Nibo City, Kingdom of Nibo
Nibo IV
19th May 3080
0930 hours local timeZi Long could barely believe his eyes as the motorcade drove through Nibo City towards the Keep where he was supposed to meet up with the Black Stars' latest employers. Other than the Taurian Concordat and the Magistracy of Canopus, he had never known any other Periphery worlds to have such highly modern and developed infrastructure. Hell, with the centuries of constant warfare raging within the known human universe, not many Inner Sphere worlds could boast of what the Kingdom has.
Of course, the fact that the Kingdom was a single planet would have made development and utilization of resources much easier. It definitely helped that the Kingdom of Nibo had taken the step to actively engage Inner Sphere powers economically, thus beefing their national funds, as well as availability of materials not found in most other Periphery, especially Deep Periphery worlds.
Still, the signs of damage could still be spotted every now and then, a legacy of the intense fighting that had been brought about by the Quikscell Company funded invasion of the Kingdom less than two years ago. Even as the mercenary Captain sped along the highways of Nibo City, reconstruction works could be spotted at various locations, with some destroyed building still seen dotting the otherwise highly built up city.
"Your country has rebuilt rather well in the short time since the war haven't you?" He remarked to the man sitting beside him.
"We do try." The young man sitting beside him smiled. Zi Long had already started a liking to the blonde soldier who had met the Black Stars. Unassuming, earnest and open, he was unlike the very closed up and snobbish image many had told him about the Nibo military before his arrival here. "Its no secret that our economic infrastructure as well as our industrial set up took a heavy beating in the invasion. We're unable to produce the range nor the quantity of what we used to be able to." Lieutenant Ira Cassius Kepford continued with a deep sigh.
"Both our previous King, and the current one have made extensive overtures to the Inner Sphere in terms of exchanging designs for military hardware and technologies." Lieutenant Kepford smiled. "Same goes for our economy. We also send our best pilots to the Outworlds Alliance's Columbia Academy so that we could pair our scarce resources with the best human elements."
"Prudent." Zi Long nodded in appreciation.
"We have also had to cut down our numbers, focusing instead on quality of machinery." Kepford smiled and winked. "I do think we might be the only Deep Periphery world without employing human wave infantry tactics."
The fresh memories of the fighting on Nova Franklin came flooding back to him with the young man's comments. "Ah. That, I definitely agree." The Black Stars Commanding Officer grinned.
Ten minutes later, they were in the presence of several more other persons. Zi Long was introduced to a very nervous, and less than comfortable looking Professor Dextor Sparks, a stern looking Rear Admiral Vincent Alfax, King Marcus Collins II and a VERY attractive Major Emma Katz. Other than the Professor, Tom Blackburn, who would be the Captain of the Mule Class DropShip would be the only other person accompanying the Black Stars on the expedition. One thing that Zi Long noticed, other than the Professor, all the others were VERY young, especially considering they all held positions of command within the Kingdom and its military.
"I'm glad that you and your Command arrived when you did Captain." The King was saying. "The good Professor here was getting worried that the planet where the signals were coming from would actually drift off to another part of the universe due to us not bothering to send people to investigate."
"Ah, well... it HAS been quite a while since we've sent out anyone My Lord." The bespectacled man replied. "Who knows who else might have gone in to check them out."
"Out here?" Alfax snorted. "No one would be my guess."
The King turned back towards Zi Long. "I'm sorry we couldn't send more in terms of resources with you Captain. But I've heard of your exploits, and I'm quite sure you should be able to handle whatever situation presents itself."
"Your Highness is too kind." Zi Long bowed slightly. He wasn't sure if the King was talking about the Black Stars' recent actions within the Free Worlds League, Novo Franklin, or about their overall still rather patchy reputation. Still, it would not hurt to humour one's employer - as long as it did not require one to spend or sacrifice unnecessarily.
"Other than Captain Blackburn here and his Mule Class DropShip, you''ll also have in your company two of our best and brightest pilots along." Alfax informed. "They will be piloting Sword heavy OmniFighters so that they would be able to cater their payloads based on tactical requirements."
Zi Long nodded. Upon learning that the Sword would be acting as aerial escort, he had done some research on the heavy craft. The design was a reflection of the Kingdom's policy of providing design specifications to an Inner Sphere power in exchange for supply of the completed hardware itself. The eighty five ton aerial monster would be a powerful addition and assistance to the Black Stars.
"As highlighted in the contract, the Black Stars' job is to escort Professor Sparks and his team while the check out the systems where the signals originated from. You would not be required to undertake any offensive actions unless absolutely necessary. If you should run into something or someone that needs... neutralizing, let us know and we'll see if we can dispatch a more sizable force to take them out." The King continued. "Of course, if you feel that your unit has the capabilities to handle it, by all means, let us know too and we'll see what additional... necessarily resources we can arrange. Full salvage rights would be yours if you undertake such operations of course."
"Thank you My Lord." Zi Long smiled. "When are we expected to depart?"
"Tomorrow." Rear Admiral Alfax replied quickly. "Or do the Black Stars require more time?"
Zi Long levelled a steady gaze at the man. "We don't. We'll be ready by than."
"Excellent than." The King beamed. "The expedition team is already loaded up and ready in their DropShip and would join you in orbit by tomorrow. I believe my people are also loading up fresh supplies into your Seeker even as we speak."
"Thank you, My Lord." The Chinese man replied. "If you will excuse me, I shall check on our own preparation."
"No Captain, it should be the Kingdom thanking you and your command." The smile on Marcus's face faded slightly. "With the invasion still fresh in our minds, I sincerely hope that there's nothing out there except for some long forgotten signal beacon rather than potential unfriendlies. Any possible treasure troves would simply be a bonus."
"I understand." Zi Long replied before turning to the Rear Admiral. "By the way, when would we be able to talk to the pilots that would be coming along with us? We have a couple of aerospace assets ourselves and would like to see how we can work together."
"You've already met him Captain." Alfax replied.
"I have?"
"That would be me you're looking for Captain." Zi Long turned Kepford replied. "I will be leading the wing of Swords."
Event Horizon
Seeker Class DropShip
Unknown System
Nadir Jump Point
23rd May 3080
0730 hours local timeThe flashing red lights died down, as did the warning klaxon as the pair of DropShips - the Black Stars' Seeker Class Event Horizon as well as the Nibo Admiralty's Mule Class Star Dust scanned the immediate vicinity as the Merchant Class JumpShip assigned to ferry the little expedition appeared over the nadir jump point of the uncharted system closest to Nibo.
Nearly immediately the JumpShip had jumped into the system, Lieutenant Ira Cassius Kepford and his wing man Walter Nowotny had shot out via the catapults from the small craft bays of the Merchant. Zi Long knew that even the most hardened space traveler would need at least minutes to fully recover from the disorientation of a jump. That they had managed to launch their Sword heavy OmniFighters within two to three minutes would necessarily have meant that they were either very good, or very crazy. Or BOTH. The Black Stars Captain reminded himself.
Unfortunately, despite possessing a couple of aerospace fighters themselves from recent purchases, none of the Black Stars machine could be deployed any time soon due to the Event not being equipped with dedicated aerospace bays. The mercenary pilots might have bitched and moaned about things, but there wasn't anything anyone could do. Even attempted heavy modification of their Seeker since acquiring the fighters had not yielded any positive results.
Still, with the pair of heavy Nibo fighters out there, and with the Event's own considerable weapons, Zi Long doubted anyone this far out in the Periphery would be able to pose much of a threat to the expedition. Hell, with the entire Black Stars trapped within the massive steel tomb of their Seeker Class DropShip and unable to fight in the vacuum of space, they'd better not be.
"All sensors negative." An infuriatingly bored voice announced over the public announcement systems. "We are clear."
Zi Long stretched himself expansively as he got ready to move to the bridge of the DropShip. Halfway dressed, the same bored sounding voice boomed over the PA system again. "Captain Zhao. Please report to the bridge asap." The mercenary Captain sighed. "On the way." He replied to the walls of his room.
"Initial scans indicate nothing of note in the system." Tommy Blackburn informed both Captain Harris and Zi Long. "Our DropShip's long range scan on the planet surface came back negative as well." The Captain of the Kingdom's Mule Class DropShip continued. "The Professor and a team will be going down there to check things out as well, though it's over eighty percent certain that the signals did not originate from this planet."
"Roger that Captain Blackburn." Zi Long replied with a nod from Harris. "We will be on standby."
"Copy that, Event." Blackburn acknowledged. "Estimated departure time ten hundred hours."
"We'll see you on the surface that." Captain Harris replied.
As the conversation ended, Zi Long was patched through to the rest of the Black Stars. "This is Captain Zhao Zi Long. All personnel, be advised that we will be heading planet side in a little over two hours. Check all equipment and sitrep at zero nine thirty hundred."
"And so the fun begins." Harris whispered. "Yippee...."
Event Horizon
Black Stars Seeker Class DropShip
Unknown System
25th May 3080
1000 hours local time"An' what is dis supposed da do again boy' o?" Brandon asked again, turning the piece of dull looking walking stick like item in his hands.
"Its a remote beacon, X." Zi Long explained. "It emits frequencies of over six hundred different units - more if you program them."
The grizzled mercenary frowned and nodded slightly. "So, these give out electromagnetic an' radio frequencies?"
"Yup." Zi Long nodded. "In fact, many exercise ranges use these to simulate enemy units, with additional computer generate projects for the complete picture. I've heard of a unit, the Death's Guards I think, planting these on husks of destroyed vehicles to make really convincing decoys since they would effectively be able to fool even eyeball inspection - as long as its from a reasonably long range or under low light situations."
"Aye. Dat would take care of da visual, light amplification an' 'ven infrared sensors." Brandon nodded in appreciation before looking up at the Black Stars officer again. "What 'bout Beagle probes?"
"Don't know yet." Zi Long shrugged. "We should probably give it a try though." He winked at his comms specialist. "We're not always gonna get low tech pooh dung enemies eh?"
"Ain't dat a fact."
Together with the Kingdom of Nibo Exploration Expedition in their Mule Class DropShip the Star Dust, the Black Stars had landed on the first of the uncharted systems on the Event Horizon. Initial scans had reported that the air on the planet was barely breathable, with Professor Dextor Sparks insisting that everyone had to put on atmospheric suits. Zi Long had not seen much to argue about on that issue. After all, being hard to breath was one thing, contracting some strange disease from unknown germs and bacteria on the planet that had probably not seen human life for eons was another thing that he was not prepared to risk his people on. Zi Long had laughed at the Professor's comments that while the latter's group had worn shiny white suits, the Stars personnel's were seemingly worn out, ill maintained and universally gloomy and dark.
KoN Exploration Expedition Atmospheric Suits
Black Stars Atmospheric Suits
Zi Long pointed out to Professor Sparks that the Black Stars suits were meant not only to allow the wearer to operate in adverse environments, but provided limited body armour capabilities as well. The fact that their exterior seemed worn and weathered belied the fact that their were all in perfect working conditions. Of course, Lantern and his people had insisted on wearing their Battle Armour rather than "pansy" atmospheric suits which while lighter, actually were less nimble than the Jack O Lantern units like the Nighthawk, Void and Grey Death PA suits. On the other hand, while the hulking Kanazuchi heavy Battle Armour units from James Lockheart's Trouble Inc. were slow and cumbersome, his people had understandably refused to shed them in exchange for the atmospheric suits as well.
I wonder why. Zi Long had snorted sarcastically to himself. The Black Stars had brought in a MASSIVE number of Battle Armour units since the conclusion of the Novo Franklin contract after seeing impressive displays by them. Draconis Combine units like the Kanazuchi and Void now operate side by side with Capellan Ying Long and Fah Shih units, as well as the Lyran designed Rottweiler quad BA and Grey Death suits.
Zi Long had always wondered if regular military units would be much better off if they could pick and chose the best equipment from each House, as mercenary units like the Black Stars could. Still, if such flexibility gave mercenary commands an advantage over these regular units, so much the better.
After two days of scouting and exploration, the initial hype from the KoN expedition had dampened considerably as they had found nothing except dust and dirt. There was not even traces of flora and fauna that might have evolved to the harsh conditions of the planet. Seismic probing of the ground below had also yield no trace of minerals of any sort that might have been of commercial and industrial use. All in all, it had been a wasted trip and a waste of resources. Furthermore, detailed scanning by both the Star Dust as well as the Kingdom's Merchant Class JumpShip had confirmed that the mysterious signals that had attracted the attention of the Kingdom in the first place was not from the planet itself.
Most of the Black Stars had fell back onto routine equipment maintenance as well as making full use of the simulators on board their Seeker Class DropShip to pass time, plus all manners of other chores that military outfits occupy their attention with to pass time. After a short debate, the dejected Professor had agreed with Zi Long on lifting off the planet and proceeding on to the next closest system.
"About freakin' time." Zi Long mumbled as the Professor's face fizzled off on the comms screen. He patched through to David Ten-Bears immediately. "Ten-Bears, get our people ready for lift off. We're getting our asses off this dirt ball in twenty five hours."
Event Horizon
Black Stars Seeker Class DropShip
Unknown System
25th May 3080
1400 hours local timeLieutenants Ira Cassius Kepford and his wing man Walter Nowotny had finally been authorised to set foot onto the notorious Event Horizon after their Sword heavy OmniFighters had been safely secured within their respective bays on the JumpShip. The Professor had refused to release both pilots from escort duty until the Star Dust had docked with the JumpShip, and the crew once again started their duties of securing all pieces of equipment, while transferring samples of whatever the expedition had extracted from the lifeless world from which they had vacated from.
Finally with spare time in hand, the pair of Nibo pilots had requested for permission to have a look see onboard the Black Stars’ DropShip. To their surprise, permission was nearly instantly granted.
Like many others who visited the facilities of the Black Stars for the first time, they were more than surprised at how tidy and compact things were, rather than the slip shot setup they had expected.
“Didn’t know they brought their families along.†Commented Walter as the small, diminutive bubble-gum chewing girl – couldn’t be much more than a teenager, he thought – clad in jeans and T-short walked past them without giving either of the Nibo pilots as much as a glance.
“I believe the Event Horizon is not only their transport, but the home of the Black Stars as well – not taking into consideration their allocated office on Terra and whatever temporary quarters their employers provide of course.†Ira replied with a strange haunted look at the young girl. “I would be surprised if we didn’t see more of their dependents around.â€
“They do have sort of a… family feel to them don’t they?†Walter asked. “They aren’t exactly friendly and open to outsiders, but they have a rather close knit feel.â€
Ira smiled. “You mean like us?â€
Walter puffed his chest slightly. “We’re different Ira, and you know it. We nearly didn’t make it as a nation, and when things finally started to look well for us, those blasted vultures from Quikscell came along and tried to take everything away from us.â€
Ira nodded slightly. Every citizen of the Kingdom knew about their short history all too well. He himself and lost his only kin in the fight against the Quikscell Company sponsored mercenaries. The fact that his sister was a tank crew did not make Ira blame himself more for her death. If he and the Nibo aerospace fighters had taken out more of those mercenaries while they were still cocooned within their DropShips, there would have been much less deaths and casualties among their ground forces and the civilians.
As they entered the roomy chamber that serves as the DropShip’s firing range, both Nibo Armed Forces pilots were surprised to find the room mostly deserted, with the girl they saw earlier crouching near one of the tables, playing with what looked like a small, black cat. What really surprised them however, was the sight of a small child – no more than four years old – who stood up on one of the tables, and was holding a small sub-machinegun in her hands.
“What the blazes!?†Walter started towards the child. “Having dependents on board a combat mission is one thing, having firearms laying around for them to pick up is another!â€
Ira frowned. Something was not right. The girl at the very least was not disturbed at all about her younger companion’s possession of a fire arm. Another was that from the very short time they were onboard the mercenary’s DropShip, NOTHING, not least something as eye catching as a weapon, had been misplaced in any way. However, he did follow his wing mate as the latter stomped towards the small girl.
They never reached the girl.
A mere few steps before Walter could come close enough to safely disarm the little girl, he stopped in his tracks, his eyes riveted towards the ferro-aluminum throwing knife that suddenly embedded itself onto the partition wall less than an inch away from his face. The slight noise the knife made on impact also caught the attention of the girls in the room, with the older one raising her eyes at the Nibo pilots for the first time in slight curiosity. The cat-like creature she had played with gave a small but audible mewing noise at it also eyed the strangers, while the little girl with the gun turned to look at them, and surprisingly held her gun in a way that suggests that she knows how to use the weapon.
“You have ten seconds to explain your presence and intentions, freebirth surats, or else I will send you to meet the Kerenskys!†Said a stern, commanding female voice from the direction the throwing knife came from.
Turning around to face the person that addressed them, Ira and Walter saw a woman – somewhere in her late twenties, probably – that stood firmly facing their way, who happened to very clearly accentuate her point with the large eight-inch barrelled hand gun she aimed right at their direction. She wore a black leather long coat – the kind the pilots noted certain members of the mercenary outfit wears – which was open, letting them notice that the woman apparently carried another pair of heavy pistols underneath the coat, as well as belts and bandoliers loaded with spare bullets and magazines.
“Our intentions?!†Walter spat. “Can’t you see what’s happening over there?!†He stabbed a finger towards the young girl. “We’re here to prevent an accident! And we would very much appreciate it if you put your weapon away so that we can put away hers!â€
Fortunately enough for the Nibo pilots, another figure came from behind the woman – from the restroom to be exact – and seems to have recognized them, just shortly before the ten-second deadline the clanswomen gave ran out.
“Uh, ma’am, I believe these two are the pilots attached to our mission by our employers…†Interjected the newcomer, a young woman of seemingly Lyran descent.
Aina did not take her eyes off the two Nibo pilots for a single moment even as she heard Theresa’s explanation. Her gun never wavered from its aimed spot even as she made certain of the two pilot’s identities.
“Is that so?†She asked them bluntly.
“Read the tag woman.†Walter rolled his eyes as he pointed towards the sown insignia of the Nibo Air Admiralty on his shoulder and that of Ira, as well as another stitched patch showing an expanded pair of wings proclaiming them as pilots.
Satisfied with the explanation – and the fact that Theresa confirmed them to be the pilots accompanying them –, Aina returned her revolver back to its holster, and wordlessly walked past the two pilots, casually pulling out the throwing knife from the partition wall before returning it to its hidden sheath inside the sleeve of her leather long coat. Only after that did she turn to the pilots again and introduced herself.
“I am Aina, formerly of Clan Jade Falcon, and now a member of the Black Stars.â€
Ira, who had been quiet all the while finally spoke as he nodded slightly to the ladies. “I am Lieutenant Ira Cassius Kepford, and this is my wing man Lieutenant Walter Nowotny. Your colleague is correct, we are the pilots assigned to provide aerial cover for the expedition.â€
Walter pulled at Ira impatiently. “Ira, the girl! Her gun!â€
“Oh, her?†She said casually, apparently not sharing the least bit of the Nibo pilots’ worries about a little child with a sub-machine gun in her hands.
Regardless though, Aina walked the short distance over to her daughter, and to the surprise of the Nibo pilots, merely checked the latest result of her daughter’s shooting, before giving the little four-year old more pointers on how to group her shots properly instead, going as far as to keep little Diana is a more efficient shooting position as she made another attempt, emptying the twenty-round magazine of the gun she carried one shot at a time. The shots formed a much tighter group on the center of the target this time (Mostly due to Aina keeping the girl’s aim steady and on target), and she merely instructed Diana to continue her practice until she can duplicate that result on her own. An instruction that the little girl replied with a snapped “Aff!â€, a reply which naturally caused another couple of raised eyebrows among the Nibo pilots.
Despite the peculiar and awkward situation of their meeting, Ira grinned. “Now, the MAIN purpose of our visit – we would like to meet up with the commander of the Black Stars’ aerospace assets. Since we will no doubt be working together, we would like to be better acquainted so that it would be easier when the time comes for cooperation.â€
“Aerospace Commander? I do not think we have a formal position for that in the Black Stars, but two of our three fighters are attached to my unit.â€
“Oh?†Ira cocked his head slightly. “No matter, a couple of pilots should have no problem coming up with a rough operational plan. Where would I be able to locate one of your pilots?â€
“I believe that you have already made her acquaintance.†Aina said, glancing over to where Erica now stood, right next to the still training Diana with her pet perched comfortably on her shoulder. She gave a bored look at the Nibo pilots and waved at them, while still blowing a bubble out of the chewing gum she had chewed on the for the past while.
Ira’s eyes widened for a second, before the haunted flashed for the most brief of a second over his eyes again. Anyone not looking at him for that nano-second would have missed it completely. The wing commander of the Nibo squadron smiled as he nodded in appreciation to Theresa. Walter meanwhile had started towards the teenager after heaving a deep sigh and muttering under his breath.
Abandoned Ruins
System TH-M482-A
15th June, 3080
0900 hours local timeDavid watched as the dust trickled slowly through his fingers and fell back to the floor. If his guess was correct, centuries had passed since humans had last occupied these structures.
Standing up from the squatting position he had assumed to grab the dust and backing out of the building, David glanced around the small settlement once more, squinting under the harsh sunlight.
Twenty small buildings, constructed of local stone and ferro-crete mortar clustered around a central plaza. At one end of the plaza, a small stage, also made of local stone, faced an arc of similarly constructed benches. At the other end of the open space, a pair of what appeared to be well openings sat. Any covers had long since rotted away, or been eroded by blowing sand, and the wells themselves filled in.
Seeing some movement over by the largest of the local structures, David strolled in that direction and met with the leader of the Civilian surveyors for this area. “Any idea what this was? Who the people were?â€
Glancing up from where she was brushing dust away from some engraved symbols on the doorframe, the young lady looked irritated at the interruption. “I doubt it’ll mean anything to you, but preliminary findings point to a religious community. Some of the symbols and artefacts we’ve uncovered so far, suggest that this MIGHT have been a Marcassite Monastery community from around the time Kerensky took his toys and ran for the hills.â€
David just raised an eyebrow. “I’m afraid I’m less familiar with the Marcassites than some….perhaps you could expand a little?â€
The surveyor sighed, clearly impatient to get back to work. “Pretty much your standard pacifistic, apocalyptic religious order…The usual “The End-Times are here, and everything is going to hell tomorrow†cult. Minor fringe cult until the Amaris stupidity, for some reason, that squabble boosted their membership a bit. They tended to head for the Deep Periphery to set up these monasteries and pray for deliverance.â€
David shrugged. “So why aren’t they still around?â€
The young woman grimaced. “The usual sort of stupidity. The Marcassites somehow decided that gender relations were spawn of Evil, and that sex of any sort was akin to demon worship. Don’t ask me how they arrived at those two conclusions. Anyhow, the result of those beliefs was, of course, a rather effective self-limiter on the cult. All of the previously excavated sites have been single gender communities.â€
David chuckled. “So when the First Succession War caused a pullback from the Periphery, and the jump-ships stopped coming….â€
“They died of old age or disease and none came to replace them…and those inclined towards this sort of thing just joined a different cult.â€
David nodded. “Anything from the other survey teams?â€
The young woman checked her comm-unit for any messages. “Nothing of interest… a few indications of some ores, and a bit of wildlife, but no other signs of habitation.â€
He nodded. “Right then… pack it up, we’re lifting as soon as we get loaded.â€
The young surveyor spun on her heel to face David, screeching in indignation. “WHAT!? We’ve barely scratched the surface of what may be here! Do you have any idea how rare an undisturbed site like this is?!â€
“Nope.†David shrugged. “And don’t care either. Interesting as this is, it isn’t why we are out here. We have a different job to do, and shifting dust here isn’t getting it done… If you want to spend more time here, I suggest you apply for a grant to fund an expedition once we get back to Nibo. Your other option is to ask Professor Sparks to let you and your team stay here while we continue on…. And I rather doubt you’d enjoy that. Besides the butt-chewing you’d get for requesting resources needed by our REAL mission, if I’m right, this isn’t such a nice place after dark or at certain times of the year… plus, that assumes we don’t run into something big and fail to get back to tell anyone where you are.â€
The young woman looked puzzled. “But there’s nothing here... It’s a bit dry, but not unliveable. What would be the problem?â€
David smiled. “I’m not sure, but have you noticed the layout of the settlement? How close the houses are? And the ferro-crete pillars stand between the houses at the outer rim?â€
She nodded. “I’d seen them, but we hadn’t got that far in the survey yet…. What do they have to do with anything?â€
David pointed to a few square indentations on the pillars, and matching ones on the nearby houses. “Now, I’m just making an educated guess, but those look an awful lot like mount points for horizontal braces. Add in the fact that the spacing is EXACTLY two meters between the houses and the centre point on the pillars…. And that a standard armor-plas sheet is two meters in length… At a guess, I’d say they wanted to keep something out.â€
“But we’ve seen nothing harmful… and what happened to the sheets if that’s what was there?†The surveyor objected.
“Exactly, we’ve SEEN nothing. So what would a bunch of Pacifist monks need to keep out so badly that they built a palisade?†David motioned around the settlement. “As for the sheets, just look up…. Armor-plas is tough as hell, but it breaks down over time if exposed to heavy UV radiation. Add in the wind and sand erosion as the surface becomes compromised… while the monks were here, they probably kept the sheets painted with UV reflective. But once they were gone, it wouldn’t take all that long before the paint was worn away.â€
“You aren’t an archaeologist… how can you know that!?†The surveyor team leader objected. “That’s nothing but speculation!â€
David grinned. “Yup, speculation… and you’re right, I’m not an archaeologist… but I do know defensive works, and what I’m seeing here, fits.â€
He shrugged, clearly unconcerned. “But we can worry about it later. For now, get packed, we lift in twelve hours…. whether or not you are on board.â€