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General BattleTech => General Discussion => AeroTech => Topic started by: Bradshaw on September 25, 2018, 02:20:59 PM
Playing around with Google Sheets Warship/Jumpship/Space Station calculator.
Wanted to see how it works and how it looks posted.
Tried out constructing a Clan version of the Recharge Station. Probably built this incorrectly.
Ok this looks horrible for the purpose of posting on here.
Attached is a screenshot for a better look at what I did.
Armor and Cargo got messed up. Armor should be 11 in all locations besides Nose with 12 and Cargo should be 458,587 instead
One big error and a couple small ones.
One big error that I see and leads me to say: "That's not a space station, it's a jumpship!" Put into actual words, you don't need a K-F drive for this, you just need batteries and a jump sail (though you could rely entirely on charging the batteries via expending large amounts of fuel). And I think you're actually missing batteries.
The smaller errors are mostly aesthetic (and since I'm away from my books, I could be wrong about these), you don't need to give locations to the pressurized and un-pressurized yards, nor the small craft and ASF bays. I think the rest of it looks fine, but as you said, it's a little messy so I could have missed something.
Lastly, the second tab for the spreadsheet is intended to be the one you share, it tends to clear things up a bit, but can still be a bit messy.
Thanks for the pointers.
Not great but looks much better than the attempt I first did.
Removed for 3rd draft below
Space stations are tricky to design. I know, because I've tried once or twice. In fact, I have two that will be showing up in HB:CGS when I get that finished. One is based on the Olympus and is a recharge station with a pair of unpressurized repair bays for JumpShips (or small WarShips), plus two more pressurized repair bays for DropShips.
Designed to be placed at the Zenith and Nadir Jump Points of a System, the Oasis class isn't meant for combat. It carries only self-defense weapons (standard-scale weapons) and cannot engage capital WarShips or Assault DropShips with any hope of survival. It is, however, quite heavily armored (armor is cheap, after all!). And, as I said above, it has four repair slips that let it service JumpShips and DropShips. Along with an HPG. Showing here:
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Oasis (Clan Goliath Scorpion)
Tech: Clan / 2663
Vessel Type: Space Station
Rules: Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 1,000,000 tons
Length: 660 meters
Sail Diameter: 4,215 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Ferro-carbide
18 ER Large Laser
12 Gauss Rifle
6 Ultra AC/20
24 ER Medium Laser
30 ER Small Laser
Class/Model/Name: Oasis (Clan Goliath Scorpion)
Mass: 1,000,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 12,000.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Energy Collecting Sail: (Integrity = 5) 80.00
Energy Storage Batteries: (Quantity of 8) 800,000.00
Structural Integrity: 1 10,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 336 Double 137.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 20,400.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 1,000.00
Fire Control Computers: .00
Food & Water: (360 days supply) 3,348.00
Hyperpulse Generator: 50.00
Armor Type: Ferro-carbide (1,362 total armor pts) 1,513.00
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 227
Fore-Left/Right: 227/227
Aft-Left/Right: 227/227
Aft: 227
Bay 1: Small Craft (20) with 2 doors 4,000.00
Bay 2: UnPress Repair Facil. (500,000 T Capy, 1 door) 12,500.00
Bay 3: UnPress Repair Facil. (500,000 T Capy, 1 door) 12,500.00
Bay 4: Press Repair Facil. (75,000 T Capy, 1 door) 5,625.00
Bay 5: Press Repair Facil. (75,000 T Capy, 1 door) 5,625.00
Bay 6: Cargo (1) with 6 doors 90,000.00
DropShip Capacity: 4 Docking Hardpoints 4,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2: (1500-meter diameter) 1,000.00
Escape Pods: 310 (7 tons each) 2,170.00
Crew and Passengers:
44 Officers (44 minimum) 440.00
201 Crew (201 minimum) 1,407.00
17 Gunners (17 minimum) 119.00
89 1st Class Passengers 890.00
309 2nd Class Passengers 2,163.00
100 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals 700.00
1,000 Station Personnel 7,000.00
100 Bay Personnel .00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
3 ER Large Laser Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 36 12.00
2 ER PPC Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 30 12.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 2 39.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) Nose 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 14 36.00
4 ER Medium Laser Nose 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 20 4.00
5 ER Small Laser Nose 3(25) -- -- -- 10 2.50
3 ER Large Laser FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 72 24.00
2 ER PPC FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 60 24.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 4 78.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) FL/R 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 28 72.00
4 ER Medium Laser FL/R 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 40 8.00
5 ER Small Laser FL/R 3(25) -- -- -- 20 5.00
3 ER Large Laser AL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 72 24.00
2 ER PPC AL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 60 24.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) AL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 4 78.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) AL/R 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 28 72.00
4 ER Medium Laser AL/R 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 40 8.00
5 ER Small Laser AL/R 3(25) -- -- -- 20 5.00
3 ER Large Laser Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 36 12.00
2 ER PPC Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 30 12.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 2 39.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) Aft 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 14 36.00
4 ER Medium Laser Aft 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 20 4.00
5 ER Small Laser Aft 3(25) -- -- -- 10 2.50
100 Bay Personnel Quarters 700.00
TOTALS: Heat: 672 1,000,000.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 38,918,082,500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 46,058
Cost per BV: 844,979.86
Weapon Value: 30,255 (Ratio = .66)
Damage Factors: SRV = 952; MRV = 641; LRV = 152; ERV = 0
Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 149,261
(28,613 Structure, 105,000 Life Support, 15,648 Weapons)
Support Points (SP) = 300,484 (201% of MPV)
BattleForce2: Not applicable
Note that it is hideously expensive! Repair bays will do that!
And I've got another--smaller--Station that was designed as an Orbital Transfer Point as well as planetary defense. This station--the Haven-class--is heavily armored and armed (with capital-scale weaponry!!) and includes twenty Factory-units for Orbital Processing. Along with a massive Flight Operations Control Center to direct traffic across the entire Star System. Which is why it mounts an HPG. Four pressurized repair bays, but all designed for DropShips . . . can't handle anything larger than 75,000 tons.
No fighters, but 40 Small Craft. But the weapons array! Oh, the glorious weapons array!. Each firing arc mounts two Naval Laser bays with four naval lasers each (2 NL-45 and 2 NL-55), two capital PPC bays with a pair of Heavy Naval PPCs each, two NAC-20 naval autocannon bays each with a pair of NAC-20s, and two NAC-40 autocannon bays. Plus the heat sinks to fire them all. Not including secondary standard-scale weapons! And it has 100 Elemental Marines.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Haven (Clan Goliath Scorpion)
Tech: Clan / 2663
Vessel Type: Space Station
Rules: Level 2, Custom design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 500,000 tons
Length: 806 meters
Sail Diameter: 4,215 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Ferro-carbide
24 NL45
24 NL55
24 Heavy NPPC
24 NAC/20
12 NAC/40
18 ER Large Laser
12 Gauss Rifle
6 Ultra AC/20
24 ER Medium Laser
30 ER Small Laser
Class/Model/Name: Haven (Clan Goliath Scorpion)
Mass: 500,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 6,000.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Structural Integrity: 1 5,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 6,426 Double 6,272.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 15,300.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 500.00
Fire Control Computers: 23,442.00
Food & Water: (360 days supply) 4,644.00
Hyperpulse Generator: 50.00
Armor Type: Ferro-carbide (1,902 total armor pts) 2,113.00
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 317
Fore-Left/Right: 317/317
Aft-Left/Right: 317/317
Aft: 317
Bay 1: Small Craft (40) with 4 doors 8,000.00
Bay 2: UnPress Repair Facil. (4-75,000 T Capy, 4 doors) 7,500.00
Bay 3: Factory Unit (20) 34,000.00
Bay 4: Cargo (4) with 2 doors 100,000.00
DropShip Capacity: 4 Docking Hardpoints 4,000.00
Grav Decks #1 - 2: (750-meter diameter) 1,000.00
Escape Pods: 430 (7 tons each) 3,010.00
Crew and Passengers:
49 Officers (49 minimum) 490.00
96 Crew (96 minimum) 672.00
125 Gunners (125 minimum) 875.00
101 1st Class Passengers 1,010.00
409 2nd Class Passengers 2,863.00
100 Marine Battle Armor Troopers/Elementals 700.00
1,200 Station Personnel 8,400.00
30 Flight Operations Command Crew 300.00
270 Flight Operations Crew 1,350.00
200 Bay Personnel .00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
2 NL45 Nose 20 20 20 20 140 1,800.00
2 NL55 170 2,200.00
2 NL45 Nose 20 20 20 20 140 1,800.00
2 NL55 170 2,200.00
2 Heavy NPPC Nose 30 30 30 30 450 6,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC Nose 30 30 30 30 450 6,000.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) Nose 40 40 40 -- 120 5,048.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) Nose 40 40 40 -- 120 5,048.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) Nose 40 40 -- -- 135 4,575.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) Nose 40 40 -- -- 135 4,575.00
3 ER Large Laser Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 36 12.00
2 ER PPC Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 30 12.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 2 39.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) Nose 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 14 36.00
4 ER Medium Laser Nose 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 20 4.00
5 ER Small Laser Nose 3(25) -- -- -- 10 2.50
2 NL45 FL/R 20 20 20 20 280 3,600.00
2 NL55 340 4,400.00
2 NL45 FL/R 20 20 20 20 280 3,600.00
2 NL55 340 4,400.00
2 Heavy NPPC FL/R 30 30 30 30 900 12,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC FL/R 30 30 30 30 900 12,000.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) FL/R 40 40 40 -- 240 10,096.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) FL/R 40 40 40 -- 240 10,096.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) FL/R 40 40 -- -- 270 9,150.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) FL/R 40 40 -- -- 270 9,150.00
3 ER Large Laser FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 72 24.00
2 ER PPC FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 60 24.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) FL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 4 78.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) FL/R 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 28 72.00
4 ER Medium Laser FL/R 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 40 8.00
5 ER Small Laser FL/R 3(25) -- -- -- 20 5.00
2 NL45 AL/R 20 20 20 20 280 3,600.00
2 NL55 340 4,400.00
2 NL45 AL/R 20 20 20 20 280 3,600.00
2 NL55 340 4,400.00
2 Heavy NPPC AL/R 30 30 30 30 900 12,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC AL/R 30 30 30 30 900 12,000.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) AL/R 40 40 40 -- 240 10,096.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) AL/R 40 40 40 -- 240 10,096.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) AL/R 40 40 -- -- 270 9,150.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) AL/R 40 40 -- -- 270 9,150.00
3 ER Large Laser AL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 72 24.00
2 ER PPC AL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 60 24.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) AL/R 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 4 78.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) AL/R 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 28 72.00
4 ER Medium Laser AL/R 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 40 8.00
5 ER Small Laser AL/R 3(25) -- -- -- 20 5.00
2 NL45 Aft 20 20 20 20 140 1,800.00
2 NL55 170 2,200.00
2 NL45 Aft 20 20 20 20 140 1,800.00
2 NL55 170 2,200.00
2 Heavy NPPC Aft 30 30 30 30 450 6,000.00
2 Heavy NPPC Aft 30 30 30 30 450 6,000.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) Aft 40 40 40 -- 120 5,048.00
2 NAC/20(120 rounds) Aft 40 40 40 -- 120 5,048.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) Aft 40 40 -- -- 135 4,575.00
1 NAC/40(60 rounds) Aft 40 40 -- -- 135 4,575.00
3 ER Large Laser Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) 36 12.00
2 ER PPC Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 30 12.00
2 Gauss Rifle(120 rounds) Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 2 39.00
1 Ultra AC/20(120 rounds) Aft 3(30) 3(30) -- -- 14 36.00
4 ER Medium Laser Aft 3(28) 3(28) -- -- 20 4.00
5 ER Small Laser Aft 3(25) -- -- -- 10 2.50
200 Bay Personnel Quarters 1,400.00
1 Flight Control Operations 25,000.00
TOTALS: Heat: 12,852 500,000.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 17,876,972,500 C-Bills
Battle Value: 204,150
Cost per BV: 87,567.83
Weapon Value: 115,606 (Ratio = .57)
Damage Factors: SRV = 15,252; MRV = 14,941; LRV = 11,418; ERV = 3,070
Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 595,581
(32,013 Structure, 135,000 Life Support, 428,568 Weapons)
Support Points (SP) = 317,473 (53% of MPV)
BattleForce2: Not applicable
Not nearly as expensive as the Oasis, but still costs nearly 50% more than my Lei Kung, a modified McKenna-class Battleship! The Haven is intended to be put in geo-sync orbit over the planetary capital to coordinate traffic in the system and in the planets atmosphere itself. Plus act as a final orbital line of defense for the planet below. In addition to providing industrial support in the form of those 20 orbital zero-g factory units.
Both are assembled from pre-fabricated, modular components. This allows the Clans to transport these Stations to a distant system and assemble them onsite (Yard Ship required, but not included! Bring your own!). The Oasis would take a full 10 docking collars to transport; the Haven requires 5. But the Scorpions will be taking two Oasis and one Haven with them when they leave the Homeworlds.
Anyway, that is my take on how Clan Stations might look.
Damn I was going to name Oasis as a Scorpion colony in the Deep Periphery, you beat me to it MA!
Your second attempt looks much nicer, but I forgot to mention a couple of things regarding it.
Equipment and Bays don't show up on the output form - you can add them in if you want, and in fact, when I use that spreadsheet I spend nearly as much time cleaning up the ammo portion a bit, and adding the extra equipment that doesn't show up. I'll be completely honest I really like the output layout of HMA compared to the spreadsheet, but I very much appreciate the spreadsheet being up to date and find it an adequate replacement (and Alsadius continues to make adjustments as needed now that CryHavok has mostly left it to him).
Very very nice! I've not looked at stations or making them, but this is superb :)
Your second attempt looks much nicer, but I forgot to mention a couple of things regarding it.
Equipment and Bays don't show up on the output form - you can add them in if you want, and in fact, when I use that spreadsheet I spend nearly as much time cleaning up the ammo portion a bit, and adding the extra equipment that doesn't show up. I'll be completely honest I really like the output layout of HMA compared to the spreadsheet, but I very much appreciate the spreadsheet being up to date and find it an adequate replacement (and Alsadius continues to make adjustments as needed now that CryHavok has mostly left it to him).
Yeah HMA looks so much better, I can definitely see the changes that the newer rules have as I redesigned a few of the dropship ones I've seen posted on here in HMA into MekLab and the costs are much different. Tonnages were slightly different if I recall correctly.
Space stations are tricky to design. I know, because I've tried once or twice. In fact, I have two that will be showing up in HB:CGS when I get that finished. One is based on the Olympus and is a recharge station with a pair of unpressurized repair bays for JumpShips (or small WarShips), plus two more pressurized repair bays for DropShips.
Designed to be placed at the Zenith and Nadir Jump Points of a System, the Oasis class isn't meant for combat. It carries only self-defense weapons (standard-scale weapons) and cannot engage capital WarShips or Assault DropShips with any hope of survival. It is, however, quite heavily armored (armor is cheap, after all!). And, as I said above, it has four repair slips that let it service JumpShips and DropShips. Along with an HPG.
Yea double the price for Pressurized compared to Unpressurized. HPG & Jump Batteries are expensive as well. But according to this worksheet the worst by far is Docking Collars.
0 $27,645,104,004.00
5 $66,143,104,004.00
10 $104,641,104,004.00
It makes sense to make the larger bay Unpressurized like you said. Doing that saves money and tonnage to make it larger.
Third times the charm
I like it, the only change I might suggest is 50-100kt of liquid storage - this would be something that could be used to refuel either dropships or warships, this would increase it's versatility as a hub for all types of spacecraft (technically this could be included in the flex cargo, but actually dedicating space to it would probably be beneficial).
Regarding costs (and I might break people's ideas about this), this is a part of the spreadsheet where costs are likely wrong. Since there is no K-F drive, that entire section of the costs table can be thrown out and docking hardpoints can be treated as simple equipment (@ 100,000 c-bills each, TO pg 407). This will significantly decrease costs as that's where the largest point of costs comes from.
Edit: you can probably reflect this in costs by decreasing the docking collar portion in the K-F area to "0" and then simply adding it in as equipment as you did with the repair facilities.
I like it, the only change I might suggest is 50-100kt of liquid storage - this would be something that could be used to refuel either dropships or warships, this would increase it's versatility as a hub for all types of spacecraft (technically this could be included in the flex cargo, but actually dedicating space to it would probably be beneficial).
I thought of that but not in that way, I just added a exorbitant amount of fuel to the Station. Your idea makes more sense.
Regarding costs (and I might break people's ideas about this), this is a part of the spreadsheet where costs are likely wrong. Since there is no K-F drive, that entire section of the costs table can be thrown out and docking hardpoints can be treated as simple equipment (@ 100,000 c-bills each, TO pg 407). This will significantly decrease costs as that's where the largest point of costs comes from.
Edit: you can probably reflect this in costs by decreasing the docking collar portion in the K-F area to "0" and then simply adding it in as equipment as you did with the repair facilities.
Thats a good idea.
Thanks again for all the pointers Vition
So for anyone who didn't google the name yet to figure out what it means its Gaelic. Its technically the home of the Irish God of the Dead. But it can translate to house of the dark ones. Which is perfect for a space station imo.
Class/Model/Name: Tech Duinn Recharge Station
Tech: Clan
Ship Cost: $27,662,184,004.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 7,555
Mass: 1,000,000
K-F Drive System:
Power Plant: Station-Keeping Drive
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Standard
16 Naval Laser 35
16 PPC ER (C)
16 Laser Large ER (C)
16 Laser Large Pulse (C)
32 Laser Small Pulse (C)
Mass: 1,000,000
Equipment: Mass
Drive: 12,000.00
Safe: 0
Maximum: 0
Controls: 2,500.00
K-F Hyperdrive: (2 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (5 Integrity) 80.00
Structural Integrity: 1 6,666.67
Total Heat Sinks: 899(1798) Double 700.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 20000 points 8,160.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 67 pts Standard 133.00
Fore: 12
Fore-Left/Right: 11/11
Aft-Left/Right: 11/11
Aft: 11
Dropship Capacity: 4 4000.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 0.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 2 1,000.00
Escape Pods: 50 350.00
Life Boats: 50 350.00
Crew And Passengers:
48 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 480.00
197 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 1,379.00
37 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 259.00
160 Bay Personnel 0.00
200 1st Class Passengers 2,000.00
1000 2nd Class Passengers 7,000.00
5000 Steerage Passengers 25,000.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
2 Naval Laser 35 Nose 104 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 RBS 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 LBS 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 FL 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 FR 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 AL 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 AR 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 Naval Laser 35 Aft 104 70 (7-C) 1,400.00
2 PPC ER (C) Nose 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) RBS 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) LBS 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) FL 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) FR 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) AL 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) AR 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 PPC ER (C) Aft 30 30 (3-C) 12.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) Nose 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) RBS 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) LBS 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large Pulse (C) FR 20 20 (2-C) 12.00
2 Laser Large Pulse (C) AL 20 20 (2-C) 12.00
2 Laser Large Pulse (C) AR 20 20 (2-C) 12.00
2 Laser Large Pulse (C) Aft 20 20 (2-C) 12.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) Nose 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) RBS 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) LBS 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) FL 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) FR 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) AL 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) AR 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
4 Laser Small Pulse (C) Aft 8 12 (1.2-C) 4.00
Naval Repair Unpressurized 300000
Naval Repair Pressurized 50000
Naval Repair Pressurized 50000
Naval Repair Pressurized 20000
Naval Repair Pressurized 20000
Bay Small Craft 20
Bay Fighter 30
Cargo, Standard 279994
Cargo, Liquid 100000
Energy Storage Battery 5
Mobile HPG
Might fit somewhere in the Dagda system. ;)
Since we know Star Adder had some SDS systems around Priori here's an attempt at making one
Class/Model/Name: Azure Dragon BattleSat
Tech: Clan
Ship Cost: $138,332,010.00
Magazine Cost: $0.00
BV2: 28,388
Mass: 10,000
K-F Drive System: None
Power Plant: Maneuvering Drive
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Armor Type: Ferro-Carbide
1 Naval PPC Light
1 Naval Laser 55
32 PPC ER (C)
16 Laser Large ER (C)
Equipment: Mass
Drive: 3,600.00
Safe: 6
Maximum: 9
Controls: 10.00
K-F Hyperdrive: None (0 Integrity) 0.00
Jump Sail: (0 Integrity) 0.00
Structural Integrity: 100 1,000.00
Total Heat Sinks: 549(1098) Double 420.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 10000 points 1,020.00
Fire Control Computers: 0.00
Armor: 592 pts Ferro-Carbide 380.00
Fore: 100
Fore-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft-Left/Right: 100/100
Aft: 92
Dropship Capacity: 0 0.00
Grav Decks:
Small: 1 50.00
Medium: 0.00
Large: 0 0.00
Escape Pods: 0 0.00
Life Boats: 5 35.00
Crew And Passengers:
10 Officers in 1st Class Quarters 100.00
37 Crew in 2nd Class Quarters 259.00
10 Gunners and Others in 2nd Class Quarters 70.00
5 Bay Personnel 0.00
1st Class Passengers 0.00
5 2nd Class Passengers 35.00
0 Steerage Passengers 0.00
# Weapons Loc Heat Damage Range Mass
1 Naval PPC Light Nose 105 70 (7-C) Long-C 1,400.00
1 Naval Laser 55 Nose 85 55 (5.5-C) 1,100.00
4 PPC ER (C) Nose 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) RBS 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) LBS 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) Aft 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) FR 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) FL 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) AR 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
4 PPC ER (C) AL 60 60 (6-C) 24.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) Nose 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) RBS 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) LBS 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) Aft 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) FR 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) FL 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) AR 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
2 Laser Large ER (C) AL 24 20 (2-C) 8.00
Bay Small Craft 1
Cargo, Standard 65