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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2018, 11:26:24 AM »

And this is the associated Liparius Class although if any survived the Exodus I doubt it, they would be ancient by this point and probably of more use as an immobile facility than anything else

Liparius Class Mobile Repair Yard.

With a massive number of repair yards within Hegemony space, if a warship or jumpship needed to have repairs carried out then they could easily move a jump or two and would find themselves usually in a system with a fully established repair facility.  This wealth of facilities made the nascent SLDF seem to forget that not everywhere else had the same level of resources and when the Reunification War came along the SLDF was in for a huge shock to the system.

If a ship was damaged in battle ‘in the wilds’ then it meant one of two things.  Carrying out ad-hoc repairs with the crew doing most of the work, or risking a jump back to an established facility.  The problem was that there were no major facilities, at least none captured intact.  This could mean a journey of weeks or even months back to a yard for a ship, which came with its own dangers depending on how bad the damage was.

The other option was to simply wait whilst Logistics Command built a temporary yard.  Even with their muscle and resources this could take months to build and bring on line, thus taking the damaged ships out of the line for anywhere from 2 – 6 months before repairs could even begin.

Recognising that this was simply unacceptable the SLDF put out an emergency tender for a mobile repair yard that could service, repair and maintain ships in the field without having to bring them home to a fixed (and thus vulnerable) position.

The designers of the Farragut class battleship the mainstay of the SLDF’s battle line accepted the challenge and began working with a design based on the Farragut’s hull.

Removing all but a few weapons for self-defence whilst also reducing the power to the four massive Hispano-Rawlings engines reduced the ships thrust somewhat but this was not needed for a support unit.  Some of the weight saved was applied to the hull and the ships beam was increased whilst armour was also thinned out somewhat.  This freed up a considerable amount of tonnage but more was needed.  The forwards hull was extended by 550 meters (a total length of 1955 meters), this was then combined with the forwards hull to create a 650-meter-long pressurised repair bay accessed by a pair of huge doors in the bow.  Whilst not long enough to fully accommodate a cruiser it was enough to allow work crews to work in an assisted environment even if it did look like a ship being serviced would have its bow or stern ‘hanging out’ of the front of the ship through the huge open doors of the repair bay.
To assist in repairs of larger vessels that could not fit in the forwards repair bay a massive extending gantry system was fitted to the starboard side.  Capable of deploying in 45 minutes with a full array of cranes, jibs and retracting servo arms and cutting devices with access to the massive cargo holds inventory to allow the ship to help repair external hull plating as well as carrying out other major structural repairs.

The Farragut’s fearsome fighter compliment was utterly eliminated whilst another two dropship collars were added bringing the total to 4, these would be dedicated tugs and maintenance vessels. The small craft compliment was also increased to 14 up from 10. 
The large central 150 meter grav-deck was retained whilst the smaller 45 meter one was enlarged to a 75-meter deck.  Additional berths were fitted for other ships crews and the marine compliment was reduced a 50-man security detachment.  With next to no weaponry save AMS systems fitted and a pair of NL-45’s in the front and stern quarters and with no aerospace fighters aboard the crew compliment went down, but these were replaced with engineers and yard personnel.  The cargo bays carried anything from hull armour plating to miles of wiring, spare NAC barrels and laser focusing arrays, deck plating, banks of computers and tonnes of food and other supplies for when a ship just needed to replenish its stocks.  The final piece of the puzzle was a very new, very expensive (and somewhat temperamental) Lithium Fusion battery that gave the huge ships considerable strategic mobility, letting them move to ships in need of repair quickly.

The first ship the SLS Liparius was rushed into completion and managed to take part in the closing 9 months of the Reunification War where she was able to provide support for the fleets advancing on Taurus, dramatically shortening the supply chain. 

By no means a combat vessel the Liparius was always accompanied by at least two destroyers, often a full group of four would guard her and due to her important strategic nature she would often lurk in a systems Oort cloud, well off the beaten path.  Despite her sluggishness in manoeuvring and the ship being all but defenceless she performed well enough in her role under the command of Commodore Karl Stromberg.  This performance was enough to have the SLDF press for more orders for the class with another 9 being ordered.  The ’10 Greeks’ as the class were known due to their naming convention being that of Greek/Classical deities and figures were assigned to major fleet elements and kept in constant service. 

One ship the SLS Prometheus was lost due to an asteroid impact from a rogue rock which impacted on her bow, causing significant structural damage and starting several on-board fires that quickly got out of control.  Abandoned and aflame the ship was scuttled by her escorting destroyers.

The SLS Hecate was crippled over the Titan Yards in the Sol System by forces loyal to Stefan Amaris but the ship’s captain refused to surrender and overloaded the main reactor, destroying the vessel and two Rim World Pinto class vessels in the blast.

The surviving vessels (four in total) at the end of the Amaris Civil War departed with General Kerensky.  It is believed that along with a Newgrange class vessel that they helped form a major part of the Lum shipyards.

again a product of my bored mind, thoughts are always welcome :)



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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #46 on: September 20, 2018, 11:27:49 AM »

And here's Plog's take on the Leviathan Class.  I was never happy with its design, it looked too short because of its massive height, so I had him flatten her out a bit.

Presented with Vincent for scale.



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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #47 on: September 20, 2018, 11:34:32 AM »

This was another one that came about in my musings.  I like the Potemkin class but you kind of need a development path for her, a predecessor that was overshadowed by the later ship that ballooned in the typical SLDF 'bigger = better' mindset.

Fearless Class Assault ship.

Length;  1,110 meters
Displacement 1,310.000 tonnes

During the Reunification War the nascent SLDF found to its cost that jumpships were vulnerable and little more than barely mobile targets and the loss of a large jumpship and its dropship cargo could adversely affect a whole campaign.

Whilst Warships did carry dropships these were mostly assault dropships for their own defence and space superiority leaving the job of hauling troops to jumpships which in turn required heavy escorting, taking units away from the fleet and front lines.

The Admiralty put forwards tenders for a large ‘troop carrier warship’ that would be able to carry a large number of dropships as well as be able to defend itself from hostile ships that usually went jumpship hunting, normally destroyers, frigates and corvettes.

Blue Nosed Clipperships put forwards a design for what they called an ASDC (Assault Ship Docking Collar) design.  Based on the Monsoon class battleship’s hull the design featured 14 dropships collars in two groups of seven, running in a row along the ships spine and belly.

The interior was also heavily reconfigured to replace the Monsoon’s trio of grav-decks with a pair of 85 meter grav-decks filling out the majority of the interior.  The aerospace compliment was also altered, reduced to 12 fighters but also capable of carrying 12 small craft or shuttles.  The weapons fit was also radically altered with the majority of the autocannon based weapons being removed save the bow and fore/aft quarter autocannons all be it with the weapons being reduced in calibre to NAC-20’s.

The missile launchers were also altered and replaced with Barracuda launchers to deal with smaller and more agile targets with eight launchers being carried (two on each fore and aft quarter).  The broadside NAC-35 turrets and associated ammunition were replaced with four turrets, each mounting a quartet of NL45’s.  The bow and stern quarter Medium Naval PPC’s were also retained.  The lasers increased the ships heat load significantly and extensive improvements were made to the weapons cooling systems allowing for the ship to fire roughly 75% of its armament without heat issues.
It had been planned to fit the ships with a Lithium-Fusion battery but the expense of this very new piece of equipment and tightening budgets meant that it could not be fitted, although space was set aside for it to be added.

Completed after the Reunification War the first Fearless class ASD left her slip at Titan to begin trials with the fleet.  The odd number of docking collars was initially seen as strange but instead the ship was permanently assigned two dropships for self-defence purposes whilst the other twelve would be used to carry troop and Mech carrying vessels.  Although slow and ponderous to answer the helm the class was not meant to take part in the battle line unless something had gone very wrong, and war-games found that the ship could handily defend itself against destroyer’s or other smaller faster craft attacking it.

Unfortunately the computer systems required repeated overhauls to fix targeting issues with the new programmes that would allow the mountings to engage small craft.  Electrical gremlins also were common with the class having to run their reactors at 105% which meant more common trips to the yards for overhauls.  Because the ships were yard queens they were also not often deployed but often spent long times laid up in reserve.

Despite these faults, twenty of the class were built and were eventually displaced by the larger, more modern Potemkin class.  Relegated to second line squadrons the surviving Fearless class ships would see service in the Amaris crisis when they were pulled from mothballs.  Two were salvaged by Rim World Forces and were destroyed in battle, the four survivors joined General Kerensky on Operation EXODUS and have not been seen since.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name:  Fearless Class Assault Ship
Mass:                                                                                          1,310,000 tons

Equipment:                                                                                         Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control:                                                         157,200.00
Thrust:  Safe Thrust:  2
      Maximum Thrust: 3
Kearny-Fuchida Hyperdrive:  Compact (Integrity = 26)                   592,775.00
Jump Sail: (Integrity = 6)                                                                       96.00
Structural Integrity: 90                                                                   117,900.00
Total Heat Sinks:    3,900 Single                                                         3,295.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:                                                                           15,300.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters:                     3,275.00
Fire Control Computers:                                                                              .00
Food & Water:  (300 days supply)                                                          829.50
Armor Type:  Improved Ferro-aluminum  (1,469 total armor pts)        2,358.00
                           Capital Scale Armor Pts
   Location:                            L / R
   Fore:                                  273
   Fore-Left/Right:              244/244
   Aft-Left/Right:                 244/244
   Aft:                                     220

   Bay 1:  Fighters (12) with 2 doors                                  1,800.00
   Bay 2:  Small Craft (12) with 2 doors                             2,400.00
   Bay 3:  Cargo (1) with 2 doors                                   281,980.50

DropShip Capacity:  14 Docking Hardpoints                     14,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2:  (95-meter diameter)                             100.00
Escape Pods:  95 (7 tons each)                                             665.00

Crew and Passengers:
     75 Officers (65 minimum)                                                750.00
    235 Crew (232 minimum)                                              1,645.00
     74 Gunners (74 minimum)                                               518.00
     85 Steerage Passengers                                                   425.00
     84 Bay Personnel                                                                  .00
Weapons and Equipment      Loc        SRV    MRV    LRV    ERV  Heat    Mass
1 NAC/20(30 rounds)          Nose        20      20       20       --      60       2,512.00
4 Medium NPPC                  Nose        36      36       36       36   540       7,200.00

2 NAC/10(60 rounds)          FL/R         20      20       20       --    120       8,024.00
3 Medium NPPC                  FL/R         27      27       27       27   810     10,800.00
4 Barracuda(60 msls)         FL/R          8        8         8         8     80        4,320.00

4 NL45                               L/RBS       18      18       18       18   560        7,200.00
4 NL45                               L/RBS       18      18       18       18   560        7,200.00
4 NL45                               L/RBS       18      18       18       18   560        7,200.00
4 NL45                               L/RBS       18      18       18       18   560        7,200.00

3 Medium NPPC                  AL/R         27      27       27       27   810      10,800.00
4 Barracuda(60 msls)         AL/R          8        8         8         8     80        4,320.00

1 NAC/20(30 rounds)          Aft            20      20       20        --    60         2,512.00
4 Medium NPPC                  Aft            36      36       36       36  540         7,200.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (2.00%)                                                                    26,200.00
TOTALS:                                            Heat: 5,340                            1,310,000.00
Tons Left:                                                                                                       .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost:        13,549,384,000 C-Bills
Battle Value:      96,099
Cost per BV:       140,994.02
Weapon Value:      74,255 (Ratio = .77)
Damage Factors:    SRV = 2,938;  MRV = 2,938;  LRV = 2,345;  ERV = 976
Maintenance:       Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 535,381
                   (133,913 Structure, 244,128 Life Support, 157,340 Weapons)
                   Support Points (SP) = 861,975  (161% of MPV)
BattleForce2:      Not applicable



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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #48 on: September 20, 2018, 02:18:28 PM »

War of Reaving

Burrock Ships from Stockpile

Riga-class Hetherington, the Kimagure-class Admiral Russell Nga, the Mako-class Stone Crab and Ingrid Bucharev,

pg 80

Davion Class Nikolai Tesla

pg 97
Stellar System Waypoint 531
In November, the Andromeda arrived with the Third Seeker Cluster on its return to the Clan Homeworlds from distant Rim Worlds space. They noted the presence of what appeared to be a derelict Mako-class WarShip near an orbiting space station. The Seekers approached the asteroid cluster openly, believing they had discovered an ancient Star League cache. When the WarShip moved to engage, disgorging a few fighters and DropShips, Star Colonel Enrique Yeh threw the small Scorpion force into the fray. The Fuchida, in its damaged state, fared poorly against the eager Andromeda and the Seekers dispatched what few bandits were in the system in short order.

page 128

With the discovery of a large cache of war material at Waypoint 531, the Scorpion leadership knew that it could execute a quick war of conquest of a Deep Periphery state rather than expend dwindling resources on risky exploration missions. Plans were made to invade
and conquer the systems of Nueva Castile.

page 129

The Ophidian (Potemkin) and Silver Snake (Aegis) brought out of the Vipers’ naval reserve cache

page 125

CDS Deal Breaker [She was a Samarkand-class carrier we activated from our Vinton naval cache. It was, sadly, the only one of the small cache we could get into proper order and crew; the other two vessels had suffered too much damage from a passing comet in 3011. –SK]

page 130

How they didn't check their Cache in over 60 years is beyond stupid

The Coyote Khan was surprised to discover three Star League vessels at the system’s nadir and prepared for combat. Upon further inspection, the task force discovered the WarShips were nominally joined together, forming a crude equivalent of a space station. The WarShips were later identified as those from Clan Mongooses’ old naval cache and were in no condition for self-defense.

page 164

It currently occupies the lone repair bay of the Lion’s only naval station located at Niles.

page 171

Clans and to visit the Shark’s only naval cache on the outskirts of Babylon. Most of the Clan’s WarShip fleet had been activated decades ago; the Babylon cache contained only two military vessels and several older JumpShips. The operational team arrived at Babylon in August, using the Shark’s extensive navigational data to avoid most of the Clans’ outposts and stations. They located the cache with ease but only one of the two vessels appeared to be in decent condition, the Essex-class WarShip Marseilles. The other vessel had developed severe system problems and was too large a job for the small group to handle.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 02:34:39 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #49 on: September 20, 2018, 03:12:23 PM »

Missing ship from Klondike is the Texas class Perth. Captured by Star Adder and only notable thing wrong with it was its weapons systems. Possible in Cache??

Just to help track the 402 Warships included this.

Dragoon Naval Command (Formerly Widowmaker Ships)
Lola III-class destroy WDS Darius & WDWS Nelson
Aegis-class heavy cruiser WDWS Alexander
Congress-class frigate WDWS Beowulf,
Sovetskii Soyuz-class heavy cruiser WDWS Athena
Vincent Mk. 42-class corvette WDWS Mars

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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2018, 03:38:44 PM »

I am gonna try to get in touch with Irose about this subject. I'd love to hear what he thinks

Some interesting info Bradshaw.

I keep meaning to lend you Betrayal of Ideals from which you sight a great deal of Wolverine things. The Norfolk and San Diego Boneyards (along with the other eight eluded to in the novel) may have been shutdown as a result of Switchback. This is where I was going to have the Free Guilds step in to provide maintenance as well as Guild Keshik for additional security (back in the 2820s). Cause I am thinking there was a naval reserve reorganization that took place after that event.

By the Wars of Reaving I get the sense that the Clans each had their own naval reserves parked somewhere around the Homeworlds. I believe there was talk of an Adder Warship Cache some where between the Pentagon Worlds and the Kerensky Cluster. Also I think other Clan stockpiles are out there waiting to be discovered as so many had left the Homeworlds by the time of the Reavings. Perhaps there is stuff out there which was forgotten or misplaced.

I didn't know about Star Adder capturing the Perth. It could have been destroyed between now and then too.

Also didn't know about the Wolf Dragoon warship being Widowmaker warships.

Thanks for volunteering designs marauder648. I appreciate it. Why don't we hold off on that until we have a specific fleet plan aka naval design contest for this all?


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2018, 05:48:58 PM »

Just blowing the dust of Battlespace which states on page 28 that the Exodus Civil War destroyed approximately 100 warships like the Michael Norman (Black Lion class Battlecruiser) as well as the Noble House and Long March (both Congress class Frigates). That fight is described in detail on page 31 of Battlespace.

This book also has the total number produced of each Star League Warship class. 170 Bug-Eyes estimated if your wondering..

Page 12 also says Kerensky's Exodus Fleet consisted of 402 warships and 1,349 transports departed the InnerSphere from New Samarkand on November 5, 2784.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2018, 06:37:22 PM »

So with further losses your talking 30 to 40 probably in reserve tops 50.
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #53 on: September 20, 2018, 07:34:05 PM »

Some quick thoughts on warships on the exodus
TR3075 says that there were multitudes of Samarkands- and many served as escorts in the SLDF (ignoring issues that the the word multitudes implies a huge number when house fleets were small) it's possible 2 or 3 went on the Exodus TR3075 says it is unknown if any went.

At least 1 Du Shi Wang - the Jasmine Liao was captured (presumably by the HAF) renamed the Quicksilver Mongoose (by the HAF? Not clear) survived the liberation of Terra, joined the Exodus and served with Clan Mongoose before being mothballed after the absorption - so we need to add 1 Du Shi Wang to the Exodus. 

Tr3057R implies that the Nightwing and Tracker were out of service and did not go on the Exodus. 
The Vigilant looks like they were all turned over to the houses- so none on the Exodus

The Mako- TR3057R says the clans have none- as Bradshaw says War of Reaving says they have at least 2- probably not more then that since the SLDF only had a handful of the designs. 

Bonaventure - probably none

Baron, Carson and naga should be none.

Davions became Whirlwinds

I don't think any Darts went on the exodus- yes there were some but they were in the periphery

Riga I Frigate- might be a few that were taken out of mothballs.

Kimagure - clearly states 5 survived and went on the Exodus

The Quixotes all became Vokgas.

6 Avatars went on the Exodus and became liberators

Luxors - theoretically none but that has never stopped the writers before.

Monsoons- I am guessing none

Farragut - I recall mention of one surviving - despite the write up in TR3057R

Maybe a few of the Field Report 2765 ships would have been in the SLDF having been turned over to the SLDF during the RW- but again I can't see that many.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2018, 07:41:14 PM »

The Mako and the Dart are good reminders to me to look for Rim Worlds ships maybe in Operation Liberation Historicals.

Maybe a few of the Field Report 2765 ships would have been in the SLDF having been turned over to the SLDF during the RW- but again I can't see that many.

I will take a look and see what it says in the FR 2765 as well as Reunfication War Historical.

I know we didn't agree with a lot of TPTB work (small warship numbers for the Houses) but I just want to get a reasonable starting point than we can alter post 3052. ;)


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #55 on: September 20, 2018, 08:03:33 PM »

Quicksilver Mongoose was names by the Clan it was an ask the writers question on main boards

We definitely have proof of two samarkands with adders and sharks

Riga as well with adders

Tomorrow ill tally up the list now and see what we have numbers wise. I'd say roughly 260 to 270

Just because my 230 count didn't count the SLDF Carracks
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #56 on: September 21, 2018, 05:59:42 AM »

Re the Carracks we know they were building them in the Kerensky cluster in both the armed and not so armed versions.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #57 on: September 21, 2018, 08:39:31 AM »

Re the Carracks we know they were building them in the Kerensky cluster in both the armed and not so armed versions.

D'oh thats going to make that harder.

Interesting little bit while reading the Carrack in detail in 3057R

In an unusual move, the Nova Cats, in 2990, traded three merchant ships with their bays full of supplies to the Star Adders in exchange for three Lola III-class destroyers.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 08:45:18 AM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #58 on: September 21, 2018, 08:56:31 AM »

We knew about New Kent but this was interesting

The Wolves and Coyotes had noted the Viper’s expansion of their New Kent shipyards begun in early 3061 and had bargained hard for the rights to use the yards to upgrade their aging WarShips.

pg 22

Evidence of a shipyard at Priori

In late 3073 the Star Adders found themselves in increasing need of both the orbital facilities and resources available from the world of Priori - particularly the abundant foodstuffs.

The planet’s defense was supplemented by a small SDS system [this was a small defense system originally put in place by the Adders –SK] near the Clan’s former shipyard. Though none of the Burrock vessels moved to intercept the incoming Adder force, it was obvious the usurping Clan was ready for them.

pg 131 132 War of reaving

Rebuilding efforts have gone into revitalizing the Clan’s BattleMech and Elemental factories, and expanding the Kirin shipyards in hopes of negotiating repair services with the other Clans

With only Kirin as the Clan’s main shipyard—the Tamaron yards were demolished by the Steel Vipers

pg 165

Clan Star Adder lost fourteen WarShips during the Wars of Reaving. More importantly, the Clan lost its main shipyards over Albion and discovered extensive damage to the captured Priori yard. The losses have reduced much of the Clan’s maintenance and repair capabilities. Even with the new Hoard yard being constructed

pg 168

« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 09:03:47 AM by Bradshaw »
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #59 on: September 21, 2018, 10:40:38 AM »

Just blowing the dust of Battlespace which states on page 28 that the Exodus Civil War destroyed approximately 100 warships like the Michael Norman (Black Lion class Battlecruiser) as well as the Noble House and Long March (both Congress class Frigates). That fight is described in detail on page 31 of Battlespace.

I think they altered the Battlespace fluff. BTW I couldn't find that in the Battlespace was it revised ever? Because my edition has different info on that page.

Perhaps the best news for the Clans was that the naval caches had remained relatively unplundered. Only a handful of WarShips were still active in any way across the Pentagon systems; most were undermanned and barely functioning, parked in orbits around their home worlds, meant to look defensive when in reality they did little more than provide communications and reconnaissance support. The WarShip caches, however, did not remain entirely hidden (save for one). The spacefarers discovered most of them and took up residence in them, reactivating enough systems on the ships to power the grav decks and gardens—and almost certainly some of the weapons systems.


Khan Absalom Truscott left nothing to chance when it came to the Arcadian naval cache. Four Clan WarShips and sixteen combat DropShips converged on the cache, landing boarding parties and immediately targeting the bridges and engines of any ship that either fired up its active sensors or attempted to maneuver out of the cache. The battle for the Arcadian cache lasted eleven minutes, during which time five cache ships were disabled while one managed to fire a naval autocannon barrage—missing with all but one shell. It took two more days to completely secure the entirety of the cache, but the primary threat was neutralized within the first fifteen minutes.

At H plus six hours, two of the WarShips assigned to neutralize the cache, as well as the two WarShips tasked to the jump point, all jumped into pirate points in orbit over Arcadia to address the two rebel WarShips assumed to be defending the world. The rebel ships remained in orbit as two Clan WarShips approached each. Though both signaled warning challenges to the inbound Clan ships, the Texas-class Perth surrendered as soon as the Clan gunnery crews fired bracketed warning salvos. (Clan technicians that later boarded the ship reported that only a few of the ship’s weapons remained functional.) That left the Riga-class destroyer Admiral Schone, which initially signaled its surrender, but destroyed the DropShip assigned to deliver the boarding party, breaking orbit in the process and maneuvering for shots on the Clan WarShips. The Admiral Schone landed several hits on the Clan ships, but could never close enough or maneuver to bring its naval autocannon to bear; the two Clan WarShips made quick work of the Schone, whose crew refused to surrender; the ship’s burning and decompressing hulk fell into Arcadia’s atmosphere, the pieces of which that survived reentry falling in a twelve hundred kilometer wide region of the planet’s southern oceans. Even two centuries later, the occasional remnant of the Schone turns up along a shoreline or in a fisherman’s net

So 1 Warship Lost. This makes me believe that the Adders have more than the Burrocks in your split (as you'll see below they get nothing). I know they lost some versus Mongoose but they basically captured an entire Cache on their own with just one ship lost.

Babylon posed perhaps the greatest naval threat to the invading Clans. Not only was this system home to the largest naval cache established by the SLDF two decades earlier, it also possessed the largest and most active contingent of spacefarers of any of the Pentagon systems. Babylon VI (known colloquially as Sinclair to the natives of the system), with its seven moons, was the focus of a relatively sophisticated resource extraction operation. The world was rich with ice, which the spacefarers needed both for water as well as to convert to oxygen and hydrogen. They had also taken over several grounded mining and industrial DropShips, using them to extract and process ores, most of which they traded away for the food and other resources they needed.

Note Industrial Dropships and Mining Dropships

Cloud Cobra saKhan Rafe Kardaan took charge of naval operations in the Babylon system, commanding a combined task force of ships hailing from his own Clan as well as Clans Ice Hellion and Sea Fox (Clan Coyote contributed only support in the form of a few Stars of infantrymen). Sea Fox Star Commander Hintre Solomon and Ice Hellion Star Commander Broda Montose each led squadrons tasked with pacifying the spacefarer enclaves at the two jump points. As with the actions in the Arcadia system, the sudden appearance of the squadrons, coupled with a few well-placed shots, cowed the majority of ships. Only a handful of JumpShips executed emergency jumps—all but three to jump points in the Pentagon already controlled by Clan ships.

Only ship lost in the battle was repaired later its stated

The naval reserve secured Babylon VI, and sent their own damage control teams to the Inquisitor; their efforts saved the ship (though it would be decades before the Clans would be able to repair the ship and return it to service), but not the more than two hundred crewmembers that were killed in the attack.

A Congress and a Quixote stood post at Circe’s zenith point, though the Quixote had remained docked with the recharging station during the entirety of the SABLE SUN surveillance. Still, the two ships represented a challenge, one met by McKenna in the form of his namesake (the McKenna-class James McKenna) and the Cameron-Class Admiral Gerda Cameron, plus a squadron of combat DropShips. Both Clan WarShips jumped in to pointblank range of the Congress. Despite the Clans’ strong showing, the Congress attempted to put up a fight—or, as it actually turned out, to delay the Clan ships enough for the residents of the enclave to escape. Despite sustaining multiple crippling hits to its engineering and command decks, the Congress fought as best as it could, destroying seven DropShips and even scoring a few hits on the Clan WarShips before succumbing to the fire leveled at it. At the same time, dozens of spacefarer DropShips, and a number of JumpShips, all went active at the same time, each setting out in different directions. That gave the Quixote the cover it needed to cut loose from the recharge station and jump away (eventually, the Quixote would become a central figure in the “Battle of the Pentagon Run”). With the Congress destroyed and the Quixote escaped, it was only a matter of time before the rest of the spacefarers’ ships were captured. A number of JumpShips jumped away—all but three were captured upon jumping to other Clan-held jump points—but the rest of the ships were taken

So Congress Destroyed

Defending Outpost One were a McKenna and a Sovetskii Soyuz, and as the Clan squadron soon discovered, a docked Potemkin fully loaded with DropShips.

Khan McKenna dispatched the Black Lion-class Thunderbolt and the Avatar-class Korat to cow Outpost One.

That gave the spacefarers the time to begin evacuating the settlement; the Potemkin and three JumpShips pulled away from the colony and jumped away as the McKenna and Sovetskii Soyuz were making their final death blows. The Clans captured the settlement and dozens of DropShips and JumpShips, along with thousands of spacefarers; the majority got away, however, on the Potemkin.
In the hands of the Clans, Outpost One became their primary spaceport within the Pentagon; both personnel and materiel moved through this station before moving on to their destinations within the Pentagon and back out to Strana Mechty. Throughout the years, the Clans expanded Outpost One, which still serves as their largest and busiest spaceport within their homeworlds.

So McKenna and a Sovetskii Soyuz destroyed here

Aleksandr Kerensky’s SLDF chose the Dagda system as the home port of its fleet. Though ships and squadrons were assigned to (or mothballed in) different systems, Dagda—rich with ores and other natural resources—became home to the one naval shipyard constructed by the SLDF-in-exile. When the Clans returned, however, that shipyard and its associated naval cache were nothing but a vast cloud of broken ships and scattered debris. All had been victims of a massive naval engagement that had consumed scores of WarShips and DropShips

Well here we find the massive losses which is different from the beginning of this info found that they were relatively untouched as this is the largest one would think differently.

Unlike naval operations in the first three Pentagon systems, the four Clans assigned to the Dagda operation bid for the honor—or, more appropriate to the general consensus among the Clans, for the chore—of securing the system. Clans Burrock and Widowmaker won the rights to capture the spacefarers

Burrock Khans Polczyk assigned Qudi Hutchinson, promoted temporarily to the rank of Star Colonel, the task of securing the zenith point, as well as all enroute shipping to the north of the system primary. With a large group of JumpShips and DropShips clustered around the zenith point, Hutchinson jumped her own JumpShips and one WarShip in surrounding the zenith point, immediately dropping an ECM bubble over the point and launching DropShips to discourage resistance. Only three JumpShips attempted to break away from the pack and spin up their K-F Drives; all three capitulated when Hutchinson’s flagship, the Avatar-class Constantineau, destroyed their engines. Likewise, a handful of DropShips tried to break through the blockade, surrendering after only a few warning shots from the Constantineau’s guns.

The Lola III class Black Venom (Widowmaker vessel)

Based off this fluff I don't see Burrock, Widowmaker, Fire Mandrills and Goliath Scorpions having much gains from Captured Warships. Especially compared to the prior Pentagon Worlds.

Eden represented a veritable cake walk for the Clan crews assigned to secure the Pentagon systems. Operation SABLE SUN had shown that the Eden SLDF Naval Cache had apparently remained undiscovered by the spacefarers, hidden as it was within a massive series of caverns within one of Eden II’s smallest moons (really little more than a large asteroid that Eden II had captured in an erratic orbit).

In the three or so years that the Clans surreptitiously utilized the cache as a listening post, they lost one JumpShip and one WarShip, as well as the K-F Drives on two other ships, to miscalculated jumps to these points. Of course, the contents of the cache contained far more than was lost; even still, the Eden II pirate points were closed (ordered off-limits) until the start of Operation KLONDIKE.

So one ship lost here

In September of 2821, Kardaan’s fleet made its greatest breakthrough; after combing through the remains of a Riga destroyer they’d crippled

Nother one here

A spacefarer counterattack, in a system 110 LY from Circe, brought them only defeat against a Clan foe superior in numbers and firepower. It was wholly one-sided—five Clan cruisers and battleships, and three dozen DropShips ripped into three spacefarer destroyers and cruisers. Moreover, it signaled the beginning of the end for the rebels.

Possibly 3 here doesn't say if destroyed or salvaged

That finally happened in a system the Clans designate EC821-387D. Eleven spacefarer JumpShips, plus five more WarShips (including the mostly unarmed Potemkin and Quixote that escaped the Circe system) faced nine Clan WarShips and their supporting vessels. The resulting battle saw the spacefarer fleet broken; two of their WarShips, plus one more Clan WarShip, were destroyed in
the fighting, as were nine total DropShips. The JumpShips were captured, but both the Potemkin and the Quixote managed to jump away; it was two weeks before the Clans tracked down the
Potemkin and captured it (and the twenty thousand people it and its DropShips were transporting). The Quixote was never seen again, however.

3 more destroyed here and one vanished without a trace.

The run was over, as was the spacefarer way of life. The people were transported back to Strana Mechty for “integration” into the Clan society (many of these individuals would be later used to open up the naval caches and renovate the ships contained within),

Free Guilds born from this

As Aleksandr's eldest son, Major-General Nicholas Kerensky, commander of the 146th Royal BattleMech Division, was his designated heir to take command of the exiled SLDF. Though he had the loyalty of his own unit and most of the navy, the rest of the army rejected him due to his lack of combat experience and made their own attempts to assume command. Realizing that civil war was inevitable, Nicholas decided to take those loyal to him on a Second Exodus to Strana Mechty, one of the newly-founded colonies in the Kerensky Cluster. Over the next several months Nicholas' forces were able to evacuate nearly a quarter of the civilian population - roughly a million people - with the last transports leaving by the end of January 2802. While the majority of the navy had sided with Nicholas, only the 146th and 149th BattleMech Division left in full with him.

Based off this I'm surprised Clan's don't have a stronger tie to the Navy then they do. I mean only two divisions out of how many that left on the Exodus joined him?
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 10:45:15 AM by Bradshaw »
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin
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