Note: The Black Stars are a mercenary command active in an alternate universe setting in Battletech Mercenaries that is currently set in the year 3083 and is based on the canon information leading up to 3068, but in the dozen or so years since have taken a different path from the 'Dark Age' story path.From the Succession Wars to the Clan Invasion, from the SLDF's destruction of the Smoke Jaguars to FedCom Civil War. Constant and increasingly escalating warfare destroyed worlds and killed billions. What many failed to account for, and was indeed ignored when reported, was that years of fighting decimated something else. Something intangible - a soldier's soul. Most soldiers persevered, barely retaining their sanity by loosing themselves among their brethren and unit. Some commit suicide. Others flee, searching for a place to recover their direction, humanity and soul or simply to escape from court martial charges of desertion, cowardice and mutiny.

A group of such warriors from all over the Inner Sphere and Periphery met on New Hedon, the capital of Herotitus and formed the unique and unconventional Black Stars mercenary command. Though technically a single command, the Black Stars operate like no other mercenary unit. It is basically a collective of small units ranging from individual soldiers, to an entire Battlemech lance, to an entire reinforced combined arms battalion. These small units sub-contract jobs from the Black Star leadership. The leadership of the unit that runs the operations is simply called the Cell. Consisting of soldiers who have stayed for the longest with the Black Stars, the Cell negotiates all contracts after filtering through suitable ones and getting a majority vote from the current sub-contracted units.
The Black Stars make no preference for their recruitment. They would just as readily hire a retired Colonel from the AFFS as they would a washed out Periphery Mechjock seeking to escape gambling debts. There have been been cases of former Word of Blake soldiers fighting side by side with ex-ComGuards within the unit. The Black Stars thus offer autonomy and a safe haven to individuals in the very eye of the turmoil in the current universe. The founding members of the Black Stars decided to gave the fragmented members of the unit at least a passing sense of unity and belonging by deciding on a simply black star as the unit insignia. It also reflected the fact that the unit's loyalty was to itself, which may change from battle to battle hence the preclusion of a traditional 'House' of 'Unit' colours. It may also be noted that being a simple spray and/or stencilled on design, a new unit sub-contracting under the Black Stars can put up the small logo quickly, and remove them just as easily when they inevitably decide to leave.
Current Status:No one could have foreseen how far the Black Stars had come from the very dark days in 3078. Back than, the unit was barely 2 companies strong, picking up contracts in the Periphery usually for corporations that require additional muscles, or some nobles who needed someone else to do their dirty work for them.
During a pirate hunting mission for the MoC in the Gal' ron systems, the unit, together with a BattleMech lance from the First Canopian Fusiliers were ambushed after receiving false intel. Stranded on Herotitus with nothing more than a few VTOLs, foot infantry platoons, light 'Mechs and even lighter tanks, the Black Stars went under new management and picked up their first contract on Fujidera. It was make or break - if the rag tag unit survived, and survived well, they would be able to rebuild. If they failed... they figured they would be joining other commands if they were still alive.
With their unorthodox methods and constantly changing TO&E, the Black Stars completed their first few contracts easily enough, earning enough cash, and salvaging enough equipment to grow. Rather than working for any of the major factions and Houses, they chose instead to work for corporations and private entities, thereby assuring that they would be able to travel across borders easily to pick up the most lucrative and suitable contracts with little problems.
Still, not everything has been a cake walk for the unit. Not all contracts would be what was initially thought, with unexpected encounters with unexpected enemies. The unit has been hammered badly several times, bashed down in size and manpower. However, with the unit's rather unassuming recruitment policies, and no lack of recruits from all corners of the known universe, the unit has always been able to rebuilt.
Currently, the unit is classified as over a regiment strong, with their own DropShip carrying capabilities as well as technical and medical staff. However, the collective lacks their own JumpShip assets - a point that has not escaped the Cell. All efforts are being directed to the acquisition of these valuable assets. Until than, the unit has always been insistent that employers provide full JumpShip transport capabilities both to, and from the unit's contract destination.