Except that TPTB seem to be retconning large warship fleets out of existence completely.
While I can't speak to the specific 2765 examples of possible retcons, the idea that the CGL writing staff is somehow on a deliberate campaign to retcon WarShips from existence seems a little...far-fetched? Ridiculous? Theory of the conspiracy variety?
Let's take a look at the claim overall. Prior to the FanPro take over in 2001 (2002? I never can remember exactly), how many products featured any notable amount of page space devoted to WarShips, whether it be TRO entries or simply descriptions of fleet actions? Glancing over the publication list, I come up with the following:
- The Star League
- Let's be generous and say all five of the original House books
- TRO 2750
- BattleSpace
- Invading Clans
- TRO 3057
- Living Legends
- Explorer Corps
- Twilight of the Clans
- Field Manual: DC, FWL, WC, ComStar, CC, FS, and LA (I didn't add FM: Mercenaries, because WarShips there are effectively two units)
Now, if we refine that list a bit to make it a bit more accurate than "They talked about WarShips once here." Let's toss out the rulebooks, and books that are largely repeating other information without really adding anything. (For example, the DC Housebook talking about an SLDF fleet action already covered in The Star League book). I don't recall a massive amount of non-derivative text devoted to WarShips in the original Housebooks, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. So we'll toss those five and BattleSpace aside. I'd personally toss Explorer Corps and Living Legends aside (as I haven't read the Corps book in forever and don't have anything resoundingly naval affiliated in my memory of it, and the second largely deals with one single WarShip and an even worse adventure). But let's keep them in play. So I'm counting 15, and that requires adding in all of the Field Manuals released up to that point. 15 books over 14 years, from '88 to '02. Not a bad average at all, with effectively one a year, though really that is skewed a great deal more towards the later years with the Field Manuals and evolution of the Twilight of the Clans story line. So, we'll settle with 15 books.
Now let's look from FanPro through the current CGL era (granted, a great deal of the same names and faces involved, particularly at the top, but this is the break point I suggested).
- TRO 3067
- FedCom Civil War
- Field Manual: Updates
- Field Manuals: Mercenaries (Revised) - not counted for the same reason FM: Mercs was
- Field Manual: Periphery - not counted, because I honestly can't recall any WarShips fleet action mentioned here
- Handbook: House Steiner, Kurita, Davion, Liao, and Major Periphery States - I'll leave this up to your decision. Could be tossed for the same reasons the Housebooks were, but I seem to recall more historical naval details in the opening sections than in the Housebooks.
- TRO 3057 Revised - Not counted as it really doesn't pass the non-derivative test
- Aerotech 2 - Rulebook, not counted
- Dawn of the Jihad
- Jihad Hot Spots 3070
- Jihad Hot Spots 3072
- Starterbook: Wolf and Blake
- TRO 3075
- Jihad Secrets: Blake Documents
- Jihad Hot Spots 3076
- TRO 3085
- Historical: Operation Klondike
- Jihad Hot Spots: Terra
- Historical: Reunification War
- Wars of Reaving
- Jihad: Final Reckoning
- Field Manual: 3085
- Historical: Liberation of Terra Volume 1 and 2
- Era Report: 2750
- Field Manual: SLDF
- Era Report: 3145
- TRO: 3145 - not counted, as I can't recall any WarShips beyond the pocket variety
- Historical: Wars of the Republic Era - not counted, as I don't own it currently, and have no idea if any naval fleet actions are discussed
So, final count for 2002 to 2014, a 12 year period is...22, 27 if you toss in the Handbooks. Here's hoping my math is right, as I've currently been awake for 41 hours. To me, what is more notable is not simply the higher amount, but the scope of the material. You have more detail and focus on fleet actions and significant battles in the JHS books and Wars of Reaving than you find in almost anything FASA published save for probably The Star League book. That's before you even get into the details of the Liberation of Terra and Reunification War tomes. Or FM: SLDF.
Now, there's an entirely separate question as to whether a given person likes (or agrees) with the material given in these later sources. That's a personal decision to make. It is not, however, hard data. It is interpretation and analysis of your own viewpoints, and absolutely valuable. But it doesn't change, or have any real relevance, to the data that "TPTB" have given more resources, time, and page count to WarShips than at just about any other point in publication history. Heck, they've even done it across multiple different eras, something that would have been unheard of under the FASA banner. You bought the current storylines or you didn't buy the product. That was it. Don't care for the Jihad? Here have some Reunification War tastiness. Whether or not a given fan likes a given story arc or book series, TPTB have given out WarShip love. A
whole lot of WarShip love.
But see, that's the kicker, right there. And it is something that often gets forgotten in these sorts of discussions. When you have a lot of naval love, that generally means a lot of naval conflict. Devoting pages to WarShips doing nothing but boring patrols isn't going to sell books. If you want WarShips featured front and center, they'll be featured. The consequence of that is they'll also die. And that means attrition, destruction, and orbital wrath on a scale that is hard to recover from. Frankly, it requires a bit of a breathing room afterwards, both for the fanbase, as well as the inside the setting itself. The fleet sizes, disposition, and fluff focus on said fleets changed drastically after the Reunification War, obviously. (At least inside the setting.) The next big usage is during the Star League Civil War, with another subsequent massive space for breath. Cue Twilight of the Clans and the FedCom Civil War, and again, there's that breath afterwards. Unfortunately, that breath is really, really short inside the setting, because of the Jihad. And if you weren't finding fleet action in the Jihad, you weren't looking. IT IS EVERYWHERE. Ortillery is freaking terrifying in its regularity here. We're not even talking rocket-powered rocks or NBC weapons here. Just plain old regular ortillery. Sure, it's not the army sizes of the Liberation, but the focus and tone leaves no doubt that fleets are massive equalizers and game-changers.
TPTB don't hate WarShips. They've put them front and center more than any other point I can find in BT's entire publication run. Subsequently (and logically, I might add), WarShips are going to take a back seat. They'll find themselves mostly replaced by Pocket WarShip fleets in the current story line. And yes, this corresponds with a period of time when getting consistent and reliable record sheets, battle values, and easy electronic construction of WarShips is at an all time low for CGL. There's not denying that. I can understand fans not being happy with the decision for the large majority of WarShip reconstruction and expansion to be turned off. But on the flip side, I can absolutely understand from CGL's perspective why they would do so. The effort that the last 8 years (since Total Warfare's introduction in 2006) has required on the front of getting WarShip stats created, balanced against the recent paradigm changes (Pocket Warships, sub-cap weapons, naval C3, and seriously beefed up fighters and assault craft, anyone?), and into the hands of the fans...yeah, I'd have bashed my head against a wall and run screaming into the asylum. At the exact same time that this mess is going on, they decided to
expand the material's focus on Warships in
TWO SEPARATE eras. How exactly is that "expunging WarShips from Battletech"? Is there a lull, exactly like there has been after every other major event with massive naval focus? You bet. The setting wouldn't be consistent otherwise. Will it stay this way, forever and ever to the end of time? I wouldn't hold your breath on that. WarShips will return, I'd put money on that. Tomorrow? No, but why should they? They've just been a massive focus since Dawn of the Jihad's release in 2005. There's already been hints and rumors at CGL working on something to resolve the unit construction software mess. That's one major stumbling block out of the way. Blacknova mentioned the new focus on Alpha Strike. That's another big stumbling block (overly cumbersome time commitments) out of the way.
If you're not finding more WarShip love than before...I'm not sure what game line you are following. My reaction to WarShips has always pretty much been..."meh", and their spotlight time over the last 9 years has even managed to get me to have a soft spot for them. I'm seriously confused by your statements here, Takiro.