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I am looking for the stats of the Seeker: the one with only 28 Vehicles (Light ones?), Infantry, Cargo and 4 'Mechs and the one with the pairs of Aerospace Fighters.Any idea on what they would look like?
I am looking for the stats of the Seeker: the one with only 28 Vehicles (Light ones?), Infantry, Cargo and 4 'Mechs and the one with the pairs of Aerospace Fighters.Any idea on what they would look like?Found the first one for you as for the one with pairs of fighters ?, couldn't find that one, but its a easy mod, just substitute fighters for the mech's the bays are the same weight
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout VALIDATEDClass/Model/Name: Seeker (3057R Obsolete Mech) Tech: Inner Sphere / 2815Vessel Type: Spheroid DropShipRules: Level 1, Standard designRules Set: AeroTech2Mass: 6,700 tonsLength: 90 metersPower Plant: StandardSafe Thrust: 5Maximum Thrust: 8Armor Type: StandardArmament: 2 PPC 2 LRM 10 3 Large Laser 6 Medium Laser------------------------------------------------------------------------------==Overview:== The Seeker Class DropShip's mission is to carry a full scout battalioninto hostile territory, and so it has been designed to operate independentlyof other support vessels. At a mass of 3,700 tons, it is one the fastest andmost manouverable DropShips in it's size and weight class, due to it's QuadRanTech 720 Fusion Drive system. As a spheroid-type DropShip, the Seeker must rely completely on its drivethrust to stay in the air during atmospheric operations. Unlike theaerodynamic design of the aerodyne DropShip, the spheroid is generallyunstable and so requires constant thrust vectoring to keep it from tumblingout of control. The Seeker's interior is divided into three major sections.Running through the center of the lower two sections is the DropShip's heavilyshielded fusion power planet and engine core. The lowermost section contains the ship's enormous vehicle bay. Alongsideone of the ship's two loading ramps is a tall area than can hold a pair ofBattleMech cubicles, each taking up 150 tons of the bay's vehicle-carryingcapacity. Under normal conditions the vehicle bay can hold up to 50 lightvehicles, with a maximum mass capacity of 1,000 tons. This deck also containsall landing gear machinery and a pair of small weapons bays. The Seeker's middle section also houses an unusually tall cargohold thancan accommodate up to two BattleMech cubicles, if needed. Normally the bay isused to carry extra vehicles, supplies or equipment for the transported unit.Also located in this section are the main fuel tankage, heat sinks, and a pairof aft-directed weapons bays and ammo storage. The topmost section is divided into four decks. The bottom deck contains theship's engineering control center, batteries, heat pumps, back-up generators,coolant reserves, machine shops, and spare parts storage. The next deck upcontains the waste recycling plant, the laundry, life-support systems, andstorage for fresh water, ammo, food, and repair parts. The next deck containsthe remaining troop bay, the crew quarters, separate crew mess and equipmentstorage, the bridge, and the combat operations centers. The topmost deckcontains the docking collar, avionics, forward weapons bay, communicationgear, and more batteries. The Seeker's engine core is equipped with four small fusion reactors,which makes it easy to repair and maintain the vessel in the field. Becauseeach reactor is independently operated and shielded, engineers can work safelyon one reactor while the other three are still operating. This system alsoconserves fuel, as three reactors can be shut down while the fourth functionsto at low power. When full power is needed, this single reactor has enoughoutput to restart the other three, a process that requires only about fiveminutes to perform.The Seeker carries its passengers in three bays, each of which is furtherdivided into three small sub-bays. Each sub-bay houses a single platoon ofscouts or a squad of motorized infantry. There are normally fourtripple-tiered bunks in each sub-bay, with small personal-gear lockers at oneend of the room. Each bay contains a single large washroom that is shared byall three sub-bays. A set of small double-occupancy quarters are set aside toaccommodate an additional twelve personnel. The Seeker is equipped with afairly extensive med bay for handling most emergencies. This gives the ship astrong support role for its passenger troops, and allows it to operateindependently. The crew of the DropShip is housed in tiny, four-person bunkrooms, with a single washroom for the entire crew. Each quad-occupancybunkroom has a pair of double-bunks, a fold-down table, and four largepersonal-storage lockers. The Seeker was designed as a forward reconnaissance ship to scout out aplanet. its construction reflects this need for independent operations. Thedesign includes large spare parts stores, extended food supplies and watertankage, and large ammunition storage bays. The ship was also equippedprimarily with energy weapons to make it less dependent on ammunitionsupplies. The DropShip's lack of Fighter bays is probably its greatest weak point.In the absence of Fighter support, it must often depend upon its owninadequate firepower to ward of enemy Fighters. Many Seekers have been lost insolitary encounters with Fighters. To remedy this situation, many Seekers carry a pair of AeroSpace Fightersin the vehicle bay. Though the bay is not designed for small craft launchingand recovery it can be converted. Because the ship is not equipped with properrecovery equipment, however, both the DropShip and Fighter must have exactlyzero relative velocity. Small craft recovery takes two to three times longerthan on other Fighter-equipped DropShips.------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class/Model/Name: Seeker (3057R Obsolete Mech) Mass: 6,700 tonsEquipment: Mass Power Plant, Drive & Control: 2,177.50Thrust: Safe Thrust: 5 Maximum Thrust: 8Structural Integrity: 10 134.00Total Heat Sinks: 126 Single 5.00Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 397.00Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 51.00Fire Control Computers: .00Armor Type: Standard (490 total armor pts) 28.50 Standard Scale Armor Pts Location: L / R Fore: 140 Left/Right Sides: 120/120 Aft: 110Cargo: Bay 1: Light Vehicles (to 50T) (28) with 1 door 1,400.00 BattleMechs (2) 300.00 Bay 2: Cargo (1) with 1 door 1,200.00 BattleMechs (2) 300.00 Bay 3: Infantry (foot) Platoons (4) with 1 door 20.00 Bay 4: Cargo (1) with 1 door 432.00Escape Pods: 8 (7 tons each) 56.00Crew and Passengers: 4 Officers (3 minimum) 40.00 13 Crew (1 minimum) 91.00 3 Gunners (3 minimum) 21.00 260 Bay Personnel .00Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 PPC FL/R 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 20 14.001 LRM 10(12 rounds) AL/R 1(6) 1(6) 1(6) -- 8 12.001 Large Laser AL/R 2(18) 1(8) -- -- 16 10.00 2 Medium Laser 6 4.001 Large Laser Aft 2(18) 1(8) -- -- 8 5.00 2 Medium Laser 6 2.00------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS: Heat: 70 6,700.00Tons Left: .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 217,429,968 C-BillsBattle Value: 2,579Cost per BV: 84,307.86Weapon Value: 3,470 (Ratio = 1.35)Damage Factors: SRV = 79; MRV = 40; LRV = 3; ERV = 0Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 53,739 (15,954 Structure, 35,775 Life Support, 2,010 Weapons) Support Points (SP) = 24,308 (45% of MPV)BattleForce2: MP: 5, Armor/Structure: 8 / 8 Damage PB/M/L: 3/2/1, Overheat: 0 Class: DL; Point Value: 26 Specials: sph, if
Thanks. I am still looking for the stats of the one transporting a lot of different things (Cargo, Vehicles, 'Mechs, Infantry and Aerospace Fighters).I will try to "create" it.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout VALIDATEDClass/Model/Name: Seeker (Custom) Tech: Inner Sphere / 2815Vessel Type: Spheroid DropShipRules: Level 2, Standard designRules Set: AeroTech2Mass: 6,700 tonsLength: 90 metersPower Plant: StandardSafe Thrust: 5Maximum Thrust: 8Armor Type: Ferro-aluminumArmament: 6 ER PPC 6 LRM 10+ArtIV 6 ER Large Laser 12 Medium Laser 12 AMS------------------------------------------------------------------------------Class/Model/Name: Seeker (Custom) Mass: 6,700 tonsEquipment: Mass Power Plant, Drive & Control: 2,177.50Thrust: Safe Thrust: 5 Maximum Thrust: 8Structural Integrity: 10 134.00Total Heat Sinks: 121 Double .00Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 510.00Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 51.00Fire Control Computers: .00Armor Type: Ferro-aluminum (685 total armor pts) 36.00 Standard Scale Armor Pts Location: L / R Fore: 195 Left/Right Sides: 170/170 Aft: 150Cargo: Bay 1: Light Vehicles (to 50T) (24) with 4 doors 1,200.00 Infantry (foot) Platoons (4) 20.00 Bay 2: BattleMechs (4) with 2 doors 600.00 Bay 3: Fighters (2) with 2 doors 300.00 Bay 4: Cargo (1) with 1 door 1,155.50Escape Pods: 12 (7 tons each) 84.00Crew and Passengers: 4 Officers (4 minimum) 40.00 13 Crew (1 minimum) 91.00 7 Gunners (7 minimum) 49.00 244 Bay Personnel .00Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 ER PPC Nose 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) -- 30 14.001 LRM 10+ArtIV(12 rounds) Nose 1(8) 1(8) 1(8) -- 4 7.001 ER Large Laser Nose 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) -- 12 5.00 2 Medium Laser 6 2.002 AMS(240 rounds) Nose -- -- -- -- 2 21.002 ER PPC FL/R 2(20) 2(20) 2(20) -- 60 28.001 LRM 10+ArtIV(12 rounds) FL/R 1(8) 1(8) 1(8) -- 8 14.001 ER Large Laser FL/R 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) -- 24 10.00 2 Medium Laser 12 4.002 AMS(240 rounds) FL/R -- -- -- -- 4 42.001 LRM 10+ArtIV(12 rounds) AL/R 1(8) 1(8) 1(8) -- 8 14.001 ER Large Laser AL/R 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) -- 24 10.00 2 Medium Laser 12 4.002 AMS(240 rounds) AL/R -- -- -- -- 4 42.001 LRM 10+ArtIV(12 rounds) Aft 1(8) 1(8) 1(8) -- 4 7.001 ER Large Laser Aft 2(18) 1(8) 1(8) -- 12 5.00 2 Medium Laser 6 2.002 AMS(240 rounds) Aft -- -- -- -- 2 21.00------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS: Heat: 234 6,700.00Tons Left: .00Calculated Factors:Total Cost: 390,656,000 C-BillsBattle Value: 6,232Cost per BV: 62,685.49Weapon Value: 6,684 (Ratio = 1.07)Damage Factors: SRV = 231; MRV = 113; LRV = 43; ERV = 0Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 55,107 (16,058 Structure, 35,175 Life Support, 3,874 Weapons) Support Points (SP) = 27,460 (50% of MPV)BattleForce2: MP: 5, Armor/Structure: 12 / 11 Damage PB/M/L: 7/5/5, Overheat: 0 Class: DL; Point Value: 62 Specials: sph