The Bandersnatches at the time they became full memebers of the order, were only a battalion of mechs. Per rereading about them in the Comstar Sourcebook and House Kurita Handbook.
Also dont forget in 2788 they had 8 full divisions of personnel and equipment of which 4 were battlemech divisions. and Jerome Blake also recruited several Mercenary Units. also they had the remnants of a Battlemech division the 251st. they captured 2 more Mechanized Divisions in South America. though they and the 13th Royal Division took heavy losses. after 72 hrs Terra was Comstar's. at which time they broadcast to every Nation they took over Terra, showing the Former SLDF divisions and mecernaries working for Comstar. so what happened to 10 divisions of men and women who ultimately joined comstar?
![Huh ???](
per the comstar housebook.