
2 LRM 20 w/Artemis (120)   AR/L       3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  --   12      22.00
6 ER Medium Lasers         AR/L       3(30)  3(30)  --     --   30       6.00

2 Barracudas (10 Missiles) Aft        4      4      4      4    20     180.00
3 Gauss Rifles (240 rounds)Aft        5(45)  5(45)  5(45)  --   3       45.00
2 LRM 20 w/Artemis (120)   Aft        3(32)  3(32)  3(32)  --   12      22.00
6 ER Medium Lasers         Aft        3(30)  3(30)  --     --   30       6.00
6 AMS (720 rounds)         Aft        2(18)  --     --     --   6        3.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 440       830,000.00

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