The Dragon Divided
The living embodiment of the Draconis Combine has always been the Kurita dynasty. It was therefore no surprise that the entire realm rejoiced on November 12, 2785 when the Dragon announced the birth of two new grandsons, Ryu and Yamato. No one would have guessed that these twin sons of Jinjiro would one day tear their nation asunder. Both boys grew into skilled warriors during the darkness of the First Succession War becoming exceptional leaders in their own rite. Their father’s death before their age of ascension elevated their uncle Zabu Kurita to Coordinator. Before the outbreak of the Second Succession War he appointed the brothers to command the Lyran and Davion fronts respectively. This move did much to quiet growing criticism of Zabu’s liberal leadership of the Combine. The withdrawal of 2832 was the final straw for conservative elements of the nation who backed Ryu’s seizure of the throne on Luthien. Yamato with the backing of most of the Kurita dynasty on New Samarkand and numerous military commanders declared the Alliance of Galedon reborn. Since the rift began almost two hundred years ago neither side of the great Kurita families has looked to reconcile believing the other mere pretenders. The Alliance believes that the progeny of Ryu are unstable lunatics pointing out their near suicidal Rule of One which has all but gutted their ruling house. Luthien counters that Yamato’s line are mere puppets controlled by other powerful military and economic figures. Whatever the truth both of these Successor States claim that their Kurita is the one true leader of the Combine. Whether or not the more reform minded Alliance of Galedon or the staunch traditionalists of the Draconis Combine will one day win this conflict is anyone’s guess.