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Author Topic: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)  (Read 16807 times)

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Re: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2011, 05:48:34 AM »

Clementi Forest
New Saars/UDF Conflict Zone
Novo Franklin
11th Oct 3079, 0935 Hours Local Time

“So much for getting some rest,” Remedy grumbled, “Typical they’d call a retreat just as we hunker down.”

Markus and Luna grinned at each other.

“Don’t be a dolt. They didn’t call the retreat, we did,” Luna answered mockingly.

“What the hell you talking about, that was that knobend O’Connor calling a retreat. Ten-Bears must have got him good.”

“And just how, pray tell, did he manage to get a clear broadcast through the ECM jamming we have everywhere? Hmm?” Luna was really needling now, and the truth finally dawned on Remedy.

“That’s enough you two,” Markus cut in, still looking at the field of battle before him,” If you hadn’t noticed we are about to be overrun by fleeing troops, so if you don’t mind how about shutting your traps and finding a new hide?”

A quick glance by even the most untrained eye would have shown Markus to be correct. At the first hint of a retreat the entire New Saars vehicular arm had swung about and launched themselves whole heartedly into a disorganized mass retreat. Some were fleeing directly toward home, but a large chunk had swung south, seeking the cover and relative safety of the forest. A path which took them directly across the Jack O’ Lantern’s current hideout.

Glancing around, Markus made a snap decision.

“I don’t know about you two, but I am going up into a tree. It really isn’t safe down here.”

“Tree hugging hippy,” Remedy growled, not quite under his breath.

“Shut it, Henry. Let’s go, and be quick about it. If it is safe take down the officers and vehicle commanders. Leave the soldiers, they’ve had enough for one day.”

The three troopers quickly snaked back through the undergrowth and split up, Luna to the west and Remedy to the east. It wasn’t difficult to find a suitable tree and Markus shimmied up it with ease, despite being weighed down with a rifle, vibro-katana and backpack full of supplies. Lying in a crook between two large branches he was virtually invisible from the ground, while still being able to see. The rifle was laid out in front of him, easily accessible if a target presented.

A few minutes went by before the first vehicles started passing beneath him. They were travelling at breakneck speeds for the terrain. Literally breakneck speeds as one machine careered sideways into a nearby tree, hurling an unrestrained passenger out of the vehicle and head first into the ground with a sickening crunch. The driver didn’t even blink an eye before crunching back into gear and moving off again, albeit a little slower and not quite in a straight line. Markus grimaced, such indifference to the value of life made him wish once more for this contract to be over.

The officers were easy to spot. In the relative safety of the tree line many were standing in their vehicle, alternatively screaming at the drivers to go faster or beating off the many foot infantry that were struggling to hold on and thereby slowing the motley machines down. It was the latter that Markus concentrated on, preferring to burn a laser hole through the chest of those officers that were harming others to save themselves rather than those simply urging more speed through shouting.

The falling officers drew little comment from their charges. They were all either so wrapped up in trying to escape that they didn’t notice, or thankful that a guardian angel had prevented them from being tossed to the wolves.

Markus quickly lost track of the number of vehicles that went by, and the number of men he shot. The latter was a lesson he had learned many years ago. A trooper could go mad if he tried to remember every face, or even the numbers that fell under his hand. That was a quick road to self-destruction, and it was partly the realisation of this that had made Markus good material for Loki in the first place.

I’ve come a long way since those days it seems.

As the ranks of the departing vees started to thin out, they were replaced by mobs of fleeing foot soldiers. Markus laid down his rifle and ceased taking potshots. There were fewer officers amongst the infantry, and the slower pace they were moving at might make them more inclined to investigate why their superiors kept falling over with smoking black holes through them. He made mental notes of the general condition, health and equipment of the fleeing men, noting that many had dropped their weapons in an attempt to escape the onslaught.

Markus judged that the New Saars forces still seriously outnumbered the United Defense Force. Those numbers meant nothing, however, in the face of an organised group with both prior warning and a technological advantage. The thought flashed through his mind that this must have been what it was like for the Inner Sphere worlds that were first hit by the Clans, and it made his blood boil as a low growl escaped his lips. Markus never had gotten over his hatred for the Clans, not after what they did to the Tamar pact worlds, his home region within the Lyran Alliance. Truly, he had never really forgiven Loki for not giving him his chance against the Clans either.

With time to kill, and almost against his will, Markus’ mind began to wander. Thoughts of the Clans caused it to drift to other members of the Black Stars. In the forefront sat Nikita, who aptly gave herself the moniker of “Nightmare”. So far Markus had managed to control his anger when she and the other Clanners were around, but it was an effort of will. He had mostly succeeded through avoidance that he hoped would move toward acceptance as time passed. He didn’t get his hopes up.

“That seems to be the last of them on this side,” Luna reported in a whisper.

“Same here,” Remedy confirmed.

“Ok, fall in. We need to find out how far they are going to run, no good having someone manage to reform the rabble and counterattack.”

<Scene break, a few minutes previous>

The shaggy, black creature looked like a cross between a bear and a wolf. Somewhat smaller than a bear, it had that creature’s muscle and claws, but the legs were more in proportion to a wolf, and the head and snout leaned in that direction also. One thing that could not be mistaken was that this beast was a carnivore. It was also probably hungry.

It sniffed the air. The flames from the burning vehicle were beginning to subside, but it still made the beast nervous, however nothing could cover the sweet smell of blood that lingered in the air. It took a couple of steps forward, and that was when the screaming started, making the big animal flinch. The sound was only vaguely familiar, and didn’t belong in the forest. Pain had followed the last time that the creature heard that sound, but the smell of blood was intoxicating and it ignored its confused instincts and ran forward toward the smell and sound.

“Oh god just let me die!” Jamis, still bound and immobile, screamed as a powerful set of jaws clamped down on his shoulder.

When the tasty morsel didn’t fight back, the bear-wolf relaxed slightly. The taste of blood in its mouth was added to the pleasure the smell had brought to it, but the smoke was making the creature nauseous and so, with little effort, it began to drag Jamis into the forest, away from the smoking wreck and further away, or so Jamis thought, from any chance of rescue. That just made him scream all the louder.

It was the screaming that covered the other noise, a subtle shift in the background buzz that had been going all morning, the buzz that was the battlefield. It got imperceptibly louder, but the creature hadn’t gotten complacent, drunk on fresh blood and the soft meal it would soon enjoy, if only it could get out of the smoke. A clear patch in the trees let in a breeze, fresh air, and it decided that here would make a fine dinner table. Luckily for Jamis, depending on your point of view, it didn’t get the chance.

From the trees toward Firebase Nova and a loud crashing sound was followed by another, and another. Completely spooked, the bear-wolf dropped Jamis and sprinted for cover in the opposite direction. Unbeknownst to either, the retreat had just been called in and was in full swing. Not caring the reason, Jamis twisted his body to see the incoming vehicles and yelled for one to stop.

Of course, in the state of flight that was occurring, no-one was going to stop for Jamis. In fact, being in a clear place as he was, one of the vehicles drove straight over the top of the luckless mech pilot, the driver not caring for an instant whose side the man on the ground was from, or whether he was alive or dead. Jamis was clipped by the differential of the wheeled vehicle and dragged along the ground to the edge of the clearing, miraculously surviving with only one or two extra broken bones to show for his trouble.

Am I not worthy to die?

Jamis gave up screaming. He almost gave up the will to live until he realised that in his tumble under the jeep his hands had come free. Not that it did him much good. One arm hung limp, broken in multiple places, and the other was hard to use courtesy of the ragged wound caused by the animal’s teeth. At least now he could make himself comfortable.

He almost started laughing as he watched the stragglers on foot finish the retreat, and as he passed in out of consciousness he spoke to God (or thought he did) and made a deal that if he got out of this alive that he would go down the straight and narrow, sort out his life and become a good citizen, of this planet or another it didn’t matter. All he had to do was survive. He didn’t know if he hallucinated or not, but in one moment between waking and not, he looked up to see a strangely familiar face and heard the voice of someone other than God.

“God damn. How is it that you aren’t dead?”

Firebase Nova
New Saars/UDF Conflict Zone
Novo Franklin
11th Oct 3079, 0935 Hours Local Time

David grimaced as he watched the Archer and Blackjack pull out of range. With his Hunchback’s hip actuator damaged, there was just no way he would be able to catch either one of them. Though, with his ‘Mech’s armour in the condition it was, he didn’t really WANT to catch them.

He shrugged, there would be another time. “Zhao, maybe we should let those two go for now. Let them explain to Gould how they got their butts kicked in person.”

“That’s just evil, Ten-Bears… I like it!” The response came back quickly as David could see the other two ‘Mechs breaking off their pursuit. “We’ll help with the round up of the squishies, why don’t you support the Zhukov? The two of you are about the same speed right now.”

David nodded to himself. “Acknowledged, pulling back now.”

As he began to limp his crippled ‘Mech back towards the remnants of the base, David scanned all across the fields, taking in the action.

Burning vehicles and scattered bodies were everywhere he looked, with most of them apparently once part of the New Saars force. Here and there though, he could pick out casualties that had been part of the UDF.

As his gaze settled on one part of the field, he watched as a squad of UDF infantry troopers managed to open the cockpit access hatch on a downed Locust.

As soon as the heavy hatch swung wide, one of the troopers fell back bonelessly, obviously dropped by a shot from inside the ‘Mech’s control pod. This was instantly answered by a pair of the dead trooper’s comrades, as they stepped up and sprayed the interior of the cockpit with long bursts from their PPsH sub-machine guns.

David winced, even with the relatively light bullets fired by the old style SMG’s, that would be a hell of a mess to clean out.

Firebase Nova
New Saars/UDF Conflict Zone
Novo Franklin
11th Oct 3079, 0938 Hours Local Time

It was more due to surprise than any tactical reason that Zi Long resisted the temptation to take a pot shot at the fleeing Archer as the heavily damaged 'Mech stumbled pass his position. If not for the carnage around, and the fact the massive rout of the New Saars Militia and its mercenary allies were clicking up the death toll, Zi Long would have laughed.

Sparks and X had approached them with the idea of doing up a doctored recording from uncountable number of previous recordings of O' Connor. From what the Black Stars Captain understood, it took them nearly a week pouring through old holovid and audio recordings, trying to identify the most suitable parts to use. The former Caranthania General was apparently quite a media hog, and the pair of Black Stars soldiers had no lack of material to work with. Still, Sparks and Brandon had to splice the extracted words and edit the frequency and tone to make the rather short sentence sound fluent and real. All in all, a master piece.

In hind side, the two of them did not actually have to make things so perfect. In the midst of the battle chaos, even a very disjointed recording would have done its work. Great, I have two absolute perfectionists in the 'Stars.

Already pushed back by Nikita in her Talon, the Blackjack unleashed a storm of uranium tipped shells from its light autocannon, followed by its four medium lasers before using its jump jets to leap away from the Black Stars MechWarrior. With quite an amount of debris and obstacle scattered across the battlefield, the Blackjack pilot made full use of its jump capabilities against the faster ground speed of the Talon as it pulled away from the vengeful former Clanner.

Many other New Saars Militia were not so lucky. Trucks and tanks poured in waves from the very same entrenchments from which the UDF forces had abandoned just recently, followed by streams of fleeing infantry. Unlike the orderly UDF withdrawal, the New Saars forces had no semblance of order at all. Vehicles collided with each other, while more than a few dozen unfortunate foot soldiers were simply crashed beneath the wheels and tracks of vehicle crews hell bent on escaping capture and death.

Zi Long watched as a heavy crawler over filled with infantry troopers crush at least half a dozen soldiers running before it, oblivious to the deadly threat that had crept up on them. Bloody hell.

The mercenary officer opened up the comms to the rest of the Black Stars. "Take out as much of their hardware as you can." He paused for a while. "And try to let their soldiers go."


Louie had parked the Morningstar next to the Zhukov, allowing Frederick to add the firepower of the wheeled vehicle's autocannon to those of the heavier tank. Before the broadcasting of the hoax recording, several squads of enemy soldiers actually attempted to swamp the immobilized Black Stars heavy tank. A few small vehicles who thought of joining their unarmoured colleagues were blown to pieces by either the Khukov's own guns or those of the Morningstar. However, neither the large calibre guns on both tanks, nor the seventy five ton Zhukov's Harvester 20K Short Range Missile 6 Launcher could do much against loose formations of foot soldiers.

Luckily for the pair of mercenary heavy tanks, the Morningstar was armed with a trio of Slingshot machine guns. Able to punch through even BattleMech grade armour, the shells virtually shred the on rushing enemy soldiers to nothing more than blobs of quivering flesh and gore.

It wasn't long before the more hardy and adventurous of these soldiers, or more stupid ones, noticed that most of their comrades were avoiding the Black Stars machines and running for the hills or back through the rapidly depopulated Firebase Nova. Louie suspected that some of them actually thought that if they displayed bravery by attacking the 'Stars tanks, they might actually be taken in by the UDF, or even the mercenaries. A few were torn between continuing their suicidal attack against the two tanks or joining their New Saars brethren in flight. One soldier actually heaved a sigh of resignation before throwing his weapon to the floor and took flight towards the mountains.

Further ahead, about a lance’s worth of open top vehicles were thrown into the air as they ran smack into the mine field that the UDF had laid. Through the periscope of his autocannon, Frederick could actually see soldiers who were fleeing by snicker and grin. The mines were set for heavier weight like the vehicles that populated the New Saars ranks, not against human beings. The Morningstar gunner shock his head. I'll be glad to see the back of this freakish world when we go.


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Re: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2011, 05:50:17 AM »

Clementi Forest
New Saars/UDF Conflict Zone
Novo Franklin
11th Oct 3079, 1010 Hours Local Time

“You have got to be kidding. Is that who I think it is?”

“Sure is.”

Markus was kneeling in front of the battered and broken mercenary ‘Mech pilot, two fingers resting on the man’s neck checking for a pulse.

“Dang it, he IS alive too. This is one tough bastard.”

Remedy was on guard, rifle in position where it could be raised, aimed and fired almost instantly. The New Saars infantry were still moving through the area in dribs and drabs, though they were more intent on fleeing the scene than taking notice of their surroundings. Still, it paid to be cautious.

“What are we waiting for? He’ll be dead soon enough, standing out here in the open is making me nervous.”

It would be a simple thing to do, just walk away and let nature take its course. They had done it once already, twice if you count the fact that they had let the man escape from his ‘Mech while they had arranged the med-evac for Lockout. The situation was different now though, they had time to spare. Markus considered how the situation would be different if it was one of his own lying there broken, subject to the kindness or lack thereof of the New Saars forces. It didn’t take him long to make a decision.

“He’s a merc, just like us. We didn’t have a lot of choice last time, but we can’t just leave him here. Luna, patch him up best you can. Remedy, scout the area and see if there is somewhere we can hole up for a few minutes,” Markus paused, glancing at the clearing and sizing it up, “They have about as much room this time as last time. They’ll get in.”

Neither Luna nor Remedy looked overly impressed at the decision. Luna simply nodded and kneeled down next to her newly appointed patient and started working on his wounds. Remedy grumbled underneath his breath, looked hard at the three of them, and then stalked off to follow Markus’ orders. Markus grinned, Remedy was an ornery subordinate but his foul moods only lasted until the end of the mission or the next drink, which usually amounted to the same thing.

A groan from the downed merc drew Markus’ attention back. The man’s eyes were open and he was trying to speak. Markus leaned down to try to listen.

“Thank you,” the man wheezed out.

Markus and Luna shared a glance, puzzled to hear a thank you given they were the cause of his current misfortune.

“Don’t speak, and you can thank us later. In the meantime…” Markus keyed his communicator to the agreed emergency frequency for the second time that day, “Code XV52, medi-vac requested, condition critical, repeat condition critical, over.”

A familiar voice answered immediately, “Code XV52, return code… ahh, return code FZ78, request confirmed. Location, over?”

Markus quickly relayed the general location of the clearing, with the same instruction as previous that the VTOL would be guided in on the final approach. There was a pause before the details were acknowledged.

“XV52, that is deep in hostile territory.”

“You think I don’t know that?” Markus growled, “Just send the damn medi-vac. I’ll make the call on whether it is safe or not when it gets here.”

“XV52, request acknowledged. Next available medi-vac will be heading your way. Their safety is on your head.”

Markus didn’t bother responding. He knew damn well whose responsibility the safety of the evac team was, he had done this more times than most. What he hadn’t mentioned was the fact that he was requesting a deep, hostile extraction for a POW. He’d have that particular argument at a later date.

“He’s passed out again. We shouldn’t move him too much. I think he might have spinal damage, beside the broken bones and blood loss,” Luna reported.

“That’s fine, there’s no where decent to hide anyway. Might as well stay here where we can see,” Remedy added, returning from his sweep.

“Fine, though you stay on point.”

“Bah, I’m always on point. Why do I always gotta do it?”

“Because you like it dumb arse.”

“Oh yeah, ok then.” With that Remedy spun on his heel and went back around the edge of the clearing to maintain a lookout point. Luna and Markus shared another look. The little squad hadn’t been together long but they worked well together.

Luna spoke first, “Do you think they’ll bring us news of Vincent?”

Markus nodded, “Yeah, or I hope so at least. He out again?”

“I gave him a shot of morphine so he’ll be out for an hour at least. When do we call it quits, Markus? We are all starting to fade.”

“I know. Give it another couple of hours. We’ll make sure the War Idiot doesn’t manage to rally his troops then call in an extraction.”

They waited in silence for about twenty minutes. Remedy checked in with a comms click every few minutes, but that was the only break in the monotony of waiting. Still, there was no complaining either, it was probably their only chance to rest for another few hours. At least the rain had slackened off.

The familiar sound of VTOL blades was a welcome one, and it landed without any issues. Markus ran out to meet the medic, and to fetch a stretcher so to load the ‘Mech pilot on. The medic looked quizzically at the injured man, and then at Markus, who nodded and leaned in to yell in the medic’s ear.


Nodding his understanding, the medic stepped aside from strapping Jamis into the stretcher and allowed Luna and Markus to do the heavy lifting, sliding the stretcher as gently as possible into the waiting bay of the VTOL. Before closing the door the medic handed Markus a note, which he grabbed before retreating quickly to the tree line as the VTOL beat skyward once again.

Markus was grinning by the time he finished reading the note.

“Lockout is concussed but otherwise uninjured,” he said over comms, “Remedy, bring it in. Let’s finish this recon and then get the hell out of here.”

“Amen to that.”

Route 250
East of New Saars
Novo Franklin
11th Oct 3079, 1015 Hours Local Time

Loch hid a groan as he looked into the rear view mirrors. That stupid son of a bitch Hayner had run his transport off the road again. The J-27’s passenger side tracks were buried up to above its hubs in the thick black mud that lined the ditches. The trailer was the only thing that kept the rest of the cab from being sucked into the mire.

Loch grabbed the radio from its clamp on the sun visor and hit the comm button and tried to keep the frustration out of his voice.

“Gusty, radio for a tow. It appears that Mr. Hayner has lost control of his truck.” He tried to keep the “again” out of his voice.

James “Gusty” Guzman snorted through the radio, “Hayner! You Dumbfuck, how can you drive off the road. It’s a gawd-damned straight road.”

“I didn’t do it on purpose.” Robert Hayner replied, a bit petulant. “Friggin Day-Quail ran out in front of me.”

“Day-Quail, my ass.” Gusty chuckled again. “Things are hibernating this time of year.”

“Ok people, let’s give it a rest and get our truck out of here. It’s starting to get dark around here.”

“Yes sir.” Gusty chuckled and clicked off. Loch could hear his truck rev down as Gusty put it into neutral. He stepped out of his truck and walked around the front. The nip in the air sent a chill down his back, but it was fresh and crisp. Only the smell of the black ooze that Hayner had disturbed added any odour, character to the evening breeze.

“Base said 45 on the eta.” Gusty walked up puffing on a cigarette. Loch nodded that he had heard.

“I thought you gave that up Gusty?” He twitched an eyebrow at the smoke.

“Had to have something to do after giving up the weed.” Gusty smiled widely though his wide, tar stained, smile. The rakish grin pulled a grin and chuckled. One of the few smiles he had been able to give.

His mind tried to drift back to the JumpShip and that night before they landed on Terra. Rachael had been a beautiful, remarkable lady. Her bright red hair and laughing green eyes danced when she smiled. Such a radiant smile had caught his eye. Her biting wit and sharp mind had captured his heart. The nights they had spent together had been beyond wonderful, much better than a drifter boy from Lost had ever thought he was going to find.

His lips curled by themselves as he recalled that night. He could still remember that sneer as that arrogant slob named Garth pushed him. He taunted Loch about the rape and murder of Rachael. That disgusting sneer burned into his mind. His heart raced and his pulse pounded in his ears. He backed into the wall, Garth breathed his disgusting breath. Loch felt something snap. His hand curled itself around a spanner. He took a breath and swung.

Even now, Loch could still hear the MechWarrior’s jaw snap as the spanner connected. Teeth flew and blood sprayed across the decks. The stunned look on the pocked face was glorious, something Loch would remember to his dying day. Or, at least, one of the images he would remember.

The backswing caught Garth in the stomach, driving the breath from his lungs in an explosive whoosh. He hunched forward, a reflex to the blow. Loch raised the heavy spanner over his head like the axe of an executioner. The green light of a safed airlock caught his eye, and his grin became pure evil. He adjusted his down stroke, hammering it against the MechWarrior’s lower spine. The bone gave way with a sharp crack and Garth crumpled to the deck as his legs lost their ability to function forever.

Green turned to amber as the door to the airlock swished open. Garth was a heavy man, but a life’s worth of hauling heavy freight with his father had long since turned any baby fat into muscle. He still couldn’t lift the man. Instead he grabbed Garth by the back of his jacket and dragged him towards the death that waited for him. His legs dragged lifelessly but his arms began to thrash lethargically as his blurry mind began to realize what awaited him.

One final convulsive heave thrust Garth completely though the lock’s inner door, thudding to the deck. Terror sparked from Garth’s eyes as he struggled to set up and claw his way out of the lock. Loch simply stepped back and hit the closure button with his own evil sneer. The door swished shut with a satisfying clang.

Loch looked through the window on the door and held his hand over the lock release. He paused a moment, only a moment as his conscience panged sharply. Viciously he hammered the doubt deep into this soul and pressed his hand on the button.

The rumbling of the oncoming tow woke him from his reverie. Loch blinked once, twice and cleared his eyes.

“Finally awake, beauty?” Gusty walked up.

“You should have let me know they were coming.”

“I would have, ‘cept the look on your face told me you’d rather kill me, or anybody else who bothered you.” Gusty’s eyes lost some of their seriousness.

“I’m not that bad.” Loch protested.

“It’s getting better, boyo, but you’ve still got a ways to go.”

Loch merely raised an eyebrow and cuffed the old man on the shoulder as he moved by to talk to the crew of the tow truck.

“Hey Loch, Hayner put another one in the ditch?”

“That’s what it looks like. Let’s get it out of the ditch before it gets to dark.”

“Aye, we’ll take care of it, I might take a moment or two. We do need to get moving, there’s some foot hanging around the hills to the north of here. Command is sending a hover down to keep an eye out.”

Loch nodded and let his mind drift as the tow crew went to work. They could have pulled Hayner’s stupid ass out, but the J-27’s really weren’t designed to pull anything but a trailer.

His mind went back again, but not that far back this time. Another planet swirled in his mind’s eye, a blue and white marble, the womb of humanity. The DMM facility at Alice Springs was a sprawling affair, and it had taken a little time, and the help of a toothless old man to find the Black Star’s recruitment center. A few weeks later found him stepping off the DropShip on the sands of Novo Franklin.

The whining whistle of an approaching hover woke him from his thoughts again. Loch grinned again as one thought crossed his mind. Couldn’t a guy get lost in his own head for a while? He looked up at the approaching craft and his grin turned to a frown. A Savannah Master? That wasn’t a hovercraft, it was a tin can and a fan blade.

The pilot brought the ‘Master to a stop and opened the hatch.

“I thought they were going to send us a hover?” Loch tried to tweak the pilot.

“They did, anything bigger would have intimidated you.” The pilot grinned and Gusty barked a laugh.

A shot rang out and the hover pilot slumped over the edge of the cockpit. Loch dropped into a crouch and tried to identify the attackers. Gusty dove towards his truck. Hayner flew backwards from the top of the trailer as two more shots jerked his feet out from under him. Loch felt exposed. His truck was too far away and the only cover was the hover.

Loch’s mind hiccup’ed for just a moment as it changed gears. Without thought, he ran for the hover, rounds whined over and around him. Some of them plinked against the body of the hover. He dove into the cockpit, throwing the dead pilot over the edge, onto the ground. The crew had taken cover, and Gusty had even managed to drop one of them.

Loch looked at the controls. They LOOKED like they had similar functions, he was certainly familiar with the yoke and the buttons were clearly labelled. He punched one and twitched as the canopy closed. The throttles fit into his hand and he felt the fans bite as he eased them open. Bullets still twanged, but the canopy held and Loch moved the controls around to get a feel. The hover seemed to move intuitively, though a little skittish in the reins.

A trooper appeared over the levee, aiming at the crouched crewmembers. Loch laid his hand over an indiscrete little joystick. The targeting pip on the canopy moved. He laid the pip over the trooper and pressed the joystick down. Ruby light stabbed out and burned a hole in the chest trooper, high and to the right. The man crumpled to the ground and another took his place. Loch nailed the throttles and the hover leapt like a spurred horse. He swung around the dike, the hover started to slide. He eased the controls and regained control of the hover. He’d have to remember the tendency to slide.

The Savannah Master turned and Loch laid the pip over the next target. He pressed the joystick just as the hover jerked. The shot flew wide, catching the soldier on the arm, severing it from the rest of his shoulder. The man fell screaming as the laser cauterized the stump.

Loch turned to find a new target, but the troopers had enough. They turned and ran. Only the tree line saved them. That and the need for Loch to hang around.

He brought the hover to a rest beside the trucks and popped the canopy.

Gusty pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and grinned. “That was certainly lively.”

“Dominance Tor”, Gould Clan Fortress
New Saar Capitol, Novo Franklin
13th October 3079, 1200 Hours Local Time

“My Lord! It was not my fault!” O’Connor pleaded with the older man. “If my troops hadn’t broken like cowards, we would have defeated them! Punish the cowards, not those of us who are your most loyal.”

War Master Gould’s voice was almost a purr as he spoke softly, his manner almost that of a snake regarding a fat mouse. “Yet this does not explain why you ran as well. The Mercenaries I expected, all such money troopers are naught but cowards at heart. But YOU retreated as well.”

“Lord, I HAD to! When the peasants and cowards broke, I was left to fight alone. My remaining would achieve nothing but my death.” O’Connor tried to look righteous and adjusted his sling, tightening it so it cradled his wounded arm closer to his body. “Someone had to return to tell you the truth of the day! Otherwise you would hear nothing but lies from scum trying to save their own pathetic lives!”

“You mean like the stories I have heard, of YOU ordering a retreat? That sort of lie?” Gould’s voice dropped even lower, almost to a whisper.

“Exactly my Lord! I gave no such order…. That is the sort of thing I was concerned about, that traitors would try to shift the blame for their failure onto those of us who remained loyal! Besides that, I COULDN’T give any order at that point! My ‘Mech was damaged in the fight against a Black Star ‘Mech.” He gestured at his wounded arm. “I’d been injured, but I almost had him! If the cowards had not broken and run away, I WOULD have taken his head! Anyway, my ‘Mech’s com-gear was damaged, I couldn’t send or receive anything.”

Gould nodded. “So…. what would you have done to the ones who fled the battle? What would your decree be, if you were in my position? What punishment is appropriate for such cowardice?”

O’Connor relaxed slightly as he concluded that the War Master was accepting his version of events. “Punishment or reward lies in your hands, Lord, as it should be, but were it up to me, I would say that nothing less than impalement would suffice! None should be allowed to defy your will.” He smiled inwardly, as he thought of the screams and blood such a punishment would bring, not to mention being able to rid himself of a few more potential rivals.

Gould smiled coldly. “I’m so glad we are in agreement.” He motion for Kolbe to step forward. “Fortunately, Major Kolbe’s com-gear was NOT damaged, and her recording gear didn’t suffer the unfortunate malfunctions that yours did, so we were able to view the recordings for ourselves.”

O’Connor paled as he began to realize that things were NOT as he had thought they were.

“Imagine my surprise, when I heard the ever so loyal Colonel O’Connor order a general retreat. The fact that this occurred moments after the enemy had managed to inflict painful, but non-life threatening wounds on his person makes this doubly fascinating.

O’Connor started to speak, but fell silent as Gould motioned to one of the guards, who pointed his pistol at the shocked MechWarrior and relieved him of his side-arm.

“At least the Mercenary admitted to his actions, cowardly though they were.” He motioned to Major Kolbe. “And Major Kolbe has been kind enough to demonstrate to me, through the use of simulation programs, that he made the correct tactical decisions, if not the bravest. So they will not be punished at this time. Their actions will not be forgotten though.”

Gould sat back in his throne. “We have also reviewed the tactical situation at the main battle… Again, the decision to pull back was the correct one… IF it had been done properly, ordering a fighting withdrawal… allowing the units engaged to support each other as they withdrew… but this is not what was done! By ordering the retreat in the manner you did, you guaranteed a panicked rout! You COULD have saved at least twice the forces you did from destruction, instead you lost almost all of the forces I trusted you with! Then, as if that was not enough, you chose to lie to me!” Gould’s voice steadily rose during his tirade. “Did you not think I would discover your lies!? Did you not believe I would discover your deceptions!?”

O’Connor could not speak, his tongue was tied by his terror.

Gould looked over at Kolbe. “Jessica… while impaling this fool would be MOST satisfying, we don’t have the time. Would you?” He made a small gesture at his former advisor.

“Of course, my Lord.” Kolbe nodded as she drew her pistol.

O’Connor fell without a word as the bullet shattered his skull.

Jessica lowered her pistol, but did not holster it yet. Turning back to face Gould, she smiled. “I do have one other bit of business today, War Master, if it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”

Basking in the afterglow a good execution always gave him, the War Master smiled indulgently at his new senior advisor. “Of course, Jessica, I always have time for loyal servants, we can decide our next move against the southern scum later today.”

Jessica nodded. “My thanks, Lord.” Squaring her shoulders, she kept on, her tone light and reasonable. “Unfortunately, I must report one additional complication. Another threat to the war effort.”

Gould sat up, intently eyeing Kolbe. “Who would dare!?” The man questioned, then gestured at O’Connor’s bleeding corpse. “How many fools must be killed before they cease resisting me?”

“Just one more, My Lord.” Jessica smiled. “Once he is removed, things will go much more smoothly, I believe.”

“A spy?” Gould demanded. “The one who has been giving all our plans to the enemy? Bring him here! His death will last for weeks!”

“So you desire that the one who has led your forces to ruin be executed my Lord? You do not wish to keep him alive for another purpose?” Jessica questioned the elderly ruler.

“I want the treasonous bastard dead!” Gould snarled, “I want him destroyed as an example for all such traitors!”

Jessica smiled broadly. “As you command, so shall it be.” She raised her pistol, aiming at the old man. “War Master Stephen Gould, you sit condemned out of your own mouth, having passed your own sentence. By your actions and paranoia, you have substantially weakened the war effort for New Saars, and significantly harmed the men fighting for this nation. You yourself are the single worst obstacle to New Saars dominance. At this point, we will be lucky to hold onto what has already been taken, any further such follies will lead only to our total destruction.” She shrugged. “Perhaps once you are gone, we will be able to discuss peace with the southerners… we need time to rebuild, and will not get it so long as you live.”

Gould’s face reddened with rage. “Guards! Kill this traitor!”

Jessica just smiled. “You seem determined to prove my point. Did you forget just WHO sets your guard schedule? Such a shame that you decided to send them away today. But who would have guessed that O’Connor would turn traitor like that? And that he would be able to kill you before I could bring him down?” Jessica shrugged. “Ah well, such is the way of things.”

Gould never heard the shot.


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Re: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2011, 05:51:14 AM »

“Dominance Tor”, Former Gould Clan Fortress
New Saar Capitol, Novo Franklin
21st October 3079, 1600 Hours Local Time

Dominarch Kolbe signed the last of the decrees with a flourish and sat back in her new throne. Who knew that taking over half the planet would require so much paperwork?

“Any word in response to our offer?” Jessica asked her advisors softly.

“Yes, Dominarch… the UDF council has responded favourably to your request for a cessation of hostilities… provided you make some concessions.” The man winced, clearly remembering the previous ruler’s general reaction to anything less than total compliance with his wishes.

“Concessions?” Kolbe asked gently. “I would be surprised should it be otherwise. What concessions do they demand?”

Taking a deep breath, the young diplomat squared his shoulders and read from a list.

“Point one: The UDF requires that New Saars release all POW’s and other prisoners forthwith and provide escort to the nearest convenient UDF territory.

Point two: that New Saars cease aggressive actions and withdraw its forces from the principalities now comprising the line of conflict. These consisting of Clementi, New Kargill, the Duchy of Dragan, and Foster’s reach.

Point Three: that New Saars dismiss all mercenaries in their employ.

Point Four: New Saars will agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the new planetary constitution. New Saars will retain local sovereignty, and will be permitted to send representatives to the general assembly, but all interstellar relations will be the province of the planetary council..

Point Five: is a list of reparations required… My Dominarch, it is a long list.”

Jessica leaned over and took the list from the terrified young man. “Relax… I’ll not be such a ruler as Gould was. Speak honestly and you’ve nothing to fear from me.”

She scanned the documents, flipping back and forth until she was sure she had the gist of everything. “Surprisingly fair, considering… but still, the demands will sting a bit. Even if we could afford to keep the mercenaries we have, much less those that Gould hired in secret, the reparations would make sure that we’d have to dismiss them regardless.”

Sitting back in her throne, Kolbe rubbed her forehead. “Add in the rebuilding costs and we’re in for some lean times.”

The young diplomat started to speak, but thought better of it and fell silent.

“Yes?” Jessica asked. “You something to say?”

“Yes, My Dominarch.” The young man stammered. “The Black Star response mentioned a way to get them to release any claim of conquest. If we are willing to divert the incoming mercenary unit to a port of their choosing, they agree to quit any claims on New Saars.”

Kolbe winced. “I wouldn’t want to be on that ship when it lands.” She shrugged. “So be it, Gould hired them with money he didn’t have. When we break contract we’ll lose the rest of our escrowed payment anyway… and the LAST thing we need is a battalion of mercenaries wandering about loose…. We’ll let the Black Stars take their pound of flesh out of the other mercs.”

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
24th October 3079, 1000 Hours Local Time

Zi Long grinned at the dishevelled Trenchard again as the Posavski retainer & spokesman for the Franklin Trustees rumbled off a string of terms and conditions that the UDF had placed upon New Saars. Most of them were common sensical points – something that Zi Long had worried for a while that nobles and leaders of the Franklin Trustees might missed out.

Drunk with victory and hungry for vengeance, the very first council meeting among the Trustee members had seen ridiculous and impossible demands like execution of the entire New Saars Militia leadership, transfer of over half of New Saars’ population to the victors’ territories as slaves, as well as all rebuilding costs on Novo Franklin to be borne by New Saars.

Fortunately, Prince Ljudevit Posavski had a much cooler head on his shoulders. Backed by Trenchard, the pair of them had managed to calm the blood thirsty Council members into accepting a much more humane list of surrender terms.

Trenchard had found the end of the civil war that had devastated Novo Franklin much more of a challenge than during the fight. Political manoeuvring and closed door deals reared their ugly heads as each Council member sought to advance their own advantage in the aftermath of the conflict. Still, the Price and Trenchard had displayed surprisingly political savvy and skills since the end of hostilities. End of hostilities? Hell, the fighting in the Council chambers had been more savage than those in the field!

“Have you been listening to what I’ve been saying Zhao?” Trenchard demanded as he noticed the vacant stare of the Black Star commander.

“Of course I have Trenchard.” Zi Long shrugged. “Still, you have to admit that many of the points you mentioned are but slight modifications of the earlier mentioned terms and conditions.” The Chinese man used a light marker and highlighted one of the many points on the papers laid out before him. He recapped the marker and pointed at the sentence. “For example, expanding Lord Jonah’s fiefdom by five kilometres isn’t all that different from the previous proposed ten now is it?”

“It’ll satisfy his ego.” Trenchard replied as his right hand rose to sweep through his hair. “And it’ll get him off my back.”

“His territory is situated next to a river for cryin’ out loud.” Zi Long rolled his eyes. “He wanted a ten klick expansion so that he can set up a toll station – maybe even multiple stations along the river. Reducing it from ten to five basically cut short his claim to the OTHER side of the river bank, but his new borders would still extend to the shores on the other side of the river.”

Trenchard chewed his lips slightly. There had been many such cases where nobles had put up conditions that would line their own pockets, and hoping that the overworked Trenchard and Prince would miss these seemingly little details.

“And then there’s…”

“Alright, alright. I’ll give them a more thorough go through.” Trenchard threw both his hands up in the air in surrender.

“See? I know you’d come to your senses.” Zi Long winked at the one time Black Star. “It would be so much easier on yourself if you and your people go through the terms rather than come to me. You know I’ll just take the chance to make fun of you.” The Taurian smirked. “Not that I don’t enjoy needling you of course…”

“Shove it Zhao.” Trenchard retorted. His features softened as he picked up the cup of black liquid from the table. Zi Long had actually offered his personal stock to Trenchard, and the latter had found the thick and fragrant aroma of the coffee more refreshing than any number of showers and massage sessions. “You sure the Black Stars won’t consider staying around? Your exploits in the war had your stock shooting through the roof.” The older man shot Zi Long a withering stare. “I’m sure you and your people had flamed things a bit of course, but the last I heard, people would be willing to offer your unit payment as if you’re the Wolf Dragoons.”

Zi Long pulled a package of cigarette from his pocket and looked back at Trenchard with a straight face. “I have absolutely NO idea what you’re talking about.” He lighted one of the white paper sticks before staring back at the Franklin Trustee liaison. “I’d advice you pay more attention to Baron Gary Aplast and Lord Jack Carlo. Those two seemed to have the idea that hiring the Black Stars might actually helped their quest to take over Novo Franklin – not that their ideas are impossible of course.”

Trenchard’s eyes narrowed. “You’re telling me those two idiots are planning a mutiny?”

“I’m telling you that with the biggest shark out of the sea, the smaller ones are coming out seeking prey.” The mercenary officer poured himself another mug of coffee and refilled Trenchard’s empty container. “If I were you, I’d look at having them monitored – REAL closely.”

“I wish I could, but my resources are stretched.” Trenchard sighed and he flopped into one of the chairs before Zi Long’s table. “Financially, we’re screwed. Added to that, many of the factions that contributed to the UDF are asking for the return of their citizens, citing the need to defend their own lands from rampaging hordes of former New Saars soldiers.” He stared at the ceiling of the room.

“In short, Novo Franklin is breaking apart now even before the Franklin Trustees could get things reorganized.” Zi Long summarised. It was not the first time Trenchard, the Prince or the Council had approached the Black Stars to extend their stay on the Deep Periphery world. Added to that were the various subtle and less than hidden offers for their services from the other nobles. Novo Franklin was living up to its own after all.

“My people have had enough of this place Trenchard.” Zi Long replied instead. “If they need to clear streets after streets of frenzy charging infantry again, half of them will go mad. And I’m quite sure that no one here can uphold the silly offers they presented to me.” He looked at Trenchard. “Not even the Prince and the Trustee.”

Trenchard lowered his eyes to the table. “So your decision’s already been made?”

“I already had Harding check for other possible contracts on the table that might be of interest to us.” Zi Long nodded. “We should be leaving end of December as per our contract.”

Trenchard smiled at the Black Stars Captain. “After you skin Rossi’s Armoured Legion?”

“Pfff. They picked the wrong side, and they picked the wrong time.” Zi Long snorted. “It’s our right to claim ransom from them in exchange for their safe release yes?”

“I don’t want to know.” Trenchard laughed.

“By the way, what are you guys doing about the mercs that Gould hired?” Zi Long asked, taking another puff from his cigarette.

“The UDF is going to hire the Mechjocks. They are now fighting over which ‘Mechs get assigned to which province.” Trenchard sneered. “I think they forgot that all their machines have been reduced to less than salvage.”

“Which is why you’re hiring the Silver Sabres instead?” Zi Long grinned at the older man.

“Hey, I can’t help it if the others’ eyes light up at the word BattleMech.” Trenchard shrugged. “I’ve took your suggestion and spoke to Major Al-Sabayah. He seems pretty decent – not at all someone I imagined under the employment of Gould. He’s a proud man, and his unit reflected his honour. I think we’ve made a right decision offering him and his people a job.”

Zi Long nodded. “I can’t say the same about those hiring on the other mercs.”

“I’ll leave you to your plotting than.” Trenchard stood. “I don’t think I want to know how you’re gonna deal with the Armoured Legion when they arrive.” He stopped and looked back at the still seated Zi Long. “I trust that you won’t blow up my Drop Port or anything?”

Zi Long grinned. “Trust me.”

“Not even if my life depended on it.” Trenchard spat as he opened the door to Zi Long’s office and walked out. Another man was waiting outside. He bowed slightly at the passing Trenchard before knocking on Zi Long’s open door.

Zi Long waved to the former citizen of Scal Township. “Come on in Leslie.”

Leslie McNaughton, one of the few survivors of the mining town of Scal walked stiffly into the room. Him and his detachment of miners had served as engineers and sappers under Zi Long, setting up ambushes and laying minefields with grim determination against the New Saars Militia that had all but destroyed their home town.

“What can I help you with Mr. McNaughton?” Zi Long asked pleasantly.

The man seemed to struggle internally for a bit before raising his head. “We’ve heard that the Black Stars are leaving Novo Franklin by the end of the year Sir.”

Zi Long nodded. “We’ve done our job. It’s time for us to move on and let your fellow citizens sort out how you want to run your little world.”

“I understand that Sir.” Leslie nodded slightly. “I was, I mean, me and my people were thinking - if the Black Stars do not mind, we would like to follow you.”

Zi Long continued to gaze at the young but weathered man. The Scal miners had performed admirably – much better in fact than many of the UDF regular soldiers. They were well motivated, skilled and fought with bravery. They were not soldiers. “I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your offer Leslie.”

Zi Long raised an arm, stopping the other man’s protest. “It’s not that I do not consider you poor fighters. Heck, I’m sure many other units would have jumped at the chance to have you and your folks as part of their engineering team.” He smiled at the man. “But this is your home. While Scal Township had been all but decimated by the New Saars Militia, you still have civilians under New Saars custody – civilians whom they are going to release soon. You are what’s left of those who can lead them to a better life, rebuild your homes. You owe that to the late Mineboss Robert Parker at least.”

Leslie stood unmoving before the steely gaze of the mercenary officer. Reports coming back from New Saars had indicated that there had been much more Scal survivors than he had thought. There were even man folk among the survivors. The numbers were a far cry from the original population of what was one the largest mining town on Novo Franklin, but it was a start.

“Very well Sir.” Leslie raised his head. “I’ll heed your advice. But I would still like to see about joining the Black Stars if things ever settled down here on Novo Franklin.”

Zi Long grinned. “And I’ll be more than happy to have you with us.”


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Re: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2011, 05:51:48 AM »

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
31st October 3079, 0900 Hours Local Time

“STACK… ARMS!” David bellowed his command as the company of demobilizing infantry waited for dismissal.

Once the confused troopers had completed their task, and waiting Black Stars had gathered up the weapons, David continued. “I’m sure you all want to be getting some rack time, so I’ll be making this short… As you are no doubt aware, your unit has been recalled from UDF service to your home district now that hostilities are concluded. That being the case, your separation from service is now being processed and you should be on your way back home within the next few days.”

David paused, waiting for the cheers to die down. “Now I’m sure you were unaware of this, but your local rulers seem to be under the mistaken impression that you will be returning to them with all your current equipment. This is not the case. Under the terms signed forming the UDF under the auspices of the Franklin Trustees, all equipment issued to you in UDF service remains UDF property even should you be released and must be returned to stores upon your separation from service.”

“WHAT?!” A brightly dressed noble bellowed from the sidelines. “What’s this?! What sort of treachery are you pushing here!?”

David turned to face the angry man, his eyebrow raised in amusement. “No treachery at all… Just seeing to it that the terms YOU agreed to are followed.”

“By disarming us?! We’ll be helpless! We NEED those weapons to defend ourselves!” The man spluttered, his face becoming redder as his anger and frustration rose.

David shook his head sadly. “Actually, you mean that if you don’t have those weapons and the vehicles you have tried to claim, that you will be unable to force your rather spurious claim to the town of Gersten Gap. And you are not being disarmed, you still have your allotted self-defence forces… I believe Bolton district is allotted one BattleMech, three light tanks, and an even half-dozen gun carriers in addition to its battalion of infantry…. which is already equipped I understand.”

“With Bolt-action rifles older than I am!” The noble spat back. “Hardly equivalent gear!”

David shrugged. “Better equipment than you had at the start of this war… just not enough to get stroppy with your neighbours. Besides, I thought your forces were for defence? The limits you agreed to under the Constitution YOU signed, allow you a local militia for defence, and the UDF is tasked with assisting you should off-world raiders too strong for you make an appearance, or should your neighbours start something unjustified”

“We are supposed to trust them?! They threw our representative off the command staff!”

David shrugged. “Well, then he shouldn’t have gotten caught trying to redirect council funds to line his own pocket…. As it was, he’s lucky Posavski stepped in, otherwise I would have hung the bastard! Anyway, you could have appointed a replacement.”

“We tried! They won’t seat him!” The man blustered.

“Of course not!” David shook his head. “To have a seat on the board, you have to contribute men and material to the UDF.” He motioned at the troopers standing at attention behind him. “When you withdrew your troops, you gave up your steading’s position on the board.”

David smiled at the apoplectic nobleman. “Don’t feel so bad, you aren’t the only province to get caught this way.” He grinned. “If you ask nice, I’ll let you watch this afternoon when we let your neighbours from Harcourt district know the good news.”

6th November 3079, 1800 Hours Local Time

David took another swig of the cheap rotgut that Zhao had provided. Just a few swallows more and the amount he allowed himself would be gone.

“Pah!” He grimaced. “Nasty stuff!”

“Don’t like it, you don’t have to drink it, boy!” Zhao grinned from across the table. “It’ll put hair on your chest!... Or take it off.”

David just shook his head. “If I ever get to liking this crap, I’ll know I’m a worthless Sot like you! I’m drinking it because its alcohol and available… and safer than the local garbage, you drink it because you like it!”

Zhao just tipped his glass back and chose not to answer.

Setting his glass back down on the table, David unfolded a map. “OK, now for the important crap, before you get too drunk to see straight.”

Pulling out a grease pencil, he made a few notations directly on the map. “Rossi’s Mule is supposed to land…. here. The artillery pieces will be under camo nets here, here, and… here. Along this ridgeline, overlooking the LZ, we are setting up rocket batteries, and behind this hill we plan to have a couple platoons of mortars. Transport and engineering are getting the parts in place as we speak, and we expect to be totally set up by the thirteenth, with Rossi expected sometime after the fifteenth, and before the twenty-second of this month.”

Zhao nodded. “Any problems I need to be aware of?”

David shrugged. “Not since those idiot on the 3rd.”

One of the demobilizing UDF units had attempted to circumvent the disarmament portion of the process, trying to leave a few days early without the benefit of orders. Unfortunately for them, their plans had been detected early, and they were rounded up by Black Star troopers in support of loyal UDF MP’s. As deserters, the unit’s officers were facing possible execution once their trials were completed, and the lower rankers would be lucky to get off with only ten years at hard labour in one of the penal battalions.

Zhao took another swig of rot-gut. “Should have just shot the lot of them. Wouldn’t have to listen to all the whining and crying on from their home district that way.”

David smiled coldly. “Maybe not, but once the trials are over, Trenchard thinks he can get one of the officers to roll on his home district commander so he can get his neck out of the noose. Once they can prove a conspiracy, they have the excuse they need to slap a whole boatload of sanctions on them. MIGHT send a message to the other bottom feeders to keep their heads down and their games limited in scope.”

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
6th November 3079, 1900 hours

Zi Long breathed a deep breath as he strolled through the temporary compounds that had served as the headquarters of the Black Stars for nearly the past year. The level of activity had died down considerably after the hectic training that the mercenaries had imposed on the locals, as well as the intense combat against the New Saars forces that had ultimately cumulated to the death and dethroning of War Master Steven Gould and the installation of Kolbe as the new ruler of New Saars Principality. The Black Stars were preparing for what should be their final operation here on Novo Franklin - the skinning of the incoming Rossi's Armoured Legion.

The mercenary Captain turned a corner into the massive 'Mech and vehicle bays and looked at the small number of machines that had served the Black Stars so well. A few technicians and engineers were doing maintenance checks on some of the war machines - nothing major since all repairs had already been completed in the month since the cessation of hostilities between the UDF and New Saars Militia.

"And how is your day going?"

Zi Long turned towards the voice and noticed the commander of Trouble Inc. leaning against a crate, similarly looking at the activities within the base. "So far so good... but than its still rather early for me." The mercenary officer grinned.

James shrugged and smiled. "True. It is middle evening here for us normal people."

Zi Long laughed lightly at that remark. "You can't blame me for celebrating a little yes?"

"I'm not." The CO of the Black Stars' VTOL unit smiled as well.

"I've been improving. The local quartermasters haven't been able to find what I want." Zi Long complained. "All they have is some rat's piss that burns your hair off. I'm pretty sure Trenchard and Prince Posavski have some personal stash though." He winked. "I might have to arrange Lantern and his people to do a raid for me."

"I don't have the correct requisition forms either." James replied with a nod.

"I'm sorry?" Zi Long looked at his fellow 'Star with a frown on his brow. "Requisition forms?"

"Requisitioning of supplies requires forms." James replied. "The correct forms."

"I know what requisition forms are." The Chinese man replied with another laugh. "I'm asking what you meant by saying you don't have the correct forms."

"I making a withdrawal of supplies without forms." The Trouble Inc. CO answered. "Screw the paperwork. Some poor supply officer will have a fit."

"What are you taking?" Zi Long asked.

"I hadnt' decided yet." The other mercenary sighed. "I'm thinking some medical supplies, maybe a few crates of rifles."

Zi Long's eyes lighted up at the thought. "Confiscated contraband porno material might be nice... we're on Novo Franklin after all."

"What?" James turned towards Zi Long with a twinkle in his eyes. "You want me to stage a raid for Trenchard's private collection?"

Zi Long smirked. "We all think that the local girls as only slightly better than goats. Having some pretty things of ogle at - even if they're just on holovid might be a nice change and a boost to unit morale."

"What was that petty noble kid's name?" James rubbed his chin in thought. "The one with the thing for Nikita?"

"Can't remember. Will have to check back with David." Zi Long replied.

"He might have a collection." James grinned.

Zi Long rolled his eyes. "Yes... and when we switched them all... eighty percent of them will be of Nikita."

"Now that's a thought." James continued. "Even better we can set up a holovid and record what she did to him."

"She didn't do anything to him - sadly..." Zi Long sighed.

James mirrored his CO. "Only because David said not to."

Zi Long sighed again. "Indeed. Ten-Bears is such a party pooper sometimes.."

"I guess it balances you out." James grinned before looking back into the bay. "Just think what that vid would be worth on the Bondage market though."

"Yeah - and Nightmare would be invited to join the best of the Canopian Circuses as well." Zi Long smirked. "THAT would be one heck of a career change for her."

"Hmmmm. Maybe we build up a collection of the local stuff here." James continued. "We might be able to sell them to the real sicko's back in civilization."

"Now, now." Zi Long chided. "You shouldn't talk about Harding behind his back like this."

"Farmer John does his Farm." James suggested. "I'll sell to him too if his cash is good."

Both men laughed at the thought before James asked again. "By the way, any news on our next contract?"

"We're looking at a couple. Might be doing riot duties for the Marians next, or maybe something back in the Inner Sphere. Contracts come and go quickly. There's a couple offered by the Free Worlds League and SLDF, as well as some from the Dracs and Lyrans." Zi Long replied.

James nodded. "I'm thinking of getting squads of Fa Shih, Rotweillers, Kanazuchi for Trouble Inc. when we get the chance."

Zi Long looked at his fellow officer, eyes widening. "You are?"

"Yup. Was thinking of Partisans initially, but if we can get the Kanzuchis, they will most likely be base defence." James explained. "If our next contract is riot duty they will work well."

"I can already picture the Kanazuchi Battle Armour squads wading through the Marian mobs..."

"Want Cormorants first though." James continued before turning towards Zi Long again. "Had another real nice thought on riot suppression - smoke missiles." He grinned. "We just load the smoke missiles with tear gas."

Zi Long spread his palms wide, fingers extended. "Smoke grenades, tear gas, water jets, stun batons, riot shields, rubber bullets, sonic stunners..." He looked up with a savage grin. "And neuro whips. Basically anything non-lethal."

James nodded. "I'm also giving thought to a pair of conventional fighters. I could do a low pass down main street and kick in afterburners, the sonic boom would be a real sonic stunner." He laughed. "Of course you had better make sure we have glass coverage."

Zi Long shook his head. "I'd rather we be staying inside our tanks and 'Mechs if u don't mind thank you."

James winked. "We can definitely rock the town."

Zi Long nodded. "Definitely."

"Heavy Strike fighters are only about a half mil c-bills each. I should have enough cash to purchase those."

Zi Long did a mental calculation. "Actually, after this contract, plus what I think you already have in your accounts, you have enough cash to purchase like sixty of these."

James snickered. "I am imagining flyin' over a battlefield and dropping 6 squads of Fa Shih on my opponent."

Zi Long scratched his chin. "I, on the other hand, is trying to imagine Fa Shih Battle Armour suits being clipped on your under wing pylons."

James nodded. "All I need then is a trigger release launch stud, and then the pilot can drop them."

The two men laughed again. Both did not realize how a good laugh could relax them. The fighting for the past few months and stretched everyone tight both mentally and physically - quality of the opponent notwithstanding.

"Any new conquests lately?" James asked with a wink. "You might wanna check out Blutgarten Village before we go."

"What the hell for?" Zi Long asked.

"You remember the Locust we spotted there when we hit it? Apparently, it was a tech who piloted it rather than the actual Mechjock." James explained. "The pilot who wanted his 'Mech fixed left it unlocked, which was how the tech managed to get it running."

"I still don't get your point James."

"Who wants to hang around a hangar when there is a whore house a few blocks away." James winked at his commander. "That area was believed to be safe 'cuz it was way back there behind the front lines."

"Or so they thought." Zi Long smiled. "Local whore house eh. I don't know James, its like the natives girls' all had fathers who have had rather vigorous run-ins with the local mountain goats."

"Actually those might look better than the locals."

"Indeed. If the local man look as bad as the woman folk." Zi Long pulled out a packet of cigarettes. "Which might explain why they did what they did. Its a vicious cycle I guess..." He extended his open packet to James.

James refused the offer from Zi Long. "Don't forget that enough of the local brew will make the men go blind enough that the ugly ones stand a chance to get laid too."

Zi Long took a puff from the stick in his mouth. "The ugly ones? You mean there are other types other than these?"

"Well, I guess that is all relative now isn't it?" James conceded.

"So it should have been the uglier ones than now, shouldn't it?" Zi Long grinned.

"I think Captain Zhao Zi Long just called a technical foul!" James laughed. "It is almost like splitting hairs."

Zi Long frowned in mock deep thought. "But... the hair on the girl's back are thick enough that you'll have to split them with chainsaws..."

James raised an eyebrow. "That is one hell of a deforestation program you are starting! Are you sure there is significant ROI?"

Zi Long snorted. "We're the 'Stars. we do things no one, and i mean absolutely no one wants even to think about." He paused for a while. "But then again, the Silver Sabres would have all the time in the world to get things sorted out... we're OUTTA HERE!"

James nodded quickly. "You are so right on that one."

No one within the Black Stars wanted to stay on Novo Franklin for a moment longer than necessary. The local food and entertainment not withstanding, the social systems and politics were more than enough to put any of them off. Zi Long took another pull from his cancer stick. He wished the blaster Armoured Legion would get their about to be ambushed and blackmailed asses down on Novo Franklin soon.


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Re: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2011, 05:53:01 AM »

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
14th November 3079, 1200 hours

David grimaced as he looked over the stack of reports one more time. Sometimes he wished he could let himself act like Zhao and just reach for a drink whenever the hell he felt like it. But, between the pain meds for his old injuries that he still needed far too often, and his desire to forget so very many of the sins in his past, that would be… unwise.

Shaking his head, he tried to focus on the task at hand. He still had a dozen or so reports to read and evaluations on the probationary Black Stars that had joined them over the last few months. He had to decide which ones were worth keeping on for another contract, and if they were in good slots, or if they needed to be moved around to a slot better suited to them.

A knock on his open office door drew his attention.

“Busy, Ten-Bears?” Trenchard looked annoyed, waiting for David to invite him into the room. Behind him, one of the ‘Star’s infantry troopers stood silently, having escorted their liaison to this point.

“Not so busy I wouldn’t like a break.” David shrugged. “I’ll take it from here trooper, I’ll call the front desk when Mr. Trenchard needs to be escorted out.”

Trenchard frowned. “I don’t need to be led around by the hand like a toddler.” He snapped.

David shrugged. “Easier to have the policy in place, that way when we have someone we don’t wandering around loose, we don’t have to make excuses. Besides, you’d be surprised how many of the local nobles are soothed by the fact that we DON’T make exceptions for you or Posavski.”

Trenchard didn’t appear to be mollified, but he let the subject drop. “Speaking of exceptions….”

“No.” David’s tone was flat.

“You haven’t even heard what I was going to say yet.”

“Nope, didn’t have to.” David shook his head. “You were going to try to use the location of the Trustee Council in Carantania Principality as an excuse for the Posavski Guard to NOT be disarmed when they leave UDF service next week. Citing an increased security requirement and the need to protect the council members.”

“How?” Trenchard was stunned at the accuracy of David’s statement.

David sighed. “In the last week and a half, we’ve had similar requests from a dozen districts… each with their own reasons for “Needing” to keep the UDF issue. Either they were close to the border with New Saars, or they were on the coast and were worried about naval raids… or they just plain don’t trust the council… not to mention the usual claims of being the rightful rulers of the planet.”

David sat back in his chair. “Look, the Prince has ONE chance at this whole planet not dropping right back into war and blood feud the moment we leave. IF he can maintain at least the shell of a central government and truly neutral UDF for long enough that the member states gain a little confidence in the viability of the Council as a fair ruling body, THEN he can really start to unify the planet. If, however, he starts making exceptions for himself and his allies, then the Council becomes a sham, and will be seen as a puppet for Posavski’s ambitions. So it becomes every prince for himself once more, and another war within three years.”

David smiled. “As things stand, I give him about a five percent chance of pulling it off, but he’s beat longer odds just getting this far, so….”

“But the Prince’s allies are getting pissed!” Trenchard interjected. “He’s getting a lot of pressure from some of his oldest supporters to take direct control of the UDF.”

David grinned. “I’m not surprised... the locals aren’t much for long term planning.”

He sat back and continued. “If Posavski garbs for power now, he’ll get a good chunk, no doubt about it…. He’ll also solidify resistance among nobles who could otherwise have been convinced to become allies.”

Trenchard stroked his chin as he thought. “Explain please.”

David shrugged. “If the Prince declares himself sole ruler, then he’ll be seen as a moderately less violent version of Gould. Not as likely to have a tree shoved up your ass, but determined to eat the world anyway. The Nobles won’t see his good points, or the long term benefits of a unity government, all they’ll see is their power and position going away. So they’ll fight him every step of the way. By the time he finishes taking over, this place will be hammered back to the stone age… IF, however, he acts as president of a unity Council, presiding over a central government that largely leaves the provinces to self-govern, then the nobles are much less likely to see a personal threat. They won’t like not being able to invade their neighbours, but at the same time, neither will they have to worry about them.”

David smiled. “It’s really a matter of semantics… as long as the Nobles can convince themselves that they still have a voice, and that the Prince’s power is not unrestrained…. regardless of the realities, they’ll be less likely to rebel. At the core, they want security and to keep their privileged positions…. So long as they are convinced the Prince isn’t going to try to take those away, they won’t fight..”

Pressing a button on his desk, David spoke clearly. “One for escort out from XO’s office.”

Picking up the sheaf of papers once more, David dismissed Trenchard. “Now, since I’m sure you have other things to do, and I surely do as well….”

Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
16th November 3079, 1300 hours

Loch looked around the range of fir trees that actually looked, somewhat, like the trees they were named for on old terra. The cool wind ruffled his hair like a lover. Loch closed his eyes as Rachael’s face swam before his eyes as a spectre, a ghost that haunted him. Her eyes looked at him in sad disappointment. She blamed him for what happened to her.

A small crash behind him roused him. He seemed to be doing a lot of that lately. Daydreaming, losing himself in the past, and not looking for the future.

“What Future is there?” he snorted and turned. The crash had been a medium size tree being fell to clear a firing arc. Men and mules strained to pull the fir out of the way while another piece of artillery was moved into place. Engineering crews began to build the berms and other arcane mysteries that only artillerists knew of.

Gusty walked up to Loch and took his cigar out of his mouth.

“We gots these people unloaded.”

Loch nodded, “What about the rockets?”

“Well it looks like we’re a tad bit behind.”

Loch surpressed a groan, but Gusty knew Loch to well and grinned.

“Yep, You can bet that Lt. Wilkes is going to have a rather lot to explain.”

Yeah, Wilkes was in a nasty position. That missile battery was a crucial link in the fire coverage network that the uppers had designed. Part of Loch wanted to lean back and watch Wilkes fall right on his sanctimonious ass. The duty side of him won, and Loch turned.

“Damn. Ok Gusty, Let’s get those trucks moving. The sooner we get them moving..”

“The sooner we can save that worthless son of a bitch’s ass.” Gusty finished Loch’s thought. “I figured you might say that. I got Young on her way, she should be about 10 minutes out from Wilkes’ position.”

Loch nodded and took one more look at the vista. The J-27 was still warm and running as he stepped into the cab and pulled the radio mike.

“Ok people, follow Young down the mountain. Let’s get to Missile Battery Golf as quickly as we can.” Loch put his truck into gear and released the clutch.

The “road” was a rough tree cleared path that the engineering crews had created by simply pushing trees out of the way, roots and all. There was need to take the path slowly so they didn’t tear the transmissions out of their trucks.

The prepared “road” wasn’t much better, but at least the bumps and ruts were much more tolerable. The J-27 was designed for rough, unimproved roads.

“Hey boss!” Young’s voice crackled from the radio and Loch reached at the swinging radio mike.

“Yeah Young, go ahead.”

“Sir, you ain’t gonna believe this.” Disgust fairly dripped from her mouth. “These lazy smegheads are sitting around sipping coffee.”

“I see, how’s the site?”

“Damn thing’s not finished. They’ve got a shitload of work still to do.”

“Ok, Young. Sit tight, I’ll be there in about 5 and we’ll be having a chat with Mr. Wilkes. Keep your cool.”

“Rog that, bossman.” The radio clicked. And Loch stepped on the gas and grunted as the cab hit a particularly rough spot on the “road”

Five minutes later Loch brought the truck to a halt and step the parking break. He picked out the Lt. out of the group that was lounging around one of the engineering vehicles. Loch walked up to the group and stood there.

“Lochnivar! Join us, bob grab a cup for our friend here.” The rosy cheeks on the Lt. definitely raised Loch’s eyebrows.

“No thank you sir. May I inquire as to the status of your missile site?” Loch tried to keep his voice as respectful as possible.

Wilkes waved his arm over the site. “There it is, we’re just about done.”

Loch looked over the site. The only thing that was done was clearing the site. The Missile setup was still packed away in its little boxes. The firing lanes had yet to be cleared. Basically not crap had been done.

“With respect sir, It doesn’t appear to be the case.”

“Oh don’t worry so much, Sarge. We’ll get it done. The boys here have had a rough time of it and needed some rest.”

“We don’t have the time. We’ve got about 5 hours before the scheduled arrival.” Loch heard his voice begin to get cold.

“Watch your tone, Sargent. Do I need to remind you of who gives commands to who?”

Something snapped in Loch and he stepped across the group, grabbed the Lt. by the front of his shirt and jerked him up. The engineering crew began to lunge forward, but the loud click of a ratcheting shell in Gusty’s shotgun made them paused.

“Anybody who wants to meet their glorious maker in the sky, you just keep on moving like that.” For once the cigar wasn’t in his mouth and there was no smile on his face.

Loch didn’t notice as he slammed Wilkes against the side of the engineering vehicle. Wilkes grunted in shocked surprise, too surprised and stunned to cry out when the unforgiving bolts and rivets dug into his back. Wilkes head bounced against the rigid metal.

“Now listen, and listen very well.” Loch’s voice grew quiet and cold. He brushed Wilkes’ weak efforts to pulls Loch’s hand from his collar. “I brought my crew up here on over time just to get your fucking equipment up here. We don’t have the time or the proper equipment that makes this job any easier on us.

Don’t give me, or my crew, one reason to load your ass into one of your tubes and launch it you son of a bitch.”

Gusty’s eyebrows twitched. Loch simply didn’t use that language. The use was one indication that Loch had it a breaking point with his temper. Gusty had only heard that language a few times, and only seen Loch pushed beyond that limit twice. One of those guys didn’t survive.

Wilkes and his crew sensed the same danger and cowed. Wilkes himself would have cowed if he could have. He was still locked between the unyielding rock of the vehicle, and the hard spot of Loch’s grip. In the vise grip, Wilkes used the simple expedient of turning ghost white pale.

“Now we have…” Loch switched his grip to look at his chronometer, “4 hours 15 minutes before that DropShip is supposed to arrive. But you know how Dropships can be, so you have 3 hours to get something going here. We’ll chip in, but when the Colonel calls, I want to be able to tell him we’re done. Either that or I can lie to him with a clear conscience.” He roughly released Wilkes and he slid with relief down the side.

“You can’t manhandle me like that, I’ll have you fired from this unit, see if I don’t” Wilkes blubbered.

Gusty knelt beside the pale Lt. “You make that threat cupcake,” he crooned into Wilkes ear. “You had make it stick. We know even more places to make others have a very very nasty series of unfortunate events.”


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Re: Contract 2A - Summing up the Parts (Novo Franklin Supplemental Contract)
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2011, 05:53:33 AM »

Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
16th November 3079, 1630 hours

“Inbound Mule Class DropShip, you have clearance to land.” A bored sounding voice intoned. “Please proceed to coordinates Epsilon Zeta One One Niner Six Zero. Details will be transmitted to you in ten seconds.”

“Roger and wilco that Ground Control.” The comms officer onboard of the Fresh Beginning grinned. Everyone onboard the Armoured Legion DropShip had been looking forward to finally getting their feet on solid ground again after months of space travel – even the DropShip crew who were more used to the gravity less environment.

He frowned slightly as the data streamed acoss his monitor as the landing site came in. “Eh… ground control, this is the Fresh Beginning.”

“Go ahead Fresh Beginning.” The same bored voice replied again.

“The coordinates indicate that we are to land in Campus Carinthia.” The mercenary DropShip crew asked with a slight frown. “Doesn’t that make us sit smack right on top of the enemy capital?”

“Negative that Fresh Beginning.” The comms officer was getting increasingly agitated at the droning voice of Ground Control. “You are clear to land.”

“Whatever you say Ground Control.” The mercenary shrugged.


Zi Long and David looked out of the command centre as the Armoured Legion’s Mule Class DropShip slowly descended from the skies on plasma heated flames. Zi Long could not help but grin. Incredibly, David was smiling as well. The arrival of these mercenaries had presented an unanticipated haul of high tech salvage that they would never had thought possible out here in the Periphery. Hell, none of them would have dreamed of salvage of such quality that would be coming their way even if they had worked in the largest Periphery states like the Magistry of Canopus, the Marian Hegemony or the Taurian Concordat who had access to some of the newer toys around.

They had discussed long and hard on how to approach the situation. Trenchard had been authorized to allow the Black Stars a free hand to do what they want, as long as the mercenaries were kicked off world after that. None of the factions on Novo Franklin had any illusions on their ability to handle the well equipped soldiers if they were to allowed to roam Novo Franklin.

The Black Stars had finally settled on one of the plans proposed by David. He had it planned that the ‘Stars would wait for them to land, then before they unloaded, the ‘Stars would drop a volley of paint rounds on them.

At that point, Zi Long would contact them and point out just what a bad position they were in – especially since they are in a cargo DropShip with paper thin armour and cannot quickly unload.

“Rossi would than break out in chains of Italian explicits, after which I expect him to cry and sob.” Zi Long had commented with a wink.

David shrugged. “Of course.”

“They’ll surrender to the inevitable.” Zi Long had continued. “At least I hope they do. Blowing all that equipment to dust and scrape would be SUCH a waste...”

The Black Stars’ XO had than nodded in agreement. “Yeah. We name a tonnage price and ransom for them to be allowed safe passage off planet.” He had than raised an eyebrow at Zi Long. “They would, of course, be required to leave immediately, yes?”

“Of course. Escorted by the Event no less.”

“Sounds just about right.” David nodded as he shifted his fake arm. “Nothing personal, just business.”

Zi Long nodded solemnly. “Of course.”

“And actually, given how much a Mule can carry, we're not asking for all that much.”

“I’m thinking of asking for about 300 odd to 400 tons of ransom.” Zi Long agreed. “We're not even taking that much. Maybe a lance's worth.” Zi Long continied.

“Not TOO outrageous.” David replied. “It'll sting, but not as much as an artillery barrage. Not to mention the rockets.”

“And the mortar.” Zi Long pointed out. “Or they could lose everything if we decide to blow the crap of their Mule.”

“Yup. So losing a lance or so.... not so bad. Smacks the ego a bit, but.....”

“They've been smacked around worse before so I expect they'll live.” Zi Long waved the point away.

“They'll develop an even greater paranoia about employers of course.” David pointed out.

“Yeah. At the very least, they should do some background checks before picking up a contract.” Zi Long winked. “And they would have learned that a contract that says your opponents are going to be the Black Stars should be something to drop like a hot potato.”

“Indeed.” Both men had than looked at each other, before breaking out in laughter again. For some reason, both of them were trying to justify to each other the morality of what basically amounted to blackmailing of Rossi’s Armoured Legion. In actual fact, both the Black Stars officers knew that they needed no such justification – war’s a bitch after all. And to the victor goes the spoils.


Zi Long shock his head to bring himself back from the highly entertaining conversation between himself and David as a low rumble and slight tremor announced the landing of the Armoured Legion’s DropShip on Campus Carinthia’s Drop Port tarmac.

The Black Stars allowed the fusion plant of the DropShip to cool down. Over on their comms, they heard the usual protocol as the Legion’s DropShip Captain requested for permission to unload and disembark. Zi Long barked a short order into the ‘Stars’ own systems.

Seconds later, a dozen shells arced over the Drop Port control tower and impacted onto the Mule Class DropShip.

The comms between the DropShip and the Ground Control ceased immediately.

Taking a deep breath, Zi Long slapped a switch that redirected the communication lines from the Drop Port Ground Control to the ‘Stars’ command center.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is Captain Zhao Zi Long of the Black Stars mercenary command. On behalf of our employers, the Franklin Trustee Council, we regret to inform you that the New Saars Milita has been defeated. Your employer, War Master Steven Gould has been… removed from office.”

Zi Long paused for a while, letting the information sink into the Armoured Legion.

“The rather offending thuds you just heard, and no doubt felt on your DropShip’s hull are paint rounds fired from artillery assets that are already zeroed onto your position. I am transmitting an external video feeds via channel Twenty Seven if you wish to view our handiwork.” Zi Long grinned. “I’m sorry if we could not get a more soothing colour, but blood red paint seems to be the most common and preferred colour here on Novo Franklin.”

“Furthermore, we already have quite a number of rocket launchers and mortar batteries who are also taking aim at your vessel.” The grin on Zi Long’s face faded. “In other words, Colonel Delio Rossi, you are screwed. Bad.”

Zi Long paused and waited for a while more. As he and David had expected, a red light flashed, indicating incoming comms from the DropShip. The Chinese man switched it on, patching himself through to the trapped mercenaries.

“This is Colonel Delio Rossi of the Rossi’s Armoured Legion. What right have you to hold me and my people ransom?! If New Saars is no more, than my contract is void, and we are a free unit. You have no right to lay such terms and conditions!” A man of about forty odd years of age appeared on their screen. Silvery white hair streaked back from the widow’s peak on his forehead. Even through the fuzzy resolution of the screen, Zi Long could tell of the wrinkles that told of hardship and suffering the man had suffered. It nearly made him regret what he was about to do. Nearly, but not quite.

“What you said is indeed true Colonel.” Zi Long smiled. “Unfortunately – for you and your command, New Saars Principality is NOT gone. It merely changed leadership. I’m quite sure you know of the difference.”

“Than New Saars will have to underwrite my unit’s losses as per all DMM sanctioned contract!” The Commanding Officer of the Armoured Legion roared. “You and your scum of a unit can claim whatever you wish from them!”

“I hate to point it out to you my dear Colonel Rossi, but you are again in error.” Zi Long replied. “I have asked my contacts on Terra to check things out. The contract Rossi’s Armoured Legion signed with New Saars Principality is NOT a Department of Mercenary Management approved one. That means that you are NOT entitled to replacement funds and rights, unless your contract with New Saars stipulated such a clause – which I seriously doubt given that the best piece of military hardware they could field were a couple of 3020s era Vedette tanks, and a couple of BattleMechs falling apart from rust.”

“Also, since until notice of termination of contract, Rossi’s Armoured Legion is officially still under the employment of New Saars. As at this moment, they have surrendered all the mercenaries under their employment to the UDF.” Zi Long narrowed his eyes. “And that, of course, includes the Armoured Legion.”

“That only means that we would be surrendering to the UDF!” Rossi screamed, his face getting redder by the moment. “You dirt bags have nothing over us!”

“For your information - the United Defence Force have in turn transferred the rights of your surrender to the Black Stars.” Zi Long smiled like a shark closing in on a wounded seal. “This means that your ass is mine.”

The face in the screen froze as that final bit of news hit him.

Zi Long pulled a hand over to the back of his neck and massaged it lightly. “To be frank about things Colonel, my people actually tried to persuade me to confiscate your entire unit’s hardware and leave you and your people to the mercy of the locals. I refused, although after all that shouting, screaming and name calling you just subjected me and my Black Stars to, I’m not sure if I've made a right decision.”

Zi Long pulled out a cigarette from his pocket again as Rossi simmered in the screen. Out of sight of the Armoured Legion CO, David rolled his eyes and wrinkled his nose. Zi Long ignored him as he lighted the white paper stick and took a long breath out of it. “Luckily for you, me and my XO managed to persuade our people that it wasn’t entirely your fault for not checking up on your employer before signing a contract. On the other hand, I do wish people would stop jumping onto the contract negotiation table and do a dance every time they found out that the Black Stars would be your opponents.”

By the expression on Colonel Rossi’s face, Zi Long could tell that he had hit close to a nerve or two with his remarks. Nothing like a good soothing after some serious bitch slapping. “I know your unit has had the short end of the draw against the Blakists previously Colonel. I know of the losses and pain your unit suffered. It must have taken incredible courage and determination to pull together and rebuild the Armoured Legion like you and your people did. For that, I cannot, and will not be a party of that which would cause your destruction.”

The shoulders of the older man sagged as he finally admitted defeat. “Fine. What is it that the Black Stars want Captain Zhao.”

“I know that your command has been registered as a combined arms reinforced battalion.” Zi Long replied. “What we are asking for, is a ransom of up to four hundred tons of your hardware – no limitation as to the total number of unit.”

Rossi looked up in surprise. “You would only ask for ten percent of my unit’s total tonnage?”

“I told you we’re not as blood suckish as you thought.” Zi Long winked at the image as he looked out of the command centre at the unmoving Mule sitting out in the open tarmac. He imagined that Rossi was looking in the same direction as well. “However, don’t be surprised if we pick the heaviest machines under your command, or the most rare. A pair of forty five ton VND-1R Vindicators don’t really compare to an eighty five ton Templar even though the former outweigh the latter by five tons.”

The figure in the screen nodded once mutely.

“After we have collected our bounty, our Seeker Class DropShip will escort your Fresh Beginning back to the jump point. Once your JumpShip has been recharged, you are to leave Novo Franklin system. All of your DropShip crew, soldiers, technicians – basically EVERYONE are to disembark from the DropShip and come under the custody of our security. You will be placed under our protection as our people check on the pieces of equipment that we want to take. If necessary, we will call for your people for assistance in what I believe your people will classify as looting. Otherwise, at no point between now and that point in time of your departure are any of your people allowed out of our sight.” Zi Long intoned.

The Colonel seemed to be listening to a voice outside of the screen. His eyes widened slightly before turning back towards Zi Long. “Your Seeker Class DropShip? You are talking about the Event Horizon!”

“I see that its reputation has once again preceded it.” Zi Long smiled. "I hate it when our ride's reputation goes before our own..."

Rossi took a deep breath as he nodded once again to some people out of screen view. “Very well Captain. I will allow you and your people on board. Give me some time to announce the news to my people.”

“Fair enough.” Zi Long agreed. “You have five minutes.”

Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
26th December 3079, 0030 hours

For the first time longer than he cared to remember, Zhao Zi Long was spending the days that welcomed the arrival of Christmas sober. It was not that he had not engaged in heavy drinking and other... usual vices on from Christmas eve all the way til Christmas itself. Rather, Zi Long usually remained intoxicated for a good week after the celebrations actually ended for the common folk. After all, its only a couple of days between Christmas and New Years Day! Why slow down in between?! Major Aik had told Zi Long when he was but a Lieutenant in the 'Stars. He can't say he didn't entirely agree with the bastard.

The pony tailed mercenary could not place his finger on the source of his pensiveness. The Black Stars had just concluded their second contract under his direct command, and they had done well. Incredibly, since the very first contract on Fujidera, the 'Stars had only lost a single soldier. There had been numerous injuries of course - training, accidents and during the fire fights. But a single fatality was a record any unit would have been proud of. A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic. Was that it? Was the possibility of losing men and women under his command starting to shake his faith and confidence?

He swept his hands at the invisible threats before him. If that was it, the Black Stars would be doing everything they could to minimize the possibility. Zi Long knew it was impossible - but damned it all if he and his sub-units would not try their hardest.

The first step they were taking was to keep the Black Stars and its sub-units small, compact and elite. There was no point taking in raw recruits and totally inexperienced or incapable personnel just to beef up their numbers, only to have them mowed down like wheat. The experience here on Novo Franklin had more than highlighted the critical importance of quality over quantity.

Trenchard, than the Prince had tried to approach Zi Long and David in an attempt to entice them to stay - at least for another half a year, or when things on Novo Franklin's political situation stabilized. They must have been under enormous pressure from their political opponents to have come up with the offer that they did. Not that Zi Long was an unbeliever - but neither he nor David felt that Carantania Principality, or even the Franklin Trustee would be able to cough out that kind of money.

While the Franklin Trustee Council had collectively failed to secure the Black Stars for a longer contract on Novo Franklin, they had still paid a rather substantial bonus to the mercenary command. Zi Long suspected that the fees had been bumped up by rather generous nobles who would rather see the 'Stars leave the system than stay around and potentially be employed by a political opponent. When the 'Stars get back to civilization, they would be more than capable of upgrading the equipment they have, as well as get more if necessary.

The last was the unexpected salvage ransomed from Rossi's Armoured Legion. Zi Long did not know if he should actually thank the long dear War Master Gould, or pray to the stars and heavens for more of such a massive slice of luck. He just wished that the Black Stars would not be on the receiving end of such a fate.

The Black Stars mercenary command would be lifting off from Novo Franklin in two days' time. Quite a number of their people have objected and protested, arguing for the chance of spending their New Year celebrations here on Novo Franklin rather than the confines of a DropShip - especially if that DropShip was the Event Horizon. Zi Long and David had refused to even entertain the objections. They wanted to get the hell away from the Deep Periphery world. They had already gotten a lot more out of the contract than they could have ever dreamed of. Rather the bird in hand than the two in the bush.

Come New Year - the Black Stars would inflict their unique style and combat prowess on the next unwary and underestimating foe.
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