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Mandal Planetary Data- preliminary report
« on: March 23, 2010, 10:30:00 PM »

World: Mandal

Planetary Data:
•   Agricultural, 2 major cities (Sanmartin (Capital) & Second City, several small ones, think Australia.  The Outback region is similar to Northwestern Nebraska.  A major export is Mandal Fire Oak.  This tree contains high natural oil content.  During extended droughts, these trees are very dangerous.  The Mandal Fire Service takes its duties very seriously and maintains high recruiting standards.
o   Mining, Ag, & Forestry ‘Mechs in use.
•   Military:
o   Defiance-style plant (see Hesperus) built into the mountain range near Sanmartin.  Produces colonial-tech CRB-27 Crab, SHD-2H Shadow Hawk
o   Grumman Industries plant near Second City- produces Zephyr tanks
o   Various- SRM, LRM, and AC-5 ammunition. 
o   Subcontracts include various parts and sub-assemblies for the Bowie Industries plant on Wasat & its other plants throughout the Hegemony & Lyran Commonwealth (Gabriel, Packrat, Zephyr, Archer, Marauder, Chippewa, Leopard, Leopard CV, Union, Bug-Eye)
•   Orbital:
o   Mandal Nadir (Olympus & Bastion)
o   Mandal Zenith (Olympus & Bastion)
o   2 Medium Factories
•   Central Mountain Range, tectonically active.
•   No serious predators.  Wolves and foxes imported to hunt rabbits and deer.
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Mandal military history- pre Coup
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2010, 10:33:01 PM »

   The 2257th Royal Brigade (SLDF Reserve) was organized in 2596 after the Reunification War.  The Brigade was created from a core of Star League Regulars, the Mandal Militia, and discharged Star League Defense Force veterans.  The low readiness of the Militia at the time was something of a scandal with only the Scout force considered combat ready.  The Regular cadre and the veterans worked hard for a decade to build a unit they could be proud of.  Assigned to the SLDF Reserve Command, the unit continued to grow until it reached the strength and composition the SLDF statisticians had designated as practical and maintainable.  The Brigade was never expected to function as a combat headquarters.  The ‘Mech Regiment, Infantry Regiment, and the Aero Wing were expected to be assigned to regular SLDF units as replacements or reinforcements depending on the tactical needs of the Corps Commander.  The Brigade Headquarters was designed to take control of units refitting after engaging in heavy combat and manage rear area services for the Corps.
   Located within the Terran Military Region, the 2257th never expected to engage in combat on its home world.  Mandal was part of the worlds garrisoned by X Corp’s 56th Royal Jump Infantry Division, with the 2nd Brigade occupying Forts Vereshchagin and Yoshida.  During annual exercises, the 2257th fought with and against the 56th.  Due to these exercises and the example of the 7th Royal Jump Infantry Regiment (The Somersets), the 2257th improved regularly until it was considered better than most of the House Regulars.

The Periphery Crisis of 2765
The 56th deployed in July of 2765 to cover a ring of worlds around Elbing in the Free Worlds League to replace III Corp’s 100th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division.  The 100th had been ordered to Bass in the Magistracy of Canopus to relieve the embattled 255th Royal BattleMech Division (The Sherman Division).  In the end, the 100th was destroyed by the same mysterious BattleMech Division and the attending Canopian Light Horse Regiments that had massacred the 255th.  But that’s another story.
   On Mandal, the 1/194th Jump Infantry Regiment (175th Jump Infantry Division) arrived to take up the 2/56th’s defensive responsibilities as the units remaining in the Terran Military Region spread themselves thinly.  The 1/194th’s New Avalon-born commander was not pleased with his assignment to the “jerkwater outback” and made no effort to familiarize himself or his unit with Mandal’s terrain or the on-planet SLDF Reserve unit’s capabilities.  Instead of basing themselves at Fort Yoshida near the excellent Northwestern Training Area as the 2/56th had been, they chose to occupy Fort Vereshchagin near Sanmartin, evicting several units of the 2257th in the process.  This allowed them easier access to the more cosmopolitan capitol.
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Mandal and the events before the Coup
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2010, 10:34:25 PM »

   In February 2766, First Lord Richard Cameron’s Treaty with the Rim Worlds Republic was enacted as the “Humanity’s Homeland Defense Agreement”.  By August, Rim Worlds regiments were arriving in the Hegemony to take up garrison stations.
   The 9th Amaris Fusiliers Brigade made planetfall on August 10th with its supporting units.  Officially the Brigade was composed of 1 ‘Mech regiment, 1 Armored regiment, 2 Infantry regiments, 1 Aero Wing, and a Support regiment.  Hidden among the arriving forces were an additional infantry regiment and a pair of special operations recon companies.
Over the protests of the 1/194th, Republican forces occupied a large part of Fort Vereshchagin to the further detriment of the 2257th.  The 352nd Wing was less than pleased to share their facilities with the 190th Wing.  The 91st Republican Infantry Regiment moved to Fort Yoshida.  
   One immediate characteristic of the Republican Forces was their arrogance regarding the “second-line” SLDF forces on Mandal.  Irritated beyond sense, the 1/194th challenged them to a series of war games in September and October at the Northwestern Training Area.  The 5/5362nd Royal Infantry Regiment served as umpires for the maneuvers.  The 1/194th, reinforced by elements of the 356th and the 362nd won almost every engagement but the Republican Forces were surprisingly well trained for a “band of periphery neo-barbs”.  The few losses to the 9th Brigade were blamed on the “weekend warriors” of the 2257th.
The canny commander of the 9th Brigade had found the 194th’s leadership arrogant and over-confident and thus easy prey.  The SLDF Reserve Regiments surprised him with their skills and that threatened his plans for Operation Granite.  Then the SLDF gave him an unexpected gift.
In late October 2766, the SLDF Reserve Command alerted the 2257th Royal Brigade (Reserve) that it would deploy in support of the SLDF units fighting the Periphery Rebellion.  Headquarters Company, the 356th Royal Battle Regiment (less K Company), the 362nd Royal Jump Infantry Regiment (less M Troop), and the 352d Royal Independent Aero Wing were ordered to prepare for movement to Cirebon for assignment to the Tenth Army by January 2767.  
The 2257th moved the deploying units back to Fort Vereshchagin and began intensive maintenance on their equipment.  The non-deploying elements of the Brigade mobilized to assist their sister units’ maintenance and loading.  All equipment was loaded by November 20th.   The departing units were surprised that the Amaris units didn’t hinder their preparations and departure.  Departure was scheduled for 10 December 2766.  On the 16th, the 2257th Jumped out of the Mandal System.  The Commander of the 5362nd Royal Infantry Regiment assumed command of the remaining SLDF Reserve units on planet.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 10:34:47 PM by muttley »
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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Mandal- the Coup
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2010, 10:35:37 PM »

Operation Granite
At 0900, on 27 December 2766, the 192nd Recon Company seized the planetary Hyper Pulse Generator as the 2/9th, 92nd RJIR, and 1/9th RAR  occupied key points throughout Sanmartin, rounding up hostages as they went.
Fort Vereshchagin fell next.  The 790th SPT had used their time during the war games to emplace gas and explosive charges throughout the base.  1/9th and the 93rd RJIR attacked the 1/194th’s barracks, mess halls, and work areas using gas warheads in their missiles.  C/1/194th mounted a futile counterattack from one of the marksmanship ranges but ran headlong into A/9th’s ‘Mechs.  The 1/194th, 6330th, 7361st, and the 795th were destroyed by 0925. 
At Fort Yoshida, 3/9th, 91st RIR and 2/9th RAR massacred the recruits and instructors of the 5362nd Royal Infantry Regiment using the same gas and explosives tactics employed at Fort Vereshchagin.
At Second City, H/9th, 3/91st RIR and 3/9th RAR brutally seized control of key hostages and infrastructure.
The 191st Recon Company and the 190th RAW seized the Zenith and Nadir stations.
By 1000, Mandal had effectively fallen, and no one outside the system knew about it.
Republican forces spent the rest of the day rounding up members of Mandal’s police and forestry services and the few non-deploying troopers of the 2257th who’d been on leave.
Unknown to the commander of the 9th Brigade, there were still cohesive elements of the 2257th at large.  5/5362nd had been conducting a routine exercise with the Scouts of M/362nd in the wilderness of the NTA. 
The Scout’s mission had always been separate from the rest of the 2257th.  In the event of planetary invasion, the Scouts were to gather intelligence and serve as guides for the relieving SLDF units.  They possessed unmatched knowledge of the Outback and were used to living off the land.  5th Battalion wasn’t a scout unit but as the 2257th’s resident OPFOR, it was a self-sufficient infantry unit with attached ‘Mech, medical, and logistics companies used to operating independently and outnumbered.
The first warning the 5th had of the 9th Brigade’s treachery was a hurried transmission from the Second City Police Station interrupted by the unmistakable sound of autocannon and PPC fire.  A radio call back to Fort Yoshida was answered by an unfamiliar operator ordering the 5th back to base immediately.  The 5th acknowledged with a crisp “Wilco” but instead headed out of the NTA deeper into the Outback.
Guided by the Scouts, the 5th disappeared.  The 190th RAW was overhead several hours later carrying nuclear weapons but the canny Scouts led the 5th to refuge.  Fort Meagher was designed as a refuge and a base for units to conduct guerrilla warfare in the event of an enemy invasion.  Its strength was in secrecy, not armaments.  It was built deep under the mountains to resist nuclear weapons and had hidden egress points at all points of the compass.  After a year of low-level guerrilla warfare, intelligence specialists from the 191st Recon Company located Fort Meagher.  The 5th Battalion died under nuclear bombardment.  A few of M/362nd’s scouts survived but they had lost all semblances of command & control and had no further impact on the war.
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451


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TO&E's related to Mandal through the Coup
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2010, 10:45:52 PM »

Mandal Planetary Defense Command

Mandal SDS
•   SDS Vereshchagin (6 x Killer Whale tubes, 36 missiles, 6 x Naval Laser)
•   SDS Yoshida (6 x Killer Whale tubes, 36 missiles, 6 x Naval Laser)
•   SDS Meagher (6 x Barracuda, 36 missiles)
•   Bastion Nadir
•   Bastion Zenith

2257th Royal Brigade (Composite)
•   Headquarters Company
  o   795th Royal Military Police Company (attached)
•   356th Royal Battle Regiment
  o   Regimental Command Lance (4 x MAD-2R Marauder)
  o   2 x Medium ‘Mech Battalion (36 x SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk, 36 x CHP-1Nb Champion)
  o   1 x Heavy ‘Mech Battalion (1 x ARC-2Rb Archer)
•   362nd  Royal Jump Infantry Regiment
  o   3 x Jump Infantry Battalions
  o   K/362nd Jump Infantry Company (Pathfinder)
  o   L/362nd Armored Company Zephyr
•   5362nd Royal Infantry Regiment (Recruit Training) (Fort Yoshida)
  o   1/5362nd Recruit Training Battalion (Basic/Boot Camp)
  o   2/5362nd Infantry Training Battalion (F/2/5362nd conducts Jump Training)
  o   3/5362nd Training Battalion (all trades)
  o   4/5362nd Training Battalion (OCS, OES, NCOES)
  o   5/5362nd Training Battalion (OPFOR)  HHC, N, O, P/5362
  o   Attached:  K/356th (12 x SHD-2Hb Shadow Hawk), M/362nd Motorized Troop (Scout) Gabriel, D/6330th (SPT), D/7361st (MED)
•   6330th Royal Logistics Regiment (Headquarters, Transportation, Maintenance, and Supply Companies)
•   7361st Royal Medical Battalion (Headquarters, MASH, Ground Ambulance, VTOL Ambulance, and Medical Logistics Companies)

352d Royal Independent Aero Wing (Reserve)
•   Headquarters Squadron
•   Mission Support Squadron
•   Maintenance Squadron
•   Medical Squadron
•   6 ASF Squadrons
  o   36 x TRN-3Tb Trident
•   6 aircraft Squadrons
  o   2 x Boomerang Squadrons
  o   4 x Mechbuster Squadrons
•   6 Transport Squadrons
  o   2 x Karnov Squadrons
  o   4 x Planetlifter Squadrons
•   1097th Royal Mechanized Infantry Battalion Hover APC
  o   841st Royal Engineer Company (attached)

2nd Brigade, 56th Royal Jump Infantry Division
•   Headquarters Company
•   7h Royal Jump Infantry Regiment (The Somersets)
  o   K/7th Royal Jump Infantry Regiment (Pathfinder)
•   156th Royal Jump Infantry Regiment (Wasat)
•   542nd Royal Jump Infantry Regiment (Chisholm)
•   562nd Royal Ground Aero Wing (split Mandal, Wasat, Chisholm)

194th Jump Infantry Regiment (The Men of Mackall), 1st Brigade, 175th Jump Infantry Division (The Luzon Knifers)
•   Headquarters Company (Wasat)
•   1st Battalion (Mandal)
  o   3/K/194th Jump Infantry Regiment (Pathfinder) (attached)
•   2nd Battalion (Wasat)
  o   1/K/194th Jump Infantry Regiment (Pathfinder) (attached)
•   3rd Battalion (Chisholm)
  o   2/K/194th Jump Infantry Regiment (Pathfinder) (attached)

9th Amaris Fusiliers Brigade
•   9th Amaris Fusiliers (equivalent to an SLDF Hussar Regiment)
•   9th Republican Armored Regiment (RAR)
•   91st Republican Infantry Regiment (Mechanized) (RIR)
•   92nd Republican Infantry Regiment (Jump) (RJIR)
•   93rd Republican Infantry Regiment (Jump) (badged as 92nd RJIR)
•   190th Republican Aero Wing (RAW)
•   191st Recon Company (badged as 92nd RJIR)
•   192nd Recon Company (badged as 92nd RJIR)
•   790th Support Regiment (Headquarters, Medical, Transportation, Maintenance, Supply, Military Police, Air Defense, and Engineer Companies)

"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451

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Re: Mandal Planetary Data- preliminary report
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2010, 07:03:52 PM »

Interesting scenario.
Just a question: why are the SLDF units preparing for a fight against their "friend"?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Mandal Planetary Data- preliminary report
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2010, 08:44:57 PM »


9th Brigade was conducting wargames with the 2257th & 1/194th.  Happens all the time between allies.  Plus it would be an easy sell to suggest training against an unfamiliar force in case they had to deploy to the Periphery- everyone knows the Periphery forces fight differently.  See also "Red Flag" & the Krasnovians of NTC.
"It matters little how we die, so long as we die better men than we imagined we could be -- and no worse than we feared." Drago Museveni, CY 8451
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