in the aftermath of the Jihad, the LCAF was one of the Marian Hegemony's best customers for Ravager Battle Armor. the cheap to produce, operate and maintain suit was a god send to planetary militas and front line troops alike. come 3145, the need for the LCAF to retake thier own hardened structures that they had defended for so many generations presented a problem, and the heavily armored Ravager only proved marginally effective at the task.
The Think Tanks at Arcturan Arms looked to the Ravagers cousing battle suit the Marauder for insparation. essentially a scaled down version of the classice 75 ton heavy mech, the Marauder Battle Armor was effective at providing ranged heavy attack power in a compact package. taking that concept, Arcturan Arms proposed reducing the Atlas Battlemech to Battlesuit size.
The Atlas is not quick or flashy, nor will it present much of a threat on an open battlefield. the Atlas was not designed to do so however. instead the Atlas is designed to go where Battlemechs and armored vehicles can not, and violently clear them out.the primary weapons to pull this off are a pair of Firedrake Needler cannons, weapons whose deployment the LCAF have been the foremost experts on in the past 50 years. for fighting against other battle armor or large groups of infantry (or hardened targets) a Clan Manufactured AP Gauss Rifle hangs in an over the shoulder mount. a 5 pack of the same 66mm rockets that the Ravager uses sits astride the opposite shoulder, tucked away when not in use.
most imperative to the suit however are the heavy battle claws and the armor protection. the Battle claws provide additional point blank weaponry to any security forces as well as a function against most doorways as secure as a typical bank vault. the heavy armor likewise will protect the trooper from all but the most concentrated firepower, that he or she will be unlikely to encounter in it's native environment. One trooper described the protection as "a Grey Death Infiltrator, Wrapped in the shell of an Infiltrator Mk II, wrapped in a Gnome."
Atlas Battle Armor
Tech Base: Inner Sphere (Mixed)
Chassis Type: Humanoid
Weight Class: Assault (2,000 Kg)
550 kg
Ground MP 1 0KG
Right Arm: Heavy Battle Claw 60 KG
Left Arm: Heavy Battle Claw 60 KG
Armor: Standard 900 KG
18 +1
Weapons and Equipment
Firedrake RA 1 Slot 50kg
Firedrake LA 1 Slot 50kg
AP Gauss Rifle T 2 Slots 200 kg
Rocket Launcher 5 T 4 Slots 125 kg