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Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« on: September 06, 2011, 09:43:10 PM »

History of some of the Black Stars' current DropShips.


The history of the "Event Horizon" is a long and ill omened one, stretching back almost two hundred years.

In that time, the ship has served in units both prestigious and obscure. It has participated in missions both glorious and mundane. It has traveled to every nation of the Inner Sphere and the majority of the important Periphery realms.

Unfortunately, almost from its very construction on Tharkad, the ship has labored under a reputation as a ship with a dark side.

During the ship's acceptance trials, a catastrophic reactor failure caused by construction mistakes killed the entire trial crew and engineering teams. It took almost a year after this to decontaminate the ship.

The next twenty five years did nothing to help dispel the building reputation of the ship, as an average of three crew-members died each year in improbable accidents and strange circumstances. Airlocks cycled with no command. Pipes ruptured for no apparent reason. Cargo shifted unpredictably, despite being well secured. One Captain was even electrocuted when his command chair somehow became part of the jump circuit controls.

Following this last incident, the surviving crew quietly brought in several priests to perform an exorcism and blessing of the ship. While not sanctioned by higher command, this action appeared to quiet things for the next fifty years.

Unfortunately, this period of quiet was not to last. The next incident was the one to precipitate the ship's departure from Steiner service. Tasked to deliver an independent raiding unit deep behind Marik lines, it is not known what occurred on board, though a mis-jump is suspected. What IS known is that the "Event Horizon" was discovered by Marik AeroSpace patrols drifting powerless with its JumpShip near a pirate point in the system of Campbelton.

Investigation found the two ships to be completely unoccupied with no sign of the crews, or any indication as to their location. (Darker rumors speak of mysterious writings on the bulkheads in corrupt Latin and bastardized Aramaic.) All cargo and equipment, down to the crew and passenger's personal items remained exactly in place, as if they had just set them down and walked away.

In-depth investigation of the Jumpship proved impossible, as during recovery operations, the ship mysteriously regained power and initiated a jump sequence. The "Event Horizon" had already been detached at this point, but the JumpShip, (The Scout class: LCSS Marie Celeste), disappeared and has not been seen again to this day.

The "Event Horizon" passed into mercenary hands at this point, as the ships reputation led many House units to refuse the ship due to morale considerations.

In the last one hundred and thirty five years, the "Event Horizon" has served with ten different mercenary and commercial concerns, each time changing hands under unusual circumstances, and always dogged with rumors of a "Curse" and a reputation as a crew killer.

Additional text by Vampire

When news broke of the demise of the majority of the Black Stars at their home base on New Hedon, Herotitus early July 3078, Zhao and Ten-Bears were hard pressed to keep the tattered remnants of the unit together. Putting together small groups of mercenaries, the self appointed CO and XO of the mercenary collective were faced with another problem - the complete lack of interest of any DropShip Captain to sign on.

After thorough meet ups, failed attempts at black mails and bribery, the pair were approached by a Captain Nigel Harris. Pleasantly surprised, but with suspicions on the unsolicited approach, the new Black Stars officers were stunned when it was disclosed that Harris was the Captain of none other than the Seeker Class DropShip Event Horizon.

Dismissing the Captain's (repeated) offer of joining up with the Stars, Zhao and Ten-Bears continued their increasing desperate search for another DropShip. The curse of the Event seemed to leech itself onto the fate of the Stars even at that point. Two other DropShips - the ancient Union Class DropShip Simon Says, and a heavily refitted Mule Class DropShip, the Princess Bride both suffered mishaps. The Captain of Simon Says was ran over by a garbage truck on his way to put his signature on the papers to tie his Union to the Stars, while the Princess Bride was rendered inoperable indefinitely when an unloading accident resulted in an explosion of a cargo of explosive chemicals gutted the entire hull of the 11,200 ton DropShip.

Faced with the prospect of being stuck on Herotitus while the start time of their contract on Fujidera closing in, Zhao and Ten-Bears reluctantly accepted Captain Harris's offer.

Thus began the intertwined fate between the Black Stars and the Event Horizon.


"The tiles you stand on, the handles on the doors, and all the buttons and switchs on the Charon's Ferry are likewise of bone and human ivory. We surround ourselves with reminders of what awaits all of us in the end, so that we might reflect on its meaning, and never lose sight of our ultimate fate.” Gaius Marius's conversation with Zhao Zi Long, 19 October, 3081.

The legacy of the dead permeates the Aurora DropShip's entire history. Charon's Ferry has seen more death than even the most prolific killers in history. Before the Black Stars Mortuus Legio Victrix sub-unit acquired her, the Ferry was a morgue ship, carrying the remains of countless souls into the heavens, to be set free amongst the stars. Instances when it was employed included when a small nuclear weapon was employed as part of the little succession disagreement in the Free Worlds League a few years ago. This particular Aurora was there, carrying away the remains of the dead so as to prevent the spread of disease and help restore order. It was also part of the response to the Winter Plague outbreak on Mauripur, that time carrying medical supplies to the system, and then housing the physicians as they tried to stop the Plague. It also carried their bodies away again, when the Plague struck them down as well when they got careless.

All in all, this small DropShip carried over a million discarded mortal shells in its short time.


Dropship: Fury Class
Type: Aerodyne
Mass: 1,900 Tons
Date of Acceptance: February 17th, 2954
Location of Manufacture: Gibson, FWL
Configuration: Standard, Factory Spec.
Crew: Eight (8)
Capacity: Type 2 Military Vehicle Transport Cubicles (8)
Type 4 Personnel Berthing Compartments (4)
Misc. Cargo (200 Tons)
Upgrades: NONE
Maintenance Grade: 2
Known Major Deficiencies: Interior Furnishings stripped
Date of Last Refit/Refurbishment: June, 3075 (Galax Shipyards, Fed-Suns)

Ship Identification Number: G7645JK9837ADE7560003B

Ship Designation: Baba Yaga

Assigned to DMM broker for Sale: November 1st, 3081
Previous Owner: Fed-Suns Military Transport Command (Outback Regional Directorate)
Reason For Sale: Not Given

List Price: 30,000,000 C-Bills (Negotiable)

…FS Baba Yaga: Recovered: Half-Trees System September 17th 3080. Crew/Passengers: Deceased.

In the chaos of the recent four-way bloodbath that the Clan invasion of the Outback had become, WMD's of several sorts had been used with abandon, chemical and biological weapons included. The Adelson system was one of several systems that had been completely depopulated and functionally destroyed by said weapons. A fact which had been discovered only when the unit “Chisholm's Raiders” were sent to reinforce the beleaguered planet and found nothing but a giant graveyard.

Less than a month later, a Merchant class and an Invader class jump-ship were discovered in a seldom used, unoccupied, way-point system, apparently having stopped to recharge their drives before proceeding. Attached to the ships were the “Baba Yaga”, the Princess Class liner “Nicolletta”, and the Monarch Class ships “Henrietta May”, “Mary-Ellen Carter”, and “Liza Jane”. The ships were all derelict, with power, but not responsive to hails, and only automated beacons transmitted any information, with those systems broadcasting a clear “Warn Away” signal.

Investigation by military salvage crews found all aboard deceased, the apparent victims of a very virulent disease.

Later reconstruction of the ship's logs and personal writings found aboard, painted an all too clear picture of what had happened.

Following the initial bio-weapons attacks on Adelson by the Word of Blake, many of the planet's “Elite” and wealthy had sought to flee the devastation, hoping to avoid the plague. Seizing the DropShips, and ruthlessly abandoning anyone with even a hint of illness of any kind, even a simple cold virus, they hoped to escape any contamination. They failed.

From the records, it appeared that several of the passengers had already been infected before boarding, but due to the subtle nature of the initial symptoms, and fears of being abandoned leading to the infected individuals concealing them, this fact had not been discovered until it was already far too late. By the time the first symptoms had appeared, the enclosed environment of the ships had been completely contaminated and everyone aboard exposed.

Within four days, it was almost over. Eighty percent of the passengers and crew were dead. Either from the disease, or from a choice to commit suicide rather than suffer through the course of the disease. The rest were not to be far behind. All the remaining crew could do was to set the automated beacons and initiate one of the anti-boarding protocols installed on the ships. Anesthetic gas quickly rendered everyone remaining aboard unconscious, letting them die relatively peacefully through gas overdose instead spending their last hours writhing in pain.

Overall, the death toll aboard the ships was over two thousand. A mere drop in the bucket set against the backdrop of whole planetary populations being wiped out, but horrific nonetheless.


"Many of the Tamar and Skye worlds in the Lyran Alliance were populated by the Scottish and Irish, and many of us, including me, have some heritage from that direction, though I am mostly of German origin. Nonetheless, I speak fluent Gaelic, and as part of our schooling we are taught the histories.

“One of the most celebrated of the Scots was a poet named Robert Burns, and his famous work is a cautionary tale told in verse, about a man named Tam o’Shanter. Now Tam was an honest man, but prone to giving himself over to the drink. His wife, portrayed as an authority to be feared, usually keeps him in line either through her viscous tongue or with the threat of a frying pan to the back of the head.

“One evening however, after a trip to the markets, Tam gives over to his desire for the drink and settles in at the local pub to down some ale. When he finally realizes his predicament, that he is drunk, it is late and his wife will give him a thrashing when he gets home it is already nearly midnight, or the witching hour back in those days if you will.

“On his way home, Tam, through a drunken haze, perceives a strange ritual in the local church which is commonly believed to be haunted. A group of witches and warlocks are performing a wild dance, complete with open coffins and the devil himself in tow. The witches are dressed only in the their night-shirts, and the prettiest of the witches, named Nannie, has on a shirt, called a cutty-sark in those days, that is much too small and reveals more of the comely witch than Tam’s inebriated libido can resist, so he calls out:

“’ Weel done, Cutty-sark!And in an instant all was dark’”

“Well, even a drunkard like Tam could now see he was in serious trouble as the assorted ‘Hellish Legion’ started to chase after him. Putting all his faith in his horse Meg, Tam o’Shanter fled for the bridge across the River Doon, as all good folk knew in those days that the wielders of magic could not cross running water.

“The mare wins the race, though not before losing her tale to Nannie, who is not only the most comely but the fastest and hungriest of the assembled demonic host. Tam, it is assumed, goes home to face the wrath of his wife, but the tale concludes with a warning to all, albeit with tongue firmly in cheek:

“’ Now, wha this tale o' truth shall read,
Ilk man and mother's son, take heed:
Whene'er to Drink you are inclin'd,
Or Cutty-sarks run in your mind,
Think ye may buy the joys o'er dear;
Remember Tam o' Shanter's mare’”

“Nice story,” Cherie complemented after a moments silence, “So you have called the ship Tam o’Shanter then?”

“Actually I was going to name it Meg after the horse,” Markus replied.

“That is a stupid name for the ship,” Michelle exclaimed, giving Markus a hard look.

“I know,” he said back with a grin, “So yes, Cherie, the ship will be named the Tam o’Shanter, more due to the fact that he had his fun and got away with it than anything to do with the moral of the story.”


Conversation between Miroslav Pololski , Brandon Cross and Zhao Zi Long, 7 July 3083.

"Harding came across this Gazelle and forwarded its details over to us." Miroslav started to explain even as Brandon handed over the file in his hand to Zi Long. The Chinese man opened it and started to read through. "As you can see, it had changed ownership several times since it was completed in the late 2570s. It actually started its service with the Taurian Defence Force, after which it was captured during the Reunification Wars by the SLDF..."

"Wait, that means that bugger's like what? Five hundred years old?!" Zi Long interrupted in disbelief.

"Five 'undred an' three." Brandon offered.

"And if Harding is to be believed, in surprisingly good condition." Miroslav continued. "And for a rather reasonable price as well."

Zi Long frowned. "There has to be a catch."

Miroslav nodded "There is. The last owner of the DropShip is actually the Word of Blake."

"So? I thought you guys take care of your hardware like they're your mistress."

Miroslav winced slightly. "Not really, but close enough. The story of this particular DropShip began in 3080, when a Federated Suns JumpShip received a distress call while stopping over to recharge towards the Davion outbacks. If you remember, mid 3080 was when the FedSuns had to deal with the Star Adders incursions. The caller identified himself as a member of the crew of the Ourang Medan, a Word of Blake vessel, and supposedly claimed that the ship’s captain and crew were all dead or dying. The messages became jumbled and bizarre before trailing off and ending with the words: “I die.” The JumpShip captain quickly dispatched some small craft and an Union Class DropShip attached to the scene to help. When they arrived, they found that the Ourang Medan was undamaged, but that the entire crew — even the ship’s dog — was dead, their bodies and faces locked in terrified poses and expressions, and many pointing at something that was not there. Before the rescuers could investigate further, the ship mysteriously caught on fire, and they had to evacuate. Soon after, the Ourang Medan was said to have exploded and the hulk drifted into space. While the details and the overall veracity of the Ourang Medan story were still widely debated, there have been a number of theories proposed about what might have caused the death of the crew. The most ridiculous was actually the most correct one."

Zi Long raised a questioning eyebrow. "And you would know because..."

Miroslav shifted uncomfortably before replying. "Because I was aware of the true story. The Ourang Medan was actually transporting ricin, a nerve agent which was supposed to be deployed against the Adders. While no attempt was made to salvage the hulk, it should be easy to deduce that the ricin was not properly secured and seeped out into the air. Given the circulated ventilation within a DropShip, it quickly and killed everyone on board."

"So some salvage company came across the Ourang Medan in 3081, towed it back and repaired it." Zi Long nodded, his eyes going back to the file. "It says here than the Ourang Medan was then sold to some small merc command... wait… and ALL the new crew and occupants DIED?!" He looked up in alarm.

"No actual reasons were given, though there was the suggestion that the ricin wasn't completed vented out from the air ventilation systems." Miroslav shrugged.

"And the next three freakin' owners as well?!?!" Zi Long's eyes grew even wider as he read on.

"That, they don't have explanation for." Miroslav admitted.

"You guys have a death wish or something?" Zi Long threw the file back the at the two fellow Black Stars like it was poison. He narrowed his eyes at the two men in suspicion. "Or did you have the intention of locking me up on it and hope for my quick and ugly death since I seem to be recovering from my injuries."

"Nay boy 'o. Don't ya be silly." Brandon raised both hands. "If da Event think it’s time fer ya da go, she'd take yer."

"Its been sitting in mooring for the past year and a half." Miroslav went on. "Harding said he and his pet Clanner actually went onboard to check things out."

Zi Long rolled his eyes. "CHECKING THINGS OUT and bloody travelling it on are two completely different things, or hadn't you guys realized that."

"We know. But he offered to make the trip from Terra here to Melissia system." Miroslav explained. "If he makes it, I guess it would mean that the Ourang Medan's safe to ride in."

"Wha? What is he doing all the way out here for?"

"He said he heard of some possible deals on Solaris VII that he had to check out himself personally." The commander of the Shooters' Nephilim squad as well as overall second in command of the sub-unit replied with another shrug. "I didn't think to probe further."

"You should've." Zi Long replied. "The bastard never does anything, especially taking risks, for a VERY good reason."

Brandon nodded in agreement, before asking his next question. "So yer ok with givin' the Ourang Medan a look see?"

"I'm guessing that since this inquiry was done over two months ago, and that we'll be reaching Melissia's Nadir Jump Point in another twenty hours that you guys have already given Harding the green light, and that he'd be waiting for us at the jump point?" Zi Long stared daggers at the two men.

"Dat's another hundred ya owe me boy 'o." Brandon nudged Miroslav. The Battle Armour soldier looked at Zi Long with a look of disappointment, before pulling another hundred C-bill note out and reluctantly handing it over to X. "The Doc should probably increase your drug dosage. It'd make things easier for everyone."

"Yeah, we all have our wishes." Zi Long snorted before pulling his pillow from his back and fluffing it. "Now shoo. The patient needs his rest, especially after tangling with you two jokers."

The two stood. Brandon looked down at Zi Long before breaking out into a grin. "Yer right. Git some rest. Ya might not have much of it once yer transfer onboard the Ourang Medan."
« Last Edit: September 06, 2011, 09:46:26 PM by Vampire »


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 12:26:24 AM »

Okay I am getting some Clan Cloud Cobra Chaplins and Clan Nova Mystics together and send them to you for "moral support"
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 11:33:52 AM »

This is very cool. Good stuff.
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 03:24:15 PM »

Looks like those with high initiative will emerge as winners!

Thanks for looking at it.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 10:40:08 PM »

Okay I am getting some Clan Cloud Cobra Chaplins and Clan Nova Mystics together and send them to you for "moral support"

We rather LIKE our ship's rather...colorful...histories and natures.  But part of the reason so many questionably cursed ships have been gathered together is a simple one.  With many soldiers and mercs being superstitious, once a ship gains such a reputation, many will refuse to serve on it, which drives its sale value well down.

Thus, they are both cheap and easily available, since few wish to dispute our claims. 

We've also discovered a secondary benefit to the arrangement, since a few of our opponents have been so unnerved by our choice of rides, that they've been put at an early disadvantage.


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2011, 10:07:22 PM »

Past Contract List Completed (Ordered by descending date commenced)

Registered Contract: FW-SD-02-03
Region: Free Worlds League
System: Fujidera
Galactic Coordinates: X: -77.46 Y: -227.42
Days to Jump Point: 5 days
Planet: Fujidera
Primary Planetary Climate: Continental
Approximate Population: 499 Million People
Capital City: Kintetsu
Contract Type: Security Duty
Primary Operational Terrain: Unknown
Contract Duration: 2 Months non-negotiable
Employer: The Corporate Sector
Employer Contact: Chief Executive Officer, Mr Roger Temagu-Irez
Command Rights: Liaison Assigned
Supporting Forces: None
Enemy Forces: Unknown
Supplement Contracts Offered: None

Fujidera is a small world. It holds a breathable, but thin atmosphere (sea level equivalent of 7000 feet on Terra). Within the last few thousand years, Fujidera suffered a major climate change. The terrain is primarily salt flats and marshes, cut by steep mountain chains. These mountains create a rain shadow. During the climate shift, the major wind patterns reversed direction, causing the flats and marshes to change sides. A massive extinction event wiped out most of the local fauna.

Currently, Fujidera is inhabited by three-quarters of a billion inhabitants. The culture is fairly homogeneous, but there are some deep political divisions. Strangely, this has not affected the profits of the Sumitomo Group; a massive industrial zaibatsu that owns most of the planets production.

Socio-Industrial Levels:

Technological Development
   Advanced world with access to many new technologies; world hosts universities; good medical care available, though without benefit of bionics and other cutting-edge technologies; basic microelectronics industry.
Industrialization Level
   Basic heavy industry at level of 22nd century; fusion engines possible but no complex products (including BattleMechs).
Raw Material Dependence
   World/system produces some of the raw materials needed and imports the rest.
Industrial Output
   World has a moderate industrial base that produces a few different categories of products, exporting some of the output.
Agricultural Dependence
   World is agriculturally poor and must import much of its food to supplement what is grown.


The Sumitomo Group is worried about the protection of Grand Duke Christopher Halas of Oriente as he secretly visits the world for a couple of months to make the final preparation for Fujidera to become a powerhouse in construction of orbital defense satellites to be used throughout the Duchy to discourage adventurism by any of the factions in the Civil War.


1) Work with the Company of Oriente Hussars to Protect the Grand Duke during his tour of the factories.

1) Help enforce the communications blackout of the planet during the Grand Duke's tour.

Contract Summary:

The start, or rather, the beginning of what would eventually evolve into the current Black Stars mercenary collective, things did not began well for the unit. Consisting of sub-units and individual mercenaries that were deemed too weak, irrelevant, or simply unimportant for the leadership to be sent on their mission for the Magistry of Canopus - and that said a lot about the bunch left behind by the already lowly regarded Black Stars.

When news reached the ragtag bunch of individuals barely a company in strength that the main Black Stars collective had been destroyed in a botched up pirate hunting mission in the outer Periphery Gal' ron systems, the surviving members decided to pull whatever resources they could and seek out a contract.

After reviewing several viable options, the Stars decided on a seemingly easy security assignment on Fujidera. While the assignment itself would prove to be a very interesting one, what did leave a longer lasting impression was the Stars' run in with a Captain Martina Lowe who would be leading the Duke's personal body guard unit.

While the contract stated that there would be no supporting forces, Sumitomo Group deployed their own security details to provide additional protection to Grand Duke Christopher Halas of Oriente, while the local constabulary would be placed on standby to lend any sort of support as and when necessary. Furthermore, the Grand Duke has decided to surround himself with a bodyguard BattleMech company drawn from the ranks of the 2nd Oriente Hussars - a strange move since all the places that the Duke will be visiting would not be accessible to 'Mechs.

The Stars had thought that the most exciting part of their contract would be trying to outdo each other in finding new ways to tweak the Captain's nose. They would be wrong.

On his visit to Juniper Fields Assembly Plant, the Duke and the Stars, with the dismounted Mechjocks from the 2nd Oriente Hussars were attacked by Cultists who worshipped Blake. Armed with weapons ranging from table knifes, pitchforks to a few ancient guns, the group were no match for the heavily armoured and armed infantry bodyguards that the Black Stars had posted around the Duke. When their attack faltered, the Cultists fled from the factory buildings - straight into the waiting guns of the Black Star tanks. The carnage was unbelievable.

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
14:50 Hours Local Time

The twenty five minutes from the moment the crazed attackers stormed the assembly area to the point where survivors broke and flee saw the Overlook J11 Master C3 systems on the Morningstar received the most comms exchange in its decade of existence. Zi Long would have shot the complaining Brandon a grin if not for the potentially grievance of the situation. However, he DID allow the old comms wizard to respond as he pleased to the wails and complains of the Hussars' Captain Martina Lowe. He could still remember more than a couple of exchanges David and a couple of the officers in the Blacks Stars shared after the first few less eventful tours of the Duke, as well as statements from the local police as to the reasons for a number of bar fights in the pubs in between visits.

"She's not in our chain of Command... and she's an idiot.. any more questions?"

"Why an idiot? Well.. she wants to use ‘Mechs for a job they aren't suited for, she wants to take command where she is neither entitled, nor wanted.. and she's very obviously the product of extended inbreeding"

David had given Zi Long a very level and smug look as one of the infantry officers - Zi Long thought it was Conti, had past THAT particular comment. His XO had more than once questioned the Chinese man's fascination with Martina.

"We in the Stars do believe in hiring the handicapped, but not to run ‘Mech companies."

"..Yes, of course.. but only an idiot would consider a company of ultra-modern ‘Mechs in THAT camo scheme discreet."

Those two had started off AT LEAST three fights between Black Star and Oriente Hussar personnel on a little R&R.

"Why no, I DON'T know who your daddy is, nor do I care.. but he really should stay out of the livestock pens the next time he's feeling a bit randy."

And THAT, had resulted in fight that landed one of the Oriente Hussar lance commanders in hospital after he started a fight, and Zi Long having to rather reluctantly compose a lengthy, eloquent and totally non-heart felt apology letter to the Oriente Hussars.

Right now, the Taurian had more important tasks to handle than entertain her woes about being ignored by basically everybody - including her company of Mechjocks who had enough common sense to run for cover rather than trying to get into the way of the tidal wave of attackers. For once, the image of her turning all purple and red with anger did not appear in Zi Long's mind.. not TOO much anyway.

While much more suitable compared to the Battlemechs of the Oriente Hussars for the streets of Kintetsu and the Juniper Fields Assembly Plant compounds, they were still not allowed to enter the building. Idly training the turret mounted Mydron Excel Class 10 Autocannon at the main bay doors, the tank gunner, Frederick had made fun about Louie's request to smash and crash the Morningstar, all guns blazing, into the area to extract the Duke and the Black Stars infantry. "That stuff only appears in the Immortal Warrior series." He had chided. "We'll just as likely kill more than half our own people and maybe even the Duke if we do that."

Brandon called out to Zi Long as he patched Lieutenant Gallagher through. "The attackers are fleeing. Mostly through the main bay doors, some through the side doors."

"Roger that." Zi Long responded with a nod that the infantry commander would not see. "Hold positions and stand fast. We'll bring the CCV around."

Switching to the company frequency of the rest of the Black Stars, Zi Long sat up in his command seat. "David, swing your vehicles along to the main bay entrance and main side exit. Cut them off, offer surrender. If they resist, take them out." He finished grimly. "We have enough injured inside for questioning and interrogations as it is." Remembering Nikita and her crew, the mercenary commander continued. "Nikita's got a kid in her team who's an electronics genius who can locate transmissions and stuff yes? Get the kid to monitor sudden spikes of comms exchange - that may be where the lair of our friends are."

"James, bring your birds over the compounds. Keep a look out for getaway vehicles or larger clusters of escaping attackers. Try to keep a tag on them. Let me know where the slink off to for wound lickin'." Zi Long next instructed. "Also use the standby bird at base to bring in the Doc. I'm sure we'll be needing his services."

Mercenary they may be, and oft times considered ill disciplined. However, efficiency had always been the hallmark of the Black Stars. Quick responses were returned as each went about their assigned tasks.

"We're not gonna take part in the turkey shoot?!" Frederick nearly cried.

"No, we're doing something more important." Zi Long replied. "We're gonna pull the Duke's ass out of the fire and out of the way of our infantry so that they can close the escape door on those attackers." He smiled and he looked at Brandon. "I do believe that Captain Lowe was not contactable during all this chaos? Too bad than. I can't help it if she continues to scream her pretty little head off even though the Duke and Temagu-Irez would have been far away and safe, can I?"

"Ooooo.. so we'll make her look even badder?" The despair on the Morningstar's gunner face turned into childish delight.

Louie sighed even as he kicked the sixty ton machine into speed. "There's no such a word as 'badder' Fred."

"So what." The gunner replied. "There is now."

As it turned out, the attack on the Duke was never meant to succeed. The entire slaughter was recorded, and planned for widespread distribution to weaken the Duke's political position and paint him a monster. Fortunately, the Stars managed to pinpoint the hideout of the parties involved and retrieved all information.

All in all, things turned out pretty well for the Black Stars, especially for what was considered their maiden contract.

Space Station Oriente Light
Orbit above Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
1st November, 3078
1200 Hours

The line of Black Stars officers in their predominantly black, custom tailored long coat were a stark contrast to the bright green of the Oriente Hussars soldiers, and the bright orange work suits of the Sumitomo representatives. Silent but ominous, a squad of each of Black Stars infantry in body armour stood protective guard at the entrance to the link way to the Duke's waiting DropShip as well as behind the Duke as well. The deaths resulting from the cultist attack nearly a week ago still hung like a heavy shroud over the assembled group, making the atmosphere somewhat sullen.

The Duke was clasping the hand of Tamagu-Irez, exchanging a few quiet words - no doubt words of praise for Sumitomo Group's efforts and contribution to the Duchy of Orient. The elderly man's back was ramrod straight despite suffering the thin atmosphere of Fujidera for the past two weeks, as well as the punishingly hectic schedule and itinerary, and the cultist attack one week ago. Even beside the massive frame of Temagu-Irez, he looked even inch the warrior that had driven the powerful Duchy of Oriente and House Halas.

As the two men released their handshake, the Duke walked up to Zi Long and David. Both mercenaries snapped to a sharp salute which the Duke returned equally crisply, before breaking into a warm smile.

"I'm sorry I've not had the time to properly thank and commend you and your soldiers on a job well done." Christopher Halas began.

"Unnecessary your Grace." Zi Long replied with an easy smile. "It was our job."

"Indeed." The old man chuckled. "While that may be expected, especially from mercenaries, it still does not take away the fact that your command rose to the occasion admirably." Behind the Duke, Lowe could not hide the sneer in her face. "Still, I understand that one of the soldiers had lost his life protecting me?"

"Yes Sir. Trooper Edward Belloq suffered a shotgun round in his face." The smile on both Zi Long and David's face faded somewhat. "The fortunate thing, according to our medical officer, was that he died instantly and did not suffer."

"I am sorry to hear that." The Duke shook his head slightly at the news. "While it would go against protocol to compensate your unit more than what was on contract, I shall try to acknowledge his sacrifice some other ways. It is the least this old fossil can still do."

"Thank you your Grace." Zi Long and David bowed.

The Duke turned towards the squad of Black Stars troopers behind him, and caught all by surprise by giving the group a salute. It took a few seconds before they shouldered their assault rifles and presented arms in return. With a smile, Christopher Halas allowed his hands to fall to his side before making towards his waiting DropShip. As he passed by Temagu-Irez, he patted the man on his shoulders, both sharing a nod and smile before he disappeared into the air lock of the space craft, followed closely behind by Lowe and her contingent. The Oriente Hussar Captain was the last to board, turning at the entrance of the air lock and fixing both Zi Long and David a stare of hatred before following her charge into the DropShip.

As the procession cleared after the DropShip detached itself from the Space Station, Tamagu-Irez walked up to the pair of Black Stars officers. "Well, I dare say you guys made a rather good impression on his Grace."

Zi Long shrugged. "I don't really care as long as we get paid for keeping his royal ass safe."

Tamagu-Irez stared in mock shock at the Chinese man before breaking out in a boisterous laugh. "Spoken like a mercenary. Regardless of your attitude, his Grace has reminded me to send an independent assessment and reports of the events over the past month to the Oriente Military command."

"Just so because he doesn't trust Captain Lowe to relate things.. accurately?" Zi Long asked with a raised eyebrow. Temagu-Irez winked at Zi Long with a bright twinkle in his eyes. "And of course, it has got absolutely nothing to do with the chance of you having the opportunity to put your well polished shoe into her petite behind." Zi Long added.

The Chief Executive Officer of Sumitomo Group laughed again. "Anyone ever told you that you're too direct and too smart for your own good sometimes Captain?"

"More than I care to remember." Zi Long replied matter of factly.

"Hmm. I foresee that I might 'forget' to include Captain Lowe in the copy list of my report. All well and good if her own reports are accurate even though she might not know that another viewpoint is getting submitted." Tamagu-Irez next said, stroking his chin. "On the other hand, if the two reports are very different, someone might start asking questions.. pointed ones."

"It'd be a shame if that was to happen." David said in deadpan. "She might even get cashiered."

"C'mon." Zi Long looked at both men more than a little defensively. "Lowe's most likely a more than capable combat officer. Just not a good PR person in any way." He ignored the look David gave him. "What? I'm just saying that she just wasn't suited for THIS job."

"Indeed Captain." Tamagu-Irez looked at Zi Long in knowing amusement. "Despite my bias against the Oriente Hussars, I'm sure they would not simply allow anyone to rise to command and officer ranks, regardless of birthrights." It was Zi Long and David's turn to give him a wry look. "It's true!"

All three men laughed at that before Tamagu-Irez looked at the Black Stars again. "So, what's next for the Black Stars mercenary command?"

"To be frank, we're not sure yet." Zi Long turned and looked out of one of the glass panels at the black space beyond. "Wherever there's cash to be earned I guess. The universe is full of opportunities."

The CEO of Sumitomo Group joined him in his view. "I wish I could join you on your adventures."

All three men remained silent. They all knew it was a lie.


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 08:57:43 AM »

Very well Written
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2011, 09:29:31 PM »

That's only an extract of the full contract. I'm still contemplating posting entire contracts, but I fear I'd chase away potential readers. Is there anywhere which I could actually post hundred thousands of words?


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2011, 09:34:11 PM »

Couple of options.

1. A dedicated board for this.

2. A dedicated category on OBT.

Either should/would work. Your call.  ;)
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 04:48:03 AM »

Erm... I really don't know the difference, or if it's a joke KM. Should I just start a new thread in this same topic and post the full contract writings there? Or maybe in the AU thread?
« Last Edit: September 14, 2011, 04:50:29 AM by Vampire »


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 11:51:41 AM »

Ourbattletech.com uses WP as the base software platform. It's a good place to provide full-length articles with image support, etc. Alternatively, I could create a dedicated forum board for your use. It may not be able to handle 100K long posts (that's why I led with WP), but it's another option. If you could provide me with a better description of your needs I could just tell ya what to do.  :)
Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.

Dragon Cat

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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 07:15:44 PM »

Erm... I really don't know the difference, or if it's a joke KM. Should I just start a new thread in this same topic and post the full contract writings there? Or maybe in the AU thread?

Vampire it's no joke

Have a look at my section to get an idea what Knightmare is on about, nice and organized because of the Network Gnome.


Alternitively if you need more look further down on the main Index at Blacknova's Kapteyn, Ourbattletech is a nice way to organize multiple files about one topic I like having everything in one place organized CBT may have more visitors but this is dedicated to fanfiction

My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Black Stars Mercenary Command History
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2011, 03:55:49 AM »

Vampire it's no joke

Have a look at my section to get an idea what Knightmare is on about, nice and organized because of the Network Gnome.


Alternitively if you need more look further down on the main Index at Blacknova's Kapteyn, Ourbattletech is a nice way to organize multiple files about one topic I like having everything in one place organized CBT may have more visitors but this is dedicated to fanfiction

I've check the link, and that's basically what we're doing. The only difference is that our posts are much longer. However, I guess it would be possible to break the story down to several shorter posts.
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