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Author Topic: Contract 2 - Rabble Trouble in the Periphery (Novo Franklin Main Contract)  (Read 14779 times)

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Olympus Class Recharge Station
Zenith Jump Point
Anegasaki, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
15th November 3078, 1005 hours local time

The massive Olympus class orbital recharge station barely shuddered as the Black Stars Seeker class DropShip docked with one of its four docking collars. Unbeknownst to the rather tense drama that unfolded barely minutes ago between the bridge of the Event Horizon and their space station, station crews hurried as usual to make sure the proper locking mechanisms were secured, as well all necessary connections to make sure that the Merchant Class JumpShip which it had just hitched its arrival from was properly recharged.

As the air locks were secured and comparatively fresher air was pumped into the spheroid DropShip, the space bridge linking the Event Horizon to the Olympus station gave a hiss and opened. First to step foot onto the bridge itself was Captain Zhao Zi Long of the Black Stars mercenary command.

A more than smug grin was on his face as he generously patted a station crew on his shoulder as he waltzed pass. The kneeling crew personnel gave the pony tailed Chinese man a strange and questioning look before going back to whatever job it was he was doing.

--- 30 minutes ago ---

“What do you mean we can’t dock now?” Captain Harris suppressed his urge to scream at the voice over at the other end. While the Merchant Class JumpShip they had ridden on had been hooked up and started the recharge which would quick charge its depleted Kearny Fuchida hyperdrive, the Seeker DropShip itself had been floating in space for over three hours waiting to dock with the space station.

“It means exactly that Captain.” The bored sounding voice replied. “Your request to dock has been registered and approved, pending availability on the schedule – which is full at the moment.”

“Full my ass!” Harris exploded, shaking one of his fists at the comms system. “I’ve seen THREE other DropShips come and go in the last three hours, and their JumpShip arrived AFTER ours!”

“Well, two of them were military DropShips on urgent military tasks for the Duchy of Oriente.” The voice explained patiently as if talking to a small child. “And the other... its on delivery duties of vital products towards Fletcher.”

Harris clenched both his fist and was about to smash them onto the console when Zi Long entered the bridge, the slight smile on his face further agitating the DropShip Captain. The Black Stars officer placed his hand on Harris’s arm. “If I may Captain?” The red faced DropShip commanding officer stepped aside, mumbling under his breath.

“Space Station...” Zi Long looked inquiringly at Harris. The latter muttered softly. “Star Streak.” Zi Long nodded. “Right, Space Station Star Streak. This is Captain Zhao Zi Long of the Black Stars mercenary command. I would like to once again request on behalf of Captain Harris for permission to dock the Event Horizon please.”

The comms cackled alive once again as the same voice replied. “I’m sorry Captain Sao, but no can do. You’ll just have to wait in line like every one else until the more IMPORTANT and VITAL vessels complete their tasks.”

“I completely understand.” Zi Long rolled his eyes at Harris and the comms specialist sitting mutely with a dejected look at the console. “Which was why I’m requesting for immediate berthing for the Event Horizon. I have a letter here from the Grand Duke of Oriente himself that clears me and my DropShip, as well as any JumpShip we are travelling on, immediate access to all facilities as necessary.” The scowl on Harris’s face dropped to be replaced by one of pure surprise. “While I cannot disclose the nature of the duty that have been laid upon me and my command by his Grace, I would be more than glad to forward the copy of the message to you.”

“Roger that Captain Gao.” The voice on the other end sounded rather unsure now. “Please transmit the message over.”

“Send it.” Zi Long tapped the comms specialist on the shoulder.

A minute later, the voice returned. “Sorry to have kept you waiting Sir. Please inform Captain Harris to dock the Event Horizon at Berth Alpha One immediately.”

Zi Long beamed. “Thank you my good man. May I have your rank and name so that I may convey my appreciation to your efficiency to his Grace when I next see him?”

“Er... that would not be necessary Captain Lao.” The voice replied quickly. “Enjoy your stay on the Star Streak.”

"Thank you again." Zi Long grinned. "Oh, and its Zhao."

“You had a letter of safe and quick conduct from the Grand Duke himself and you didn’t tell me?!” Harris stared at Zi Long as the latter turned away from the console.

“I didn’t think it necessary.” The Chinese man shrugged. “And you were having SUCH a nice conversation with the other guy anyway.”

“You could’ve saved me at least two hours!” The DropShip Captain howled.

“And let you dock while the rest of us were still not properly dressed?!” Zi Long looked at Harris as if he was mad. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Throwing a wink at the DropShip commander, Zi Long made his way from the bridge, leaving Captain Harris without words, and a strange gurgling sound coming from his throat.

--- Present ---

Zi Long made his way towards the recreational deck of the one million ton space station, whistling tunelessly and smiling to a couple of female passengers he met along the way. With the JumpShip that the Event Horizon was hitching a ride on scheduled to jump next into an uninhabited system before making its way into Capellan Confederation space, he had instructed all of his people and crew members to get their fill of the feel of gravity, man made it might be, before they embark on their long journey that will see them cut cross the Confederation as well as the Federated Suns. The expected arrival at their destination was just after New Year of 3079.

The Black Stars were kicking their heels on Fujidera, enjoying VIP status under the purview of a grateful Sumitomo Group and Tamagu-Irez. Together with David Ten-Bears, Zi Long had went to check out the various contracts on offer from DMM from the local network systems.

None had really caught their fancy, with most requiring, in their opinion anyway, considerably more military hardware than the Black Stars had at the moment. Zi Long was about to consider talking to Sumitomo Group about their offer of signing up the Black Stars on long term security when a message package came in for him.

Zi Long was surprised that the origin of the package came all the way from the other side of the known universe, from the Periphery system of Novo Franklin. Within minutes, he had read the contents, and immediately called the various unit sub-commanders together. It was a contract offer from a Prince Ljudevit Posavski, Lord of the Carantania Principality. Actually, the liaison would be another blue blood sounding person with the title and name of Lord Alexi Trenchard - Posavski retainer & spokesman for the Franklin Trustees.

To the Black Stars Captain, it was like a name from beyond the graves. Alexi Trenchard was one of the many previous Black Stars sub-unit commanders that had came and went as fortune brought along riches, and then inadvertently took them away. Trenchard had never worked under Zi Long himself of course, but he knew of the man and his unit as the latter signed on several stints under Major Aik. While his unit had usually been made up of machines more comfortable within a junk yard, the old and wily Trenchard had always found a way to find and exploit weaknesses in an enemy’s rear and hit them where and when it hurt the most. The last Zi Long heard of Trenchard, the old man had went into retirement after netting a cushy job for some noble family. So this is where you hung up your boots eh?

While the contract had been as official as any other, Trenchard had taken the liberty to add in some more information on the world itself, as well as the latest military intelligence. Looking at them, Zi Long had laughed. Military indeed. Barely two companies worth of ancient ‘Mechs and a smattering of supporting conventional vehicles were spread all over the world, broken up into small pockets, each controlled by separate petty lords and gangs. Trenchard’s employer, Prince Posavski, commands the largest and most powerful concentration. Zi Long thought back at the contract again.

Registered Contract: PY-SD-06-01
Region: Deep Periphery
System: Novo Franklin
Galactic Coordinates: X: 673.52 Y: 62.13
Planet: Novo Franklin
Capital City: Campus Carinthia
Primary Operational Terrain: Farmland
Primary Planetary Climate: Temperate
Contract Type: Security Duty
Contract Duration: 6 Months negotiable
Employer: Prince Ljudevit Posavski, lord of the Carantania Principality
Employer Contact: Lord Alexi Trenchard, Posavski retainer & spokesman for the Franklin Trustees
Command Rights: Liaison Assigned
Forces Recommended: A Company Strength Detachment
Supporting Forces: Carantania Guards (2 Lances of Mechs, mixed handful of Armor and Infantry)
Enemy Forces: Unknown (Possibly other militias)
Supplement Contracts Offered: A Territorial Campaign

Refugees fleeing from a Kuritan incursion into the Outworlds Alliance first settled the world of Novo Franklin in 2598. Looking for a new world to call their own, these refugees found a world rich in water and arable land, two details that became a beacon call throughout the region. As more and more refugees made their way to this world, dozens of farms and agricultural concerns sprouted up across the planet. Few major communities sprung up on the world, however. Its inhabitants were content to simply work the land and trade with each other for whatever they needed.

Within just a few years of its colonization, a social pecking order of sorts developed on Novo Franklin. Several powerful families gobbled up less productive farms, while dozens of smaller concerns banded together into co-ops to keep themselves from being taken over. When the chaos was over, the leaders of these fifty or so major farms had tightened their grips over their own territories. Within a decade of Novo Franklin's colonization, each had become the warlord of a miniature city-state.

Even with these problems plaguing the word, news of the great successes and bountiful lands there brought more and more hopefuls to Novo Franklin. Some paid their own way to the world while others were brought with the promise of a change to shape their own life. Nearly all ended up working the farms, indentured to the world's ruling families.

Remarkably little has changed since those early years, with a constant state of war existing between the various farms/city-states. Just as eras of war and peace, prosperity and depression swept through the Inner Sphere, so too did they wrack Novo Franklin. Alliances were made and broken, wars were won and lost, and revolutions came and went. Technology that had reached parity with the Inner Sphere was suddenly reduced to ashes by petty neighbors. In fact, Novo Franklin's history closely resembles that of half a dozen worlds throughout the Inner Sphere - though on a microscopic scale. The only significant difference, in that being that alone amongst the stars, Novo Franklin never had the economic and military might of an interstellar power to pull it back from the brink of collapse.

Today, the world continues to exist as it has for centuries, as a result of measures employed by the ruling class to preserve the neofeudal system. The planet's isolation has undoubtedly been a major factor in their success. That isolation, and the fact that Novo Franklin contains only a single, small spaceport, has enabled the planet's ruling class to closely monitor and control all contact the planet's working class have with the outside universe. The ruling class also prohibits workers from educating their offspring. Any worker who displays the ability to read and write or who teaches such abilities may be executed under the planet's laws. The rulers educate their own offspring of course, to ensure that their families continue to maintain their dominant positions within Franklinian society.

Even the education of the "gentry" class is far below the standard set by many nations, though, due to its limited access to outside information. The overall standard of living is actually relatively high, a fact directly attributable to the world's agricultural bounty. On the other hand, many within the working/peasant class are clearly dissatisfied with the way they are treated by their leaders. Though the punishment for revolt is swift and final, the people of three different city-states have successfully overthrown their warlords. This has naturally led to a growing popular uprising on the world, one that many of the militias on Novo Franklin are having increasing difficulty in putting down. For now, the ruling families still maintain their hold over the world, though that grip is growing ever more tenuous as the days pass

3058 Update

In addition to these measures, Novo Franklin's ruling families retain the exclusive right to interpret and enforce the laws of their planet. At times the families have imported mercenaries to aid them in enforcing the laws, but the families generally have little problem doing so themselves, as the planet's workers are legally prohibited from possessing any form of weapon. In addition to banning weapons, workers are prohibited from possessing almost all modern tools and appliances. One result of this ban has been the reintroduction of animal husbandry on Novo Franklin to produce horses and other beasts of burden.

Reportedly, Novo Franklin once boasted nearly an entire battalion of BattleMechs, but recent intelligence reports place the number at twenty-four. All of these machines are owned by the ruling families, but these are dispersed among dozens of political states over half the northern continent. It is unlikely that any state could muster more than two lances

Socio-Industrial Levels:

Technological Development

Some advancement; poor educational systems; medical care at level of 21st-22nd century; microelectronics industry non-existent; some areas with higher rating possible, but privately run/held.
Industrialization Level

Some industrialization at level of mid-20th century; fusion reactors imported.
Raw Material Dependence

World/system produces all the raw materials needed and commonly exports large quantities of surplus.
Industrial Output

World has a small industrial base that may produce a limited number of products for export.
Agricultural Dependence

World has a rich environment producing a great excess of food in relation to population needs, with planet’s agricultural regions augmented by agricultural technologies; exports some portion of its resources.

Novo Franklin has changed a lot in last 10 years, it has been under inconsistent garrisoning by Clan Snow Raven and Clan Star Adder forces and during those times they have seen fit to strip the world of anything they wished before heading off to their destination. The most recent occupation was by several clusters of Clan Star Adder forces, as our little planet is not up to speed with what is happening in the Inner Sphere we are are very worried about the sustainability of our world.

Prince Posavski has taken the opportunities from the chaos of the frequent clan occupations to basically take control of the nobility and the assets of the planet via the Franklin Trustees, the group of powerbrokers created to deal with clan leaders when they arrive. The Prince has sent an envoy to the Inner Sphere to purchase some mercenaries with high-tech battlemechs and auxiliary hardware to solidify his grip on the planet, although he recognizes that he will still be at the mercy of the godlike clans.

1) Defend the Principality.
2) Prepare the Carantania Guards and your unit for a Campaign against the other holdings.

1) Skirmish with other lords to increase the holdings of the principality.
2) If a Clan unit arrives on planet, be passive.

This contract had so much going for the Black Stars. It would be in an environment and setting familiar to most, if not all of them since the majority of the Black Stars had at one point or another worked contracts in the one region of Periphery or another. In fact, more than a few were born in the Periphery like Zi Long himself. It would most likely require the employment of irregular warfare and the Black Stars’ trademark unconventional ways. It was relatively low risk – as long as the Stars did not have to engage in direct combat with the various Clans that frequented Novo Franklin, and higher paying that what Sumitomo Group offered them.

Join the largest, richest and most powerful faction on a planet, baby sit their military and kick the others’ asses – what’s not to like about it? The vote to pick it up was surprisingly quick and uneventful. Like himself, almost everyone was all for the contract. One of them even commented that about the only injury they might suffer was back aches after sitting in the holds of the Event Horizon for the inhumanly long period of time needed to travel from Free Worlds League space to the Deep Periphery system.

But, if that was true, Trenchard wouldn’t even need to hire outside help. We’ll have to keep our eyes peeled for this one. Zi Long stroked his chin in thought. What are you hiding from me you old dog...

Black Star Dropship “Event Horizon”
Dropship Pad #3
Carantania Military Cantonment
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery
15 Jan 3079, 1400 Hours Local Time

David tightened his holster and checked the tie down on his revolver before stepping up onto the gantry. After far too long in transit, the Black Stars had arrived at their next contract site.

With a quick wave, first to the techs, and then to the deck-boss overseeing the unloading, David slid into the Hunchback’s cockpit.

As he powered up the Battlemech, David’s tactical feeds lit up sending him information on the other members of his sub unit.

Nikita’s Spector popped up on his board, closely followed by her previous ride, the Po that Glen was now commanding. Only a few seconds later, the Zhukov he had so recently led his unit from also appeared with the other Po. The two Infantry Platoons were of course, already linked into the net, and had been ready for over a half-hour.

David did a quick once over of his new ride. He’d trained hard in the new mech simulators to prepare himself for the switch, but the fifty ton mech was still very new to him and he was still adjusting to all the changes from his old Jenner.

Bigger, more armor, and much, much more firepower were all bonuses over his old ride, but one thing he’d have to get used to was the loss of speed. The new Hunchback was only capable of a little more than HALF the speed he had become accustomed to in the old Jenner his father had brought back from the 3039 war.

“Still,” He mused to himself. “overall, if I had to trade, this wasn’t a bad move.” He checked the tactical displays, showing his range capabilities to average out around 150% of his old mech’s capabilities… and the sheer damage this new toy could produce! It left his old mech in the dust as far as that was concerned!

As his mech’s engine warmed, and the various systems moved from standby to ready, David sat back to wait for the deck-boss to assign the various units their unloading positions.

<Time/ Location Shift>

The polarized canopy of the Hunchback automatically darkened as David guided the war machine down the ramp and out into the blazing sunlight. Behind him, Nikita led the Zhukov and Po heavy tanks in her Spector as they rumbled along behind.

Down a smaller set of ramps off to the side, the unit’s two platoons of heavy infantry also disembarked from the “Event Horizon”, their heavy armor and full face helmets making them look almost inhuman in their similarity and anonymity.

Ahead, David could see an “Honor Guard” of Infantry, mechs, and vehicles waiting for them. Well, he supposed it was SUPPOSED to be an honor guard… it looked to him more like a mobile junkyard and prison work-detail, but the thought was what counted.

While he waited for the rest of the unit to unload and assemble, David began to assess the group here to welcome the Black Stars. Ignoring for the moment, the small cluster of local dignitaries waiting on a stage in front of the forces, David began with the mechs.

A single lance of older designs waited silent and unmoving… David assumed that the other four that the locals were supposed to have were either out on patrol or maybe down for repair… and given the condition of the ones he could see, repair was looking more and more likely.

Standing on one end of the line was the largest of the four mechs, a battered old ARC-2R Archer. David guessed it likely to be the commander’s machine. It LOOKED functional, but was obviously old and had seen hard service in its time. He wouldn’t hazard a guess as to its actual capabilities.

On the other end, a newer, but still ragged looking, FS9-H Firestarter stood waiting, covered in a patchwork quilt of unevenly painted armor patches. The left arm appeared to be salvaged from another machine, as its color scheme was a complete mismatch with the rest of the mech. David chuckled, while it may not have been intentional, the crazy quilt pattern of rusty patches, flat primers, and dusty tones were almost perfect urban camouflage. If the mech was anywhere near functional, it would be a great asset in any built up areas.

Sandwiched between the two heavier machines, a pair of LCT-1V Locusts stood back to back. If either one of the little mechs was less than a century old, he’d eat his hat! Decades of abuse and partial repairs showed clearly on the two light mechs. David doubted there was a single bit of original armor left on the machines, and most of the other parts were doubtful as well. As it was, he could tell that the underslung Medium Laser on one of the mechs had been replaced at some point with a cheaper replacement. It probably worked well enough, and the Locust had heat sinks to spare, so the less efficient model wasn’t that big an issue, but it spoke of other compromises that couldn’t be seen so easily.

On its companion Locust, David could see that the mech’s machine guns had been replaced at some point and the new ones were no longer a matched set. Two different models of MG now rode the opposite shoulders. David guessed that they were of a similar caliber, but even that was only a guess.

He shrugged, while the little mechs weren’t a major threat to other mechs, they had quite a bit of potential deployed as scouts or against more conventional forces.

Arrayed in a ragged line in front of the mechs, a demi-company of tanks sat idle. As they appeared in somewhat better condition than the mechs, David thought it probable that the armor section got more action and better maintenance than the more complex Battlemechs.

Anchoring the line on either end, a pair of Hetzer Assault guns sat menacingly, their massive autocannons jutting forward like lances. David smiled… while the assault guns were slow, and very limited in their use, the huge guns they carried made them a real threat to any unwary enemy that strayed into range.

Next along the line, a single SRM Carrier hulked menacingly. It appeared in decent shape, but for a missing SRM launcher among the ones that were supposed to occupy the weapons bay. David guessed it had been damaged beyond local capacity to repair, and the locals were waiting until they could find a replacement to fill the slot.

“No Matter.” He thought to himself. “Even down a launcher, it still ain’t something I’d wanna meet close up.”

The remaining three vehicles were a trio of Scorpion Light Tanks that had obviously seen better days. Armor patches adorned the flanks and front glacis of the three tanks, and one of the armored vehicle’s turrets was obviously a replacement recently dropped into place as it appeared significantly newer and in better condition than the rest of the tank.

David sighed, “Quikscell strikes again.” He mused. “Cheap and simple… well, at least they are designs the locals might be able to keep running…. Have to have our techs give them a once over though.”

And at last, the Infantry…. In what could charitably be called formations, three platoons of conscript infantry stood waiting for the Black Stars to unload. Uniforms… weren’t. The only unifying badge or insignia the infantry shared, was a baseball style cap with the Caratania crest embossed on it. Even the weapons and other gear were a hodge-podge of types and designs. Again, cheap and simple weapons dominated, mostly bolt action rifles, with a couple semi-autos sprinkled here and there through the masses.

David just shook his head, clearly Conti and Gallagher would have their hands full getting the local infantry just pointed in the same direction, much less acting in an effective and unified manner.

“Ah well.” He thought to himself silently. “I’ve seen some worse. Hell, some of the Penal Infantry units the Confederation uses are a LOT worse… of course, they aren’t intended to actually SURVIVE enemy contact, but….”

As his mech reached to bottom of the ramp, David stepped it off to the side and waited for the rest of the unit to get clear of the Dropship.

Black Star Dropship “Event Horizon”
Dropship Pad #3
Carantania Military Cantonment
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery
5th Jan 3079, 1400 Hours Local Time

James watched as the first of his birds were being unloaded. The handlers seemed to be doing things correctly. Eugene was there to watching. The rest of Trouble Inc was there too, mostly looking at the sky and the feel of real dirt under their feet. Any place but on that Drop ship! None of his crew wanted to spend any more time on that Drop ship than was necessary. Unlike all the time spent on the FWL DS Wooly, time on the Event Horizon was not something he or his crew liked. They were constantly restless, and irritable. Even the brothers acted different on this ship. As irritable as they were they didn’t even take a jab at each other the whole trip. They were constantly wary and kept mentioning a place called Witch’s Holl’r.

Of course there were new people now. James had expanded his fleet to six. He also added another whole fleet of cargo carriers. The Ferrets would provide a lot of flexibility to the Stars. was Captain Zhao Zi Long questioned the purchase with one of his looks but, didn’t say anything. The techs looked at him funny when he explained what he wanted done to the Ferrets and Warriors, but they did it. The Black Star’s technical staff was the biggest and most wonderful thing he could have hoped for. The ability to have real techs to work on his birds was truly a lifesaver.

The new crew James had hired, slowly arrived during the transit. James and Eugene had gone over the records for days before hiring this group. They only had the records to go on. There had been nobody back on Fujiera that looked right for the job. So they had been reviewing all the records they could, trying to find some quality people that also would fit with his unit. It was a daunting process. James had even asked David Ten Bears for some help. David had been very helpful in providing the insight on how to read personnel records. How to read nuances in the fitness reports. How a subtle change in word selection made a difference. What was not said was as important as what was said. James could only sit in awe as he was getting an education that he had never expected. It drove home the point that there was much he needed to learn at being a leader. Officers Candidate School had given him only the basics. He made a note that he would need to ask David for more training on how to be a more capable leader.

After David’s help, James went back through the entire pile, this time with a much keener eye. He realized after he was done only one of the original records he had brought with him to David was still in the pile, the rest had been removed from the selection process. When James went back to David with his revised candidates David sat and went through the first half dozen and looked over at James with a half grin. He then returned to review the remainder. After closing the last file he was reading he turned and looked at James there were two piles now but one was only 4 records high. With one of his half grins David said “These are a lot better than the first list. These 4 here are ones you don’t want. These two here you missed a couple of clues, they were not as apparent, but are there. You will want to review these again and see if you can spot what I did. As for these other two, this one I know the guy who wrote the fitness report, anybody he says “will go far” means he wants them as far away from him as he can get them. The last one I have heard about, and what I heard says you do not want him.”

David paused for a moment as he moved his hand to the larger stack then continued “I don’t think I will be of much help to you on this stack. Now it will become a matter of fit and that is something I cannot help you with.” James thanked David for his help. He gathered up the files and went to send a few star mails.

James actually had a chance to use the simulators to evaluate his crew and give them some practice of working together. Hawk, Slim, and James quickly adjusted to working together. It hadn’t taken long to learn all of the manoeuvres James wanted, the unit, his unit to learn. They all had the skills it was just a matter of learning about the personalities of the other pilots. Being able to predict their reactions. That is what made good crews and good units.

Alice on the other hand needed a lot of work. She had been a civilian and it showed. Actually she had trouble holding an altitude for very long. She had trouble with formation flying. Whenever she got close to another helo she had a tendency to drop altitude. That was different than most pilots, they usually liked to climb when something was too close. She was also a little timid. When she was first put through the full combat simulation she crashed the helo within the first few minutes. She had been over reacting to any shot that had come near her that she lost control. The next few combat sims hadn’t been much better. James had had to stop during and after mission critique to get her to stop crying. She had tried to resign after that. James had to stop and remind her that she had been a civilian pilot not a combat pilot. That she had not had the military training the rest of the unit had received not the actual combat experience. She would have to work a lot harder to catch up. She had redoubled her efforts to learn everything James insisted was required skills. He figured she had easily logged more than twice the sim time as the others. It was not surprising to find that the other pilots were there assist her. Pushing and goading her to perform as well. Testing her knowledge and helping her in her weak areas.

James still wasn’t sure she actually had what it took to be a combat pilot. He had even begun to question Gunther’s approval of her abilities. That was until the Nap Of Earth (NOE) training phase. It was an important skill for helo pilots as well as fighter pilots. There wasn’t anything to hide behind when you were up high in the air and the enemy threw anti aircraft fire at you. Flying low, at tree top level provided you with some cover. It limited the time anybody would have to shoot at you. Nap Of Earth was an important skill to have and he wanted his unit to know how to fly that way. The first simulation, James had run them through for Nap Of Earth they had all failed including James, until it was Alice’s turn. She never even came close to the maximum altitude for the hop. She had practically set a new low for that simulation.

One of the follow on simulations was a one on two situation. Alice had managed to attack one of the helos from the rear and had put the other one on the ropes before it disengaged by flying higher and leaving the simulation zone. James had flown the simulation several times before. He knew that there was no way to get behind him. He was about to say something to Alice about this when Eugene had interrupted him. He suggested that James have a seat in the sim and watch the replay from her view. Alice had found an old logging road on the area maps. James watched as the helo he “was in” descended to the mouth of the road paused for a moment and then charged in. The road was full of twists and turns and the overhead limbs were almost blocking off the sky. It was almost like flying through a cave. The helo crash warning light and warble never stopped for the whole ride. James was flying about one meter off the ground the whole trip. He had tried to jerk the stick up at least a dozen times during the trip down the road. Then finally he saw a light ahead, it was a clearing. The helo then pitched up and climbed for the sky with a twist to bring it back around and then he was staring at the six of the two opposition heloes for this mission. The sim then darkened and the door opened. Eugene was there with a smug grin and an arched eyebrow. James realized then that he was white knuckled and he was shaking a little as he left the simulator.

Eugene offered out a small flask and commented “You know, you look like you could use this.”

James didn’t even hesitate to grab the flask and take a deep draw. It took a couple more pulls and several minutes before James had his nerves back under control. While that was happening, James realized that the tower comments back on Fujiera and also the doc’s comments, the one’s he had brushed off, had some merit. James also realized that anybody that could fly like that had the skills. James also had to chuckle to himself when he thought all the way back to Diamante. Now in hindsight, James realized that Gunther had been a little pale when he had said that “She’ll do.”

That was a few weeks before the arrival of the new equipment he had ordered. The new personnel started to arrive with the new equipment and continued to trickle in as they worked their way over to their new contract, though the bulk of them didn’t arrive until just before making landfall here on Novo Franklin. James would still have to evaluate the new men. Though there should be plenty of time for that. James turned and looked at the honor guard if that is what it could be called.

One of the new pilots had walked up behind him and was commenting “Hey, is this the target range?”

James looked at the man whose name he couldn’t remember at the moment and then looked back and responded, ”That is a hell of a way to talk about the finest of best military group on the planet son.”

“The what? It looks more like the last ditch sales line at a scrap yard! Look at those guys over there pretending to be soldiers.” James new pilot said.

“Those guys over there are probably the best unit they have. And we, and we get the pleasure of working with them, training with them, and most likely fighting with them. That means you had better get along with them” James said.

James left the man there to contemplate those words. He wanted to check on their billets. After only one look at those James was happy he still had the half converted shipping crate. Though he knew that they would have to clean the place out at the very minimum to make it even barely habitable. He just shook his head and left.

He went back to watch them finish unloading his unit. He told Eugene about the billets. He hung his head for a moment before he said “It will get taken care of boss.”

Eugene also told him that the birds should all be ready about mid morning the day after tomorrow, they had to recalibrate all the inertial navs, readjust for the atmospheric pressure and go over the two new birds. He had also requested that two of the Ferrets to be made ready for an 0600 flight. He figured that they would want to do a local recon flight as early as possible.

James clasped Eugene on the shoulder, and said “You are right, we need to get an idea of what the area looks like if we are to protect this place. I’ll go let the XO know.”

James then left and started looking for David Ten Bears. He found him a short while later. He made his report simple. “My unit should be up and ready by noon day after tomorrow. I will have two Ferrets up by 0600. I plan on doing a local area recon flight then. There is room if you and or the Captain want to accompany us.”

With that James left and headed back to the billeting area. He had an unpleasant task of trying to clean out his space.

Franklin Trustees Head Office
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery
15 Jan 3079, 1600 hours local time

The waiting lounge, if it could be called that at all, was rather garishly adorned with several pennants and coat of arms of what Zi Long assumed was those of the Carantania Principality and the Posavski family. The clash of colours was one thing, it was the addition of portraits of past Posavski nobilities in dramatic poses, set on all shades of what SHOULD be gold, or at least gold plated frames. They can't even make portraits of themselves at least look... nicer?

"Dreadful aren't they?"

Zi Long turned around from his observations of the pictures to the new voice. And than he laughed.

Standing before one of the doors that led out of the waiting lounge was a pale skinned man of about mid to late forties. His dark brown hair was slicked flat with oil and pulled back over his head. Zi Long's first impression of it was that it resembled one of those mountain biking crash helmets that riders wore for protection. While the figure too wore a long black coat like the Black Star officer, the one that hung over his lanky frame was of pure silky black. A pair of polished black high boots peeked from below the coat. To top off the image, a pair of shiny black shades sat on the bridge of his not very sharp nose.

The person waited until Zi Long's laughter subsided, at least enough for the mercenary officer to actually be able to hear him. "This is most definitely not the best way to start off a relationship with the liaison sent by your employer you know."

Zi Long wiped away a tear from his eye as he looked at the man. "I'm sorry, but you do know that they actually arrest people who dress like you do on certain systems and put them in asylums right?"

"Still a smart ass I see." Lord Alexi Trenchard, Posavski retainer and spokesman for the Franklin Trustees replied dryly to Zi Long's remark, before he too broke into a wry grin. "Although, I'll have to admit that it took me ages to come to terms that THIS is how they expect a person of my station to dress." Trenchard looked at the still snickering Zi Long. "I'll have to say, you haven't aged a single bit since I last saw you. It was for the contract on... Spencer?"

"Ur Crunie." Zi Long supplied helpfully. "But yeah, it was in the Fronc Reaches, back in '76."

"Right. Good times." Trenchard smiled.

Zi Long straightened up and looked around the room, his gaze pausing for a little longer as he looked out to the landscape of the city outside. "I'd say you're having a better time now Trenchard. At least, you know when your next pay cheque's coming. And I believe you have a pretty substantial say in things around here - even though Novo Franklin isn't Terra, and Campus Carinthia isn't exactly Norfolk." The native Taurian completed his sweep of the room before landing his sight back on his former colleague.

"The job has its perks." Trenchard agreed with a nod. "Though you have no idea how many times I've had to restrain myself from assaulting one of these nobles whom I've had to work under."

"You mean you're STILL into those things?" Zi Long's eyes widened with an evil glint. "I would've thought age should have mellowed you somewhat."

Trenchard shot the Chinese man a dark look and coughed. "We should probably adjourn into the meeting room. Prince Ljudevit Posavski is currently occupied and will not be able to meet up with you. Since I am the assigned liaison, it will be my task to update you on the latest situation here on Novo Franklin."

The two man proceeded to the next room by the same door that Trenchard had came in earlier. To Zi Long's amusement, the furnishing inside was not much of an improvement compared to the waiting lounge.

"So, what have you got for us."

Trenchard seated himself in one of the plush chairs and pushed a manila folder across the table towards Zi Long. "This is the latest sitrep and assessment done by Prince Posavski's people. It has details of the Carantania Guards, and some of the major and notable opposing ruling families on Novo Franklin."

Zi Long undid the string that sealed the envelop and flipped open the cover. Pulling out the thin sheets of paper, he gave it a quick run through. "You've got to be joking right?" Trenchard levelled his gaze on the Black Stars CO wordlessly.

"I mean, come on! You should know better than anyone here on this planet that this does NOT qualify as a status report, let alone an intel update." Zi Long exclaimed. "Look - Charlie Company is up to strength, pending the return of astech Romulas from his paternity leave to fix the autoloader of Scorpion Number Four; and this, you accepted THIS as an intel report? House Pineer's food supplies are expected to fall due to several of their hog farmers taking extended leave to prepare for their bi annual Hog Festival."

"Its not really professionally done, that much I'll admit." Trenchard shrugged. "But its the best I've had. You should have read the first reports in. It would have curdled your blood."

"I'll have to get my people to carry out a proper assessment and such." Zi Long stroked his chin thoughtfully. "At least a couple of weeks for a full report, most likely shorter to get the up to date on your Carantania Guards."

"I guess I can convince the Prince that the assessment he has from the fields are not what's actually happening. I'll ask him to approve my authorization for the Black Stars to do an unbiased third party assessment." Trenchard replied.

"I'll get Ten-Bears to organize one immediately once my people gets settled in." Zi Long nodded.

Trenchard coughed lightly again. "To facilitate access of your people, I'll assign my most capable deputy to assist Ten-Bears in the task." It was Zi Long's turn to raise a questioning eyebrow at Trenchard. "He's the best I've got. Granted, he's ALMOST as bright as a halogen bulb, but he's eager and willing."

"Fine. I'll link him up with Ten-Bears." Zi Long conceded. "I don't believe you, your Prince and the locals are going to be happy Trenchard. David has never been known to be one who minces his words."

Trenchard nodded. "I remember. He has always been rather blunt."

"But he's gonna tell you that what you want, won't work with the way things are right now from the short and fast read that I've gleaned from this so called report of yours." The Black Stars officer pointed at the discarded pieces of paper on the table. "I'll pass this report to him first to let him have an idea of what he'll be working with." He smiled broadly. "I don't expect him to jump with joy at the prospect."

"That's why Carantania Principality and the Franklin Trustees need you and your people Zhao." Trenchard sighed, betraying for the first time his real feeling towards his current employers. "While the Black Stars may not be the most spit and shine merc command out here, if you don't mind me saying so, you guys at least know how things work here in the Periphery, and what can and should be done. Its not as glorious as charging into the teeth of a Clan defense, or blunting the attacks of a Kuritan assault, but what we're doing here will at least give you numeric and technological advantage."

"Our methods count for a lot." Zi Long snorted defensively.

"Indeed. You do remember I was once a Black Star yes?" Trenchard smiled. "Still, I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay here."

"Don't bet your last C-bill on it." Zi Long replied. "At least I don't expect Ten-Bears to be all that glad."

Trenchard sighed deeply. "Thread carefully Zhao. The locals - the lower castes and serfs that is, will regard all outsiders with subdued interest and fear, as contact with these have always been very controlled and restricted. As for the nobles, I imagine some of them will try to suck up to you people since they'll think that you will be the one delivering the entire world to the Posavski family. Others, a substantial portion in fact, felt that we should just cooperate or even give in and go to bed with the Clans, and the presence of the Black Stars might pose a threat to that. Yet some others will feel that they themselves could've done the job of subjugating the other holdings without you and your fancy equipment, and you'll be hogging the limelight, and taking away their thunder."

The older man swivelled his chair to look at the view outside the window. "Remember that Novo Franklin is an underdeveloped Deep Periphery world, where those not of nobility receive NO education, and precious little news from the outside world."

"From what I've heard, the nobility isn't very much better off themselves." Zi Long observed.

"Sad, but true. Also, there are like fifty over factions on the planet. The Black Stars command has been employed by the most powerful to bring the others to their knees, or to their graves." Trenchard commented.

"I'll remember that Trenchard." The Black Stars Captain assured the Posavski retainer & spokesman for the Franklin Trustees.

"Keep your people away from ours Zhao." Trenchard added darkly. "You'll find that its easier that way."


When Zi Long returned to the small compound assigned to the Black Stars during their stay on Novo Franklin, he chucked the reports aside. He knew David would feel about the same about their validity as he did, or rather, the near complete lack of them. Still, they might actually provide some insight on Novo Franklin, their employers and some of the opponents they might come up against eventually. Reluctantly, Zi Long retrieved the documents and started to go through them in detail - rather painfully.

The first thing was going through the hardware the Carantania Guards have in their possession. It took quite a while, but he managed to extract and draw bits and pieces of information here and there before piecing together the table.

BattleMech forces:

Lance #1:
Archer ARC-2R
Firestarter FS9-H
Locust LCT-1V with one of its medium laser generating excessive heat
Locust LCT-1V with a left arm mounted machine gun prone to jamming

Lance #2:
Shadow-Hawk SHD-2D with a less than optimum class 5 autocannon
Valkyrie VLK-QF
Wasp WSP-1L with one of its Jump Jet inoperable
Stinger STG-3R with two Heat Sinks removed

Armor Forces:

Demi-Company #1:


SRM Carrier with one of its short range missile launcher defective
Scorpion Light Tank
Scorpion Light Tank
Scorpion Light Tank

Demi-Company #2:

LRM Carrier with damaged Fire Control systems
LRM Carrier
Vedette with Gun stabilizer Broken and faulty track systems affecting full flank movement
Scorpion Light Tank
Scorpion Light Tank
Light SRM Carrier

Demi-Company #3:

Scorpion Light Tank
Scorpion Light Tank
Scorpion Light Tank
Scorpion Light Tank with auto loader damage
Scorpion Light Tank with reduced speed due to suspension damage

Demi-Company #4:

Tracked APC
Tracked APC
Tracked APC
Tracked APC
Goblin (Kurita Variant)
Goblin (Kurita Variant)

Infantry Forces:
3 Platoons of Rifle Foot Infantry of regular grading
4 Battalions Rifle of Foot Infantry of green grading

"Guess it could've been worst." He mumbled to himself as he started to think of possible ways to tackle the contract. They would most likely have to start things off with more conventional ways, taking out a couple of the nearest holdings to the Prince's principality. This might encourage the others to come into his fold peacefully, if reluctantly. Some will, others obviously will not. Zi Long fully expects a couple will try to hit back at the Black Stars, which isn't all that bad a thing considering that the Carantania Guards were considered the BEST collective military unit around. The Stars should be able to make short work of whoever attacks them. It would make a good example to the others.

What concerned him was that some others will group together to draw strength in numbers. Even though with the known forces on planet and the number of principalities, most of these will be light armor and unarmoured infantry, they might still prove more than a handful in obscene numbers. Other than similarly ancient and Quikscell-ish designs, most factions, including the Carantania Guards themselves might further beef up their TO&E with IndustrialMechs outfitted with welded on armour plates and support weapons, as well as commercial vehicles that would be similarly modified. These would work against small arms fire, but a shot from any 'Mech grade weapons will not leave much left for even salvage. Still, it would not be... nice to tell the Prince and the Franklin Trustees that most of their infantry and hodge podge collection of vehicles had been destroyed while the Black Stars suffered at most severe paint flaking.

Zi Long sighed. David would not be pleased at all with the chore that he was about to get thrown onto his lap.

Black Star Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery

Having fired up the Spector and snugged herself into her new ride, she immediately began running a sequence check and a weapons check. Old habits die hard. After the last assignment, her face had finally had a chance to heal into some interesting scars that were only visible above the face scarf she always wore.

Hitting a switch, she opened a channel to the Po. “Status update. Are we fully functional?”

Glen, sitting in the command chair gave her mech a thumbs up. “Fully loaded and charged, Nikita. We are ready to move the moment you are.”

Nodding to herself. “Here we go.” After weeks of practice, moving about in a mech now became second nature as her mind's neural interface helped keep the behemoth on track. Step by step, with the tank rolling into formation behind her, she trudged down the gangplank to their next assignment.

Through the canopy she could see, even without magnifying the view or bringing up the schematics, the people and machines arrayed before her were more suited to chain gang details and the vehicles more doomed to junk yard scrap piles than anything else. “No comments.” she ordered Glen. “Even if they look like something that crawled out of the trash disposal, aff?”

Amusement colored Glen's voice as he responded. “Aff. Perhaps they would be good for target practice?”

She sighed. “Neg, Glen. This would not be allowed, but it is tempting to use the term 'oops' just once.”

With that, she moved her machine off to the other side of the Gangway to wait for the Captain to emerge in his own Mech. While she was waiting, she took a quick scan with her HUD, doing a passive scan of the area before taking a sip from a drinking tube.

Bringing up the contract details, she began to scan the background history of the planet and the natural flora and fauna, familiarizing herself with the terrain. Knowing what is expected of her, she nods to herself. “This will get interesting.” she mutters to herself.

An hour later the Spector and the Po are neatly tucked away in their assigned parking spots and shut down. Leading the way, she finds their assigned quarters and wrinkles her nose. For a noble contract, someone had deemed the Stars unworthy of anything in the way of decent bedding. Instead of cots, wooden beds with rotted rope supports... and something that resembles a sack full of what smells like hay.... but looks like something that came out of the backside of a temperamental mule. “Sparky, Wheels, I think there is enough room in the Po for you two to bed down. Glen?” She turned to the boss man of the crew. “File the report with David, then you and I are going to go look over the locals and see what we can glean out of them.”

As everyone takes off to do their assigned task, she reaches into a side pocket and pulls out a small pouch. “Never thought I would be using this as a disinfectant and flea repellent.” she growls and sprinkles the minty smelling stuff here and there around the room. It's powerful scent seems to grow with each sprinkle, until the whole room smells like a warehouse full of dried mint. Which, in actuality it is... along with a few other goodies.

Shutting the door, she heads for the showers and shakes her head. At least we have hot and cold running water in the showers. Quickly, and not thinking what just might be lingering in this neck of the woods, she takes a hot shower, and dons some clean gear. Instead of the simple uniform this time, she shrugs on lightweight body armor before putting on a t-shirt. Pants and boots go on next. The fabric of the pants has been reinforced and the boots are steel toed with a good study sole. Unfortunately hobnail boots are extinct.

Opting for something a little more elaborate than just the lower face scarf, she actually does go formal Goliath Scorpion mode and wraps her entire head up, leaving only her eyes, and part of her lower face visible. The fresh scars of battle can be seen, still jagged and red, up above the lower line of the scarf. After adjusting it to her liking, she straps on the rest of her gear, knife, sidearm, and a simple vest that has a scorpion on the back. A recent addition to the design has been added. While the scorpion itself is a simple outline with shading... the carapace, the hard shell, of the deadly creature has a black star embroidered on it.

By the time she's finished, Glen is back, similarly garbed. “Are we ready Nikita?”

“Aff. Let us see how much trouble this planet is going to give us. And the best place to find information like this, is from the local bar or tavern or whatever they call it here. But we only end trouble should it come in our direction.”

A nod. “Sometimes it is better not to respond unless necessary. If we do, then we drop to their level and we do not need to do that, aff?”

Nikita nodded. “Aff.” She turned and walked back down a corridor that smelled of must and years of accumulated debris. “Remind me to have a 'talk' with whom ever does housekeeping.”

Glen hid a grin behind a cough. “I will remind you.”

It was a short walk to town, having let David know where she was off to, she had Sparky break out the tracker tabs. It was something she'd picked up a while back before she signed on with the Stars. Skin contact activated the tracker so that they could be followed electronically wherever they went. Not knowing the lay of the land, she thought it prudent to work on having a safety net.

Language was no problem and soon, after various queries, found themselves in what seemed to be a better than average tavern, sitting with their backs to the wall. Glen, having used his considerable size to get us a bottle each of the local brew, they watched the locals come and go. A poker game was in the works a couple tables down from them while a few Bureaucrats, looking like a pair of skinny weasels, were nursing a drink that appeared to be neon electric green.

Slowly sipping their drinks, she and Glen watched as a group of fairly burly men come in. By their clothes and attitudes, they were craftsmen. Merchants most likely, but they still had a holier than thou attitude. Taking a seat next to them, they began to immediately work their way through a full pitcher of beer and talking in loud boisterous tones.

“If it's not the tax, it's the Clanners. If it's not the Clanners, it's some punk up on drugs wanting to steal something he can pawn off at the nearest black market house.”

“It stinks. Lost a bulk lot of brewing hops to the Clansmen, and a whole crop of grapes to the Nobles.”

Similar comments were spoken around the table and a couple people noticed the two of them.. Soon their glances turned dark and the muttering grew even more so.

Nikita, on her second brew, leaned over to her partner. “I will give it another hour before that group starts something.”

He grinned, “How do you know?”

“I used to be a bartender. I know approximately how long before someone gets enough alcohol in their system to shut down the connection between the common sense of the mind, and the mouth that speaks. Let us have one more beer and we will get back to the barracks. Maybe our quarters will be in better shape.”

Sure enough, as they got up to leave, one of the men stood up as well. Okay, staggered up after having drunk his weight in alcohol. “Hey... where .. burrrp.. ya think yer goin?”

Not bothering to answer, Nikita walked up to the barkeep and handed him the money for the drinks and a tip, much to his startled surprise. “Thank you!”

Shaking her head. “It is not a problem, sir. Not a..” Her discussion was cut short as a large, meaty hand descended on her shoulder.

“I ain't done with you yet. You an yer pal here ain't welcome here.” He tried to squeeze the shoulder, but the body armor kept him from anything.

Glen grabbed the man's wrist and gently applied pressure. “You dare put your hand on my commander unasked?” He slanted a look at Nikita. “How do you wish to deal with this one?”

She looked at him, then at the cohorts. “I think we can release them back to their drinking.” she handed the barkeep enough to soothe the ruffled feathers. “One for the house, the rest goes to them until they pass out.”

The barkeep laughed. “You got it.” to the cheers of those who just walked in.

Slowly, they made their way back out into the night. Glen turned to her and asked the obvious. “How..”

“Remember who I am, Glen. Dezgra and outcast of the Goliath Scorpions. I managed to adapt by bartending, working my way through the outer rims, down through the Periphery, and into the inner Sphere by bartending and bouncing mostly. I know what works and what doesn't when it comes to avoiding fights.” She winked. “Keep that in mind if I am not around and things look like they are getting ugly. That group in there will keep drinking until they pass out. If they do that, the barkeep calls the local authorities and has them hauled off to jail until they sober up. It is a general procedure no matter which planet you're on.”

“Definitely good words of wisdom. Now, let us get back and see how the others are faring.”

“Aff. I find myself in need of sleep and I do not yet trust walking the streets at night.”

Together, they make their way back to the barracks... each lost in their own thoughts.


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Re: Contract 2 - Rabble Trouble in the Periphery (Novo Franklin Main Contract)
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 04:54:48 AM »

Briefing Room #2
Government House, Carantania
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery
22 Jan. 3078, 1100 Hours Local Time

David chuckled as he regarded the over-dressed little snot who thought he was a military genius. “Do I understand you correctly? Your Prince’s plans hinge on conquering, intimidating, or otherwise convincing the other noble families to submit to the authority of Prince Posavski?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying!” The arrogant young man snapped at David. “I thought I was being quite clear! Can’t you hear plain English spoken?!”

David smiled gently. “Of course I can… and we CAN defeat any of your peers fairly quickly, with minimal effort. The question I have, is: What then?”

“What then? Why, we rule of course!” The young man seemed incredulous that the question was even being asked.

David laughed again, softly. “Now it’s you that isn’t listening… I said we could DEFEAT any military force your peers could put on the field…. But just beating them isn’t the end… There are almost fifty Noble holdings on the planet… You barely have enough officers to garrison three of them, and even that’s stretching things thin, given your insistence on using illiterate conscripts to fill out your lower ranks. If you are unable to follow up on the victories, as soon as you leave, the old rulers will either be back, or the locals will rise up and rebel against you.”

David gestured to the map before them. “Say we take these three holdings here.” He pointed to a cluster of noble estates. “You’ll need to garrison the holdings for at LEAST the next three to five years while you get your own administrators installed and operating smoothly, as well as rooting out the remnants of the old order and re-educating the serfs as to who their new rulers are. Then, even if you manage to get every single one of the old nobility, you’ll have to have increased security forces for at least a generation to deal with pretenders to the throne and uprising from malcontents.”

“So?” The young man sneered. “We have plenty of serf-soldiers… the lower classes breed like rabbits. We can just call up a few more battalions if we need to.”

David shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. “And who do you propose to have LEAD those serf-soldiers? The limits imposed by your policy of not educating the serf classes, mean that you have to overstaff your battalions with lower level officers, doing jobs which would fall to NCO’s in other armies. One of your battalions requires three times the officer staffing than a comparable STEINER battalion, which should tell you something right there! Plus the educational restrictions you have in place also mean that your armor crews and senior technical staff must ALSO be drawn from the noble class. You have a fairly small, and restricted, noble class from which to draw your officers from…From the figures I’ve seen of your population demographics, you only have room to staff two to three more battalions before you have to start recalling older, retired officers and opening the ranks to female officers.”

“Noble Women?! In Combat!?... I’d be shot just for suggesting it!” The young snot looked stunned. “Serfs maybe... but nobles? The very idea is obscene!”

David shrugged. “It’s your world, you can lose it however you choose.” Tossing a couple folders on the table, he continued. “Now, it’s not ALL bad news. The Prince does have a few allies, and they can put another four or five battalions in the field to assist without leaving their own holdings unprotected.” David grinned like a shark. “Of course this requires a bit of trust on the part of the Prince, that they’ll actually turn the territories over to him later, and not just try to keep them.”

The young noble stared at the map and folders for a few minutes before looking up to glare at David. “I assume you have suggestions and are not just here to throw manure all over everything?!”

David shrugged. “A few, but you aren’t going to like them.”

“And this would stop you how?” The noble snarled, “You seem to take great joy in saying things we don’t like, why stop now?”

David smiled. “As my father told me many times, “A man who’ll tell you a pleasant lie over an unpleasant truth does you no favors.””

Tapping his hand on the folders in front of him, he kept going. “You have two major problems… Manpower shortage and a chaotic supply system... The manpower shortage is going to require some serious adjustments. No matter what, you are going to have to slow down your schedule. You just don’t have the trained bodies to staff the number of garrison units you’ll need, and the time to train new ones is going to be a bitch. There IS one way to help in the relatively short term, but it’ll require loosening the education restrictions.”

David picked up the military assessment that his infantry Lieutenants had just finished. “Your Battalions are insanely overstaffed with officers doing NCO tasks. My people say that if you manage to set up an effective NCO school, you can reduce that staffing requirement to a quarter of the current levels. But that will require allowing at least SOME of the serf-conscripts to learn to read.”

The young noble looked ready to jump in and object, but David held up a hand to stall him. “I’m not saying you have to educate them all, or to the same level as your officer class, though that would probably pay long term dividends if you could mitigate the other consequences… but you should consider the children of your technical-serfs, or even cherry-pick the brighter and more reliable serf-soldiers for a special NCO course incorporating basic education and political indoctrination as well as squad level tactical and leadership courses. Not only would it give the more ambitious serfs something to shoot for… a way to better their lives, it’ll also give you a chance to very closely observe them for reliability…. Once the NCO’s are in place and operating, that’ll allow you to reduce officer staffing greatly… Which will, in turn, allow you to expand your military. This will take TIME though…. Not as much as starting from the ground up, but some.”

Tossing the folder onto the map, David picked up the supply report. “The other big problem you have is supply… Your troops are very unevenly equipped. In one company alone, my people saw at LEAST seven different rifle types being used, requiring four different calibres of ammunition. This is a big problem for your supply people, and limits effectiveness. A more uniform equipment issue would simplify both training and supply concerns, allowing for more efficient use of resources and a better planning capability for your staff people.”

The young Nobleman just looked resentful. “We don’t have the kind of resources the Inner Sphere does. We can’t afford, or make, the sort of weapons they do…. yet. Once the Prince unifies the planet though, we’ll be able to make the sort of changes that’ll get us there.”

David shook his head. “No, you don’t have the resources for that sort of equipment… yet. But, at the same time, you don’t need them yet either.”

Pulling forth a thick folder, he tossed it to the young man. “In the short term, a re-organization… grouping weaponry by type and caliber would ease some of the issues. I’ll leave it to you as to which would be easier, pulling the weapons and re-issuing them, or re-shuffling the currently equipped troops.”

David paused while the noble glanced at the folder. “In the mid to long-term, you DO have the capacity for some manufacturing. That folder contains the specifications for manufacture of two very simple sub-machine gun designs. The STEN gun and the PPsH-41… both designed for production under very limited conditions and with a minimum of technically adept workers. They are simple, both to manufacture and to use, durable, and well within the capacity of your industry to produce in the sort of numbers you will need, as is the ammunition needed to feed them...There’s also specs for a lever action carbine design in there… not something usually used for a military application, but rugged, simple to use and manufacture, and also well within manufacturing limits.”

David smiled. “Having a uniform equipment issue also greatly simplifies training, which again helps free up manpower which you can definitely use elsewhere.”

“And what about the current weapons we already have? What do we do with those?” The young noble looked puzzled. “Wouldn’t those go to waste?”

“No indeed.” David smiled. “As you re-equip and re-train each unit, the old weapons are taken back to base, cleaned and repaired, then stored, grouped by type. I assume your opponents use essentially the same weapons mix?”

Once he got a nod in return, David kept going. “Then, as you capture your enemy’s equipment, you again refit and classify it…. Once you have enough weapons of the same type to completely equip a garrison unit… with sufficient spares for replacements and parts… you use them to do so. That way, your garrison units within an area of operation, have a uniform equipment issue and supply, but you reserve your better weapons for front line duty. The same also applies to ammunition stores as well.”

The Noble looked irritated. “I thought you were just saying NOT to equip our units with those weapons?!”

David just continued on, ignoring the petulance. “I said, that you shouldn’t use them unless you could equip every one in the unit similarly. By doing it this way, you have everyone in the area equipped with the same weapons, which all use the same parts, the same ammunition, and everyone can be trained to the same standard, all at once. Otherwise, the hodge-podge of equipment you have now is a supply officer’s nightmare and can lead a training officer to alcoholism.”

“So why not use them on the front lines?” The young man stubbornly continued, clearly trying to score points. “If we can get enough of them.”

David smiled. “A couple reasons…. for one, the bolt action rifles your troops are using now, while capable weapons, are not an appreciable advantage against a similarly armed foe. In the sort of battles we can expect, primarily short ranged skirmishes and urban brawls, the bolt actions are both unwieldy and slow firing. Over time, the uniformity of equipment WOULD get results, if only because you’d be able to keep more of them supplied and functional than your opponent would. But, this wouldn’t be a quick process, and would be an attritional function, something you really cannot afford…. By upgrading to SMG’s or the Lever Action you would be taking a qualitative step forward as well as an organizational one. At the same time, for Garrison duties, you don’t NEED the newest and the best… just functional and sufficient for the task. Your Bolt-Actions are MORE than sufficient for that. It also allows you to concentrate your limited production capacity of the newer weapons into your lead units, the ones most in need of them.”

He chuckled softly. “It also keeps weapons your enemy knows how to use, and can keep fed and maintained, off the front lines and out of their hands, should one of your infantry units get taken out…. They’d get the new weapons, but not the parts or production specs, and they’d also need to keep them supplied with ammunition. All things which YOU would be set up to do, but they would not be. So at most they’d get a short term benefit. Then they’d either have to return to their old gear, or set up facilities to produce parts and ammunition. Again, that takes time… time which hopefully, they wouldn’t have.”

David thought for a moment. “Well, you SHOULD probably keep one or two of the better quality bolt actions in each unit.” He grinned like a shark. “Nothing quite like a good sniper to keep the enemy officer’s heads down… Besides, if the enemy force structure is anything like your current one, just one bullet would stop a squad in it’s tracks until another officer got there to tell them what to do… three or four and the whole platoon is out.” He glanced at the suddenly pale young man. “Of course, you may not want to teach that lesson to the serfs, eh?”

The shocked young man shook his head, clearly stunned by the suggestion.

David laughed and shrugged. “It WOULD be a way to cull the enemy leadership fairly effectively, but I guess the long term implications and consequences might be a bit much for you folks to swallow…. Ah well, not a requirement to win this little set-to, it’ll just be a little more expensive.”

Franklin Trustees Head Office
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery
24 Jan 3079, 1030 hours local time

"Your people seem to be fitting in pretty well... so far." Trenchard, once again in an all black long coat and dark glasses commented leisurely as Zi Long sat himself before him - current Black Stars opposite a former. "I've ONLY heard of half a dozen incidents so far in over a week or so."

"We try our best not to trudge on your people... too much anyway." The Chinese man shrugged nonchalantly. "Most of the lower caste and serfs avoid us like the plague, and most of the nobles and educated view us like dirt. Only a couple of them actually tried to curry favours, believing that we're close to Prince Posavski. Heck, I found a less than decently dressed young lady in my room only last night." He snickered.

Trenchard raised an eyebrow. "I hope she was able to leave your compounds in reasonable shape?"

Zi Long laughed. "I sent her away..."

"C'mon Zhao. You know I know you more than that." The disbelief in Trenchard's words were obvious. "You'd NEVER refuse a girl."

Zi Long raised a hand to forestall the older man's comments. "I don't. Usually anyway. But I've seen dogs less hairy than this girl, and donkeys prettier." The twinkle in his eyes faded somewhat. "And I'll never allow myself or my unit to get involved in any of your local petty political games."

Slowly, Trenchard raised a hand and removed the shades before placing them on the table. For the first time since he met Trenchard, Zi Long set his eyes on those of his former colleague. While he had obviously tried to maintain his fitness and youth, lines of wrinkle running from the ends of his eyes told of the glare of suns he would have stared into, and hardness in life. If he felt startled by the blindness of Trenchard's right eye, which had a coat of greyish blue over them, he showed no sign.

"Remember that not everyone is pleased about the Prince and the Franklin Trustee's decision to bring in outside help." Trenchard remarked. "And also that not everyone here in Carantania Principality feel a strong allegiance to the Prince."

"Of course not." Zi Long replied without emotion. "Contrary to what many believe, the politics in the Periphery is not much different than that of the Inner Sphere. In fact, I would say that on many Periphery worlds and states, the political undercurrent and status are much more dangerous, volatile and unstable than that of any Inner Sphere one, or at least are a miniature version of the latter."

Trenchard nodded. "With over fifty factions on Novo Franklin, I would say your former assessment would be more accurate. We're having our own version of the Succession Wars down here. Main difference being that we don't have as much high tech weapons than the Great Houses do."

"A rusty blade and a revolver can still kill as easily as the most high tech PPC or laser." Zi Long intoned. "Still, you're right, the situation here is like a mini soap opera that reflects that of the Inner Sphere." He smiled. "So, I didn't think you asked me in to talk about politics. Why am I here?"

Trenchard smiled back. "As you've noticed, not everyone is convinced that it was all that necessary to bring you people in. Mostly, its those parties that had to foot a substantial portion of your bills."

"I'm not surprised." The Chinese man replied pleasantly, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Well, since Ten-Bears correctly, and bluntly informed the Prince and the Franklin Trustees that our own forces would be unable to hold what we might be able to conquer, I was thinking that other than training up our nobles, officers and selected NCOs, I'd like to see if we can sway some of our opponents over to our side."

Zi Long raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I'd like you to raze one of the strongest opposing faction who's holding is incidentally rather close by to ours."

Zi Long kept quiet for a while. "Razing a holding would mean destroying all civilian property and infrastructure other than their military?"

"Not TOTALLY." Trenchard coughed. "We'd like to be able to use their facilities rather than spend resources rebuilding. After all, we've spent quite a fortune hiring you people..."

"I know. You've been reminding me at every corner of that fact." Zi Long scowled. "What's the reason for you holding back anyway?"

The former Black Stars coughed uncomfortably again. "Er... while we have the best ground forces on Novo Franklin, despite it being considered less than third grade compared to more other military - as Ten-Bears pointed out, we don't have much in the way of aerial support. They've managed to thwart our attacks previously rather well with the support of an air company of attack helos."

"Let me guess... House Latihan in the Principality of Anjuran?"

Trenchard could not hide his surprise. "How did you..."

Zi Long held up a hand. "We've done our intel gathering remember? The fact that no one, not even your Carantania Principality had any sort of aerial or sub-space assets meant that we have been able to deploy our DropShip for orbital surveillance. It's one of the few holdings, nearby anyway, that had some sort of airfield. And our assessments place them as having a rather competent military - comparative speaking of course." He smiled. "So I guess what constitutes to 'skirmish with other lords to increase the holdings of the principality' as per the contract wouldn't be too far off. Skirmishing for us, major invasion for them."

"Of course." Trenchard growled. He was tired of Zhao and Ten-Bears rubbing that into his face since their arrival. While Trenchard has attained the title of Lordship, he still started out as an outsider. Many of the "true" Novo Franklin natives still felt that the only reason the Black Stars were hired was because he was once a part of the mercenary outfit, and he'll pocket a sizable percentage of their over inflated earnings.

"We can blow them away, rather easily too I believe." Zi Long stroked his chin, deep in thought. "But we can't do this forever. You would have read the reports yes? Even if we eliminate all opposition on Novo Franklin, you won't have the ability to govern and control them all."

"Yes, yes, I've read your reports." Trenchard cut in irritably. He actually agreed to most of what the Black Stars had reported. Hell, those very same reasons were what condemned his efforts from bringing more of Novo Franklin under the thumb of House Posavski. "We've already accepted that fact that we might need to select some of our best lower caste people and soldiers for promotion to... NCOs and administrators." Speaking out the facts seemed to actually cause physical pain to Trenchard. Zi Long kept his calm. "No women though, at least for now. That would be going way too far and too fast for us."Maybe the old dog had been submerged in the culture, customs and environment of Novo Franklin for too long for his own good.

"So, rather than shooting everyone with a drop of Latihan blood in their vein, why not install one or two of them back in power? Let the conquered holding be your vassal." Zi Long looked at Trenchard for his response. To his surprise, there was not so much of a ripple of shock or scepticism registered. Instead, the Posavski retainer & spokesman for the Franklin Trustees mirrored Zi Long's actions and started to stroke his chin as well.

"You know, I don't know why we haven't thought of it before." He started, before looking up sharply at Zi Long. "No smart ass comments from you please."

The Black Stars officer raised his hands in surrender. "I wasn't thinking of any."

"Yeah, right." Trenchard replied. "I'll consider this a bit, discuss with some of our people, and maybe propose it to the Prince. In the mean time, you might want to get your people ready."

Zi Long stood from his seat. "I will. I would also like to have some of my people select some of yours from the Carantania Guards along as well. As observer as well as understudy the proper ways to fight."

Trenchard waved his hands at Zi Long absently. "Sure, go ahead. You can even request for reinforcements from the Guards if you need. Provided that there are enough for security of Campus Carinthia."

Nodding, Zi Long left the office and headed back to his own.

As the pony tailed mercenary officer left the room, Trenchard picked up the phone on his desk and dialled a pre-saved number. The other end rang for only once before it was picked up. "How did it go?"

"I've convinced them to do it." Trenchard replied simply, though his eyes were downcast.

The other voice continued smoothly. "Good. Get General O’ Connor to mobilize the Guards - quietly. Once the Black Stars set off, they'll move out as well."

Trenchard hesitated for a while. "Do we really need to do this?"

The voice paused for a while before replying. "I understand how you feel Lord Trenchard, especially when most of the nobles still treat you as an outsider despite your contributions and sacrifices over the years. It is precisely because of this that this HAS to be done."

"But we'll be losing precious people and resources!" Trenchard started to protest before biting back his lips. He have had this argument more times than he could remember, and he knew he could never win.

"I know the Black Stars' reports were spot on and more accurate that you and I cared to admit." The voice continued, as if uninterrupted. "We have to open the eyes of the nobles to the truth if we are to achieve what we wanted to. If we have to spill some of their blood as well as that of their serfs... so be it."

Both man paused, as the seconds ticked on uncomfortably. "Have my orders passed on Alexi. You know there is no other ways."


Black Star Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
24 Jan 3079, 1400 hours local time

Zi Long rubbed the bridge of his nose, willing the throbbing in his head to go away. For once, the discomfort was not because of excessive amounts of consumed alcohol. The contract here on Novo Franklin wasn't turning out as useful as it had initially looked. Training up the Carantania Guards itself was proving difficult due to the large number of incompetent officers, and the even larger number of uneducated soldiers they command. There was no middle rank officers or non-comms to speak of at all. Zi Long was seriously thinking that House Posavski had came into power because it had more bodies to sacrifice using the tactics of human waves. If they were to transform the Carantania Guards into a veritable fighting force, they would have to spend AT LEAST years revamping their entire logistics and manpower system. Not to mention their mentality. Given the period stated in the contract, Zi Long was not sure how much they would be able to accomplish in the half a year they would be stationed here on the Deep Periphery world.

Skirmishing to enlarge the holdings of the Carantania Principality was a rather open ended objective as well. Based on the hardware they have, and the training, the military of the other holdings ranked even lower in the eyes of Zi Long and David. If the Black Stars wanted to, they could easily take on half a dozen holdings quickly. On the other hand, unless the Prince did something about his support and human resource infrastructure, these would easily be lost.

An example would be the Principality of Anjuran and its ruling House Latihan. While not being any much better than the Carantania Guards, and definitely short in the department of numbers, they had held up well so far. The main reason was that they have had the saving grace of being supported by an air company of half a dozen of what Trenchard had termed "attack helos". Despite being a rag tag mix of military and civilian grade VTOLs with weapons installed, they had proved to be more than capable of driving away several Carantania advances, the last of which resulted in the destruction of two of the Guards' BattleMechs.

He flipped through the brief info on their military organization.

Anjuran Militia

BattleMech Force:
JVN-10N Javelin
STG-3R Stinger

VTOL Force:
Warrior H-7 Attach Helicopter
Warrior H-7 Attach Helicopter
Wind Walker WW-07 (Civilian helicopter armed with a singe Machine gun and a single two shot Short Range Missile Launcher)
Wind Walker WW-07 (Civilian helicopter armed with a single five shot Long Range Missile Launcher)
Little Bird LB-802 (Civilian helicopter armed with a single Machine gun and a ten shot Rocket Launcher)
Little Bird LB-802 (Civilian helicopter armed with a single Machine gun and a ten shot Rocket Launcher)

Combat Vehicle Force:
SRM Carrier
SRM Carrier
LRM launchers mounted on a 15 ton truck
LRM launchers mounted on a 15 ton truck

Infantry Force:
6 Company of foot infantry equipped with mixed small arms and support weapons

Wind Walker VTOL

In addition, like their VTOL force, there were numerous other war machines unaccounted for. Overland orbital flybys had reported that there were sightings of a number of IndustrialMechs that worked the various farmsteads and mines of the Anjuran Principality holdings. In times of war, these would no doubt receive the same modification treatment that the Wind Walker and Little Bird VTOLs got. Similarly, quite a number of dumper trucks and transports had been modified as APCs with armour plates welded around their bodies, while several all terrain vehicles had been used as armed scout with support weapons slapped on.

Little Bird VTOL

Zi Long was confident that James and his Trouble Inc. would be more than capable of handling those of the Anjuran Militia, while their ground forces could counter that of their opponents. However, he questioned the reasoning behind the mercenary's attack on the Principality. Was Trenchard telling the truth? Does he really need our victory and success to prove himself and our own worth?

Discarding that thought, Zi Long called up the aerial photos of Principality of Anjuran. It was not a big area, and the city - which was actually more of a township, was the only notable collection of structures. This being Novo Franklin, Zi Long was not surprised that a moot had been dug around the ferro concrete walls surrounding the city. With VTOLs not needing a runway to take off, a small air base with a couple of equally small buildings had been set up, most likely as storage for the half dozen birds, as well as fuel, spare parts and ammunition.

The pair of light BattleMechs were also stationed within the air base itself, occupying a large service depot that previously housed a full lance of 'Mechs. At least a pair of company worth of soldiers made use of the spare bay space as their quarters presently. With the others scattered around the town to man sentry towers, the main entrance, petrol the wall ramparts, streets, and most likely within the large miniature fort where House Latihan holds court. A single main entrance to the town was guarded by a pair of SRM carriers, while half a kilometer further down, a pair of trucks converted to carry long range missile launchers were entrenched to shower their deadly cargo on anyone who approached. Other than roaming the areas around their holdings, the Anjuran Militia also deployed a number of what the Carantania Guards had disparagingly nicknamed as "Pip Squeak" ATVs around the town. Didn't stop them from kickin' your ass though, did they?

"Pip Squeak" ATV

The town was compact and easily defensible with its single entrance and narrow streets. In fact, only a single route would allow the passage of BattleMechs, large combat vehicles like the tanks in the Black Stars's ranks, and even the Militia's own vehicles to travel easily through. That road led from the main entrance to the Latihan Fort, and then away to the military base nearby. Zi Long doubted the other buildings would be strong enough for jump capable 'Mechs to travel on, even light ones. Still, the vehicles like his own Morningstar, as well as the Zhukov and Pos might actually be able to drive THROUGH the buildings.

And of course, James and his team of VTOLs would give the defenders as much trouble as they did to the Carantania Guards. Dealing death from the skies, they could easily pick out defending forces as easily as the Militia's own VTOLs took out attackers. The most worrisome enemy in an urban fight - snipers, could be dealt with by ramming through the building they occupied - if need be.

The most troublesome factor might be taking out of the fort itself. While they could blast it to nothing more than rubble, Zi Long wanted to prove to Trenchard and the Carantania nobles that they could still engage their defeated foes to viably maintain and expand their holdings. The skills and tenacity of Lieutenants Conti and Gallagher would have to be called on again.

Zi Long sighed as he patched through to David. Whatever the hidden agenda of their employers, the Black Stars have a small campaign to plan, and as much as he felt uneasy about it, it would be an operation that was stated as part of their contract.

David and himself had proposed tearing down and restructuring their entire system, and Zi Long had repeatedly proposed that rather than carrying out systematic genocide, the Prince actually reinstalls defeated nobles to run their holdings which would become vassals under him. Also, by defeating one of their stronger contenders, some of the weaker one might surrender themselves.

For reasons unknown, the Prince had so far seemed reluctant to accept their proposals. This might be the start to him and his cohort of nobles of what was required, as painful as it might be for them.

Too bad for you, my Princeling. No one ever said change will always be pleasant.

Briefing Room #2
Government House, Carantania
Novo Franklin, Deep Periphery
26 Jan. 3078, 1400 Hours Local Time

David just laughed at the young nobleman. "I did not stutter. The plans as you outlined to me are a complete fantasy.... I've looked at your "War stocks"... you barely have enough fuel and food for current operations, much less offensive ops. Ammunition supply is a joke, you could MAYBE give each unit enough for three days operations when you should have at LEAST enough for a month's worth of heavy combat.... and that doesn't count what you'll need for training use in the run-up! But you know what? That doesn't matter as much as the next part.... even if you COULD come up with enough supplies, You don't have enough reliable transport to get them to the front! Damnit, supplies you can't use are useless!"

As he tossed a bundle of files down in front of the angry young man, he kept on remorselessly. "Leaving aside the condition and size of your military, which we discussed the other day, there is the little matter of infrastructure." As he spoke, he pulled file after file from the stack and set them down in order. "First of all, you don't have either the communication or transportation base to support a worldwide unity government. At BEST, with the centralized command model you prefer, you could effectively control no more than one quarter of this continent, much less the rest of the planet. So while you COULD conquer, and run out all the other noble families... In less than a year, you'd be right back where you are now, only with the whole planet just that much weaker, and sliding that much more into darkness."

David smiled broadly, "As a matter of fact, your policies of keeping the serfs ignorant are working against being able to effectively rule. While the planet has an overall population capable of supporting and maintaining the sort of infrastructure you would require, you don't have the technological capability, much less the trained manpower to build, then maintain, the needed structure. Hell, even if you put ALL of your available nobles to such a task, you don't have enough! Your industrial base is a dream on anything approaching the sort of scales you'd need, and you've no way to support it anyway. Your mines aren't productive enough, run as they are.... not that you have the refining plants.. or the heavy transport needed to move the ore and finished metals. Hell, even if you got enough manpower together in one spot, you couldn't feed them all! Low-Tech agrarian works pretty damned good for a small village, but not for a nation, and certainly not for a world government!"

David shook his head at the sheer arrogant stupidity of it all. "Look, we're mercenaries, we go where we're hired to go, kill people and break things.... If your Prince REALLY wants to break Novo Franklin we can do that for him. If he wants to kill his neighbours and burn down their houses, we can do that too. We CAN do it.... but what we can't do, is change reality. And right now, the reality is, that Novo Franklin CANNOT be unified and ruled the way you outline. If the Prince tries, all he'll accomplish is to get a lot of people killed and waste a lot of resources he could probably use elsewhere. He's the Hiring Authority on this job.... If he still wants to go for it, we will, but he should have no illusions as to what he's buying. We can go out and get him his ten gallons of loose sand.... much luck to him trying to hold it! But if he's serious about wanting to unify the planet... REALLY serious.... then he needs to be thinking long term... as in generations long term." David shrugged. IF he works at it, and gets lucky... his Grandson might be able to assume a unified throne."

Posavski Training Fields
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 15:00 hours local time

David smiled as he watched Nikita sweat the local infantry company. She and Glen had taken to “Weeding out the dross” with a will.

“One, two, three four!” Nikita chanted, keeping time as the platoon in front of her struggled to keep up with the brutal pace she set. As David watched, one of the pudgier members of the unit dropped to the ground wheezing and fighting for breath.

From the sidelines, a couple of the Black Star’s medics jogged over and quickly examined the man.

After just a few moments of looking him over and listening to him breath, the medics slapped an oxygen mask on him and started to drag him away from the rest of the platoon.

David drifted over to where Sparks was taking notes, arriving just in time to hear the medic’s report.

“Number twenty-six is scratched… Weight and what sounds like asthma.”

Sparks nodded, “Got it.”

David grinned. “Nikita having fun is she?”

Sparks laughed. “Well, I wouldn’t say Fun…. she keeps muttering things about purging gene-lines and inbreeding, but she’s certainly keeping that grin on her face as she runs them.”

“Any problems with the local officers?” David asked quietly.

“No Sir, not after the first one.” Sparks said softly. “Only took one of them challenging Nikita to a duel before the others got the message.”

David shook his head. The man had been warned, and given several opportunities to apologize and back down, but had not done so. Nikita had selected blades as the weapons for the duel and had gutted the local noble like a trout in less time than it took to relate.

David shrugged, at least the local officers, (if you could call them that) were no longer actively fighting against what the Black Stars were trying to accomplish. They weren’t actually PARTICIPATING mind you, but they weren’t trying to interfere either.

“Any problems with the troops themselves?” David moved on in his questions.

“Not really, Sir.” Sparks kept an eye on the field as he spoke, gesturing to the side, where the Black Star Infantry were doing their own calisthenics, just as brutal and gruelling as what Nikita was putting the local force through, only faster and with none of the sloppiness that marked the Militia forces. “Helps that our infantry are showing them what REAL troops look like, and doing all the same things they are… First couple of days were a bit rough… Nikita had to make a couple examples to let them know that they’d be held to a much higher standard of discipline than they were used to.” He pointed down to the end of the field, where two bodies hung swinging in the breeze.

David shrugged. “We told them when we took over that they’d be under our rules of conduct… even made sure to read them out in formation so they’d know what they were. Stupid bastards didn’t think we were serious.” He shook his head. “Anyone that would abuse the locals and rape a serf in his own territory would certainly do even worse on enemy ground… If were gonna take territory that the Prince wants to have a hope in hell of keeping, we can’t be having the troops committing atrocities and setting a match to things before we even get started.”

David turned to face Sparks. “You might want to remember that, should you ever be in the position to lead troops. Captured territory ALWAYS has people that want to take it back, but most of the time the serfs and laborers don’t particularly care WHO is in charge, so long as they get enough to eat, and they aren’t being abused. Abuse them or especially their families, and they’ll rise up to fight you. You have to be firm with them, but there’s a difference between firm and being a monster. If you let your troops run wild in a captured town, you are not only handing your enemy a bunch of motivated troops… Troops driven by hate for you and all you represent, but you’ll also have a harder time later, when you try to take any other town. They’ll have heard about how you treat your defeated foes you see, and fight all that much harder. No point in surrender if your enemy will just kill you anyway, is there?”

He waved over towards where the local platoon struggled through the next set of exercises. “We’re working uphill with this set of troops… They’ve been let run free too long, and we’ve got to UN-train them before we can teach them anything. Part of that is making sure they take the lessons seriously.”

He shrugged. “And once we get out in the field, we’ll probably have to set a few more lessons. No matter how much we tell them, there’ll always be a few who either don’t believe it, or who get caught up in how things have always been done.” He grinned like a shark. “For that matter, I expect more than a few of the local officers didn’t pay that much attention either. I expect they’ll be a bit shocked when their actions have consequences.”

David stretched and turned back to face Sparks once more. “Once Nikita is finished here, let her know that its looking like an operation is coming up… plan for the 5th of Feb, give or take a day or two.”

Posavski Training Fields
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality

Nikita had stripped down for her training exercises, clad only in a black tank top that left her heavily scarred arms bare, her black BDU pants, and her ever present face scarf. To the shock of many of the Stars, she had lowered it so her entire face was visible, including the scorpion tattoo and the rather nasty healing scars on her face. It took a noble getting killed, two morons getting castrated then hung, and a couple heads knocked together before they would view a mere 'female' as a commanding officer.

After that, it was just a matter of running them to exhaustion, then kicking them back up so they could run some more. “Come on you slugs! My sibko could out perform you while reciting the Remembrance at the tops of their lungs without breaking a sweat! MOVE IT!”

She had spent the past week weeding out the weak and the physically unable. Each person was given one chance to rebel and had received the response they deserved. Most had fallen into line while the one or two stubborn ones had been given disciplinary exercises... loaded down with fifty pounds of rocks in their backpacks.

Finally calling a halt near where the Stars were working out. No one dared move out of formation, but several did go to their knees, dripping sweat and breathing hard.

Pointing at the fit and healthy men and women of the Black Star company working together like a well oiled machine. “Look at them! They have earned the right to be called Infantry. They have earned the right to be called Tankers or Mech Warriors! YOU have earned NOTHING! You have LEARNED Nothing!”

Glen had, by this time, brought his panting cadre up to the barrier as well. A quick glance showed they'd lost 3 more to the weed out. Glaring at each one in turn until they dropped their eyes, she nodded. “That is it, look at the floor. You have not even earned the right to bother looking at them. I will tell you when you are good enough to look..”

One man looked up and glared at her before Glen popped him on the back of the head with a large hand, then dragged him out of formation by the scruff of his neck and proceeded to 'instruct' the young man on how he is supposed to follow orders. The rest of his cadre winced and several heads seem to have turtled down so they rested on the shoulders. Almost as if by doing so, they'd not be noticed.

Pacing up and down the lines of both groups, she began again. At the end of the third hour, she finally allowed them to rest. A few smiles of relief appeared until she dashed their hopes of a free day. Moving slowly to the front of the two groups. “When you arrive at your new barracks.” She pointed at the two thin walled tents, erected off to one side. You will find that your belongings have been taken from you.” She held up a hand and stopped any protests before they even got started. “Each person's belongings have been catalogued and stored under lock and key, each has his own box of things. But from now on, you will dress alike. You will act alike, and you will train alike.”

Glen moved into view with a large easel which had a large board attached. Handing her an envelope, he stood back at attention. Turning to the men, she upended the envelope into a bag and shook it around. “Glen will now go down the row. You are to stick your hand into that bag and pick up one square of paper and one only.”

As each man nervously took a square, Sparky came up beside her and whispered in her ear. Nodding, she murmured, “I need you here for a second.”

Turning to the people who each had a white square folded in half and taped together. “Okay, you may now open them. When you do, you will find a color. That will be your group. Find your group and reform.”

It took a bit of shuffling and groans as one group got a disgustingly neon pink square while the other got a rather nauseating lavender color. Once they got themselves sorted out, she glared them into silence. “Inside each tent, you will find your new uniforms, including underwear. Take them and yourselves to the new shower setup outside and scrub the filth of your previous lives from your bodies. Only then will you be allowed to have your anticipated free time.”

Some started to leave immediately. “Where are you going?” she growled.

One spoke up.. “I.. I mean we, I mean..”

The nasty smile on her face had every one holding a pink card cringe. “Glen, take the purple crew to their quarters. Get Raze to take over, then get Valkrie to come in. She will keep these children in line.”

Once the other group was out of range, she growled. “Get. Back. In. Formation.”

As if teleported, they zipped back into line. Nikita looked over the lot. “You will never EVER break formation unless I formally dismiss you. If one of you breaks the rules, all of you suffer the penalty. Do you understand me?”

A bit of grumbling ensued.

“DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?” Her bellowing voice scared the birds in what few trees there were.

“YES MA'AM” came the reply.

“I am not a Ma'am. I am not a Lady, I am not anything! You will address me as Trainer. Any person giving commands to you is now your Trainer. First and last words out of your mouth is Trainer. Do you understand me?”

It took a few tries, but eventually all of them got the idea. “Pink Troop. Dismissed.”

By that time, Valkrie, came up laughing. “By th'gods woman. Pink? I like it. Now git. David's waitin with the rest of your mangy butts.” Running after the group, she quickly restored order and got them back into line.

A half hour later, and the scarf back in place, she was joining the group in David's office, dressed for battle. “You wanted to see us, Sir?”

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 18:00 hours local time

Zi Long looked up from the maps that the Event Horizon had shot from orbit, as did David as Nikita walked into the room. Despite her lithe figure, augmented by her tight fitting suit, the Black Stars officer had never had fantasies about one of the very few Clanners he had ever worked with. It was not because of the scars on her face, nor those on her arms. It was just that despite his reputation, Zi Long had always made it a point of separating family and vice. One would never dream of sleeping with one's own blood sister would they? Not unless you're really sick in the head, or maybe you're from the Clans. Zi Long had heard that in what the Clans call sikbo, sexual indulgence was nearly as inconsequential as a pat on the back. Still, Zi Long wasn't ready to test our new ideas, not of this magnitude anyways.

"Glad we can pry you away from kickin' Carantania asses Nikita." Zi Long grinned at the newcomer. Next to the pair, James was pouring through specs and estimated capabilities of a pair of unfamiliar helicopters. Several other maps and bird's eye view shorts, as well as reconnaissance photos, most likely taken by the Warriors and newly purchased Ferets of James' Trouble Inc. It might be due to the opposition they had encountered so far, or due to the skills and abilities of his people, maybe a combination of both, but Zi Long had never felt as assured of the contributions of VTOLs as that generated by James and his Trouble Inc.

Lantern and his nippy squad of Nighthawk Battle Armour on Intruder BA motorbikes were the only other Black Stars sub-unit on Novo Franklin that was not present. With intelligence on their targets limited due to the lack of data gathering attempts previously by the Carantania Guards, Zi Long had sent the Jack-O-Lanterns out to the fields to set up observation posts around Principality of Anjuran. Despite Markus expressing utmost confidence in taking out some of the Pip Squeak ATVs they've spotted, Zi Long had rejected his request to do so, so as not to alert the Anjurans of their impending attack.

The Jack-O-Lanterns had since managed to filter in timing of guard changes, sent back the earlier reports on enemy equipment and quality. In addition, Markus had reported that other than the pair of 'Mechs, the lance of vehicles, infantry, ATVs and helicopters, at least three IndustrialMechs had been sighted as well, modified to carry weapons. Essentially LM1/C Lumberjack IndustrialMechs, these were ancient sixty ton predecessors to the latest generation of LM4/C designs which were commonly found on Inner Sphere and well to do Periphery worlds where agriculture and forestry were primary activities. According to Markus's reports, these machines mounted support weapons ranging from support particle projectile cannons to light machine guns and rocket launcher pods. He added in his report that he doubted the roughly welded on steel plates on top of the original industrial grade plasteel could withstand more than two shots from BattleMech grade weapons.

Combining aerial and orbital photos, as well as Markus's reports, Zi Long and David had pieced together the layout of the Anjuran township. The Anjuran Fort laid on the other side of a mountain pass. To get through the pass, an attacking force would have to get past the town and the enemy airbase is on the opposite side of the town as well. That was the main reason why the Posavski forces have not been able to get to them before now - the town defenses slowed them up long enough for the VTOLs to get in the air, and unleash their rain of death onto the ground bound attackers.

The enemy 'Mechs and vehicles had been reportedly been kept at the Fort. While common practise, it meant that the limited movement and transport capabilities offered by the narrow streets would hugely delay their response time to an attack on the airbase. "Maybe twenty minutes to a half-hour if they are lucky." David had estimated. "This has not been an issue before, because Posavski forces don't include VTOLs or other aerial support, and the mountains prevent conventional forces from bypassing the town and pass."

Zi Long smiled as he looked at James and the pair of infantry officers in the room. "We're gonna take away their main advantage in our first operation. We're going for their birds."

David nodded. "Here is what we'll do: Lockheart takes his VTOL's and the Infantry and does a night air-mobile raid on the airbase. We can take them out easily, and it'd be all the more easier to hit them and take the entire Anjuran Militia down later."

"Actually, we might NOT need to destroy the VTOLs." James suggested as he looked at the photos of the Wind Walker and Little Bird laid out on the table, as well as that of a pair of Warrior attack helicopters not very unlike the ones he had under his own command. "It would be nice to steal them right then, but we don't have the pilots. So, the infantry, after running off or killing the guards, steals the cyclic sticks out of the grounded birds."

"The what?" Lieutenant Conti asked, reflecting the slightly baffled looks of Gallagher, his fellow infantry officer, as well as Nikita, David and Zi Long.

James smiled. "This is fast, simple to do - six bolts and two quick-disconnect wire bundles, and likely to ground the birds for an extended period. While the locals are probably capable of the repairs, do they have the parts? I doubt it. Even here in within the Black Stars, despite us being one of the best technically supported unit around, we do NOT carry replacement sticks on a regular basis. They RARELY break, and are expensive, so why have them if you are 99.5% likely to never need them?" He shrugged. "Done right, it is a fairly low risk operation with the potential for a big payoff. Once we take out the town/keep and come back for the airbase, we just re-install the stolen cyclics."

"Instant salvage." Zi Long's grin mirrored that of the helo sub-unit commander.

"I most likely wouldn't want to keep any of those birds though." James corrected quickly as he pointed at the photos. "Most of them are held together by spit and bile. But I'm sure we can make some sort of... arrangements with our employers. Heck, I'd even offer to train a couple of their pilots - for a price of course."

"Of course." David and Zi Long shared the same knowing smile.

The Black Stars Captain straightened up and looked at the various sub-unit commanders in the room. "Right than people. We'll have Lantern and his BA continue to keep tabs on our target. James, get your people ready over the next couple of days so that they're as comfortable as possible flying nap of earth and at night. Select a few of our techs who would know what to do against the enemy VTOLs. Conti, Gallagher, get ready your people, you'll be doing bodyguard duty again, this time for the techs. You have some time, you might as well make sure that they get used to the possibility of the need to use firearms and running with a helmet and body armour."

"We'll move in on the 5th, hit their air base, disable their birds, than move out." Zi Long looked back at the maps. "Stand by to bomb craters on the main road leading from the Fort to the air base. We'll bomb it only if they mobilize faster than we expect. We'll need the road for our own advance and attack later."

"What about Lantern and his people?" James asked.

"They'll observe the defenders' response time and procedures." David announced. "It'll make planning for the next phase of our attack easier."

"Indeed." Zi Long nodded. "Do not underestimate our opponents people, despite what we all know and had been told. Expect them to fight tenaciously and with skill. If they're less than what we expect, good for us. But I do not want complacency to cause death among our own. Make it fast, sharp, and painful for our friends. If we do this right, we might save ourselves a lot of fighting."

"And a lot of dying."

Listening to the plan of operations, Nikita stepped forward to look over the terrain photos and the placement of buildings. Quietly she examined each one while listening to David and Yang Zhi talk.

“Sir, kicking these freeborn imbeciles into shape is going to be more than just physical work. I have to use Iconography to get them to understand what they need to do. We cannot use that in the middle of combat. These men are not capable of reading or writing.” She scrubbed her short hair with a gloved hand. “To use them as they are now would be suicide. I have Valkrie and one other keeping an eye on them. If we were in clan space, they would be sent out as Solhama.”

One particular picture caught her eye and, using a finger, traced a blue line up through up to the tower. A quick check of the icons showed the water supply leading to the barracks, and everywhere else in the compound. A truly evil shine lit her eyes as she left her finger on the Tower.

“Sir. A couple suggestions if I may? There are two ways to keep the enemy occupied enough to get you in, and out of the compound with a minimal loss of lives.” Laughing darkly, she handed the print to one of the techs, who copied it and put it up on the main wall screen. Walking over to it, she chuckled. “This... is the water supply line that runs into the area where you wanted to get into, yes?”

Her finger traced the line from it's source into the compound, then over the guard barracks. “Now, one of my particular talents is herbs. Healing, Hallucinogenics, even poisons but I hesitate to use that last one for anything except making an antidote.” Her eyes lit up with glee. “I have a certain recipe that is given to those whom have a need to be .. 'cleansed'.” she chuckles. “It is a fast acting recipe that will make most of them wish they were dead, but it will keep them occupied for several hours.”

Handing the tech the other one to repeat the process. “Other than that, my second suggestion would be to make a strong showing of force beyond the range of their weaponry. Basically just a show that would make them think they would soon be under attack, have your men act like panicked farmers or something along those lines and I think we would be able to distract them.”

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed and she looked up at the vaulted ceiling. How the ferret had gotten up there, she would never know, but her little thief had gained a small nesting area just above a red blinking light. The rest of the object was camouflaged to look like the rest of the room” Turning, she looked at David, then at Yang. “We have a problem.”

Stepping out of viewing range, she lifted up her com unit. “Sparky, Wheels. Command center, asap.”

Within minutes of their arrival, she pointed it out. “Find whoever is on the other end of the line and get my ferret back.”

Sparky set to work. Like a squirrel, he got up to the animal and gently dropped him into Nikita's waiting arms. The rom kid attached a device to the blinking red thing and smiled quietly, giving her a thumbs up. “Now what?”

Wheels cracked her knuckles and smiled. “Can I?”

Nikita nodded. “Bring them here.”

A few moments later, the Liaison was hustled into the command center, blushing furiously. “How? Why? What?” Then his eyes fell to the equipment on the table... and he shut his mouth.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 04:57:07 AM by Vampire »


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Re: Contract 2 - Rabble Trouble in the Periphery (Novo Franklin Main Contract)
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2011, 04:58:53 AM »

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 18:15 hours local time

David’s voice didn’t raise above a soft whisper as he stared at the young noble. “Sparks? Take Wheels and Glen and sweep the compound. Bugs don’t usually come in singles. I want them found and traced…. Talk to Gallagher if you need some people to help.”

Still softly, but with a cold edge to it that made the young man worry for his life, David then addressed the prisoner. “Victor…. I assume you can explain yourself?”

The young noble’s eyes flitted around the room, seeking some clue as to his best answer, but got nothing from the flat expressions of the mercenaries.

David sighed and flipped open his com-link. Dialling quickly, he waited only a moment before the man he’d called picked up on his end.

“Trenchard? Yes, it’s Ten-Bears… I have a rather important question for you…. Did you, or your superiors, authorize Victor to plant, or monitor, surveillance devices on us or within our encampment?..... I see….. Well, then it seems we have a bit of a problem…. Yes, he did… and got caught….. No, we haven’t shot him yet…. That depends on him. If he’s just a nosy fool, that’s one thing, but if he’s a spy… No, I don’t know that. You know as well as I do that being thought a moron is one of the best covers a spy could hope for…. No, I don’t care who his father is…. That’s irrelevant… that too…. Look Trenchard, it’s real simple. Right now, we have evidence of an intelligence gathering operation aimed at the ‘Stars. You were one of us once, what do YOU think we’re gonna do?.... Again, that depends on HIM. If he co-operates it’ll go a lot better for him”

As David listened, he reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. “No, that’d be a bad idea…. Right now he’s a suspected enemy spy, since you say he wasn’t operating with sanction. If his daddy shows up trying to get him out, the man is going into the brig right next to his idiot son!... Yes, I am serious! We have a suspected spy in custody. What would YOU do if you had one, and someone tried to get him sprung before you could get some answers? I know I’d be thinking that the person doing the springing didn’t want him talking..... I know that! But until we have some answers and at LEAST until we know how much leaked, he’s staying in our custody. Maybe even until after this operation. What happens then, depends on what answers we get…. Hey, at least if WE decide to kill him, we’ll just shoot or hang him, nice and clean. I’ve heard what the locals here do to traitors. Thrown into a pit full of starving dogs? If it were me, I’d prefer a bullet or rope to that.”

<2200 Hours Local Time>

David looked over the pile of recording devices that were heaped on the table in front of him. “All these just in the barracks area?”

Sparky nodded before speaking quickly. “Yes, Boss. Most of them are pretty old, might have been there for a couple years, but there were a few new ones. Those were in the day-room, Nikita’s quarters, and… the showers.” Sparky blushed as he said the last. “We’re still sweeping things, but we should be done pretty soon.”

David smiled at the young man. “Good.” He paused. “You’ve done well… glad to see we made a good choice back on Terra. Keep it up!”

As he turned back to face Victor, he kept speaking. “OK, Sparks, I’ll let you get back to the sweep…. Better plan on doing at least one a week for the whole zone, and a daily one for sensitive areas.”

As soon as the young man had left the room, David began speaking to Victor. “So, Victor... Still want to claim your little snoop job was authorized? Trenchard says not, and your choices of location for your toys are interesting to say the least.”

Victor flushed bright red but declined to respond.

“Care to hear what I think you’ve been up to?” David spoke almost casually. “My guess is that you’ve got some sort of obsessive crush on Nikita. But rather than approach her openly about it, you’ve been playing stalker boy. Recording her every move, looking for some way to leverage her.” He shook his head and chuckled. “You nobles and your power games… You damned fool. Even if you’d gotten some dirt on her, if you’d tried anything, she’d have fed you your own liver.”

David looked at the young man like he was some sort of obnoxious bug that he was thinking about stepping on. “Fool boy, she’s clan… and trueborn clan at that! She’d slaughter your whole bloodline, burn your ancestral home and sow the ashes with salt before she’d even CONSIDER a liaison with such as you! She is the end product of a long eugenics program intended to produce the most efficient and deadly warrior possible. YOU, on the other hand, appear to be the end product of a systematic, if unfocused, experiment in inbreeding and natural selection for arrogance and stupidity…. A liaison with you? Nikita’s people would have you and your entire bloodline sterilized at best… some of the clans would have them killed outright. And that’s WITHOUT you trying… badly… to manipulate them.”

David shook his head. “You know, even aside from all the trouble your Prince is going to go through unifying Novo Franklin, I almost feel sorry for you should he manage it.”

David smiled cruelly. “To actually DO it, he’s going to have to purge such stupidity and short sighted petty ambition from his leadership cadres. That doesn’t bode well for you… or others like you, which seems to be the norm for the local nobility.”

David laughed. “And after all that, he’ll STILL lose the world.”

Victor looked confused, but kept silent, lest he anger David further.

“You haven’t figured it out yet?” David shook his head. “Short sighted, as I said… So focused on the now, that you miss the obvious.” David pointed to the regional starmap that was posted on the wall. “The Snow Ravens and Star Adders have been content so far with occasionally stopping by and taking what raw materials they wished then leaving. You really don’t know why they haven’t stayed? Why they don’t set up here permanently?”

David laughed scornfully. “As things are, the planet is too much trouble to deal with. A balkanized world, with little vest pocket nations scattered all over the place, is a whole hell of a lot more work to govern, and the payoff isn’t worth the work it would take to unify things. Oh, they wouldn’t be troubled by the takeover, a Trinary of newly trained warriors would devour this place in a short time. The only thing that would slow them down would be travel from holding to holding. THEN, they’d have to do the infrastructure work and re-educate the population. Well, once they got done with the purges of undesirables….. That would be YOU and your family, by the way…. If your Prince is to succeed in his goals, he’ll have to do those things as well. If HE does them, this world becomes just that much easier, and cheaper, to conquer and govern. Which neatly removes the one obstacle to their taking over”

David shrugged. “I suppose the Prince MIGHT be able to convince them to keep him on as a figurehead… I wouldn’t put money on it, but all things are possible I suppose.”

David leaned forward and stared hard at Victor, all trace of humour gone from his voice. “But, back to current business. You have three choices, Victor. Choice one, you talk to me and spill your guts. Tell me EVERYTHING… truthfully, and we’ll see what we can do for you personally. At very least, if we end up having to eliminate you, I can assure you it'll be quick and as painless as possible. Choice two… we break you, with chemicals, physical interrogation, psychological techniques, whatever we need to do to get answers. You won’t enjoy it, and I can’t promise you’ll be whole… or sane, at the end of it. At which point you will be prosecuted for espionage under the local codes and punishment applied as appropriate. And choice three… I give you to Nikita and allow her to do with you as she sees fit. In that case, I can GUARENTEE that you will NOT enjoy it, and that you will again, spill your guts…. perhaps even literally. So I suggest you consider your choices carefully.”

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality

Interrogation Chamber:

David stands smiles, but it never reaches his cold, hard eyes. “Think about it. And to possibly help you choose wisely.” He presses a button on his belt. Minutes later, the door open and Nikita walks in.

Shockingly enough, she is dressed in full, Clan Goliath Scorpion battle gear. Including the full wraparound head scarf that conceals all but her dark eyes. Somehow she's managed to find some body armor and add the insignia on it. Every piece of her gear screamed either lethal or deadly. Moving inside, she gives a glimpse of Glenn standing guard just outside the door. The Snow Raven Elemental Armor made him look twice his size. As she shuts the door, her hand brushes the temperature monitor for the room, turning it up a few notches.

“So this is the freeborn filth that has intruded upon my privacy and has unclean thoughts of coupling with one who is Trueborn of the Clans.” Her eyes held no pity, no remorse, nothing of even compassion as she simply stared at him, letting him see just exactly how much of a hole he'd just dug himself into.

Within moments, the room became the temperature of a hot summers day. Much warmer than what Victor is used to. “W... What?”

Sitting down herself, opposite her victim, she says, “Do you know that should you choose unwisely, there are things that can make you talk. Even handing over your own siblings darkest secrets. All with a simple powder slipped into food or drink. A Good apothecary can make an undetectable recipe that is tasteless, odorless, and colorless. It will never be detected because of the composition of the herbs involved. But that is neither here nor t here.”

Sweat begins to drip down her victim's face. “M.. My F... Father will c.. come for me.”

She watched as a small crack begins in the armor around his secret obsession. “But will he arrive in time to keep you from telling your secrets?” In a switch of topics, she narrows her eyes slightly. “Do you really wish to know what we of the Clans consider you and yours?”

While her victim contemplates the answer, she stands up and turns her back on him to walk over to the water pitcher. Blocking it with her body, she pours a glass of water, turning her head slightly to wink at David, then takes it over to set it within reach of Victor. “You look thirsty Victor. Drink.”

His hands twitched in the chains as he watched the glass. Licking his lips he looked into her eyes. “So what clan are you from?”

“You are as ignorant as you are narrow minded.” She pulls up part of the cloth covering of her neck to reveal the tribal scorpion mark over her jugular. “We of the Scorpion clan take our totem to heart.”

He blanched white and backed up. “S.. S... Scorpions? No!” He tried to get out of the chair and the chains rattle and held him in place. “You can't hold me here.”

“Oh yes we can.” Nikita replaced the head cloth. “You are classified as a spy, which deeply offends the Black Stars due to the fact that you are supposed to be part of the people who hired us. And it deeply offends my nature that you would invade my privacy to put surveillance cameras in my private quarters.” She had a thought and leaned forward. “Perhaps I should call up your medical department. If you were in my rooms, you would have definitely needed medical attention afterwards.”

Eyes bulging. “W.. What do you mean?” Licking his lips, he eyed the glass of water, and then looked into her mercilessly cold eyes. “Why would I need something like that?”

Leaning forward, she made sure he would understand every word she spoke. “Because everything in my room was dusted with Scorpion Venom. I have a pet scorpion who guards my things as well. If you did the deed personally, you would have had to go to the infirmary shortly thereafter. The first symptoms would include dry mouth and sweating. But you knew that already.”

He began to tremble and, beneath her veil, she allowed herself a small smile as the crack widened in the man's defenses. “Then, of course, there is the increased heartbeat and the trembling of hands.”

Clenching his hands tight, he glared at her. “You're just playing on the moment at hand.”

Eyes widening. “Am I? Let me tell you what you are, freebirth. You are nothing. You will be, nothing. Without your connections and your puffed up attitude, no one would want you. You are less than the Solhama units that give their lives to erase their dishonor to the Clan. You are lower than the freebirth labor caste of my former homeworld.” She stood up and turned away from him. “In my homeworld, you would be turned out as a reject. Perhaps you would have made a good bondsman for the Dark Caste, but only as a boot licker. In short, Victor,” she turned back to look at him. “you and your..” her eyes looked downwards, “ego mean nothing to me and the mere thought of coupling with you makes me want to do things that would have you screaming for weeks. But we are not yet at that point.”

Finally, after her last tirade, he forgets himself and takes the glass of water, downing the whole thing in three gulps. “All Right! All Right! I'll what do you want to know.” he glared at the Clanswoman. “But only to you. This.. this...” he stopped himself from saying the words he wanted to say when Nikita raised a finger. “woman has to leave. And keep her and that damned scorpion away from me. The medics had a h ell of a time trying to get an antidote into my system before I collapsed.”

Looking over at David, she chuckled. “He is worthless. An 8 year old of the Clans could survive this minor form of conversation.”

With that, she walked out the door. Not far, just through the door to the soundproof room adjoining the one where David and Viktor are.

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 22:10 hours local time

Zi Long observed from the adjacent room what barely passed as interrogation of the young Viktor by Nikita and David. Despite the ease with which the pair had broken him, the Black Stars officer thought of Trenchard and his possibly involvement of all this, as well as that of the Prince. Despite little doubt that Viktor had most probably started all this with the intention of satisfying his fetish and fantasy with Nikita, it was also entirely possible that Trenchard had encouraged the foolish noble into his act, seeking to glean some of the more military and relevant information he could from Viktor's recordings and surveillance.

The man had denied everything of course, anyone would. But how far could the Black Stars trust someone who used to be one of their own? Would their operation against Principality of Anjuran be compromised? Had their plans for it already been forwarded to the enemy even as Viktor squirmed in the seat, hands in chains next door to Zi Long himself as David grilled him? Will they have to change their plans, or even scratch it completely?

Zi Long suddenly grinned. They will carry out their main plans as laid out - but with minor, but important adjustments. Nikita's plans definitely has merit. With water in limited and short supply on Novo Franklin, it would be easy to pinpoint the water source of the defenders. However, they will have to concentrate on only those for their military. Zi Long had long believed that they should leave the civilians out of any operations, and in this case, out of their toilets...

He looked back at the maps, plans and reports behind him. They will even run the operation on the date they had proposed earlier. If their opponents had gotten wind of their attack, the initial phrases would convince them that there had been no compromise to their spy network - if there was one in the first place. However, the Black Stars had always been masters of the unorthodox. No one had ever accused them of being a one trick pony. If anyone was thinking that they would be able to anticipate their moves, they would be in error - and deadly so.

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 22:12 hours local time

David smiled as he sat back down across from Victor. "Now, you see? It wasn't that hard at all.... IF you co-operate, there needn't be any great unpleasantness."

Starting a small pocket recorder, David kept speaking softly and almost gently. "Now Victor, let's begin with the recording equipment. It's a bit advanced for your local tech base, so it had to have been brought in. Who gave it to you?"

<Scene Break>

"I swear, Trenchard sold me the recording equipment... he's the Prince's intelligence minister and off-world liaison. He's got the contacts for all that gear. I got it from him! Greedy bastard probably charged me five times what he paid for it!"

"Did he know what you planned on doing with it?"

"Probably. He didn't say so, but he's the supplier for a lot of off-world contraband. Pornography, entertainment recordings, educational files... mostly data smuggling, but he can get equipment too...."

"So, why would he know your plans?"

"I have.... tastes. He supplied me with materials to feed those vices."

"Yes, we found some of those... materials, when we searched your quarters a little while ago..... You know, Victor, I normally don't care about a person's personal kinks, but I have to say, Clan themed Bondage Porn? Really? I never would have thought that of you. Especially the male-sub aspects of it you seem to like. Though it DOES explain your attraction to Nikita."

David reached over and switched off the recording before looking up at Zhao. "I can let it go on, but it really all boils down to Trenchard being a scumbag, a smuggler, and a manipulative bastard. He played that idiot Victor like a violin. So far as I can tell, Victor was used to gather intel on us as an insurance policy against our switching sides. They've gotten burned before I gather..... Anyway, Victor also claims that the Prince and Trenchard are nervous about SOMETHING coming up in the next year or so, but he doesn't know what it is, or even a real idea of when, just "soon"."

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 22:35 hours local time

Zi Long stippled his fingers as David pushed the small recorder to a side of the table. Both men had not trusted Trenchard despite, or maybe BECAUSE of the fact that he was formerly a member of the Black Stars. "I'm not all that surprised that he's ultimately the actual one that got us bugged. What I want to know is whether if it will pose as a threat to our operations. If he just wants to keep tabs on us, fine. But if he's sellin' us out to another holding..."

"If whatever "big" is gonna happen in a year's time, we'll most probably be long gone by than." Looking up at David, Zi Long narrowed his eyebrows. "From now on, we do everything by the letter. We do what we are tasked to do, nothing more. It might not look good in the eyes of our employers or DMM, but we need to look out for ourselves as well."

"Get our people to continue to sweep our premises. I want to get the attack on the Anjuran holdings out of the way quickly. If anything at all, it can tell us if our security and safety is compromised. There's nothing wrong with us breaking contract if our employer seeks to do us harm. Although it might still damage our chances of seeking future employment." He looked at the ceiling and pursed his lips. A suddenly evil glint shone from his eyes. "Or, we can just attack the Prince and take over Novo Franklin!"

Other than his raised eyebrows, David showed no emotion.

The smile on Zi Long's face faded. "Just joking... "

David sighed. “I sincerely hope so.”

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
29 Jan 3079, 21:00 hours local time

James listened to the ideas being put forward and looked at the recce photos. James understood that the Jack-O-Lanterns were on OP near the base and would not be directly taking part. Though their firepower would be missed, their current mission was essential. Good intel was vital to a successful mission.

James already knew that these guys had heloes. He had read the reports from his pilots and they had reported that they had seen heloes at a distance while on a few of their far ranging patrols in that sector. His pilots had been ordered to keep their distance and avoid any contact. Now he had some idea of what they were and what they were capable of.

After looking at the assessment report, he knew they would be a very capable anti infantry force. No wonder the prince had problems with this guy. Most of the militaries around here were infantry heavy. Each of these Little Birds could take out an entire platoon of infantry in a single pass! James had been immediately concerned when he had seen the report on them. Their speed alone had worried James. They had enough speed to run down any of his attack birds and enough maneuverability to run circles around him, which was more than ample enough to stick to your ass like INSTA-WELD. Throw in a rocket pods on top of the machine gun and they could be lethal against his air force.

The Wind Walkers were decent birds, but James wasn’t worried about them. They were armored like a tank, and as slow as one too. Their role would be anti infantry and unlike the Little Birds they had the armor to hang around. Their short range weapons were what made James happy. His crew could deal with them at will.

Lastly, they had a pair of Warrior attack heloes. Same make as his only these were the stock models that carried the Long Lance auto cannons. They had better range than his but the damage they could inflict was a lot less. That model was made for staying out of range and sniping at slow targets.

Out of the enemies entire air force the smallest piece was what James rated the most dangerous. Those would have to be have to be dealt with in James’ eyes, right from the start.

James took his set of documents and told Zi Long “I’ll get with my people and work up a plan and get back to you.”

James walked over to the hangers and announced “We have a mission. Get everyone here in an hour and get some sandwiches and coffee.”

<Time Break 1 hr>

During the time break James had some armor patches set up as “easels” and had some welding chalk brought over. After the last person arrived the techs in the bay were put on sentry duty. Their job was to keep everyone away. A couple of the techs had grabbed a paint sprayer and paint thinner on their way out of the hangar.

Eugene called the meeting to order “LISTEN UP!”

Eugene then yielded the floor to James.

“Team, we have been tasked with a mission. Our esteemed employer has tasked us with the glorious task of annexing the Anjuran province. Our commander has tasked us with the job of dealing with their air force.” James

James hands some of the photos and the assessment reports to Eugene first who then passes them around.

“Holy Shit! ” Slim

“Damn! “ Hawk

“This is their air force? It’s a joke!” Johnson

“Lemme see Rhicter!” Pagano

“Hmmpph” Bremmerhof

“It’s a freakin’ mosquito! One Swat ….” Darnel

“That’s NOT a mosquito! That’s a Little Bird. Cut in Buzzsaw “Looks like they added some armor and added a machine gun.”

Little Bird, Mosquito, what’s the difference? They’re nothing but cheap ass techincals. We will just ….” Darnel

“They may be technicals, but they are different. They won’t be easy either. Little Birds are really fast and can turn on dime.” As for Mosquitoes, compared to the Little Bird, they make a Little Bird look like they are slower than a Demolisher going uphill! I’ve even heard that they have to use reverse blade pitch at idle to keep them on the ground.” Buzzsaw

“REVERSE blade pitch? Yeah right! As for that LITTLE BIRD it is nothing but a civilian job with slap patch armor and a machine gun. It is an explosion waiting to happen.” Darnel

“Buzzsaw, you know about Little Birds?” Hawk asked while giving James a brief look with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, I know about them. Use to fly one back home.” Buzzsaw

“Since you have flown both a Little Bird and our attack helo, what is your assessment of them?" James

“If you’re chasing one, you ain’t catching it. At 230kph it is a lot faster than our birds. If you’re being chased, you’re caught. You can turn a circle around a traffic cone in a Little Bird, that’s a lot better than our Warriors can do.” Buzzsaw

“Simply, if I had to go up against a Warrior, I’d take one.” Buzzsaw

“With armor like that they don’t stand a chance.” Darnel

“Maybe you weren’t listening, to what the rest of us heard Darnel. They got the best armor there is, SPEED. Speed enough to get behind you, and more than enough speed and maneuverability to stay there.” Slim

“When they can’t shoot back, it don’t matter how big your gun is. It is just a matter of time and ammo.” Bubba Joe

“ ….and most damn machine guns I know of carry enough ammo to shoot all day and half the night. ” Billy Ray

Darnel shut up after those comments. He wasn’t happy about it but, he wasn’t about to buck three to one odds and against veteran members.

James spoke again after a moment. “Buzzsaw, I agree with your assessment, and furthermore so does command. What they have asked us to do is work up a plan for a night air mobile raid. We will be taking a one of our infantry platoons with us.”

“Why do we need to take any infantry we can blast those birds to hell on the ground, easy and quick!” Richter

“Because our commander has bigger plans, and right now he wants us to take up a collection. A collection of cyclic sticks. “ James

There was some momentary silence as that information sunk in. Bubba Joe and Billy Ray started to shake their heads and grin. Pee Wee looked over and saw Billy Ray and started to silently chuckle.

“So let’s get this mission planned people.” James

“What do they have for defenses?” Hawk

“They have searchlights, I’ve seen them.” Johnson

“Photos confirm that.” Pee Wee

“They have six guard towers at the air base as well.” Pagano

“This photo shows they have at least a platoon of infantry on base.” Pee Wee

“Alright, anything else?” Hawk

‘There’s the town to worry about. These photo materials show mechs, armor and infantry. Assessment report says to expect them to be able to respond in 30 minutes or less.” Bremmerhof

“Yeah, there is the valley itself. If you just go flying in there, the sound of our birds will be heard for quite a ways and will give them advanced notice of our arrival. That 30 minutes will start when they hear us so we will have significantly less time than that after subtracting for the time for us to get to the base, attack it, get what we want and leave.” Buzzsaw

Hawk started drawing a map of the valley added in the town and the air base. He moved to another “easel” and drew just the air base. On a third he drew the town in outline. On the 4th he wrote time line.

“Ok, let’s break it down. We have search lights, here, here, here and … here.” James

“And guard towers here, here, here, here, here, and here. Do we know what is in these towers?” James

“Looks like machine guns in 4 of them, and the other two have twin tube missile launchers , if you can believe this intel.” Bremmerhof

“The base is big enough that we don’t have to hit all the towers at once, just the two closest to us and those missile launchers.” Bo Peep

“Yeah, those launchers have gotta go.” Shakes

“Ok, how much time are you going to need to drop the towers?” James
“Hell, those towers should drop in 10 seconds flat. They are only wooden towers with some corrugated tin.” Darnel

“Make it 20 seconds, Boss, that allows for a second volley just to make sure.” Gunther

Darnel shot Gunther a look. Gunther noticed but ignored it.

“Ok, 20 seconds to neutralize the four necessary towers.” James

Hawk was taking notes on the 5th board.

“How long to land drop the troops and get the sticks?” James

Unless things change between now and then they keep their heloes grouped together for security from scavengers. That will make things easier, but pulling sticks is like a 30 minute job per bird unless you run into bad bolts. I’m betting on bad bolts. Say 45 minutes …..” Hawk

“Umm, excuse me? You guys have never been on a parts raid before, have you?” As-tech Smith interrupted

James looked over and saw the assistant tech with four lunch pails.

“You aren’t suppose to be in here mister, this is suppose to be a secure meeting site. James

“Sorry sir, we got hungry and our food was in here. I won’t say anything about wha …” As-tech Smith

“Actually mister you are going to explain the statement you made.” James

“Statement?” As-tech Smith

“Yes, what did you mean by we had never been on a parts raid?” James

“Um, well, uh ….” As-tech Smith

“You will have to be a little more articulate than that wrench head!” Bremmerhof

“You wouldn’t know a spanner wrench from a torque wrench you egg scrambler.” As-tech Smith

“Yeah, well at least I know how to answer a question when I’m asked Grease Monkey.” Bremmerhof

James was about to interrupt this name calling when Hawk held up a hand stopping him.

“Well flutter jock I know a lot more about doing a parts raid than you do. 45 minutes, 45 minutes just to pull a stick from a bird. You’d never make it even an As-Tech. No tech would allow you to take that long on a normal job let alone on a raid. On a raid you get maybe 10 minutes tops to get into the hangar get the part and get out, and by get the part I mean remove the part.” As-tech Smith

At least three sets of eyes looked at James after smith had finished. Bremmerhof glanced up at James arched an eyebrow and slightly jerked his head toward Smith.

James pondered it for a moment and then gave a slight nod to Bremmerhof.

Bremmerhof gave a slight grin turned his head back to Smith and shouted “Well kid, I’m callin’ your bluff. I’m betting your mouth is writing checks your ass can’t cash. Ain’t no way your getting six cyclic sticks off six birds in under ten minutes, not even with an entire company of mechanics to help.”

“Yeah, I say it can be done with just six of us. You might need the company of mechanics, but we aren’t that inept. What are you betting?” As-tech Smith

“I’ve got two bottles of Vodka, bottled on Terra that says you can’t.” Bremmerhof

“Hmmmpph! Two bottles for six of us? So your cheap on top of everything else.” As-tech Smith

“Alright, six bottles of DMM labled scotch, but I’m choosing the birds.” Bremmerhof

“Deal! I’ll get my guys and we can do this tonight after chow.” As-tech Smith

“Gentlemen, I’m the ranking person here, I’m choosing the when. Do you have a problem with that?” James

“No Sir!” Bremmerhof

“Uh, no sir.” As-tech Smith

“When did you have in mind sir?” As-tech Smith

“You and your boys will report here at 22:00 in 4 days. Then you can try and prove Bremmerhof here wrong.” James

“Yes sir, 22:00 four days from now. Got it sir.” As-tech Smith

As-Tech Smith left the hangar and the group got back to planning.

“Okay, 20 seconds to neutralize the towers, 10 minutes to pull the sticks, two more to get everybody reloaded and lift off. That leaves getting in to the base and reinforcements from town. How do we deal with those?” James

“The arrival of the reinforcements will depend a lot on how quickly they detect us. Any ideas on how to get in there without raising the alarm? Hawk

Richter, who had been looking over the maps said “We could try snaking up this canyon here on the back side of the mountain and cutting through this notch here. From the notch it can’t be more than 90 seconds to the air field.”

“It won’t work.” Buzzsaw

“Why not?” Richter

“If you look at the aerial photos again you will notice a couple pair of dark spots about two thirds the way up that canyon. Those are high tension power lines. The last thing you want to do is try and dodge those at night . Second, thanks to these great photos here I can see that that canyon won’t mask our props. If anything it will amplify our approach noise.” Buzzsaw.

“How do you propose we go in?” Johnson

“I’m still looking, I need a little more time. “ Buzzsaw

“Okay, so how do we deal with their reinforcements from town?” Hawk

“Actually I already have an idea for that. We will use some of our new toys for this. “ James

“The key here is that there is only one exit on this side of the building towards the air field. Anybody heading for the air field will have to leave by this gate. What I am proposing is this. We drop a multi mix cluster bomb here and a Hades bomb right here. The Hades bomb, right here at the gate, will keep all of the vehicles in the city until it burns itself out. The multi mix cluster here on the road will force them to stop and determine how big of a field there is and/or slow them down as they try to clear a path through the minefield. The multi mix cluster even carries anti personnel mines to further impede mine clearing operations. Between these two this should buy us enough time to finish the mission. That is provided we can make good progress on getting in before the alarm is sounded.” James

“Then I might have found the route thingy…” Buzzsaw

“Ingress” Gunther

“Yeah, that’s it, INGRESS route. Thanks Gunth” Buzzsaw

“See Boss, if you follow this, track to here, vector to two eight five and just after you pass by this small hill drop to the hard deck and follow this gully wash all the way up to this rock formation that will be a little tricky to follow, then hard pitch over to this ridge spine and ride it up to this outcropping. From there you pop up and over. It should work. And from there, it is a straight shot on vector zero one five all the way to the base. Say about two minutes twenty to the base.” Buzzsaw

After watching Buzzsaw show the course on the map on the easel Darnel spoke up “Your route doesn’t make any sense. Your flying out in the open the whole time you are following that wash and that ridge spine is also out in the open. How is that helping?” Darnel

Gunther had winced when Buzzsaw had said “that will be a little tricky to follow.”

“Well Darnel you are right that spine is out in the open, but if you look you will see that the curvature of the down slopes on each side, and the adjoining ridges form a “W”. This formation should take our rotor noise down and reflect it back up like a speaker blocking any side propagation, as long as we are flying on the hard deck.” Buzzsaw

“Buzzsaw? How big are those gully washes?” Gunther

“It is a little difficult to get a good read on them from this, but I’m getting 3-4 meters” Buzzsaw

“Okay, but this doesn’t explain the open part back …” Darnel

“Darnel, maybe nobody explained things to you. Buzzsaw has a different interpretation of hard deck than the rest of us. So your interpretation needs to be readjusted. She didn’t say to follow the gully wash as in follow it, she said to follow it as in fly IN it. So you aren’t really in the open then are you?” Gunther

Darnel shot glances all around the room trying to determine if Gunther was pulling his leg, what he was saying was crazy, nobody flys that low and lives. Try as he did he did not see anything that indicated that it was a joke. Actually what he saw was Slim and Hawk look a little more serious and staring at the map. Darnel began to pale a little.

“Okay, let’s recap. We have an ingress route that will take us in to the target that should give us a response clock count that starts here at the valley ridge. Two minutes later we should be here and starting our assault on the towers at max range, following up with second volleys here if needed. Two of our birds break off here and head to the city, to drop our eggs. Here at the air field we should lay down a volley of frag missles to prep for the landing of our infantry. We land them and they will then set up and then we can land the our techs to prove Bremmerhof wrong” <A chuckle went up from the group> “After our infantry is down we should finish taking down the rest of the towers while keeping an eye open for any trouble. After that we pull the techs out, then the infantry and to be safe we should launch another volley of frags to keep any remaining heads down. Probably only two birds will be needed on the second volley. Meanwhile our birds should have enough time to get to the city and drop the eggs right on their door steps and bug out back the airfield. How does the timing look Hawk?” James

“Looks good, add in some extra time in case the tech is boasting and from the time we top the ridge into the valley to the time we leave should be no more than twenty minutes. That is allowing no more than fifteen minutes on the ground. Of course, if they have any of their birds up or based elsewhere we could have a problem.” Hawk

“Stop being negative Hawk, of course they will be there. Captain Long wouldn’t send us to collect items not there. Besides, the only two birds I care about being there are those Little Birds. The rest I’m not as concerned about.” James

“Okay team, we have a plan I’ll run this by the Captain, I don’t expect any changes to it. We have four days to get our shit together and get some training done. The biggest area to work on will be our night flying and our Nap Of Earth (NOE) training. Hawk try to program in as much of our route into the simulator as possible. We also need co-ordinate with our infantry people.” James

“Okay team, I don’t have to tell you to keep your mouth shut, dismissed.” James

<scene break>

Zi Long’s office
Black Stars Compound
08:00 Local time

“Here is our plan sir.” James

Zi Long flipped open the folder and waved James to the chair. Pouring over the details, the Black Stars Captain did a rough mental calculation on the time frame that the commander of Trouble Inc. laid out.

"Don't worry about having some of the enemy birds based at some other location, or out in the lovely Novo Franklin skies." He assured James as he came across a hastily scribbled note. "Nikita's gonna introduce something... interesting to the water supply of the military bases. I'm hoping that the fire bombs your people lay to block off, or at least slow down any ground based enemy reinforcements will just be precautionary rather than a necessity." The Chinese man smiled as he cracked his finger joints. "Still, I'm all for the idea that it never hurts to have contingencies and backup."

Zi Long continued to read down the report with interest. Most of the technical details, he was sure James and his group were confident of what they were doing, things like insanely low NOE flying at night, within close and confined terrain - at least enough to preclude to need of him to question James in detail. He raised an eyebrow at the point that mentioned that half a dozen of as-techs will be flown in as well. "I trust that you guys and our infantry people will work out some plans for deploying non-combatants for the raid? Something to make sure that our techs come under minimal danger and spare me the trouble of writing 'I'm sorry to inform you' letters?"

Campus Carinthia
Outskirts of the Capital City.

Three figures rode large, Andalusian style horses out of the city limits. All three were dressed in the simple rags of serfdom and talking quietly amongst themselves. To the casual eye, it seemed the horses had been given free rein to wander where they will and the three serfs seemed to weave slightly, as if drunk. Should anyone inquire, one of the local taverns confirmed seeing the trio drink themselves into a stupor before stumbling out into the night.

A closer inspection of the horses and their riders would reveal an entirely different story. The boots they wore seemed to be made of sturdier material than mere peasants wore. Grips on reigns and saddle horns seem a bit more sure than someone who had just spent most of the evening on a drinking binge. And their route into the darkness, while erratic, proved to be no more than just a zig zag pattern.. enhanced by a seeming wobble or two and a subtle guide of the leather reigns.

If one could see the leader of this small group, they would have known something was going on. For Nikita had clothed herself in the manner of those around her. Like the Scorpion itself, she hides by becoming the part of the land she walks through. By the time full dark settled in, she dropped the drunkard act and looked at her compatriots. Two men who showed more than above level intelligence. Hunters mostly, men outside the actual lay of the law within the city. “How far?”

A pause. “Half the night at a full gallop. We can camp in the forest a mile south of the pipe that you want, wait until tomorrow night, dump the package, and we can get back here before dawn the following day.” The other one, silent as a shadow. “Look better if we do it that way. Thems as know us, know we get drunk an leave after tryin' t' git drunk. Me an Scott dissapear fer a few days an com back with meat fer payment at th' bar.”

Nikita nodded to herself. “Let us go while there is still darkness enough to travel and not tire the horses.” She shifted a bit in her saddle and her eyes scanned the landscape. “Do not worry that your assistance to me will be punished. As it is, you will be rewarded for your work, if not by me, then by my Commander.” Using a gloved hand, she pulled the skin tight balaclava hood up more so that only her eyes could see the landscape.

No further words were needed as they galloped into the night.

The miles passed as they rode, her eyes took in the route, memorizing the lay of the land almost on instinct. Each valley, flat space, and patch of trees could essentially become a hiding spot. As the stars moved overhead, they paused at a natural spring to rest the horses and make due with some dried meat and an energy bar. Nothing needed to be said as time ticked passed. Soon, they were back in the saddle for the final push to get into position before the sun came up. Heads down into the necks of their beasts, they let them have the wind to command. Literally flying across the open areas and weaving through the trees, their trip became a blur.

Time Lapse

The sun rose with a beautiful array of red hues, painting their hiding place an interesting set of colors. One of the men took first watch and climbed a tree to watch while the other two saw to the exhausted horses. Silently they brushed and tethered them before going back to the clearing where the other one had cut branches so they fell into a neat pile.

At her confused glance, the one she figured out was Tags, smiled. “Gimme a hand an we'll git some shelter built.”


“Red lights b'fore Night, Riders a'right. Red lits b'fore Morn, Riders Forwarned. Gonna be storm commin. Need t'make shelter that'll cover an hide, yet be waterproofed as well.”

With that, and a weather eye to the clouds that suddenly began to gather on the Horizon, they worked on making a sturdy little hiding place using tarps, branches, and whatever else they could find. It took them more than two hours to get it sealed in and the horses bedded down under a large pine, but it worked. Everyone was under cover when the deluge began. After a while, Tag and Scott switched and they caught naps, resting until it was time to move.

Rainbows and sunset came at the same time as Nikita watched from the trees, taking her stint as watch. Her Clan born instincts gave her an edge over the two who slept, but she did acknowledge their sense of weather watching and the skill at which they cared for both themselves and the animals. Moving over to the saddlebags just inside the opening, removed them and took them out to her watch spot.

Quickly, she rifled through her things and found the large canteen, carefully wrapped, a small cutting lazer, and something completely unexpected which had her scowling and vowing revenge on those who dared to play tricks on her. Pulling them out, she examined the thick leather handcuffs with sturdy buckles and only two links of thick chain holding them together. Emblazoned on the wide, dark leather, in bold relief were Victor's own personal coat of arms. Feeling around inside the bag were a couple more things, steel handcuffs and.. well.. she had absolutely no idea what the tangled mess of thin leather straps and studs were used for, so she tossed them over to one side thinking to cut them up into something usable.

When the time came, both of them moved as if they belonged within range of the water source. She, on the other hand, used stealth of her people to keep to the shadows. While her compatriots might well distract anyone looking, she climbed up to the top of the steel water line and used the laser to cut a small hole. Carefully, so as not to spill any of it, she opened the canteen and poured the entire thing into the rushing water, carrying the rather unpleasant suprise to it's final destination.

That finished, she used the torch on a lower setting to melt the edges of the opening so it looked as if it had been hit with something instead of cut through. To make things more believable, she placed a rock over it, then jumped down and they all sped back to the clearing. The moment they set foot in the shadows, they knew something was up.

“Poachers, eh?” A harsh voice spoke. “Y'all plannin on not payin yer tithe t' th' guard?”

Rolling her eyes she dropped to the ground and leg swept the man's legs out from underneath him. “No, we are not.” A quick punch to the face had him crossing his eyes, unconcious.

“Take his weapons.”

While they were doing that, she stripped him of his clothes, removed all insignia for her commander to look at, then shredded the rest. In a fit of insanity, she buckled Victor's cuffs over the man's wrists and used the steel cuffs to chain him to an overhanging branch, leaving enough of him to touch the ground with his toes.

The ride back was taken at a more leisurely pace. Now maybe that worm will leave me alone if someone tells him I came back without those things.. whatever they were. She thought to herself.

At the outskirts of the city once more, she dismounted and handed the reigns over to Scott, taking the bundle of weapons and the sack holding the rest of her things in return. “Come to the Black Star Compound in two days time and I will make sure you are given reward for your time and trouble.”

They both grinned and rode off, vanishing into the darkness as she went back to the Compound, almost getting her a$$ shot off by her own people before they saw the mask. “Idiots” she popped them both upside the head. “ASK first before you raise your weapons.” she walked through and summoned Glenn and Wheels. “Get this stuff over to David and the Commander.. tell them they can procede with their plans.”

With that, she headed for her room, a shower, and something to eat, drink, and then into bed for a long nap.

Eastern Reaches
Anjuran Province, Novo Franklin
3rd Feb 3079 09:45 Local Time

Henry Vargas smiled coldly as he watched the Anjuran militia troops approach. Any half-way competent troopers would have been suspicious at the easy trail he’d left from the sabotage site.

He chuckled silently to himself. The telephone hub station hadn’t even been guarded! Just a single tech to keep things running. It hadn’t taken but a moment to subdue the man and wire the place to blow.

Henry just shook his head. “These morons deserve what’s coming.” He thought to himself. “The only way I could have made the trail more obvious would be to mark it with spray paint!... Only a complete idiot would think I’d walk the paddy berms if I had any choice!”

Two hundred yards away, the object of his scorn, a squad of Anjuran milita picked its way carefully through the flooded fields, walking on the elevated dikes and avoiding the rice paddies themselves.

Henry nodded slightly to himself. “Yep, about right.” He aimed carefully at his chosen target, waiting for just the right moment. It came quickly.

The single shot took the Anjuran squad by surprise. They looked around stunned as their pointman spun and collapsed, leaking blood from his shattered skull.

“Take cover!” the Anjuran squad leader screamed. “Off the dike!”

Henry smiled as his targets did EXACTLY what he wanted them to do, scrambling down into the paddies and hugging the dike for cover. He was still smiling as he pressed the detonator.

The explosive that Henry had set just hours before was a simple one, just two double-lines of det-cord, one down each side of the paddy dike, about six inches under the waterline. Under other circumstances, the explosive was fairly safe… in the open air its relatively low velocity explosive power and lack of fragments meant that even a few feet of distance meant relative safety….Under these circumstances, with the water to help focus the blast, and with the enemy troopers pressed directly up against the charge… the results were anything but harmless.

None of the Anjuran Militia were killed in the explosion, which to Henry appeared like nothing more than lines of light and a muffled thud. Instead, the close range blast shattered limbs and ruptured bodies, crippling whatever portion of the victim happened to be pressed against the linear charge.

Henry began the process of withdrawing, he had a while to go before he had to be at the rally point, but there was still a decent way to travel, and the requirements of stealth meant he’d be moving fairly slowly.

Behind him, the Anjuran squad began to die, as crippled troopers, unconscious, or just unable to pull themselves from the water, drowned in the foot deep water of the rice fields.

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
3 Feb 3079, 11:30 hours local time

David shook his head as he listened to Trenchard once again. The man was nothing if not persistent. He’d been calling at LEAST twice daily, attempting to get Victor released.

As Trenchard finished his speech, David spoke clearly into the phone. “Look Alex, I know you are getting pressure from Victor’s father. But I just plain don’t care. The moron took equipment YOU supplied him and used it to spy on the ‘Stars. Might be he’s just a perv looking for some pics of Nikita, but might be he’s a spy. Until we know for sure, he stays under wraps where WE can get to him.”

“No, I DON’T believe his father’s assurances.”

“Actually, no, I don’t believe yours either. You’re not a ‘Star these days Alex, you’re a local thug, fixer, and smuggler. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a first rate operator, but while you aren’t on the other side, your first loyalties aren’t to the ‘Stars.”

“No, I’m not ACCUSING you of anything, Alex… I’m stating them straight out. We have evidence that you’ve become quite the arranger out on this mudball. Now, we don’t have any problems with that… Rather the opposite in fact. But, what we do have is some concerns about just who is playing for what side and trying to avoid getting caught in the middle of a circular firing squad.”

“Look, it’s real simple… Victor is in our custody. He’s undamaged and fairly comfortable. He’ll STAY in our custody until we are surer of the situation and people’s loyalties.”

“That wouldn’t be a good idea…. You were a ‘Star, Alex. We’d see any attempt by daddy to strong arm Victor out of our custody as an attempt to hide betrayal. Not only would it fail, but it’d put Daddy in our sights. Plus, I’d have to remove my protection from the both of them. While Nikita would enjoy that, I’d not sure Victor or daddy dearest would.”

“Torture? What do you take me for? No, my protection is not saving them from that. It IS saving their lives though.”

“Alex, I thought you were smarter than that…. Look, Victor has done… and admitted to, more than enough for Nikita to challenge him to an honor duel. Daddy sticking his nose in would accomplish nothing more than convincing Nikita that the whole bloodline would need purging. If I remove my restraining hand, she’d have both of them on the duelling grounds within a day.”

“Sorry, that won’t fly either. She’s already fought one duel here…. Yes, that idiot, and as I recall it, that objection was brought up then, and the local nobility… including Victor’s daddy if I recall correctly, decided that we WERE required to abide by local duelling codes…. Of course that was when they thought Nikita would be an easy mark.”

“Please Alex, don’t insult my intelligence. That whole thing was a set up. It was so transparent as to be a joke! Especially once the votes were tallied. It was a way for the opposition party to stick it to the Prince and hide it behind “Principles” and “Traditions”. The opposition wanted it to weaken us and poke the Prince in the eye. The fence sitters went with it because they wanted to remind the Prince that their support comes with a price, and some of the Prince’s supporters just wanted to slow things down a little. They threw in their votes to hinder us and to caution Posavski that if he pushes too fast, they’ll balk.”

“Yes, well, if he’s stupid enough to want to do that, send him on over! If Daddy wants to challenge me to a duel for his son’s freedom, tell him to bring it! I’ll piss on his grave! I’ll also claim right of conquest and take his holdings when he dies! No, actually I don’t want them, but I can always sell out to his neighbours… let them split the land and such up between them after I take what I want. Besides, even if he manages to somehow defeat me, that still leaves Nikita. And I won’t be there to restrain her….. that’s what I thought…”

Lazing on a chair in front of David, who rolled his eyes every so often, Zi Long could not help by snigger as the conversation to and fro-ed between Trenchard and David. The former Black Stars had of course tried calling on the current CO of the mercenary band. Zi Long had acted the fool, daftly side siding questions, while refusing to commit any of his demands. He had called on anything and everything from contractual rights, to personal space, to plain common sense. After several failed attempts to free Victor – Zi Long calculated to be about half a dozen or so, Trenchard had given up battering his head on the brick way and switched tactics. He had gone on to approach David instead.

If not for the real potential danger of having spies in the holding checking out the Stars, the entire situation would have been one of high comedy. However, given the fact that the raid on the Anjuran holding was scheduled to be carried out in two days’ time, the Black Stars could not be any less complacent. While Zi Long and David played a holding game, distracting and delaying Trenchard, Victor’s family and whoever else was listening in, plans and preparation were going on for the attack. By themselves, these activities would be normal and common. Executed simultaneously, they were providing a rather interesting challenge to the entire unit.

Zi Long glanced again at the report before him on the status of the various Black Stars sub-units. Nikita’s contacts had been arranged, as well as her own selected ‘package’. Whatever she was doing, it would put the defenders down long enough for all their helos to be down, as well as most of their ground bound forces. Nikita had winked at Zi Long when he warned her to constrain her fun to military forces as far as possible. She had even told him nearly off handedly that the timing would be perfect – fast acting enough to put down those they want to so as to coincide with the Trouble Inc. raid, while not nearly so long enough for the defenders to smell, or in this case, feel that something was wrong and take precautionary measures. Zi Long and David could only place their trust in her.

That part of the operation was of course discussed behind very secured and closed doors. The hiding of the attack of Trouble Inc. was slightly more difficult. The inclusion of the Black Stars infantry, as well as a dozen of non-combatant technicians made it all the more difficult. Other than stepping up premise sweeps for bugs and listening devices, Zi Long had confined all personnel to base – refusing even contracted civilians to leave camp on the off chance that someone out there would be able to place separate and seemingly random information together and come up with the overall plan.

However, one of the detected sensors was purposely left in place. False intel and other information were discussed under it. If anyone was acting on them, they’d be in for a huge surprise. At the moment, the false plan was an attack on the Anjuran Keep on the 1st, with the entire Black Stars committing their ‘Mechs, vehicles, Battle Armour, infantry and VTOLs to a massive attack on it. Just days before the supposed attack, the Jack-O-Lanterns had reported of heightened and panicky stepping up of defenses. Zi Long grinned. The defenders’ morale and readiness had dropped over the past two days after a continuous high state of standby for nearly a week. That was the entire purpose of the ‘leak’. Already, the Jack-O-Lanterns had told of stepping down of the defenders’ forces as it finally sunk in that the attack was not coming.

When the attack finally falls on the 5th, the Aujuran defenders would had been much worse off if they had been just on normal readiness level.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 04:59:46 AM by Vampire »


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Re: Contract 2 - Rabble Trouble in the Periphery (Novo Franklin Main Contract)
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 05:00:41 AM »

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
3 Feb 3079, 13:00 hours local time

"…Let’s run that sim again. This time if you break fifteen meters "Bo Peep" you will be running extra PT with "Slim" over there. " James

"Bremmerhof that was your fifth crash this morning!" James

"Seventh." Bremmerhof

"What?" James

"It was my seventh, I crashed twice before you got here boss." Bremmerhof

James just shook his head and went back to the sim console. Bremmerhof dropped his head for a moment and turned back to the simulator.

"Alright ‘Pinski let’s do’er again!" Bremmerhof

"Haven’t’ you had enough of crashes yet you crazy Bastard?" Kapinski

Bremmerhof just gave Kapinski a snarl. Truth was he was already a little tired, definitely irritable, and a little envious of Buzzsaw’s flying skills. She had only crashed twice, but she was running at almost twice the fifty kilometers per hour the rest were training at. Of course she still had that kid in a candy store smile plastered on her face. That chick loved her flying. The truth was, just like every other pilot, he would rather crash one hundred times here versus even once out there. The whole reason for simulators was to allow the pilot to practice without their screw ups being life ending.

"Just fire this bitch up again." Bremmerhof

Bremmerhof snugged his helmet down and attached the chin strap. He slid into the simulator cockpit, yet again, and attached the seat restraints. Then he hit the cockpit close button just like he would have if this was his actual bird. And started flipping the buttons and switched as the simulation prepared to start again.

James back at the master console watched as "Orville" augered in. A couple minutes later Rhicter did the same. "Shakes" made it 80% of the way through the simulation before she missed a turn, pulled up, missing the canyon lip and right into a cottonwood. Of course she was running almost 10kph under speed. James couldn’t say much, he had put in his simulator time for the day before dawn. He hadn’t done much better. 63% was as far as he was able to make it. Hawk was doing better, as he should, he was pushing 85%.

The simulator runs of the morning were the canyon runs through the dry river bed. The evening runs were the compound assault. Those had gone almost the complete reverse of the morning runs. They had no problem flying the valley and hitting the compound. The Ferret pilots were doing wonders on being able to get it in on the ground in record time. Fifteen seconds after the second volley of missiles fire and they were on the ground. Just seconds after the third volley of missiles hit, those were fragmentation missiles, meant to shred any infantry that might be on the ground.

On top of the morning and evening sims, James and Bremmerhof were putting in live training of dropping practice bombs onto their improvised bombing range. They had six 10 meter circles made of rocks out in a clearing.

<time break 3 hrs>

For the last two days they had been taking turns of dropping their bombs on the targets. James was working hard to correct for his mostly short drops. Bremmerhof had a tendency to pull up on the stick a second before hitting the release. This caused his drops to go a little over. This morning the lead tech came over and tinkered with Bremmerhof’s bombsight. The bomb sights were nothing more than two sets of crosshairs, with one rotated 45 degrees off vertical and a short connector rod between them, affixed to the Perspex.

Today’s bombing practice was better. James managed to put his bombs in the circle about 50% of the time today. Bremmerhof, on the other hand was doing a lot better. He was running at about 86% today. James watched as Bremmerhof’s last bomb made an almost dead center hit in the target ring.

"Ten ring! Alright Bremmerhof, let’s head for the barn. Today’s been a good day." James

"Affirmative. Coming about for the barn." Bremmerhof

After they had landed James walked over to the lead tech that was watching the tech crew that went to inspect the freshly returned heloes, from the hangar entrance. He broke his gaze at the techs to look at James as he approached.

"Today’s run went a lot better, Bremmerhof’s accuracy was way up today. I was curious what modifications you made to his sight." James

"Well, my family loves golf, Grandad shot a 4 handicap, dad had a 2 to 3 handicap depending on the course. I’m about two under myself. My uncle, well he was a little different. He didn’t put as much effort into it, but he gave me some great advice though on my first day out with the men. We were about to tee off on the 5th, and I had been slicing the ball on every hole so far and was getting seriously depressed. He told me you can spend the 80+ hours to fix that slice anytime, but you should have some fun today. So what I suggest you do, for today is go with it." Masterson

"Well I wasn’t sure what he meant but he explained it. You got a slice, yeah, but you have some good distance too. So just adjust your stance a little like this, he turned me about 15 degrees off perpendicular, and said "Give’r a try now. Well would you believe I put that thing right down the center of the fairway?" Masterson

"I’m not sure I follow" James

"He likes to pull just as he drops. So all I did was adjust his sight a little short. So when he pulls back he is putting it back on target as he toggles it off the rack. You guys have a mission shortly, which means you don’t have a lot of time to fix all your bad habits. So I figured you would want get good enough to do the job and worry about getting it right later, when you have more time." Masterson

James just stood there listening to the tech tell him he had taken a short cut to get the performance James needed to get the job done. James had been worried whether everyone would be ready in time. He had felt that the bombing portion would be ok after seeing today’s results. When the man was right he was right. James needed the performance, and they didn’t have the necessary time train up for it. The time that could be saved here was definitely needed on the flight simulation, and Masterson was also correct that there would be more time later to do it right. Of course it would take even more time to untrain the bad habits. Tradeoffs, it was about tradeoffs.

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
4 Feb 3079, 22:30 hours local time

David leaned back in his chair and looked over at Zhao and Trenchard. “Well, that’s it then… Lockheart’s assault goes in just about 6 hours. They should arrive at the Anjuran Airstrip right around zero-four-thirty AM.”

David pointed at a few points on the map. “At the same time, the Jack-O-Lanterns will be dropping the Anjuran telephone lines here, here, and here, as well as destroying the lifting equipment at THIS bridge.”

Zhao made a motion with his hand, indicating David should explain further.

David shrugged and kept going. “The bridge has been a choke point for the last three attempts at taking Anjuran. As a drawbridge across the Garvin passage, it not only restricts most access to the rest of the valley, it also has a commanding view of the nearby plains. Any conventional attack on Anjuran would require taking control of the bridge so as to allow passage of vehicular and non-jumping mech forces. By destroying the lifting equipment… Hell, just by attempting to do so, even if it fails, we focus their attention our way. They are waiting for us to attack… been jumping out of their skins for the last week. Be a shame not to give them something to see, eh?”

“And the point of this?” Trenchard asked. “If you were going to invade, you’d have had to moved out to staging areas at LEAST five hours ago.”

David smiled like a shark. “Simple, basic misdirection….we want them looking at US, while Lockheart sneaks up and reams them in the rear area. By taking down their telephone net and making a play for the bridge, we show them exactly what they EXPECT to see… an attempt to secure access, and strikes against their command and control net. Just what would be required for the conventional assault they are expecting.”

Trenchard’s new aide looked puzzled for a few moments before speaking. “I don’t see the point…what do you hope to gain? You can’t hold the bridge for long with the forces you have in place, and the Anjuran’s have radio communication as well, taking down their phone net doesn’t stop them from talking to each other.”

David chuckled. “Both correct… and both beside the point. We don’t expect to hold the bridge…not even going to try... what would be the point? As you say, we don’t have the forces in place. But the Anjuran’s don’t KNOW that, do they? All they’ll know is that they are being attacked, with what REALLY looks like the prelude to a serious invasion. As for the telephones… again, correct, they do have radio comms…. but how many trained operators do they have? ON duty at four-thirty AM? What it does, is limit the processing of information… Multiple strikes along the border, each generating their own reports and requests for assistance, with one of them being a major staging step for an invasion… All of them be routed through a limited number of comm. Sets and trained operators…. THEN, once the info actually gets through the logjam, they need to make sense of it all…. and THEN decide what to do about it… at which point, they have to try to get orders back out to the field…. using that same overloaded radio-room.”

David grinned. “In the middle of what LOOKS like an invasion, it’s entirely possible that the raid on the airfield will get lost in the confusion, or at least placed on a lower priority for response.”

David shrugged. “Besides, even if they do respond to the raid immediately, they still have to deal with all the confusion and chaos of several units each trying to follow movement orders simultaneously. With veteran troops, who’ve drilled for the possibility, it can be done… with the Anjuran militia? Eh, anyway, we’ll need to take the bridge at some point regardless. Having the Jack-O-Lanterns destroy the lifting gear now, with it in the down position, just means that it’ll be there and down when we need it later….. It can be fixed later if the Prince decides he wants it working.”

Trenchard stared at the map for a long moment before looking up at David and Zhao. “So, why tell us now, and not before? You’ve been playing this tight for so long, why decide to let us in? Finally decided we can be trusted?”

David laughed, while Zhao chuckled. “Trust you? Whatever gave you that idea? Look, we are required to tell you what we are planning, so we’re doing that. At the same time, your organization leaks like a sieve. The “invasion” that the Anjurans have been jumping out of their skins about was misinformation we planted using the listening devices in YOUR headquarters…. Anything we tell your people, we expect to get back to Anjuran within a day.”

Trenchard seethed angrily. “So why tell us now? You’ve been keeping us in the dark so far, why decide to tell us now?”

David smiled. “Two reasons really…. one being that we are contractually required to do so, prior to any major operation. The other being that you aren’t going to be in any position to tell anyone what you’ve learned.”

He pointed to the rear of the room, where Nikita and Glen waited silently. “My friends here will escort you to our observation lounge, you’ll be able to listen to reports as they come in, so you can inform the Prince in the morning as to the results of the raid. But until then, I must regretfully inform you that you are not permitted to leave or make any communications.”

Trenchard glared at David. “So we’re prisoners? Damnit Ten-Bears, This is mutiny! WE hired you! You are subject to our commands!”

David shrugged. “Oh, you still have some command rights….. As liaison from the Prince, you can still shut down the operation… Just give the word, and the op is scrubbed and you can leave right now…. Of course, we’ll have to report to the Prince that we no longer have confidence in you as our liaison, and express our grave concern about the security of your offices….. I don’t think we’ll call into question your loyalty… we won’t have to, the locals around here take paranoia to an art form. It wouldn’t take thirty seconds before people started wondering why you scrubbed the operation… or why you wanted to rush back to your demonstrateably insecure headquarters with the data on an imminent attack against the Prince’s foes.”

Trenchard paled. “You would dare?!”

“Oh, you’d be surprised what I dare, Alex.” David spoke grimly. “Just get out of our way and let us work the contract instead of playing these little power and political games and we’ll have no problems. You used to be a Black Star, Alex. Have you forgotten the code? I have no intention of throwing away Family just to sooth your ego. You are not a fool, Alex, stop acting like one! Your offices are so full of listening devices I’m surprised you can fit in the door! Three quarters of your staff are in the pay of other nobles, and that doesn’t count the internal spying! Even if the data doesn’t make its way DIRECTLY into enemy hands, can you honestly say you believe that the lesser nobles and politicians around here keep secure communications?”

David took a deep breath. “That’s just the problems with people on the OTHER side spying! How many of the Prince’s supposed “Allies” would be perfectly willing to drop a dime on us for some political advantage? For just ONE example: Georgi, Victor’s daddy, would more than likely have been happy to do so even BEFORE we took his darling little pervert into custody! He’s been one of the leaders of the opposition party for years! Can you sit there and tell me with a straight face that it wouldn’t serve his purposes to have us get slaughtered? Or that he’d shed a single tear over dead mercenaries?”

David snorted with contempt. “If you can, I’d say we need to get this contract done and us off-planet as soon as we can. Something in the local water must be bringing out the stupid in people.”

Black Stars Compound
James Office
4 Feb 3079, 14:00 hours local time

"Well Eugene, decision time, we only need 3 Ferret pilots for this mission. I know I had them all go through the training, but we only need 3. Who do you recommend we take on the mission?" James

"Mmmm, well, I suggest we take Johnson, Pagano, Whitman, Farnsworth and Wong." Eugene

"That’s five." James

"Yup. Five." Eugene

"We only need three, two to carry the infantry, one for the techs." James

"You’re right. We need three birds, but I think we will need five pilots for this job." Eugene

"So we are going for it then?" James

"You said so yourself, we can’t afford the risk." Eugene

"I did." James

"You haven’t changed your mind have you?" Eugene

"No. The risk is there and real enough to be staring back at us." James

"That leaves only one question. Which two?" Eugene

"Recommendations?" James

"Uh uh This one is your call." Eugene

<Sigh> " …. Alright, Wong and Cutter." James

" Cutter’s back up?" Eugene

"Farnsworth." James

"It’s settled then. I’ll post the final flight roster." Eugene

"No, I’ll announce it in the briefing." James

"Alright, we should be getting to that. On our revised time table we have to be pulling out soon." Eugene

James nodded. He and Eugene had realized that they would have to slow down their speed for the canyon run. All of the training had been brutal and they had improved, but they needed to make sure that they made it through the canyon or there would be no mission. It was another trade off.

Rhicter and Whitman took the news about as well as James had expected. Disappointment, followed by a "Whatever is good for the team."

<Scene Break >
Flight Line

Whitman watched as the pitch of the rotors increased and all nine birds for this mission lifted off and turned to the west. The sun would be dropping in the next hour. They would benefit from some twilight on the first part of the canyon run.

"Hey Rhicter want to head over to the command center and see if we can watch the mission? Beats what we would be doing otherwise." Whitman

"I should have been on this mission. I’m better than half those pilots selected. Damn it! <sigh> Yeah, le’me grab something to eat while we wait." Rhicter

<Scene Break>

"We are at the co-ordinates where is the river bed. Where the hell is it!" Johnson

"Relax Johnson, It’s around here somewhere and we will find it." Bremmerhof

< On intercom on Ferret 3>

"Hey Buzzsaw, where the hell is your dry river bed?" Johnson

"What? " Buzzsaw

Buzzsaw pulls herself off the bench seat past the pale faced techs and sticks her head into the cockpit of Ferret 3. She does a quick instrument scan and then a look outside of the perspex at the terrain ahead. It was not quite dark enough to go to night vision, but it would be very shortly. She slowly pans back and then quickly points out a large shrub.

"There, it’s over there behind the shrub." Buzzsaw

Johnson veered his craft in the direction pointed and after passing over the shrub keyed his mike.

"I thought you said this river bed was right here?" Johnson

"It is, the bed right there. Look at the way the brush is spread. The river bed will get deeper and narrower as we go. These type of rivers spread out into nothing. So they blend in with the rest of the land at their ends as they fade into nothingness. Just follow those two thin lines there and over there and you will be all set." Buzzsaw

Buzzsaw quickly returned to her seat just before the craft she was riding in dropped altitude.

"Rabbit 3 to pack, rabbit 3 to pack Tally ho!" Johnson

The rest of the heloes swung their noses and headed for Johnson’s welcome message of finding the river bed.

Hawk dropped down in front of the flight and led it on its run through the river bed. At first it looked like nothing more than flat land and then there were small lips off to each side. The lips got bigger first one foot, then two, then three. While the lips got bigger the width of the river started closing in. Hawk slid the night vision gear into place and fired it up. The world took on a faint green glow and got suddenly brighter. The moment of disorientation quickly passed and he keyed his mike.

"Trouble 2 to flight, go bug eye" Hawk

One by one everyone switched to night vision gear. One by one the numbers were heard over the radio

"4 up"

"5 good"

"8 ready"

"1 green"

"3 up"

"9 good"

"6 ready"

"7 good to go"

James listened to everyone report in and then spoke.

"All confirmed, good to go" James

Back in the lead Hawk watched the canyon walls start to close in more. The walls were climbing too. They were passing 2 meters and after a hard jink to the left he found himself staring at 3 meters. Hawk focused on the run, his eyes were training out at the blur that was the edge of his vision trying to see just that little bit more. He wanted as much lead time as he could get. Reaction time was at a premium so every extra fraction of a second could mean the difference between life and death. A jog to the left, a hard right, watch the boulder! The walls had crept up they were now almost 5 meters.

Things were a little darker now the sun had already set behind the mountain they were headed for. The twilight was also fading into night. Hawk desperately wanted to turn on the IR floods to aid his night gear. He knew he couldn’t. Any observation post up on that mountain with enhanced spectrum vision would see their flight as if it was lit up like neon signs. He took a deep breath and refocused again, it would not do to zone out right now.

Back in Trouble 4 "Shakes" was on edge. She was flying a Warrior tonight instead of her Ferret for starters. She was surprised when Hawk told her to take this bird tonight. The Warrior was a sluggish dog compared to her Ferret. Besides, Buzzsaw was definitely the better pilot for this type of flying. That was what shocked her the most by Hawk’s orders to fly this craft. No questions just do it. She was also worried about Gunther sitting below her in the gunners seat. How did he feel about her flying this helo instead of Buzzsaw. Pilots and gunners were a team, changing them was something you didn’t do. He hadn’t said a word since just after liftoff. Was he resenting her being in that seat? She couldn’t see anything of him except the back of his helmet. Nothing to determine what he was feeling or thinking.

She didn’t have time for this line of thinking. She couldn’t afford to let her mind wander. She briefly shook her head and refocused on the flight. This flight was a little more stressful and a little easier. It was more stressful because she knew this was no sim, this was the real thing a screw up here would mean somebody wouldn’t come home, herself included.

This flight was also a little easier. First the canyon was a little wider than it had been in the sim. Just a couple three meters, but it was a huge difference compared to what she had been training for. The second was the boss’s decision to use the special chem tape. It was placed on the back of the heloes one color on the left side, a different on the right and a piece of each in the center. It was invisible to the naked eye at night but with the night vision gear it stood out almost like tail lights. It allowed you to see when the person in front of you made turns and how hard they were turning based on the aspect changes. This made it a lot easier to navigate this tight canyon, just as long as the person in front of you didn’t screw it up. So far the flight had been pretty good.

Shakes was very happy for all the intensive training she had been subjected to. All the agonizing about it was almost completely forgotten. She never would have made it if hadn’t been for the training. Of course the decision to slow down through this section wasn’t hurting her feelings either. They were most of the way through this canyon.

Damn! She almost didn’t react fast enough to the sudden pitch up by the craft in front of her. The boulder was right there. She missed it but she doubted it was by more than six inches. A miss is as good as a mile they said. Given her nerves right at the moment she would rather have had the mile.

Here nav unit beeped. They were almost out of the canyon. Well, actually they would be leaving it and jinking hard left to get to the canyon ridge line and the second major leg of the mission.

There! A hard aspect change in the craft in front of her. She put the Warrior into a hard left bank. Then eased it back into a straight and level flight. The ground below here was just a blur.

Slim was breathing a sigh of relief as they broke up and out of the canyon. He could feel the tension drain as the craft piled on the increased Gee on the sharp pull out and banking of his craft. Then they were speeding up and then banking hard right for the run up the canyon ridge. The ridge spine had to be close to a sixty degree incline. Given its steep angle it made it difficult for Slim to see the craft in front of him. He could make out the left and right tapes but the center was completely obstructed by the tail boom. He still felt better about this than the run through the canyon. There was a rock outcropping just ahead. He pitched up and over that and caught a glimpse of several white puff clouds appearing all around his craft. Slim’s mind screamed out "FLAK! I’M BEING SHOT AT!" Slim’s mind pictured the the dirty white clouds that were the results of altitude sensitive explosions that released razor hot shrapnel that were designed to shred machines and pilots alike. Slim started to jerk the stick, to start evasive manoeuvres to try and protect his craft and himself when he heard a voice over the intercom.


It took a moment for the comment to sink in. When it did he started to relax again. Apparently they had just over flown some peasants flock of sheep. Multiple white fluffy objects suddenly appearing around him.

Slim felt his hand shaking a little. He kept his craft on course and continued the climb. His nav computer was registering the top in less than a minute. Almost there!

Mary "Bo Peep" was bringing up the rear. The ride while stressful was uneventful. The bolder in the stream bed was the most eventful thing so far this trip, given the fact she could see the other craft in front of her pitch up and over gave her enough advanced warning. She was back here to protect the Ferrets from any attack from he rear. Even though they had been told that nobody else would be flying tonight, it didn’t change the fact that it was a prudent move to cover their flank. Bo-Peep was the one designated the task and she was going to do it. This mission depended on getting them and their precious cargo to the target. She was determined to make sure it did.

Mary’s nav computer showed that they were almost to the top. Then the fireworks would begin shortly. Mary watched the tape of the craft in front of her change its aspect even more and then disappear. They had reached the top and the IP point. Mary pushed the stick forward and the nose dropped. Just ahead of her she saw the whole flight. The attack heloes had changed from trail formation to a diamond attack formation. The ferrets had formed an inverted V formation and had fallen back a little from the attack helos. The battle plan called for the everybody to continue Nap Of Earth flying but they would be at 30 meters not the ground scraping level they had just flown.

It felt good to have several meters of air between her and the ground. She formed up on her wingman. For this leg it was the boss. They were flying tail end together. The entire group increased speed almost in unison. They were up to full speed flying at almost 160kph. The nav computer was counting down the range to the enemy base.

Johnson watched the distance to target shrink on his nav computer. A few moments later he heard the betty start screaming. Targeting systems had just gone active. He was inside the radar cone of at least one targeting system. A moment later he saw the two warriors that were flying tail end go screaming overhead.

A few seconds later and the night sky was lit up by 60 bright orange blooms. Each represented a long range missile streaking out to touch it’s target. They flooded the sky and started to coalesce into three groups. Each group erupted into a large fireball lighting up the compound that had lain silent and dark in the night. At the center of each fireball was a guard tower.

The wooden structures with corrugated tin and sandbags didn’t stand a chance against the over thirty kilograms of high explosives that ripped into each one. The wood burst and shattered, sending its splinters into the surrounding air and into the mangled bodies of the two unfortunate guards who were manning each tower. The explosions had already ripped uniforms and limbs from their torsos. The spotlights and machine guns in the towers didn’t have a chance to reach out sting their enemy. The third tower suffered the same fate as it’s two brothers the twin tubes of it’s missile launcher mangled and bent. The explosion was large enough that it caught and ignited the ready rounds for the launcher and they added to the already devastating carnage. The bodies, or what was left of them were tossed like a child’s rag dolls up and through the air. One of them, landing nearly one hundred feet from the base of the tower.

Almost instantly five search lights came alive and started to scrape the sky, scratching for the source of the vile horror that had just been unleashed, violating the peace and stillness of the night. The machine guns in the towers started to cut loose, long red tendrils reaching out, seeking to sting the intruders.

James heard the betty come to life. A targeting radar just came online and was looking for them, it was still in seeking mode. The ancient india band radar, a sad reminder of the low level of sophistication of his enemies, continued to sweep the skies for the target that the operator knew was there. It did not get a chance to go into tracking mode before the next volley of lethal explosives streaked their way into the base and the launcher and the radar dish on the tower’s roof disintegrated under the sheer power of almost 50 kilograms of explosives.

A third machine gun tower also erupted under the sheer power of 50 kilograms, over one hundred and ten pounds, of high explosives. After the immediate explosion the only thing that remained were the four shattered stumps that were the tower legs.

"Delivery two with me." James

With that James and Bremmerhof broke from the attack and turned their war machines toward the city. Bremmerhof managed to find the lead and just kept going. He and James were enroute to deliver their presents.

A few seconds later more blossoms emanated from the four remaining heloes of Trouble Inc. This time multiple blasts erupted inside the airbase. The fragments and lethal splinters were reaching out their fingers for the soft flesh of men. Most just found nothingness. One group of four caught a squad of guards just emerging from their barrack building.

Ivan was still struggling into his jacket, while holding his rifle by the sling strap. He had been dreaming of the bar maid over at the Rabid Dog pub in town. He had just removed her panties when he was awoken by the mournful wail of the base alarm. He never did get his jacket on. The four missiles Gunther had just loosed erupted all around Ivan and his squad. The missiles worked as they had been designed and all seven bodies were literally shredded.

Two of the three Ferrets were flaring and disgorging their cargo. Conti jumped off the Ferret he had been riding in took a step forward. He felt and heard something crunch beneath his boot. A quick glance confirmed his suspicion that he had stepped on a missile fragment. He was barking commands to the rest of his men as they also jumped off and ran crouching from the bird. Two of them were pulling the large bulk of a machine gun. A third was hauling its tripod. Two more were already burdened down with ammo belts for it. Conti pointed to an area and they made their way there and set up the massive .50 cal.

A second group was setting up a second .50 cal a short distance away. The two remaining squads set up a quick perimeter around the group of enemy helicopters. Suddenly a shot rang out and the soldier near Conti fell. He spun and caught sight of a rifle barrel protruding from the window of a building a short distance away. He cut loose with a short burst from his Mauser. The shells peppered the wall near the window, a few actually entered through it. A moment later the first .50 cal opened up. The heavy high powered shells plowed into the building and literally tore chunks of the soft pine boards from the wall around the window. The additional rounds from one of the squads BAR soon had the whole building looking like swiss cheese.

The second .50 had also cut loose on the barracks building. This one was constructed of field stone. The heavy rounds were no match for the stone walls. A moment later the fire shifted to the barracks door. While the walls were stone, the door was pine. The door blew apart in one burst. The gunner wasn’t through though, he fired another long burst in through the door in an up and down motion. Sparks were seen through the windows. The heavy shells had gone through the building’s missing front door and were striking the floor and back wall. The deformed bullets were then ricocheting and sending fragments of themselves throughout the entire room. The first .50 joined in the carnage by putting bursts through the 4 windows adding more rounds of deformed death into the barracks turned kill box.

One squad had spread out and covered the sides of the barracks waiting to catch anybody who might be making a break from the building. A medic was attending to the downed star. With the urgency the medic was using the man was still alive, and would probably stay that way.

Just after the first machine gun had opened up the last Ferret pulled in and flared. The nine members on this one were a little more hesitant in exiting the craft. A few bullets bounced off the sheet metal that faced the command center. This helped convince the people to exit the craft and make their way to the enemy heloes.

Over head the 4 Warriors of Trouble inc. continued their assault. They unleashed another full volley of missiles into the three remaining guard towers. The red tendrils of light were reaching out frantically trying to touch the attacking heloes who were dancing well out of range as they delivered their lances of death. After the bright flashes there was nothing but smoky remains of what were the guard towers.

After the towers had been neutralized, they started firing volleys of their fragmentation missiles at any dark space that might contain an enemy soldier. Conti called for them to cease fire and stand by for fire missions.

Buzzsaw and Johnson approached the six enemy heloes along with the six techs. They were clearly shaken. Conti appeared at that point and yelled out.

"We ain’t got all day ladies! The sooner your done the sooner we are out of here! You take too long and you could be facing some serious time in their dungeon! Of course that would be after I put my boot up your ass!

That seemed to shake the techs out of their fear of the fighting and put it back where they were use to having it. On a boot aimed for their ass. They moved to the heloes, gear bags unzipping along the way. Power grinders, power wrenches, and torches all coming out and being brandished by the six as-techs. Whichever bolts didn’t power out from the wrench, were cut out with the torches and grinders. Buzzsaw and Johnson moved to the Little Birds. Johnson opened the door to his and looked in, shining his flashlight around inspecting it. He quickly turned and went to Buzzsaw’s bird and opened the passenger side door. Buzzsaw had already climbed in and was flipping switches and dials.

She help the door open with a foot and yelled out. "I need a batt boost over here!"

She turned back and looked at Wong.

"There are at least three rat’s nests of wires exposed and the cockpit smells of av gas." Wong

Buzzsaw just shakes her head. She points to the floorboard on her side. There in the light of her flashlight Johnson could see the rusted out floor. He could also see where they had had cut out the bulk of the floorboard and had bolted a piece of perspex in its place.

One of the techs came running over. He had a heavy box on his back with a pair of heavy wires sticking out of it.

"Where are the terminals?" he said.

"They are behind that panel at the base of the tail." Buzzsaw

He turned and headed to the back of the bird. A moment later they heard.

"Alright, power up!" As-tech

Buzzsaw flipped a couple of switches and yelled out.

"Firing up!" Buzzsaw

The sound of the starter was heard and the slow whoosh as the rotors started to turn. A loud cough and a large belch of smoke erupted from the exhaust port. Buzzsaw quickly shut the machine down.

"DAMN IT! They didn’t fuel this bird! I need some fuel out here!" Buzzsaw

"They don’t have enough in the tank to even make it ten minutes." Buzzsaw

Wong just shook his head.

"They deserve what they get." Wong

Johnson hopped out and headed with one of the techs towards the fuel cart. Four of Conti’s men followed them over and one helped pull the cart, which was nothing more than a 50 gal drum on a four wheeled cart with a pull handle. They pushed and pulled the cart over to the Little Bird. Johnson noted that there were flickering lights in the cockpits of three craft.

After getting the cart back they plugged in the fuel hose and started pumping the handle. The method would work but was slow. Wong and the tech were taking turns pumping the handle that transferred the fuel from the drum to the fuel tank on the Little Bird. Buzzsaw was watching the fuel gauge. When she wasn’t watching that she was watching the techs and their progress. She saw them finish with one of the Warriors and then they were double teaming the second. A pair of tech finished with one of the Wind Walkers and moved to the second one. She heard the buzz of the power wrench as it was being used to remove bolts.

<A few minutes and some serious pumping later>

"That should be enough!" If it isn’t it will be enough to get it back most of the way. At least out of injun territory." Buzzsaw

The tech and Wong stopped the pumping and removed the hose. They pushed the cart out of the way and the tech went back and rehooked the battery power boost.

"Power up!" As-tech

"Clear! Starting up!" Buzzsaw

She engaged the starter and the whoosh of the blades started. Another loud belch of black smoke and the motor started catching. A moment later it was running up the rpm’s. The tech removed the battery power boost and closed the panel.

The remaining techs had by this time removed the stick from the second wind walker. They also had almost removed the stick from the second Warrior as well. They were fighting with the last two stubborn bolts.

Meanwhile, James and Bremmerhof were closing quickly on the rear gate to the city. Their speed was close to 130 kph. James warned Pee Wee

"Pee Wee, we are almost there, get ready." James

Pee Wee took the targeting system out of stand by and put it into active mode. The scanner wasn’t in search mode ten seconds before it went into targeting mode. Pee Wee lined up his target in the cross hairs and loosed the first volley at maximum range into the right gate guard tower. The tower took the blast and the search light came on and started to search for them.

Bremmerhof’s gunner Constantine also loosed his volley into the left gate guard tower. Their effectiveness was no better. A few seconds later they both launched their second volley. These also hit the mark but did not break the towers.

Bremmerhof looked into his sight and lined up. Two seconds later he pickled off the bomb. It burst in the air moments later about 120 meters from the gate releasing its deadly payload of mine. Anti tank mines both traditional and air burst anti hovers and anti infantry ones as well. They spread all over the road and off to the sides.

The machine guns in the towers opened up, their tracers were reaching out for the two helicopters. A short burst hit the side of Bremmerhof’s craft taking some of the armor off.

James was leaned into the sight and was trying to line up his shot. He hit the button and the bomb released. He did not get things right. His altitude was too low. The bomb did not strike nose down, as it should have, instead it struck the road with a glancing blow. It cracked and spread all over the door, and the area in front of the door. The ignition devices worked properly and the door erupted in a wall of flames. James flight path took him over the wall. At which point James pulled back on the stick and banked so hard his peripheral vision began to fade. He managed his turn and was making his run back out of there when there was a loud series of bangs and several warning lights started flashing and their associated bitching started. James didn’t look for what hit him. He needed to get out of there. He twisted the throttle to full emergency power and dropped the nose a little. He quickly built speed all the while putting distance between whatever it was and himself.
"You okay Pee Wee?" James over the intercom

"I’ll be alright if you tell me we ain’t going back for more." Pee Wee

James chuckled.

"We ain’t going back, at least not tonight anyways." James

"Then I’m okay, I’m running some diagnostics, I’ve a few warning lights on my panel including the targeting system." Pee Wee

"You alright Boss?" Bremmerhof

"I’ve got several warning lights and I’ve switched to a couple of back-up systems but yeah, I think I’m okay."

James eased the craft out of emergency power and confirmed their heading back to the airfield. Bremmerhof flew up and around James helo looking for any obvious external damage and fluid leaks.

"It don’t look like you leaking anything, but you got a nice stitch of what looks like 45mm shells on your five." Bremmerhof

Pee Wee finished his diagnostics.

"Boss, I’ve got some bad news, one of those shells caused a short on the V412 board, that, in turn has caused the CT 731 Bus to crap out." Pee Wee

"What does that mean in flyboy speak, Pee Wee?" James

"We’ve lost some accuracy with the weapons system Boss." Pee Wee

"Did you notice Boss?" Pee Wee

"Notice what Pee Wee?" James

"There was a small convoy headed for the front gate. 4 trucks two of which were towing duel .50 trailers. I guess we made it there just in time." Pee Wee

".50 cals don’t make 45mm holes." James

"No sir those probably belonged to that J band attack radar I spotted just before we caught what they were throwing" Pee Wee

"J band? Jesus, who still uses those?" James

"Quikscell still loads them out on some of their very low end units bound for places like this. Odds were that was from a Scorpion." Pee Wee

"Mech!" James

"No Boss, tank." Pee Wee

James sighed and concentrated on getting them back to the airfield. When they were in sight of the base they all saw the Warriors buzzing around the base. Occasionally they saw an SRM salvo launched into the airbase.

They continued to close and announced their arrival to their team. The last thing they needed was to catch a missile from one of their own. Besides, James was worried that the IFF might have been damaged.

On the ground, two techs had closed in on the last Little Bird. There was a shout and another tech ran over with a fire extinguisher in hand, after the first tech had opened the cockpit of the Little Bird. Wong watched as they hit the cockpit with the CO2 extinguisher. They then started with the power wrench and torch. The third tech continued to hit the cockpit with frequent short bursts of the CO2. They were hoping to keep the av gas fumes flushed as they worked. A couple of loud snaps were heard. Anyone who had been around a wrench long enough knew that sound. It was the sound of the head of a bolt being snapped off. Then one of the techs cleared out, the one with the power wrench. He was done in there. He started to head back to where the remaining techs were gathering.

Another shot rang out. It had just hit As-tech Martin, he was just returning his power wrench to his gear bag. This shot was followed by a burst trying to hit the rest of the as-techs that were milling waiting for the orders to get the hell out of here. This time the gunfire came from the traffic control tower. Several star troopers turned and started hosing the balcony around the tower room. A figure was seen dashing back inside.

"Dumb move Asshole!" Conti

"Top Hat to Hornets, fire mission! Traffic control tower! NOW! NOW! NOW!" Conti

A few seconds later the entire top of the control tower erupted in a fireball, gouts of flames spewing from every window and door up there. The door in the base of the modern type tower burst open followed by a large puff of flame.

"Fry you bastard!" Conti

"Get that man a medic now!" Conti

He was pointing at the wounded tech Martin as he yelled the last.

Another blast was heard. Conti swung his head around to evaluate the possible new threat. What he saw was an explosion at the guard shack at the front gate followed by a pair of Warrior helos flying over it.

"Their back, and about time too." Conti

He turned his attention back to the battle zone. Not that there was anything happening anymore. If there was a man left alive on the base he knew better than to do anything other than play dead.

The last two techs were running back to their group. One was holding the stick over his head as he ran.

The first Ferret was pulling in. The skids were just touching the ground when Conti started herding the tech to the craft. The techs didn’t need much encouragement. The air was looking a lot safer than around here. After they climbed aboard, and lifted off the two other Ferrets pulled in and Conti ordered the .50 cals loaded. The men were already breaking them down for transport when they heard the word. Four men per gun were carrying its parts to the waiting birds. After they were loaded, Conti’s men began to fall back on the choppers.

That was the cue for the Warriors overhead to open fire again. They started laying down a barrage of frag missiles at any building they thought could house a person. Followed by any area along the walls where somebody could be hiding.

After the two Ferrets had taken on their cargo and lifted off, the Warriors made one last circle of the base before fading off into the night and back to base. The return trip would be less eventful for them since they would be cruising at 2,500 meters.

<Cut scene>

On the ground just outside the compound Captain Snelling, aide-de-camp to Major Akbar the commander of the air base, watched as the enemy attack helicopters slowly circled before disappearing back into the night. He had been walking the Major’s dog when the attack occurred. Actually more chasing the damn poodle down. It had gotten a scent of a rabbit and had given chase. Slipping his collar to do so. Snelling had stood there and watched as the attack was pressed. He had seen the guard towers explode and heard the machine guns chattering. Just after they had left Snelling found the dog. Upon seeing the dog he had just hung his head.

<Scene break>

James was keeping an eye on all of his systems after taking the hits, looking for any indications that something else had been damaged and would threaten the flight.

Alice flying a Little Bird was also watching her instrument panel and more important her fuel gauge. Wong was also watching the panels as he rode in the copilot’s seat. Given what they had seen they were justifiably worried about something anything going wrong at any moment.

Ahead in the distance the sky was beginning to glow pink with the coming dawn. It was still night below them on the ground. The sun would be a while longer before it rose enough to shine it’s light down on the land below. They didn’t have a nav computer to navigate back to base. Buzzsaw had just lifted off and set a compass heading after verifying that at least their compass still worked. Wong had asked about it, all she said was back is simple. Just sit back and enjoy your flight. That was almost two hours ago. Wong knew that fuel had to be getting low.

"How is our fuel status?" Wong

"We have ten minutes by the fuel gauge." Buzzsaw

"Ten Minutes?" Wong

"Don’t worry, what that means is we actually have 12 minutes of fuel left on the gauge, and there is a five minute reserve below that. So see, we have almost 20 minutes of fuel remaining." Buzzsaw

"…and how long til we reach base?" Wong

"Well, …" Buzzsaw

Wong watched her look at her watch for a moment.

"I figure we got about twenty five minutes maybe twenty three before we get to base. This estimate is based on distance and speed. " Buzzsaw

"Those numbers don’t seem to match up to us landing on the base." Wong

"Yeah well these are estimates based on everything working properly too." Buzzsaw

She looked over at Wong and smiled as she said that. His smile in response wasn’t the least bit heart felt.

Buzzsaw reached up and fiddled with a couple of knobs. She had just leaned out the fuel mixture a little more.

Ten minutes later she smiled inwardly. She recognized a rock formation. They were only five minutes from base. Right about on time she thought to herself. A minute later Wong spoke.

" I see lights ahead." Wong

"Carinthia airbase dead ahead." Buzzsaw

Just then there was a small rough spot in the engine. It happened for a second time about 40 seconds later. This time Wong felt it and looked at Buzzsaw. She just smiled and resumed her flying. What was there to say, they both knew it was the engine beginning to skip due to lack of fuel. She put the little bird into a shallow decent. She had some altitude to trade off. Besides if the motor decided to really quit she wanted to be as close to the ground as possible. The motor was sputtering every 15 to 20 seconds now. The altimeter was slowing unwinding. They had just passed 1,000 meters. Buzzsaw figured that if they could continue they would just make it.

The motor was gasping severely as they passed twenty meters and at two meters it gave up all together. Thankfully the rotors still had momentum and they touched down with barely a hint of a thump.

As the rotors spun down she flipped the master power off switches killing all battery power to the craft.

"Well we are down." Buzzsaw

"Yeah, and the base is only a quarter mile walk away." Wong

"No, only a quarter mile ride." Buzzsaw

A couple of jeeps and a tank were slowly making their way over to the Little Bird. Buzzsaw and Wong pulled off their helmets and stepped out of the helo.

"Besides, we wouldn’t want to land at the airfield. Without the proper radio frequencies and passwords and validations I wouldn’t give two Franklins for our lives, not while Ten Bears had anything to do with base security." Buzzsaw

Wong just blinked. She was right, with Ten Bears in charge of base security, the last place they wanted to try and land in an enemy copter was a place he was defending.

As they pulled through the gate in the back of the security jeep they were over flown by the rest of the unit as they headed to the landing pads.

Carantania Guards Barracks
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
4 Feb 3079, 23:45 hours local time

For the first time in over a year, the Carantania Guards barracks was buzzing with activities. Not vice related ones, or a parade display where a noble flogged a grunt for stepping on his boots, but actual military activities where ancient and rusting BattleMechs that were given a last minute spray of paint, and combat vehicles with blenching and coughing engines were rolled into positions. Hundreds of soldiers in all manners of mismatched uniforms and weapons milled about the barracks area, trying to quickly get into assembly formation.

Standing atop a podium, hands on hips and feet apart, stood General Roger O' Connor. With no official military school beyond the most basic military training camp, Novo Franklin has rarely, if ever, produced any worthy military leaders. Other than Alexi Trenchard, the Carantania Guards have had the honour of having the only other current recognized 'expert' in General Roger O' Connor. The Grandson of a now retired AFFS Marshal, O' Connor's father, William O' Connor left the Albion Military Academy on New Avalon after a mere four months and preceded to spend the next half a decade of his life wandering the Periphery with a rag tag group of lackeys of similar ill disposition towards proper military training. Even with the laughable state of his 'Mech lance consisting of a Stinger, Valkyrie, Firestarter and Archer, O' Connor senior easily found a place for himself and his small group on Novo Franklin where he could claim to be the leading military mind on the world with the ludicrously non-existent training he had received in his father's household. When William's heart succumbed to a particular over zealous session with one of his serf ladies, Roger took over the leadership position and BattleMech of his father.

Despite being considered a joke to almost the rest of the universe, one undisputed fact is that until the O' Connors appeared on Novo Franklin, it was almost unheard of for entire 'Mech lances, let alone companies to operate together as a unit - cohesively or otherwise. While attrition, poor leadership and even poorer execution of operations had reduced the number of 'Mechs within the Carantania Guards from a full company to the current eight, it was still better than every other holding. When Trenchard arrived on Novo Franklin about five years ago, he had added somewhat to the tactical and strategic dimension of the Carantania Guards by coming up with plans and training programs that put the 'Mechs, tanks and infantry working together for the first time in the history of not only House Posavski, but the entire Novo Franklin as well.

Several other holdings had quickly tried to follow suit of course. But even the Carantania Guards, with the experience of Trenchard made very little headway in successful combine arms tactics. The other holdings who tried made even less progress. Despite a bright start, all the military forces from the various factions on Novo Franklin fell back to relying on massive infantry formations, with vehicles and 'Mechs to provide fire support - and to add a level of intimidation.

The target of the Carantania Guards in the forthcoming battle would be the tiny Trellis Fief. Once upon a time, Warlord Jessica Kolbe could boast of fielding officially six BattleMechs. However, the truth of the matter was that its techs would had been lucky if they could keep three operational at any one time. At least one of the machines, more often than not two, would be partially disassembled so that the other 'Mechs could make use of critical components salvaged from them to keep themselves working. The Fief's techs would continuously rotate what came to be called "donation machines" to give the impression that the Trellis Fief Militia was more powerful than it really was. Upon Trenchard's arrival, he had quickly seen through the illusion. Targeting the Trellis Fief 'Mechs rather than focusing on wiping out as many of the enemy infantry as possible as was the standard Novo Franklin military doctrine, Trenchard's strategy would cost the Carantania Guards a Wolverine in exchange for three of the operational Trellis Fief 'Mechs. At the moment, Warlord Kolbe was down to a pair of Phoenix Hawk medium 'Mechs supported by a scrap pile of parts from their destroyed brethren. The debate of whether the P-Hawks survived through the fighting and continued to soldier on was due to the design's resilience, the technicians' expertise, or pure dumb luck persisted to this very day.

The Trellis Fiefdom was nothing more than a walled village. A single reinforced bunker in the center of the village housed their Militia, and served as the seat of power for the Warlord herself. Like all of Novo Franklin, infantry troopers bulked out the mass of the Militia, supported by weapons mounted on roughly erected pillboxes that ringed the village. Despite her proximity to the Carantania holdings, the numerical superiority of the Carantania Guards and the Prince's repeated offering of peace in exchange for her allegiance, Warlord Kolbe had steadfastly refused to relinquish her power. There had been reports of several mutiny attempts, followed by savage purges - all which were denied by the Fiefdom of course. Roger O' Connor had to admit it, while Prince Posavski had occasionally displayed his weakness through his increasingly soft handed approach to things, Warlord Kolbe - depreciatingly referred by many as the Old Witch, had continued to tighten her grip on her populace. It was something Roger would do well to learn.

Against two BattleMechs held together by spit, bile, and prayer, roughly two infantry companies and at most a platoon of 'militarized' vehicles, the Carantania Guards would be deploying two full lances of BattleMechs - though admittedly several of similarly poor condition as those of the Trellis Fief Militia. The short company of 'Mechs would be supported two of the Guards' vehicular demi-companies, as well as the usual human wave of infantry soldiers.

General Roger O' Connor smirked. Trenchard would not be involved in this operation by order of the Prince. Maybe his royal pain in the ass finally saw the fact that Roger was the military brains of things here, rather than the relic of a former mercenary. The fact that all of Novo Franklin would turn its attention to the impending Black Stars attack on the Anjuran Principality just made his job all the more easier.

O' Connor snorted in contempt and spat on the ground. Black Stars indeed. The Commander of the Carantania Guards had heard of and experienced their overbearing and with their mightier than thou attitude, in their dramatic and flashy black long coats. And their soldiers! The nonsense about their highly lazze faire setup baulked against every atom in his body. History has proved that centralized command was the way to go. Had the Inner Sphere, and the known human universe in general not gone back to the feudalistic government methods? Where had democracy brought the Free Worlds League?

Tonight, General Roger O' Connor would show these mercenaries how things are done on Novo Franklin. Roger grinned. Maybe he will be able to absorb the battered remains of the Black Star into his Guards after all this is over. What a mighty army he would have than! The rest of Novo Franklin would bow to his power. Who knows, it might even be possible for the O' Connor family to finally rule after being under the thumb of House Posavski for a century.

Roger reluctantly pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind as he forced himself to think of the present. The Carantania Guards obviously outnumbered and outclassed their Trellis Fief Militia. Still, the General was not leaving things to chances. He looked behind him at the two huge shapes covered under even larger dark coloured canvas sheets. Roger had utilized much of his family resources to bring these to Novo Franklin. Through bribery, blackmail and outright threats, Roger O' Connor had managed so far to conceal their presence from the idiot Trenchard and the Franklin Trustees. He would use them for the first time in the forthcoming attack on Trellis. He would prove that their decision to sink millions into hiring those Black Stars should have been better invested in him and House O' Connor.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 05:01:21 AM by Vampire »


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Re: Contract 2 - Rabble Trouble in the Periphery (Novo Franklin Main Contract)
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2011, 05:03:17 AM »

Trellis Fief
Novo Franklin
5th February 3079
0345 hours local time

The eight Carantania Guards BattleMechs in a broad crescent formation strode towards what could at best be considered a village. Spread beside and to their rear, a single Vedette together with a smattering of LRM Carriers, Scorpions, tracked armoured personnel carriers and Goblin medium tanks rumbled along. Scanning the horizon, General Roger O' Connor looked around his seventy ton Archer heavy 'Mech with confidence and pride. How could that Old Witch and her rag tag so called army stand up to such a show of power? O' Connor had not even activated the entire Carantania Guards for this operation.

O' Connor snarled within his neuro helmet. Soon, within hours, if not minutes, Trellis Fief would be under new ruler ship.


Max Pentel took a long pull from the cancer stick as he stared into the distance. News had already came in that the mercenaries employed by the Carantania Principality had launched their attack on Anjuran Principality. He tried to imagine the bark of weapons and whoosh of missiles as the two sides hammered each other. The shock wave of fiery explosions as buildings, machines and men were mowed down mercilessly without remorse. The ground sleek with the flow of blood and smashed bodies. The scream of the injured and dying. The... "what the freakin' hell..."

The radar on his guard post had registered a single red ping. It was followed swiftly by two more, before the edge of its range showed a full spew of over twenty red triangles. Even as Max sounded the alarm, two more dots emerged from behind the original cluster. Obviously moving at a much faster speed, the pair swiftly overtook the initial unknown enemies and closed in on Trellis Fiefdom.


General Roger O' Connor beamed as the pair of St. Christopher Cargo Transport C2 medium VTOL swooped overhead with their loaded complement of infantry. The commander of the Carantania Guards had spent considerable personal fortunes to acquire the pair of them. O' Connor had to grudgingly admitted that the Anjuran Militia's success in throwing back the Guards had inspired his decision to bring in the helos, even though the design he had purchased were more of a force projector, allowing him to transport nearly two companies of infantry swiftly to any battlefield.

As the Carantania Guards approached the enemy, O' Connor ordered his soldiers to get ready. The 'Mechs would plummet the enemy's laughable fortifications with their god like firepower, covering the approach of the APCs and ground vehicles which should be able to break through to the by than smashed defences. The pair of St. Christopher would have unloaded over three quarters of infantry forces involved in this attack using their air lift capabilities. These would set up choke points for the rest of the Carantania Guards to link up with. If they managed to catch the defenders with their pants down, they might even take the Fiefdom themselves before O' Connor leads the rest of his glorious army into the village. His plan was flawless, if he could say so himself.

As the distance to enemy positions counted down to within six hundred meters, O' Connor steadied and slowed down his seventy ton war machine and unleashed forty long range missiles from the pair of heavy LRM launchers embedded deep in the chest cavity of his Archer. The Shadow Hawk and Valkyrie similarly fired off clouds of missiles from their smaller launchers at the nearest pillboxes and guard towers.

O' Connor watched in satisfaction as the few ramshackle structures they targeted exploded into a million pieces and no return fire were forth coming. Had the enemy decided to capitulate after all?

Tracer rounds suddenly erupted from somewhere within the walled village. Rather than fired towards the approaching Carantania Guards ground forces, they were seeking out the pair of VTOLs over their heads. O' Connor stared in horror when one of the St. Christopher Cargo Transport was caught by the rounds, while search light beams congregated onto the stricken machine as well. Three other beams also caught the other medium VTOL, which tried in vain to shake them off. Round after round of anti aircraft shells slammed into the first St. Christopher, while several other guns directed their wrath at the second machine. In less than a minute, pieces were breaking from the VTOLs as one of them started to spiral towards the ground below. A fiery ball of explosion followed the shock wave of its explosion. Now with only a single target, all anti aircraft guns concentrated on the remaining twenty five ton VTOL. Unlike its destroyed companion, it did not crash onto the ground. Instead, it simply disintegrated in a ball of fire, showering debris and bodies onto the Trellis Fiefdom.

The Carantania Guards had just lost an entire battalion of infantry.

Trellis Fief
Novo Franklin
5th February 3079
0355 hours local time

The eight Carantania Guards BattleMechs spread themselves out into a wedge formation, pouring fire into any enemy that appeared on their sensors. Moving at a slow speed to allow the slower vehicles to keep up, they were further supported by the whoosh of long range missiles and the sharp barking of autocannons. Concrete pillboxes exploded, scattering debris, warped piece of weapons and burnt bodies. Several trucks spotting support weapons rolled up behind the destroyed bunkers, using them as shelter as they too unleashed their firepower on the approaching enemy machines.

Even before it could fire a shot, the light SRM carrier exploded, scattering its wheels and missile tubes all over, and pelting the Wasp and Stinger with burning pieces of twisted metal. The shock of the blast actually staggered the pair of twenty ton light ‘Mechs, with the STG-3R actually stumbling to its knee. The pilot of the light ‘Mech took nearly twenty seconds to right his machine in embarrassment, before actually pushing his BattleMech forward in a little skip to catch up with the rest of the Guards.

Incredibly, it was one of the Long Range Missile Carriers that had a damaged fire control system that scored the first kill against a target that could move. The sixty ton tracked vehicle unleashing a rain of over five dozen missiles blindly at a hiding enemy truck mounting a light autocannon. Despite the latter’s welded on armour plates, and the destroyed pillbox absorbing the damage from nearly twenty of the missiles, it still could not withstand the high explosive missiles from the Carantania tank. The primitive diesel driven engine did not even had the time to splutter before the entire truck was torn asunder by the tremendous impact of the missiles. At least a squad of Trellis infantry were shredded to pieces by the shrapnel o the exploding jury rigged weapons platform, while another was sent running in pain and panic as the fire washed over their position, setting them on flame.

Less than half a kilometre away, General Roger O’ Connor grinned savagely at the sight of half a dozen figures scampering around blindly like human torches. Actually, they ARE human torches. O’ Connor reminded himself, his grin further broadening. That’s for blowing my VTOLs out of the sky! Switching to the general frequency, the Carantania commander ordered his formation to pick up speed towards their target.

One of the Scorpion light tanks clanked to a halt as an armour piercing round from another one of the hiding Trellis trucks carrying an anti aircraft gun slammed straight through its hull, instantly killing the driver and commander as the warhead broke into a thousand pieces upon penetrating the thin armour plate of the twenty five ton Quikscell Company light tank.

It simply did not occur to O’ Connor that he was losing personnel and equipment to mere pillbox entrenched weapons and trucks with guns until one of pair of Locust fell swivelled and fell to the ground, a huge gaping hole to its side where smoke poured. As O’ Connor turned his Archer towards the fallen LCT-1V, he caught sight of a pair of rusting, but evidently very much operational Phoenix Hawk medium ‘Mechs. One of the forty five ton machines side stepped aside from a panicky and hurriedly fired salvo from the Carantania Firestarter as it unleashed its pair of medium lasers and arm mounted Purity L-series flamers. One of the lasers glanced off the left arm of the Trellis Fief Militia ‘Mech, scoring a black mark but nothing more. Much to O’ Connor’s chagrin, the Firestarter did more damage to its own comrades. The flamers dosed an APC that the enemy Phoenix Hawk had strode over. Not a piece of high tech machine, it lacked features that more dedicated main battle tanks had. Most of these would not be of much consequence in this instance, if not for the fact that it lacked a particular specification - hull sealing. The tongues of fire found holes and opening along the surface of the ten ton machine, and eagerly seeped into the tracked vehicle. Within the steel machine, the flames found even more cooperative and flammable material in the form of a squad of soldiers and the two crewmen within. The flames proceeded to consume one and all within, regardless of whether they screamed, or if they pulled their own sidearm and shot themselves in the head to cut short their own suffering.

The other forty five ton ‘Mech ignited its jump jets, which spluttered slightly and sent it on an unsteady flight before bursting into full power. As it passed overhead the cluster of Carantania Guards, the Shadow Hawk, for reason O’ Connor chose to believe as tactical ingenuity, chose to lift off on its own Pitban LFT-50 jets as well. The Mechwarrior MUST have known what he was doing, of course, and O’ Connor fully intend to honour the soldier with a full military funeral.

The head of the Shadow Hawk went right in between the legs of the Phoenix Hawk and smashed right into what would have been the groin area of the humanoid machine. The shoulders of the ancient fifty five ton machine crumbled and tore themselves off their sockets as the feet of the Phoenix Hawk crushed into them. Like a pair of acrobats, the two BattleMechs hung in mid air for the entirety of ten seconds, one on top of the shoulder of the other, before gravity took over and pulled both machines down. A Carantania Guard Scorpion did its best to cushion the fall of the two ‘Mechs, but to no avail. All three military machines crushed into a single heap of twisted armour plates, popping metallic limps and other assorted parts that usually appear when a pair of ‘Mechs fell from the skies and onto a tank.

“Get that remaining enemy ‘Mech!” O’ Connor screamed. The entire Carantania Guards line faltered to a stuttering halt as tanks and BattleMechs all turned towards the nimble feet Phoenix Hawk as it zipped in and out of the staggered Carantania formation. More instances of friendly fire among the Carantania Guards occurred as Scopion tanks hammered a couple of the BattleMech counterparts with their autocannons, while laser and missiles from the Carantania Guards ‘Mechs slashed and melted armour plates off each other, and from their own tanks as well. Along the way of its deadly dance, the Phoenix Hawk planted a solid kick to the side of one of the remaining tracked APCs, giving more than a couple of the infantry still buttoned up within a serious concussion, and further reducing the already much reduced ranks of the Carantania Guards infantry force. That was followed by a quick push on the other Locust within the Carantania Guards’ ranks. The armless light ‘Mech would have flailed its arms if it had any for balance. Unfortunately, it did not. That resulted in it falling down onto its face, and having its back inadvertently being stepped on by one of the massive foot of O’ Connor’s Archer.

By pure luck, the Trellis Fiefdom P-Hawk’s pumping legs caught on one of the trailing legs of the downed Locust. While the spindly leg of the Locust snapped cleanly into two, those of the Phoenix Hawk held up despite the strain upon them. However, that fact did not prevent the forty five ton machine from falling over. Unlike the Locust, the Earthwerks Incorporated machine was blessed with fully functional arms and hand actuators. Like the Locust however, it still spewed flat on the ground on its face. Even more astonishingly, it suffered the same fact as the machine it had taken out when the milling seventy ton Archer piloted by O’ Connor crushed the smallish head assembly of the machine as its foot squashed on it. O’ Connor would later claim the kill of the P-Hawk as his own. An aide who penned down that the Carantania Guards Commander had also killed the Locust would be strung onto a lamp post, flogged and left for crows to pick on.

With their pair of BattleMechs destroyed, the Trellis defenders that had watched the ridiculous demise of the best fighting machines within their ranks would actually held on for a couple of more hours before the still considerable numbers of Carantania Guards infantry levelled the entire village. Supporting their infantry, tanks and the remaining BattleMechs led by O’ Connor himself that took perverse delight in kicking over buildings and hosing structures with suspected enemy snipers and foxholes with laser fire, missiles and autocannon shells. The Firestarter pilot sought to crawl back into the good books of his commander by engaging any suspected enemy concentration with near fanatic fervour. The pair of Deprus RF machine guns and quad Purity L-series flamers would account for over five hundred kills. How many of these were actually legitimate military ones, no answer would be forthcoming.


The bunch of soldiers in mud splattered Carantania Guards infantry uniform huddled around the blazing fire which they had started in a discarded oil drum. Nearby, a crate had been smashed open, its contents already more than half emptied. Empty whiskey bottles lay strewn around the fire, as some of the soldiers snored, while most others took turns gulping down from the half a dozen bottles still left.

Lieutenant Nathan Katz was warming his hands in the freezing night as close to the fire as possible without actually getting burnt. He had already downed half a bottle of whiskey, but the burning liquid had not done much to raise his body temperature other than that of his face.

A scream of pure agony ripped through the night, shocking several soldiers, and waking two who had fallen asleep. Nathan turned towards the shattered building behind him with a frown, followed by a curse as another Caranthania officer strolled out from the darkness of its doorway. "God damnit Jiom, what the fuck did you do to her? Gut her alive?"

Lieutenant Nin Jiom smirked as he buttoned up his pants and joined the group. He looked down in irritation at his groin area. There was a still wet and dark patch of red there. His frown turned back into a grin before he shot the soldiers around the fire a wink. "I'm thinking the bitch will be wishin' we'd actually do that to her by the time we're finished." The others laughed raucously at his comment and resumed their drinking. Joim snatched a bottle of whiskey from one of the soldiers and kicked the whimpering man away. "Who's turn is it next?" He asked after he took a swig at the dark brown liquid. One of the soldiers thrust his chin reluctantly at Nathan.

The Carantania Guards officers grinned at each other. "You actually won the draw?" Jiom asked in surprise.

"Nope, I reminded these bastards that rank has its privileges." Nathan's grin broadened and showed his chipped front teeth.

"Go enjoy yourself." Jiom encouraged his fellow officer with a pat on the latter's shoulders. He downed the last of the bottle and stared at the empty glass container. "What the hell?! Someone get me another..."

Another scream shattered the relative silence of the night. It was not those of a woman. It was Nathan's voice. The soldiers around the fire stared in silence once again at the pitch black doorway into which Nathan had strode into just minutes ago. After a few moments, a figure sauntered out. It was most definitely not Lieutenant Nathan Katz.

"Who the hell are you, bitch?!" One of the soldiers spat. In their drunken stupor, no one had even remembered to pick up their weapons.

The woman snarled as she eyed the group of Carantania Guards. "I would've thought that you'd know the person whose fiefdom you've came to invade."

In the ten seconds it took for at least one of the Carantania Guards to finally register who the woman was, semi machine gun rounds had hosed the entire clearing, sparing none of the invaders. The woman continued to stare at the still twitching bodies as another figure walked up to her from within the building where she had appeared from.

"It's too late. She won't survive." The second figure reported. The woman nodded, eyes burning and features hard.

"Help her on her way, cut short her suffering." She instructed. The figure nodded and retreated back into the shadow of the building.


Of the Carantania Guards that took part in the assault, not even the best techs on the entire planet would be able to put the pair of Locust back onto the field without a sizable amount of spare parts. The Shadow Hawk would be repaired within a short time, although the Carantania Guards would need to find a competent enough Mechwarrior for it. Two APCs were completely destroyed, as were three Scorpion light tanks. Of greater consequence was the lost of two entire battalions of infantry – nearly half of the total infantry strength of the Carantania Guards. Not enough marginally sufficient to offset these losses, would be the salvage consisting of a single operational armoured truck with a jury rigged class two autocannon, and the wrangled remains of the Phoenix Hawk from the fields of battle.

The Trellis Fiefdom would be reduced to nothing so much as blackened cinder and charcoal. Nothing of the once thriving village would remain – not even a whole piece of brick. Of its reported twenty thousand inhabitants and soldiers, only an estimated six hundred had survived the attack of the Carantania Guards. After exhaustive searching of the debris, no sign of Warlord Jessica Kolbe could be found. The few hundred of captured Trellis villagers and soldiers were bundled up, stripped of all belongings and force marched all the way back to Novo Franklin – after selected Carantania Guards who were known lackeys of General Roger O’ Connor had their fun with a couple of Trellis women. Less than four hundred would survive the punishing ordeal.

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
5 Feb 3079, 09:00 hours local time

“And THAT, gentlemen, is how you run a deep strike mission with VTOL’s and infantry!” David smiled at Trenchard and his aide as the men watched the replay of the mission on the tactical boards.

“Casualties?” Trenchard asked.

David checked his notes. “One infantry trooper and one technician with moderate wounds, and three other infantry troopers with minor injuries…. Moderate damage to one VTOL, but the tech staff assures me it will be fully repaired within twenty-four hours.”

“Mission objectives?” Trenchard continued. “What did they get?”

David smiled. “Mission objectives were all completed according to plan. Five Anjuran VTOLs were rendered non-operational by way of removal of mission critical equipment and one was captured and brought back to Carantania territory.”

“Anjuran casualties?” The aide asked softly, his face pale with shock at the ruthlessness of the assault.

“Unknown specifics.” David replied. “Lieutenant Conti estimates at LEAST forty-five enemy dead or wounded, but lack of time for a detailed examination of the barracks and support buildings prevent a more specific answer.” David checked his notes once more. “Also, while not specifically targeted, we suspect that the Anjuran losses may include at least some of their pilots and technical staff. Their repair and support facilities were also heavily damaged, which should hinder any attempts to return those VTOLs to service in the short term.”

Trenchard nodded taking notes for his later report to the Prince. “And the other strikes planned?”

David shrugged. “We are still waiting on details from the forces on the ground. However, we do know that the Anjuran telephone and power grid lost its eastern quadrant at zero four-thirty this morning. Additionally, Anjuran infantry, supported by at least one armored vehicle have been reported on the move to the drawbridge vicinity. Overhead visuals say that the bridge is in the down position and that the control bunker is emitting smoke. Beyond that I am not prepared to speculate at this time. We should, however, have a more detailed idea of results later today, once the strike teams are able to report in.”

<Scene Break>

Former Captain Snelling of the Anjuran militia trudged wearily southward, leading his deceased major’s dog. While he considered himself a reasonably brave man…. you had to be to fly a VTOL on Novo Franklin with what passed for maintenance locally…. he had no desire to become the subject of his leader’s wrath once the extent of the damage caused by the raid became known. Vasili Popov, the current leader of House Anjuran, was well known for his tendency to “shoot the messenger” when bad news was brought to him…. sometimes literally.

Snelling slung his jacket over his shoulder as he walked, he had at least ten kilometers to go before he could hope to acquire another method of transport, and then another sixty five to reach the border with Markovich lands. He figured that if he could get across the border, he’d be ok. Markovich wasn’t currently at war with Anjuran, and he had some relatives that had taken service with the ruling house. They should be able to at least help him find a new place…somewhere far away from the Black Stars and Carantania if he had any choice in the matter! Failing that….maybe the mercenaries themselves were hiring... He just knew he didn’t want to be on the opposite side again any time soon.

He tugged on the dog’s leash. He wasn’t sure why he’d kept it, but it at least gave him something to talk to… and it didn’t talk back, unlike his ex-wife.

He shrugged, if things got too bad, he could always eat it.


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Re: Contract 2 - Rabble Trouble in the Periphery (Novo Franklin Main Contract)
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2011, 05:04:22 AM »

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
5 Feb 3079, 09:15 hours local time

As David escorted Trenchard and his aide to the fringe of the Black Star’s compound, he continued his discussion with the aging former mercenary. “… that’s up to the Prince, but if it were me, I’d be thinking about what terms I wanted to offer the Anjuran leader… or his nobles if they decide that the man is too much of a liability to keep…” He smiled as he spoke, clearly amused by the notion.

“Terms?” The Aide sounded puzzled. “Why would we offer terms? The way is open, and their air force grounded. Why would we offer them terms when we can just defeat them outright?” The man sounded almost offended that any other action would be contemplated.

David shrugged. “As I said, that’s up to the Prince, to decide how he proceeds. But if it were me, I’d be thinking beyond just this one battle.”

He stopped and turned to the young noble. “You are correct, we CAN just “defeat them outright.”… but at what cost? They may have lost their air force, but they still have some ground forces. Those won’t go without a price to pay. And then you have to consider the damage to the town and its people. My assumption was that the Prince intended to rule these people and gain their resources…. hard to do that if it gets all shot up in the process of taking it.”

David shook his head at the idea. “No, If it were me, I’d be thinking on how to get control WITHOUT having to shoot my way in. As it is, we’ve just taken out a major portion of their defensive capability, removed an obstacle to our advance, should we choose to invade, AND demonstrated the ability to strike with impunity wherever we so choose. This has to have had an effect on their morale and feelings of safety. Right now, the nobles of Anjuran are looking at being on the losing end of a war, which given the usual practices here, generally means execution for the adult males, and chattel status for the rest…. I rather think that if the Prince offered them a way out, they’d be inclined to listen VERY carefully.”

David sighed. “Besides, making the offer costs nothing, whereas its rather difficult to un-kill someone, much less un-fire ammo, or un-burn resources, and those men and resources can be better spent elsewhere, on other campaigns.”

“But we’d never be able to trust them!” The aide objected. “They’d turn on us the moment our backs were turned!”

David laughed. “Of course not!” He sounded amused by the thought. “That’s why your terms will specify certain…. obligations.” He grinned coldly. “Like “inviting” the heirs of the ruling nobles to “Visit” this principality, “To gain a closer understanding of the new way of things.”… hostages if you must be blunt about it. They’ll also have to accept limits on personal arms, men and pay reparations… Nothing crippling, but enough to limit what funds they have to get up to mischief with.”

The young noble nodded. “That could work in the short term, IF they accept it.”

David motioned the pair to proceed, falling easily into step with them. “Of course, you’ll have to treat them decently. No point in holding “guests” if you don’t take advantage of it….. A lot of the younger sons and daughters will be at impressionable ages. Harsh treatment would solidify hate into another generation, whereas a more gentle and kind approach… back by firm action, could demonstrate to the next generation, the advantages of following Carantania’s lead.”

The aide nodded, almost in spite of himself. “Possible, indeed possible…. the Barons will hate it of course, they are looking forward to the conquest and dividing up the territory.” The man trailed off, clearly thinking hard.

David shrugged. “There will be other conquests. Principalities that refuse terms. In those areas, a harsher approach may be needed. But they already know what the “stick” is, perhaps it might be time to show them a “Carrot” instead? As for the Barons… instead of focusing on lack of loot, maybe they should be thinking about other things… like increased trade and markets without tariffs. Like NOT having to pay increased taxes and levies to cover cost of conquest and equipment replacement.”

The three men arrived at the edge of the compound and David turned to face the Trenchard and his companion. “Well, I trust you can find your way from here?”

Trenchard nodded, still fuming from the way he had been treated.

David gave a slight bow to the two. “Then I shall let you return to the Palace…. Alex, Prince Posavski. I bid you good day.”

The two men started when David named Trenchard’s supposed “Aide” as the Prince, which brought a smile to David’s face. “Did you really think we would not discover your companion’s identity, Alex?.... Ah well. I shall leave you to discuss the future I think. You know how to get in touch.”

With that, David stepped back and closed the gates to the compound, leaving Trenchard and the Prince alone in the morning light.

Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality
5 Feb 3079, 11:00 hours local time

Trenchard ushered the Prince as the pair wearily fall into plush seats in the Prince's surprisingly spartan room. Other than his bed, there were few other pieces of furniture and fittings. A large desk with a holoputer, a small cluster of chairs and sofa, as well as a ornately carved wooden cabinet standing at one corner of the room were the only other items in his room. "I think I'd like a drink after all that. Care to join me Lord Trenchard?"

The former Black Stars smiled at his Prince. "That would be heavenly My Lord."

As the Prince strolled over to the wooden cabinet, a light knock sounded on the door. The Prince continued to pour from a decanter into two rock glasses without turning. "Enter."

A young soldier in neatly pressed uniform entered the room. Trenchard noticed the darting eyes of the man, and the lack of his usual cheery smile. "Bad news Cesc?" The young man remained quiet - an act that answered Trenchard's question well enough.

"My Prince, Lord Trenchard." The man started with a slight bow. "The report on the attack on Trellis Fief has just came in." Cesc presented a brown manila envelop. His hands were quivering slightly.

"Thank you Cesc." Prince Ljudevit Posavski called from the corner of the room before closing the doors of the cabinet noiselessly on well oiled hinges. The young Prince turned around and rejoined Trenchard with a pair of three quarter filled glasses of bourbon. "On the rocks if i remember?"

"Thank you My Lord." Trenchard offered his Prince a grateful smile, but turned a questioning eye back to Cesc as he received the report. His half drooping eyes widened as he read through the papers.

"Problems?" Prince Posavski asked as he noticed Trenchard's knuckles were white as his clutched on the papers tightened in anger.

Trenchard looked up, all hint of sleep gone. "Do you mind if I use your holoputer My Prince? I'd like to forward this report to Zhao and Ten-Bears immediately."

"Of course." The Prince nodded with questioning eyes.


Black Stars Compound
11:20 hours local time

David walked in through the open doors of Zi Long's room to find him scanning over several sheets of printed documents on his desk.

Sensing immediately something was wrong, the Black Stars XO took a seat quickly next to the Chinese man. "What is it? The Anjurans struck back?"

"No, worst." Zi Long sighed. "Trenchard just forwarded to me a copy of a report. One that detailed an attack carried out by a large proportion of the Carantania Guards against the Trellis Fiefdom."

"When the hell did THAT happen?" David frowned as he picked up the reports Zi Long pushed towards him.

Zi Long rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Just as we hit the Anjurans."

David's eyes swept through the report. It was relatively short, and rather unprofessional as they would have expected from the Carantania military. However, the main points and details of importance where all there.

"This." David started as he finished reading and stabbed a finger on the papers. "Is not only FAR too expensive, but unnecessarily brutal and destructive."

"Tell me about it." Zi Long agreed. "I didn't think this is what the Prince wanted. At all."

David smashed his metallic arm onto the table. "Not only is the settlement no longer productive and useful, it sets an example of atrocity that might solidify resistance."

Zi Long looked out of the small window his room offered. "In addition to the report, Trenchard hinted that the Prince is seriously considering cutting this General O' Connor loose and declare his actions illegal."

David nodded. "About the only thing that MIGHT help fix things is a public trial and execution."

Zi Long stood and started preparing coffee for the two of them. "Trenchard was telling me that they were about to offer the Anjurans, and anyone else interested about coming under the de facto ruler ship of the Carantania Principality and House Posavski. All factions would have a say and seat on the the Franklin Trustee, so that even the smallest holding would not be completely absorbed." He looked up as he filled a bubbly glass pot with water. "And than this."

"They will be placing the good General under arrest. They'll put him under court martial. I don't know if they'll execute him, but that is a distinct possibility." Zi Long continued as he put the pot to boil. "I'd say about the only good thing that comes out of this is that O' Connor and all of his incompetent officers will be removed in one fell swoop."

"Well, not ALL the incompetents." David pointed out. "But we'll at least be free of the most troublesome."

Zi Long smiled. "There's always gonna be some left of course. But less headache is always better than full blown ones yes?"


The Prince and Trenchard never had the chance to announce the arrest of Roger O' Connor and his officer corps. A substantial portion of the returning Carantania Guards broke formation and headed out north about fifty kilometers before the borders of Carantania Principality. The rogue General had led the Firestarter, a pair of Scorpion light tanks and a single tracked APC in his Archer and fled. Cesc disappeared from the Principality as well, together with several other known lackeys of the General.

Days later, the group would be reported at the gates of the New Saars Principality. Sketchy reports indicated that an aging War Master Stephen Gould welcomed the renegade General and his troops with open arms. That was followed shortly followed by the War Master introducing his new and recently installed Commander-In-Chief to the former Carantania Guards General - Warlord Jessica Kolbe.

It was said that a 'Mech dual was immediately held between the two - O' Connor in his own Archer, and Kolbe in a Blackjack loaned from the stables of the New Saars militia. While no reports of the fight was released, both O' Connor and Kolbe were amazingly installed at the War Master's sides as his second in commands.

Throne Chamber
Anjuran Keep
Harfield, Anjuran District, Novo Franklin
5 Feb. 3079, 1500 Hours, Local Time

The assembled nobles and officers waited nervously as Lord Popov ranted and raged at them. Off to the side lay the bodies of the messenger who had brought the reports of the Airfield raid and the Officer who had been in charge of internal security for that sector.

“If the fool who was in charge of the Bridge survived his idiocy, I want him killed immediately!” The enraged Lord snarled. “As a matter of fact, I want all three of the officers at that location impaled and left to rot right where the new bridge crew can see them!”

Narrowing his eyes to slits, Popov fumed. “If that moron Akbar hadn’t gotten himself killed this morning, I’d have had him impaled too!”

A clearly terrified page approached from the rear of the room. “Ah… Ah… Excuse me please, My Lord?”

Caressing his pistol in its holster, Popov glared at the child. “What is it?!”

“My… My Lord, there’s a transmission from Carantania… The communications officer sent me to inform you…. He… He said you would want to see it.” The young boy stammered.

“Very well.” The Lord snarled. “But if it isn’t vital, I’ll have him impaled too!”

The page signalled one of the guards bring in a video display unit. “My Lord, this has been playing on a loop for the last ten minutes. We’ve recorded it here for you.” Pressing play, the young boy stepped back, and once the crowd shifted their attention to the viewer, slipped quietly away.

<Video Scene>

Five men stood within a small, but comfortable room. Prince Posavski stood with Alexi Trenchard and Diego Vargas, his political advisor, at the center of the screen.. Off to the side, Zhao Zi Long and David Ten-Bears waited.

Prince Posavski spoke softly but clearly, with no preamble. “Lord Popov… Nobles of Anjuran District… By now you are aware of the results and consequences of the raids on your territory this morning. Your air power is no longer, and the way to your lands no longer blocked. Should it become necessary, our forces could take Anjuran by force of arms in short order. However, we do not desire to do this unless forced to do so.”

Prince Posavski gestured to the men with him. “My advisors and I offer this option to you instead: It has become clear to many of us that Novo Franklin requires a world government if we ever hope to become more than what we are now. The Franklin Trustees are a beginning of this. We hope to welcome you into the trustees as an equal member… yes, that’s correct, I said an EQUAL member, not a vassal. Anjuran District would remain intact, its Nobles retaining their stations and properties. Anjuran would also be given an equal voice on the Trustee Council. Anjuran… as with all other Trustee Districts would have to abide by the new constitution and legal code, though that will largely apply to relations between districts and trade. There will be some limits on district military sizes allowing for self-defense, but a Council wide military force will be established in order to guarantee peace and provide for defense of ALL districts. The member districts would be expected to contribute to this force, both in supplies and personnel in accordance to their population and capabilities. Officers and men would be drawn from all districts.”

The Prince smiled broadly. “I understand that no Ruler of a District would wish to commit to any agreement without first seeing the particulars, so a copy of the rights and requirements of a member district has been transmitted to every ruler of every district as I speak here now…. I would suggest that you review the documents carefully… To give you time to do so, I declare a unilateral cease fire on the Part of Carantania and the Member states for a minimum period of one week. We shall take no OFFENSIVE actions, though we will respond if fired upon or attacked in any way.”

The Prince’s expression sobered. “Unfortunately, this is not the only business I bring before you this day. What I say now will be broadcast and distributed worldwide using every means at our disposal…. This morning, Forces of Carantania attacked and destroyed Trellis Fief under the command of Roger O’Connor. While the Assault was ordered by myself, the total razing of the fief, the slaughter of the population, and the atrocities that were committed were NOT authorized. In fact, they were specifically forbidden. Roger O’Connor participated in, and actively encouraged these actions as the commander of the force. We do not support his actions, nor do we condone them…. We find them abhorrent in the extreme. We had hoped to bring our former subject before you for trial, to pay for his crimes, but rather than face justice, he has fled from Carantania. So be it. We name Roger O’Connor anathema to us and our domain. His former title and lands are forfeit. We further name him oath-breaker and outlaw. We lay a price on his head in the amount of one hundred thousand Franklins either in cash, goods, or land, according to the wishes of the claimant. Deliver his head to Carantania territory, with or without his body attached, and the price will be paid, no questions asked. Should the claimant be a serf, they will further be granted yeoman status and their children allowed education. Those who fled with him, and who aided him in his atrocities are likewise cast out and a price laid on them of five thousand Franklins each.”

Posavski nodded to the camera. “This concludes my message to you this day. I await your response.”

<Throne room>

The video monitor exploded in a shower of sparks as Lord Popov emptied his pistol into the dark screen. “How dare he! The utter arrogance of him! To believe I would bow before him! To become one of his lapdogs!”

Turning to glare at the assembled nobles, his voice a hiss of rage, Popov continued. “I’ll see Anjuran burned to ashes before I kneel to him! Prepare the troops! We go to war!”

The officers and nobles glanced at each other. Everyone there knew they could not win the coming war. The only question would be which side shot them, Carantania in battle, or Popov for failing to achieve the impossible.

For a moment, silence reigned in the throne room as the assembled men considered their options. Then, from the dais a feminine voice rose, clear and calm. Lord Popov’s mother, the famous Iron Duchess, Anastasia, spoke with a voice devoid of warmth. “Vasili, please approach me.”

Popov strode over to her impatiently, his whole demeanour screaming of his rage. “What is it, Mother? Can it not wait?”

Anastasia shook her head. “No, Vasili, it cannot. It seems I must correct a mistake, reluctant though I am to do so.” With that, she raised her hand, and shot Vasili Popov through the forehead with a small revolver.

Standing, Anastasia addressed the shocked men present. “My son was not the man or ruler I thought he was. He would have led us to ruin and death for the sake of his pride and ego. I will not see the work of generations cast aside in a moment of rage. Unfortunately, Vasili’s son is not of age to take his place. Accordingly, I will serve as regent until he is able to take up the task of ruling Anjuran.”

Turning to the senior officer present, Anastasia spoke crisply. “Send an envoy to Carantania to discuss terms…. Tell him not to commit to anything yet, but get a feel for things. Meanwhile, stand on the defensive. Even if Posavski is telling the truth about a cease fire, we do have other enemies who might get up to mischief.”

Camp Unity Training Facility
Carantania Province, Novo Franklin
25th Feb 3079 0430 Hours Local time

David watched as the newly arrived troops assembled in a basic formation. Most of them were blinking sleep from their eyes and pulling on their newly issued uniforms. They had arrived over the last week, from various regions and militias, all here to become part of the new Unified Defense Forces.

David had no illusions as to the quality of the troops, most of them would be troublemakers and misfits, sent here to get them out of their home nation’s military as someone they wouldn’t miss. He shrugged, they’d either make something of them, or break them trying.

He waited for the Black Star Infantrymen who were functioning as Cadre for the formation to bring them all to attention before stepping out of the shadows to address them.

He took a few moments to survey the assembled troops, a detached expression on his face. Then, folding his arms across his chest, he began to speak.

“Welcome to Camp Unity, it will be your home for the next few weeks while we try to hammer a bit of training and discipline into you maggots! There’s only three ways out. One, we decide you’re ready to advance to the next level of training…. Two, you are injured or killed and cannot complete training…. or three, you REALLY screw up and we shoot you.” David smiled coldly. “And if you think I’m joking, you’re in for a rude shock.”

“Some of you are wondering why we took away all your former clothing, issued you these wonderful uniforms, and shaved your heads. That’s real simple. Besides not wanting any lice or fleas from you filthy maggots, we don’t care who or what you were before. We don’t care which district you were from, or who your Daddy is… if you even know who he was… We don’t care what rank you USED to hold. Here, until you earn more, you’re just another maggot. You have no rank, you have no connections, and you have no authority. You are a Maggot to us…. you aren’t even worthy yet to be called a trainee. If you are lucky, and work your ass off, you MIGHT someday be worthy to be more.” He sneered at the assembled trainees. “But I doubt it.”

David waited a few moments for the men to assimilate what he had just said before continuing. “The uniforms you were issued have a colored armband sewn around the upper left arm. This denotes your training platoon and assignment track…. Red, Orange, Green, Blue, and Gray are basic infantry tracks… If you have one of those colors, that is where you are assigned. All maggots with those color armbands, are now dismissed for training under Lieutenants Conti and Gallagher.”

David waited while the Black Star cadre yelled, pushed and herded the infantry candidates away and then reformed the remaining trainees into a new formation. “Yellow Armbands have been selected for technical or support positions, You are also dismissed for training. Senior Technician McWilliams will supervise your instruction.” More yelling and reordering of formations.

“Next we have the Black Armbands…. You lucky fellows are potential vehicle crew.” He smiled evilly. “Sergeants Nikita and Glen will supervise your training.”

After all the shouting had stopped, and the others had been marched away, David turned back to the few remaining troops that stood before him shivering in the morning chill. “And finally, White. You unspeakably lucky bastards have somehow managed to be selected as potentials for Officer candidate training.” David’s smile reminded observers of a shark selecting lunch. “There are now thirty five of you…. We, however only have sixteen training slots for officer candidates. Care to guess what that means? If you guessed that meant we were going to weed out a few of you, you were correct! Over the next week, we are going to see who of you has what it takes to be an officer. We’ll see who wants it the most, and who can’t handle it.”

David signalled a couple Black Star troopers, who brought out a small wooden frame, holding a brass bell and striker. Once it was set before them, David continued speaking. “This will be placed before your barracks and be present at all training sites. If you want out, all you have to do is ring the bell. That’s it. Just ring the bell and we’ll find an assignment for you that’s a bit less….. challenging.” David sneered at the assembled candidates. “Personally, I think you’ll ALL be ringing the bell before the end of the week. What a sorry bunch of rag-bag dirtballs.” He snorted in disgust. “Alright maggots… anyone want to drop out now? No? Ok, then.”

David grinned. “Welcome to Hell.”

Suremark Territories
300km from New Saars Principality, Novo Franklin
26th Feb 3079 1630 Hours Local time

A massive and obviously heavily armoured and reinforced tracked APC rumbled onto the packed main highway of Suremark City. It had been two hours since the recently swelled ranks of the New Saars Militia had steamrolled over the Suremark Defence Force. Still, debris, rubble, destroyed war machines and even a couple of dismembered bodies could be spotted at various locations of what used to be the capital city of the Suremark Territories.

Two platoons of nearly fifty heavily armed soldiers wearing the field uniform that increasingly was striking fear and terror into the hearts of holdings and factions closet to the New Saars Principality formed a defensive shield before the side hatch door of the customized APC as it ground to a halt. Pistons and mechanical wheels could be heard laboring even twenty meters away from the vehicle, before jets of steam were discharged from the sites of the hatch door. A low rumbling emitted before the hatch was pushed forward, and then swung down slowly. From within the hull of the beast of a vehicle, War Master Stephen Gould strode out in a flowing cape. From a distance, one who had never seen the War Master before would have marvelled at how a man reportedly over seventy years old, hitting on eighty, could have maintained such an unbelievably muscular physique. Those who knew the dictator of New Saars would know that the War Master would always put on body armour beneath whatever he wore when he leaves his Fortress. Those who knew him even better would be made privileged to the fact that the War Master sometimes even had it on within the relative safety that his own Fortress Capital provided.

Leaning against the massive right foot of his Archer, O' Connor picked at his nails with a field combat knife and looked on impassively as the War Master approached a row of kneeling figures with hands tied behind their backs. Another 'Mech, a thirty five ton Firestarter with an incredible paint scheme consisting of clashes of gray, black, white and red, stood by beside his seventy ton war machine. Closer inspection would reveal the red to be flaking rust and runs of water and coolant contaminated with it. Both 'Mechs showed slight battle damage. Even support weapons could chip BattleMech grade armour if enough of them hit, and if the person firing was lucky enough to find critical weak points on the BattleMech. Unfortunately for the vanquished Suremark Defence Force, none of their soldiers have had the fortune to do so.

The pilot of the Firestarter had chosen to stay within the confines of his cockpit, obstinately to provide an additional measure of security for the War Master and O' Connor. Kaloure Nawfar had seemed to prefer cocooning himself in the discomfort of the cockpit that his Firestarter offered ever since learning that a considerable bounty had been placed on his head by Carantania and the members of the growing Franklin Trustee for his role in the wanton massacre of Anjuran civilians. One could never blame him for his paranoia. After all, even someone under the War Master's payroll might decide on cash in on the opportunity. A hit might even be ordered by Stephen Gould himself. The fact that even considerably competent ‘Mech pilots were a raw commodity on Novo Franklin could have been the only reason for Nawfar’s continued survival.

A little distance further away Jessica Kolbe stood with feet planted wide apart, hands on her hips under the shadow of her Blackjack. The former Warlord of Trellis Fief had only thrown on a loose jacket over her Mechwarrior coolant suit, allowing whatever available warm air in the afternoon to blow against her sweat soaked exposed arms and thighs. Despite her age of nearly fifty, her adherence to a rigorous physical regimes and exercises had kept her in incredible shape. With her cascading red flowing hair and comely features, many had commented that she actually resembled another mythical beauty - the late Natasha Kerensky. Like the legendary Black Widow, Kolbe's alluring dressing was overshadowed by her aggressive stance and constant scowl which seemed to challenge anyone who dared to see her as anything less than the warrior that she was. Slightly to the rear, and flanking her Blackjack were another pair of 'Mechs - a missile totting Javelin that weighed in five tons less than Kolbe's own ride, as well as a Stinger captured from the three day Kashu Fief campaign just before the conquest of Suremark Territories.

Like before, right after the New Saars Militia smashed through the pathetic Kashu Fief Militia, War Master Stephen Gould had ordered that the survivors of the defeated holding bound and gagged before their assembled former citizens. For daring to reject his offer of unconditional surrender, the War Master personally crucified the ruling family of Suremark Territories as the horrified population watched on. The War Master also made sure that he started with the youngest of the ruling family - a three year old boy, so that the head of the household would have more time to realize and contemplate, much too late, his mistake. Unlike Kashu, the monarch of Suremark Territories, Trey Sade had no wife. Instead, Gould ordered his bodyguard platoon to gang rape Sade's twelve year old daughter instead. As Trey Sade finally suffered his turn of crucification and was raised high atop next to the rest of his family on a wooden stake before the silent crowd, Gould smirked and turned back towards his waiting armoured personnel carrier.

Kolbe and O' Connor took and cue and mounted their own 'Mechs. The tiny mining town of Scal would next bear witness to the military prowess and savagery of the New Saars Militia.

Scal Township
Northeast of New Saars Principality, Novo Franklin
14 March 3079 18:00 Hours Local time

“So it’s confirmed then?” The grizzled older man sighed. “Suremark is gone, and that Bastard Gould plans on us next?”

Jessica Parker just nodded. “Yes, Grandfather. We just received his demand for unconditional surrender. He says if we don’t do so by noon Friday, he’ll treat us as he did Suremark and Kashu.”

Mineboss Robert Parker closed his eyes for a moment in silent prayer. “You know what’ll happen to you if we do.”

Jessica shuddered. “I do…. the Warmaster’s reputation is well known, especially amongst the women.”

Robert stared off into space. “We cannot win a war, and surrender under his terms is just as bad….”

Coming to a decision, Robert looked piercingly at Jessica. “Gather the women and children, prepare them to leave. Carantania and the Posavskis have offered sanctuary, and you’ll be taking them up on it. Any spare room on the transports we’ll fill with supplies and silver. We’ll send most of the young men with you as well, they can do little good here, and there’ll be a time come to take back what’s ours. You’ll need them then I think.”

Jessica gasped. “But Grandfather! What of you? You know what Gould will do when he finds out!”

Robert smiled gently. “I’m old and tired, child. But I think I have enough left in me to show the Warbastard a good fight. The other old men and anyone who refuses to leave will stay here and prepare a reception for Gould.”

“But you’ll be killed!” Jessica cried, tears starting from her eyes.

Robert nodded. “Yes, child we will…. But we’ll not go alone, and Gould will gain little, if anything for the price we’ll make him pay.” Robert spoke gently to his grand-daughter, folding her into a hug. “Don’t you cry now, I’ve had a good long life. Longer than most around these parts. Besides, your Grandmother is waiting for me. It’ll be good to see her again after so long.”

“But how can you fight them?” Jessica asked through her tears. “We’re so much smaller than them at the best of times. How can you and the others hope to fight them at such odds?”

Robert smiled. “Jessica, there’s a reason why you don’t hunt Daggertooth by crawling into their dens. Gould is about to learn the same lesson. We might be old and tired, but between us we’ve got a bit of experience with explosives and mines. And most of the old miners could lead you anywhere in the tunnels blindfolded… To get to us, he’ll have to get past the bombs and such we’ll have rigged, then he’ll have to come dig us out if he wants the mine. We’ll have food and supplies in there, and a few back ways out he’ll not know of as well. If it looks like he’s close to winning, we’ll duck out through those and blow the whole thing!”

Robert grinned. “I’ll be sending most of the rifles and such with you. We’ll be cutting down some shotguns and such, and using those. Be better for that sort of fight anyway. Between those and the dynamite… Gould will pay dear for his prize, never you fear!”

“I’m not afraid of that, Grandfather!” Jessica sobbed. “But what of you? You’re my only family I’ve got left!”

Robert pulled Jessica deeper into the hug, stroking her hair to sooth her. “Now, now, child. It’ll be alright. You will be ok. I’ll not be with you, that’s true. But you are strong, and young. Besides, the people will need you. You are the last of the Parkers at this time. You’ll need to be steady and strong, but you can do this!”

Jessica nodded. “I wish… you were… coming with us!” She spoke haltingly, trying to catch her breath.

“So do I, Child… So do I” Robert spoke softly, holding his granddaughter tightly for a long moment. “Now, we’ve lots of work ahead of us and not much time for it.”

Black Stars Compound
Campus Carinthia
Carantania Principality, Novo Franklin
2nd June 3079, 0900 hours

Zi Long literally threw himself into the chair in his room, allowing his body to completely give in to weariness and aches of spending the last sixteen hours in and about his Morningstar CCV. Ever since the Prince and Franklin Trustees offered the other holdings membership, many had done so following the example of the Anjurans. To these were added refugees fleeing from the excesses and brutality of the rampaging New Saars military. Zi Long and the Black Stars had voiced their concerns to the Prince and the Franklin Trustees. How were they to know if the War Master had planted spies and saboteurs among the mass of supposed refugees? There was no way the Black Stars will be used as police to patrol the hastily set up temporary shelters that would hold the sudden influx of people into what had been unofficially called the "Carantania side" of Novo Franklin. Instead, the mercenaries had been more like a roving fire fighting brigade. They had to respond to New Saars Militia probes sent by the War Master to test the defences and readiness of the exploding and expanded Franklin Trustee Council border and the newly established Unified Defense Forces. Novo Franklin had effectively divided itself into two major blocs - one under the dictatorial rule of the War Master, and another led by the Franklin Trustee Council.

Despite the UDF's impressive numbers, the bulk of the organisation was still, like the entire Novo Franklin, composed of infantry forces supported by small numbers of vehicles and even smaller numbers of BattleMechs. Five months of intensive training by the mercenaries- six if one included in the original Carantania Guards that the Black Stars trained, could only do so much to increase the quality of the troops. The rearmament and reorganization suggested by David for the Carantania Guards had been expanded to include the entire United Defense Forces after much debate and argument from among the members. That had slowed the process considerably, further compounded by the need to set aside funding and resources to build more permanent lodging and support systems for the booming population. Still, the United Defense Forces had done well so far against New Saars incursions, holding up the attackers long enough for the Black Stars forces to arrive and throw back, or even destroy the attackers.

The latest attack by the War Master had been the largest offensive conducted by the New Saars Militia so far. Nearly an entire company of ten enemy BattleMechs - though their ranks included a pair of QUA -51T Quasit MilitiaMechs that were so old that they were failing apart, as well as a Patron LoaderMech armed with a support particle project cannon, supported by two companies of tanks and a full regiment of infantry armed with all sorts of weapons had stormed Cosco Fiefdom, one of the newest and most far flung and outlaying member of the Franklin Trustee Council. Fortunately, the fiefdom was literally built into a narrow mountain pass - so much so that most of the locals on Novo Franklin actually dabbed the area Cosco Pass. Despite having no 'Mechs within their ranks, with only a small number of missile launcher equipped vehicles, the Cosco soldiers were well versed in operating and moving among the mountainous terrain, and utilizing all sorts of techniques to sow death and destruction among the invaders. Even the jump jet equipped 'Mechs of the New Saars Militia could do little against the well entrenched and hidden defenders.

The Black Stars had struck the besieging New Saars forces from behind by deploying through their Seeker Class DropShip, the Event Horizon in the dead of the night, under cover by the darkness, as well as the distraction of the attackers as they continued their assault on the Cosco positions. Coordinated via radio comms, the Cosco fiefdom defenders and mercenaries unleashed a concerted effort on the New Saars militia in a well timed two pronged attack. The sudden and fierce counter attack swept several New Saars 'Mechs and over a company of infantry from the mountains, as well as several enemy vehicles bombarding the Cosco fortifications as the Coscos Fiefdom triggered a rock slide via strategically planted explosives on the mountains, while the Black Stars 'Mechs and tanks, supported by the VTOLs of Trouble Inc. and the strafing run of the Event Horizon hit the New Saars positions from their undefended rear.

The attackers were thrown into immediate disarray. Already worn down by the failure to take Cosco Pass after a week of tiring siege and suffering massive losses, the New Saars Militia broke and run. The Black Stars netted several destroyed and crippled 'Mechs and abandoned vehicles, as well as stores of small arms and support weapons. However, after inspecting the windfall, Zi Long and David graciously transferred the entire store of salvage to the Unified Defense Forces. None of them saw if necessary to explain that the reason behind the Stars' generosity was the sheer quality - or more correctly, lack of it, of the captured equipment that would make them more of a hindrance than assistance.

The Black Stars' contract here on Novo Franklin would be up in a week or two. The Prince and Trenchard, as well as several other members of the expanded Franklin Trustee Council had called for a meeting in hope of ironing out a longer term contract. Zi Long smiled as he looked at the ceiling of his room and massaged the bridge of his nose. Who knows what wondrous terms and conditions the Council would offer...
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