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Sorry i've been away folks!
« on: January 25, 2020, 01:18:57 PM »

It's been super busy at work over christmas and then into the new year with various patches and launches (I work for a computer gaming company doing customer support) but I'm still alive! Still here!

And I need ya thoughts, ya comments and advice! For the next project is under way.

We're calling this one, Project NELSON and a friend and I got to thinking about both the SLDF (and expanding upon it which he's doing a fluff book with the stats to back it up) and then we got talking about the Snow Ravens.

Much like how the Horses, we're told, are the 'tank clan' but then have zilch to back it up, the Raven's are the aerospace and warship Clan, apparently. With nothing to show for it including no refits of WarShips to make them survivable, no DropShips to call their own, no fighters. Nothing. So that got us thinking. What if...

The Project starts with the Ravens focusing on their main strength, upgrading and updating their WarShips to be more survivable in the environment they face themselves, and there will be 6 WarShips added, all from SLDF stocks, and all but one being in Raven service. The other, a precursor to the Kimagure will be in Hellion colours.

We're also planning a run of 5 second line units that were designed with help from the Bears as well as 10 OmniFighters, some of which are just going to be updates of cannonical designs which the Ravens see as having reached the end of their development lives and others will be new. There's also gonna be DropShips and probably some small craft.

And as a little teaser.

Mashona Light OmniFighter

The Bashkir’s popularity within the Snow Raven’s touman meant that a successor had to be designed and instead of designing a completely new craft, the Scientists overhauled the Bashkir to produce the tiny Mashona OmniFighter. Because of its larger fuel tank, the Mashona’s fuselage is broader than the Bashkir and the 220 XL fusion engine now vents from a pair of exhausts rather than the single large thrust nozzle of the Bashkir. This and other changes to the wings and control surfaces make the Mashona visually quite distinctive from its older stablemate.
These changes did eliminate some of the flaws with the Bashkir including the excessive wear on the fighter’s frame around the ‘neck’ where the cockpit section met the wing spar. Unfortunately, these changes significantly altered the fighters centre of gravity and this in turn badly affected the prototypes handling in an atmosphere.  This lead to several more re-designs as well as the introduction of folding canards on the nose and the relocation of the larger fuel tank and other internal changes.

The weapons configurations were also extensively tested so that their weight wouldn’t affect the COG in combat and this did delay the introduction of the fighter into service, making it one of the last of Project NELSON to come into service with Clan Snow Raven despite it being seen as the easiest to build.

Although the 4-ton fuel tank was smaller than was liked, the Scientists simply couldn’t fit a larger tank into the fighter without compromising on its payload, making it less well armed than the craft it was to replace. To extend the fighters range they commonly carried a pair of conformal fuel tanks under their wings, these would be used during the initial take off and climb stage of a flight. Any remaining fuel would be used at cruising speed before the tanks were emptied and ditched. Still possessing the same blistering speed and agility of the Bashkir the Mashona’s greater endurance made it more suitable for WarShip deployment rather than acting as a ground based short-range interceptor.

To increase their endurance, most configurations of the Mashona feature energy weapons, and despite its small size the fighters firepower make it a dangerous interceptor and fast attack craft.
The Prime configuration removes the Bashkir’s Streak SRM-2 and replaces the weapon and its ammunition with a Medium pulse laser whilst retaining the wing mounted ER Medium lasers. The Alfa configuration is designed as a ground attack craft, carrying a single ER Medium laser and two SRM-4’s fed by a single ton of ammunition. The near identical Bravo replaces the SRM-4’s with a pair of LRM-5’s although in both configurations their limited ammunition storage is a major limiting factor.
The Charlie configuration is a bit of an oddity, instead of  many smaller weapons, it features a single ER large laser, giving the agile Mashona a potent long range punch which can shear through the armour of far larger craft. The Delta configuration is armed with a blistering array of eight ER Small lasers, four mounted in the nose and two in each wing. The Delta is capable of dangerous strafing runs and as there’s very few fighters that can outrun or out turn the D, it can cripple larger craft with laser fire into their rear arc in moments.

The Mashona was widely exported in various trade agreements with other Clans, making it quite popular outside of Snow Raven service with the largest users being the Cloud Cobra’s and Steel Vipers closely followed by the Ghost Bears. It became even more common when Clan Diamond Shark won the right to produce the fighter in the build up to REVIVAL and they then started trading the design to any who would take it, much to the anger of the Snow Ravens.

Afridi heavy OmniFighter

One of Clan Snow Raven’s more frustrating admissions was that they never got the production rights to the popular and successful Visigoth OmniFighter with the Falcons only making them available through trade. But with Project NELSON underway the Scientists of Clan Snow Raven decided that imitation was the sincerest form of flattery and based a heavy fighter on the aging Visigoth to match its performance and carry a similar payload. Whilst shaping it to match the Clan’s views on aerospace combat.

Massing 60-tons and powered by an XL 300 rated fusion engine the NAME had impressive performance for a craft its size and significant changes to the crafts aerodynamic frame made it more stable at all altitudes but these changes did make the fighter have a higher landing speed which pilots had to get use to.
Protected by 10.5-tons of Ferro-Aluminium armour and carrying a 5-ton fuel tank the NAME could take significant damage and had a longer mission duration than many other fighters like the Wolves Jagatai or the Jaguar’s fearsome but also very short ranged Sabutai.

Capable of carrying up to 32-tons of weapons and cooling systems the NAME didn’t waste any tons on fixed heat sinks unlike the Visigoth. This did slow down reconfiguring the fighter somewhat and would require a full hangar facility to upgrade the cooling systems it did make the fighter more flexible. Conceived as a heavy interceptor and fast strike craft the NAME has a potent combination of speed, firepower and protection. Although outgunned by the Jagatai or Sabutai, it has better protection than the larger craft despite massing ten to fifteen tons lighter.

First deployed en-mass aboard the CSR Bloodied Blade  the Nightlord class Battle-carrier helped defend the Raven’s holdings in the now vital system of RDB/0411 which had been passed up during the attack on the Tanite worlds by the Clans. The battleship and her fighter group were not challenged by the other Clans as the Snow Raven’s and Ghost Bear’s split the system and its easily accessible resources between them.

Although there were five common configurations, the flexibility of the NAME’s loadout meant that Warriors could and often did tinker with them and many higher ranking Warriors had their own preferred loadouts.

The Prime configuration was designed to operate and long to medium range, a pair of ER Large lasers being its main weapons during the closing stage of an engagement. As the range dropped a LB-10 autocannon and then Streak SRM-4’s could be brought to bare whilst a single ER Medium laser covered the fighter’s tail. The Alfa features a trio of Artemis augmented LRM-15’s whilst eight tons of ammunition ensure the missile launchers do not run dry. A trio of ER Medium lasers and a pair of small lasers provide additional protection whilst a single ER small laser provides somewhat anaemic protection to the craft’s rear quarters. But NAME pilots are trained to use their fighters speed and maneuverability to avoid fighters tailing them and their firepower is usually enough to decide a fight before they can be tailed.

Bravo configuration only carries four weapons, but two of those are Gauss rifles, each fed by 3-tons of ammunition. Two nose mounted ER medium lasers provide additional firepower but the fighter has no rear facing weapons and its pilots must rely on its gauss rifles to cripple or destroy an opponent as quickly as possible. Charlie configuration is designed for the ground attack role and can deliver murderous fire with its trio of large pulse lasers followed up by a pair of Streak SRM-6 launchers. Like the Bravo it features no rear firing weapons but its firepower lets it quickly win an engagement.
Delta configuration operates largely as a heavy interceptor and has murderous firepower at short to medium range. A single ER large laser lets it joust with targets as it closes but it is at short range where the fighter comes into its own. Six medium pulse lasers, two Streak SRM-4 launchers and a complex targeting computer make the D configuration lethal once it is in range. Although its guns don’t have the heaviest punch, its weight of firepower and the weapons accuracy is more than enough to cut through other craft in short order.

Code: [Select]
Crow Heavy OmniFighter Prime

Mass: 75 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 64.8 kph
Maximum Speed: 97.2 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     5 ER Medium Laser
     1 Gauss Rifle
     2 LRM 15
     2 ER Large Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3030
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-F-D-D
Cost: 12,576,781 C-bills

Type: Crow Heavy OmniFighter
Technology Base: Clan (Standard)
Tonnage: 75
Battle Value: 3,243

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        300 XL                9.5
Safe Thrust: 6
Max Thrust: 9
Structural Integrity:         7                       
Heat Sinks:                   15 [30]                 5
Fuel:                         400                   5.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          240                  12.5

     Nose                    70   
     Wings                 62/62   
     Aft                     46   

and Ammo                           Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
2 ER Large Lasers                    NOS       8.0      12    10   10   10   10 
CASE                                 NOS       0.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Gauss Rifle                          NOS       12.0     1     15   15   15    0 
Artemis IV FCS                       RWG       1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
LRM 15                               RWG       3.5      5      9    9    9    0 
2 ER Medium Lasers                   RWG       2.0      5      7    7    0    0 
Gauss Rifle Ammo (16)                FSLG      2.0      -      -    -    -    - 
LRM 15 Artemis-capable Ammo (32)     FSLG      4.0      -      -    -    -    - 
CASE                                 FSLG      0.0      -      -    -    -    - 
Artemis IV FCS                       LWG       1.0      -      -    -    -    - 
LRM 15                               LWG       3.5      5      9    9    9    0 
2 ER Medium Lasers                   LWG       2.0      5      7    7    0    0 
ER Medium Laser                      AFT       1.0      5      7    7    0    0 

Code: [Select]
Maasai Medium OmniFighter Prime

Mass: 50 tons
Frame: Unknown
Power Plant: 350 XL
Cruising Speed: 97.2 kph
Maximum Speed: 151.2 kph
Armor: Ferro-Aluminum
     1 ER PPC
     4 Medium Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3030
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-F-D-D
Cost: 7,853,958 C-bills

Type: Maasai Medium OmniFighter
Technology Base: Clan (Standard)
Tonnage: 50
Battle Value: 2,330

Equipment                                          Mass
Engine                        350 XL                 15
Safe Thrust: 9
Max Thrust: 14
Structural Integrity:         9                       
Heat Sinks:                   15 [30]                 5
Fuel:                         400                   5.0
Cockpit                                               3
Armor Factor (Ferro)          153                     8

     Nose                    45   
     Wings                 39/39   
     Aft                     30   

and Ammo                Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV
ER PPC                    NOS       6.0      15    15   15   15    0 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers     RWG       4.0      4      7    7    0    0 
2 Medium Pulse Lasers     LWG       4.0      4      7    7    0    0 

I'll add more as we go along, but i'm back!

« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 01:22:13 PM by marauder648 »


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2020, 01:27:35 PM »

Glad your back, I know what you mean by being so busy!

I am hoping to get back at BattleTech soon myself.

Apologies for not having looked at your past work in detail. I plan ASAP!!

Dragon Cat

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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2020, 08:12:49 PM »

Sounds like a fun new project welcome back
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2020, 11:53:03 AM »

Titan II Carrier DropShip

The Titan class DropShip was the most common Carrier DropShip in SLDF service and many had been taken by the SLDF into EXODUS and many had survived the Pentagon Civil Wars to enter service with the Clans. Although the craft’s flight deck was enlarged to take three Star’s of fighters (30 craft) very little had changed otherwise, the ships in most cases still mounted their old weapons and armour which in many cases was becoming increasingly patched and ragged.
With many Titan class ships sitting in their naval Caches and Project NELSON in full swing the Raven’s were turning their eyes from their WarShips that were now filling the slips around Lum and were looking at fighters and smaller craft.
Structural investigations and safety checks took months as the Titan fleet was investigated and the cached ships hauled out of mothballs for checks. The oldest craft were offered for trade to the other Clans and the ships in the best condition would replace those in the worst which were then scrapped or traded off.

With their old weapons and huge engines the Titan’s were a curiously unbalanced design. Doctrine said that carriers would remain at the back, protected by their brood of fighters. But the Titan’s high speed and short ranged weapons made it barely passable as an assault DropShip. The redesign of the ship to more modern standards would see the Titan be significantly overhauled. First the older engines were replaced with smaller and lighter RMBK-5509 Fusion reactors, these reduced the speed of the ship to levels similar to a Union-C class DropShip. This freed up a considerable amount of weight and internal volume.
The old hangars were repositioned and instead of having their own cargo bays the cargo bays were extended and combined into a single central hub which serviced all three hangars. With the weight freed up from the engineering spaces, the Titan II would carry 1,395 tons of cargo compared to the 1,186 it previously could. A fourth, much smaller hangar was also installed, allowing a single Small Craft to land. This would reduce the ships dependency on orbital platforms or WarShips to bring cargo or crew aboard although it was mainly used to transfer personnel as the Titan couldn’t enter an atmosphere.  The interior layout was also changed and, by Clan standards the crew quarters were spacious although Inner Sphere crews would consider the ships spartan and basic.

The original 78 tons of hull plating was replaced with 66 tons of Ferro-Aluminium which offered considerably better protection and saved weight. The ship’s armament was also considerably overhauled. Gone was the old short ranged heavy calibre autocannons and large lasers of SLDF vintage. In their place a modern combination of ER and large pulse lasers as well as LRM’s for long range firepower. A trio of gauss rifles in the nose giving the ship its main punch. At shorter ranges medium pulse lasers in well sighted turrets covered all approaches and finally a heavy battery of anti-missile turrets protected the Titan II against fighter and capital scale missiles.

With resources flowing in from BRD-04/C and the growing asteroid mining the materials were available for the upgrades, the biggest problem was time. With Project NELSON, the Snow Ravens were carefully taking select ships out of commission to be upgraded, so not to overly weaken their Naval Stars. This took careful planning and required near round the clock work on ships being refitted and overhauled. Such a busy schedule limited the number of work crews that could refit the Titan into the Titan II standard.

Despite these delays the Titan II started to become more common by DATE and was a regular sight in Snow Raven space. The ships longer endurance and greater armament made it an ideal patrol craft and most Jump Points were protected by at least one Titan II. Other Clans would copy the refit, with the Cloud Cobra’s and Star Adders fielding the most outside of the Raven’s.

Code: [Select]

Titan II Carrier DropShip Raven Refit
Type: Military Aerodyne

Mass: 12,000 tons
Technology Base: Clan (Standard)
Introduced: 3030
Mass: 12,000

Battle Value: 14,028
Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-F-E-E
Cost: 766,836,000 C-bills
Fuel: 500 tons (15,000)

Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6

Heat Sinks: 236 (472)

Structural Integrity: 20

     Nose: 343
     Sides: 297/297
     Aft: 251


Bay 1: Fighter (10) 3 Doors
Bay 2: Fighter (10) 2 Doors
Bay 3: Fighter (10) 2 Doors
Bay 4: Small Craft (1) 1 Door
Bay 5: Cargo (465.0 tons) 0 Doors
Bay 6: Cargo (465.0 tons) 0 Doors
Bay 7: Cargo (465.0 tons) 0 Doors

Escape Pods: 20
Life Boats: 5

Crew: 7 officers, 23 enlisted/non-rated, 8 gunners, 65 bay personnel, 25 marines
Ammunition: 1,296 rounds of Anti-Missile System [Clan] ammunition (6 tons), 480 rounds of LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable ammunition (4 tons), 96 rounds of Gauss Rifle [Clan] ammunition (1 tons)
Notes: Mounts 66 tons of ferro-aluminum armor.

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)

Arc (Heat) Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV Class

Nose (78 Heat)

4 ER Large Laser 48 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) Laser
3 Gauss Rifle, Gauss Rifle Ammo [Clan] (768 shots) 3 5(45) 5(45) 5(45) 0(0) AC
4 LRM 20+Artemis IV, LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (864 shots) 24 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) 0(0) LRM
3 Anti-Missile System, Anti-Missile System Ammo [Clan] (5184 shots) 3 1(9) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) AMS

RW/LW (63 Heat)

4 LRM 20+Artemis IV, LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (864 shots) 24 5(48) 5(48) 5(48) 0(0) LRM
4 Medium Pulse Laser, 2 Large Pulse Laser 36 5(48) 5(48) 2(20) 0(0) Pulse Laser
3 Anti-Missile System, Anti-Missile System Ammo [Clan] (5184 shots) 3 1(9) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) AMS

RW/LW Aft (3 Heat)

3 Anti-Missile System, Anti-Missile System Ammo [Clan] (5184 shots) 3 1(9) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) AMS

Aft (95 Heat)

4 ER Large Laser 48 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) 4(40) Laser
8 Medium Pulse Laser 32 6(56) 6(56) 0(0) 0(0) Pulse Laser
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV, LRM 20 (Clan) Artemis-capable Ammo (288 shots) 12 2(24) 2(24) 2(24) 0(0) LRM
3 Anti-Missile System, Anti-Missile System Ammo [Clan] (5184 shots) 3 1(9) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) AMS


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2020, 03:17:06 PM »

Much like how the Horses, we're told, are the 'tank clan' but then have zilch to back it up, the Raven's are the aerospace and warship Clan, apparently. With nothing to show for it including no refits of WarShips to make them survivable, no DropShips to call their own, no fighters. Nothing. So that got us thinking. What if...

Welcome back.

The main problem with WarShips and Clans is that they can't afford to destroy them as they are too few of them, using them as orbital support goes against the rules and using them as super DropShips transporters is also a waste.
Plus they must know through Wolf's Dragoons that there are no Navy left in the Inner Sphere.
So of what use would this Navy be (I mean WarShips, not Fighters and DropShips)?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2020, 03:37:42 PM »

Its sort of the Raven 'thing' but the main focus is going to be on the 10 ASF we'll be adding and other bits, its not going to be as big as Zhukov, and the 6 WarShips are going to be almost unique ships that were found in caches. THe upgrades for the ships are because the Mongoose absorption showed that WarShips are vulnerable and the Raven's, who've built their whole strength around their naval fleet being a deterrent can't risk their main defence  becoming too weak.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2020, 09:51:18 PM »

Knowledge that no warships in Inner Sphere wasn't almost 3010 if this revisionist look at Ravens is the buildup prior to the Wolf's I could see a new design or large scale stripping of a design like the Riga to York conversions
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2020, 09:56:16 PM »

Well my Quicksilver Naval Effort will be in response to the InnerSphere fighter advantage as shown most impressively at Radstadt and the death of ilKhan Leo Showers as well as their efforts to find the Clan Homeworlds or rather the Clan fear that they might find their Homeworlds. These factors will serve as powerful motivators to upgrade and expand the Clan Fleet which of course the Ravens will want to stay one step ahead of. Naturally they will wish to match or maintain their two to one ship advantage over other Clans which means a fleet of 50 ships if possible. With the powerful Smoke Jaguars and Jade Falcons pushing them they are going to have to overcome their resource poor situation in order to meet these goals. Luckily their expertise is invaluable to the rest of the Clans who will rely heavily on their infrastructure in order to meet this effort.

Fighters I always give the edge to Cloud Cobra as they are the aerospace Clan to me with the Ravens being the Naval Clan. Small distinction, yes but an important one.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2020, 01:58:06 AM »

Indeed, this is before the 3010 when it starts, it slowly starts in the aftermath of the Mongoose absorption and then the Diamond Shark incident where the Ravens withdrew following the shameful acts of their Khan and focused inwards.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2020, 07:25:40 AM »

Well a few things only touched on by canon....

1. Howell Bloodname to the Smoke Jaguars. Presumably before the disgrace of the Khan I shant name the Howell bloodname was likely an exclusive Raven one but in the aftermath of the Diamond Shark Disgrace the Jaguars must have gotten access to it in a big way as it becomes more and more associated with them. This is just a presumption of mine but accounts for the transfer of the name from one Clan to another. It is a major bloodhouse with notable warriors appearing in both Clans significantly throughout but almost no word how the Ravens let this happen. Sure the Jags could have just taken it before or after as the Ravens are a weak Clan compared to them but that is a poor reason in my opinion. The Ravens if aggrieved could have made the Jags existence a living hell but didn't so I think the let the name go rather than deal with its disgrace.

2. Blood Spirit Deal. The trade of warships to the Ravens from the Blood Spirits in exchange for ground forces specifically Mechs is outlined in canon but not specifically and could have many other effects on both Clans. Manpower is the one thing the Spirits often have much of and this could help the Ravens again here.

3. Mothballed Fleet. We know the Clans haven't activated all their navy because presumably it would drain them of finite resources and perhaps they lack the manpower to utilize them. I contend the invasion sees second line force often called provisional and I contend seldom used before utilized extensively on a full time basis. There is also some basis to cite warship activation during this time which cuts into the Ravens fleet superiority.


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2020, 10:05:31 AM »

So interesting Idea and don't know if it would be useful or not. But if you ever played the Mechwarrior RPG (books not videogames) the 2nd edition had a odd factor in character creation that you could be a 0 human or a 1 human (see attached image).

What if 1 became a Naval archetype say instead of the -1 Body +2 Reflexes +1 Intuition its -1 Body +1 Reflexes +1 Intuition.

It fits the feel of the system and gives another aspect to the Clan.

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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2020, 11:37:03 AM »

So before I go crazy with ideas, which I have a couple already, do you have the framework already for the designs or are you looking for suggestions for some. I have 3 already Aerospace ideas, I small craft and one warship. I've always wanted a redo on the Ravens like this.
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2020, 03:06:00 PM »

Knowledge that no warships in Inner Sphere wasn't almost 3010 if this revisionist look at Ravens is the buildup prior to the Wolf's I could see a new design or large scale stripping of a design like the Riga to York conversions

But still, with no need to build more WarShips or to upgrade them (ie no real stellar fights), why waste precious resources?
Unless you coordinate something at the ilKhan's level like reserves for the return to the Inner Sphere.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2020, 03:27:09 PM »

There's evidence the Clans did fight against each other with Warships. It was rare but it did happen. They even built a few Carrack (2950), Fredasa (2962), York (2947). Peregrine (???)  think more during Golden Century we don't have stats for. Plus we know they revised many designs either with LF batteries and/or HarJel.

I don't think if they built a new design it would be large at most probably Destroyer and only a handful unless selling to another clan. But I could see the stripping of something like the Aegis and rebuilding on its structure like the Kimgure to the Conqueror. Aegis is older than dirt, spare parts and wear and tear have got to have them in desperate state for an huge overhaul.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2020, 03:27:43 PM by Bradshaw »
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Re: Sorry i've been away folks!
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2020, 12:02:12 AM »

So before I go crazy with ideas, which I have a couple already, do you have the framework already for the designs or are you looking for suggestions for some. I have 3 already Aerospace ideas, I small craft and one warship. I've always wanted a redo on the Ravens like this.

Always open for ideas :)
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