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Author Topic: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)  (Read 16348 times)

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Re: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2011, 06:27:36 AM »

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
26th August, 3080
1500 Hours, Local Time

Julian Spelvin stared down at the buzzing activity within the poorly lit cavern within what was formerly a SLDF mine. When he and his people took over the mountain base, they had found some of the ancient computers actually still in working condition - such was the technological prowess of the ancient Star League. After several false starts, what started out as jubilation of the possible discovery of some Lostech dipped sharply as firewalls and in built safety mechanisms destroyed much of the encrypted data right before their eyes. What information they did eventually salvage disclosed that the mine yielded large quantities of a metal called Palladium. After some quick search, Julian's people told him that it was a major component used in the fabrication of jump sails. In fact some of the heavier mining and extracting machinery were still somewhere deep down in the mining shafts below him. However, without the resources, manpower nor expertise, Julian could not determine if the Palladium were still in abundance in the mines, nor could he restart operations if they were. Furthermore, they would not be able to find suitable buyers, nor transport the extracted metals from the planet.

Not that the potential of mining operations were of much interest to him. What was of interest to him was the discovery of a pair of massive ferro steel concrete that his people had uncovered six months ago. Since they already know that the old SLDF had made use of the planet sent another jolt of excitement through the mercenaries as they had wet dreams of uncovering one of the mythical Castle Brian Complexes with all the associated technological treasure troves.

Using small but concentrated amounts of explosives coupled with exhaustive drilling, Julian and his people had to do things carefully for fear of collapsing the cavern and shafts. Convinced that they had indeed stumbled upon a Castle Brian Cache, Julian had ordered his engineers to rebuild the long eroded fortress that had been guarding the entrance to the mines for eons before. Despite raids conducted however, they could not find building material, and had to resort to using local sandstone. While no where as solid and durable as the original ferro concrete, Julian's people had heavily thickened the walls to try to make up for the difference.

Finally blasting an opening big enough for a human to go through, Julian had (rather prudently) praised the lead engineer for his efforts and offered him the opportunity to be the first living human to step into the unknown. Beaming with pride, the engineer had confidently strode through the opening into the darkness with a powerful torch. A buzz could be heard very soon afterwards, and the still helmeted head of the engineer soon came rolling back through the opening. He was still smiling.

It took another two months to widen and reinforce the opening, as well as a dozen lives before booby traps were uncovered, disarmed or triggered before Julian could finally feast his eyes upon the treasure behind those ferro concrete doors.

He was fairly certain what he discovered was a far cry from a real Castle Brian Complex. While he would never proclaim himself to be a student of history or architecture, Julian knew enough to know that Castles Brian complexes may well be the most sophisticated human made structures in the entire known human universe. These elaborate super-fortifications were almost never built entirely on the surface, and most featured elaborate tunnels, hyper-reinforced buildings and construction that embedded them deep within the local terrain for maximum secrecy and defensibility. Though well over half the structures devoted to a Castles Brian complex were often invisible to the casual observer, these sprawling complexes can take up hundreds, if not thousands of square kilometres, rivalling the sizes of most major cities across the Inner Sphere.

From what he remembered (or more accurately from what he could recall from the lengthy lectures his engineers told him), the typical Castles Brian complex included a minimum of over a dozen armoured heavy weapon turrets, commonly armed with conventional heavy weapons. Backing up these turrets were an additional dozens more of smaller turrets which carried fewer weapons and were often automated, plus an even greater number of smaller anti-personnel bunkers as well as an uncountable number of minefields. These turrets, plus vehicles scale tunnels exits often comprised the entirety of the complex’s surface structures. A few more elaborate Castles Brian complexes added a complete military base to the surface, including landing strips and control towers for aerospace traffic for added defence and support).

Below ground or deep within local mountains, a typical Castles Brian complex descended around hundreds of meters deep into the planet's surface and included barracks, tunnels, administrative buildings and massive hangars and garages that could support full tank or BattleMech regiments. Intended to survive any assault, including a nuclear blast, the typical Castles Brian complex added survivability by alternating habitable levels with additional levels of native rock to limit any possible collapses to the uppermost levels while the majority of the base’s living quarters and supplies remained safely deeper underground.

However, what he discovered was a good enough second. Rows of Star League era BattleMechs and vehicles, some even in reasonable working condition IF he could find some repair parts. All in all, not a bad catch indeed.

For some reason, Julian did not consider the issue of transferring the machines from within the bays to the surface with narrow passageways that criss crossed into the caves. As a matter of fact, the few BattleMechs that Julian had under his command were confined to areas near the entrance to his mountain hide out, with only unaugmented humans able to move further into the caves.

Instead, Julian Spelvin was thinking of the tons and tons of money he would be getting for the sale of the discovered Lostech, old and mostly unserviceable as they were... and that girl (what was her name again? Clarice? Karine?) he had... enjoyed while he was on Terra uncountable number of years ago. It had been FAR too long...

Geosynchronous Orbit of Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
"Event Horizon"
Seeker Class DropShip
28th August, 3080
2200 Hours, Local Time

"You must be mad thinking that I'd put my people in one of those exoskeleton suits." Doctor Kaplan Bowes snorted in disgust as he took out one of the misplaced medicines and slotted it into its correct place in the cabinet. The medical assistant beside him cringed slightly and uttered an apology. Kaplan dismissed it quickly and closed the cabinet doors, satisfied that no other mistakes had been made. The Novo Franklin recruited girl heaved a sigh of relief, before retreating from the medicine storage room.

Like most, if not all other Seeker Class of DropShips, the Event Horizon was designed to carry a scout battalion into hostile territory and operate independently of support vessels for extended periods. Further contributing to its laid out role, the massive Quad RanTech Fusion Drive system of the Seeker made it one of the fastest DropShips of its size. Energy weapons dominated the Seeker's arsenal, while LRM launchers with ample ammunition supple provided additional long-range firepower. The spheroid design’s ample cargo holds contained spare parts, food supplies and water tanks that allowed the craft to operate for up to four months without taking on supplies.

To complement its capabilities as a forward reconnaissance craft, the Seeker was also equipped with an extensive medical facility that was adequately equipped to handle most emergencies. Kaplan had found working on the Event Horizon a much easier and comfortable change from the normally cramped and ill equipped medical bays on almost all other DropShip types in his long career. In fact, about the only other time he had better equipped facilities was the time he spend with the Crucis Lancers. Of course, the seventeen and a half thousand ton Conquistator troop carrier he was posted on weighed nearly three times as much as the Seeker, and was nearly two hundred years younger than the Event Horizon in both design and actual production age.

"It's for you and your people's own safety Kap." Zi Long insisted as he followed the Doctor out of the medical storage room. "You already know that the air is thin, and the atmosphere semi toxic at best. If you're not gonna get your people at least trained in working in enviro suits, its going to be impossible for them to do any good when their services are needed."

"Do you have any idea how impossible it is to treat injuries if we're in such suits?" The Doctor turned towards Zi Long with a frown. "Even a simple activity like bandaging would take at least three times as long - if at all possible."

"All the more reason to train your girls!" Zi Long highlighted.

"Even trained medics would find it difficult." Kaplan pushed pass his fellow Black Star. "Try asking Wedge to carry out field repairs in an environmental suit and see what HE would have to say to you."

"That's different. If a machine suffers a breach, breaks down or get damaged, we can always retrieve it later." The native Taurian citizen retorted. "But when it comes to an injured Star, I'd want them to be given medical attention as soon as possible."

Kaplan paused in mid stride. The Black Stars, being a close knit unit with small numbers, had always taken extraordinary measures to ensure that every life is saved, and no one was left behind enemy lines. Yet, to ask that his people be trained to go out in the field, and administer medical treatment in bulky environmental suits with gloves that would make delicate actions impossible was not an option he'd want to consider.

"Fine." The Doctor finally nodded. "I'll split my people into two groups. One will prep the pair of MASH we have on the standby for deployment in the field. Another team will be waiting on the Event to take care of any injured people brought in."

Zi Long raised an eyebrow as he cast an suspicious look at the head Doctor of the Black Stars. "But....?"

"But my girls would not be able to stretcher soldiers ladened down in environmental suits. They'd also be required in the MASH and on the Event." Kaplan pointed out. "I have too few of them as it is."

"That doesn't solve my problem Doc." Zi Long pointed out. "I can't have our people scrambling out of their 'Mechs and vees to haul our injured people out of their rides. I'd be losing people left, right and centre."

"Which is why you'll have to give me some of your people as stretcher bearers." The Doctor explained. "They won't need to be full blown medics. I can even attach one of my nurses to make sure your people don't kill anyone trying to haul them in. Whoever you assign the role would at most need to know basic stuff like rough field dressing... and after that pure brute muscle."

Zi Long rolled his eyes. "Where the hell would I be able to..."

"That's YOUR problem isn't it?" Kaplan winked.

Zi Long glared at Kaplan. "I hate you."

"I know." The Doctor replied before turning away to one of the numerous files on his table. "Now shoo. You have a stretcher bearing party to pull out of thin air from."

“Event Horizon”
Seeker Class DropShip
Attached to “Next Stop”, Nibo Merchant Class JumpShip
29th August, 3080
0915 Hours, Local Time

David sighed as yet another person knocked on his office hatch. There were times when he regretted agreeing to a command position in the Cell. It seemed that there was never a time when someone didn’t need something done, or a decision needed to be made.

Pausing a moment to sip a bit of cold coffee to wash down the half-dozen assorted pills Doctor Bowles had given him, David quickly made sure none of the vials were still visible before he responded. “Enter.”

Gillian Fenderson, a tech on the night shift stuck her head in. “Mr. Ten-Bears, Sir, I think there’s a problem with Ms. Gar-Xincon.”

David just raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

The young lady stepped into the cramped cubicle and spoke softly. “I’ve been her roommate since she joined. It works out pretty well, what with us being on opposite shifts and all. We only see each other twice a day at most, usually around shift change.”

David scowled at his now even colder coffee. “Yes, yes, I understand…. But you mentioned a problem?” He was a little impatient and clearly wanted her to get to the point soon.

Gillian stuttered a bit as she kept going. “Well, you see Sir, I saw her this morning as I dropped off my gear from the night shift and headed down to chow. She was just getting dressed and I figured she’d catch up to me in the Mess hall. Well, she never showed.” Gillian shrugged. “I didn’t think that much of it, maybe she just wasn’t hungry… But when I went back to the cabin to get some sleep, the door is jammed shut, and she won’t respond to knocking or the intercom.”

The young tech looked a bit nervous and her voice became even softer. “Something doesn’t feel right. It’s just too cold by the hatch, even if the environmentals say it’s normal temp.”

David closed his eyes and massaged the bridge of his nose. “Why now?” He muttered to himself.

Lifting his head, he looked directly at the young technician. “Very well then Miss Fenderson, I will investigate the situation. Please have Senior Technician MacWhirter meet me at the cabin as soon as he can get there. After that… well, I guess you should bunk down in one of the unused cabins and get some sleep. We’ll let you know if there’s anything you need concern yourself with.”

“Yessir.” Gillian nodded and raced out to find the named individual, one of the Horizon’s long service crewmembers.

**Scene/Time break**

David ran his fingertips over the surface of the hatchway. One thing was for certain, something was off here. As Gillian had said, it felt far colder near the hatch than the sensors said it should, and as David lightly touched the hatch, small sparks of static electricity danced and snapped.

“What’s the problem?”

David’s head snapped around to where the newcomer had appeared silently. “Not sure… the hatch is unlocked but jammed, and the person that’s supposed to be in there isn’t responding.”

MacWhirter stepped up to the hatch and did a quick inspection. “Nothing obvious… unlocked as you said… the room has pressure, so that’s not it…. frame doesn’t appear warped… ok then.”

Reaching into his large tool kit, the Senior Technician pulled out a pair of heavy pry bars and held one of them out to David. “Do you prefer top or bottom?”

David raised one eyebrow. “Well besides being a rather personal question, you aren’t really my type.”

MacWhirter looked disgusted. “I walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

“Eyes open and head high.” David chuckled softly, and then held out his hand for one of the pry bars. “I’ll take the upper part.”

As the two men prepared to pry the door open, David saw Aina walk up the corridor and stop, an expression of mild curiosity on her face.

"Is something wrong?" Asked Aina, more curious than anything to see David of all people trying to pry open a door with a pry bar in the morning. Behind her legs, little Diana seemed to look at something, and for once, looked afraid, but soon she peeked out from behind mother's legs, and looked at her surroundings with visibly more curiosity than usual.

“Not sure.” David grunted as he and MacWhirter exerted all their strength on the door. “Might just be a jammed door, but….”

With a bang and a screech of stuck hinges, the door began to move. Ever so slowly, it began to swing open, protesting all the way with a teeth grating howl of rubbing metal. As it did so, clouds of dust, kicked up by the air currents, rolled out into the corridor.

Aina coughed as she accidentally inhaled some of the dust cloud. As she did, she also noted something else. The smell. The dust cloud smelled... stale. It smelled like something had died in the room, but either not long enough to stink or too long already, to the point that any stink would be gone by then. Whichever it was, it was not the kind of scent someone would expect to encounter in a DropShip in the thirty-first century.

David bent over coughing for a long while, trying to clear his lungs. Between the stale air and clouds of dust, it took him quite a bit before he could straighten up and breath more easily.

Before he entered the room, David went to one of the many emergency stations that dotted the ship’s corridors and took out a small respirator mask. Normally intended in case of fire or smoke, it would still work well to protect his eyes and lungs from further dust clouds.

Now better able to breath, David leaned into the room and peered into the gloom.

Taking a hesitant step inside, he reached out and turned on the light. After a moment, he almost wished that he hadn’t, as the dull yellow light cast by a dust choked bulb revealed a scene from a horror movie.

Stretched out beside on of the bunks lay the mortal remains of Ms. Gar-Xincon. Covered in a thick layer of dust, the body looked years dead.

Leaning down, David brushed away some of the dust from her face, revealing a frozen grimace.

Her flesh was dry and leathery, mummified by the dry ship’s air and time…. lots of time. How much time David had no idea, but he knew it was a LOT longer than the hour or so that she’d been unaccounted for.

Despite all her upbringing in the Clans, despite what people might think Clanspeople are, Aina paled somewhat at the sight. She did not utter a sound, but that was mostly because she was trying to keep the bile to go back down her throat. The sight of the unusual corpse was enough to shake her somewhat, to the point that her stomach rebelled at the sight, but her resolve to not shame herself over it allowed her to keep her breakfast down instead of vomiting it all over the place and add to the mess. Behind her, Diana stared blankly at the room. If anyone had paid attention to the little girl instead of the room's shocking contents, they might notice that she was not looking at the dried corpse inside the room, but rather following something else with her eyes. What that is, is up for imagination, for there was nothing else in that room.

David looked up at Aina. “Get Zhao and Doctor Bowles… and have Glen keep people out of this corridor until we give him the all clear. I don’t want a panic starting over this.”

She nodded without saying a word, and ran off with her child in tow to do just what David said. She was definitely in no mood to stay around after what she saw.

***Scene Shift ***

Doctor Bowles walked into the outer room as he removed his face-mask and stripped off the latex gloves. “Damn, I hate autopsies.” Bowles complained.

David shrugged. “I didn’t kill her Doc, so bitching at me won’t help. What’s the word?” He nodded to the half-open surgery door.

Bowles sighed and walked over to a shallow sink. “Well, pending the toxicology results, it looks like she starved to death about ten years ago and was mummified by the dry air.”

Leaning down, the tired Doctor washed his face with cool water. After drying off, he turned back to David. “I know it doesn’t make any sense, but that’s what the tests are showing.”

David nodded. “Right… write it up, make sure Zhao and I get copies of everything, and make the arrangements to send her gear wherever she had designated in her hiring papers. Once you are done with her body… cremation. I’ll take care of the ashes.”

He turned to leave, but stopped and looked back at the Doctor. “And keep it quiet. The LAST thing we need is the new hires freaking out just before an operation.”

Orbit of Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
"Event Horizon"
Seeker Class DropShip
1st September, 3080
0500 Hours, Local Time

Zi Long stretched himself as the Event Horizon finally moved from geosynchronous orbit level to low orbit level, about five hundred kilometres from the surface of the planet itself. While only marginally experiencing the gravitational forces of the still unnamed mining colony planet, the steady thrust of the Black Stars Seeker class DropShip meant that the crew and passengers on board were operating as if there was standard gravity not different than that on Terra.

All signs point to the fact that their enemies still had no clue that the Stars were already literally right over their heads, or even that they had unwelcome guests. Zi Long cracked his knuckles as he checked his unsealed environmental suit again. As instructed, all vehicular crew and unarmoured infantry will move onto the planet with the suits. The PBI would have to be fully suited, while vehicle crews can at least afford the slight luxury of not putting on their helmets unless their vehicles suffered hull breaches.

The aerospace pilots would have their flight suits and helmets of course. On the other hand, the only reason they would need these on the planet surface would be because they had been forced to land - or crash. Both of these were not something Zi Long hoped forward to at all. The least protected ones would actually be the Mechjocks in the unit. Unable to wear the environmental suits while operating their 'Mechs, they would have to pull on the suits if their cockpits suffered breaches. The only saving grace for all these was that the semi-toxic atmosphere and thin air of the planet would not instantly kill whoever was exposed to them for a while, thus allowing MechWarriors time to pull on their environmental suits if they should need it.

With all sub-units as comfortable as they could be with the data and intel in hand, the Black Stars had decided to deploy as they planned. The Jack O' Lanterns lighter Battle Armour force and the small infantry force platoon of Loch's Lancers would be deployed against the pirates holed up in their mountain base. Kei, in her on loan Spector would be the only BattleMech element for that part of the operations as it was one of the few 'Mechs among the Black Stars arsenal that would be able to manoeuvre within its narrow confines.

James Lockheart and his much larger and heavier Battle Armour assets would be used to take the air base, supported by his own BattleMechs as well as his solitary aerospace fighters. The Lyran pilots under Aina's Fallen Falcons would lend additional aerial cover - after they dropped off Lantern's BA via the risky aerial deployment mechanism. On the grounds, Aina herself would participate in the operation in another loaned BattleMech as well.

Unlike the other two strike forces, his own Sharp Shooters as well as David's Los Lupos Negros would not be bringing the fight to the last, and largest concentration of the enemy forces. Instead, they would be setting up an ambush on the most likely route of advance from the large pirate base to the space port - a route the pirates hopefully take when Trouble Inc. and the Fallen Falcons hit the only location where their DropShips were located. The fact that their only ticket off the god forsaken piece of rock was under attack should force the pirates to hurry to its defence using the shortest and fastest way - right into Zi Long and David's trap.

The Black Stars officer looked at the hive of activity around the massive bay of the Event Horizon. He grinned a loop sided grin. The Stars had been on holiday for far too long. The anticipation of the battle to come seemed to invigorate all the mercenaries.

Time to earn our pay.


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Re: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2011, 06:28:17 AM »

September 1st, 3080
0715 hours, Local time
Seeker-Class Dropship Event Horizon
Orbit of Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Deep Periphery

"I suppose you have heard the news." Said Aina. She had gathered the few (that is, all four) members of her sub-unit in her room - adequate enough to serve as a briefing room for the time being, anyway. She had no need to elaborate what kind of "news" she was talking about, since just about everyone in the Black Stars would have heard by now that the time to earn their pay is coming up soon. Looking around the room, she noticed that Erica looked uncaring - but that is about the standard with that girl, as she have learned - while her wingmen Theresa looked more... excited. Hazel on the other hand looked somewhat nervous.

"Theresa, you brought the aerial recon photos I asked you to bring, quiaff?"

"Yes, ma'am." Theresa nodded, and brought out a hand-held display unit. She and Erica had been the ones who pulled the aerial recon over the spaceport, snapping pictures during a high-altitude high-speed pass to minimize the chances of the people on ground noticing them.

"What do you think?" Queried Aina. She had always had the preference to let her subordinates to have their say first before she uttered her own opinions - easier to notice any mistakes they made that way.

"Well, the field is rather open... but there are enough cover for the battle armour troopers to close in without exposing themselves the whole way through... No obstacles large enough to seriously hinder mobility... and nothing large enough other than the DropShips or buildings that Mechs can hide behind if we went in for a strafing run." Theresa started. Aina did not say anything, but she agreed with the Lyran pilot's assessment. The field is relatively flat enough for her Talon to be able to manoeuvre unhindered for the most part.

"As for the enemy forces... there could probably be more hidden in the hangars, although I would discount them having more than a lance of Mechs in there, unless there were more in the DropShips... Anything inside the Mule we can count out since they would not be able to deploy in time to make an effect to the battle, so I would say that at worst we might have to face two lances of enemy Mechs here... They could have quite a bit of Battle armour or infantry assets hidden in those buildings though, although I do not think Trouble Inc.'s battle armour troopers would be unable to handle what these pirates got."

Around the room, Aina and Hazel nodded. Two lances of Mechs in the worst-case scenario is a challenge Aina would not turn away from. Their own forces... three BattleMechs among Trouble Inc.'s line up, one of her own, and the Mongoose II she had borrowed from the Jack-o-Lanterns.

"We will handle the ground troops. Or at least get their attention. You take care of the skies first." Said Aina in reply.

"Err... 'we', ma'am?" That came from Hazel, who evidently had not expected that Aina would trust her to go into battle this soon.

"Yes, nestling. You can have your trial by fire now." Replied Aina with an evil-looking grin spreading on her features. "Not only do we need every bit of firepower we can muster, but this will also be your trial. Pass it satisfactorily, and I will make your position with my unit permanent. Otherwise, I would expect you to die trying."

Hazel gulped at hearing Aina's words. On one hand, she was eager, excited even to finally get some real action, but the need to do her job well - or die trying - also made her worry somewhat. It took her a few moments before she could reply with a firm "Yes, Ma'am!" to Aina's challenge.

"Now, as for those Mechs you saw on the recon... I believe this one is an Archer, correct?" Said Aina, turning back to the reconnaissance pictures.

"I would say so, ma'am. My best guess is a -2R model. Old one, but still a tough one. If you can get us a clear run to its backside though..."

"Aff, I know what you mean. The other one... If it is a Rifleman, it looks rather unusual. The autocannon seems to be of a larger caliber, and I cannot really notice the usual laser mount either. Not from this distance at least."

Theresa pondered at the image a little before she answered. "A -3C perhaps? That one packs dual AC 10s. It's a worse AA Mech then the usual -3N by far though."

"Could be. Just exercise caution. I am not in the mood of having to recruit more pilots to make up for losses."

“We will, ma'am. Viel Gluck, und gute Jagd.”

“The same to you. Get yourselves ready. We will earn our pay soon enough.”

Theresa and Hazel gave her a crisp salute in reply. Erica followed them a moment later, though notably with less crispness. Aina returned their salute, and watched as all three women left her room.

Soon enough... The time for my own trial here will come soon enough...

Despite having had the mercenary life explained to her already, Aina still cannot shake off her own clan-bred habits. For her, she views the upcoming mission as more than just a mission. For her, it also served as what she would consider her own trial of position into the mercenary unit. Granted, none of them expected her to hold anything like that, but it was something she needed for herself. Something she would not rest easy without.

She had not had the chance to prove herself so far, no chance at real combat. No chance to prove her skill and ability, both as a MechWarrior and a commander, and that is something the former Jade Falcon had inwardly been seething about. If anything, she is most likely more eager than her subordinates about this upcoming battle.

Soon enough...

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
2nd September, 3080
1030 Hours, Local Time

Julian Spelvin rubbed his hands in barely constrained anticipation as a few of his (very obviously over worked, and rather trimmed out in numbers due to the attempts at removal of booby traps) engineers and technicians as they worked on a pair of rather dusty and old looking BattleMechs - two of the several they had uncovered in the recently explored bay within the Haruki Mountains which they had chosen as their base.

After finally able to roam within the heavily booby trapped 'Mech and vehicle bay, Julian's engineers were initially thrilled by the prospect of working on Lostech. Of course, the fact that they survived the exploration adventure versus more than a dozen of their comrades who did not might have been the reason why they were on high spirits as well. Their joy was not even doused, by much anyway, when they were told that they were to immediately start going over the machines to see if any of them could be activated.

Vehicles would be the easiest to assess since unlike BattleMechs, they usually do not have complex security mechanisms to prevent unwanted people messing around with them. Unfortunately, his people had since gave his the disappointing news that none of the machines would be operational without expensive replacement parts. Despite the widespread use of fusion engines across the Inner Sphere since the technological renaissance since the '50s, out here in the Periphery, especially the deeper outskirts where they were, such equipment were still hard to come by. Julian nearly screamed when he was told that nearly all the vehicles they had discovered had malfunctioning fusion power plants. One impressive machine that did have a working fusion engine, and an extra light fusion one at that.

The Padilla was designed to supplement another SLDF era missile artillery tank, the Chaparral medium missile tank. The first Padillas were typically teamed with light, fast, TAG equipped BattleMechs and vehicles that would skirt the enemy’s positions and direct missile barrages from the seventy five ton tanks stationed far away from the main battle lines. The highly mobile Padilla proved a difficult target for enemy gunners, and the design served well in its capacity as a mobile missile platform. Though Padillas are rare today on the modern battlefield, this heavy vehicle remained one of the most effective artillery tanks ever designed.

Unfortunately, the piece that they had found, while possessing a working XL fusion engine and intact structural integrity and armour, was robbed of the centre piece of its offensive armament. To quote his tech, "the Katyusha Arrov IV missile launcher's busted." After further checking, so too apparently was the anti-missile system. That left the tank with only a pair of front mounted medium pulse lasers working. With both the Arrow IV and AMS difficult to replace, Julian was already contemplating stripping the XL engine as a spare part, or to sell it in the black markets.

The team that was going through the BattleMechs gave more encouraging news. Amongst the near dozen machines, two of them would be operational after tuning the fusion engine, gyro and computer systems. That itself of course would take time, but at least it would give him two more 'Mechs to augment his forces. That will give those bastards food for thought. Lance of paperweight for 'Mechs my ass.

Valley of Devil's Embrace
Main Pirate Base
2nd September, 3080
1035 Hours, Local Time

Nelson dusted himself as he stepped out of his quad Scorpion 'Mech. Even within the supposedly sealed base, dust had somehow seeped through the ventilation systems and coated everything in a thin layer of fine orange sand. Before him, Samuel's Kintaro waved to Nelson as it moved out of the bays to take up the sentry position that Nelson's own fifty ton SCP-1O had just vacated minutes ago.

The truth was, Nelson did not understand the need for a sentry. While it was true that there was not any form of remote or automated advanced early warning system to their base despite it being the largest of the three here on the planet, there had not been any unwanted approach to the base ever since the place was set up more than a year ago.

Many among the mercenaries here had thought that the appearance of a sentry 'Mech was nothing more than a way to sooth over the ego of their commander - an ego that took a tremendous beating during their disgraceful defeat in the hands of the rabble from Nibo. Even though they had scored some victories in the initial attacks, while executing several more brilliant raids since their withdrawal from the Nibo system, the fact still remained that they had suffered a hiding in the hands of what was supposed to be a back water "pooh dunk" military force.

In the bay, the other two members of Nelson's lance stood unmoving in their own bays. One of them was an old SLDF design like Samuel's Kintaro. Its flat body and claw like arms that gave it its name now hang lamely without power. The CRB-20 Crab was the lance commander's ride, as it should be given its combination of firepower, armour and speed. The other machine was much more humanoid in shape. The Centurion had always been one of the most common medium BattleMech in the AFFS’s arsenal. During the short time the Suns was merged with the Lyran state, the fifty ton war machine were adapted to some degree with the LAAF. As each new variant of Centurion was unveiled, the AFFS slowly rotates out the older versions to the mercenary market, supplementing the military’s budget. That was how this particular machine had apparently fallen into their hands - purchase through some black market.

While not spotting the latest technology, Nelson was sure that with reinforcement along the way, Colonel James Prinz would be itching to take the fight back to the Nibo Armed Forces that had destroyed much of his Prinz's Pride reinforced regiment...

Lower Atmosphere of Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
"Event Horizon"
Seeker Class DropShip
2nd September 3080
2200 Hours, Local Time

Zi Long lightly fingered the simple looking contraption stuffed into one of the leg pouches of his environmental suit. It was a very plain piece of equipment that had its origins as a rebreather that served as an emergency back up breathing apparatus that ancient Terrans has used when they went scuba diving in humankind's planet of origin's seas and oceans.

With his VTOL crew relegated to serving as stretcher bearers, James had been understandably worried about the dangers of breached environmental suits, or the fact that the suits would somewhat reduce the dexterity of his people. The Black Stars Captain himself had been quietly pondering other alternatives to the suits, especially with many of the MechWarriors similarly expressing the threat of them not being to get into suits stashed within their cockpits in time. After all, all it took was bad luck for a seam to get stuck in a lever within the notoriously constraining confines of a 'Mech cockpit or vehicle and rip, rendering the suit itself useless.

"Have you seen the small scuba breathers from the spy movies?" The sub-unit commander of Trouble Inc. had approached Zi Long shortly after lifting off Nibo, and after Zi Long had told him of the new roles his VTOL crew would be assigned to. "The ones that are about the size of a cigar tube."

Zi Long had raised an eyebrow. "Those types that you bite on?"

James had nodded. "I thought you need oxygen tanks with those as well?" Zi Long asked. However, he suspected that the other man would not have asked the question if it was so.

"No, not until the five minutes of air in the little one is exhausted." James replied, confirming Zi Long's suspicions. "I thought those would be great emergency breathers." At that point, the VTOL commander had thrown one such contraption onto Zi Long's lap.

"Nice. So... I should carry like a whole sling of 'em?" Zi Long asked without looking at James, his hands and eyes going over the smallish device.

"They are small enough to make sense inside a tank." James continued. "And since you do smoke..."

The Taurian native looked up with a grin. "Add in nicotine for flavour?"

"One tube of that versus a cigar." The other man returned with a grin of his own. "Or cyanide if you become unpopular." He added with a shrug before looking seriously at the Black Stars CO. "Would they be considered for emergency survival gear?"

"Like I said, I thought such things needed tanks." Zi Long replied. "The smallest of which had a 1 cubic foot tank which I thought might not be small and transportable enough."

"Those that you’re talking about were commercial types. With the improved metals available for military use though... I've heard that they even have it flask shaped types." James supplied. "Also, most of them were designed for underwater use. The other real thing to consider is how much pressure the air is under. Volume shrinks under pressure up to a point. A 1.5 Cubic foot tank only takes 8" x 16" at sea level."

The Chinese man placed the rebreather in one hand and tested its weight. "So, there are those developed for use in mildly toxic and/ or thin atmosphere environments, and they're actually really small even with attached tanks..."

James nodded. "I'd say so, yes. Figure the 6 cubic feet models should be good for twelve to fifteen minutes, which I'd advice backing it down to 10 to be safe. And that's at 3000 PSI. With the latest technologies, I've found some which should be able to up that by swapping out some of the nitrogen for a more compressable gas." He pointed at the device in Zi Long's hands. "That one should be okay for about five minutes, while the types with the tanks should last for a good half to a full hour of air." He smiled at the other man. "I've gotten a couple of these and tested them while on Nibo. Two tanks of air and a rebreather combined would give us two hours combined."

Zi Long raised a suspicious looking eyebrow at James again. "And I trust you bought enough sets for the entire unit?"

James shrugged. "Of course I did."

"And I presume you're not gonna let the rest of us have them for free." It was not a question.

The Trouble Inc. CO snorted. "Don't be ridiculous. I wouldn't be a Black Star if I did."

"But we're family!" Zi Long whined. "We take care of each other!"

"Which is why I'll let the rest of you clowns buy them at only a measly a twenty five percent mark up." James winked.

"You pirate." Zi Long mumbled, before he suddenly sat up. "I'll buy the whole lot."

James stared at Zi Long like he was mad before enlightenment suddenly hit him. "You're gonna resell them to the others won't you." He grinned.

"Hey, we're family. We ought to share such opportunities around no?" Zi Long replied with a smirk.

Upper Atmosphere
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
3rd September, 3080
0530 Hours, Local Time

Zi Long stood at the bridge of the Event Horizon and stared at the land below him. He nodded to Captain Harris, who in turned patched through to the three fighters of the Black Stars. The pair of heavy Sword OmniFighters had already launched for the bays of the Nibo Merchant Class JumpShip, serving as escort not only for their only ride out of the system, but to the Black Stars' DropShip as well.

The Chinese man willed the DropShip closer to the planet below. The Event had claimed another of his people. Despite a tight clamp down on the episode, news still leaked out, as news always do. That had made the entire unit cagey, to say the least. As one of the more veteran crew on board mentioned, it wasn't REALLY that much of a surprise, considering that the Event hasn't been fed for quite some time...

At least they're all chaffing to get down to the planet rather than stay holed up in the DropShip. Zi Long thought to himself.

In the massive bays below him, minus those used for their very different improvised launching system for the aerospace fighters, technicians, Mechjocks, vehicle crew, BA troopers and infantry were all checking their equipment. Anticipating and preparing for the less than friendly environment and atmosphere on the old mining colony had meant that other than their combat gear, all personnel who would be operating on the planet surface would have to make doubly sure that their environmental suits and the sealing mechanisms of their machines be in tip top condition - be it David's Marauder, to one of the Doc's MASH unit.

"Are they gone yet?" Zi Long asked the Captain.

"They're not launching using normal methods remember?" The man looked back at him with a frown. "One of 'em's doing an impression of a gecko, while the other pair's reliving their childhood slingshot memories. It's gonna take time."

"Smart ass." The native Taurian snorted.

"Hey, at least you get to wallow in the mud down there later." Harris retorted. "Me and my people will have to man this fort."

"You've had your shore leave while on Nibo." Zi Long replied. "And if things go wrong, you're our ride off this rock."

Harris nodded. "Still, I'm not too happy that the Swords are gonna stay with the JumpShip. I mean, c'mon, wouldn't they be better used to attack the enemies, especially when they don't seem to have any aerospace assets?"

"I know. The kind of firepower they can bring would be incredible." He grinned. "But would YOU want to tell JL or Aina that they'll have to share salvaged equipment from air strikes with the Nibo flyboys?"

The DropShip Captain's eyes opened wide for a while. "Er... no thanks."

"See the predicament I have?" Zi Long winked.

"Captain, Cargo report all three fighters deployed without incident." One of the bridge crew reported.

"Incredible." Harris heaved a sigh of relief. "They didn't tear up my ship."

Excellent." Zi Long beamed. "Let's get the show on the road."

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
6th September 3080
20:30 Hours, Local Time

Natasha edged the Spector though the rocky and sandy landscape at a crawl around 10 kilometres per hour for last 5 kilometres, as she approached the plateau the pirates were building their castle on. She still had 3 hours before the Battle Armour was due at the cliff face and started the process of setting their explosive charges. Estimating that it would take around 1 hour for the Spector to get into position, considering terrain around the castle was fairly open and most of the easy access paths were being observed or just too visible to be considered.

From the reconnaissance photos and data that could be extracted from them, using the known heights of the Mechs as a measure of scale, Natasha had identified too likely avenues of approach that would allow her to remain unseen and undetected. The first was a fold in the plateau that appeared from the photo to have a steady incline of around 40 degrees and was recessed into the plateau so only someone standing at the edge of the fold would notice anything. It was certainly wide enough for a light Mech and there appeared to be sufficient hilly terrain near the exit point at the top to screen the Mech from alert eyes. It was also 1.2 kilometres away from the castle and it was unlikely that someone would be just hanging around exit point by accident. It was her primary choice to reach the top.

Natasha estimated that would be roughly 25 minutes before she would be at the ascent point and decided to review the mission specifics again, trying to work out a few inconsistencies that kept nagging at her. The first issue was the lack of a detectable JumpShip at the Nadir or Zenith jump points. It was obvious that the pirates DropShips had arrived in system with at least one JumpShip, so only three broad possibilities existed. That the JumpShip was located at a pirate point somewhere in system that the Black Stars had not detected on either of their reconnaissance scans of the system. Considering the lack of preparation the pirates showed for external attacks she suspected the risk associated with using a pirate jump made this scenario unlikely, but she could not discount it completely at this time. This scenario allows the pirates an escape option, but if that was the case why split your forces so far from the space port. Unless there is something worth the risk in either the mine or the main base, maybe both locations. It is an interesting idea that could be investigated further after dealing with the pirates, if time permitted. Natasha noticed she was coming up on the ascent point.

Having finally arrived she was not as impressed with this choice close up, as she was from the reconnaissance photographs. Closer inspection showed that the incline was made up almost entirely of sand, most likely deposited in the fold over many years by the sandstorms. The integrity of the loose sand meant that walking up it even in a light Mech might be problematic. Still it was worth a try and she started the Spector up the incline and as expected the sand started to shift under the Spector's feet and it slid down again. The highest Natasha could push the Mech this way was around 30 metres. That left around 70 to 80 metres to go. Evaluating the risk of a full run and then a full burst of the jump jets, probably would carry the Mech to the top. The problem of course was the noise and light given off by the jump jets. Letting out a breath she did not know she was holding, she decided it best to leave this option as the last resort.

Turning the Mech to the right she would need to follow the base of the plateau for around 10 minutes to her second preference. Keeping the Mech close to base of the plateau and among the rock formations to reduce any silhouette or shadow cast by the Spector. Natasha had also spent considerable time painting the Spector the same colour as the local environment to make spotting the Mech considerably harder, should the enemy pop a flare.

Her mind returning to the JumpShip puzzle, the second option was the JumpShip had jumped out again. This was the most likely scenario but raised some unsettling questions. Had the JumpShip left with DropShips or without? If without then what purpose was served by leaving, desertion or resupply. If the JumpShip had left these pirates to rot then it represented no threat and could be discarded. This left resupply which carried a high risk for the Black Stars. If the JumpShip brought replacement Mechs and personnel, then the Black Stars could be seriously out manned and if they pirates manage to disable or capture the Nibo owned JumpShip the “Next Stop”, then Black Stars could be permanent residents here one way or another. This scenario needed serious risk management, with the goal of minimising the impact as much as humanly possible. If the JumpShip had left loaded with a second group of pirates, then that could mean there were more pirate forces on their way back real soon. Same problem and result as the resupply scenario. If the DropShips were loaded with ore from the mine or empty, they still could bring back reinforcements to fill depleted forces. Natasha just wanted to get this mission done and be gone before our ambush became the pirates counter attack.

Finally arriving at her second choice for an ascension point, Natasha surveyed it. The rocky face of this section of the plateau was not as shear and there were sections that would require a little climbing, but overall from below the way doable. The Mech steadily climbed up the rock ledges and ridges slowly with the only hitch being a small section near top that required a little climbing but the Mech finally and slowly raised itself enough for the cockpit to get a view of surrounding area. As the reconnaissance photos had shown cover on top had been sparse and Natasha had not been able to determine if the castle would have a view of this area. As luck would have it there was a slight ridge that ran across the top of plateau that blocked their line of sight and allowed the Spector to slip up behind the castle on the opposite side to the gate and the two Mechs guarding it. Before lifting the Mech all the way up she switched from low light to thermal scan looking for any surprises or sentries. Finding no discernible threats, the Spector rises like a dark spirit of the earth and silently moves along the base of the ridge. The castle was just under 2 kilometres from this location and as briefed the passive combat sensors started showing signs of interference. Soon the interference was so bad that the sensors were useless.

Natasha threaded her way down the ridge line and cut cross a large depression that lead to a rock formation located around 780 metres from the castle. This is as close as she dared move the Spector and with around 40 minutes to spare. Natasha could only wait now and setting the external microphone pick up to as high as it would go, hoping that any detection of the Black Stars battle armour would cause some commotion she could detect. Thinking on the last JumpShip option, that it had encountered a problem that caused it fail and finally destroying it. This was the least likely option and had no outcome on their mission and thus it was discarded. “Let's hope the battle armour does not screw this up.” Natasha voiced to the cockpit. Sorting though a few data files she starts playing the latest Solaris battle matches.

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Mountains (former mining site)
6th September 3080
1130 Hours, Local Time

Why do I keep agreeing to this crap?

It wasn’t the first time during the long darkness that Markus had asked himself that question. No amount of cajoling would have gotten him to admit the answer, which was fairly simple. Not only was he good at what he did, he also enjoyed it. That made any argument for a change in career a short one indeed.

Zooming out on the current scene would have revealed very little. It was a pitch black night. Almost too dark really, as any speck of light would draw the eye, if they happened to be looking in that direction. That direction was, however, working in his favour at this point. Had it been daylight it would have revealed Markus clinging spiderlike to a cliff face, moving painfully slowly, stopping on occasion to fiddle, and then continuing to creep across the face. Twenty metres to the side and slightly below, Remedy was advancing in much the same manner.

Markus was around ten to fifteen metres below the base of the ridiculous castle wall that the pirates were intent on building, and around a hundred metres or so, the exact height Markus really didn’t want to think about, was the ravine floor and the entrance to the mining operation. Also down there the unmistakable outlines of two ‘Mechs could be seen, an aged Panther and a ridiculous looking Vulcan. Those would make life difficult. The Panther would struggle to make the jump directly to the castle, but the Vulcan would do it with ease.

No, time to worry about that later.

Thought back on the task at hand, Markus found another likely spot and pushed a small high explosive device into a crevice. It would be pure luck they could have the same success here as they had with the artillery ridge on Novo Franklin, but it was worth a shot. Even if a section of the wall wasn’t breached by the explosives he and Remedy were planting, it would still shower the mine entrance with debris, which should keep their heads down long enough to wreak havoc amongst the pirates in the castle.

Progress was slow and tedious. Remedy was the better climber, and by default had been chosen to perform lead climb duties for this exercise. He was advancing across the face, installing fall protection devices as he advanced. Markus was following across just as slowly, placing explosives and recovering the fall arrest anchors as he went. They were linked by a super strong climbing rope, capable of withstanding a fall of either or both of the Nighthawk suited troopers. Also liking them, much to Markus’ displeasure, was a direct link communications cable, since wireless transmissions were almost impossible this close to the mine.

“Ya know, I could really go a beer about now,” Remedy complained. Again.

“Me too,” Markus was forced to admit.

“What do you reckon really happened to that kooky Capellan anyway?”

Markus grimaced, “I don’t know, but too many people were freaking out for it to be something normal.”

“Ain’t it about time we got our own ship anyway? We nearly gots enough cash, ‘specially with yon ‘Mech we snaffled from Novo Franklin.”

The idea that Remedy spoke wasn’t a new one. Markus had been considering getting off the Event Horizon for a while now. Oddly, the ship had yet to affect him in any way, but his crew were another manner. In fact, it turned out for all his gruff practicality, Remedy was the most superstitious of the lot of them, closely followed by the tech, Patrick. Luna had taken no end of pleasure in needling the two of them about it. Despite that, they still maintained their aversion to the so called cursed ship. Even without the “curse”, Markus longed for the freedom that his own DropShip would allow, and had his eye on a small ship that would give him the ability to self deploy while still staying underneath the radar. Remedy had a point, it was about time.

“All in due course, Remedy. Now if you don’t mind, please concentrate on the job, it wouldn’t do for us to have to fly down to the bottom of this canyon, might give away the surprise don’t you think?”

“Bah… whatever,” Remedy grumbled again, but returned to silence.

Falling, despite the natural fear associated with heights, wasn’t the reason that the two troopers were using lead climbing techniques. The jump packs that the Nighthawk Power Amour (Light) suits were fitted with would mean an easy flight to the bottom of the ravine, rather than a fall to the death. However, it would mean that the enemy would likely be tipped off to an attack, and that could be just as fatal.

It may have been pitch black, but the two troopers were using sub-visible spectrum lamps and detection gear to make their way. It didn’t give the same detail, which was adding to the sedateness of the pace they were setting. Noise, usually a major issue for covert works, was not a factor here. Construction on the castle continued twenty four house a day, or however many hours passed for a day on the hellhole little planet, Markus reminded himself. Sentries weren’t much of an issue either, the pirates evidently were not expecting anyone to attack them, despite the elaborate defences being constructed. Around an hour passed before Remedy spoke again.

“Hey, I am well passed the wall now. How much further do you need to follow that fault line?”

“I don’t. We are done here. Time for the hard part.”

Remedy chuckled, “Don’t you mean the fun part? I’d love to see their faces when they go to man their support weapons and the claymores go off.”

“You are a sick man, Remedy. Done right they won’t have faces left, but then you know that,” Markus spat back.”

“Yeah, right. How long have we got anyway?”

Markus checked his watch, “Everything is set to go off at 6:30am. Right around the change of shifts. We’ve got under five hours to finish up and get back to rendezvous.”

“What happens if we don’t make it?”

This question didn’t even cause Markus to pause in placing the last explosive device, “It’s all on timer, no way we can stop this now. Just gotta hope everyone else is as good as we are.”

“Pff, no chance o’ that, I am the greatest after all!” Remedy crowed, but returned to silence to concentrate on placing the next anchor. He might be good, but it was still a tight timeframe.


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Re: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2011, 06:29:18 AM »

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Entrance Mouth to Valley of Devil's Embrace
Near Main Pirate Base
7th Sept 3080
0300 Hours, Local Time

Brandon Cross, formerly under the employment of the notorious pirate Redjack Ryan and then Susie "One-Eye" Morgraine-Ryan, peered through the night vision binoculars into the dead lands of the very aptly named Valley of Devil's Embrace. Based on the various intel reports and recon photos, there was little chance of the pirates making any moves in the dead of the night. However, with surprise once again being the primary weapon of choice for the Black Stars, they had not wanted to risk things.

Behind him, the MechWarriors, vehicle crew members and infantry troopers of both the Los Lupos Negros and the Sharp Shooters had been digging into the hard surfaces, a task that they had been involved in since the previous night. Most of the hardest work had already been completed, with the Stars now concentrating on positioning their war machines, sighting their weapons into the bottom of the valley, putting up camo nets, as well as planting explosives to rain down tons of rocks and boulders onto the unfortunate pirates.

Brandon scanned the entrance mouth to the valley again and nodded. It was an excellent choice for the ambush the Stars were preparing. Being the sole route both in and out of the Valley, there was no other way that the pirates were going to take if they were to rush to reinforce the soon to be attacked air base. Of course, it is possible that whatever jump capable BattleMechs would attempt to cross the bad lands using the most direct route to the Drop Port. However, Brandon seriously doubt any of the pirates would want to break from the main force and meet the Black Stars forces that would be attacking their air base. After all, there would be very little of such jump capable machines. They would be fools to try to engage the Stars in small numbers rather than hit them with their own perceived superior numbers.

The veteran scout tried in vain to search for tell tale movements below him. With their Pegasus rendered useless due to the thin atmosphere, Tim Larson, Jack Brown, Leo Buscema and Nora Webster had initially helped with the digging in and entrenchment works for the strike force. Once that stage of the work was near completion, Zi Long had allowed them a short break before dispatching them down to into the valley itself.

While the Stars had no doubt about their ability to spring the trap on the pirates, they would still want as much early warning as possible of the pirates' approach to their established kill zone. While there was only one way in and out of the valley, there were multiple routes to the mouth itself. In their need for haste, the pirates might not move in a snaking convoy, but spread their forces along the numerous routes. It would allow them to move out of the valley without a possible bottlenecking of their own forces, but still allow them to consolidate themselves once they exit the valley.

The four vehicular scouts were tasked with setting up observation posts along likely routes that the pirates would be taking. If the pirates do indeed spread themselves out, Zi Long and David would have to know in advance so that they could decide which group of the pirates they would want to trap, or even allow to move out of the valley. Brandon snorted. He did not think that the pirates would have such tactically developed thoughts even in the best of time, let alone when they were rushing to reinforce the pair of DropShips which were their only tickets out of this piece of rock.

On the other hand, Zi Long had reminded the Stars that for the highest chance of them winning any battle, they would have to assume that their enemies are as smart, if not smarter than themselves, rather than thinking them stupid. He would rather their contingencies proved to be unnecessary, rather than regretting later not to have prepared for them.

Always the smart ass. Brandon rolled his eyes. He dug his left hand into one of the pockets and fished out the packet of cigarettes that Zi Long had gave him earlier. Smiling, he pulled a stick out before stuffing the rest of the packet back. Brandon withdrew a lighter, another gift from Zi Long before lifting the cancer stick towards his mouth. The cigarette squashed against the face plate of his environmental suit helmet and broke into pieces. Brandon cursed as he turned around and picked out the night vision enhanced image of Zi Long. Damn you Zhao Zi Long!

Scene and time break:
7th September 3080

“You’re late.”

“I know, now shut it and get me out of this suit. Have we heard from Lochnivar? And where are the Niboids?”

“They are already in place. You are late, remember?”

Finally finishing placing their varied traps and devices, Markus and remedy had met back up with Luna and Lockout at the agreed rendezvous point. It had taken longer than expected to get access to the gun emplacements, and a couple they had to bypass and return to later when they discovered that the locations were being used for more amorous pursuits. Remedy had grumbled at that point that they may as well have been back on Novo Franklin. It was a fair point.

The rendezvous point was the Jack o’ Lanterns recently acquired Hiryo WiGE. Despite being useless on this low atmosphere planet, it proved to be a brilliant temporary shelter and workshop. It had been set up under over-sized the hostile environment tent that the Nibo Armed Forces had taken on in exchange for training their men. Waiting for Markus and Remedy had been Patrick the tech, Yannick and the rest of the Hiryo crew, and Luna and Lockout who were already three quarters of the way suited up into their Ying Long battle armour.

Scant minutes later and all four troopers had disappeared into their armoured and sharp clawed monsters. Patrick was giving them one last look over when one suit, Remedy’s, all but disappeared from view.

“Goddamn that is creepy,” Patrick said with a shudder. “Now would you stop screwing around so I can finish the diagnostics?”

The suit reappeared, and Remedy’s snigger could be heard clearly under the tent. Despite working together on the Aerospace delivery system, Remedy and Patrick still antagonised each other.

“That is enough, children, we are late enough as it is. Patrick, can we go now?”

“You are all set… Good luck, and remember that if the suits are breached you will need to find clean air in a big hurry.”

“Thanks for the reminder. Ok kids, move out. Time to go storm a castle!”

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
7th September 3080
06:25 Hours, Local Time

Daylight was beginning to spread itself across the plateau and soon the whole area would be bathed in it. Natasha only had 5 more minutes before the explosives were set to go off. She was running systems checks and hoping that she would not be stuck here if there was no explosion. Sneaking back undetected would be extremely difficult in broad daylight. Sitting in a cockpit in the sun all day did not thrill her either. Turning down the external mikes and switching on the Spector's ECM for what it worth, expecting when her moves out of the affected area, it would useful again. Five, Four, Three, Two, One and a muted explosion is heard as well as a sudden jolt as the ground shakes beneath the Spector's feet. Throwing the throttle fully forward, the Spector leaps from the depression and rounds the rock formation. As soon as the large laser is in range she fires at the base of wall, as it carries the most stress at that point. The laser hits and the stone is seriously scorched. She continues to close until all the Spector's weapons are at point blank range and a strange roar penetrates the cockpit. She fires at the same time and at the same section of the wall which blasts inwards. The heat in the cockpit rises sharply but falls quickly. Still not seeing any Mech activity she sweeps up the side of castle and swings around to the front gate. Amazingly it appears both Mechs have moved to investigate what had happened and both were within 15 metres of the edge. Natasha wasted no time and advances at a run towards the Vulcan, pushing it with the full weight of Spector behind it. It stumbles forward and then topples over the edge. She had expected it to use its jump jets to at least slow it's descend, but since it toppled over the edge the pilot would have a near impossible time of doing that now.

While she doubted the fall with be critical to the Mech, but there would be damaged none the least. Hitting the Spector's jump jets before she went over the edge, the Mech rose up and angled itself over the castle to put distance between itself and the Panther. The spot the Spector had just vacated was briefly filled with blue lightning and missiles, that slammed into the castle wall destroying more of it. Natasha lands the Spector and forces it into a dead run straight back towards the Panther as it jumps over the corner of the castle and the Spector at the same time. Swinging the Spector around , she fires all weapons into the Panther PNT-10K rear armour. The large laser hitting the right leg, a medium strikes the right torso vaporising all the armour, another medium laser scars the centre torso and the small laser sears the left leg. The Panther twists right and fires its ER PPC narrowly missing the Spector's right side. Natasha thinks “I think I have their attention now.” Checking the thermal scan on the Panther its heat had risen enough to affect its movement. The Spector leaps further away from the castle and lands behind a low rise hoping to draw the Panther away. Surprisingly it does not move but tracks the Spector's movement with the ER PPC. The Panther fires the ER PPC again and still the shot goes wide and the Spector's responds with a large laser finding the Panther's right side and medium missing completely. Natasha reverses the Spector further away. The Vulcan VT-5M suddenly appears at the edge of the plateau. The Mech had lost over 50% of its armour in the fall and Natasha suspects the pilot must be petty irate with her at the moment. The Panther finally advances and the ER PPC fires again, but can't hit its tormentor. The Panther's heat level continues to climb into the orange. Natasha snaps off a shot at the Panther and misses. The Spector continues to fall back and both opponents advance. The Vulcan is still out range to fire its weapons, the Panther misses again with ER PPC and its heat continues to climb. Natasha slowly but surely draws them away.

Whispering to herself “Go Lantern and good luck.”

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
7 September 3080
0625 Hours, Local Time

“We weren’t expecting that, were we.”


It was a statement, not a question, that Michelle Edwards, better known as Luna, had muttered. The Jack o’ Lanterns, nearly invisible in their stationary Ying Long Battle Armour suits, were looking over the edge of the canyon from their concealed deployment point. Far below on the floor of the canyon was the entrance to the mines that had both the pirates and the Kingdom of Nibo interested. What had caught Luna’s eye, and brought on the comment, was the steady stream of people that seemed to materialise out of nowhere on the canyon floor, barely visible in the low light conditions.

“Slaves?” Luna asked.

Resisting the urge to nod, Markus replied with, “Certainly. Not all, but most I would guess.”

“What do we do?” a quiet voice behind them asked.

“Diddly we can do now, every damn thing is on a timer. We committed with the first device we planted,” The question had come from Lockout, the answer from Remedy. As much as Markus hated to admit it, the man was right.

With the minerals from the mine screwing with anything electromagnetic, all the traps and explosives that the Jack o’ Lanterns had planted were set to go off on timers, and a bare few minutes hence. Markus felt a stab of pity for the men and women in the bottom of the canyon, but it was just pure, dumb luck. Bad luck at that. They hadn’t been there yesterday during the recon.

“Hold your tongues. We maintain the plan, got it? When we go in we kill anyone with a gun, but no-one else unless it looks like they are in charge. We don’t know how many slaves they have in there,” Markus reminded them.

“Aww hell Lantern, we’d be putting ‘em outta their misery anyway. Soon as we breach that wall anyone inside’ll be breathing marsh gas.” This was, as usual, also from Remedy.

“Shut it, Remedy. Still doesn’t mean we have to shoot them. They might have a chance. Luna, what’s our count?”

“One minute.”

“Steady as she goes, hold to the plan.”

“You reckon the Nibo boys will survive?” Lockout asked.

“I’d be more worried about the suits,” Remedy replied.

“Would you two shut up!” Markus barked.

“’Ere, what’s got your knickers in a twist?”

“Thirty seconds.”

“Could I please watch the fireworks in peace?”

“Sure boss.”

“Twenty second,” Luna intoned.

“Ten seconds… five, four, three, two and…”


Clouds of dust filled the canyon, and small bursts of rock ricocheted of the far wall and down toward the unprotected people on the canyon floor. The dust obscured all vision in that direction, which would have been a blessing except that it also obscured from sight the two ‘Mechs that were guarding the mine entrance.

At first nothing further happened. The wall remained in place, the explosives seemingly ineffective. As the dust started to clear, something else started happening. Puffs of smoke and dust started appearing on the top surface of the castle.

“Right on time with the mortars. Congratulations you two. Shame about the wall, I really thought at least some of it would come down,” Markus stated dejectedly.

“Don’t speak too soon there Markus, check it out,” Luna told him.

The dust was starting to clear in the canyon, and Markus feared what would happen when the ‘Mechjocks could see again. Something was amiss though, and he looked back to the wall to see what Luna had been talking about. He spotted it almost immediately, more dust and a trickle of rocks, that was accelerating with every mortar hit.

“Think it will come down before the mortars finish?” Lockout asked?

The questions were answered by the wall itself before Markus had a chance to speak. A great slab of the centre section of the wall seemed to crumble slightly, and then the whole thing slid straight down as the supporting rock beneath gave way, leaving a gaping hole some thirty or forty metres long. The hundreds, maybe thousands, of tonnes of rock tumbled into the canyon below.

“Weren’t that near on straight over the mine entrance?”

“Yes, Remedy, and that should be the last of the mortars, now for the…”

Luna was cut off as further explosions occurred, these ones from inside many of the numerous turrets and gun emplacements around the castle. There was no way to know if they were manned or not, it had been pure guesswork figuring out which ones to trap and which ones not to with their limited supply of explosives and time. They would soon find out if they were right, that is for sure.

“Ok folks, get ready to move out as soon as Headhunter does her stuff.”

Right on time, the Spector piloted by the newest member of the Black Stars made an appearance. Markus smiled slightly inside his suit, it was time to get dirty.

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Entrance Mouth to Valley of Devil's Embrace
Near Main Pirate Base
7th Sept 3080
0630 Hours, Local Time

Like clockwork, the sounds of the explosives planted by the Jack O' Lanterns echoed across the barren landscape even though the Black Wolves and the Sharp Shooters were nearly seven hundred kilometers away from the castle. Even though the sounds were muted and dull due to the distance, as well as the deflection off the many rock cropping, Zi Long could easily imagine the effects on the castle walls. Hao kan bu hao chi. Zi Long grinned. Despite the very impressive, though still silly looking facade, Lantern and his people had reported what aerial recon had confirmed. They would come down against a hard sneeze.

Zi Long shifted in the seat beside Brandon as data streamed in through the massive multi ton Master Command, Control and Communications system. Easily among the Inner Sphere’s most potent recent inventions, it was also one of the most original, considering that it emerged not as the result of a Star League tech recovery, but as a new application of technologies. As much a revolution in battlefield technology as one of combat philosophy for its creators in the Draconis Combine, the system was essentially an elaborate tight-beam communications suite, designed to link the sensors and targeting systems of up to a full lance of friendly units in a single, closed network. The C3 system enabled those within its network to draw targeting data from one another and coordinate fire with amazing ease. As long as effective weapon ranges and lines of fire permit, a member of a C3 network can essentially strike at a target with the same accuracy as the nearest friendly network member. Moreover, units that mount a C3 master computer can use the computer’s coordination as an improvised TAG system.

The system, of course, has its limits. Only units in the same network, generally a single lance, though creative deployment of multiple master computers per unit may allow for networks as large as a company, may share targeting data in this fashion. Friendly units with systems outside the network cannot simply “tap in” at will. Further, the network signals and data streams are susceptible to jamming by enemy electronic counter measures. This particular problem has been heightened with the recent increasing deployment of such systems from small support vehicles, BattleMechs and even Battle Armour and infantry troopers.

Still, despite having the latest generation of C3 equipped Pegasus and Manteuffel tanks within his own sub-unit being equipped with C3 slave units, the C3 Master further allowed Zi Long to better coordinate the entire Black Stars operations short of deploying an even more sophisticated mobile HQ unit. That job now fell to James Lockheart in the command centre onboard the Event Horizon.

Zi Long tapped his own communicator as Brandon linked him to the four Pegasus crew deployed further within the Valley as forward observation posts.

"Anything there?"

It took a while before the reply came back. "Nothing yet." Despite Tim Larson whispering his reply, his voice sounded shockingly large over the heavy shroud of silence that had seemed to settle over the Black Stars ambush point.

Zi Long nodded. If the pirates do indeed react mere seconds after the first explosives went off, they would be much more of a worthy foe than the Stars gave them credit for. "Noted. Keep us posted."

"Roger." Tim's replied cackled through his earpiece.

Now, Zi Long could only wait as the second strike force consisting of the group forces consisting of BattleMechs and Battle Armour of the Trouble Inc., as well as the pair of 'Mechs under Aina's Fallen Falcons hit the air base.

Despite already landed hours before and embarking on a tiring long trek towards the air base, there had been no hiccups or unexpected encounters with any enemy forces. Barring a shockingly large garrison force that they had failed to anticipate, Zi Long did not expect any trouble at that quarter as well. The Chinese man tapped Brandon on his shoulder and threw a thumb backwards. The older man nodded in understanding as Zi Long fitted the helmet of his environmental suit in place. Frederick was already waiting at the turret as Zi Long approached. Nodding wordlessly, the Morningstar gunner twisted the turret hatch open and pushed the latch wide, which Zi Long quickly scrambled through. Even as he cleared the opening, Frederick slammed the cover shut again. The Taurian native stood on the top of the vehicle for a while, eyes scanning the distance where the castle, than air base, and finally the largest pirate base were.

Nothing. No signs of movement betrayed whatever activities might be unfolding at the three locations. All that will change soon enough. He muttered to himself and he leap lightly from the Morningstar to the orange ground and strode towards the Sanitarium.

September 7th, 3080
0630 hours, Local time
Less than two kilometers from Pirate Spaceport.
Near Pirate Spaceport
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Deep Periphery

Aina watched the chronometer slowly ticked to show exactly 0630 hours inside the cockpit of her TLN-5W Talon.

The moment it did so, she pushed her 35-ton Mech straight to maximum speed, and raced from behind the small hill she used as cover just moments ago right into the open, where the sensors of her Mech immediately painted the spaceport, its buildings, the two DropShips still parked there, as well as the three Mechs visibly patrolling around them. The third Mech was one they haven’t identified earlier, but her computer immediately tagged it as a 70-ton Warhammer, an identification that she could have done herself anyway for there was no mistaking its silhouette. WHM-6K was the tag given by the computer, which was good, designating a variant dating all the way back to the succession wars.

Further away from them the computer tagged an equally ancient ARC-2R Archer. The Mech seemed to have just noticed them at that moment, and started turning ponderously their way, which is precisely what Aina wished for, since her smaller force were to act as a distraction for the Trouble Inc.’s much more substantial Mech and battle-armour forces. In the sensor shadow of the large Mule-class DropShip was the third defending Mech, which she recalled was a Rifleman from the aerial photograph, although the computer could not tag it properly with it still being hidden by the DropShip.

“Falcon lead to all Falcons. Begin the operation.” She commanded through her unit’s communication channel.

As if to punctuate her own command, she swiftly drew a bead on the nearest Mech, the Warhammer. The enemy machine is twice as heavy as her own Mech, with twice the firepower and also nearly double the armour, but unless it had been modified, it carried only old-tech Particle cannons, which could not reach out to the same sort of distances her own Extended-Range PPC can go at. Years of intensive training dating back from her childhood days took over, and her hands were sure at the controls of the mech. She drew a solid bead on her target, and pulled the trigger on the right-hand control stick, discharging an azure stream of accelerated ionized particles at her target at many many times the speed of sound.

Despite the distance involved – she was nearly at the Extended-Range PPC’s maximum range of 690 meters – and the speed her Mech was moving at – similarly, pushing its top speed of well over one-hundred and twenty kilometres an hour – Aina managed to land a solid hit with her first shot. The Warhammer she targeted had taken the shot just as it started to turn her way, and took the hit high on its left shoulder – she would have struck it full on at the head assembly had it not turned – where the stream of accelerated particles completely smashed through the searchlight assembly on that shoulder, but failing to do any serious damage otherwise.

Behind Aina, her only Mech-piloting teammate so far, Hazel “Longshot” Burns, the fresh recruit she picked up right off Nibo, pushed her borrowed Mongoose II over a hundred meters closer to the enemy Mech to account for the shorter range of her ‘Mech’s only armament, a single Extended-Range Large Laser. The slightly heavier Mech was more poorly armed than Aina’s Talon, although its MASC allowed Hazel to push it to even higher speeds, as she did just now. Her laser shot missed the Warhammer by a meter or so, not something that Aina was pleased at, but considering the girl’s inexperience, not unexpected either. Either way, she’d do well enough in their diversionary role today.


Several kilometres above the battlefield, Erica “Schwarzeufel” Hartmann and her wing mate Theresa heard Aina’s command, both girls inside their respective aerospace fighters, each also loaded with enough external rocket pods that would be of great effect for the ground attack mission they are planned to execute, having found no enemy aerospace fighters to contend with. Erica smiled inside her cockpit, the command to initiate the operation was one she had been waiting for since they took off.

“Zeit furs Geschaft, Sasha. Auf die Platze, Fertig, und los geht’s!“

Both girls twisted their control sticks to the right, half-rolling their crafts and bringing them from a stable, gliding flight right into a very steep dive straight for the enemy base. They had their assignment, namely to use the surprise moment of their first strike to try down as many of the gunner emplacements seen from the aerial recon as possible, as well as take out any target of opportunities, should time permit, since by the time they return for a second run the enemy Mechs – most probably that Rifleman would be alert and waiting.

Erica can feel the multiple G forces pushing her back against her seat, but the slim, wiry girl is a lot tougher than she looks, and enduring forces like these are part of her daily vocation. She basically ignored the feeling of having six people her own weight sitting on top of her, and guided her S-7 Sai aerospace fighter in its gravity-aided dive right towards the pirate base. Theresa followed closely behind her in her SL-25 Samurai, both seemingly heading for a one-way trip straight to the ground to an unaccustomed observer.

Of course, that appearance was completely deceiving, for less than half a kilometre above the spaceport, both of them pulled sharply out of the dive, enduring more gravitational forces acting on them and stressing their craft’s structural endurance nearly to the limit, yet both of them were experienced with the tactics, and did not overstress their crafts, quickly switching from a near-vertical dive to an angled strafing run of the area. Multiple laser beam shots as well as over two-hundred rockets and missiles rained down on the unsuspecting pirates running towards the gun emplacements – and one missile barrage of Erica’s actually demolished one of the buildings that evidently served as a barrack of sorts for the pirates, not doing enough damage to kill all the inhabitants, but more than enough to send a bunch of scantily-clad pirates running around gasping for breathable air in the planet’s poisonous atmosphere.

Not everything ran as planned during the attack run, however, for as Erica passed rather close to the Mule-class DropShip, she also came in sight of the Rifleman. Just one quick glance from the closer range told her the bad news. Unlike its succession-war era compatriots, the Mech was of an evidently much newer make, as noted from the different armour layout and unusual radar array instead of the more trusted sight of the old model. Her on-board computer confirmed for her what her eyes already suggested, as it tagged the enemy Mech as a RFL-6X model, one of the newer variants of the old machine, and a much more potent anti-aircraft Mech and any of its older variants.


Killian “Killer” Gilder made a note to shoot whoever was on radar watch this morning.

Not only did there were two Mechs somehow sneaking their way to the vicinity of the spaceport that housed their only two DropShips undetected, but the fool did not even notice a pair of fighters coming down on them. Granted, he had to admit that the fighter pilots had guts. He had spotted them coming, but too late to take action, them having taken a nearly vertical route which did not give him much reaction time if any, and the DropShip preventing him from even establishing line of sight to the bogeys even as they strafed the hell out of the makeshift defensive gun emplacements they put around the port.

“Killer” Gilder was boss of the pirates left at the spaceport not because of any superior experience or ability, but mostly due to the fact that he pilots one of the very few new-model Mechs in the pirates’ arsenal. His RFL-6X Rifleman was a far cry when compared to the older machines that dominate the pirates’ roster, and with its pair of Large-Bore Extended Autocannons it also made a superior anti-air Mech, especially since “Killer” happened to prefer a load of buckshot-like cluster ammunition.

Because of all those factors, he couldn’t help but to turn his frown into a sadistic grin when one of the attacking fighters – a Draconis Combine made S-7 Sai flew right into his sight. He just took a rough bead on the fighter – there was little time for much more than that considering how fast that fighter moves – and let loose with a double blast of cluster shots. He felt confident that the shots would quite likely down that fighter right then and there.

To his surprise – and dismay – the enemy pilot seems to have expected him to do just what he did, and put the craft into a quick barrel roll to the side that cast it out of the way of most of the pellet-like grenades fired from the Rifleman’s autocannons, although a couple still managed to make contact and blew off some armour from the fighter’s right wing. Despite the proximity to the ground – the Sai was flying less than a hundred meters above ground thanks to the evasive roll it did – the enemy pilot managed to keep control over the craft, and kept it steady despite the multiple hits to its wing. He hastily fired off another double-salvo from his autocannons, but by then the Sai had flown out of his weapons’ reach, and none of the shots hit.


“Verdammte Miststuck!” Cursed Erica as she flew her craft away from the enemy Rifleman. A glance at the status diagram of her fighter showed only minor damages to the armor plating, which was fortunate, since LB-X autocannons were about a fighter pilot’s worst nightmare, often disabling their planes more through sheer chance of one of the many pellets hitting a control surface or other critical equipment than anything. The presence of that kind of Mech certainly changed her estimate on how soon she could finish off the enemy Mech in question.

“Beta lead to Falcon lead. We got a RFL-6X, repeat, six X-ray, on our hands. Will take a bit longer to finish things off. Over and out.” She reported over to Aina.

The usually empty-headed, uncaring and careless girl seemingly transformed once strapped inside the cockpit of her fighter, and with a couple quick commands, she ordered Theresa to go for an attack run at the annoying anti-air Mech their opponent have, from two sides. Erica doesn’t know exactly how good the enemy Mech pilot is, but however good they are, they cannot shoot to the front and to the back at the same time, which was the dilemma she planned to present to the enemy pilot.

She acted on her own command, and still pushing her plane to top speed, pulled a flawless Immelmann turn – a half roll and a half loop – that brought her somewhat higher off the ground and flying at high speed back at the direction of the enemy Rifleman. Her sensor showed that her partner, Theresa, just pulled an identical manoeuvre off on the other side of the enemy Mech, and they both raced straight towards the enemy Mech, all weapons primed and ready to fire, keeping their target inside a pincer manoeuvre where he would not be able to shoot at one of them without revealing his back to the other.

The enemy pilot chose Erica’s lighter Sai as his target – a decision she would have approved, as her fighter not only has lighter armour, but also more devastating weaponry compared to Theresa’s Samurai – and fired several salvos of cluster rounds at her, this time alternating his shots to keep up a weaker, if steadier barrage as she threw her craft into all sorts of evasive manoeuvres. Cluster rounds were notoriously difficult to avoid though, and by the time she found herself finally getting into her own weapons’ range, her craft had taken at least five more hits, although none of them managing to do anything more serious than throw a shake into her flight – something she can handle well enough.

Just about then Theresa – who did not have to slow her own flight by performing evasive manoeuvres – opened up with her entire forward array of armaments on the Rifleman’s back, scouring its virgin armour plating with multiple daggers of light from its medium and small lasers. This Rifleman is a good bit better armoured than the old models – which were notorious for having toilet paper for rear armour – though, and Theresa’s barrage failed to punch through the armour plating. She did manage to distract the enemy pilot a good bit however, and that was all the chance Erica needed.

Forty medium-range missiles slammed head-on into the Rifleman just moments after a pair of emerald beams melted gobs of armour from the Mech’s torso. Nearly a dozen missiles missed the Mech, but some of those managed to slam into the DropShip not too far behind it, while the rest blew armour in shard off the entire front side of the machine. The pilot failed to keep his balance after such a bombardment, and the machine crashed down on its back, further denting the armor plating left there.

Meanwhile, Erica herself had to pull a quick climb in order to avoid slamming right against the DropShip. Her aerospace fighter pulled into a nearly vertical climb with less than ten meters space between its fuselage and the hull of the DropShip, since she had to cut it rather close in order to get a good shooting angle on the mech. The DropShip itself was not high on her list of worries though, for it appeared that not only its radar officer was lack on his duty station, but most of the turrets were unmanned as well.


From her location on the other side of the base, Aina did not get to see much other than the initial attack run of the two aerospace fighters, the massive DropShip shielding the combat taking place behind it from her sight. Not that she would have time to watch anyway, for at the moment, the pirate Warhammer was taking up her concentration. She moved her Talon a quick step to the side, just at the right time to evade a double blast from the enemy machine’s particle cannons, and she returned the favour by slamming another particle bolt right at the heavy pirate Mech, this time cutting a deep groove along the outer side of the heavy Mech’s left-hand PPC barrel.

Meanwhile, Hazel seemed to have taken an extra moment – Aina knew that her weapon must have loaded at least a couple second ago – before she finally shot at the same Mech for a second time. This time she hit, adding to the enemy pilot’s misery by melting armour right over the heavy Mech’s centreline. In doing so, she inadvertently brought her own Mech into the range of the approaching Archer however, which made its presence noticed at once by unleashing a salvo of twenty long-range missiles right at Hazel.

Hazel abruptly braked her Mech – a rather difficult feat when you are moving at speeds in excess of one-hundred and seventy kilometres and hour – and just as quickly ran it backwards at roughly half her forward speed, which allowed her to move herself completely out of the way of the missile salvo. For her first battle, Aina decided that the girl did well enough. She kept her calm, and did not panic or did other foolish things, but the battle was still young, so she might have assessed that prematurely.

The WHM-6K Warhammer was coming closer. That was good. Aina wanted it and its friends to keep their attention headed their way, which would result in a nastier attack when Trouble Inc’s larger force made their presence known. She and Hazel fired their next shots nearly simultaneously, and while neither hit their target, the two shots both passed less than a meter from the Warhammer’s cockpit canopy, which seemed to have given the pilot some food for thought, for he slowed his march forward somewhat after the near-death experience.

“Longshot, keep at it. We do not want them looking any other way for the time being.”


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Re: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2011, 06:29:53 AM »

September 7th, 3080
0630 hours, Local time
Less than 700 meters from Pirate Spaceport.
Outskirts of Pirate Spaceport
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Deep Periphery

Lance leader Maranstein sat waiting patiently in his cockpit. Ahead of him were the two squads of the Kanazuchi battle armour, plodding along, painstakingly slow. It was hard to believe that they had left the Event Horizon little over 10 hours ago. Without proper transport the Kanazuchi had to walk the entire way, a little over 100 km. That probably wouldn't have been so bad except they could only go 10 kph. One of the Rottweiler squads had been sent along as escort for the entire trip. It wouldn't do to have the slow movers attacked by anything with speed so they assigned the escort.

Approximately 3 and a half hours ago, he and the rest of the combat units left the DropShip making their way to the airfield. Each of the Mechs were carrying a squad of the Fa Shih battle armour. He had allowed the two smaller Mechs to make their best possible speeds while staying together. He had also been escorted by the other two squads of Rottweilers. Berenstein had designated a point 80 km away from the DropShip. When the two smaller Mechs reached that point they dropped the battle armour they were carrying and went back to transport the next two squads who were are walking. Playing on the speed of the smaller Mechs and a route that they had already blazed their return with the next two squads was only a little more than an hour. Then they returned and came back with the last squad together. Once the two smaller Mechs had passed him for their second trip, Berenstein was able to pick up speed following their footsteps. As he caught up with the original two squads of the dropped off. They all proceeded at best speed. The rest of the distance to the airfield. This meant that all the Mechs and all the battle armour, even with the multiple trips, had taken less than one third the time it taken the Kanazuchi to reach the same point. The last 30 minutes they been creeping up into their staging position. They had partially circled the airfield to come at them in the direction of the base. They were now 550 m from the closest building. Maranstein had let the battle armour, proceed closer to the base while he held the Mechs where they were and the squad of Fa Shih that each carried waiting for the start of the assault.

06:30:00 hours

Right on cue Maranstein saw the cloud of dust that Aina's Fallen Falcons were kicking up on their race to the airfield. Just seconds later, he saw her aerospace fighters appear and dive. The attack had started!

Maranstein check the progress of the battle armour he let slip ahead. The Rottweilers had already made it to the first building, turned towards the second building and they're passing it on their way to the third building. Fa-Shih squad #4 was working the way to number one, while squads five and six were headed to building 2. The Kanazuchi were still plodding along towards building 1.


10 seconds later, the Kanazuchi is still plodding along. The battle armour crews inside them must be extremely exhausted by now. Fa-Shih squad #4 was working the way to building 1, while squads five and six were headed to building 2. They were making much faster progress now that they were using their jump jets. The Rottweiler's chewing up ground more like greyhounds as they passed building 3 heading towards building 4. Maranstein still held his next in place, waiting. He turned up the volume on the second comm set, which was tuned to the Falcons frequency just in time to hear the command "Falcon lead to all Falcons. Begin the operation."


The Kanazuchi is still had a heading towards building 1 at a pace that would have to be considered a crawl.

Fa-shi squad #4 having landed on building 1 seconds earlier were planting mines on the building. Fa-shi squad #5 was also doing the same thing to building 2. Squad #6 was pushing on building 3.

The Rottweilers went racing by the burned out husk of building 4, due to Erica's airstrike, right up behind the Archer. The combination of the high mineral deposits, and the Rottweilers ECM system had rendered them invisible, up to that point. The pilot of the Archer didn't even know they were there until laser beams started chewing into his back. Their small lasers coming into all three sections of the rear torso, the back of the right arm and one even scored armour off the back of his head. It was one hell of a wake-up call.

The pilot of the Archer responded quickly and depressed the stud for the rear mounted medium lasers. With so many of them being so close he couldn't miss. One laser took a huge chunk out of the number two man of first squad. The second burning an equally large slab of armour off the number four man of third squad.

The pilot of the Rifleman and moved out from under the shadow of the Mule class DropShip to give himself a better field of fire against the Aerospace fighters in the area.

Maranstein felt he had waited long enough. After a brief command over the comm line that he and Thaddeus Jones, opened fire on the Leopard DropShip. The twin amber beams from the clan made, extended range large lasers scoured over a ton of armour off the side of the small military DropShip. Thaddeus Jones, piloting the Hussar sent a ball of charged particles slamming into the side of the same DropShip. Together, they had blasted off almost 2 tons of the little over 8 tons of armour on its side.


The Kanazuchi were still heading towards building 1 getting closer all the time.

Fa-shi squad #4 jump off building 1 towards building 2. A second later Fa-shi squad #5 jumped off building 2 towards building 3. Squad #6 landed on building 3. Two voices came over a general uncoded communications line ordering all people inside the buildings to remain there or suffer the consequences.

The Warhammer unaware of the presence of the battle armour continued down the runway towards the Falcons.

The Archer pilot, now fully aware of all the battle armour behind him, ran his Mech forward 150 meters and then pivoted to the left in an attempt to keep the off his back.

The Rifleman appeared to have his hands full , engaging the aerospace fighters.

An infantry platoon, sporting laser rifles emerged from air traffic control tower building. They had no sooner left the building when the 1st squad of Rottweilers stopped pursuing the Archer and turned back to face the infantry platoon. Their small lasers and Fire Drake needlers rending the suits and flesh of the infantry men. After the savage bursts, over half of the 28 men lay dead or dying.

The other two squads of Rottweilers gave up pursuing the Archer and chose instead to go after the sweet juicy back of the Warhammer. Again, their lasers ripped into the unsuspecting back of another mech. Six out of the eight lasers found their marks. The back of the left arm and both legs, each took a hit. The centre torso rear took a shot as well. Two more burned into the rear right torso, removing almost all the armour from that location.

The Archer pilot again, keyed the two rear mounted medium lasers. One of them landed Melvin armour off the number one man of 2nd squad.

Joshua Smith, piloting the Scarabus 9T, activated his Guardian ECM suite then ran full speed towards building 3.

Both Maranstein and Jones again fired on the Leopard DropShip. Unlike Maranstein, Jones missed this time. Almost a full 40% of the armour had been stripped from this location so far.

Meanwhile, aboard the Leopard DropShip alarms were blaring and crews were desperately scrambling to man the weapons.


The Rifleman pilot was still struggling to get a piece of Erica and her Sai-7 fighter.

The Warhammer pilot convinced that the hounds of hell were after him, which is machine into a run and continued down the runway heading towards the Falcons.

The Archer pilot also continue its machine forward, and then turned to his right.

The infantry platoon pirates from air traffic control tower were stunned into defensive mode remained stationary trying to dig in against the invaders.

From adjacent door in air traffic control tower, a squad of battle armour emerged.

Over at building 1, a rifle platoon emerged.

The Kanazuchi were still heading towards building 1, when they saw a glimpse of people leaving the building. The leader of 1st squad sent the signal to the mines attached to building 1. A split-second later, the detonation ripped open, huge sections of the building.

Fa Shih squad #4 jump to towards building three but when they landed they were facing building 2.

Fa Shih squad #5 landed on building 3. While squad #6 planted mines on the same building.

Fa Shih squad #1 detached themselves to land on the ground when Joshua Smith stopped his Scarabus beside the air traffic control building.

Rottweiler squad #1 took off away from the infantry platoon and then circle around building 5, to come at them from a different direction.

The other two squads of Rottweilers stayed right on the heels of the Warhammer.

Maranstein and Jones again fired on the Leopard DropShip, stripping off almost another 2 tons of armour. Over 60% of the armour was now missing from this location. Luckily, the last crews were getting into place, and the returning fire very shortly against this unknown assailant.

It was almost comical to watch the Warhammer running down the runway swinging his right arm over his shoulder and shooting behind itself. It was, up until the point where that ball of charged particles connected with the squad leader of the Rottweilers 2nd squad. Then there was only a black circle showing where he'd been.

The archer pilot also tried to add insult to injury and targeted the two Rottweiler squads with its two medium lasers and one of its two Doombud LRM 20s. Luckily, they all missed.

The Pirates battle armour squad also opened fire this Time against the Fa Shih's 1st squad, while they were in the middle of dismounting. Machine-gun bursts hit each of the four squad members. Over 1st squads comm channel came the comment "looks like we just received a formal invitation to this dance."

The pirates’ infantry platoon outside air traffic control tower fired again upon Rottweiler squad #1. They cause some minor scoring against the number three man of the squad. Unfortunately, the squad leader of the squad took the brunt of the force and went down in a hail of laser fire.

The Rottweiler squad responded with another impressive volume fire that left no one in the platoon standing.

The Kanazuchi's, while slow were extremely powerful for battle armour. They proved this point when both squads opened up on building 1. 7 out of 8 lasers connected with the building, shredding it to nothing but pieces of scrap metal and other bits. They would have to wait until later to find out that the "other bits" also included another whole platoon of infantry.

Fa Shih squad #4 opened up on building 2 and part three lasers into the building, damaging it, but not breaching its integrity.

Joshua Smith opened up on the battle armour in front of him damaging the first two members of the squad will with a medium laser and a small.

The Rottweiler stayed tenacious and again ripped into the back of the Warhammer. Six more small lasers dug into the Mech. Two went into the right arm, another one into the right leg, another burned a hole dead centre into its back. The last two however, hit in the back of the right torso, which had already been weakened. The first melted off the remaining armour and reached inside. The second one followed a split-second later was hard to tell which hit what but it was obvious that one of them had found a very critical item. The entire Mech exploded as the ammo for the short-range missile launcher detonated in its storage bin.


Teresa, and Erica were still keeping Rifleman pilot preoccupied.

The Archer pilot backed up his Mech about 120 meters. He then loosed one of his Doombud 20s at the Mongoose. This was one of the Falcons Mechs, then turned and fired his two medium lasers at the Rottweiler 2nd squad, connecting with one against the second man of the squad.

The battle armour squad of the pirates (#1) jumped away from air traffic control tower to lower end of building 5. Wednesday touchdown by fired back at Rottweiler 1st squad double tapping the second man, dropping him and winging the third.

The infantry platoon escaping from building 1 started running for the Leopard.

Another platoon of infantry and a squad of battle armour exited from the air traffic control tower building right at the feet of Joshua Smith's Mech. As he was backing away, they opened fire on him. The battle armour squad raked shots all across his torso. The infantry platoon fire their rifles stripping armour off the right arm and the left leg.

The Kanazuchi's still kept marching towards the remains of building 1. Without the building blocking their line of sight, they could clearly see the infantry platoon running towards the Leopard. Both squads fired almost as one of the fleeing men. Their shredded the entire platoon leading no one standing

Fa Shih 1st squad stayed put and took aim at the infantry platoon that had just exited the aircraft control tower building.

Fa Shih 4th squad jump onto building 3.

Fa Shih 5th squad jump towards Joshua Smith, trying to get closer to the infantry and battle armour. That was still there on the ground. They are aimed at the infantry platoon was wide of the mark.

Meanwhile Fa Shih 6th squad planted a second set of mines on to building 3.

Rottweiler 1st squad moved forward, closing the distance and engaged the people to do just exited the building.

The second and third squads ran hard towards the Archer closing to 60 m before opening fire and missing.

Joshua Smith backed his Mech up 30 m before taking a shot at the newly emerged battle armour squad.

Maranstein, and Jones again fired on the Leopard DropShip, Jones missed again, but both of Maranstein's shots were true.

Rottweiler squad #1 again cut loose with their small lasers and Fire Drake needlers creating carnage as they did so. Over half the infantry post on crumpled from the barrage.

This goes fully manned. The Leopard made itself known. The first volley was unleashed against the 2nd squad of Kanazuchi. Lasers and missiles streaked towards their target. The lasers all missed their mark at the missiles were well and a large quantity struck the squad peppering them all. The second volley, also found its mark this time Joshua Smith would feel the wrath. Two particle projection cannons spit forth their balls of charged particles. When went wide, one didn't slamming hard and left torso of Joshua Smith Scarabus stripping all the armour from that location. The Doombud 20 also found its mark with time and missiles slamming into left arm reaching in and mangling some internal structure but not finding anything critical. The last couple missiles from the weak spot was torso and exploited it since a sensors showed a large heat spike as the shielding around the extra light engine was damaged.


The Rifleman was still being kept busy trying to knock Erica out of the sky with a steady crump of cluster munitions.

Aboard the Mule all weapons were manned and ready. Unfortunately except for the forward arc, they were all medium range weapons and no one else was in range. The gun crews stood patiently waiting for a target of opportunity. Its Captain saw the two aerospace fighters immediately overhead and also saw the third one loitering further away. He knew what his chances were if he lifted off for orbit right now, especially when he just heard the Leopard Captain announce his ship's surrender. From his high vantage point he started to survey the spaceport and didn't like what he was seeing.

Joshua Smith backed his Scarabus up another 60 meters but he was unable to bring the second squad of pirate battle armour under his guns. They had jumped forward and practically on his Mech’s feet. He trained his weapons onto the first squad and let them eat lasers. He connected with one of his two medium lasers right into the #2 man.

The second squad of pirate battle armour after landing at the Scarabus feet opened fire on the Mech again. At this range all four of them hit. Two of which hit the right arm, another found the breached armour of the left torso but nothing vital inside. The last shot also found breached armour. This time it was in the left arm and again nothing vital was hit. But the message was being sent, they wanted to rip him apart and were trying hard to do just that.

The first squad of Pirate battle armour jumped away from the ATC towards the remains of building 4 and traded shots with Fa Shih squad #1 scoring hits on both the #3 and #4 troopers. While Squad one who had remained where they were had missed in the exchange.

The last member of Rottweiler’s squad #1 ran away circling half way around the air traffic control building. This put a very large and tall building between them and the rest of the fight. This suited her fine considering she had had enough of this fight.

The Archer pilot pivoted to the left and backed his unit up trying to open the distance between him and his tormentors. This was a futile gesture as the 2nd and 3rd squad charged at him and opened fire only when another stride would have had them crash into his feet. Six more lasers struck his Mech. Three ripping into his left arm, two more into his right one. The last one scored armour off his left torso. The fact that they had closed so fast that he couldn't get a shot at them was only frustrating him more.

The Kanazuchi swung towards building 2. It was a good idea to cover that building in case anybody got an idea in their head to try and leave the nice little building.

Meanwhile Fa Shih squad #4 leapt from the roof of building 3 to land at the Scarabus feet and opened fire on the pirate squad there tagging the leader and the #4 man.

Squad #6 also leapt from the roof of building 3 over the top of the Scarabus to land in front of it and also pounded the leader and the #3 man with laser fire.

Squad #5 walked forward and took measured shot into the pirate's battle armour squad #1. Their effect was felt as they hit the leader and double tapped the #2 man.

Maranstein ran his Mech forward toward the Leopard and then twisted his torso and snapped off both lasers at the Archer. He missed. He was just out of range.

While Maranstein was doing that Thaddeus Jones put his Hussar into a full run toward the enemy Archer. He closed over 4,200 m before he fired the blue white ball of charged particles at the missile toting Mech at a range of 330 meters missing wide of the mark.

The Archer pilot didn't even have to think twice after those three shots missed his mech. The fact that they had missed wasn't as important as the fact that they showed he had two Mechs approaching on his left. Two more, representing the Falcon's forces approaching from his right. Plus he had those damn hounds from hell nipping at his balls. This made his decision for him. He hit the emergency engine scram button and switched his transponder to emergency distress. He was happily out of this fight.

Both of the pirate's battle armour squads had reached a similar conclusion. The odds were 4:2 and the enemy still had a Mech as well. They raised their arms and announced their surrender over a general frequency.


The lone member of the Rottweiler’s #1 squad started sprinting towards the Kanazuchi and the protection those armoured tanks could provide.

The Kanzuchi squads were still making their way towards building 2.

Joshua Smith piloted his Mech towards the Archer to stand guard over it as Maranstein had just ordered. Mickey thought he would love to plant a grenade up his backside but would wait until the time was right. Until then he would stay Joshua Smith.

Maranstein had also ordered Fa Shih squads #1 & #4 to guard the pirate battle armour.

The rest of Trouble Inc. forces were told to make best possible speed toward the Rifleman and the Mule.

The Archer pilot breathed a sigh of relief when he watched the Rottweiler squads in front of him turn and sprint away from him as if they were greyhounds. They were after his boss. "Better him than me." he breathed under his breath.

Maranstein put his Black Hawk into a run towards the Mule class DropShip and at 540 m he fired his large lasers at it. He keyed his mic on the general frequency. "Attention Captain of the Mule DropShip, stand down or there will be dire consequences."

Fa Shih Squads #5 & #6 leapt into the air and landed 90 m away just at the edge of the runway.

Daniel, now Thaddeus Jones pushed his Hussar towards the Rifleman. He had just reached Squad #6 when he saw what the rest of Trouble Inc. headed this way saw. Two aerospace fighters on attack runs against the Rifleman in between them. They watched the beams of light erupt from the Samurai into the back of the Rifleman followed by a full barrage of medium range missiles into the front of the Rifleman. They watched as it staggered and then fell onto it's back.


The Captain of the Mule announced his surrender at the same time as he took his targeting systems off line.

The Kanazuchi continued marching on towards building 2.

The lone member of Rottweiler squad #1 continued sprinting towards the Kanazuchi.

Fa Shih squads #5 & #6 jump most of the way across the runway,closing the distance between them and the Rifleman.

Joshua Smith finished with every in behind the Archer and stood ready just in case the pilot had a change of heart.

Rottweiler squad's two and three raced towards the Rifleman. Chewing up another 150 m of the ground between them.

Thaddeus Jones veered to the left and started circling around the Mule to get behind the Rifleman.

Maranstein, continue running the Black Hawk forward. He closed about 300 m from the Archer.

The Archer pilot started getting up as he did so, he noticed a Mech approaching him. He also saw the one run out of sight behind the Mule. He now also noticed the four squads of battle armour bearing down upon him. He also saw the other two Mechs, quickly approaching.

He suddenly realized he had allowed target fixation to occur. He also realized that it was too late to do anything about it now.


With a sigh, the Archer pilot turned his transponder to the distress beacon and shut down active fire control scanners. He then turned his calm channel to the general frequency key the Mike and said, "okay you win."

With the final surrender in hand, Maranstein sent a message. This was relayed by Carlos flying overhead back to James on the Event Horizon [ ... Airfield secure. Repeat. Airfield secure. ...]


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Re: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2011, 06:30:47 AM »

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
7th September 3080
06:40 Hours, Local Time

Natasha took a brief moment to assess the combat situation. She wanted to jump behind large enough cover to screen the Spector from enemy fire to allow her to put some distance between her opponents, especially the Vulcan, which had steadily closed while the Spector had drawn them away from the castle. The Panther had been the only opponent with a weapon with sufficient long range reach to shoot at the Spector, but that was about to change as the Vulcan was just reaching the maximum range of the large pulse laser. However the Panther was moving so slowly now and was almost out of range for the ER PPC. Unfortunately for the Panther pilot the heat generated by rapid use of ER PPC was more than the thirteen single heat sinks could handle. The excess heat building up steadily and this effected the Mech’s movement and targeting system, the hotter the Mech got. That was the situation the Panther pilot found them self in now, the Mech could barely move topping out at a maximum of 30 kilometres an hour. The Vulcan had slowed down to allow the Panther time to catch up and possibly cool down. This was a golden opportunity as the targeting system of the Panther would still be compromised by the severe heat and the Vulcan had come to complete stop making it an easy target. The consequence of course was that the Vulcan had highly accurate short range weapons, but maybe this was the price that had be paid.

The decision and plan made in a near instant, Natasha pushes the Spector into a full run and reaches the Vulcan as it brings its weapons to bear. The Vulcan’s large pulse laser strikes the Spector’s right arm, its medium pulse finds the centre torso and both the flamer and machine gun miss altogether. The Vulcan receives the full weapon’s load of the Spector in a fiery vengeance; the large laser slices though the Vulcan’s remaining right leg armour and fuses the lower leg actuator, the medium laser melts more internal structure in the right leg, destroying the foot actuator and upper leg actuator as well. The second medium laser vaporises the remaining armour from the right torso and the small laser slices open the left arm destroying the hand assembly and spot welds the shoulder joint seizing it in place. The Vulcan wavers but does not fall with the damage the Spector inflicts on it. The Panther shoots its ER PPC, failing to hit the Spector and drives its heat into the red. The Vulcan attempts a kick with its left leg, favouring the damaged right and narrowly misses the Spector’s legs. Despite the damaged leg and a dangerous wobble the Vulcan’s pilot still manages to keep the Mech upright. A vicious smile spreads across Natasha face, as she realises that there is 50/50 chance that she could cripple the Mech and she kicks the Vulcan in return. The kick connects with the Vulcan’s left leg crushing internal structure but finds nothing vital. In the face of this continuing damage, Natasha had to give the Vulcan pilot a small amount of grudging respect in keeping the seriously damaged Mech upright.

The Vulcan pilot finally realises there was a very real danger of being defeated, hits its jump jets and puts 180 metres between it and the unrelenting Spector. The Panther also deciding a fighting retreat is the best option, jumps back a hundred twenty meters all it can achieve with the incredible heat that has build up in the continuing combat. Natasha wastes no time and pushes the Spector into a full run to bring it around to the rear of the Vulcan, but also avoiding exposing her the Spector's rear to the Panther at the same time. She really does not expect the Panther will be a threat again until it can shed some heat. A calculated risk, but one she hopes will paid off with the destruction of the Vulcan. Because of the position of the Spector the Vulcan can only twist turn its right arm around and fire the flamer located there. The burst of superheated plasma flowing across the Spector right leg and a spike of heat though the cockpit. Natasha smiles a bitter smile, “Too little, too late” she whispers. The simple push of a button releasing the full weapons payload of the Spector into the back of the Vulcan, the large and one medium going wide, the other medium laser striking the left leg consuming internal structure and the lower leg actuator. The small laser finding the centre torso and one of the few spots the Mech still any armour left. The Panther fires its SRM launch but the missiles fail to lock onto the Spector and blasts a nearby rock formation into a thousand pieces. Natasha had not count on the lasers to cripple the Mech, but she did need to kick the legs out from under it, literally in this case. Her fury building Natasha strikes out with the Spector's right leg and shatters the Vulcan's left leg completely, tearing off the last of the left torso armour and a piece of the internal structure as well. The Vulcan pilot unable to compensate for the severe damage, loses control and slowly the Mech topples over on to its right side, completely the crashing the left arm trying to break its fall.

This battle was reaching its conclusion with the Vulcan so badly disabled that Natasha could keep the Spector out of the reach on the Vulcan's weapons now. Turning her full attention to the Panther now she accelerates away to put some distance between the two Mechs, specificity 450 metres. Making targeting the Spector an extremely difficult prospect and hoping to goat the Panther into firing its ER PPC. Natasha fires the large laser in a further attempt to taunt the pilot further, narrowly missing the Panther's head. The Panther responds by firing the ER PPC and misses completely, but the heat generated from jumping and firing the ER PPC spikes the Mechs heat significantly. Natasha steers the Spector in an ever decreasing circle and reaches the 300 metres mark. The Panther with its heat rising into the orange, brings the Mech to a full stop and tries to track the Spector approach with its weapons, but the Spector stays outside the range of the SRM launcher. Once again the Panther is forced to fire the ER PPC and as always the Spector eludes the dangerous stream of charged particles. Natasha snaps off a shot from the large laser more to irritate the Panther's pilot, but the laser finds the Panther's left leg none the least, melting a large portion of the legs armour. The Panther jumping back another 60 metres to make it impossible for the Spector to circle around behind it, the current heat allowing it no more movement. Natasha closes quickly with the Panther wanting to inflict as much damage as possible on the Panther while it's heat levels continue to compromise the Mechs combat efficiency. The large laser cutting deeply into the left torso armour, a medium laser scorching the right torso destroying a heat sink in the process, the other medium scars its right arm and the small laser penetrates the Panther's left torso destroying two more heat sinks. The Panther's heat now climbing into the red and then without warning the Mech goes limp falling forward. Crashing and twisting more internal structure in the left torso.

As Natasha advances on the downed Mech, a radio message is received on the general broadcast band “Spector pilot I want to the negotiate my surrender.”

“Panther pilot what guarantees do I have that your surrender is genuine.” Natasha asked, her interest peaked. “Pirates do not tend to be very reliable from my experience”

“I have information that will be useful.” Panther pilot replies, an edge of certain creeping into his voice.

“I asked for a guarantee, not a reason” Natasha responds, adding a touch of impatience to her voice. She adjusts the weapons to target the rear centre torso.

“Give me a few minutes to change into an environmental suit and I'll exit the Mech” the Panther pilot replies with a defeated tone.

“Two minutes and I'll be watching,” Natasha did not trust this to go well, but until there was a reason she would hold her fire.

Natasha did not like sitting still in a combat zone for so long, but what other option was there. The two minute mark was coming up and as she watched the hatch pops opens, the pilot pulls himself out. Switching to external speakers “Close the hatch and head back to the castle”. He does as instructed and starts heading back to the castle. Taking one more precaution, Natasha uses the Spector to roll the Panther onto its back.

“Time to finish off the Vulcan”, Natasha voiced to the cockpit.

Swinging around the Spector Natasha pushed it into a full run and reached the downed Vulcan in short order. It was propped up on its right arm and facing the Spector. It appears the Vulcan pilot had tried to stand the Mech and damaged it further in the attempt. Natasha closes in and stops the Spector at around the 360 metres from Vulcan. Outside the range of its large pulse laser.

Opening the general broadcast frequency, Natasha asks “Vulcan pilot your Mech near incapable of effective combat at this time. Do you wish to offer surrender?”

“You crazy bitch if you come in range I'll tear you apart.” the Vulcan pilot responds, anger clearly coming across the comm link.

“I will take that as a no then.” Natasha replied and fires the large laser blasting the last of the armour on the centre torso.

“I'll kill bitch in ways you can't image, but maybe I'll have some fun with you first.” the Vulcan pilot almost screams his response.

“I take it you still want to play.” Natasha coolly and smoothly replies. She fires the large laser again and blasts the left torso internal structure collapsing almost all of it.

“Vulcan pilot if you wish to surrender and return to the castle, armed troops will gladly take you in custody. If not then look around as this will be your new home.” Natasha coolly replies and one more burst from the large laser coring out the Vulcan's centre torso. The danger from the Vulcan is now ended.

Natasha accelerates the Spector to 110 kilometres an hour and headed straight back to the castle, not expecting any trouble unless some opposing forces had arrived as backup Lantern had not asked for any assistance or reported any additional forces. Deciding that getting a look over the castle area from above would be a prudent choice she steers the Mech towards the highest point overlooking the castle and access road. Coming to the top of the ridge she scans the area and cannot detect any thing out of the ordinary. No battle armour or slaves are visible, but not liking the situation she moves across the ridge and towards the edge of the plateau, still on the higher ground and around 900 metres out. Natasha was just switching over to a private channel to contact Lantern, when a Firestarter FS9-H appears on the edge of the plateau on jets of fire. In the distance slowly making its way up the access road was an Urbanmech UMR-60.

“It appears I'm going to be earning my keep or my eternal rest this day.” Natasha whispered and could feel the anticipation of testing herself against new combatants. Skill, cunning and endurance were what would win this day. “Time to test all three” she said, a confident smile set on her face. “Lantern is going to get his support even if it kills me, but a little help would be nice to”.

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Mountains (former mining site)
7th September 3080
06:56 Hours, Local Time

As Natasha advanced on the Firestarter it occurred to her that these 3 Mechs represented designs that were close to or over 300 years old. This battle could be a representation or recreation of a show down that could have happened in the time of the first Star League or any of the succession wars that followed. The Spector a fine example of the Star League technological edge, that allowed the uniting of the known galaxy under a single authority, mostly by force. The original Firestarter and Urbanmech designs that initially served in the Star League, but would end up in the Successor Lords militaries and would help sustain the bitter fighting that would be forever known as the Session Wars spanning the last 300 years. These simply designs lacked advanced components like double sinks or extra light engines, but as the Succession Wars continued and advanced technology become scare, these designs would endure. However that age had passed and now it was time to remind them why they should fear the advanced technology that had returned in force.

The Firestarter was a light Mech that could do consistent and sufficient damage to concern the Spector, but it was generally short range and medium range only. The Mech was capable of a top speed around 90 kilometres per hour and with its jump jets it could propel itself over spans up to 180 metres. The overall design was built around the concept of a sustained assault. The armour on the Mech was sufficient but not great and the Spector’s large laser could strip a whole section of armour off in a single strike. Removing whole arms, legs and even side torso’s with 2 strikes of the large laser. The Urbanmech as a contrast was a Mech designed for urban warfare with a large calibre long range weapon designed to take out light Mechs and lightly armoured medium Mechs quickly. It also mounted a small laser but it only came into play at close range. The Urbanmech was 5 tonnes lighter then the Firestarter but was protected with more armour. Where the Firestarter was nimble and fast, the Urbanmech struggled with a top speed of 30 kilometres per hour and could only jump distances of up to 60 metres. Where the Firestarter, like the Spector; could endure long combat without resupply, the Urbanmech could not venture far from a supply base. Its ammunition bin only carrying ten shots for the large calibre auto-cannon and the poor top speed meaning a slow return for a reload.

The solution for defeating each was similar and it was only the execution that varied. The Firestarter could be kept at long range and out manoeuvred to ensure that that’s weapons could not reach the Spector. The Urbanmech was a different matter with a long range profile similar to the Spector’s large laser, staying out of range was not really an option. Natasha needed to drive it off or draw it away, to keep the Battle Armour out of trouble, but it would be a slow process. This meant taking pot shots at long range and high speed, until the auto-cannon ran out of ammo or the large laser sufficiently damaged the Urbanmech to eliminate it as a threat. These were ideal situations when dealing with them separately; if the pair worked together then it could become more complicated. Natasha suspected that the Firestarter could have reached this area a lot quicker if it had left the Urbanmech behind, but it had not. This could mean that the pair of Mechs might act a team, most likely deploying a hammer and anvil approach. This would involve the Urbanmech (anvil) holding or advancing to draw the opponent in and the Firestarter (hammer) advancing quickly to get into medium or short range to allow it the use of all its weapons. This tactic was a hard one to break with only one opposing Mech. The easiest solution was to simply go around the pair and keep going, but the need to support the Battle Armour negated that option. Lantern’s battle armour could be useful, but Natasha did not contact him as the Firestarter could easily cook the battle armour without breaking a sweat.

This would take some clever manoeuvring and careful guess work, with a great deal of buffing. Natasha had seen enough of the local terrain to make use of it now. Pushing the Spector into a full run to close the distance with Firestarter, before the Urbanmech could reach the top of the plateau and add its auto-cannon to the mix. The plan was to damage the Firestarter quickly or at least drive the Mech back. Luckily the Firestarter in its own eagerness accelerates toward the Spector, but can’t get into firing range. The Spector’s large laser reaches out but misses the Firestarter. “Not a great start” Natasha thinks to herself. The Firestarter leaps back 180 metres and the Spector continues to advance slowing down as it approaches the 300 metre mark. Again the large laser reaches out and this time connects with the Firestarter’s left torso vaporising a large portion of the armour there.

The Urbanmech finally arrives onto the top of the plateau at a run, a laughable notion in Natasha’s option with only a top speed of 30 kilometres per hour. The Firestarter jumps back closer to the Urbanmech but not close enough to bring the Spector close enough to hit with the auto-cannon. Natasha realising that hitting the jumping Firestarter will be very difficult, swings the Spector towards the Urbanmech keeping at less 300 metres between the Spector and the Firestarter. The Spector and Urbanmech both fire their respective long range weapons, both failing to hit each other. This running battle does not last long with Spector sniping away at the Urbanmech with two hits to centre torso stripping away all the armour and shattering the engine shielding twice. Another hit melted armour off the right leg. With the loss of the heat shielding around the fusion reactor the Urbanmech heat levels started to rise with each firing of the auto-cannon and finally the Urbanmech was forced to retreat back down the road away from the fighting. The Firestarter also attempted to retreat and the Spector sniped away at it, destroying its right arm completely and vaporising all of the left arm armour, as well as, some of the internal structure.

“Enemy pilots your Mechs have been seriously damaged, do you wish to surrender before I complete their destruction and end your pointless deaths.” Natasha broadcasts the message over the open broadband frequency.

“Why? You’ll just kill us or take us to jail.” The Urbanmech pilot replied.

Realising that a good buff was all that was required, Natasha advised “Half true, I do not see an immediate need to kill either of you. Your DropShips have been captured, your JumpShip damaged and your forces have been seriously beaten.” Natasha was sure that the first and third was at least true. The second was a buff but could provide some useful information if played right.

“Your lying the JumpShip we had left weeks ago.” Firestarter pilot replies.

“Our briefing clearly stated that this planets co-ordinates were extracted from the navigation computer of a damaged JumpShip found with serious damage in a backwater system. How else would we have found this planet and all of your bases? Not that it really matters to me, but this planet could be your new home for a long time. Well as long as the food, water and fresh air holds out. It’s your choice but dying a slow death of thirst, starvation, or suffocation do not rank highly on my list of things to do.” Natasha knew this was a risky option either they would surrender, flee and fight to death with nothing else to lose.

Natasha awaited their response, but only silence remained on the general broadcast channel and she hoped they were discussing the option of surrender on a private channel, but the minutes passed without a response or action from the pilots of the Mechs. Without warning the Firestarter advanced at full speed towards the Spector. Natasha was not foolish enough to place herself that close to the Mech that it could get into weapons range that quickly. In response Natasha pushed the throttle fully forward and faced the Spector at an intersecting angle 300 metres out and fired the large laser, but missed the approaching mech. It appeared the Firestarter wanted a quick and honourable death. The Urbanmech on the other hand had not moved at all. Natasha kept her distance from the Mech for some time expecting the Firestarter pilot to come to his senses, once he realised that he could not close with the Spector. As the minutes pasted by Natasha reasoned that this battle just needed to be ended and as the Firestarter advanced, Natasha turned the Spector and run it straight into the rear arc of the Firestarter. This forced the Firestarter to twist around to fire the medium laser and flamer mounted in the left arm. Only the medium found the Spector’s left arm, causing the molten armour to fall onto the parched earth. Natasha felt the need to remind this pilot why surrender was the best option and the one he should have selected. With the simply push of the button currently configured to fire all the Spector weapons, sometimes referred as an alpha strike, sending light and heat dancing across the Firestarter's back. The large laser slices though the rear right torso, a medium strikes the left arm destroying the remaining arm, the second passes by the Firestarter by the narrowest of margins and the small laser melts the last of the right torso internal structure collapsing the right side of the mech. For good measure and a final reminder Natasha kicks the right leg of the Firestarter crushing the majority of the armour in the process. The Firestarter sways under the damage unleashed on it, but remains upright.

The radio crackles to life and the Firestarter pilot broadcasts “Ok, Enough I surrender. What do want me to do?”

“Both Mechs need to be powered down and you will need to use your environmental suits to evacuate them. Head back to the castle and await pick up instructions” Natasha scans the lower area in front of the mine but can find no other resistance. Natasha thinks of the disposition of the enemy forces and is intrigued by the need to use four Mechs to guard the mine area, castle and slaves. Both Mech appear to have powered down and both pilots were climbing down and headed towards the castle as soon as their feet touched the ground.

Switching to the Black Stars designated frequency, Natasha gives her situation report. “Headhunter to Black Stars forces, sitrep is four enemy Mechs in the mine location have been neutralised, enemy pilots have been captured and await transport. Salvage crew required for enemy Mechs and the area appears clear at this time. Awaiting further instructions. Headhunter out.” Natasha turned the Spector to follow the enemy pilots back to the castle and see what Lantern was up to? It had been a long night and she would be glad to get of this cockpit, grab a shower and get some breakfast. “Well first things first.” She thought on the slow journey back to the castle.

Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Entrance Mouth to Valley of Devil's Embrace
Near Main Pirate Base
7th Sept 3080
1100 Hours, Local Time

“About damned time!” David snarled as his sensors began to pick up traces from the approaching column of enemy Mechs. “Even drunk, a half-way competent crew should have been here three bloody hours ago!”

He took a deep breath of the recycled air in his cockpit and willed himself to better self-control. Hours of boredom, waiting for the pirates to arrive, combined with his ongoing discomfort had done nothing for his mood.

Rummaging around under his seat for a moment, David finally found what he was looking for and withdrew a plastic bottle of water. Warm, but the small cooler along the back of the cockpit was reserved for the post-battle beer, and a little warm water wouldn’t hurt him any.

A few moments more to extract a small vial from his vest and David washed down his medication, then drained the bottle. No need to have a half-full plastic bottle rolling about on the floor, and he could use the hydration.

Another half hour passed before the pirates eventually came into close enough range that David’s sensors could differentiate Mechs.

As he read the screen, David shook his head disbelievingly. “Well, I can see now why they are moving so slow…. I don’t believe anyone would do something so useless, but…” He thought to himself silently.

On the screen, two slow moving clusters of enemy units resolved themselves into individuals.

Leading the way, a medium lance of Mechs plodded along. A Kintaro, Centurion, and Crab guiding a Scorpion through the pass. David shook his head again as he got another look at why the pirate’s progress was so slow. Attached to the Scorpion by a pair of heavy drag chains, a makeshift transport sledge was being dragged along, loaded down with what appeared to be a company of irregular infantry.

David sighed and shrugged. Granted, to retake the port area properly, they’d probably need some infantry, but if there was a more inefficient way to get them there, David didn’t know it.

A hundred yards or so back, the second group plodded along. Heavier than the first, the second group appeared more interested in making sure the first group kept on task than paying attention to the surrounding terrain.

A Quickdraw, Dragon, and Marauder, with a Stalker bringing up the rear. Heavy firepower by anyone’s standards. David was glad that the plan did not call for a direct engagement.

Glancing down, David confirmed that the fibre-optic cable link to Zhao’s ride was operational before keying his microphone and speaking softly. “Targets entering zone…. can you see this stupidity? If I didn’t know better, I’d almost think this was a bad holo-vid.”

"I'm feeling generous today brother of mine." Zi Long's replied crackled through. "I'm gonna guess that their top of the line, multi million c-bill Gienah-Durapaq Elite and Prairie Schooner land trains are currently occupied elsewhere." The Chinese man chuckled. "Seriously though, with this being a mining colony, shouldn't they have at least some decent cargo haulers around? Geez. I know that a stupid enemy is a godsend, but we're REALLY getting a lot of heavenly gifts recently."

Brandon's voice cut into the comms line. "Sorry to interrupt all you boys' self congratulations and enemy trashing, but our boys down there just sent a tight beam signal over to confirm that the four heavies back there are indeed the last of 'em."

Zi Long nodded as he stretched himself in the Manteuffel. "Well than, we'll just let them walk right up to our party."

<Perspective shift>

"Join the army they say. Its a man's life they say..."

"Fucking hell Francis, if you repeat that one more time, I swear I'll stuff your rifle down your throat." Sergeant Walakhal growled as he slapped Francis's helmet. They had received news earlier that morning - so early that most of their forces were still snug in their bunks, that the Drop Port had come under attack by some enemy forces - hordes of Battle Armour supported by reportedly an entire company of BattleMechs. That had been followed shortly by more reports of the Fortress atop the mountains coming under assault by special forces.

The Sergeant believed none of that nonsense. The world had never been detected, let alone been attacked ever before. There was no way a major force would strike against them, especially since the only notable source of such a force, the Nibo Armed Force, was still short of numbers and strength, and rebuilding. It took over an hour before the top brass decided that the attacks were genuine enough for them to mobilize their 'Mechs as well as one of the three companies of foot soldiers to check things out at the Drop Port. To hell with those bastards on the mountains and their fortress. But if the Drop Port did indeed fall, they would be deprived of their only ticket out of this hell hole.

However, since their forces never had to fight on the planet before, most of the non-Mechjocks were ill prepared and equipped for it. Most of the environmental suits they had in possession were regular light duty versions suited for nothing more than normal movement in the adverse conditions of the planet. They could only put together about a company worth of what could barely pass for combat light armour, and these suits were the ones Walakhal and his people were in now.

The Sergeant gritted his teeth and cursed again as the massive sledge bounced heavily as it hit another large rock on the ground. "At least all the frustration will get us into a suitably aggressive fighting mood when we see whoever's attacking." He mumbled.

<Perspective shift>

David sighed and waited somewhat less than patiently as the pirate caravan made its way deeper into the restricted canyon. The timing wasn’t all that tight, the valley was long enough that there was probably a thirty second window for the explosives to be set off and seal them in, but all in all, he’d rather it was already done.

Eventually, the Pirates were all in the designated zone, and it was time to shut the doors.

The explosions, when they came, were almost anti-climatic. Just small puffs of dust and a shower of small pebbles marked the beginning of the ambush.

As the pirates were still trying to figure out what was happening, their only avenue of escape began to disappear. Slowly at first, but quickly escalating, the rock walls at either end of the canyon began to sag and then collapse, rapidly filling the gaps and trapping the pirates inside.

Smiling now, David shoved his Mech’s throttle forward, rapidly bringing the huge fusion engine up from barely above standby to full military power in only a few seconds.

All along the ridgeline, other members of the Black Stars took similar actions, waiting for someone down in the canyon to do something stupid… it wasn’t a long wait.

The Mechs that the pirates by and large were decent units. Solid, dependable designs able to hold their own in most cases. Unfortunately for them, all but two of them also shared another characteristic…. a lack of jump jets. Without those, the one hundred meter cliff faces on all sides might as well have been a mile high. Even those Mechs with hands were out of luck, as the soft sandstone wouldn’t support a Mech trying to climb out.

The sole exception to the lack of jump jets was a single Quickdraw. A heavy design, older model, but still quite formidable…. under normal circumstances. These were not normal circumstances.

Either panicking as the ends of the canyon were shut, or trying to get to a position where he could see better what was happening, the Quickdraw pilot lit off his jump jets and blasted skyward on a column of superheated reaction mass.

David just shook his head almost sadly as the enemy pilot brought his Mech to a landing on the edge of the canyon, his jets only barely able to lift him that high safely.

As he brought his Mech’s targeting computer online and dropped the system’s crosshairs onto the Quickdraw’s silhouette, he spoke softly into his microphone. “And our first contestant on “Who wants a Bullet? Is…”

It is doubtful that the Quickdraw’s pilot ever knew what hit him as his Mech settled to a landing.

In total, the Pirate Mech was the target of three Class Five Rotary Auto-cannons (All of them on Maximum Rate fire), Two Large Pulse Lasers, and six PPC blasts from a well prepared and stationary gun-line.

Somewhere in that torrent of destruction, one of the shots also struck one of the heavy Mech’s ammunition bays, igniting that as an additional insult.

When the firing stopped, all that remained of the once mighty war machine was flaming wreckage and small chunks of shattered armour raining back down into the canyon.

Flicking his radio over to general broadcast frequency, David grinned as he spoke. “Attention Pirate convoy… Acting as the representatives of the Nibo Planetary Government, the Black Stars mercenary command requires your immediate and unconditional surrender… Failure to do so will be met with… consequences.”

David chuckled. “And in case you were thinking about resisting, I’d think again… we don’t have to do ANYTHING to defeat you. Just wait for your air to run out…. rather like what’s going to happen to the infantry you dragged along on this little death march in a short time, considering that those sorts of suits only carry a five hour oxy supply, and it’s a four and a half hour total travel time to the port… which we hold. So unless you somehow managed to dig your way out of that canyon in less than twenty minutes, there’s no chance for them…. of course we COULD bring up some life support modules, but those are for prisoners, not enemies.”

After a short delay, punctuated by gunfire and energy weapons discharges down in the canyon as the pirates “Debated”, a response came back over the general frequency. “Alright you bastards, you’ve got us. We give up.”

David smiled. “A wise decision. Now, all Mechs are to be shut down, and the pilots are to get into life support gear and exit their unit. We’ll have transport and additional life support brought up to keep you alive. Any resistance will be met with deadly force.”

<Time Break>

David watched as the last of the pirate mobile force was led away after being disarmed and restrained. Keying his microphone, he signalled to Zhao. “Right, on to the base… you think they’ll be bright enough to give up? Or will we have to dig them out?”


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Re: Contract 3A - More rumblings from the Deep Periphery (KoN Sup Contract)
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2011, 06:31:17 AM »

Nadir Jump Point
Seeker Class Dropship “Event Horizon”
Attached to Nibo Merchant Class JumpShip "Next Stop"
Kingdom of Nibo, Nibo IV
10th October 3080
1230 hours local time

Zi Long stretched himself before unstrapping himself from the seat that had pinned him in place while the Next Stop made the final jump from one of the many unknown and uncharted systems that had separated the Nibo system and the old SLDF mining colony that had housed the pirates for the past two years. The native Taurian looked down at the planet floating in the vacuum of space before him, as well as the several orbital satellites, space stations and DropShips that seemed to fill up every possible space. "What the..."

"Welcome back to the Kingdom Captain." The familiar voice of Rear Admiral Vincent Alfax boomed as Captain Harris switched on the comms. That was followed shortly after by the Nibo Admiralty's overall commander's face appearing as the Event Horizon's bridge crew patched the man through.

"Admiral!" Zi Long smiled. "You should have told me you're making an appearance. I haven't had the chance to freshen up."

The image of the other man smiled broadly. "I just wanted to make sure that I'm the first one to congratulate you and your people on a job well done."

"I'm sure my people are as pleased as you are Admiral... especially when we get paid." Zi Long replied.

"I don't think His Majesty will begrudge you of that Captain." The image's smile remained in place. "And most of the salvage that you managed to bag of course."

The smile on Zi Long's face remained frozen as well. MOST of the salvage? "I'm not exactly sure what you mean Admiral."

"The Mule that's attached to the Next Stop, Captain." The Nibo Admiralty head explained. "While your contract specifies that the Black Stars have total salvage rights to all combat equipment, that DropShip is most definitely NOT such an equipment - much like the mining machinery and equipment you've uncovered."

"Sir?" The DropShip Captain asked with a raised eyebrow. Harris had thought briefly of being command of a pair of DropShips after the contract - a thought that seemed to be seriously in question.

"He's right actually. And I'm sure the Captain and crew of the Next Stop will let on about what we've salvaged so there's no point hiding anything." Zi Long shrugged. "And frankly speaking, whatever we left on the plant's over several centuries old. I just hope Nibo good luck trying to restore them to working condition."

"But the Mule..."

"Is considered a non military DropShip." Zi Long patted the Captain on his shoulders. "Sorry about that."

The operation against the Quikscell backed pirates proved to be a complete let down, especially after all the recon and preparation work the entire unit put into the mission even before they had arrived over the planet for the second time. Even when they had discovered no aerial and orbital defence, the Black Stars had still proceeded with their deployment and attack plans with utmost caution.

However, once the action started, the pirates had proved to be as effectively offensively as a hunting rifle against an assault 'Mech. The Stars had split their forces into three, each assigned to tackle the three identified pirate positions. The first two groups consisting of the Jack 'O Lanterns, Loch's Lancers and their newest recruit Natasha Black against the pirate's force holed up in their mountain fortress, as well as Trouble Inc. and the Fallen Falcons against their Drop Port, had carried out their timed assault in the early morning. Like their advance warning systems, or rather their complete lack of it, the pirates were slow to respond to the attacks.

Their attacks had drawn the largest pirate force from the base in the Devil's Valley as expected by Ten-Bears and Zi Long. After another well executed and well timed ambush, the pirate force was trapped like sewer rats. Zi Long will have to give credit where it was due though. One of the bandits actually tried to call the bluff of the Stars. Too bad for the 'Mechjock though. Zi Long shook his head at the lost of salvage as the memory of the Quickdraw heavy 'Mech igniting its jump jets in an attempt to escape from the trap, and maybe even get at the Black Stars. A single 'Mech against an entrenched, well positioned and truly bored and itchy fingered group of high tech 'Mechs and tanks, the pirate 'Mech was literally vaporized under an a maelstrom of autocannon shells, lasers, missiles and particle projectile beams.

News of the fall of the other two pirate bases and surrender of their forces most probably came through to the trapped pirate force at that point in time. Without firing another shot, the pirates surrendered their forces. THAT piece of news convinced those pirates that were still putting up resistance to finally gave in.

The real surprise was the several ancient machines they found in the pirates' mountain fortress. After the Black Stars had taken stock of the surrendered pirates and their equipment, they had bemoaned about the complete lack of even reasonably combat worthy assets that the Stars would want to make use themselves. They had than came across the massive bays where the pirates themselves had discovered and had been trying to restore several ancient machines back to operational capability. Zi Long had to admit that he was impressed by their efforts. While they had not really succeeded, they were close to doing so. He was sure that the Black Stars techs would have much less of a trouble getting them into shape.

When Zi Long was certain that the battles would end in victory for the Black Stars, Zi Long had worried about how to salvage the two pirate DropShips given that the Next Stop could only take two DropShips, of which the Event Horizon would have to one of. The destruction of the pirate Leopard during the Stars' attack on the Drop Port solved that particular predicament neatly. It was a waste, but Zi Long couldn't really complain about it anyway.

With several hundred tons worth of salvage on top of their cash earnings, the Black Stars had already decided to call the relationship with Nibo quits... at least for now. It was not that they were not good pay masters or employers, but they would not be able to offer much in the form contracts with high payment and salvage rights.

With the discovery of vast quantities of Palladium within the abandoned mines, the Kingdom of Nibo would definitely be bringing in resources to restart the mines. Their nearest Succession State neighbour, the Draconis Combine, would pay well for the mineral that was the major component in the fabrication of jump sails. The Kingdom had high hopes that the discovery would pave the way for their rebuilding and recovery.

Despite the rosy outlook of their employers, Zi Long and David had already started to sift through contracts forwarded from Terra by Harding. There were definite possibilities out there, and the Black Stars were definite scavengers that excelled at sniffing out and taking advantage of such situations out there.

Nadir Jump Point
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
23rd December 3080
0800 Hours, Local Time

Lieutenant Ira Cassius Kepford was still missing the Black Stars even though they had left for God knows where for over two months since they declined to pick up the next contract offered by NIbo Armed Forces. It was a pity, Ira had thought. They had brought such... vibrance to the Kingdom during their all too short stay. And they showed Nibo how to fight a good fight of course, demonstrating that no plan was too underhanded or lacking in honour - short of deploying nuclear devices or using civilians as shields, not to be considered to win a battle and preserve your own forces. Their victory over the pirates were so thorough yet quick that both himself and Walter had not even had to fire a single shot. If not for his sworn loyalty to the Kingdom, Ira would've accepted Captain Zhao's invitation to join the mercenary outfit.

Ira had been surprised to have caught Zi Long in a rare moment of near total drunken stupor. The Captain of the Black Stars had mumbled something about honouring the few of his family that had fallen in battle.

The Nibo pilot shrugged. Maybe there was something to the mercenary officer's oft times flippant behavior after all.

"Dagger One, we're detecting increasing disturbance at Nadir Jump Point." A bored sounding voice cackled through his helmet. "Seems like something's coming in."

"Are we expecting anyone?" Ira asked even though he knew if they did, the contract station would've told him so. "Never mind. Please inform all security forces. My wing will check it out."

As Ira and Walter smoothly glided their Sword OmniFighters towards the Nadir Jump Point, six more of the heavy fighters, four from ground bases while two more from the other side of the planet blasted towards the same location. They would intercept a Merchant Class JumpShip with an Excalibur as well as an Union Class DropShip that seemed surprised to meet such hot reception.

The pair of Centurion aerospace fighters that launched from the Union's fighter bays did not even have the stomach to put up a fight against the impossible odds.

The Kingdom of Nibo would put the captured mixed regiment of equipment to good use reinforcing their slowly rebuilding force - all thanks to the unexpected early Christmas gift from Quikscell Company.
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