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Author Topic: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game  (Read 10455 times)

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Ghost Cub

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Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« on: August 30, 2016, 09:16:38 PM »

Hello,  I am new here, but I have been very impressed with the quality of work on these forums and I have some questions. I am currently running a ATOW game that takes place in the start of the Jihad era. I decided that some of the Rasalhague side of the Ghost Bear Dominion would take it upon themselves to help supplement the frequently ignored intelligence operation side of things by employing the PCs as operatives.  They have been sent into the FRR in an attempt to find intelligence on active WoB operations in the FRR.

I have a few questions about building a good group of FRR npcs. First am I missing a good solid write up of the FRR area? I have been reading quite a few BT books and I really have been having a hard time getting a good grasp of the culture and makeup of the FRR. What is recommended reading for that area? From what I have read it seems like most of the people in the FRR dislike the DC. Would it be accurate to say that the dislike for the Combine is a uniting factor for Rasalhague and the Ghost Bear Clan? In my reading there is the continued theme of racial division in tge Battletech universe,  but I have not seen much representation of Sub Sahara Africans in the BT books I hace read, am I missing where that population colonized?  What is the average attitude towards the WoB by your average inner sphere person?  Are they seen as weirdos!  Or do people even know about the differences between the WoB and Constar?

Anyways thank you for your time.

Ghost Cub

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2016, 09:46:43 PM »

Reply I should mention that I don't mind doing a good deal of writing to fill in my questions,  but I would love to know what is out there.


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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2016, 01:15:59 AM »

Regarding Sub-Saharan Africans, there's no one region of space that appears to have been predominantly colonised by them. That doesn't mean there aren't such worlds, just that they didn't wind up dominating an area. New Capetown, in the Lyran Alliance, is a pretty obvious example of such a world being a South African expy.

Racial division isn't a huge factor in the Battletech universe. On individual worlds it may be an issue but largely black, white and yellow band together in the common cause of sticking it to "those assholes across the border". Culture is a far more significant division than colour. The FRR worlds are a mix of the original scandinavian colonists, settlers from the Lyran worlds incorporated by the Combine into the old Rasalhague District over the Succession Wars (this was from the Tamar region which was fairly multi-ethnic ) with an overlay of Japanese culture from the Combine.

The FRR situation depends on the era. There's a wiki entry for the state. The 20 Year Update probably provides the best information on the short history of the FRR up to 3050.

From the mention of the WoB it seems likely you're talking about the Jihad era. The Rasalhague region had seceded from the Draconis Combine around 3036 - thirty years before the Jihad. Before this time it had been a contentious region - once an independent state that was conquered years ago. Most of the worlds had been Lyran worlds conquered by the Combine over the centuries. As a result the FRR had a significant pro-Lyran population, a significant pro-Draconis minority and a strong but shallow nationalism. The Combine was not only a former oppressor but also something of a bulwark against the Federated Commonwealth and later an ally against the Clans.

Any characters under 30 would have never known Combine rule but they'd probably have long memories of the Clans sweeping in and almost entirely conquering the Rasalhague region. Older characters would likely compare Clan rule to Combine rule.

ComStar and the Word of Blake would be viewed in a similarly fractured way. ComStar supported the formation of the FRR and after the Battle of Tukkayid (fought on a FRR world) ComStar troops were the bulwark of their defense against a further invasion. On the other hand, the Word of Blake formed from the same sect of ComStar that had originally supported the FRR and could be seen as another small state struggling to survive among the vastly larger successor states.

My one character from the FRR in a RP was ethnically mixed Japanese-Scandinavian, wore a samurai topknot and went mercenary after his homeworld was conquered by the Clans. This made him somewhat among Rasalhaguans as they had recent memories of mercenaries who fought for them during the secession exploiting loopholes in their contracts and occasionally leaving the rebels exposed.

The Inner Sphere's been a huge melting pot over the centuries. Don't be afraid to mix things up.

Ghost Cub

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2016, 10:45:03 AM »

In both Handbook House Liao, and Handbook House Davion make a point of talking about how, during the Succession Wars, those ethnicities associated with enemy houses are singled out and suffer retaliation. While I haven't made it to the House Kurita handbook yet, I imagine the situation is even worse in that area of space. I read the wiki entry for the FRR but it is lacking in a good bit of detail. My game is currently in the year 3068, so right at the start of the Jihad Era. The Ronin wars seem like they are a pretty good example of the FRR continuing to have to fight against the Draconis Combine after their independence, and it seems like that sort of harassment would have continued if the Clans hadn't interrupted it. I am trying to get a handle on how a FRR's citizen would see the world. Does that citizen see Ragnar Magnusson as a new oppressor, as a savior, or as something different. Do they see the Jihad as a betrayal of those that defended them for so long?


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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2016, 12:13:31 PM »

Hey Ghost Cub, welcome to the OBT Forums.

First thing I thought of was the Black Muslims from the original Steiner House Book (FASA 1621), paragraph below is a direct quote -

The Black Muslim faith is an offshoot of the Islamic tradition, with roots extending back to North America in the late 20th century, when Blacks were oppressed as second-class citizens. Several influential revolutionary Blacks adopted the Islamic faith and adapted it to their plight. The belief survived the eventual affirmation of Blacks as citizens of equal worth and privilege in the 21st century. In the Lyran Commonwealth, the Black Muslim faith is strongest in the Coventry and Trellshire provinces, where Black Americans and Africans settled in the late 23rd century.

Now Trellshire is over by the Rasalhague border which moved a lot during the Succession Wars. Kurita took big chunks out of Steiner and added it to the Rasalhague Military District. Perhaps some of those peoples could have indeed been part of the FRR.

I'll have to do some research on Tukayyid before the giant ComStar-Clan clash of 3052, something from my memory tells me that the planet was settled by Sub-Saharans perhaps but my memory ain't what it used to be.

On loose canon connections have you check names of planets against regions or cities of the Sub Sahara? Not always a rule that there is a link but there could be.


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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2016, 12:18:09 PM »

Oh and looking up Sahara in the House Steiner book I found on page 26 that one of Tamar's continents is named Sahara. The capital of the Tamar Pact is very close to the FRR in terms of light years.

Ghost Cub

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2016, 12:39:33 PM »

Wow thank you Takiro that is great info. I'll have to run the planet names through Google to look for orgins. One thing I like about the Jihad era is that there are a lot more factions at play which creates a lot of good potential stories.  I know the pre clan eras tend to be the most popular,  but I like creating a pc group with a wide diversity of backgrounds. It seems to create more role playing situations.

A more general question. How much or little do people detail the mech support personal?  Do you find pcs to be interested in the techs, or are they only interested in their peers? Are most of your games centered around mechwarriors, and if they are do you tend to have mostly military oriented npcs?

Ice Hellion

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2016, 03:00:13 PM »

Support personnel is notei really liked by PC.
However the ratio of military to non military depends on the setting you are playing in. If you are going for a spy games, you will have perhaps former soldiers, spies, hackers, techs... If you are going for a merc campaign, you might have more soldiers/'MechWarriors... For a more crime oriented, think Cyberpunk...

As for the Rasalhague Dominion, it all depends on the exact time as not everyone agreed with the Clan "fusion", some were eager to prove their worth to become part of the new State...

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ghost Cub

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2016, 03:32:32 PM »

The setup is the FRR elements within the Dominion are wanting to create a useful intelligence gathering operation.  They have set up the PCs as a mercenary company in order to gather information while they take contracts. I am trying to mix the merc genre with the spy genre. We are playing on roll20 and so far things are going well. I used the force creation rules out of Campaign Operations instead of making the pcs spend lots of xp on the vehicle trait.  We have six players total right now.  Here is a copy of the command structure.  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Bj_Vq8DLOCBwJS7BzSLwURTSZkKs_yBdtAz4umxFLEI/edit?usp=drive_web

The company has a star of infantry and a point of Gnomes to assist with capturing and holding targets. I calculated 63 techs which I need to start detailing along with some of the infantry.


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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2016, 08:01:06 PM »

It all depends upon the story. Some of the best NPCs have just developed on their own in my campaigns of olde. They start out as just a vague name with little detail and if they are liked or hated they develop. Admittedly most are inventions of the GM with set plans who do what they were meant for and little else. Great characters however grow beyond their original parameters.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2016, 02:41:44 PM »

The company has a star of infantry and a point of Gnomes to assist with capturing and holding targets. I calculated 63 techs which I need to start detailing along with some of the infantry.

Why go for a Company with a Star and a Point? You should either go for a full Inner Sphere or a full Clan organisation.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Ghost Cub

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2016, 09:05:20 PM »

At this point in time the FRR and the Ghost Bear Clan are merging. This operation is the brain child of Star Colonel Magnerson, who is originally from the FRR before becoming a member of the Clans., and an npc I created who was part of the FRR military that is being integrated. I created this idea after reading the Covert Ops entry on the Ghost Bear Clan, and how their intelligence abilities have become much improved with the integration of FRR intelligence operations. The command is a sort of under strength trinary or over strength binary.  I want to give the pcs some room to recruit or grow if need be, so I think it will eventually be a full strength Trinary. The infantry point is mainly there so the pcs will not have to go into a big fire fight adter mech combat. My goal is to have two rp sessions and then one mech combat session. I don't want to be completely combat oriented.

Ghost Cub

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Re: Building solid npcs for my ATOW game
« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2016, 11:32:02 AM »

If I might quote Guide to Covert Ops, which is where I found my inspiration for this campaign:

"Clan Ghost Bear:
Once considered just as ineffective as any other branch of the Clan Watch, the Ghost Bear program has shown a sharp improvement since the Clan took steps to equalize its standing with the largely Rasalhaguian population whose worlds in now claims. In fact, it is believed that in winning over the Rasalhaguians by allowing the civilian governments a degree of semi-autonomy under Ghost Bear Aegis, the Bears also won over their new countrymen's willingness to defend this joint Dominion. The Bear Watch thus appears to include a growing number of native Raslahaguians who can draw on a heritage of rebellion and covert operations from the Republic's long struggle for independence. With this new influx of experienced resistors now fighting for the Bears, we can expect this Watch agency to show a dramatic improvement in possibly all aspects of covert operations."
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