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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2012, 03:00:21 PM »

Why would the Inner Sphere powers let ComStar in charge of the HPG network? They already failed once.
Why not nationalize this corporation?

They can't. They have neither the strength, nor the operating knowledge to take control of the HPG once they're working again +180 years after they've fallen. ComStar is a corporate-nation state. So ComStar owns ComStar, but they also take an active hand in ruling planets. (I haven't gotten to the bit about pro-Hegemony separatists, etc.) In all honesty, the only thing separating a corporation from a nation state is recognition of sovereignty.

Try to keep in mind this primer comes from ComStar sources, so it's biased. 
« Last Edit: October 25, 2012, 03:03:43 PM by Knightmare »
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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2012, 04:44:25 PM »

I've spent quite a while reading all of this (each time I get ready to post a response you put up a new section! :) ) and I will definitely go into detail with questions and feedback on the timeline and fiction probably later this evening. That being said I do have a few points of questioning/clarification etc.

Why would they shut down Upsilon after Alpha is back up? I assume the renewed HPG network isn't nearly as extensive as the original, necessitating the continued use of the 'pony-express' on the fringes (if it is then why the hell did comstar wait that long and not bring up a portion of the network and build off of it?). Also the pony-express style communication has been in place for nearly 200 years, I'm sure it has become integral to the functioning of some start systems, I would think since there is actual physical movement between the systems this way of communicating could effectively send 'packages' as well as 'letters', what I mean by that is that with the HPG you can send data (whether it be a message, picture, video, data file, whatever) but when you have a pony express system in place you have the option to send actual things (whether they be personal effects items, keys, lock boxes, whatever). While I know the HPGs going back up would reduce the need for the pony-express system but I don't think it would eliminate it, in fact in canon I always assume ComStar operated a similar system through the fringes of the periphery where HPGs aren't present.

To sum it up in another way, ComStar has been doing the job of UPS for many years and you now gave it the ability to do AT&T's job again, but that doesn't mean UPS goes away completely.

This got me thinking of a modern day analogous situation. I think it would be eerily similar if today the internet and satellite networks went down and no longer functioned (world wide), this would lead to the collapse of most corporations and frankly probably most nations as just about everything we do in our day to day lives depends on these networks and has (exponentially increasingly) since about 1980. Anyways, say that happened and you let 200 years go by - guess what, people will eventually adapt (the ones that don't die), they will start doing things at a more basic level, local autonomy will become the standard practice and if the networks eventually did go back up they wouldn't just immediately shift everything back to depending on them, it would take a LONG time (ie another few centuries or at least several decades) and some things they may never shift back to running that way.

To Ice Hellion's point (kinda), instead of 'why let ComStar [be] in charge of the HPG network?' I think many nations in the inner sphere (and periphery) may have the thought 'why let an HPG network be in our nation to just have it crash again? or at least if we let it in not to become dependent on it again.'

I think people underestimate people's ability to adapt and recover from chaos and bloodshed. I don't care if you kill off 80% of the population and decimate everything, if you give it 200 years and come back (and everyone hasn't died off completely) then they will be recovering and well on their way to where they were. 200 years is like 8 generations, the biggest empires in history have risen and fallen in less time, the greatest infrastructure projects ever conceived by man have been implemented in less time. Hell the egyptions built the pyramids each in much less time even at the technology level at the time. In fact most big events happen because a small group of people or a single individual so things usually happen within a single human lifetime. Any halfway competent government should be able to take a multi-planet nation with a population of at least maybe 10 billion and rebuild its entire economy from scratch in maybe 3-4 decades, to the point that its able to produce jumpships even.

Canon BattleTech has the blanket "there's been a lot of wars so recovery has been slowed or even reversed" thing going on but it's simply a facade - the Inner Sphere in 3025 is still functional, governments still work and things are still being produced - and the period around 2990-3025 is usually considered the low point of technology in the inner sphere. Even at its lowest point things still function (and I would argue should have been much better off than is shown) despite contant warefare. And I know your going to say "but mine is worse and longer warfare" and that fine, the shattering of the houses is a great side effect of that, but its been long enough since then that 3025 AoC should probably be on the road to recovery (ie factories being reopened in states not even in contact with ComStar, jumpship production resuming in maybe half a dozen places throughout the inner sphere. I've found that poeople just don't let things stay shitty for too long, they either die or do something about it (now they may do the wrong stuff but that's a whole different can of worms)

Anyways, sorry for the rant. Leaving work now will read over this again and posts thoughts on specific stuff but that's just a start on my general thoughts (if you took the time to sift through it :) )

On another note I am incredibly impressed by the setting, the timeline and fiction are top notch, this is the kind of stuff I aspire to and is definitely canon level quality if not higher.


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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2012, 04:51:11 PM »

That's a great point SSJ – the bit about dumping Upsilon – and I think that will have to be rewritten. I think you're absolutely correct.

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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #18 on: October 26, 2012, 08:29:42 AM »

The ComGuards

While the entire ComStar organization suffered during the Schism, the ComGuards were almost as heavily affected as ROM. Conrad and his Order were very careful in their dealings with the senior officers of the company’s heavily armed military. Most officers were career military, either having served in the SLDF or from the ComGuards’ earliest beginnings, but cared deeply for the people of the Protectorate. Officers that would not join the Order or could not be swayed to stay out of the early fighting were assassinated during the first days of the coup. Reeling from the chaos, the ComGuard quickly descended into its own mini-civil war as loyal forces from both sides attempted to subdue or annihilate the opposition. After the Schism, the ComGuard was rebuilt, and once again became the strong foundation of the corporation’s armed might inside and outside of the Protectorate.

The basic ComStar military unit is the division, roughly parallel to the independent regiments of the old Star League Defense Force. Based on the Star League combined-force military concept, ComGuard Divisions are mixed formations. A division may field a number of ‘Mechs equal to a regiment, plus supporting ground armor, artillery, infantry and aerospace fighter support. Each individual ComGuard unit is designed to be flexible and capable of supporting itself in the field.

The ComGuards base their unit identification on Roman numerical ratings. The smallest unit level is Level I, representing a single BattleMech, vehicle, artillery piece/crew, aerospace fighter, or infantry platoon. Level II units contain six Level I units, or roughly half a company of firepower. Level III units contain six Level II units, equivalent to a standard Inner Sphere battalion. A division, or Level IV unit, is comprised of six Level III units, containing approximately the same number of troops as two full regiments. The highest unit level is the Level IV division. Most ComGuard formations are spread across numerous Level II and sometimes Level III formations guarding the numerous ComStar facilities that dot known space. Only within the Protectorate are full divisions deployed. Because of their dispersed nature, very few divisions maintain unit cohesion. Most are maintained to simplify paperwork and logistics, but little else.

The ComGuards identify their units with Greek letters, each letter representing a unit’s composition of BattleMechs, armor, artillery, aerospace fighters and infantry. Generally, units with letter designations closest to the beginning of the Greek Alphabet contain a higher number of BattleMechs, and those closer to the end of the alphabet usually contain more support or infantry elements. To provide maximum flexibility of response in the field, the exact composition of ComGuard divisions vary.

ComGuard machinery and equipment is supplied by a number of select sources. Most of the Guards’ equipment came from surviving storehouses left by the SLDF on Terra. The ComGuards also utilize several of the surviving Terran manufacturing facilities, such as the revitalized Blankenburg Technologies factory in North America and the refurbished Skobel Mechworks. Krupp Armaments was heavily damaged by rampant industrial sabotage during the Schism and was left untouched during the Blackout. Now that the HPG network is functional, ComStar has re-approached plans to rennovate the factory to its former glory in preparation of expanding the Guard.

Because of the dispersed nature of the corporation, the ComGuards are stretched very thin in certain regions. It is not uncommon to find isolated ComStar trade outposts with only a single Level I of infantry for protection. To help supplement their security forces, ComStar turns to employing mercenary units vetted by their Certified and Bonded board. Many of these small mercenary commands are occasionally used to help strengthen local relationships if domestic issues threaten planetary peace or the company’s bottom line.   
Brief History

The ComGuards were originally numbered at ten divisions of ex-SLDF and mercenary troops led by Lauren Hayes of the 151st Royal BattleMech Division (Ulysses S. Grant Division). The 151st, along with the 13th Royal Infantry Division and remnants of the 251st BattleMech Division (The Lipton Division) formed the core of ComStar’s early military strength. The officers of these three divisions were among the first soldiers who pledged their loyalty to Jerome Blake after declining General Kerensky’s offer to travel with the Exodus. Enlarged with the addition of two mechanized divisions based in South America, the 213th BattleMech Division (The Carver Division) and a few independent regiments who refused to abandon Terra or the former Hegemony to the coming wars, the early Guard was a battle-hardened, yet motley collection of soldiers. Together these survivors of the Star League Civil War would be responsible for carving the ComStar Protectorate from the shattered remains of the Terran Hegemony and predations of the House Lords.   


The early ComGuards were a far cry from the modern streamlined security force found on every Protectorate and corporate facility. Formed from a disorganized collection of units who decided to remain behind when General Kerensky took over 80% of the surviving SLDF on an exodus from the Inner Sphere, the early ComGuards were a hodgepodge collection of equipment and tired veteran soldiers. Luckily, Jerome Blake placed his faith in an individual imbued with the same zeal in building the ComGuard that Blake had in repairing the HPG network. Credited with creating the original and modern military organization, General Lauren Hayes is known today as the mother of the modern ComGuard––the proverbial patron saint of the company’s soldiers.

When Jerome Blake proposed Operation SILVER SHIELD to the First Circuit, it was General Hayes who made the operation possible. Using the 151st and 13th Divisions as a core, Hayes spent two years building a highly effective, yet small fighting force from the individual leftovers of the old SLDF. Restored with materials drawn from Terra’s vast war stores, the ten division-strong ComGuard was a capable fighting force. Combined with the experience gained in battle during the Star League Civil War, the assault force was able to secure the young Protectorate’s early borders.


Operation SILVER SHIELD may have been Blake’s idea, but it was Hayes’s brainchild. Her plan was simple; utilize surprise and overwhelming force to secure Terra and the future Protectorate. Recognizing that the ComGuards would have limited time and finite material strength to achieve their goals, General Hayes proposed coordinated lightening strikes to re-conquer important worlds to place under the aegis of ComStar. She also sent quiet word to the hundreds of active Terran rebel groups throughout the former Hegemony, which ComStar had been providing arms to since 2786. These local fighters had been combating the Successor States for years thanks to supplies covertly provided by Jerome Blake and ComStar. While Hayes did not provide specifics for the forthcoming operation – in the interest of security – she did inform them that ComStar was coming with new assistance. Given identifying access codes, these Terran patriots would be a key component in the success of the operation.   

From the moment the Inner Sphere accepted the Communications Protocol of 2787 until the June 2788 launch General Hayes planned her attack. Executed initially on Terra, the Guards’ first challenge came from a couple of companies of Davion troops assisting the Terran relief efforts. Holed up in Europe, the Davions managed to stall Hayes’s troops until overwhelming numbers forced their surrender. With Terra secure Hayes scrambled her taskforces for the second phase of SILVER SHIELD. Using hastily repaired JumpShips, DropShips and even a few salvaged WarShips, the new ComGuard assembled at Terra’s Nadir and Zenith jump points. These disparate taskforce groups – some no larger than a brigade in size – simultaneously jumped for New Earth, Bryant, Rigil Kentarus, and elsewhere. Using hyper-accurate star charts utilized during the civil war to bypass orbital defenses and early detection, the ComStar attack force made combat drops outside of major population centers and military installations on each planet. Fighting at these locations was often sporadic and disorganized, with many local militias or House garrisons put up only token resistance. On House-controlled worlds local rebels often bolstered ComGuard forces. Their unique understanding of the opposition, and innate familiarity with the local terrain often meant the difference between a quick victory and a drawn out siege the young ComGuard could ill afford.

This was not always the case, but the early ComGuard did achieve some stunning successes. On Bryant however, the ComGuards faced a serious confrontation. Through shear luck the ComGuards and Capellan Confederation were drawn into a major fight with one another when CCAF forces raided the planet in the midst of the invasion. Both sides were savaged by the fighting, but fears of a returned SLDF – ComGuard forces at the time were still sporting SLDF colors and insignia – forced a quick Confederation withdrawal. On Murphid the ComGuards found themselves face to face with regiments from the Commonwealth’s Arcturan Guard. Collected to launch an invasion of the Draconis Combine, General Hayes was unprepared for the Lyrans or their presence in the system, having expected the Commonwealth regiments to be on Skye. The resulting fight devastated the planet’s struggling infrastructure and shattered the regiments of the 184th Mechanized Division. The Battle for Murphid also severely depleted the offensive power of Hayes’s forces pushing anti-spinward, and ruined her plans to take Lipton or other Terran worlds in the region. Still, despite heavy losses to combat and mechanical failures the early ComGuard managed to achieve most of its goals and ComStar’s future.

In the aftermath of Operation SILVER SHIELD the ComGuard was reorganized. With breathing space to grow, General Hayes set about rebuilding her new army properly. The reorganization brought with it new recruits (a great number of the ComGuard’s first soldiers had spent well over two decades in active service with both ComStar and in the former Star League Defense Force), new ranks, uniforms and colors. Hayes also modified the composition and makeup of her new Divisions. She deliberately refrained from using the SLDF standard regimental composition of Lances, Companies, Battalions and Regiments, and instead opted for an entirely new arrangement which she hoped would reduce defections or poaching, as well as provide ComStar with an edge in combat. Built around the number six, Hayes organized her divisions into smaller, mobile combined-arms formations formulated after the highly successful SLDF independent and CAAN regiments. Training the new divisions was a tough proposition, but a few years after Operation SILVER SHIELD rebuilt Terran universities were churning out their first graduating classes.

The success of SILVER SHIELD and the reorganization of the Guard also brought with it a host of problems. The retirement of the old guard reduced the force’s overall experience, which was partially offset by increases in manpower and the incorporation of former Terran guerillas. However, the new wave of ComGuard recruits – eager men and women who hoped ComStar could duplicate their earlier successes to the point of reforming the full Terran Hegemony – caused their own issues. These new soldiers were hungry to reclaim their birthright at a time that was decidedly at odds with the goals of the First Circuit. While private memoranda suggested that expansion of the Protectorate was considered during these early years, the precarious position of ComStar meant it was nothing but talk.

When the Protectorate did expand during the first of the so-called Vanguard Operations the rebuilt ComGuard led the way. This second wave of expansion, ostensibly under the guise of “peacekeeping” saw the ComGuard drawn into combat on a number of occasions. Successful a second time, the poor state of the recovered worlds and the relative ease in which the they accomplished their objectives bolstered the Guards’ confidence to the point of arrogance. 

As the new waves of recruits became disillusioned and the luster of enlistment began to fade the ComGuard became ripe recruiting grounds for another organization in the Protectorate, the Order. Many of these impressionable young people fell in line with Conrad Toyama, especially those soldiers stationed at ComStar facilities in foreign realms. During the Schism many of the ComGuard units within the Protectorate were effectively paralyzed, but still managed to play a part in ending the conflict. However, small units and their motivated commanders played the part, not the full weight of the army that conducted these actions. Outside of the Protectorate the ComGuard fell almost wholesale to Conrad’s fanatics when they were given the opportunity to strike at the House Lords in the name of Terra. These troops provided much of the muscle Order ROM agents needed to carry out their assigned missions.

In the aftermath of the Schism whole divisions disappeared. Most of these were posted outside of the Protectorate, but a few from within the Protectorate’s borders were stricken from the rolls. One notable division, the 213th (the Carver Division), so riddled with internal dissent it left ComStar en-masse. In conjunction with a few of her sister divisions the 213th would help form the Capolla Union from former Protectorate and annexed House worlds. Their betrayal was one of the many stunning blows the nascent ComGuards were forced to endure during and after the Schism.

Since the start of the Blackout the ComGuards have rebuilt themselves again, pledging to protect the Protectorate and ComStar above all else. As the corporation slowly reconnected with the worlds of the Inner Sphere it was the ComGuard who protected the convoys and landing parties. They were integral to reestablishing ComStar’s foothold in the Inner Sphere, as well as responsible for maintaining a grip on much of the company’s surviving resources. Time and time again, manpower provided by the ComGuard was the first presentation of the Post-Schism ComStar, and proof of the company’s willingness to help clean up the Order’s mess.


Original Founding Units of the ComGuard

151st Royal BattleMech Division (Ulysses S. Grant Division) – later becomes the 151st ComGuard Divsion
13th Royal Infantry Division (The Superstition Division)
287th BattleMech Division (The Tobruk Division) – eventually builds the 3rd ComGuard Division
359th BattleMech Division (The Montgomery Division) – eventually builds the 47th ComGuard Division
184th Mechanized Infantry Division – survivors built the 6th ComGuard Division after the Schism
213th BattleMech Division (The Carver Division)
251st BattleMech Division (The Lipton Division); rebuilt from the remains of the 251st & 48th Inf Div
326th BattleMech Division (The Mantuffel Division); built from the remains of the 326th & 48th Inf Div
126th Mechanized Infantry Division (Bullfighters from Seville)
197th Mechanized Infantry Division (The Florida Swamp Foxes)
9th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment
349th Dragoon Regiment
112th Royal Hussar Regiment (The Jokes of Joseph)
125th Royal Hussar Armor Regiment – later becomes the Hilton Head Guard after the Schism


The Fleet

The ComGuard Fleet is a perfect example of doing more with less. With the loss of so many DropShips and JumpShips, and with only a handful of new vessels being built each year, the task of transporting, protecting and fighting for the ComGuards has fallen to a small number of ships assigned to the role. Incapable of being everywhere at once, the ComGuard Fleet is a model of corporate efficiency. Deployed on an ad hoc basis to the most active operation theaters, or units, this small cadre of dedicated transports and assault ships provides the bulk of ComStar’s “black water” muscle. As for the rest of the ComGuard, most formations inevitable travel with the ships of ComStar’s other civilian divisions as needed. While far from quick, the added security of traveling ComGuard troops as passengers more than makes up for the reduction in cargo capacity. In the years since the fall of the HPG network, ComStar’s use of civilian transports for the ComGuards has proven a deadly surprise for more than one over-eager pirate looking to prey on a supposedly “unarmed” merchant vessel.


Leviathans in the Deep

One of the ComGuard’s most closely guarded secrets is the total number of WarShips still at their disposal. Relics of the Star League, Jerome Blake authorized the repair and refit of a number of vessels following Operation SILVER SHIELD to help bolster the Protectorate’s defenses and to aid in further expansion of the Protectorate. Coupled with the few active ships already at ComStar’s disposal, the corporation’s war fleet was a potent weapon of war before the Schism since most House navies were a fraction of their Star League-era strength. However, the Schism was unkind to ComStar’s navy. During Toyama’s coup a few vessels were lost to sabotage or combat, while others were rendered useless after ComStar lost the ability to repair all of their systems. By the end of the 31st century ComStar could boast only a handful of these ancient behemoths.

Currently anchored in a secret facility at Luyten 68-28, these WarShips are painstakingly hidden and maintained by ComStar. Used sparingly, ComStar only operates the vessels for short periods of time to test their readiness and periodically familiarize new crews with their function. Reserved for the direst of circumstances, the WarShips of ComStar have almost never left Protectorate space. A potent power, these ships still represent an incredible advantage should the corporation ever require their service.


As mother of the modern ComGuard General Hayes took a personal hand in almost every facet of the new organization, including the Guards’ new uniforms. In a 2791 address to the First Circuit, General Hayes outlined the new ComGuard uniform.

“The Star League is gone. Crushed beneath the jackboot of the House Lords and their kin. However, the spirit of the Star League and of the Terran Hegemony before her survives here, [Pointing to her chest] in us. If the Protectorate is to some day rebuild what we’ve lost we must maintain our connection to our shared past and remind future generations that what was broken will, and can be remade. Our new uniforms will do both. They will connect us to our forefathers and remind both wearer and observer that we will ultimately triumph.”

The new ComGuard dress uniform was virtually identical to old SLDF uniforms in cut and function, only differing in color selection and material. For example, the Dress Uniform of the Guard was black with dark blue accents, rather than olive drab. On the left shoulder the rank patch, campaign ribbons and service stripes were placed, and knee-high boots covered the pant legs. Gloves, usually matching the boots, were worn outdoors. A standard cap was also part of the uniform.

A black half jacket was worn over the thick shirt of the uniform. Running from the right shoulder down to the left hip was a school or (if available) a nation sash. Members of the ComGuard who came from outside of the Protectorate were allowed to wear a pattern of colors native to their homeland if one existed. If it did not, a standard pattern representing ComStar was used instead. Unit insignia appeared near the top of the sash. Completing the uniform was the ComStar emblem on the left chest.

Officers in the ComGuard are also allowed to wear a ceremonial sword with their dress uniform. However, sword types were standardized, with broadswords being issued by an officer’s commander or school commandant. Trained marines in the Guard wore uniforms that exchanged the blue highlights for red ones, and the broadsword for a Barbary-type sabre. Otherwise, these uniforms were identical to the ones worn by the rest of the ComGuard.   

The new ComGuard uniform would undergo a slight modification after the Schism. In the wake of the Order’s attempted Coup, ComStar began the process of reaching out to the rest of the Inner Sphere without the benefit of the HPG network. After the Schism, ComStar was a tough sell to even the least affected worlds, and the dark uniforms of the ComGuard did not help smooth the company’s battered image. It was a pair of Stellar Relations adepts who first suggested exchanging the black of the dress uniform for a more inviting white to help combat the Sphere-wide negative image, and in 2846 ComGuard personnel outside of the Protectorate were issued white duty and dress uniforms that are otherwise identical to the originals. The small change would have a lasting impact, especially on many of the smaller, less important worlds of the Inner Sphere where Toyama loyalists were intimately connected to the darker colors. A resounding success, it is now common practice to assign every guard both uniform styles after acceptance into ComStar.

Of special note is the duty uniform of the ComGuards’ MechWarriors. The original uniform worn by MechWarriors of the SLDF’s Regular Army was a marvel of electronic sophistication. Star League MechWarriors wore tan long-sleeved shirts and shorts made of a synthetic, heat-resistant cloth woven around a network of tubes of varying diameters. Hookups at the cuff allowed the warrior to connect his gloves to the shirt and cool his hands. Covering the shirts and shorts was a cooling jumpsuit in camouflage colors. Unlike the low-tech and more common cooling vest, the Star League cooling jumpsuit extended down the front and backs of the warrior’s legs and around the feet, preventing MechWarrior Hotfoot, the common problem of gradual loss of feeling in the feet caused by repeated exposure to excessive heat. The cooling systems used a synthetic coolant that was three times more efficient than water in removing heat from a person’s body. The formula for the liquid has long since been lost thanks to Holy Shroud. Though the cooling system plugged into the ‘Mech as most cooling jackets do, a warrior of the Regular Army had a pump and heat exchanger on his belt for emergency use.

While many ComGuard Mechwarriors continue to benefit from the SLDF’s advanced systems, many more do not. The Order’s Holy Shroud attacks crippled ComStar’s ability to manufacture many of suits’ important components, such as the efficient coolant or advanced neurohelmet, and over the years the ComGuard has been forced to rely on less sophisticated versions. More than one ComGuard warrior has accidentally suffered a tear in his coolant suit and been left to watch helplessly as irreplaceable coolant spilled onto the cockpit floor. As a result, much of the ComGuards’s best equipment never leaves the tight confines of the Protectorate’s borders. MechWarriors leaving the safety of the Protectorate often exchange their advanced neurohelmet and coolant suits for a more robust unit better suited to the technological wilds of the Inner Sphere. Recently, ComStar made a breakthrough in recovered neurohelment design that may make it possible to reintroduce new production versions of the SLDF’s advanced neurohelmet. However, problems with the biofeedback apparatus continue to keep prototypes from reaching the field or the factory assembly line.       

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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #19 on: October 26, 2012, 08:34:30 AM »

Made changes based on SSJGohan's excellent suggestion, so both Corporate Realities and Rank Structure have been modified accordingly.
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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #20 on: October 26, 2012, 09:21:28 AM »

Unit List – Field Manual


Compared to most of the other armies of the Inner Sphere the ComGuard is both large and well equipped. Dispersed throughout known space and sometimes beyond, ComGuard soldiers can be found wherever the company operates. From simple infantry detachments to full Level IIIs, the ComGuard represents the armed might of ComStar, Terra and the Protectorate.

The modern ComGuard is composed of 21 fulltime front-line divisions, but has additional divisions in a standing reverse. In an emergency, the Protectorate also has the capability to raise more from retired and reserve personnel. Infantry comprise the bulk of the ComGuards, with equal parts armor and aerospace assets also responsible for a large portion of the ComGuards’ martial strength. BattleMechs are present, but large BattleMech units are rare in the ComGuards. This is not because the Guard lack BattleMechs (quite the contrary), but because armor and infantry are cheaper to come by, easier to maintain and far more useful outside of the Protectorate’s protected borders.

Sadly, due to the dispersed nature of ComStar and the ComGuards most divisions are considered paper tigers, being spread across dozens of worlds. This leaves the ComGuard at a disadvantage in large engagements. However, a higher level of technology, training and the backing of ComStar is a significant edge other nations do not have. The smaller average deployment size also ensures that most ComGuard units operate without readily accessible support or reinforcement. ComGuard troops are trained to be self reliant and flexible fighters, who have sizeable and varied experience across a number of different mission types. A very professional army, the ComGuard prides itself on maintaining a quality other Inner Sphere armies cannot match.   
76th Division (Dirty Foxholes IV-Phi)

Constituted from soldiers who started their early military careers in the 126th Mechanized Infantry Division (Bullfighters from Seville) and Terran rebels who joined the ComGuard after the liberation of Dieron, the 76th Division was one of the first new divisions formed by ComStar after the completion of Operation SILVER SHIELD. Integral to the coreward garrison posts of Dieron, Altair and Saffel, the 76th spent its early years working to integrate the new worlds into the Protectorate and providing humanitarian aid to their civilian populations. Largely immune to the predations of Toyama’s fanatics (except for the two Level IIIs assigned to Dieron), the 76th was hit hard by the Order during the Schism. In addition to losing soldiers to the Toyama, the Level IIIs on Altair and Saffel suffered from assassinations, bombings and on Saffel, the loss of an entire Level III when its Dictator class DropShip was destroyed by sabotage while attempting to lift off. Less than two Level IIIs survived the Schism, but managed to help aid in the reconstruction efforts. Rebuilt in the following decade, the 76th Division participated in the VANGUARD II Operation (the expansion of the ComStar Protectorate in 2865), and remains one of the ComGuards most experienced formations.

The 76th Division received the nickname “Dirty Foxholes” for its actions during the pacification of Terra Firma. During the battle to claim the planet for the Protectorate a collection of local militia and two battalions of Tikonov Lancers entrenched themselves in the capital city of Aserlitz. Located on the northern coast of Terra Firma’s Rusalaia continent, the city’s placement was a major hindrance to the ComGuard advance. Refusing to surrender to ComStar, the Lancers used the tight urban streets to sally against ComGuard formations as they attempted to encircle the city. Recognizing a full siege would be costly and counterproductive, the Exarch of the 76th, Juan Morales, concocted a plan to end the fight.

Moving in under the cover of darkness, Morales ordered a Level III of infantry to carefully make its way through the largely abandoned Freinze suburbs. The suburbs were located to the west and separated from the main capital by a small winding river and four bridges. This side of the city had yet to be reached by the ComGuard, whose heavier elements were being held by heavy forests to the north and concentrated defenses to the east and south. Quietly, the soldier-infiltrators of the Level III began fortifying the riverbank, digging a patchwork of hasty fortifications and using their meager heavy weapons to target the bridges. By morning, the soldiers were firmly entrenched in their foxholes and remained undetected by the Lancers or the militia.

At 0600 local time the ComGuards advanced into the Aserlitz’s under the cover of heavy ‘Mechs and armor. The brutal fighting was street-to-street, and despite prior evacuations and community shelters, hundreds of civilians died when militia units set fire to a food processing plant. The plant, which processed a number of different foods for Dukempic Foods included corn storage units. Their destruction created a massive explosion that collapsed a number of nearby buildings with basement shelters. With the demolition of the plant, Morales surmised that Aserlitz’s defenders were holding out just long enough to slow the ComGuard down before making a break for the Freinze DropPort. Rather than let the defenders leapfrog to another location the ComGuard pushed even harder.

As expected, the defenders offered only a few minutes of heavy fighting before retreating towards Freinze. It was at this moment that the infantry of the 76th earned their name. Surprised, surviving elements of the Tikonov Lancers slammed into their entrenched position. Fighting from their foxholes, buildings and the bridges, the infantry of the 76th held the river until the remainder of the ComGuard could come to their support. Battered and suffering from heavy losses, the 76th nevertheless won the day. After the battle a Tikonov prisoner would later tell his captors that if it weren’t for the “bastards in their dirty foxholes” the Lancers would have made their escape. The name stuck, and soon the title of Dirty Foxholes was added to the official title of the 76th Division.


Exarch Sara Dejonge is relatively new to the Dirty Foxholes, having only been assigned to the division for two years. Prior to commanding the 76th Dejonge was an officer in the 13th Division (True Defenders IV-Kappa). Assigned to a regular Galedon trade delegation that moved through Alliance space, Sara was promoted to command and the rank of Exarch after she successfully defended her convoy from raiders while offloading cargo on New Sumatra. A brilliant armor commander, Sara used her Level II of tanks and infantry, which included an SRM carrier, to lure the raider ‘Mechs into the tight confines of the DropPort. There, her expert use of terrain and the liberal use of explosives destroyed two of the attacking ‘Mechs and captured a third (Sara collapsed an abandoned cargo hangar on the Wasp). Faced with unexpected and intense opposition, the remaining raiders fled.   


Keeping to their mechanized and rebel heritage, the 76th Division prefers to use static emplacements and heavy weapons to slow, snipe and control enemy advances. Masters in the art of creating “killing” fields and traps, the division has a disproportionate number of engineers in its ranks who help devise many of the divisions most successful “dens” (as killing fields and weapon emplacements are known in the division). Unsurprisingly, many of these ingenious engineers end up in university classrooms teaching the next generation of soldiers their dangerous trade.


Fast compared to other infantry-heavy units, the Mine Game Level III-Upsilon and Stand Firma Level III-Chi are notable for their use of super fast VTOLs to quickly move about the battlefield regardless of terrain. Armed with lighter weapons than the rest of the unit, the soldiers of both Level IIIs make extensive use of satchel charges and man-portable SRMs. The remainder of the division typically deploys an uneven mix of light armor, fast BattleMechs and VTOLs for support. The division is one of the few ComGuard formations without any attached aerospace elements.   

134th Division (Rough Riders IV-Xi)

One of the many general ComGuard divisions formed during the Blackout, the 134th Division was commissioned in 2847 from refurbished material left behind by the SLDF when General Kerensky abandoned the Inner Sphere. The division’s original mandate, as authorized by the First Circuit, was to protect corporate assets during the reestablishment and repair period with the Inner Sphere following the start of the Blackout. Over the decades, the Rough Riders gained a reputation as excellent bodyguard units and were often assigned as Level IIs to important delegations. This was effectively the division’s sole responsibility after the 2849 “Avalon Hit” incident when Davion extremists attempted to assassinate Director New Avalon during his historic visit to the planet. After thwarting the attack, soldiers of the 134th were permanently assigned to garrison important ComStar facilities and personnel; where they have remained every since. No longer roving guards, the Rough Riders are the closest ComStar has to a “private” security unit outside of Terra’s famed 151st Division, and are often poached by ROM recruiters looking for personal security experts. 

Prefect Shaun Finnigan is considered by many in the ComGuard to be the best personal security professional in the ComGuard. Once a member of ROM, Shaun is unique in having left the clandestine organization for life in the Guard. Assigned to the 134th’s Level II-Psi (Bright Shield), Prefect Finnigan and his troopers are currently providing protection for ComStar operations and personnel on Galedon, where they do their best to survive the Alliance’s Machiavellian court politics. At least twice a year Finnigan’s team diffuses some internal intrigue aimed at destabilizing the Alliance by using ComStar as a patsy. Some soldiers of the Level II joke that involving ComStar in some conspiracy is an Alliance noble’s right of passage.

Every Level II of the 134th Division varies a little in its specialty. With almost every part of the division permanently assigned to a specific location or person, many of the division’s Levels have become experts of their local environment or assignment. For example, the Level II detachment assigned to Brockway have become masters of using the world’s water rich environment to effectively thwart attacks, while a similar Sian Level II has become masters of local Capellan customs and politics. These important traits are preserved as institutional memory and are passed down to recruits as each new soldier is assimilated into the division’s many Levels. 


Assigned almost equal numbers of ‘Mechs, armor, infantry and aerospace fighters, the Level IIs of the Rough Riders have been perfected to fit their assigned charges. Contrary to the composition of other Guard units, it is common to find whole Level IIs composed entirely of a single unit type.
List of Active ComGuard Divisions

134th CGD (Rough Riders IV-Xi)
13th CGD (True Defenders IV-Kappa)
76th CGD (Dirty Foxholes IV-Phi)
151st CGD (Ulysses S. Grant Division IV-Alpha)
3rd CGD (Fortress Legion IV-Zeta)
287th CGD (The Tobruk Division IV-Theta)
47th CGD (Steel Raiders IV-Iota)
6th CGD (Hayes’s Hellraisers IV-Chi)
125th CGD (Blake’s Pride IV-Psi)
18th CGD (The Green Dragoons IV-Kappa)
33rd CGD (The Caph Cavalier Division IV-Chi)
111th CGD (The Lucky One’s IV-Rho)
89th CGD (Eridani Light Horse IV-Lambda)
22nd CGD (White Knights IV-Tau)
203rd CGD (The Jump Devils of Bryant IV-Sigma)
126th CGD (Bullfighters from Seville IV-Upsilon)
197th CGD (The Florida Swamp Foxes IV-Phi)
66th CGD (Terran Zouaves IV-Chi)
48th CGD (Athenry Bloodhounds IV-Xi)
102nd CGD (Star Rangers IV-Psi)
51st CGD (The Lipton Brigade IV-Mu)

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2012, 10:22:54 AM »

Political Geography – Terra Under ComStar

ComStar’s Operation SILVER SHIELD had the avowed goal of protecting the homeworld of humanity from becoming a prize trinket for the approaching House Lords. In reality, the planet proved extremely useful in ComStar’s early years when it provided the money, HPGs and trained technicians to rebuild the HPG network. (Records released by the corporation in the early 3000s showed that it was not until 2802 that ComStar would turn a profit without monies skimmed from Terran coffers.)

Terrans were willing to support ComStar because of its aid in their time of need. Terrans had not seen the worst of the Star League Civil War, but Terra had seen its fair share of battles and the North American continent, the industrial and political heart of the Terran Hegemony, had suffered the most. Millions of people had been killed and the settled areas of the Pacific Northwest were virtually destroyed during efforts to secure the Court of the Star League. The world was virtually ignored by the House Lords after liberation, while the Terran Hegemony government was frozen by incapable, novice bureaucrats and politicians. Among the failures of the Hegemony’s new government, it was only Jerome Blake’s Star League Department of Communications that truly helped feed and house Terrans. By 2784, Blake had ended five years of refugee camps, famine and homelessness amongst Terrans.

As the dawn of the 29th Century rose, Terra had essentially repaired all of the physical damage of the civil war, but was suffering from widespread economic damage from a multitude of causes: the Terran Hegemony interstellar economy, of which Terra was its hub, was gone; the local economy was completely unhinged; and the Inner Sphere was rapidly destroying any scrap of interstellar commerce in unrestricted warfare. This produced huge numbers of unemployed, disaffected people who easily forgot ComStar’s past kindness and obsessed on Terra’s lost glories. These people believed that Operation SILVER SHIELD could be replicated over and over again, and while partially correct, they simply selected the most inopportune moment. They were fed, ironically, by ComStar’s endless march of propaganda about how Terra was preserved from what would become the First Succession War. Terrans became convinced that it would soon be time for them to reclaim their full empire from the idiot House Lords. The problem was that they were not united by the Terran Hegemony, but rather by a politically neutral and decidedly corporate successor to the Star League Department of Communications. Political parties and radical groups arose in the early-2800s that proposed to reverse this relationship (turning ComStar into a mere tool of a new Terran empire – a notion Conrad would exploit to recruit for his budding Order). ComStar reacted poorly at first; using ROM to round up troublemakers and send them to hastily constructed re-education camps.

That all changed when Jerome Blake learned of the new rebellions that had sprung up on former Terran worlds outside of the Protectorate. Whereas the first rebellions were seen as a tool to forge the early Protectorate and protect Terra, these new rebellions were helpful for entirely new reasons. Hopeful, Blake made an impassioned plea to his First Circuit to help support these rebels. While Terran worlds had been swallowed whole by the greedy Houses, the wellspring of rebellion gave Blake confidence that if fostered, could slow, perhaps even reverse the absorption by weakening the House militaries. In addition, covert support of these rebel insurrections could be use as an outlet for Terra’s growing frustrations.

Despite opposition to Blake’s desire to provide arms and supplies from SLDF caches secreted away on Terra to unknown rebel elements for a second time, enough of the First Circuit agreed to the Prime Administrator’s gamble to carry the day. Using many of the radical groups and political parties originally rounded up by ROM as troublemakers, Blake was able to convince and then organize these men and women into the vanguard of a new “Terran State”. Within a few weeks the first shipments of arms and insurgents were reaching planets as far away as Bell and Glengarry.

ComStar’s decision to supply weapons to Tikonov and Skye-sponsored rebels had an almost immediate and destabilizing effect on the entire region. It would also create problems for ComStar later when the Protectorate began to expand its borders. Whole worlds shuffled free of their House shackles by paying a high price in blood. All the while, ComStar maintained the facade of neutral arbiter beneath the glossy veneer of humanitarian efforts. Ostensibly ComStar’s humanitarian programs played a dual role in cementing solid relationships with Terran insurgents, but also to hide the arms flowing from the Protectorate a second time. Although terribly dangerous for ComStar, the entire operation spoke highly of ROM’s acumen and expertise that not a single House Lord suspected the corporation of duplicity or the origin of the insurgents’ weapons. Most observers of the day assumed the arms came from SLDF stocks left behind by General Kerensky, not from Terra’s vast stores and factories. Even more, the surge of armed resistance in the region allowed ComStar to claim a score of additional worlds to add to the budding Protectorate.
ComStar’s new direction provided the reprieve Blake was hoping for. By directing the pent up energies and hopes of the Terran people elsewhere ComStar was able to alleviate the tension that had been plaguing the corporation’s domestic agenda. Within a decade, the civilian populations under ComStar aegis were content and pleased with their corporate overloads. Those few dissenters, still unhappy with the Prime Administrator’s rule were finally silenced after a botched assassination attempt on Blake destroyed one of the transatlantic highspeed mag-lev tunnels running from North America to Europe. The death toll was enormous, the highest since Republican occupation, but a very public rescue effort – spearheaded by Blake personally – turned the entire planet against the anti-ComStar separatists.


Conrad: The Separatist Connection and Blake’s Knowledge

In recent years evidence has surfaced connecting Conrad and his cabal of fanatics with the Separatists held responsible for the Tunnel Bombing of 2824. While using the Order bogeyman in connection with any conspiracy has been in vogue for decades, there is some circumstantial evidence to suggest there was indeed a connection between Toyama and the Tunnel Bombers.

In the aftermath of the bombing, ROM and Terran security forces ruthlessly hunted down and captured every suspected member of the “Terran Liberation Army”. Soon, paramilitary commandos stormed many of the terrorists suspected hideouts (often within hours of the attack and with well-prepared precision), completely demolishing the organization. At the time, no one mentioned the speed or efficiency in which ComStar dispatched the separatists. Also, many of the captured suspects were low-level supporters of the separatist movement – none were supposedly upper-level members (those believed to be responsible for the attack) were captured alive. Those killed, who inevitably died in shoot-outs with ROM, or by their own hand when capture was imminent, were not mourned by the public. Cries for justice gave ComStar free hand to dispense justice.

When corporate security forces in Paris breached the last TLA hideaway and found its occupants dead – an apparent mass suicide – the world breathed a collective sigh of relief and went about its business. ComStar, happy to enjoy the new support, washed its hands and swept the whole event underneath the table. A cursory report, complied by local police forces and rubber stamped by ComStar authority was released six months later outlining the TLA’s terrorist manifesto and plot. No one at the time questioned or scrutinized the information closely – reconstruction efforts and burgeoning prosperity had directed the public’s attention elsewhere.   
Surprisingly, an original hardcopy of the report survived Conrad’s Schism. Found in an old storage basement of a London police department in 3003, researchers at Oxford University have found tantalizing clues pointing to some of the earliest known connections between Toyama and his actions before the Schism. 

Detailed examination of the documents found that local investigators were unable to locate or identify the person or persons who actually supplied the explosives and Tunnel design schematics to the TLA prior to the attack. Although a number of leads were followed, they either turned up blank or hit dead ends. The investigation also found physiological inconsistencies at some of the suicide sites, with indications of evidence tampering and the possibility that some TLA officers did not die voluntarily.

The most damning evidence uncovered by the Oxford team and the strongest confirmation that Conrad may have been intimately involved with the terrorists came from an obscure file concerning the explosives used by the TLA. While most of the investigation centered on the attack itself or the individuals involved, an inquiry and chemical analysis of explosive residue found at the Tunnel site, and at the Paris location turned up a surprising connection to an unlikely source – Dieron. 

Records from the time indicate that the explosives used in the attacks were traced to a cache of old-SLDF materials originally marked as lost on Dieron during General Kerensky’s withdrawal from the Inner Sphere. While strange to find an off-world explosive used when so many untraceable local sources were available, a note tagged to the written final report suggested that in 2806 the cache was marked as destroyed rather than lost during Kerensky’s Exodus. Stranger still, at the time of the Tunnel Bombings Conrad was Administrator of the Dieron HPG and was known for being intimately involved in the planet’s recovery operations, having a personal hand in operations around many of the planet’s old military installations…


In the intervening years between the Tunnel Bombing and the ComStar Schism, the budding Protectorate became one of the sole regions of peace in an Inner Sphere saturated with war. Despite ComStar’s reduction in civilian industry – especially shipbuilding – there was enough reconstruction on the other worlds of the Protectorate that people were busy working. Even the elusive Belter communities got onboard, providing much of the aerospace expertise and industry necessary to house refuges at Rigil Kentarus, Caph, New Earth and rebuild Byrant’s damaged Storm Inhibitor array. On Rigil Kentarus, reconstruction crews worked almost night and day to repair the damage caused by Republican use of capital-grade weapons fired from the moon Rikon Minor at the planet’s surface during the Coup. On Caph a huge influx of refuges and corporate resources, including corporate reclamation teams, cleaned areas devastated by nuclear and chemical weapons. In 2829 a reclamation team sifting through the nuclear-scarred ruins near New Brunnel unearthed a large cache of computer cores once used by the Caph Institute of Technology. Shipped back to Terra for research and examination, one of these cores contained HPG-related information some experts believe members of Conrad’s Order may have used to crash the network.

By 2832, the worlds claimed by ComStar were almost pristine example of Star League-era technology and prosperity, with populations swelling into the billions. Many of the new arrivals were refuges from former Hegemony worlds seeking to escape the bloodshed that Blake helped engineer. In many ways, this was the golden age of ComStar, and tentative overtures to Asta, Thorin and elsewhere promised to secure the Protectorate more planets. Despite the turmoil surrounding the budding Protectorate, the center of the Inner Sphere not only survived but also thrived.

Sadly, this peace was to be short-lived. Soon Terra, ComStar and the Inner Sphere would be swept up in one man’s bid for power.
Terra, like the rest of the Inner Sphere, suffered Conrad’s Schism in varying ways. For the citizens of the Protectorate, signs of the violence targeting ComStar were first reported through the news as word of new atrocities taking place around the Inner Sphere began to filter in through the HPG network. For the busy citizens of the Protectorate, most ignored what they heard and saw. After all, the Inner Sphere had been gorging itself on war for years now and ComStar would inevitably get caught in the middle. While the attacks did anger some, the population was focused on domestic reconstruction, not the Inner Sphere. However, the Terran people did applaud Blake’s proclamation of an Interdiction to punish the Great Houses responsible for the attacks, and expected the imposed month-long silence to remind the House Lords of Terra’s neutrality and power. 

In truth, ComStar’s interdiction did not affect every world. Planets within the Protectorate still maintained an active network and Terra was never truly cut off from the rest of inhabited space. Even during the Interdiction, HPGs throughout the Inner Sphere were still in use, but by the corporation and only the corporation. News and other information continued to funnel into Terra and the Protectorate through ComStar sources. Even then, information regarding the attacks happening inside of the Protectorate did not make the headlines, being carefully controlled by the News Bureau. Then, as if from nowhere the news stopped.

At first, most Terrans were only peripherally aware something was wrong with the HPG network. ComStar administrators and service personnel were ostensibly concerned, but tight lipped about the problem. Most complaints were politely deflected with a simple; “We’re looking into the problem.” For a few days, even weeks this response would suffice, but as time passed the populace became increasingly concerned with ComStar’s apparent inability to explain or rectify the situation, especially as local violence seemed to erupt on almost every Protectorate planet.
While ComStar scrambled to understand what they were readily beginning to learn was an Inner Sphere-wide Blackout – Conrad struck. Across Terra, the Protectorate and the Inner Sphere, operatives in the employ of the Order attempted to usurp local control. Indiscriminate use of heavy weapons, sabotage and even tactical nuclear weapons struck key infrastructure points and corporate centers. On Terra, Order attacks were aimed to cause more confusion and terror than actual destruction. Power, water and transportation centers were bombed, locked down or sabotaged to paralyze local authority. While civilian casualties were light, many occurred nevertheless. However, Conrad’s followers were not above murdering innocents. The city of Sydney, Australia was devastated by the release of a tactical nuclear weapon meant to kill the local garrison. The death toll was hideous, but Order propagandists successfully blamed corporate loyalists for the nuclear detonation. Order operatives in ROM also carried out assassination operations of high-ranking ComStar and corporate security leaders that only inflated the damage further by pushing the situation out of control. By far, the worst injury Terra suffered was the late-Schism destruction of levies along the Belgium coast that killed thousands and misplaced millions more when cold water from the Atlantic flooded the lowlands. Elsewhere in the Terran system, Order operatives would eventually collapse parts of the Aphros City Dome on Venus that cost the lives of 50,000 people, while sabotage of the famed Titan Shipyards would ruin ComStar’s aerospace production abilities for decades. Even the normally sheltered Belters felt the sting of Toyama’s abortive coup when three of their largest settlements suffered from catastrophic sabotage in late 2841.

Conrad believed these attacks would isolate Terra from the storm he was unleashing on the Inner Sphere, and while a failure, did much to diminish Terra’s ability to continue reconstruction efforts on other Protectorate worlds. Worse then the loss of life and destruction of infrastructure was the harm caused to many of Terra’s library and information storage centers as the Schism came to a close. Along with the devastating virus that burned the core of every HPG, Conrad’s followers also targeted and destroyed data storage centers, manufacturing and research facilities, and even released computer viruses similar to the HPG virus that wiped software and burned the hardware from any system it could access. Worse still, the virus managed to gain access to systems like aerospace control towers and airliners. Hundreds of people died when their planes, small craft or DropShip ceased to function and crashed. Codenamed Operation HOLY SHROUD, the terran shroud attacks were far worse for the future of the Protectorate than the HPG Blackout.

The fruits of Holy Shroud – Could it still be around somewhere?
From Secrets, Lies and other Drugs – Conrad’s Schism
By Molly Shannon, New York Evening News, 3022
From the Word of Blake

“I believe a day will come when the fighting ends and we can emerge as the saviors…The victories will come for us one world at a time – then one House at a time – until we control everything. Mankind will not resist but will invite us to help rebuild, as we have done with blessed Terra and the Protectorate. [Salvation 4:61-70] Blake has foreseen the day when ComStar will rule the worlds of the Inner Sphere. Mankind will openly invite us to rule because we have, by divine foresight, saved all knowledge for the time of the great rebuilding.” 

In the years since the Blackout scholars throughout the Protectorate have questioned one of Conrad’s most heinous acts: the systematic erasure of hundreds of years of human development. His release of the HPG virus, though terrible, has been ultimately viewed as a stopgap measure aimed at supporting the Order’s early efforts while Conrad worked to prepare ComStar for its inevitable domination of the Protectorate – and maybe – the Inner Sphere. After all, the specific nature of the Blackout virus only targeted key components of the HPG. Thereby violently, but effectively disabling the transmitter – not destroying it.

This stands in stark contrast to the specific targeting of research facilities and information storage centers on Terra and elsewhere. Attacks made on these valuable resources were not designed to disable or postpone usage, but rather to destroy, and remains a glaring enigma in what has been generally accepted as Conrad’s grand plan to control and lead ComStar. Erasing and destroying valuable knowledge, or one of a kind research seems suicidal, not to mention shortsighted, to say the least. 

In the decades since scholars have been asking the same question: If Toyama’s new Order was going to eventually conquer the stars, wouldn’t they require the advanced technology to accomplish their goals? And if so, why destroy the very knowledge necessary to accomplish the task – especially in light of the Order’s other attacks?

This mystery has plagued the academic community for years. Of the dozens of possible explanations, two tantalizing theories have sprung up with enough credible evidence to explain this obvious error in Conrad’s strategy. The “Geneva Theory”, first proposed by Professor Sara Kalmin in 2947 is by far the leading contender. Prof. Kalmin’s theory – supported by some physical evidence and a few partial communiqués recovered from the period – suggest that the Order created a massive backup of the material they aimed to destroy prior to the attacks. Based loosely on rumors of a Prometheus-like database that supposedly survived the fall of the Star League, Kalmin believed that the database and its contents were stored somewhere in the city of Geneva. The theory gained so much credence in its time that several funded digs were organized to locate the proposed storage center. Sadly, heavy fighting in the city towards the end of the Schism and lingering taint from nerve agents have apparently obliterated all signs of a possible Order cache in the intervening years since Conrad’s death. Despite the lack of findings, Kalmin’s theory is still pursued by Order experts and treasure hunters even today. Although these groups continue to come up empty handed, even the danger of the Genevan Wastes have not discouraged new fortune seekers from trying.     

The second theory, first proposed by psychologist Dr. Tomas Vilreal believed that the “Holy Shroud” attacks (as they were called in the Order) were enacted by rogue elements within Conrad’s organization that sought to expand the Blackout even further. Using recovered documentation Dr. Vilreal created a complex psychological model that combined knowledge of Conrad’s Order, anti-technology sects like the Omniss in the Outworlds Alliance, and PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) modeling to orchestrate what a fanatic concerned with removing mankind’s ability to harm one another may have believed, and why Toyama’s original mandates may not have sufficed. While we now know that there was dissention within Conrad’s organization, Dr. Vilreal was not privy to the same information in 2977. This radical assumption, based on psychological modeling and text analysis caused uproar among more traditional historians, and Vilreal received more than his fair share of ridicule. While rejected by the majority of the research community, the discrepancies Tomas identified in personal texts from the period – including some of those attributed to Conrad himself – helped spawn a renewed effort to finally answer the question as to why the Order carried out Operation HOLY SHROUD on Terra.

In the aftermath of the Schism, Terra and the Protectorate took stock of what was lost. New realities, thanks to damage sustained during the fighting and knowledge irrevocably lost to Holy Shroud setback recovery operations. What should have taken only months to repair required years, and in some cases, decades to fix or replace. Some of the worst affected areas on Terra, such as the Genevan Wastes, remain contaminated and desolate even today. Elsewhere in the Protectorate, on worlds only just beginning to recover from the Succession Wars, were even worse off – having been reliant on Terra for technology and support to finance their own recovery efforts. The gaping wounds suffered during the Schism were even more pronounced among these worlds and continued to be a major financial drain and focus for the corporation for years.

Full accounting of the Schism showed that Terra’s once mighty manufacturing capabilities, especially heavy and aerospace industries had been sorely tested. Worse still, the success of Holy Shroud wiped large reservoirs of information clean. Surviving knowledge caches were scattered, damaged, or limited in their scope and focus. One recovered date core contained complex K-F Drive theories, but the corresponding engineering schematics for known JumpShip K-F Drive types wiped clean. The end result was a patchwork anthology of humanity’s collective knowledge. As terrible as the situation was, it could not compare to the rest of the Inner Sphere. In this regard, ComStar and Terra lucked out. Being better off then the rest of the Inner Sphere was tremendous help. While the Inner Sphere was scrambling to pick up the pieces after suffering Holy Shroud, ComStar and Terra used their small, but significant lead to get to the front of the pack first.
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2012, 01:23:31 PM »

My point was a "nationalisation" of the network with the people.
In a corporation you can always find people that are unhappy or willing to be promoted...
Just look at how it happened in several countries in the past centuries.

But for such a strategical asset, they (the Successor States) could have also asked for a neutral company controlled by them (x% of the shares).

Regarding Earth and the other planets, how are they ruled by ComStar?
Are they more or less independent paying just a tax? Heavily ruled?

Regarding ComGuards, you could be a little more precise in their history.
I guess the first Divisions were following the SLDF organisation? This could be made a little bit clearer.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2012, 01:50:44 PM »

But for such a strategical asset, they (the Successor States) could have also asked for a neutral company controlled by them (x% of the shares).

They could, but who would listen? The Great Houses have all fallen to pieces. Honestly, after 100+ years there isn't a claimant strong enough to push for a neutral anything. During the Blackout, HPG compounds were part trade house, bazaar, post office, etc. So no House really cares about some worthless real estate. A broken HPG is no longer a strategic asset.

Most states understand that ComStar isn't a neutral entity, but they'll utilize their services when possible simply because they're available. The same cryptography used to protect a message sent by HPG is the same used when transported by DropShip/JumpShip. 

Regarding Earth and the other planets, how are they ruled by ComStar?
Are they more or less independent paying just a tax? Heavily ruled?

That's coming up in the next section.

Regarding ComGuards, you could be a little more precise in their history.
I guess the first Divisions were following the SLDF organisation? This could be made a little bit clearer.

I could, but the history is left intentionally loose so developers can help fill in the blanks. You'll understand better towards the end.

Keep in mind that this is a basic primer to the universe, it'll be up to members to fill in the blanks and fully flesh out the fiction.
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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2012, 02:01:56 PM »

Planetary Data – Terra, Venus, Mars, Solar System
Terran System General Features
Star Type (Recharge Time): G2V (183 hours)

The Terran star system consists of nine planets, hundreds of moons, and several asteroid belts and clusters. The planet closest to the primary, Sol, is the tiny barren world of Mercury. Next is Venus, another rocky world still inhabited by man. Terra is the third world, followed by terraformed and colonized Mars. Between Mars and the first gas giant, Jupiter, is the first major asteroid belt. The remaining planets are mostly gas giants. After Jupiter come Saturn (which includes the moon Titan), Uranus and Neptune. Uranus and Neptune might be more properly defined as ice giants, rather than gas giants. Beyond frozen Neptune is another major asteroid belt, the Kuniper Belt, of which the ninth planetoid Pluto is a member, and even further beyond is the prototypical Oort Cloud.

As the mother world of humanity and ComStar, the Sol System is bustling with aerospace traffic. Millions of Terrans make the short flight to Luna annually for the few operating resorts. Mercury and Mars continue to ship relatively huge quantities of raw materials to Terra to fulfill Terra’s resource needs. Countless small craft and DropShips (more than anywhere else in the Inner Sphere) travel through the system, connecting the major worlds with inhabited moons and the few major orbital settlements.

Government: A Division of Protectorate Affairs

Among the worlds of human space, Terra and the Protectorate have a relatively unique government that is best described as a functional corporate bureaucracy. While there is some variation between the Division of Protectorate Affairs (DoPA) branch that governs Terra and the other Protectorate worlds (these local variations are responsible for creating some of the confusion outsiders have concerning the function of the DoPA), the branches remain essentially the same in focus and scope – the governing of the Protectorate’s citizens.

The DoPA is a modern, professional civil service based on the best lessons of Terran Hegemony managerial theory. It has sufficient checks and balances to avoid becoming a dictatorship or oligarchy; the powers of department heads are carefully delineated to avoid abuse, and a competent internal affairs department (separate from ROM and a continued source of conflict between the two) prevents significant corruption. A small “council” of department heads lead the native Terran DoPA and makes policy decisions to address issues or problems (recessions, natural disasters, famines, etc.) and to implement directives from ComStar’s First Circuit. The DoPA’s departments are typical of a modern government: Education, Health, Housing, Treasury, Agriculture and Environment, Transportation, etc. The seat of Terra’s DoPA has been New York City since Geneva was obliterated during the Schism.

Advancement in the DoPA is mostly meritocratic, the sole exception being the Executive Board – also known as the Second Circuit – which represents the worlds of the Protectorate, and where the leaders of the Planetary Councils meet. While the head of the Division represents the Protectorate as a whole, and is an appointed member of the First Circuit (known as Director New Earth), the position is historically drawn from executive board members.

The Division of Protectorate Affiars’ one small nod to democratic representation is the planetary council. All Protectorate worlds, including Terra, are allowed to elect their executive board representative from their local council. Local councils are carbon copies of the same setup in operation on Terra. Council candidates, if they choose to run, are drawn from the leaders of their respective departments. For example, the department heads of Caph can run in an election to select a new planetary representative to the DoPA’s executive board if they elect to do so. Planetary elections can vary from as little as two to dozens of potential candidates. After elections, new department leaders are promoted to replace the vacant position. Elections are not mandatory, but available after every ten year term.

Voting is limited to Protectorate citizens, who are fully invested corporate employees and allowed one voting share upon acceptance into ComStar as an adept. Voting shares were created as an outgrowth of the successful Resource Reclamation Act, and became a fixture of the Protectorate. Executive Board Members of the DoPA are allowed a single ten-year tenure with an optional extension if vetted by Director New Earth. This setup provides the Director New Earth with tremendous power and leverage among the Executive Board. However, his position is a precarious one. If the Protectorate functions poorly, it is Director New Earth who suffers the wraith of the Prime Administrator and First Circuit, not the members of the Executive Board.   

DoPA departments are further broken down into district governments that coordinate policing, taxation, and provide social and municipal services. Unlike the earlier federal-style government of the Alliance and Hegemony, the DoPA has no separation between districts and the “central” planetary council of a given world – the districts are simple administrative zones to manage billions of Protectorate citizens.

Every planet in the Protectorate also employs a “Town Assembly” that is an advisory body to the Planetary Council. Composition of the assemblies vary from world to world, but is comprised of non-citizen and citizen members who provide input on important issues to department leaders who may not necessarily be knowledgeable in such matters.
It might seem odd that ComStar would grant such an ear to corporate and non-civilians, but there are a number of practical reasons for maintaining the executive board elections and town assemblies. The first is practicality. ComStar is similar to a monarchy: the Prime Administrator could rule for years, maybe even decades, and govern planetary populations with no official means of addressing grievances. A Prime Administrator that caused problems could not be removed. This in turn could quickly drive the people of the Protectorate towards insurrection, like the separatist movements of the early 29th century. Therefore, the Prime Administrator handed direct authority, responsibility and blame to a corporate proxy – the Executive Board of the DoPA and Director New Earth. The Prime Administrator is seen as a remote figure, with the Executive Board acting as an intermediary. Since Executive Board members are elected, the blame typically falls squarely on their shoulders. While the system is not infallible – sometimes the distance between the Prime Administrator and the people is still not enough – it is robust enough to survive the occasional hiccup, such as the High Wall Miners Strike on Dieron in 2945 and the Chara Farmer’s Rebellion of 2952.
The other most effective method of preventing insurrection on Terra and the rest of the Protectorate is ROM. For most of Terra’s post-Star League history, ROM has provided special law enforcement as well as hunting down subversives, Terran nationalists, and insurrectionists. ROM does a very good job, but it is well supported by ComStar propaganda and honest economic prosperity. Since the Blackout, the DoPA has done most of the Protectorate’s policing, but ROM still steps in when it feels it is necessary, whether it was requested or not. 

ComStar Protectorate Government

Prime Administrator – Director New Earth (First Circuit) – Executive Board (Second Circuit) – Planetary Councils (Department Heads) – Town Assemblies - Images


If visitors were common to Terra they would be surprised to find that despite being ruled by a corporation the world is not seething with profit mongers, where poor children sleep in the street and social equality is ground beneath economic progress. Instead, ComStar’s Division of Protectorate Affairs governs Terra in the corporation’s name. The DoPA is a curious combination of professional civil service: a direct descendant of the Hegemony government, and a profit generating company. Under the DoPA’s administration, Terra rebuilt itself from the damage of the Star League Civil War, the Schism, and eventually into a thriving center of culture during the long years of the Blackout.

Through the hard work of the Terran Alliance, Hegemony and Star League, the DoPA have undone centuries of aggressive industrialization and growth that occurred near the beginning of the 20th century. Pollution clean up, ecosystem repair, and the reduction of urban sprawl have reduced mankind’s impact on the homeworld. The major population centers are compact and built up, surrounded by restored fields and forests. The few functional factories are usually isolated from major population centers, or underground facilities.

While Terra is the standard by which all worlds are compared, it is not a paradise. The cradle of humanity has its fair share of scars – the latest earned during the Schism. Still, compared to some of her closest neighbors, Terra is indeed a garden world.

Terra has seven continents: Africa; North America, South America in the western hemisphere; frozen Antarctica at the South Pole; island Australia split between the Pacific and Indian Ocean, and then the long northern hemisphere stretch of Europe and Asia. Other than Antarctica, all of the continents are well populated – even if population numbers are a far cry from their Star League heights.

When the Star League Civil War ended, half of Terra’s surviving twelve billion people fled to the rest of the battered Hegemony. A short-lived mistake, the First Succession War soon droves millions more towards the relative safety of the Protectorate. However, refuges were rarely allowed to return to Terra. Instead, they were redirected to other ComStar-controlled worlds where they could help rebuild the planet. In the following years, Terra’s population did increase, but it never reached the same size or grandeur. Once the center of the largest human empire in history, Terra was and is heavily defended.
Best Kept Secrets

The secret remnants of the SLDF’s incredible ground-based Space Defense System (SDS) may never be known. Even today, information regarding the actual capabilities of this advanced system remains sketchy. Common knowledge states that during the campaign for Terra, General Kerensky destroyed many of these huge batteries of long-range missiles and particle cannons, but did not eliminate all of them. During the Schism many of these surviving facilities were either destroyed or permanently disabled due to sabotage. Only the highest levels of management know which SDS sites are still operational, and continue to represent a major asset in the war blasted Inner Sphere.


Popularity Coup

One of the major ironies of the Schism was the effect it had on the popular opinion of ComStar. Prior to Conrad’s Coup the people of Terra often saw ComStar as a means to an end. Specifically, they saw the corporation as a means to recreate their beloved Terran Hegemony in the wake of Succession Wars. Jerome Blake on the other hand saw ComStar standing apart, guiding Terra––a shepherd at best. Polar philosophies without compromise, the Prime Administrator would never allow ComStar to become a mere tool in the hands of civilians, and so the corporation was at odds with the Terran people during the early years of the Protectorate.

Unable to find a suitable settlement between the desires of ComStar and the Terran people meant both sides would clash. The early Terran separatist movement rose to prominence during this time, and while the TLA’s deplorable tactics did more harm than good for Terran independence, it did highlight the situation perfectly.

Without a suitable solution to the problem it was easy for Conrad Toyama to use the promise of a new Hegemony to sell his vision of the future to the Protectorate’s people, and with it, an explanation for his use of violence. While the honeysuckled worlds of empire were enough to sate the appetite of Terra for a short period of time, eventually the excesses of Toyama’s Order soured even the assurance of future prosperity. Thanks to Conrad and his Order Terrans lost interest in a new Hegemony in the face of another dictator, and their would-be dreams of conquest. Soon Blake’s ComStar started looking less and less like an overbearing father and more like a pretty good guide.

When the Schism did end, both Terra and ComStar took stock. For ComStar, the needs and desires of the Terran people would finally be taken into account, and in later years would see an expansion of the Protectorate. For Terra, her people finally saw ComStar as a partner to be worked with rather than another shackle to break free from. Ironically, this fundamental shift in popular opinion among Terrans only occurred thanks to Toyama’s actions. Without him, the possibility that the early Protectorate would have suffered a future civil war remains a tantalizing possibility for many historians even today.



Terra’s closest neighbor, Luna was the first extraterrestrial planetoid mankind set foot upon as humanity made its first small steps out into the stars. Long used as a resort destination by Terrans who enjoyed the low gravity and gazing at the bright blue marble they called home, the moon became a second home away from home for many. In the 2300s, the new Terran Hegemony relocated the headquarters of its bureaucracy to the moon in the hope of isolating its bureaucrats from corrupting political influence. To keep their civil servants healthy, Luna’s older rotating habitats were scaled up to gravdecks as much as five kilometers in diameter. Mostly abandoned during the 26th Century, the orbital habitats gained a new lease on life following the formation of the Protectorate when ComStar used many of the old stations to house refuges fleeing the Succession War. During the Schism, Order operatives destroyed the largest of these orbital habitats, Tranquility One. Today its wreckage serves as a floating memorial and a reminder of the damage caused by the Order.

Tourism remains the primary industry of Luna, and ComStar employs some two million employees in the resort cities of Armstrong City and the Capital, Luna City. In addition to the resorts, Luna also supports a small aerospace manufacturing industry that supplies some of ComStar’s numerous small craft that ship material resources around the system. The moon’s few remaining military facilities, which help guard near-Terran space are staffed by some of the most loyal ComGuard personnel in the company’s employ.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2012, 05:30:18 PM by Knightmare »
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2012, 04:01:21 PM »

Cool ComStar a a true phone company that works
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2012, 04:08:53 PM »

Pretty much... ;D
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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2012, 05:57:20 PM »


Mars has always had a unique place in the fascination of man and it showed. Ambitious terraforming of the world created a planet with a stable atmosphere that would last for millions of years, and while not the lush paradise envisioned by its earliest engineers, Mars could be comfortably settled. Despite the low gravity, and the mass migration of civilians following the fall of the Star League, the stubborn Martians continued to trudge on. Between the highly lucrative mines of Mercury and Mars, local miners are able to supply Terra with the natural resources it needs to survive. As such, Martian miners are afforded many luxuries not found elsewhere – including free vacations to a few of the world’s orbital habitats where they can experience living in proper gravity. ComStar, always eager to benefit from local sources, has made sure that Mars does not regress into something unpleasant the same way other terraformed planets have since the Star League. Throughout the years the corporation has performed a number of low-cost upkeep programs to help maintain Mars’ atmosphere and ecosystem. The Phobos Skyhook, once a key component in the Hegemony’s terraforming project has been used to deliver cometary water to Mars, while the company has periodically sown microbes and plants to help secure the changes. Adding additional nitrogen harvested from the moon Titan has also helped maintain, and even increase atmospheric temperature by a few degrees. While extravagant attention by corporate standards, these low-cost terraforming projects are a small price to pay for the loyalty and security of company interests.

Mars also supports ComStar in other ways. The Star League-era War Academy of Mars (WAM) is one of the principle military academies for the company, providing the ComGuards with low gravity training and expertise. In addition, the academy provides good-natured competition for ComStar’s other large military school – Sandhurst. Ever year the graduating classes from both schools compete in a series of war games to test their individual mettle, and to earn prime active duty posts. The contests rotate between Mars and Terra, and are a source of great pride for both schools. While non-lethal, competition between the two universities is fierce. Over the years a number of cadet graduates have been injured during the games. To date, Sandhurst Academy has the best record, but recent changes to the WAM’s curriculum, and an influx of veteran instructors may change the accepted status quo in future contests. 

Like Mars, humanity was enthralled with the prospect of colonizing Venus as a sister world to Terra, and while science dashed any hopes of a Terran-like world beneath the thick cloud cover, Venus was nevertheless earmarked for settlement. In one of the grandest terraforming projects conceived by man, the Terran Alliance spearheaded Project Aphrodite – the complete transformation of Venus. In a process that took decades to complete, Venus was changed from a slow turning, furnace-like broiler, to something slightly less hostile. Massive changes to Venus’s atmospheric composition sped up the planet’s rotation, while decreasing levels of carbon dioxide (turned to limestone) allowed for human habitation. When discoveries in artificial soil were made during the 23rd century, Venus became something even more important – it became an agricultural powerhouse. Venus fed the Terran system and several nearby colony worlds. Like Mars, it also became home to a military academy, the Academy of Aphros. Today, the Academy of Aphros is operated by ROM as their chief training and recruitment center, drawing new agents from Venus’s hardy farmers.

However, problems with the terraforming meant that unlike Mars, Venus’s changes had to be maintained by expensive artificial means. Atmospheric processors dot the Venusian landscape, which help prevent the heating up of the planetary atmosphere and to remove some of the excess heat retained in the world’s upper crust. The addition of a large planetary-scale sunshade near the Sol-Venus L1 Lagrange point also helped maintain a comfortable planetary temperature. While the sunshade was destroyed during the Amaris Coup, ComStar built additional atmospheric processors to help offset the loss. The company also came up with an ingenious plan to siphon water from Venus’s large oceans as a stopgap measure. By the late 2900s the company was able to rebuild the sunshade (the largest and most expensive project undertaken by the corporation in over a century), which cemented final repairs. Costly in comparison to Mars, the foodstuffs and goodwill supplied by Venus have partially offset the resources and manpower used to accomplish construction. Venusian farms also provided employment opportunities for the countless refuges that fled to the Protectorate before the Blackout, and food grown on Venus was responsible for the survival of a dozen planets both inside and out of the Protectorate after the Schism.


The fourth moon of Saturn, Titan was a scientific curiosity until terraforming projects for both Mars and Venus created a huge demand for water, hydrogen and carbon that Titan could provide. Massive resource extraction operations mined the necessary substances from the moon, creating whole industries in the process. Soon, Titan had developed a sizable population and a huge space-based industrial base that made the colonization of both planets possible. When the terraforming projects finished, Titan turned its attention to a new trade – the construction of JumpShips.

After converting the factories to shipyards, Titan began to provide huge numbers of ships for the Terran Alliance and later the Hegemony. During the Liberation of Terra, the Titan yards survived the attacks and aided the great post-Liberation evacuation of Terra, Operation SILVER SHIELD and the resettlement of the Protectorate. ComStar would largely shutdown the shipyards in the late 2790s to avoid attracting House raiders. However, a decade later, Blake authorized increased production to help generate money for his new nation – reasoning that the number of ships being destroyed in the Succession Wars far outweighed the number of available replacements. This foresight would put many new ships into service right before they would be needed the most.

The Schism was unkind to the Titan yards. Industrial sabotage and active fighting in and around the yards damaged or destroyed a great number of available slips. Worse still, the success of the Holy Shroud attacks destroyed ComStar’s ability to repair many of the yards’ more advanced automated facilities, or produce certain JumpShip parts. While the physical frames could be replaced with time, many of the foundries and orbital manufacturing plants could not. In the aftermath of the Schism construction was cut in half. As the years marched on some of the remaining plants broke down, and production dwindled.

Today, thousands of people live permanently on Titan. Some work in the small terraforming industry, providing the materials required too keep Venus and Mars habitable. Most others work and live in the string of factories and giant shipyards that orbit low over Titan’s equator. Here, manual labor replaces the advanced construction techniques of old – where new JumpShips are literally built by hand. 

Terran Asteroid and Kuiper Belts

The asteroid and Kuiper belts of the Terran system are the most isolated regions in the Sol system. First colonized during the 21st century to provide resource-starved Terra with mineral resources, the Belts and their citizens largely kept to themselves during the major “Exoduses” as people left Sol for new colonies. While the Belters did get involved with the Terran Hegemony and Star League (in both cases providing elite crewmen and ships), the Star League Civil War was hard on them. During the occupation Belter communities suffered at the hands of Republican-controlled Caspar drone attacks. Signs of resistance were met with deadly force and many Belter communities were destroyed or cowed into submission. When ComStar seized Terra, Jerome Blake turned to the Belter communities for help in expanding his Protectorate. Despite opposition from many members of the Metis Commission, enough of the largest remaining colonies signed on that cooperation became a reality. Belter assistance was integral in repairing much of the damage space-based industries suffered throughout the Protectorate, and provided much of ComStar’s aerospace manpower. Cultural exchanges during these early years also helped reawaken the connection between the people of Terra and the Belters, which did much to help convince Belter opposition that the alliance was indeed beneficial. Soon new waves of immigrants were moving to the Belts – immigrants that bore a deadly cargo. 

Like the Titan yards, the Schism was unkind to the Belters. Conrad and his Order were particularly distrustful of the Belters, due in no small part for their lack of resistance during the Star League Civil War, and their semi-insular culture. Toyama believed that the Belters were uncontrollable and subversive, owing no allegiance except to themselves. He believed that their arrangement with ComStar only existed because it was convenient. Furthermore, their advanced technology and dispersed population centers made them a direct threat to ComStar’s future. When he launched his coup, Toyama directed that the Belters be brought to heel. Using the cultural and population exchanges as cover, Order operatives were able to infiltrate much of the Belter’s infrastructure and society. Their attacks were devastating. Many of the largest Belter colonies, including Metis were virtually destroyed – left as floating hulks. Worse still, many of the smaller habitats were left uninhabitable by either sabotage or in many cases, mechanical failure when replacement parts were not readily available. Toyama’s efforts gutted the Belts and succeeded in their intended goals – the removal of the Belters as a threat to ComStar.

After the schism, the remaining Belter communities turned even more insular and isolated from the rest of humanity. While some did continue to work with or join ComStar (mostly in the inner, Jovian, Spartan and Trojan belts, where they continue to provide excellent ship crews) the remainder went their separate way. Even today there are Belter communities who have had no contact with anyone outside of their immediate sphere of stations. ComStar leaves these people alone, but does keep periodic tabs on them through a variety of “special” sources. 

A Jewel Destroyed 

The most visible wound Terra suffered during the war was the devastation of Unity City and the Court of the Star League. During the initial stages of the Amaris Coup, Stefan Amaris ordered a tactical nuclear strike outside the Court in an attempt to destroy the Royal Black Watch Regiment. More than a third of Unity City went up in flames by the end of the day as a result of the blast. The Star League Court was charred black on the north and west sides, but had been designed to survive such an airburst. Adding to the misery was the effect the firestorms had on the once-lush hillsides overlooking the magnificent city. With the ground cover reduced to ashes, the hills became virtually unprotected raw soil. Two days after the coup a torrential rain turned these same hills into a massive series of mud slides pouring down on the inhabitants of the ruined city. More than half of Unity City was entombed by the mudflows, which buried anything less than two stories tall. A standing swamp formed in the west of the city, a cesspool that remained until well after the end of the liberation.

After the fall of the Star League Blake pondered reconstruction of Unity City. He even went so far as to authorize land surveys and have plans drawn to rebuild the old Star League capital. However, domestic issues on Terra and the growing conflict engulfing the Inner Sphere turned his attention elsewhere. In the end, only authorized Archival Teams, LosTech prospectors and the desperate ventured into the city’s ruined interior. Over the years rumors of secret Order caches, ghosts of the dead, and buried treasure have continued to draw dozens of braves souls a year; most of which never return. ComStar continues to maintain a cordon around Unity City and imposes a strict no-fly zone within 60 kilometers of the site.


Hilton Head

Hilton Head Island, off the west coast of Terra’s North American continent, had been an important tourist attraction/resort during the latter years of the Star League. Later, Communications Enterprises spent enormous sums to purchase most of the island for their new HPG transmission complex towards the end of the era.

The complex itself was to occupy a large portion of the island. Central to it would be a massive HPG transmitter and computer coordination system for managing the Star League’s communications network. The central complex was an architectural masterpiece of marble and ferrosteel, both beautiful and strong enough to survive a direct nuclear strike.

Surrounding the complex was to be an enclosed living community for the workers, including housing projects, a massive park, a zoo, a library facility, as well as museums and some of the standard tourist attractions. It was to be a model Star League community, centerpiece of the most complex communications network ever created.

Hilton Head Complex was half-completed when Amaris launched his coup. Most of the construction workers fled, returning to their families and homes as news of the horrid events unfolded. Those who remained behind carefully and methodically mothballed the remaining construction materials, concealing them from the occupation troops.

When the Republican forces of Amaris’ 203rd Republican Guards Division (The Sword of Saddam) landed on Hilton Head five weeks after the coup, they found nothing more than a handful of personnel making a meager living in the seemingly abandoned construction site. They set up camp within two kilometers of the central complex, but never stumbled onto the buried materials.

From Hilton Head, Then and Now, Adept Will Kemp, ComStar Archives, January 2998

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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2012, 06:43:56 PM »

Introduction to the Protectorate

The ComStar Protectorate is an interesting convergence of corporate interests and Terran heritage in a fusion loosely described as a corporate republic. Between the monarchy-like First Circuit and the motley town assemblies, the Protectorate stands in stark contrast to its Hegemony forefather. The modern ComStar Protectorate is also a far cry from the small collection of worlds first drawn together beneath Jerome Blake’s banner. Since the start of Operation SILVER SHIELD in 2788, the ComStar Protectorate has expanded its borders and exercised its military might a number of times throughout its history. While most of the absorptions were welcomed, a number of times the Protectorate has been forced to deal with neighboring political entities and dubious claims of ownership. Despite the righteousness of the Protectorate’s claim to protect these worlds from war and famine, blood has been shed to bring them into the corporation’s warm bosom. At its current height, the Protectorate is a XX world strong nation centered on Terra.

Once one of the most productive and powerful sectors in the Inner Sphere; today every world of the Protectorate bears some scar from war, but continues to be a bastion of economic and scientific strength. While Terra might be the beating heart and soul of the Protectorate, it is worlds like Athenry, Saffel and New Home that provide the muscle that keeps the Protectorate healthy and thriving.

Neighbors helping neighbors

One of the hallmarks of Protectorate governance is the idea of local investment. Born during the reconstruction of the Terran Hegemony after the Star League Civil War, the notion of reinvestment was first implemented by Jerome Blake as a means to help alleviate the logistical burden of the SLDF and to speed the Hegemony’s early recovery. What started as a way to give recovery efforts a shot in the arm soon blossomed into the Resource and Reclamation Act. Long considered a good neighbors policy, the RRA eventually became a cornerstone of early Protectorate governance by providing the mechanism for ComStar’s oversight without annexing old Hegemony worlds and installing a totalitarian regime. While control of the planet may have been firmly in corporate hands, local civilian investment, coupled with corporate avenues of advancement created a fair system where invested civilians could become invested citizens in their world’s continued prosperity.

The key component in this system is the separation between civilian and citizen. Protectorate Civilians are native born members of the nation that enjoy basic civil rights, access to education and the opportunity to find their way in life. Citizens of the Protectorate on the other hand are fully vetted employees with voting rights, and additional benefits like free medical care and complimentary retirement monies. While opponents of the system tend to focus on the negatives of ComStar’s corporate culture and means of indoctrination, proponents of the same system are quick to point out the shear number of opportunities for advancement available, and the propensity for change permitted by the system.

Planetary Data – The Protectorate

New Earth
Star Type: G8V
Position in System: 4 (of 6)
Number of Moons: 1 (Lanna)
Days to Jump Point: 6
Surface Water: 74%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.00
Equatorial Temp: 31C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
Population: 1,408,000,000
Representative: Laurna Cabot
Commander: Garrett Krauss

Originally known as Tau Ceti IV, the first habitable world seen by human eyes beyond the Terran solar system was so much like home, its discoverers on the TAS Pathfinder were quick to rename it New Earth when they arrived in orbit in December of 2108. Almost as diverse and bountiful as Terra herself, from abundant water supply to deep mineral, chemical, and metal ore deposits, eager colonists and corporate entities alike flocked to this new world. At the peak of the Star League, New Earth was one of the most heavily industrialized and developed planets in the Terran Hegemony. There were at least five major SLDF contractor headquarters on New Earth, along with numerous other successful enterprises. All five continents–McKenna in the northwest, Lanhold to its east, the massive Neoasia in the south, the island continent of Kellargo, and even the north polar continent of Arctiqua–boasted major cities and heavy industry. Numerous Castles Brian were set up on New Earth as well, and the Star League even built the famous Combat College of New Earth outside the capital city of Foundation Point, on McKenna. During the Amaris crisis, the college, most of the Castles Brian, all the major factories, and close to half the planet‘s largest population centers were destroyed by Amaris troops using every means available when it became clear they could not hold the planet. The world’s gutted infrastructure and war-ravaged environment left the survivors shocked and demoralized, victims of widespread famine and disease–particularly the virulent New Earth Pox. Jerome Blake and ComStar spent vast sums of money and resources to bring New Earth back from the brink. While other worlds of the nascent Protectorate were allocated reconstruction efforts, the recovery operations on New Earth dwarfed all others. ComStar used stored DNA samples to reseed large tracks of New Earth, while water filtration and an ambitious resettlement program brought surviving animal stock to recently cleaned areas. While the ecosystem would take centuries to fully rebound, New Earth was on the way.

Perhaps because of the devastation of the Amaris Coup, New Earth was sparred the worst of the Schism. Order attacks used only conventional weapons aimed at isolating the world from Terra and the rest of the Protectorate. The worst affected areas were the still-struggling centers of light industry relocated to the planet to help in the reconstruction effort. In the aftermath of the Schism, New Earth once again became a quiet, sleepy world in the greater Protectorate. What little industry remained worked to ensure reconstruction of the planet’s ecology continued. The planet’s biggest industries (which includes remnants of the New Earth Trading Company brand) provide conventional transports for export, and new corporate recruits. The few functional Castle Brian structures have been used to house and train ComGuard divisions, and remain the only military installations on the planet.
Star Type: G6IV
Position in System: 5 (of 8 )
Number of Moons: None
Days to Jump Point: 7
Surface Water: 73%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.94
Equatorial Temp: 27C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
Population: 3,294,000,000
Representative: Kalvin Landrey
Commander: Morgan Skaarsgard

One of the many worlds colonized in the first Terran exodus, Keid’s fertile lands and predictable climate led the early settlers to establish their home as a major agricultural and food-production world. The discovery of several major deposits of rare metals and chemicals during the Age of War further enhanced Keid’s importance to the powerful Terran Hegemony, and several major agribusinesses, food companies, mining operations, and heavy industries established offices and facilities on Keid. The HAF built two Castles Brian (Forts Grisson and Settlemyer) and a naval academy on Keid, as well as the planetwide Academy of Keid, a civilian college focused on the study of metallurgy, economics, and diplomacy. During the Amaris crisis, three of the four college campuses were destroyed, along with both Castles Brian and the naval academy. Several cities, all the null-gravity factory stations established by some of the planet’s largest industrial concerns, and a space-born shipyard were also obliterated by the Usurper’s troops. Fortunately for Keid, however, Amaris’ forces did not resort to the same use of nuclear and biological weapons they used on other Hegemony worlds, and enough of the planet‘s economic and administrative infrastructure survived the fighting to allow Keid to recover from the scars of war.

Before the Schism, Keid provided food and rare metals to the Protectorate, and is one of the major suppliers of refined chemicals for ComStar. During the reconstruction of the early Protectorate, Keid’s status as a breadbasket world meant the corporation invested heavily in Keid, utilizing its resources in the most efficient manner. A new shipyard and a few of the old zero-G factories were rebuilt to take advantage of the local resources. Before the Blackout the planet was one of the shining jewels in ComStar’s corporate crown. The Schism was unkind to Keid, but through shear determination the planet managed to retain much of the industry it had rebuilt. Today, Keid is a major source for ComStar-built DropShips – the same DropShips that transport thousands of tons of Keid-produced goods across the Inner Sphere each year.
Star Type: G7V
Position in System: 5 (of 8 )
Number of Moons: 1 (Thorin’s Twin)
Days to Jump Point: 7
Surface Water: 74%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.02
Equatorial Temp: 36C
Highest Native Life: Birds
Population: 2,021,900,000
Representative: Toni Sakumori
Commander: Theodred Ngu

An early colony world when humanity first reached for the stars, Thorin was a beautiful, terrestrial planet, blessed by an abundance of resources including rich mineral deposits, immense woodlands, and diverse animal life. To preserve their world‘s natural beauty against possible contamination by corporate industrialization, the early settlers established planetary zoning laws that restricted heavy industries to the northern continent of Olympus. By contrast, the southern continent, Freda, was reserved for those seeking a more agrarian way of life. As a result of this charter, high-tech cities came to dot the Olympian shoreline and riverways by the time of the Star League, while large agricultural communes and logging industries formed the backbone of the Fredan economy. The Terran Hegemony established Thorin as a jewel of education and learning when they built the massive University of Thorin, a liberal arts school, in the Remington Valley. Located a short distance away from Ecol City, the planetary capital and site of the legendary Public Library of Thorin, the University of Thorin held to the highest academic standards of the day, but was destroyed along with the Library during the planet‘s occupation by Amaris troops.

Thorin was invaded in the early days after General Kerensky’s Exodus by forces from the Lyran Commonwealth. The Steiners easily subdued the local population, which proved to be relatively docile. That changed when Separatists for Free Skye began using the world as a base to strike at the LCAF. Thorin was soon a planet on the brink of chaos as ComStar-armed guerillas fought the Commonwealth in a brutal underground campaign that bordered on sanctioned terrorism. With the death toll rising and brutal retaliations having little effect, the Lyran Commonwealth abandoned the planet. However, before they left the local garrison made a point of completely demolishing the planetary capital of Ecol City. In the aftermath of the Lyran withdrawal, ComStar stepped in to provide humanitarian aid and assistance to the battered survivors – many of which took to Thorin’s wilderness to escape the violence – and in one fell swoop was able to assume control of the planet in a brilliant public relations coup. With the Lyrans gone, the remaining guerillas lost what little civilian support they still enjoyed. While some violence did ensue, Thorin was quietly folded directly into the Protectorate.

With the planet secure, ComStar invested heavily in recovery and investigatory operations around the ruins of the university and library. While the library failed to turn up anything significant (at least known to the general public), the university ruins provided a great number of useful artifacts. The company used the surviving parts of Fortress Laiacona to coordinate the digs and to catalogue their finds. In a move typical of the era, the company hired most of their labor needs on-planet, emphasizing the dig as a return of Thorin prosperity and as a center of learning. What little dissent still remained in the aftermath of absorption disappeared overnight.

During the Schism, the Order targeted Thorin for the research and development operations taking place around the ruins and at Laiacona. In one of the most brutal acts of the coup, the Order detonated a tactical nuclear weapon that destroyed the remains of the massive fortress, and with it, all of the recovered research and artifacts. Today, only the ruins of the university in the heart of what is now Remington Forest testify to the lost treasures of the Star League. Ironically, the Order failed to target the university ruins and future digs at and around the site have turned up a few more useful relics from that bygone era.

Star Type: F8IV
Position in System: 1 (of 2)
Number of Moons: 4 (Batha, Illusa, Kylos, Zule)
Days to Jump Point: 12
Surface Water: 88%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.04
Equatorial Temp: 40C
Highest Native Life: Birds
Population: 2,798,640,000
Representative: Hailey Chelonkov
Commander: Charles Winters

A warm world, with an oppressive atmosphere and active volcanoes in all four of its great island chains, Athenry resembles prehistoric Terra in many ways. Tropical foliage and steep mountains dominate most of the four island chains that make up the planet’s large landmasses. Too close to its sun for polar ice caps to form, the world’s most habitable regions for early colonists were the highlands of the large islands in the northern and southern latitudes, where the air was thinner and the heat more bearable. Frequent rains kept the lowlands of Athenry lush, and gave rise to exotic flora and thousands of interesting animal species. Many of the planet’s native life forms, scientists learned, held great medicinal potential, leading to the founding of the Athenry Institute of Medicine on the primary northern island of Golas, in the Larsen Chain. Sadly, the AIM was destroyed by a tactical nuke just before the First Succession War, leaving only a radioactive hulk where the facilities once stood. Largely abandoned by the Lyran Commonwealth when the Federation of Skye was formed, ComStar inherited Athenry when it became the only cohesive power left on the planet.

Today, ComStar continues to conduct medical research on Athenry, albeit in limited quantity, in a new facility south of the old AIM. While a far cry from the research and development power of old, the Athenry Medical Institute of ComStar (AMIC) has worked for decades to rediscover medical advances made during the Star League. Discoveries made at the AMIC and their production account for a huge part of the planet’s exports and are a major source of pride for local Athenrians, who recognize that their work saves lives. ComStar understands the value of the planet and maintains a large garrison of troops, despite Athenry not being attacked in well over a century. 

Athenry has also become something of a tourist trap for Protectorate citizens over the last few decades when ancient ruins were uncovered in the thick jungles of the southern Zubeckis Chain, particularly on the secondary island of Vasquez. Studies of these ruins revealed that they are the remains of colonies established almost a full century before the first settlers were thought to have made planetfall on Athenry. Though no one knows what fate befell these colonists, the so-called Zubeckis ruins, which exhibit architectural styles and techniques common to Southeast Asian cultures of the 22nd century, have become a local attraction and an archaeological curiosity, drawing thousands of new visitors each year. The apparent capital of these ruined colonies has been dubbed – “City of the Lost,” and parts of the site were opened to the public in 3015. Athenry’s capital city of New Senna is perched in the rocky mountains of Lisbon, the primary mass of the southern polar Espalar Chain. Though cities dot much of the Espalar, Zubeckis and Larsen Chains, only a few towns have been established on the mostly equatorial Wandessa Chain, largely due to the extreme temperatures and humidity of that region. Largest among these settlements is the seaport city of Ricobar, which serves as a port of call for the planet’s oceangoing trade.

Star Type: F3IV
Position in System: 1 (of 4)
Number of Moons: 2 (Nagano, Okinawa)
Days to Jump Point: 17
Surface Water: 57%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.11
Equatorial Temp: 37C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
Population: 3,108,000,000
Representative: Kato Jan-si
Commander: Tywin Wilson

Communal idealists who hoped to create a perfect society, in which everyone would live in harmony and in the virtual absence of government or a policing force, settled Nirasaki. The experiment was only partially successful, as infighting between settlers and the early colonists’ insistence on barter-based trade made it difficult to deal with other worlds for needed goods. Eventually, a basic planetary government, structured as a loose coalition of the various communes on Kalifax and Ouanii, Nirasaki’s two largest continents, was established. Based on democratic principles, the Nirasaki government required a simple majority vote for any decisions affecting a planetary region or interplanetary relations and helped create a basic planetary economy based on work credits and a standard for determining the relative values of products and services. Beyond these basic functions, which included an emergency powers clause in case of an external threat, the Nirasaki government had no other authority. Farms, cattle ranches, fishing communities and artistic communes made up the bulk of Nirasaki’s population until the rise of the Star League.

Though Nirasaki was left to its semi-anarchistic government under the Hegemony, the planet began to draw the attention of entrepreneurs. However, few corporate entities could make headway on Nirasaki, due to lax government practices and the work credits system, until the native Nirasaki Computers Collective was founded in the large Blue Heron Commune. The NCC developed computer systems of astonishing efficiency and quality, including the famous Blue Lotus personal computer line, which was cutting edge in the Star League’s day. For this reason, the Hegemony contracted the NCC to develop software for use in the Space Defense Systems throughout its holdings. As it happened, the NCC did its job too well in this regard. When the Amaris coup occurred, the brightest minds of the Collective were forcibly relocated to Terra, and their work pitted the liberating SLDF forces against SDS networks that used some of the most sophisticated pseudo-artificial intelligence ever produced. It was not until years later, when returning SLDF forces uncovered technical specs hidden away for their benefit in the abandoned NCC headquarters, that their artful programming was defeated and the worlds Amaris had turned into deadly gauntlets were retaken.

Following the Amaris Coup, the Protectorate absorbed the planet so ComStar could protect Nirasaki’s important computer industry, which had already been hit hard by DCMS raids. Once in the Protectorate, Blake wisely left the planet’s communes alone, who seemed more than happy to provide advanced computing systems and products to ComStar for sale. It was a good arrangement that benefitted both parties until the Schism. Conrad’s Holy Shroud attacks on the Blue Heron Commune and other surviving NCC facilities were terrible, and much of Nirasaki’s industry was destroyed in the fighting. After the Schism, a few of the remaining NCC communes banded together to form Blue Heron Computers – a major computing brand sold by ComStar – and created a new agreement with ComStar to survive.

Granted communal autonomy and limited self-governing rights in exchange for resources, materials, and product, Blue Heron Computers and other Nirasaki communes exist today as semi-independent communal-corporate entities outside of direct ComStar control, with BHC providing many of ComStar’s most advanced systems. The population of Nirasaki, regardless of affiliation, remains significant as the only Protectorate entity to enjoy recognized dual citizenship by the authorities without being corporate employees.

Capital of Nirasaki and the Blue Heron Commune, is located on the southern peninsula of Ouanii. Nirasaki’s third major landmass, Arkatis, is in the planet’s south polar region and is home to the Nirasaki Communications Community, a planetwide information and entertainment company based in the city of Arkatis’ Unity.

Star Type: F5IV
Position in System: 4 (of 5)
Number of Moons: 3 (Jarra, Sennu, Summersdale)
Days to Jump Point: 15
Surface Water: 64%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 0.98
Equatorial Temp: 37C
Highest Native Life: Mammals
Population: 1,896,075,000
Representative: Hanson Boques-Saunders
Commander: Jennifer Buskirk

A world of violent storms first colonized in the twenty-second century by the Terran Hegemony to exploit the planet’s chemical and material resources, fertile soils, and deep seas. Bryant’s earliest colonists kept close to the world’s polar regions, where the weather was calmer. In the days of the Star League, a series of storm inhibitors were used to negate much of the fury of severe weather systems by focusing solar radiation on the storms as they gathered over the planet’s oceans. This innovation made possible the colonization of Bryant‘s lower latitudes, which allowed Bryant’s population to explode. A wealthy world, Bryant was hard hit during the Amaris Coup. Republican aerospace fighter pilots used the Storm Inhibitors as target practice, and destroyed many of them to bring the planet to heel and curb any resistance. Thankfully, Bryant was spared the worst manmade atrocities, but the loss of the important Storm Inhibitors took their toll. During the decade-long occupation, dozens of powerful storms bracketed the planet’s equatorial belt, costing the lives of thousands and caused billions in unnecessary damage. While most of Bryant’s equatorial cities were built to withstand the brutal weather, the population was still forced to withdraw to the safer equatorial regions until Bryant was liberated by the SLDF.

After the fall of the Star League the Capellan Confederation raided the planet, where they hoped to take advantage of a growing equatorial mega storm to land unopposed. Unfortunately, the CCAF soldiers did not count on the presence of ComStar-led ex-Star League troops on the planet, which were attempting to secure Bryant and recover important materials before the storm arrived. The resulting fight left few survivors and even fewer Storm Inhibitors, (most were destroyed out of spite as the CCAF lifted off-world) and the Confederation made off with a load of parts and supplies.

Under ComStar rule Bryant was able to recover some of its former glory when the company was able to repair a number of damaged Storm Inhibitors, and even construct a few new ones. With the additional Storm Inhibitors, new refuges to the planet were able to recolonize parts of the hazardous equatorial bands with some success, though cities located there had to be further hardened against the weather. Until the Schism, Bryant was a successful research and manufacturing center for the budding Protectorate. Sadly, Conrad’s fanatics were particularly hard on the planet, disabling the two Inhibitor control centers while destroying Bryant’s research facilities. After the Order’s failed coup, Bryant was left a dilapidated world dotted with ruined cities, poisoned lands and even more unpredictable weather patterns. Worse still, repair of the control centers was only partially successful, with only manual control restored. Manual control of the inhibitor network has created some unexpected results (and plenty of damage) throughout the decades, but recently ComStar has begun an ambitious project to repair the automated control software using a partial copy found in an old equatorial defense bunker. While experimental by modern standards, the software is a far cry from the sophisticated monitor and command software used by the Star League, but bodes well for Bryant’s future.

Star Type: G5V
Position in System: 3 (of 7)
Number of Moons: 2 (Lupus, Felis)
Days to Jump Point: 7
Surface Water: 42%
Atm. Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Gravity: 1.01
Equatorial Temp: 41C
Highest Native Life: Reptiles
Population: 1,062,095,000
Representative: Pavel Lyndon
Commander: Lars Gustafson

Settlers first came to Caph during the early exodus from Terra, and found a world of primitive, tropical forests, fertile lands, and great mineral wealth potential. The only problem was the planet’s deadly local wildlife, dominated by creatures very similar to the long-vanished dinosaurs of Terra. Efforts to overcome the indigenous species and spare entire settlements from destruction by giant, rampaging lizards are largely credited for the development of early BattleMech design theory. In fact, much of the preliminary research into early BattleTechnology was conducted on Caph. Once the threat was contained, during the age of the Terran Hegemony and the Star League, Caph became a center for advanced learning and chemical research, home to some of the Star League era’s largest chemical and pharmaceutical corporations, as well as the Caph Institute of Technology. Unfortunately, when Stefan Amaris usurped the Camerons and took over the Hegemony, Caph suffered from the liberal use of nuclear and biological weapons that destroyed most of the large settlements and ultimately caused the virtual extinction of the Caph dinosaurs.
A broken world, ComStar invested a great deal in its repair following the fall of the Star League, with Caph’s damaged ecosystem on the verge of a full recovery before the Schism. In a process that would take decades to achieve, Brunnel began to shape itself into a prime area for relocation, which ComStar would later use to its advantage. While far from pristine, the continent’s poisoned regions were close to being cleaned, and the soil reseeded with native and Terran plants. The only thing missing was the dinosaurs. During the Schism the Order chose to ignore Caph, probably because the world had nothing of value. However, later reclamation of some of the Brunnel’s ruins yielded a number of examples of Star League technologies thought lost to the civil war. Only the continent of Caph Prime remained in disarray.

Today, Caph is a split world. The continent of Brunnel is a thriving center of light industry and agriculture, while Steam, a tropical blanket is virtually untouched by man. The discovery of surviving dinosaurs in the thick jungles there in the 2930s has transformed the continent into a permanent biological preserve. Nicknamed–The “Cretaceous Zone” by Caph locals, Steam’s human population consists only of a few small outposts and research centers funded by the Caph Planetary Council to maintain and study the native inhabitants. The third continent, Caph Prime is a barren wasteland of hard poisoned earth and radioactive craters – stark reminders of the planet’s terrible past.   

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Finished Primer & Feedback
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2012, 07:03:37 PM »

In Good Company

Independent corporations, especially in the Protectorate, are an interesting topic. Almost all of the so-called independent corporations in the Protectorate are co, or partially owned by ComStar. There are a few notable exceptions of course, the commune corporations of Nirasaki are the most well known, but others do exist.

ComStar first started the process of assimilation before Kerensky’s Exodus from the Inner Sphere when Jerome Blake made slight increases to transmission costs to help fund the recovery of the Terran Hegemony. Using the House Lords’ own wealth to help repair the battered Hegemony, Blake directed income and resources into companies and industries damaged by the Star League Civil War. In turn, the refurbished assets helped continue the process of recovery. In most cases, these factories and companies were not bought by ComStar directly, but rather invested in. This cyclic process of investment and reinvestment continued with the Resource and Reclamation Act, and well after the formation of the ComStar Protectorate. By the time of the Schism there were only a few fiscally solvent, privately owned corporations without a single financial tie to ComStar. Most of these were located on Terra, survived the Amaris Coup, and manufactured some sort of military product.

While modern economic analysts are loath to admit it, Toyama’s Schism actually helped ensure ComStar assimilation when many of the corporations without connection or interest in ComStar owned industrial concerns were damaged or destroyed by the Order. These independent companies were targeted as part of Toyama’s scheme to limit potential future threats to ComStar, as well as create a situation where future investment by a Toyama-controlled ComStar would bring them into the Order’s fold. In effect, finishing the process Blake began. Despite the failure of Conrad’s coup, he managed to manufacture a situation beneficial to ComStar by accelerating the cycle and providing physical grounds for renewed investment. Thanks to early foresight, post-Schism ComStar was industrially diverse and monetarily solvent enough to be in a position to “help” the few remaining independent corporations devastated by the Order’s efforts.

During the course of recovery, highly convoluted, and in some cases contradictory agreements between these companies and ComStar created a patchwork collection of inter-dependent and interrelated interests working within the overall umbrella of ComStar. Over the years, expert use of legal clauses and precedent has allowed many of these minor corporate entities to maintain a microcosm of independence and culture within ComStar, despite being fully dependent on ComStar to survive. Board room conflicts between the “adopted”, as many of these companies are known, and the directions of the First Circuit has become one of the cornerstones of internal company politics since the Blackout.

Some of ComStar’s “Adopted” Companies

Mitchell Vehicles Interstellar
Headquarters: Chicago, Terra
Ruling Family: First Circuit
Business Profile:

Mitchell Vehicles was an industrial giant from its inception. Formed in 2018 when three major North American automobile manufacturers joined forces, by the time the Star League began, the company was manufacturing JumpShips, DropShips, and all types of ground and air vehicles. It also had huge contracts with the Hegemony Armed Forces for WarShips and military vehicles. During the Good Years, the company had more than 200 factories and shipyards in the Hegemony.

The Amaris Coup and the collapse of the Star League obliterated the company. With most of their core assets centered on the inner worlds of the Hegemony, Mitchell Vehicles bore the brunt of the Civil War and Kerensky’s drive to liberate Terra. In the aftermath of the war only the company’s Terran assets were in recoverable shape, which Jerome Blake authorized rebuilt. With most of their stockholders and the Mitchell family dead, control of the company fell to ComStar, which retained the company’s brand name. Surviving the Schism intact, Mitchell Vehicles is now a key supplier of the modern ComGuard. Today, working Mitchell factories supply everything from small arms to a limited quantity of DropShips every year.

Krester’s Ship Construction
Headquarters: Normandy, Keid
Ruling Family: Krester family of Keid
Business Profile:

A major supplier of the SLDF, Krester’s was responsible for the design and construction of the Mammoth and Behemoth class DropShips, along with a host of WarShips for the Star League navy, including the massive Texas class Battleship. Another company particularly hard hit by the Amaris Coup, most of the company’s facilities on Thorin and Yorii were completely destroyed, with a small parts manufacturer still in operation on Yorii by the time ComStar absorbed the world. Worse was the loss of the company’s untouched factories on Terra Firma during the First Succession War, prior to the planet’s absorption into the Protectorate by Confederation troops.

Luckily, ComStar was kind to Krester’s. After Operation SILVER SHIELD, ComStar was able to rebuild some of the company’s assets on Keid by investing heavily in the Krester Family and their operations there. Within a few short years Krester was manufacturing JumpShips and DropShips for the budding Protectorate and export elsewhere. As one of the few surviving JumpShips yards still in former-Hegemony space, Krester’s Keid yards were spared the horrors of the Schism, but not time. Over the decades production has slowed with the decline in technology. Even with a reduction in overall production Krester still remains one of the most profitable, prodigious and least controlled “adopted” in ComStar’s portfolio. Today, the Krester family continues to manage the “Krester Division” thanks to a hereditary clause in the merger contract, and is well known as a source of irritation for the First Circuit.

New Earth Trading Company
Headquarters: Meredith, New Earth
Regional Officers: Epsilon Eridani, Altair
Ruling Family: Newcombe family of New Earth
Business Profile:

The New Earth Trading Company may have been the first interstellar trading company. How it learned to profit from the chaotic exodus of people leaving Terra for distant colonies during the 22nd Century became a pattern for other trading companies. As a corporate entity, NETC was quick to diversify when the wave of colonists from Terra became a trickle. One of the company’s many new interests was robotics. From the two major NETC research centers, one near the corporate headquarters on New Earth and the other near Syndey, Australia, Terra, came major technological advances. These early robotic advances would help place the company in a position to gain contracts to design and build major components of the future Hegemony’s SDS. Contracts included the lucrative creation and implementation of the SDS’s ultra advanced artificial intelligence programs for automated WarShips after NETC developed the “mental map” of Admiral Kinru Dvarahal. It was the brilliance of Admiral Dvarahal and the NETC system that destroyed many of General Kerensky’s ships during the drive to liberate the Hegemony from Amaris’s grip.
The New Earth Trading Company would survive the fall of the Star League and the wars that followed, but it would be a shell of its former greatness. Most of the company’s high-tech subsidiaries were destroyed during the Star League Civil War, especially those involved in the SDS or arms manufacturing. Barely capable of turning a profit even before Operation SILVER SHIELD absorbed New Earth and the NETC into the Protectorate, the loss of one of its sole surviving civilian factories during the Schism also pushed NETC to the bring of extinction. Saved only through the investment of ComStar, the New Earth Trading Company is one of the few “companies” to have actually expanded during the Blackout after they were allowed to absorb assets orphaned by the Order. Today, the NETC continues to do what it does best – trade. A major trade brand in the Inner Sphere, the modern NETC produces everything from heavy commercial transports to durable consumer products and works as a major clearing house for goods exiting and entering Protectorate space. Still run by members of the Newcombe family, the Newcombes are noted for being model corporate citizens and one of ComStar’s most valued and ardent supporters.

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.
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