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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #60 on: September 21, 2018, 11:01:56 AM »

Golden Age

It was the largest fleet battle in Clan history, with almost thirty WarShips involved in the fighting plus dozens of DropShip and scores of fighters. The cruiser-based Mongoose fleet was outmatched by the heavier Jaguar battleships, but their fighters helped even out the battle. It seemed that the Mongooses were going to carry the day when the Quicksilver Mongoose shattered the spine of the McKenna-class Obsidian. However, the Lola III Storm Cat crippled the Mongoose battleship, leaving it to drift out of the system leaking atmosphere. With a huge turn of momentum, half of the Mongoose fleet regrouped while the other half tried to press the advantage. In the end, half of the Jaguar fleet was destroyed and the remaining four Mongoose WarShips surrendered.

So if we say almost even in numbers lets say 13 Mongoose vs 15 Jaguars So we have 8 Warships Destroyed from Mongoose 4 captured by Jaguars and 1 Mothballed.

Jaguars then lost 8 warships in this battle as well. 12 afterwards with Mongoose isorla.

To make protecting their holdings easier, a quarter of the former Mongoose territory was given away in exchange for votes from the Grand Council to allow the Jaguars to acquire some mothballed ships to rebuild their shattered fleet.

Say the Grand Council allowed  them to get the amount lost vs Mongoose that brings them up to 20 warship. Add in the Fredasa's and Carrack that are probably built by clans that brings them to the 23 they have at current times.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 11:02:50 AM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #61 on: September 21, 2018, 12:11:46 PM »

Some excellent data mining Bradshaw in regards to shipyards. Whose yards were at Priori?

In regards to the Burrock-Star Adder Naval split please look at this link.


The Battlespace book was split into halves. First is the Rule Book and second is the Sourcebook. The info provided on the Exodus is in the Sourcebook or second half.

In regards to the Free Guilds and stronger ties to the Navy you are right. While a majority of the Star League Navy supported Nicholas and they have solid transport capabilities it was the spacefarers now called the Free Guilds (at least in my vision) that helped evacuate alot of denizens and equipment. I'd say the Navy was busy with military matters.

And yes you'd think the Clans would be much more Naval oriented than Mechwarrior oriented after this.

Did you see Fasa and the Pentagon Run campaign in Klondike? Might be more info there.

Interesting stuff on the Golden Age too. The Mongoose Absorption is interesting certainly. The Widowmaker Absorption may have more info too.

Empires Aflame is the only semi-canon alternate of the BattleTech universe and it diverges when Kerensky is assassinated following the Amaris War and DeChevalier leds the Terran Supremacy. The Confederated Suns has been a what if since the House Sourcebooks hinted during the 2nd Succession War (I believe) that Paul Davion and Chancellor Liao came to an agreement eventually merging their empires into one. It is an alternate and has no useful data to be mined, everything could be very different.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #62 on: September 21, 2018, 12:27:40 PM »

Some excellent data mining Bradshaw in regards to shipyards. Whose yards were at Priori?


n regards to the Burrock-Star Adder Naval split please look at this link.


Could it be perhaps it was that the Burrocks may have had ships that contained more Docks than the Adders. Adders being forced to mothball most of their navy acquired in Klondike due to no shipyards. Having to pay a huge fee thought to probably Ravens maybe Burrocks as well as it seems like they have 2 shipyards themselves.

Did you see Fasa and the Pentagon Run campaign in Klondike? Might be more info there.

Yea I read it funny they named a planet after the old company that died out

Interesting stuff on the Golden Age too. The Mongoose Absorption is interesting certainly. The Widowmaker Absorption may have more info too.

Thanks my numbers work out based upon their 3052 numbers and the generalization of the fluff given.

Empires Aflame is the only semi-canon alternate of the BattleTech universe and it diverges when Kerensky is assassinated following the Amaris War and DeChevalier leds the Terran Supremacy. The Confederated Suns has been a what if since the House Sourcebooks hinted during the 2nd Succession War (I believe) that Paul Davion and Chancellor Liao came to an agreement eventually merging their empires into one. It is an alternate and has no useful data to be mined, everything could be very different.

gotcha going to delete that post then as it doesn't count towards this.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 12:33:42 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #63 on: September 21, 2018, 12:38:36 PM »

The Widowmaker Absorption may have more info too.

Interestingly enough despite it being a tenacious fight it seems like it was concentrated solely by ground troops. I think thats why Wolf Dragoons had 6 of their Warships. With Wolf still having an impressive 19 themselves.
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #64 on: September 21, 2018, 02:06:27 PM »

Searching Liberation  of Terra Books now just to see what it says about things

A Difference of Philosophy
The design philosophies of modern WarShips and those of the modern era differ markedly. Compared to their modern kin, Star League vessels are often under-armored and lacked point defenses, making them vulnerable to enemy aerospace and missile attacks. While essentially correct, this view neglects a key factor in the SL DF navy; unlike today’s isolated behemoths, WarShips of the 2760s were designed to operate as part of squadrons and fleets, relying on their companions for defense and screening. This apes the ultra-specialized aspects of the Regular Army, something the sheer size of the SLDF allowed but which isn’t practical in the pitiful modern fleets. Today we think of destroyers and frigates and cruisers, but in the Star League there’d be a clear distinction between a fleet destroyer and a vessel intended for independent operations. There was little need for carrier WarShips like the FWL’s Thera (though some pseudo-carriers like the Kimagure and Aegis existed), instead DropShips like the Titan served as the base for air wings.

—Admiral Heather Alexander, The Black and the
Blue: Navies though the millennia, Oriente Military Press, 3061

On the eve of the Periphery Uprising the SLDF fielded an immense fleet of more than 1,500 front-line WarShips (plus another 750 in the garrison fleet).

Garrison Fleet
Commander (Flagship): None
Composition: Circa 750 destroyers and cruisers

Naval Reserve
While the SLDF’s active fleet comprised some 2,250 vessels this represented only seventy percent of its total strength. The remaining vessels, around a thousand ships, were held in the reserve, mothballed to save on operating costs or else undergoing periodic refits. In time of conflict these vessels could be reactivated and used to bolster the Star League Navy. Though refits on some vessels were accelerated after the Periphery Uprising, reactivating the Reserve Fleet was not considered a priority—the existing deployment grossly outclassed the Periphery fleets—and so most of these vessels sat idle and forgotten. Unfortunately for the Hegemony, Amaris had not forgotten and using codes his observers aboard the fleet had gathered, suborned over a hundred vessels which he employed in the execution of his coup. Several hundred more were drafted into the Imperial Navy after the takeover, the remainder being scuttled by SLDF rearguard actions or else unusable due to lack of parts or manpower.

So the SLDF left 12 Warships with Comstar of the 414 survivors out of over 2300 before the Coup.

Comstar Fleet as of Operation Bulldog without Faslane and Dante Class that they built afterwards

Which of these were ones left and which they salvaged over the years I don't know.

CSV Invisible Truth - Cameron-Class
CSV Anastasius Focht - Suffren-class
CSV Divine Wisdom - Lola III-class
CSV Holy Martyrdom - Lola III-class
CSV Strength Through Adversity - Lola III-class
CSV Vision of Truth - Potemkin-class
CSV Alacrity - Vincent-class
CSV Blake's Strength - Black Lion-class
CSV Manchester - Suffren-class
CSV Blake's Vision - Lola III-class
CSV Ranger - Lola III-class
CSV Enlightened Path - Volga-class
CSV Defender of Versailles - Essex-class
CSV Resilience - Vincent-class
CSV Determination - Vincent-class
CSV Cleansing Fire - Congress-class
CSV Blake's Vengeance - Sovetskii Soyuz-class
CSV Righteous Fury - Aegis-class
CSV Swift Justice - Aegis-class
CSV Hammerstrike - Essex-class
CSV Hollings York - Congress-class
CSV Avenging Sword - Aegis-class
CSV Deathblow - Essex-class
CSV Brandenburg Crusader - Essex-class
CSV Harmonious Thought Sovetskii Soyuz class
CSV Leander Lola-class
CSV Emerald Essex class
CSV Starlight Essex class

I can't find anywhere a centralized list of Wobbie Ships.

This is just because I was thinking of your Shattered Dawn universe while reading through all this. Would there have been such a quick jump back into war in your universe without this....

By 2821, exhaustion set in and a series of accords ended the First Succession War. Tensions remained high and the peace would be short-lived; the Second Succession War began in 2828, and though less brutal than its predecessor, it further ravaged the Inner Sphere. At the time naked ambition seemed at fault for the renewed hostilities, but records unearthed during the reformation of ComStar in 3052 implied that the order, under the leadership of Primus Toyama, had served as an agent provocateur
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 12:22:14 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #65 on: September 21, 2018, 02:17:51 PM »

Monsoon joining the Exodus-from Liberation of Terra II.

A Farragut-class batleship and a Sovetskii Soyuz-class heavy cruiser within the exodus fleet assmbled by General Aleksandr Kerensky

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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #66 on: September 21, 2018, 02:44:42 PM »

I've an Excel file at work with the WoB fleet on it, I'll copy that down for tomorrow.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #67 on: September 21, 2018, 03:35:41 PM »

I've an Excel file at work with the WoB fleet on it, I'll copy that down for tomorrow.

Sweet because I'm almost researched out

I got fooled almost on a book I found online. It turned out to be fan product but I could agree with this.

From a fan book FM Burrock

1 Nightlord Class WarShip “Absolute Truth”
1 Sovetskii Soyuz Class WarShip “Divine Conquest”
1 Liberator Class Warship “Constantineau”
1 Aegis Class Heavy Cruiser “Ares's Might”
3 Lola III Class Destroyers “Cameron's Flame,” “Hager” and “Yodan”
2 Vincent Mk.42 Class Corvettes “Vritra” and “Centaur”
2 Essex Class Destroyers “Eagle” and “Tehuantepec”
1 Potemkin Class Troop Cruiser “Renoun”
2 York Class Destroyers “Exodus Ranger” and “Star Fire”
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #68 on: September 21, 2018, 08:23:12 PM »

Found another Samarkand Beijing for cloud cobras  wars of reaving page 162
Another Mako Fuchida Bandit Caste page 128
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 09:04:15 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #69 on: September 22, 2018, 02:53:45 AM »

The Blakist fleet including suborned/captured ships and their dates of destruction/location.

Word of Blake Fleet

Original/Salvaged Ships

Herald of Wisdom – Aegis – Destroyed CASE WHITE 3068
Enlightened Direction – Naga – Destroyed CASE WHITE 3068
Syrstart – Pinto – Destroyed CASE WHITE 3068
Gorgon – Pinto – Destroyed CASE WHITE 3068
White Devil – Riga I – Destroyed CASE WHITE 3068

Herald of Justice – Aegis –   Destroyed over New Avalon 3068
Stalwart Defender – Sovetskii Soyuz – Destroyed over Nusakan 3068

Herald of Retribution – Aegis – Destroyed over Sian 3070

Faith’s End – Lola III – Destroyed over Benjamin 3072
Blade of Holiness – Vincent Mk 39 – Destroyed over Benjamin 3072
Light of Hope – Baron – Destroyed over Luthien 3072
Sword of Promise – Carson – Destroyed over Luthien 3072
Red Angel – Riga I – Destroyed over New Avalon 3072

Immortal Spirit – Aegis – Destroyed over Coventry 3074
Light of Faith – Baron – Destroyed at Odessa 3074
Blade of Righteousness – Vincent Mk 39 – Destroyed over Luthien 3074
Deliverance – Essex – Destroyed over Tukayyid 3074
Blake’s Sword – McKenna – Destroyed over Tukayyid 3074

Enlightened Spark – Essex – Destroyed at Gabriel 3075

Light of Glory – Baron – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
Dawning Horizon – Essex – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
End of Wisdom – Lola III – Destroyed over Dieron  3077

Righteous Justice – Farragut – Destroyed over Terra 3078
Blake’s Ascendant – Black Lion –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Rays of Enlightenment – Black Lion  –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Sword of Enlightenment – Carson  –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Hidden Meaning – Essex –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Divine Forgiveness – Essex –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Divine Command – Naga –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Celestial Threads – Naga –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Milvano – Pinto –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Mayene – Pinto –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Perdition – Dante –  Destroyed over Terra 3078
Salvation – Dante –  Destroyed over Terra 3078

Blake’s Redemption – Vincent Mk 39 – Destroyed over Circinus

MIA ships

Vigilant Guardian – Sovetskii Soyuz – Fate unknown
Blade of Divinity – Vincent Mk 39 – Fate unknown
Hippolyta – Agamemnon – Fate Unknown
Corinth – Thera – Fate unknown
Opilione – Zechetinu II – Fate unknown
Erinyes – Newgrange – Fate unknown

Captured/suborned Ships

Nueva Badjoz – Aegis – Destroyed at Shiloh 3070
Xanthos – Black Lion – Destroyed at Shiloh 3070

Olympic – Aegis – Destroyed at Arc Royal 3072
Troy – Agamemnon – Destroyed at Arc Royal 3072
Dark Claw – Essex – Destroyed at Necromo 3072
Bors – Eagle – Destroyed over Benjamin 3072
Robinson – Fox – Destroyed over Benjamin 3072
Robert Kelswa – Fox – Destroyed over Benjamin 3072

Vision Quest (Ex Clan ship) – Aegis – Destroyed over Lutien 3075
Fire Fang (Ex Clan ship) – Whirlwind – Destroyed over Dyev 3076
Hollings York – Congress – Destroyed over Dyev 3076

Araneida – Zechetinu II – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
Karelia – Zechetinu – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
Tirana – Zechetinu – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
Aineas – Agamemnon – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
Sardis – Thera – Captured by Clan Snow Raven over Dieron 3077
Mordred – Eagle – Destroyed over Dieron 3077
Tristram – Eagle – Destroyed over Dieron 3077

Percival – Eagle – Destroyed over New Earth 3078
Lioness – York – Destroyed over New Home 3078

Bedevere – Eagle – Destroyed over Gibson 3078
Impavido – Impavido – Destroyed over Gibson 3078

Melissa Davion – Avalon – Destroyed over Circinus 3081



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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2018, 03:52:15 AM »

McKenna Class Command Battleship.

Taken from their yards once their keels were laid down the following McKenna's were chosen to be hugely upgraded and improved;

SLS Terra, SLS Caph, SLS Enterprise,  SLS McKenna’s Pride, SLS New Earth, and the SLS Star League all emerged from an ultra-secure slip near Titan as totally different vessels.

Unlike the sleek Flight I and II McKenna's the six Command Ships were bulkier and far beamier with a flared and 'fat' superstructure that 'ruined' the ships fine lines.  But these aesthetic changes were needed as the Command Ships were built to provide command, control, communications, computers and intelligence support not just to a single fleet or even an entire fleet, but the whole SLDF if needs be.  Each Command Ship was capable of coordinating battles, campaigns and whole wars and they were also built to act as an emergency ship for the First Lord or Commanding General of the SLDF should some disaster befall the Hegemony.

To this end the ships were outfitted with a huge array of advanced computers including a full ATAC system that could coordinate up to 200 drones if needed.  Augmented sensors, multiple communications arrays, a HPG, and massive databanks allowed the Commander of the ship to coordinate campaigns light years apart.  There was berthing for up to 200 Officers and their staff, an additional 500 quarters could easily be converted into a medical centre and this was supported by a full Medical bay that would rival any on Terra.  There was also an emergency bunker that could house 50 and had its own power, food, water and air supply to act as a massive safe house if the ship was damaged and was built to be the last refuge of the First Lord (and was the Admiral or Generals sleeping quarters.)

Berths and an armoury was provided for up to 250 CAAN Marines with points for Nighthawk PA(L)’s as well for shipboard security although this full detachment was rarely carried.  Multiple grav-decks including a large 250 meter one provided for crew comfort and 6000 tons of fuel gave the ship huge endurance, there was even a standalone 175-ton storage facility for liquids in case of emergencies. 

The armour package was also heavily augmented with 2250 tons of Ferro-Lamellor Carbide plating the hull, making them the most heavily armoured ships in service.  They were also amongst the most heavily armed WarShips in active service too.  Retaining the McKenna’s impressive broadside batteries of PPCs the ship also featured large clusters of naval lasers, heavy naval gauss rifles and more AR-10 missile launchers than the standard McKenna.  For self-defence against fighters the ship relied on its organic fighter compliment of 60 craft as well as a large battery of lasers, gauss rifles and autocannons (some of these weapon systems did change during the Clan years thanks to lighter Clan technology and that is what is shown here).  Ten Small craft were also carried, and this always included 5 Goalkeeper class Defence Craft as well as an assortment of shuttles.
( https://bg.battletech.com/forums/index.php?topic=58802.msg )

These massive ships were hugely expensive to both build and maintain and it was standard practice that only 3 would be active at any one time with the other three being serviced or standing guard in the Sol System.  During the Periphery Crisis prior to the fateful events of December 27th, 2766, General Kerensky ordered all six ships activated and made the SLS McKenna’s Pride his flagship before departing for the Periphery.

Priority targets during the Amaris Civil War only one Command McKenna survived to see the Liberation of Terra, the McKenna’s Pride herself and it was this ship that remained Kerensky’s flagship as he led the SLDF into self-imposed exile.
Now in orbit over Strana Mechty the McKenna’s Pride is an utterly unique ship and is maintained by all the Clans, serving as the tomb and Mausoleum for General Aleksandr Kerensky with the ship in pristine condition as if waiting for an inspection.  She still has her intact ATAC computer, despite their hatred of the Drones, the Clans could not bring themselves to alter the Flagship of The Great Father.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: McKenna Class Command Ship
Tech: Clan
Ship Cost: $34,212,546,800.00
Magazine Cost: $27,230,000.00
BV2: 196,546

Mass: 1,930,000
K-F Drive System: Compact with L-F Battery
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-Carbide
6 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy
12 Naval Laser 55
48 Naval PPC Heavy
12 Naval AC 20
9 Capital Launcher AR-10

28 Laser Large ER (C)
12 AC 10 LB-X (C)
8 LRM 20+Art4 (C)
16 Gauss Rifle (C)

32 Laser Medium Pulse (C)
8 AC 5 LB-X (C)
4 Laser Large Pulse (C)
40 AMS (C)

Controls: 4,825.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact with L-F Battery (38 Integrity) 892,625.00
Jump Sail: (8 Integrity) 127.00
Structural Integrity: 95 183,350.00
Total Heat Sinks: 8378(16756) Double 7,500.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 15000 points 6,120.00
Fire Control Computers: 6,451.98

Armor: 2475 pts Lamellor Ferro-Carbide 2,250.00
Fore: 385
Aft-Left/Right: 430/430
Aft: 375

Dropship Capacity: 6 6,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 4 200.00  (100 meter)
Medium: 1 100.00 (250 meter)
Large: 0.00
Escape Pods: 150 1,050.00
Life Boats: 150 1,050.00

Crew And Passengers:

135 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 1,350.00
296 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 2,072.00
377 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 2,639.00
195 Bay Personnel 0.00
200 1st Class Passengers 2,000.00 (Command staff personnel)
500 2nd Class Passengers 3,500.00 (Assorted staff/Personnel or up to 500 Hospital beds)
318 Steerage Passengers 1,590.00 (250 Marines, 68 ATAC Operators/Technical staff)

Aerospace Group

60 x Aerospace Fighters (8 Bays)
10 x Small Craft (2 Bays)

DropShip Docking Collars - 6

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Nose 36 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 14,000.00
2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Nose 36 600 (60-C) 14,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 Nose 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) Nose 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) Nose 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
6 AC 10 LB-X (C) Nose 12 36 (3.6-C) 60.00
5 AMS (C) Nose 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

3 Naval AC 20 FL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
3 Naval AC 20 FL 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
3 Capital Launcher AR-10 FL 750.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) FL 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 LRM 20+Art4 (C) FL 24 64 (6.4-C) 24.00
5 AMS (C) FL 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

3 Naval AC 20 FR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
3 Naval AC 20 FR 180 600 (60-C) 7,500.00
3 Capital Launcher AR-10 FR 750.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) FR 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 LRM 20+Art4 (C) FR 24 64 (6.4-C) 24.00
5 AMS (C) FR 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

4 Naval PPC Heavy LBS 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy LBS 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy LBS 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) LBS 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) LBS 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) LBS 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00
5 AMS (C) LBS 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

4 Naval PPC Heavy RBS 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy RBS 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy RBS 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) RBS 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) RBS 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) RBS 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00
5 AMS (C) RBS 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

4 Naval PPC Heavy AL 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy AL 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy AL 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) AL 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 AC 5 LB-X (C) AL 4 12 (1.2-C) 28.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) AL 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00
5 AMS (C) AL 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

4 Naval PPC Heavy AR 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy AR 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Naval PPC Heavy AR 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) AR 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 AC 5 LB-X (C) AR 4 12 (1.2-C) 28.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) AR 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00
5 AMS (C) AR 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

2 Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Aft 36 600 (60-C) 14,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 Aft 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
3 Capital Launcher AR-10 Aft 750.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) Aft 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 Laser Large Pulse (C) Aft 40 40 (4-C) 24.00
6 AC 10 LB-X (C) Aft 12 36 (3.6-C) 60.00
5 AMS (C) Aft 5 15 (1.5-C) 2.50

Ammo Rounds

Naval Gauss Rifle Heavy Ammo 150
Naval AC 20 Ammo 360
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 180
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 180
Capital Launcher Killer Whale Ammo 180
LRM 20+Art4 (C) Ammo 192
Gauss Rifle (C) Ammo 512
AC 5 LB-X (C) Ammo 480
AC 10 LB-X (C) Ammo 360
AMS (C) Ammo 2880

Cargo - 122035 tons (2 Bays)
Liquid Cargo - 160 tons
Large NCSS - 500 tons
Mobile HPG - 50 Tons
Comms equipment - 200 Tons
MASH Unit - 10 Units
ATAC System with 200 Drone uplink - 68600 tons
Imager Hi-res - x 1
Imager Hyperspectral - x 1

This is my thoughts on what the 6 Command McKenna's would be like and a good 'excuse' to use the redone 3057 look, one of the few designs I liked from TRO3057.  I had to think of how and why they looked so different so I came up with the idea of these things being the equivalent of a flying Pentagon and White House in one and basically the SLDF's version of Airforce One.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2018, 07:13:16 AM »

A nice idea based on canon work.

Good work on the Word of Blake list but I am not sure why Bradshaw needs it. The Blakists salvaged most of their fleet and restored them at the Gabriel yards. Their ships wouldn't involve the Clans or Quicksilver.


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2018, 07:29:05 AM »

Was just wanting to try and track down the ships left in comstars hands by Kerensky

NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2018, 11:21:34 AM »

Re this picture got me thinking and I came up with this.

Tsunami Class Battleship

In 3000 during a usual patrol of the Norfolk Boneyard to check for any Bandit Caste scavengers the CSR Huginn picked up a faint sensor echo where there shouldn’t be one.  Ordering a course change to intercept the unidentified potential intruder the inspection of the Boneyard would have to wait as the ship went several days out of her way. 

The Huginn didn’t find any Bandits.  It found something far more interesting, the SLS Thunderer, one of two Monsoon class battleships that survived the Amaris Civil War and joined Operation EXODUS.  The ship had been left at the Norfolk Boneyard, and all but forgotten in the tumult of the Pentagon Civil War and a blown airlock had caused a decompression that had moved the WarShip from her mooring to drift slowly out-system which is how the Huginn was able to detect her.  Claiming the ship as Salvage the Huginn sent across a recovery team as well as several small craft to stabilize the ship and stop her drift.  Recovery of the Battleship took six weeks whilst the Carrack CSR Venture Star brought in a new jump core to replace the long since removed one as well as the parts needed to get the reactors working again. 

Whilst other Khans made generally displeased noises in the Grand Council, they were calmed somewhat by the reports on the Thunder’s condition.  Already very old at the start of the Amaris Civil War the ship was only used because of her large cargo and DropShip capacity and the years had not been kind to the ship and she had deteriorated greatly.  Some Scientists were surprised that she had survived the jump to Lum, and in truth she was little better than a hulk. 

The Raven’s said they would not recommission the Thunderer, she would instead become a monument in orbit over Lum (which in turn saw Seekers swarming to the ship to go through her Datacores).  But the ships recovery did spur the Raven’s on to other projects.

Whilst the Nightlord class was a capable WarShip, more than a few Star Admirals across different Clans viewed the Class as something less than a ‘true’ battleship, and viewed the class as more a glorified DropShip which paid for its massive Mech and Elemental capacity with a substandard aerospace group and a disjointed mix of weapons.

Hearing the grumbles of the Star Admirals, several Scientists began a design program for a potential battleship for Clan service, using the Monsoon class as a basis, if only in terms of tonnage and overall measurements. 

The result was the Tsunami class that featured increased thrust ratings, able to match more modern Battleship as well as a hugely thick hide of Ferro Lamellor armour.  The Tsunami was built to engage and destroy hostile WarShips, sweeping aside any obstruction or threat and much like the Monsoon class, it was an autocannon heavy ship with a big battery of NAC-30s and NAC-35’s giving the ship its main close in punch.  A mixture of particle cannons, lasers and missile launchers filled out the armament, allowing the design to engage targets at any range whilst a heavy battery of point defence weapons protected the ship from hostile fighter strikes or boarding craft.

Fitted with a HPG for long range communication and a security detachment of 50 Elementals the Tsunami also boasted a 50 strong Aerospace group as well as room for 8 small craft.  For long range missions the ship could carry up to 88,000 tons of cargo as well as nearly 20,000 tons of spare parts to keep her and any squadron mates in operating condition whilst 6,000 tons of fuel give the ship superb range compared to older SLDF designs.

Thanks to a bureaucratic foul up the design was actually forwarded to the Raven’s Khan who in turn queried the design with his Chief Scientist who had no idea about the project.  Quick to assign blame to the small research group who had come up with the design and ‘wasted time’ on it, the Khan was actually impressed and ‘requested’ that the design be continued including a cost analysis to see if the ship was a viable design.

Whilst more expensive than a Nightlord class ship the Tsunami design was a far more capable WarShip.  With minimal intelligence from the Inner Sphere, it was unknown if the Spheroids had produced any new WarShips that could be a threat or challenge them should the Clans return or, should the Bandit Lords of the so-called Great Houses come looking for Kerensky’s descendants.

It was agreed to build a single ship that would operate with the CSR Snow Raven and allow one of the Ravens Naval Reserve Potemkin’s to be removed from the role of Ersatz Battleship.

Completed in 3010 the CSR Tsunami caused quite a stir when she entered service and other Clans began looking into obtaining the design for themselves.

Code: [Select]
Class/Model/Name: Tsunami Class Battleship
Tech: Clan
Ship Cost: $27,626,274,004.00
Magazine Cost: $181,196,000.00
BV2: 154,275

Mass: 1,310,000
K-F Drive System: Compact with L-F Battery
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-Carbide


18 Naval PPC Heavy
18 Naval AC 30
6 Naval AC 35
34 Naval Laser 55
4 Capital Launcher AR-10
8 PPC ER (C)
24 Laser Large ER (C)
11 Laser Large Pulse (C)
56 Laser Medium Pulse (C)
16 Laser Medium ER (C)
16 Gauss Rifle (C)
4 AC 20 Ultra (C)
6 AC 10 Ultra (C)
20 AC 5 LB-X (C)

Class/Model/Name: Tsunami Class Battleship
Mass: 1,310,000

Equipment: Mass

Drive: 235,800.00
Safe: 3
Maximum: 5

Controls: 3,275.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact with L-F Battery (27 Integrity) 605,875.00
Jump Sail: (6 Integrity) 96.00
Structural Integrity: 90 117,900.00
Total Heat Sinks: 10731(21462) Double 10,000.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 15000 points 6,120.00
Fire Control Computers: 15,501.00

Armor: 1979 pts Lamellor Ferro-Carbide 1,750.00

Fore: 318
Fore-Left/Right: 338/338
Aft-Left/Right: 338/338
Aft: 308

Dropship Capacity: 5 5,000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 2 100.00
Medium: 1 100.00

Escape Pods: 75 525.00
Life Boats: 75 525.00

Crew And Passengers:
72 Officers in Steerage Quarters 360.00
235 Crew in Steerage Quarters 1,175.00
117 Gunners and Others in Steerage Quarters 585.00
140 Bay Personnel
60 Steerage (Including 50 Elementals and 10 HPG techs) 300.00

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
4 Naval PPC Heavy Nose 900 600 (60-C) Extreme-C 12,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 Nose 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 Nose 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
4 AC 5 LB-X (C) Nose 4 12 (1.2-C) 28.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) Nose 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) Nose 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00
2 AC 20 Ultra (C) Nose 28 60 (6-C) 24.00
3 Laser Large Pulse (C) Nose 30 30 (3-C) 18.00

3 Naval PPC Heavy FL 675 450 (45-C) 9,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 FL 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 FL 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
4 Naval Laser 55 FL 340 220 (22-C) 4,400.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) FL 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) FL 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
3 AC 10 Ultra (C) FL 18 45 (4.5-C) 30.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) FL 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00

3 Naval PPC Heavy FR 675 450 (45-C) 9,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 FR 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 FR 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
4 Naval Laser 55 FR 340 220 (22-C) 4,400.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) FR 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) FR 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
3 AC 10 Ultra (C) FR 18 45 (4.5-C) 30.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) FR 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00

2 Naval AC 30 LBS 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval AC 35 LBS 240 700 (70-C) 8,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 LBS 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 LBS 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
6 AC 5 LB-X (C) LBS 6 18 (1.8-C) 42.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) LBS 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 Laser Large Pulse (C) LBS 40 40 (4-C) 24.00
8 Laser Medium ER (C) LBS 40 56 (5.6-C) 8.00
6 Laser Medium Pulse (C) LBS 24 36 (3.6-C) 12.00

2 Naval AC 30 RBS 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
2 Naval AC 35 RBS 240 700 (70-C) 8,000.00
2 Naval AC 30 RBS 200 600 (60-C) 7,000.00
6 Naval Laser 55 RBS 510 330 (33-C) 6,600.00
6 AC 5 LB-X (C) RBS 6 18 (1.8-C) 42.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) RBS 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
4 Laser Large Pulse (C) RBS 40 40 (4-C) 24.00
8 Laser Medium ER (C) RBS 40 56 (5.6-C) 8.00
6 Laser Medium Pulse (C) RBS 24 36 (3.6-C) 12.00

4 Naval PPC Heavy AL 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
2 Capital Launcher AR-10 AL 500.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) AL 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
4 PPC ER (C) AL 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
6 Laser Medium Pulse (C) AL 24 36 (3.6-C) 12.00

4 Naval PPC Heavy AR 900 600 (60-C) 12,000.00
2 Capital Launcher AR-10 AR 500.00
4 Gauss Rifle (C) AR 4 60 (6-C) 48.00
4 PPC ER (C) AR 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
6 Laser Medium Pulse (C) AR 24 36 (3.6-C) 12.00

2 Naval AC 35 Aft 240 700 (70-C) 8,000.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Aft 340 220 (22-C) 4,400.00
4 Naval Laser 55 Aft 340 220 (22-C) 4,400.00
4 AC 5 LB-X (C) Aft 4 12 (1.2-C) 28.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) Aft 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
8 Laser Medium Pulse (C) Aft 32 48 (4.8-C) 16.00
2 AC 20 Ultra (C) Aft 28 60 (6-C) 24.00

Cargo Capacity - 88,000 tons
Spare Parts - 19,888 tons

Aerospace Group

50 x Aerospace Fighters
8 x Small Craft


Ammo Rounds

Naval AC 35 Ammo 540
Naval AC 30 Ammo 1620
Capital Launcher Barracuda Ammo 80
Capital Launcher White Shark Ammo 80
AC 5 LB-X (C) Ammo 2880
AC 10 Ultra (C) Ammo 480
AC 20 Ultra (C) Ammo 200
Gauss Rifle (C) Ammo 512

As always, thoughts are most welcome.  Sorry about the formatting, dunno why its come out so janky compared to what it is on notepad :s

« Last Edit: September 22, 2018, 05:31:50 PM by marauder648 »


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Re: Quicksilver WarShips -Thoughts.
« Reply #74 on: September 23, 2018, 06:43:44 PM »

Put this together today based on talks with Bradshaw yesterday which were backed up by extensive research. Still working on it and would love comments.

Premise the Clans all love self-sufficiency so field and maintain only what they can. This is backed by Snow Raven who monopolizes the warship system and provides assistance where need ($). So every Clan has at least one naval hub, how good it is we can debate. Thoughts??

Clan Naval Facilities

Blood Spirit
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), York (best guest if any)
Status: Minor docks (if any) dedicated to maintenance, possible Raven assistance likely
Capacity: Full (although naval expansion maybe possible)
Cached Fleet: Unlikely (traded to Ravens)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans
Notes: Fleet minimalists the Spirits traded most of their navy away to the Ravens for greater ground support

Shipyards: 1, Cheops Shipyards, Albion
Status: Moderate docks (if any) dedicated to maintenance
Capacity: Full (although naval expansion possible, Star Adder disappointment at damage)
Cached Fleet: Possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans (Blood Spirit and Star Adder) and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Average sized Clan fleet with expansion possible.

Cloud Cobra
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Homer (best guest based on available info)
Status: Major docks (if any) dedicated to maintenance
Capacity: Full (although naval expansion maybe possible, a lot of unknowns here)
Cached Fleet: Possible (have to review Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: possibly in Wars of Reaving but a large amount of this is education guess work
Notes: Average sized Clan fleet with expansion possible again a lot of guessing here

Shipyards: 2 / (name unknown), Tamaron (cited in Wars of Reaving as demolished by Vipers)
      Candra Orbital Dock, New Kent (pg 54 FM Warden Clans)
Status: Tamaron, moderate dockyards dedicated to maintenance
   New Kent, small orbital yard, one of the Clan’s only sources for new Dropships
Capacity: 4/5s (current naval expansion, new York being built)
Cached Fleet: Possible (have to review Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Warden Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Slightly undersized fleet with current expansion underway

Diamond Shark
Shipyards: 1, Babylon L-5 Yards, Babylon
Status: Major docks refitted by the Ravens, builds the Sassanid Dropship
Capacity: Full (naval expansion maybe possible)
Cached Fleet: Possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: TRO 3057, FM Warden Clans, and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Large warship fleet dedicated to commerce

Fire Mandrill
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Shadow (best guest based on available info)
Status: Minor docks (if any) dedicated to maintenance, possible Raven assistance likely
Capacity: Full (naval expansion maybe possible but with the Kindraa split doubtful)
Cached Fleet: Possible but unlikely (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Second smallest Clan fleet

Ghost Bear
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Bearclaw (moved to Alshain)
Status: Major docks probably outfitted with Raven assistance thanks to close ties
Capacity: 5/6 or 3/4 (naval expansion underway with Leviathans)
Cached Fleet: Possible but unlikely (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Warden Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Average size Clan fleet currently expanding with the Leviathan Warships

Goliath Scorpion
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Roche (perhaps the old Widowmaker yards)
Status: Major docks that are perhaps old but capable of maintaining such a large fleet
Capacity: Full (already a large navy in a resource poor Clan I doubt expansion is possible)
Cached Fleet: Possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Warden Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Large Clan fleet possibly linked to their fascination with the past

Hell’s Horses
Shipyards: 1, (name unknown), Niles (in Wars of Reaving under the Stone Lions)
Status: Minor docks dedicated to maintenance
Capacity: Full (already a large navy in a resource poor Clan I doubt expansion is possible)
Cached Fleet: Possible, unlikely (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Third smallest Clan fleet, transport and ground oriented

Ice Hellion
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Hector (FM Crusader Clans says industry here but guess)
Status: Moderate dockyards dedicated to maintenance
Capacity: Full (no mention of stressed maintenance, guessing based on info available)
Cached Fleet: Possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Average size Clan fleet

Jade Falcon
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Ironhold (guessing based on available info)
Status: Major docks, dedicated to maintenance, possibly built the Peregrine
Capacity: Full (guessing based on info available)
Cached Fleet: Unlikely given their fleet strength but possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Tied with the Jaguars for second largest warship fleet, likely activated all vessels possible for the invasion

Nova Cat
Shipyards: 1? (name unknown), Barcella (guessing based on available info)
Status: Major docks, dedicated to maintenance, possibly built Carracks
Capacity: Full (guessing based on info available)
Cached Fleet: Unlikely given their fleet strength but possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: Invading Clans and FM ComStar
Notes: Fourth largest fleet but has no major warships (one million tons or more)

Smoke Jaguar
Shipyards: 2, Huntress, dropship construction with Miraborg
      Kirin, later dropship construction with Outpost
Status: Major docks, dedicated to maintenance with dropship construction
      Minor docks, dedicated to maintenance with dropship construction
Capacity: Full (guessing based on info available)
Cached Fleet: Unlikely given their fleet strength but possible (see Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: Invading Clans and FM Updates
Notes: Tied for second largest fleet with the Jade Falcons

Snow Raven
Shipyards: 1, (name unknown) Lum
Status: Mega docks, easily largest in Clan space capable of maintenance and construction
Capacity: ? (the Ravens have a stranglehold on the warship industry effectively monopolizing it)
Cached Fleet: ? (very possible, likely the Clan has activated the best stuff for the invasion)
Canon Citations: FM Warden Clans
Notes: The largest fleet of the Clans but one unable to match the next two Clans (in fact any combination of Jade Falcon, Smoke Jaguar, Nova Cat, Wolf is greater then their fleet) which is their aim. Expansion could very well be in order to overcome this deficit.

Star Adder
Shipyards: 1, (name unknown) Priori (cited in Wars of Reaving)
Status: Moderate docks, maintenance work only
Capacity: Overfull (stressed with the amount of work)
Cached Fleet: Yes (stated several times that the Adders have more ships but can’t field them)
Canon Citations: FM Crusader Clans and Wars of Reaving
Notes: Average size Clan fleet with more vessels in reserve, has to rely on Snow Raven for support

Steel Viper
Shipyards: 2, New Kent (cited in Wars of Reaving, expanded later)
Marshall (cited in TRO3057)
Status: Moderate docks, maintenance based
   Minor docks, dropship construction (Broadsword & Noruff) and maintenance
Capacity: Full (known ships in service and in reserve)
Cached Fleet: Yes (the Vipers pull ships out of mothballs in Wars of Reaving)
Canon Citations: TRO3057 and Wars of Reaving

Shipyards: 1?, Eden (best guess based on info, likely old yards from original Pentagon)
Status: Major docks
Capacity: Full (cited in Wars of Reaving that the Wolves challenged Vipers for maintenance)
Cached Fleet: Possible (Wolverine Annihilation and Widowmaker Absorption could have added to their assets but the Wolf Dragoons took ships with them)
Canon Citations: Operation Klondike and Wars of Reaving

Free Guilds
Shipyards: 1, Strana Mechty
Status: Major docks (Overlord C and Union C) and 5 boneyards
Capacity: Unknown
Cached Fleet: Yes
Canon Citations: Operation Klondike, Betrayal of Ideals, Wars of Reaving
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