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Author Topic: Sabrewing class Assault Transport  (Read 2969 times)

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Sabrewing class Assault Transport
« on: September 01, 2018, 04:59:09 PM »

A joint project with Marauder648. His design my fluff.

Mad let me know what you think and make changes you deem appropriate. If you like it as is could you write up a capabilities portion

After the reorganization of the Star Adder clusters and the integration of the initial Korolev Dropships into their toumans. A new approach was determined to be needed towards delivering ground forces to planet by the Star Adders Admiralty. They came to the conclusion that the loss of a single transport could have a significant impact on their Clans resources and manpower.

Senior Clan leaders reached out to their Odyssey Project partners to brainstorm over possible solutions. Some clans  wanted to simply partner it with mothballed or active assault dropships, others stated simple fighter screens would be sufficient.  It was only Wolf, Star Adder and no surprise Snow Raven that decided that a new warship might be the best solution as it could carry an assault dropship and additional fighter coverage.

Equating the idea to the archaic LVTs of fame in the successful Pacific campaigns of Terra which were studied in depfh by most military historians of the clans. Battle records showed the Clans did not have the advantage they assumed they would have in aerospace engagements with the Inner Sphere nor were the Spheroids hesitant in engaging in battle with the Clan transports something not considered by previous Clan honor codes. The size of the vessel was debated as resources were always in demand. Representatives discussed the pros and cons of all classifications ranging from the Corvette to the Frigate size, eventually settling on the smallest due to both resources and time. As more ships could be constructed in less time and with less a strain on already expanding construction projects.

With the only corvette being produced in clan space being the Fredasa, which did not meet the mission role intended, a new design was needed. Initial plans called for the upgrading of the schematics for the Terran Hegemony's Bonaventure class corvette to more modern day standards but the designers were unable to add docking collars onto the orginal framework of the design. Though this disappointed Scientist Caste members from Wolf and Adder this greatly pleased the Ravens. Many members of the Ravens were able to quickly offer alternatives as the creation of an entirely new design of warship was limited to just the Nightlord and Fredasa in the entirety of the clans history with other designs just being refits and upgrades. So many Ravens had the opportunity to explore new ideas for designs but little call for showcasing them besides in heated internal what if scenarios.

Ultimately choosing the design of a young prodigy of the Ravens Scientist caste named Huitzil of the Crow bloodhouse whose design impressed the Khans with both its combat capabilities but also its aesthetic appearance which caused Khan N'Buta to remark that it reminded them of a hummingbird. With the unanimous approval of the design the next challenge was the construction of it, but who, where and how was the next steps of the process.

Easily remedied at least was the construction aspect as the Wolf representatives offered the loaning of a mothballed Newgrange class shipyard, Sfar Adder stepped forth as the guarantor for the resources as they had been able to drastically expand their asteroid mining capabilities after securing an agreement with Ghost Bear which included a 5 year loan of the Potemkin class Renown to the Clan. And Lum being the location with Snow Raven being the producers as no one would attempt to attack with the existing Raven warships already on patrol in system.

With the size and capabilities of the Newgrange Raven technicians have embarked on a bold plan of working on two of the warships at the same time with hopefully an expected delivery date of the two within the year and possibly progressing quicker as the project builds up steam.

Sabrewing class Assault Transport

Code: [Select]
Tech: Clan
Ship Cost: $5,495,264,244.00
Magazine Cost: $9,880,000.00
BV2: 39,993

Mass: 240,000
K-F Drive System: Compact
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6
Armor Type: Lamellor Ferro-Carbide


1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium
18 Naval Laser 35
6 Naval PPC Light
4 Naval AC 10
16 Laser Large Pulse (C)
8 Laser Large ER (C)
18 Laser Medium ER (C)
8 AC 20 LB-X (C)
8 AC 5 LB-X (C)
16 AMS (C)

Class/Model/Name: Raider class Assault Transport
Mass: 240,000

Equipment: Mass

Drive: 57,600.00
Safe: 4
Maximum: 6

Controls: 600.00
K-F Hyperdrive: Compact (7 Integrity) 108,600.00
Jump Sail: (4 Integrity) 42.00
Structural Integrity: 30 7,200.00
Total Heat Sinks: 1044(2088) Double 660.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 22500 points 4,590.00
Fire Control Computers: 1,097.90

Armor: 221 pts Lamellor Ferro-Carbide 156.00

Fore: 42
Fore-Left/Right: 36/36
Aft-Left/Right: 36/36
Aft: 35

Dropship Capacity: 2 2,000.00

Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00

Escape Pods: 15 105.00
Life Boats: 15 105.00

Crew And Passengers:
23 Officers in Steerage Quarters 115.00
70 Crew in Steerage Quarters 350.00
39 Gunners and Others in Steerage Quarters 195.00
65 Bay Personnel

# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass

1 Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Nose 15 250 (25-C) Extreme-C 5,500.00
6 Naval Laser 35 Nose 312 210 (21-C) 4,200.00
4 Laser Large Pulse (C) Nose 40 40 (4-C) 24.00
4 AC 20 LB-X (C) Nose 24 48 (4.8-C) 48.00
6 Laser Medium ER (C) Nose 30 42 (4.2-C) 6.00
2 AMS (C) Nose 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

3 Naval PPC Light FL 315 210 (21-C) 4,200.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) FL 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
2 AMS (C) FL 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

3 Naval PPC Light FR 315 210 (21-C) 4,200.00
4 Laser Large ER (C) FR 48 40 (4-C) 16.00
2 AMS (C) FR 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

2 Naval AC 10 LBS 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
6 Laser Large Pulse (C) LBS 60 60 (6-C) 36.00
2 AMS (C) LBS 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

2 Naval AC 10 RBS 60 200 (20-C) 4,000.00
6 Laser Large Pulse (C) RBS 60 60 (6-C) 36.00
2 AMS (C) RBS 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

4 Naval Laser 35 AL 208 140 (14-C) 2,800.00
4 AC 5 LB-X (C) AL 4 12 (1.2-C) 28.00
6 Laser Medium ER (C) AL 30 42 (4.2-C) 6.00
2 AMS (C) AL 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

4 Naval Laser 35 AR 208 140 (14-C) 2,800.00
4 AC 5 LB-X (C) AR 4 12 (1.2-C) 28.00
6 Laser Medium ER (C) AR 30 42 (4.2-C) 6.00
2 AMS (C) AR 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

4 Naval Laser 35 Aft 208 140 (14-C) 2,800.00
4 AC 20 LB-X (C) Aft 24 48 (4.8-C) 48.00
2 AMS (C) Aft 2 6 (0.6-C) 1.00

20 x Aerospace Fighters
5 x Small Craft
2 x DropShip Collar

Cargo space - 17,480 tons

Ammo Rounds Rounds per gun

Naval Gauss Rifle Medium Ammo 180 180 rounds
Naval AC 10 Ammo 384 100 rounds per gun
AC 20 LB-X (C) Ammo 400 25 rounds per gun
AC 5 LB-X (C) Ammo 960 120 rounds per gun
AMS (C) Ammo 3072 144 rounds per system
« Last Edit: September 01, 2018, 06:51:22 PM by Bradshaw »
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Re: Sabrewing class Assault Transport
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2018, 05:41:16 PM »

Not bad guys, i like what u did here. Maybe not exactly what I would have for my Quicksilver setting but good. Still work on the Hell Cat review.


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Re: Sabrewing class Assault Transport
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2018, 08:30:42 AM »

I really like the fluff you did for her :)


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Re: Sabrewing class Assault Transport
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2018, 09:21:48 AM »

Thanks couldnt find a new image for it when i settled on the name. The original one was better suited for a jumpship.

Found a great fighter one though

NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin
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