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Author Topic: First Contract - From the Frying Pan (Fujidera Contract)  (Read 23631 times)

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First Contract - From the Frying Pan (Fujidera Contract)
« on: September 15, 2011, 04:00:08 AM »

I've plucked our first contract and will try to post it here. Maybe after seeing what it is, you guys can advice me on what's the best way to put the others up (some of the later ones are MUCH longer).

"The Arcade”
Suburbs of Myrmos
Outskirts of New Hedon
July 3078

Cat calls, hoots and ragged cheers sounded around the arena as a massive holovid screen showed a pair of 'Mechs locked in savage melee combat. At two ends of the roundish arena, two antique simulator pods hummed and throbbed as the aged machines responded to the neuro waves and physical controls of the pair of competing MechWarriors within.

On the screen, a lightly damaged No-Dachi was lacing a smaller Ti Ts'ang with azure laser beams and clouds of medium range missiles. Computerized armour plates exploded as the lighter machine staggered back from the explosions and savage attacks. Striding forward, the 70 ton DCMS 'Mech raised the 'Mech sized katana and planted its feet apart before the stricken Ti Ts'ang, ready to deliver the killing blow even as the crowd howled in delight at the smaller machine's impending doom. As the arc of the katana reach the apex, the 70 ton machine suddenly shuddered like it was short circuited. Smoke streamed from its arm, spreading to its shoulders and just below its elongated head as it froze in mid action. Pushing itself from the ground, the heavily damaged Ti Ts'ang rose unsteadily to its feet.

Eight laser beams slashed the torso of its opponents at close range, doing little real damage. However, dealing out damage with them was not what the pilot had in mind. The combination of the spike in heat in addition to the already dangerously high level due to the damage it received pushed the heat level to that necessary to activate its triple strength myomer. Like an executioner, the Ti Ts'ang swung its hatchet which smashed into the forehead of the No-Daichi with horrendous force.

Most of the crowd wailed in despair as the holovid flickered twice, before the frozen image of the Ti Ts'ang with its hatchet buried deep in the smashed head assembly of the No-Daichi dissolved to declare the lighter machine the victor.

The hatch to one of the simulator pods opened as a figure emerged from it. It reached back to pull out the cables connection the neurohelmet to the pod and lifted it roughly from the shoulder to show a shock of jet black hair that fell across almond shaped eyes distinct of Chinese stock. The man brushed back his shoulder length hair, shaved at the temples typical of MechWarriors, and tied it in a short tail. Across him, the other simulator pod also opened up as his opponent exited.

The Chinese man threw a shadow of a salute to his vanquished foe as he walked towards him to the cat calls and hootings of the crowd. As the two closed to within a meter of each other, Zhao Zi-Long grinned. "The medic AND the technician are both mine."

"Take them you lucky SOB." The other man snorted. "I want another round. This time for a Union DropShip."

Zi-Long laughed. "No thanks Greg. Gambling with a couple of free lance hot shot support personnel is one thing. Playing with my unit's DropShip is another matter altogether."

Turning away, the small build mercenary made for the exit of the arena. At the massive door, he stopped by next to a scruffy looking man. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a thick envelop and pressed it into the other man's hands. The other man grinned, revealing a toothless smile. "Pleasure workin' with ya matey."

Zi-Long shrugged as he took a swing from an offered bottle.

The wrinkled man scratched his cheeks. "Bu' tell me mate. You could've activated the overloadin' for his TSM earlier. Why did ya waited 'til before he nearly pulled the woolen ova' ya eyes?"

"The more I let him hit me without replying, the more people will bet against me." The Chinese man replied as he recapped the bottle. "Excuse me, but I believe I have a withdrawal to make."

The simulator pod mechanic looked at Zi-Long for a while before breaking out in laughter even as the CO of the Black Stars made his way to the cashier. Another two million c-bills it is.

"Dragon's Rest" Hotel
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

David stared at the half-empty bottle on the table in front of him. One part of him wanted to just pick it up and keep drinking until it didn’t hurt anymore….until the nightmares and regrets no longer haunted him. Another part, the better part he thought, knew that the bottle only offered a temporary respite, and one with its own cost. So…this time, instead of taking another drink, he reached out and capped the container, sealing away the harsh liquor inside. It would be there another night, it always was.

<Scene Break>

“They’re around the left flank!” David screamed into his microphone as he tried to get his ‘Mech to spin in place to meet the new threat. “JT! Screamer! Pull back damn it! If they get behind us we’re done!”

David’s Jenner rocked as a flight of LRM’s chipped and shattered armour on the machine’s left leg.

Cursing, David jogged his ‘Mech forward, trying to get a good lock on the speeding hovercrafts that were trying to get behind his crew. As he finally got the signal that he’d achieved a lock, he squeezed the triggers on his control sticks, causing his three remaining medium lasers to fire. Unfortunately, this was the last time that his upper left arm laser would ever do so, as the focus array finally gave up the ghost and burned itself into molten metal and silica in the process. This threw what beam it did produce, well off target and lessened the damage the enemy unit took. The other two lasers burned armour from the flank of the enemy hover. David could now recognize it as an older Saracen class tank. He could see that the damage his lasers had done was insufficient to stop the speeding hover, but it appeared that he’d at least slowed it down considerably. Some of the damage must have opened a hole in the lift skirts, because where before the Saracen had glided smoothly over the terrain, now its movement was stuttering and slightly lopsided.

As he moved to take advantage of the stricken hover’s newfound difficulties, he was distressed to hear another warning go off on his threat display.

“Warning! Artillery detected inbound!”

David tensed as he realized what was about to happen. “Oh bugger it all!”

He never felt the impact of the artillery round that shattered his ‘Mech and cost him his arm.

<Scene Break>

David gasped as he sat bolt upright in his bunk. A cold sweat coated his body, making him shiver, despite the warm night air. The dream still got to him, even after almost a year.

Reaching over to the bedside table, he grabbed a small towel and mopped his forehead and the back of his neck. Almost subliminally, he could feel the clicks and whir of small relays in his arm. The doctors claimed it was completely silent, but David could still hear it at really quiet moments. With his real arm, he reached up and disconnected the recharger cord….he was up now, and experience had taught him that trying to get back to sleep would be useless.

Stretching, David swung his legs out of the rack and sat on the edge for a moment. Before he could catch himself, he found himself scratching his wrist….his artificial wrist….David knew it was impossible, that it was just “Phantom Limb” syndrome, but the bloody thing still itched!

Standing completely, David made his way toward the bathroom. Maybe a shower would help settle things. At very least it would clear away some of the sweat.

As he passed the table on his way to the shower, he hesitated once more, staring at the bottle for a long moment. He even started to reach for it before dropping the arm to his side. As he turned away he shook his head. Not this night.

Behind him the bottle waited.

<Scene Break>

David guided his Brigand back into the ‘Mech bay. Off to the left he could see the shattered remnants of his father’s Jenner being locked down in place. He supposed that the smart move would be to sell the battered ‘Mech for what he could get and see about a better ride than his current one, but he just couldn’t make himself do it. It was all he had left from his old man, gone these many years.

As he shut down the Brigand, and prepared to descend from the cockpit, he shrugged. It wouldn’t hurt anything to keep it around until he got it fixed up. Be worth more that way anyhow. Besides, if he did decide to go ahead and adopt a kid to keep the tribe going, they’d need a ‘Mech to learn on.

<Scene Break>

David wiped his hands free of graphite dust and threw down the rag in disgust. “Right….This actuator is officially scrap.” David spoke to the shop assistant. “The welds just aren’t going to hold it together….It goes in the recycle pile with the other two from this morning.”

He reached over and jotted a quick line on a long list of similar notes. At this rate, it’d be easier to note what DIDN’T need to be fixed or replaced on the old mech.

Grabbing a clean rag, he swiped at his forehead, trying to clear away some of the sweat and grime. “Better get a contract soon, or this’ll all be pointless. Can’t fix it if I can’t pay for it.”

Rubbing his shoulder where it met his artificial arm, he grimaced. Time to call it a day. If he pushed it too hard, it’d be that much harder to not pick up a bottle to dull the pain.

<Scene Break>

David waited for Zhao to pick up on his end. “Hey! Zhao, its David. Yeah, any word on a contract?"

New Hedon DropPort
July, 3078

The two men stood on the walkway over-looking the cargo bay of the DropShip as the crew worked slowly but steadily to off-load the BattleMechs. They were an odd pairing, one fairly short and stout, but with fairly well tailored clothing that was perhaps a little tight around the middle. The other was taller, in much better shape, and with all the nervous twitches of a caged predator.

"I know patience isn't exactly a virtue where you come from, Reed, but just try and relax a little bit, will ya'?" He leaned casually against the railing as he watched the general bustle below. "All the serial numbers on everything have been removed and replaced, and the captains been sufficiently bribed not to go poking around too deep, by the time anybody notices their missing from the supply depot we'll be safely under the umbrella of the Black Stars."

"I would hope so, being Exiled once is bad enough. What about the officials in port? do you have them taken care of as well?" The man's accent and his military dress clearly marked him out as being of the Clans, and though his clothing bore no markings of rank, unit or nation, the bright red flame-pattern tattoos on the back of each hand made it obvious exactly which one he was Exiled from. "Founders Blood but your Technicians here are lazy.."

Harding, the shorter man just laughed and slapped Reed on the back. "I've yet to meet a customs official who didn't make more in bribes than he did in salary... it's kind of a hard job to get real dedicated to. Besides, on a planet like this I’d be surprised if they even checked."

Reed just snorted and finally stopped pacing, leaning on the railing next to his friend. "You have just have a point there, Caecilus. Why you Spheroids pay by the hour is ludicrous, You and I alone could offload this ship faster. Speaking of Techs, your man has our support staff lined up?"

"Hey! None of that Caecilus crap around here, remember? Just call me CJ, or Harding is you can't bring yourself to actually simplify things... anyways, yes... more or less."

"More or less?"

Harding just smirked. "That’s an old Inner Sphere term, steeped in history."

"Ah, I see... are WE 'more' or 'less'?"

Harding just laughed again. "Come on, let's go get some food, I’m starving."

Reed just looked at him a moment. "You do realize that if your lunch matches your breakfast, your belt is going to kill someone across the room, Aff?"

Harding just stared right back at him, then burst out laughing like a madman. "Well I’ll be damned... the Clanner made a joke!"

The two of them just walked off, Harding still laughing and Reed chuckling a bit at his own jest.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long tried to rub sleep, and some gooey cream from his eyes that he had no recollection of its nature as he raised achingly from his bed. "What the f...?" The Taurian native checked the chrono by his bed stand and cursed as it displayed zero four hundred hours. He sat for a while, trying to figure out where the loud buzzing was coming from, roughly throwing off the leg of a thickly made up prostitute from his own thighs while stepping over another snoring woman as he fumbled from the king sized bed. It took him half a minute to finally realize that it was the comms that was so annoyingly beeping away.

"Who the hell?" He managed with a croak. "David?"

“Hey! Zhao, it’s David. Yeah, any word on a contract?"

Zhao Zi Long snatched at the closest bottle at his bed stand and gulped down a swig. He coughed twice before he realized it was one of the many unknown bottles of liquor he had indulged in earlier. Squinting at the bottle, he took another swing at it before answering to his fellow Black Star.

"God damn it David, it’s like four in the morning. You might have troubles sleepin', but me and a couple of fine ladies don't." Zi Long chided as he threw himself into a thickly padded sofa seat. In front of him, one of the slumbering woman snored. "But since I'm up..."

The Chinese man took another drink before looking up at the ceiling and closing his eyes in thought. "The two companies have been out there longer than expected. They were supposed to return a week ago. The last I heard, Major Aik told me that they encountered somewhat tougher opposition than expected." Zi Long massaged the bridge of his nose, trying to will the throbbing away. "Trust the Canopians to give crap intel."

"Anyhoo, a couple of the sub-units got ambushed and were thrashed. Most were the newbies we picked up just two months ago so I'm not overly concern. What concerned me was that the Major's own Bloodhounds were down by 35% at last count. This could have a major impact on our ability to land nice juicy contracts after they return." Zi Long discarded the now empty bottle and picked up another one laying nearby on the floor.

"As of now, we only have that beat up Union sitting in the star port, and a couple of machines, including yours available. We'll have to see if we can pick up a couple of fresh faces before Aik comes back. I have a sneaky feelin' that we'll be severely under strength, but what the heck. More cash for the rest of us eh?"

Zi Long started to laugh, which degenerated into a gasping cough. "God damn fake whiskey!" He choked and murmured, before staring at the bottle and taking another swing at it. "We might need to pick up a smaller contract, or even move into the Sphere for it. I don't know. You've checked out any of the available contracts out there?"

David laughed as he listened to Zhao. “You need to remember to switch your chrono over to a LOCAL schedule. It’s four in the AFTERNOON, not morning. That crap whisky you swill has your brain cells still on the last contract, maybe you should think about a different brand…..I think I’ve got some Mao-tai still hanging about if you want that. ”

As he listened to the rest of Zhao’s statements, his face grew grim. “That’s not good news… about the others I mean. Without Aik’s people, we’re back down to company level. That’ll limit us pretty severely on what we can go after….Alright, let me do some looking, and I’ll get back to you.”

After Zhao had hung up, David popped a couple mild pain-killers and washed them down with a mouthful of tepid water. “Yo, George!” He hailed the young assistant tech. “I’m headed out… once this area is policed up, take the rest of the day. We’ll start again tomorrow morning.”

<Scene Break: 18:00 hours local time>

“Yeah, Zhao? It’s David again, you still sober?....Good” David looked down at his notes. “I’ve checked with the local DMM reps, and there’s a couple contracts that have potential with what we have at the moment.”

David shuffled his notes. “The two I think we should look at first are a couple security jobs. We need some time to recruit and get re-organized, a short contract that’s relatively quiet should give us that. One is in the Confederation ,and the other over in the League…..Yeah, I know you don’t like working in the League after that screw job on Keystone, but this one’s a little different. For one, we’d be working for a corporation, not the League government.”

David paused, listening to Zhao’s response. “The job looks fairly straightforward. Supposed to be a VIP visiting the area, and the Corp that owns the place doesn’t want any problems to go down, so they’re looking to hire some muscle to help keep a lid on things….No known opposition listed in the contract, but you know how that goes.” David chuckled cynically.

He then turned to the next page of his notes. “The next one is the job in the Confederation. If we take this one, I’ll have to be a bit cautious and hope they don’t remember me. All sins from the war are SUPPOSED to have been forgiven, but…..anyway, another security job, this time for the Confed government. They’re reorganizing the local defense forces on Necromo, and they want some extra guns handy if the Davvies get nosing about. That one is a six month job, the one over in the league only two, but the Confed contract might lead to a follow-up.”

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078 20:00 Local Time

A heavy set man in a nice suit walked in through the main doors, whistling cheerfully to himself as he wandered into the makeshift lobby area. He turned around slowly, looking around a bit and waiting to see if anyone would appear. When they didn't, me just stopped whistling and just shouted instead.


He went back to whistling, waiting for a minute or two before a door behind him banged open and a person walked into view. The other man just shook his head in disbelief and stared for a moment before answering. "I don't know why you're here Harding, but i must admit I’m interested. Wherever you go, either profit or trouble arrives on the next DropShip. Which should I be on the look out for?"

Harding had gained a bit of weight since their last... encounter, he had also just given up and shaved his receding hair off completely, leaving himself completely bald. His face was lined and pock-marked, years of oppressive heat in cockpits wasn't kind to the complexion, but with very distinct laugh-lines around his mouth. His blue eyes were dark, but not threatening, and as always he wore that kind of smile that made you want to instinctively check for your wallet.

"Hello to you too, Zhao... you're not still pissed about Thorin are you? It was all in the contract, you just mis-interpreted a few passages here and there. It’s not like neither of us lost their shirt."

Zhao just stared at him some more. "Perhaps... but what about Outreach?"

Harding just grinned wickedly. "You can't hold that against me either... I just happened to cheat better that night."

They both laughed a bit. The two of them had crossed paths several times, and where as they'd never actually crossed the proverbial swords, they weren't always on the friendliest of terms.

Zhao walked forward and the two of them stood face to face, no hugs or handshakes, but nobody went for a gun either. "That still doesn't answer my question, Backstabber, which is it?"

Harding held his hands up defensively. "I'm clean, I swear. You can check the DMM database, i registered for a mercenary license a few months ago after retired from active duty, and there's not a mark on my record! No debts, no warrants, nothing! In fact, things are going so good for me right now that I even come bearing gifts!"

Zhao just eyed him a bit suspiciously as the man reached into his pocket and putted out an envelope, which he opened and shook a few data chips out of, two of which he handed over to Zhao. "One Talon, one Spector, both loaded up with everything but paint jobs." He smiled a bit. "I heard about your recent... 're-organizing', so, nice guy that I am, I decided I'd swallow my pride and help ya' out!"

He just stared at Zhao, looking like an over-enthusiastic kid, both of them staring at each other for a moment with perfect poker faces, until Harding shook his head and shrugged. "Alright, Two BattleMechs and a handful of techs don't make a mercenary company. I came here to ask about joinin' up, for a perfectly reasonable share of the payoff and plunder."

Zhao kept staring at him sceptically, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, and after a moment Harding shrugged again.

"Okay, the ‘Mechs are technically property of the SLDF, but nobody even knows their gone yet and nobody'll be able to track 'em. You can trust me on that, you of all people should know I’m a very thorough cheater. Plus there's about 2 million C-bills in it for you to file all the proper paperwork and stuff to make it all legal. Deal?" With that Harding handed over a third datachip, this one with the logo of the Bank of Terra on it.

Zhao took it in his hand and looked at all three datachips... if Harding was telling him the truth... and he always did, just usually not all at once.. this was a good deal.

Harding could see him thinking it over, so added one more thing. "I'll throw in a pet monkey?"

Zhao looked up at him sharply, and a bit confused, to which Harding just winked and nodded, and the two of them laughed again.

"We'll see if the check clears." Said the other man, and turned to walk away, and which point Harding started whistling again and turned to walk out.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long considered the various contracts David reviewed even as he poured over a small stash of documents of applicants to join the Black Stars. Most were the regular sorts that the Stars usually attracted - low lives of society, criminals, and those running away from the law or vengeful fathers of weeping daughters. The Black Star commanding officer sighed. If they were to pick up contracts from the Great Houses, the Black Stars might have to actually start watching who they take in.

"David, all those contracts you mentioned, they're like from the DMM right?" Zi Long queried as he took another seep from a half empty whiskey bottle on his desk. "What the hell does DMM mean anyway? Department of... Moron Management? Mercenary Mauling? Whatever..." He finished as he closed his eyes and gave the contracts some thought. "I'll have to think over them a bit. For your info, I've just gotten a short message from our main forces. Seem like they're coming home soon after all."

"Oh. Department of Mercenary Management... at least I NEARLY got them right." Zi Long mused as he checked up on the DMM again over his noteputer. "That means we'll have to actually register with them on Terra David. Alongside all those goody two shoe units who claim to fight for honour, glory and all that mumbo jumbo load of crap... Ah well, we'll have to see WHO and WHAT comes back in a couple of days before we do that."

A bored looking man pushed over Zi Long's door without knocking even as he finished his conclusion. The man has a huge flabby belly and equally rotund arms and legs that stretched his work suit to its seams. A rusty sub machine gun was slung over his thick and bullish neck, resting on his huge belly. "Hey boss, there's a man in the lobby shouting ya' name."

Zi Long sighed. "One of those bar owners whom I owe a substantial tab Bob?"

The heavy set man scratched his behinds as his beady eyes noticed the pair of naked female bodies on Zi Long's bed. His oily lips broke into a grin, revealing more than one missing teeth. "Eh? Don't think so. Maybe you should check it out yourself. He's disturbing my sleep."

"You're our base head of security Bob. You're NOT supposed to be asleep on duty." Zi Long reminded the man.

"Meh." Bob smirked. "It's not like you guys have anything of worth for people to steal."

"It’s the IMAGE Bob. We're sort of military, so having SOME sort of reasonably competent and visible security is somewhat standard and expected." Zi Long explained again for the umpteenth time.

"The Black Stars were never much into the image thing, so I don't see the problem." The unrepentant Bob pointed out.

"I guess I can't argue with that." Zi Long finally gave in. "David? You hear that? Let's so check out this intruder to our most important and official conference." Turning to look at Bob, Zi Long sighed. "Stop giving them the look over Bob. They're too high, both on alcohol and drugs to give you any pleasure even if they're willing."

"Dead fish eh?" Bob sneered. "I like 'em."

Zi Long rolled his eyes towards the ceiling even as he stood from his chair. Zipping up his suit, it took his considerable effort to turn Bob around towards the door and pushed him towards the exit. "I'll send them to you later. For free." Zi Long promised. "If you stay awake until the end of your shift."

"The Arcade”
Suburbs of Myrmos
Outskirts of New Hedon
July 3078

Most of the crowd wailed in despair as the holovid flickered twice, before the frozen image of the Ti Ts'ang with its hatchet buried deep in the smashed head assembly of the No-Daichi dissolved to declare the lighter machine the victor.

One of those not wailing was Leo Har-Lavi. Unlike plenty of these gamblers, he was familiar with matches on Solaris VII, and had spent most of his life inside the cockpit of a 'Mech. To take a beating like that in a 'Mech with triple strength myomer, and never even try to achieve a high enough heat level to activate it, either meant that the pilot had no idea what he was doing, or that he was baiting the crowd. Leo guessed the latter.

"Well, that’s another week on this planet," he thought as he counted his newly gained c-bills. Leo rarely bet money, but today he made an exception. “Zhao Zi-Long,” he was sure he would meet him again.

<Scene Break: Black Stars Temporary Base>

The makeshift lobby was certainly not at all like the ones found on AFFS bases, being more thrown together, lacking an on-duty receptionist, and smelling like a ‘Mech Hanger. Still, in its own way, it seemed somewhat charming, plus it showed that these Black Stars were “business first” types. Since no one seemed to be here at the moment, Leo sat down in a chair that looked like it had seen much better days and drifted off into deep thought.

<Scene Break>

“Leo, Vincent, break off from formation and neutralize that armoured column. Everyone else is with me. We’ve got some Steiner ‘Mechs to scrap!”

“Understood Sir,” stated Leo into his mic, “just try to save some for us.” “Bravo 3, proceed to waypoint 6 and take position for a rear assault on Steiner Armoured Column.”

“Copy. How should we engage?”

Leo glanced at the map of the area of operations he had taped to the side of his cockpit. He always liked to have one handy, just in case. “The terrain around their route looks like it contains plenty of hills. Standard hit-and-run will work in this case. Get a clear shot, fire enough weapons to completely destroy one target, and then get out of their sights.”

Several minutes later…

Leo looked at the red dots on his radar screen. There were eight enemies, none of the signatures large enough to indicate ‘Mech escorts. Probably a mechanized infantry platoon with armoured escorts, most likely of low strategic value. Still, orders were orders, and if the Lieutenant didn’t want this column to survive, then they wouldn’t.

“Bravo 3, engage the heaviest target in 5.”

Leo quickly raced to the top of the nearest hill, his Awesome bounding up it at a fairly brisk pace. Turning the torso several degrees to the right and centering his torso on a Bulldog Medium Tank, Leo fired his three PPCs at the target, ripping the turret completely off the chassis and turning the once useful piece of hardware into a smoking wreck. Kicking his ‘Mech into full reverse, he heard another unmistakable sound of several large lasers cutting into metal. Two red dots disappeared from the radar.

Just as he was preparing for the next attack, and proceed with eliminating the rest of the armoured column, his comm chattered with activity. “Sergeant! The Lieutenant’s ammunition storage just got hit!”

“Did you see an escape pod?” Leo quickly asked, starting to feel butterflies in his stomach.

“Negative. He’s dead. What do we do?”

<Scene Break>

Shaking off the memory, Leo returned to the present. “What a hell of a way to gain a commission,” he stated grimly.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Bob snorted once, nearly falling off his thickly padded chair. He rubbed his eyes before moving his left hand to scratch his general bottom. Blinking twice, he looked around. Something had caused him to awaken from his sleep. The pudgy man tried to pinpoint what that might be before spotting a small piece of paper on his desk. He reached out and pulled it close to his eyes. Still groggy from his recent slumber, it took Bob nearly a full minute before he could make out the four words.


Bob crumpled the piece of paper in his hands and swore. "Freakin' miser." Bob shook his head once and sat up, his SMG clattering nosily against the arms of chair. He cursed again. It was getting too small for him. And as Zi Long pointed out, he WAS the head of the Black Stars base security detachment after all. A movement in the lobby caught his eyes. THAT was the thing that woke him up. He peered through the one sided mirror glass and looked at the middle aged man seated in one of the few pieces of furniture available.

The man was staring into space and unmoving. "Great. Another hair brain for the mighty Black Stars." Bob mumbled to himself. Oh well, might as well see what the man wanted.

With considerable effort, Bob lifted his huge body from the chair and tried in vain to straighten the food splattered and crumpled shirt that passed off as close to being a uniform. That's another thing he'd have to speak with Zi Long about. He was the first person from the Black Stars that anyone would usually meet. It would not hurt to get him something more presentable.

Bob strode out to the lobby at looked at the still day dreaming man. He moved closer, trying to put up his most professional and threatening bouncer look.

"Hey, you! Herotitus to space!" Bob boomed.

Obviously shaken out of his reverie, the man mumbled. “What a hell of a way to gain a commission.”

"What the hell." Bob swore under his breath when the man finally made eye contact. "What is it you want?"

It was at this point that David arrived in the reception area and interrupted. “Bob! What the hell did I tell you about sleeping on duty?”

The fat man spun around almost gracefully. “Ten-Bears!” The fat man started sweating even more profusely. “I wasn’t sleeping! I just was checking out back when this guy showed up.”

David looked Bob over and sneered, “Don’t lie. It just makes you look even dumber than normal. Not that you needed the help.” He pointed at Bob’s forehead. “Look in the mirror you idiot.” He spoke scornfully.

Bob glanced over at one of the dirty mirror that occasionally dotted the walls. What he saw there made him pale. Centered directly on his forehead was a Black Star. He quickly wiped his brow, smearing the artwork, which appeared to be done with charcoal.

As he turned back to David, he met a solid fist coming the other way. A muffled ‘crack’ signified his jaw breaking as he fell to his knees.

David just kicked Bob’s submachine gun out of his hands and off to the side. “You were warned repeatedly….We don’t ask much of our people you fat fool, just loyalty and basic competence. You’ve shown neither.”

With his boot, David shoved Bob over onto his back. “Get your slovenly ass up and out of the Black Star’s territory. You are no longer employed by us and we lift our protection from you.”

“Buh..Buh!!” Bob blubbered from the floor, unable to coherently talk with a shattered jaw.

“But what?” David snarled. “But the Gan Sing Tong wants your ass? And the Cops have warrants out on you for half a dozen things? But you’ll likely be dead in less than a month? I don’t care! You knew the deal when you signed on. A fresh start and protection in exchange for loyal and competent service, and you START OVER! That doesn’t mean you just get to keep doing whatever and hiding behind us! Did you really think we wouldn’t find out about the little girls? Or the drugs you thought were coming in on the next DropShip? You really are an idiot….Just get out. You have nothing here. You are nothing to us. NOTHING! If I see your face again, I’ll sell you for bounty myself.... UNDERSTAND?!”

Bob nodded as he scrambled to his feet unsteadily and staggered towards the barracks area.

“Not that way you moron!” David snarled. “You arrived with nothing but the clothes on your back, and that’s the way you leave!” He grabbed Bob by the shoulder and wrist, and then forcibly marched him out the front door, shoving him out into the dimming light of evening. “Get moving! I suggest you start running now.”

David slammed the door shut and walked back to where Leo was standing. “Sorry about that.” He spoke calmly. “Just a little personnel dispute…..What can I help you with?”

Leo stood up, brushing dust off his pants that was kicked up by the brief scuffle.

“Well, I was going to complain about the poor quality of your security and reception staff, but I see that has been taken care of. My name is Har-Lavi or, Mister Har-Lavi if you prefer. I answer to both. Now, down to business”

Leo cleared his throat before continuing, “I saw your leader, Zhao I believe his name was, at the Arcade not too long ago. Now, I’m not very familiar with the ways of the Periphery, but where I come from when ‘Mech Warriors are gambling for support personnel, it usually means that they are either starting or already have a Mercenary Company.”

Leo offered David a smoke, before continuing further. “I am a ‘Mech Warrior by trade, and right now I could use some employment. I’m not a rookie: I graduated from the Robinson Battle Academy, served with the First Robinson Rangers in the FedCom Civil War, and have led many men and women into, and out of, combat.”

Leo grinned, “Sorry, seems that I got so carried away that I forgot my manners. You are the Executive Officer?”

David just shrugged. "If you're expecting a traditional command structure, you're out of luck....The Black Stars run a little differently. We're more of a collective than a more rigid formation. It might help to think of us as not one single unit, but a confederation of smaller units operating under the umbrella organization of the Black Stars."

Gesturing for Leo to sit, David stretched out in one of the chairs of the lobby. "Day to day operations are handled collectively by the commanders of the sub-units, for things that affect the 'Stars as a whole. For stuff affecting only the sub-unit, their CO takes care of it."

As Leo digested that bit of information, David continued. "From what you've said, I guess you're looking for a job?"

Receiving a nod, David kept on, almost uninterrupted. "Well, the rules are pretty simple. We don't care who you are, or what you've done in the past. Our requirements are simple as well. Loyalty, competence, and a fresh start....Which means, unlike the recently departed Bob, you keep your nose relatively clean while working for the 'Stars. In return, we give you a home and a family which ALWAYS stands together. As long as you are a 'Star, any other 'Star will stand with you no matter what. Betray us, and......it won’t be pretty. We're very serious about this....If you join up with us, you'll be working alongside ex-pirates, former Wobbies, a bunch with bounties on their heads, and many who just want to run from their previous lives. While you’re a 'Star, they will be your family, and family stands together, got it?"

David nodded. "So, were you looking to hire on with one of the sub-units we've already got? Or we're you looking to join as a sub-contractor in your own right?"

“I feel that I have the experience to command a ‘Mech Lance, so yes, I was looking to joining as a sub-contractor. I don’t really care from what background anyone working under me is from, just as long as they are good Warriors and won’t end up shooting me in the back or abandoning their post when things get a little out of hand.”

Leo continued, “My past experience has been leading an Assault Lance. Since the Black Stars are new, and probably do not have enough funding to equip a full ‘Mech Lance with the most up-to-date Assault tonnage hardware, I’ll see if I can organize my group to be heavy-hitters, at least for their tonnage class.”

Leo waited for a response, and a meeting with Zhao.

David nodded. "Well, who you hire to work under you is your business, same with how you configure the line-up. Like I said, we operate like an alliance of affiliated smaller units. We only need to know so as to bid for the right contracts."

Standing, he held out his hand. "Look at me for example, I've GOT two ‘Mechs. Unfortunately, only one of them is working at the moment, so my sub-unit is just me a couple techs for the moment.....Once I get that fixed up and a little cash, I intend to expand......OK, well, pending a review by the other Black Star commanders, you're in. Mover your unit over here and we'll see about getting you and yours some quarters."

As he walked away from Leo, he kept speaking. "If you need to talk to Zhao, he'll probably be down the street at the topless donut shop and bar, getting some breakfast."

New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long barely noticed the well endowed waitress as she brushed her considerable assets against his shoulders to pour him yet another cup of luke warm coffee. Failing to attract his attention, and very much insulted that her attentions were not returned, the waitress stretched herself across the table and slowly retrieved the sugar dispenser and handed it slowly to the Black Stars CO.

"Sugar?" She purred.

Zi Long continued to munch on a sugar powder dusted donut without looking up. "Hmmm."

The red hair pouted and she slammed the small glass container down right in front of Zi Long. "I asked if you wanted sugar for your coffee!"

Zi Long looked up from the stack of papers he was reading without as much as a ripple or change in expression. He smiled as winsomely as he could. "Sorry darlin', I was distracted. I might be shipping off towards the Inner Sphere soon, and the thought just makes me... you know, sullen."

The anger on the waitress's face melted into despair. "You're gonna leave me... I mean, you're gonna leave Herotitus?"

Zi Long nodded with a suitably exaggerated sad frown on his face. "Yeah. Times are hard, and the Stars just lost a considerable amount of hardware in our previous contract. I might have to start searching for better paying jobs out there."

"But the Inner Sphere!" She exclaimed. "I've heard that it's like swarming with evil people who will stick a knife into honest periphery folks like us at every available opportunity!"

"Indeed it it." Zhao nodded again as he took another gulp of the coffee, his eyes looking first at the waitress's tear brimmed eyes, before travelling downwards. "But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

"When will you be going?"

"Not sure, but should be soon." Zhao smiled. "Too soon." He took another bit of the donut. "Say, what say you and I have dinner tonight? God knows what kind of crap the Inner Sphere serves as food."

The waitress smiled back bravely. "Of course."

Zi Long grinned back at her, before throwing a wink at another blond waitress who had been pretending not to be listening to the conversation between himself and the red hair. Something nearly impossible given that there's only two customers in the quiet outlet, and that the other was a near unconscious drunken fool who had apparently spent the night intoxicating himself successfully. "Wanna join us Lynn?"

She cheeks flushed a bit at being caught eavesdropping. "Well, I don't know. I do have this appointment..."

Zi Long shrugged as he went back to his coffee, donut and papers. "Fine. Its' completely ok. I won't want to..."

"WHICH I can totally postpone." The blond completed quickly.

Zi Long beamed. "Excellent! I'll see you fine ladies later tonight." If anyone was in Zi Long's shoes, and if that anyone had noticed the less than jovial expression of the red hair, he might have not been so happy with how things were turning out. On the other hand, Zi Long has always been one who loved to live dangerously...

“Mr. ‘Mech’s Garage”
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

The place looked like nearly any other cheap repair shop in the Periphery: scattered pieces of damaged equipment, half-assembled pieces of battle armour, and plenty of dried oil stains on the floor. The appearance of the place was lost on Fernando Ramirez, who was finishing putting a previously gutted machinegun back together. Some inexperienced ‘Mech Jock hadn’t taken the time to properly clean the thing, and it had taken Ramirez some time to remove the stripped bullet casings, cleaned the interior and exterior, and to replace the broken firing mechanism. “Damn, I wish I could use this thing on a live target,” he thought to himself.

“Hey Ramirez!” The sudden shout in the relatively quiet hanger caused him to freeze momentarily, before recognizing the voice.

“Damn it Leo, don’t do that!”

“What a greeting! Not even a “Hello,” or “Nice to see you,” but instead you curse at me. And do think that I was going to get you out of this pristine place of employment and drag you back into the life of scum and villainy.” Leo grinned, “How are you, Ramirez?”

“I was doing just fine, before you snuck up behind me! Don’t you ever get tired of doing that?”

“Come on, who did you think I was, an Umayyad Caliphate assassin? And why do you always wear that ridiculous bandana around your head?”

“It drives the girls crazy; you know how the women love the sight of an extremely manly Castilian wearing a bandana! It got me girls at every base, remember?”

“I do not think that they were as interested in your looks as they were in your monthly pay check,” Leo said, before laughing.

“Shut up! What were you saying about getting me out of this dump?”

“Well, I might have found a job as a sub-contractor for this group that calls themselves the Black Stars. Ever heard of them?”

Fernando shook his head.

Leo continued, “Well, I am going to need a good ‘Mech Warrior that I can trust, someone with proper training and experience, not like these cowboys around here who think that since they have won a few arena duels that they can take anything that comes their way.”

“Alright, you’ve convinced me,” Fernando said sarcastically, “I’ll leave this wonderful job to go travelling around the galaxy, getting into trouble, and enlarging my stomach ulcer to the size of a coconut. When do I start?”

“Immediately. I have some business to take care of, but once you become unemployed, go to the Black Stars Temporary Base and tell them that you are working in my unit.”

<Scene Break>

“Yep, that is him,” Leo thought as he observed the two waitresses swooning over Zhao. Walking over to his table, he took a seat.

“The name is Har-Lavi; I spoke with your Executive Officer a little while ago about joining your outfit. You don’t mind if we speak privately, do you?”

The two waitresses gave an angry glance at Leo, before turning to Zhao and saying “See you later,” in their most seductive voices.

After the two had left, Leo continued, “I am a practical sort of person, so you can probably understand why I would want to meet the Commanding Officer of a mercenary company that I plan to sub-contract with.”

Zi Long turned around and looked at the man who looked to be about the same age as he was. Listening to what the man had to say, his lips curled slightly in humour.

"Executive Officer eh?" Zi Long smiled. "Would that be Bob, or David?" Before Leo could reply, Zi Long held up a hand. "Never mind, I doubt Bob would still be around after we decided to terminate his loyal services to us, so you should have met Ten-Bears back at base." The Chinese man picked up a mug of coffee and sniffed at it. He wrinkled his nose once, before shrugging and emptying the less than warm contents into his mouth and down his throat. "Argh. I hate cold coffee."

Setting the mug down, he turned again to look at Leo. "Right, I'm not sure if David briefed you about our set up and status, but I'll give you a run through again." He paused while Lynn came back with a piping hot jug of coffee and filled his mug. "Thanks darlin'." He winked before he continued. "In the Stars, we don't really work like the other commands you find in the Sphere. While we TECHNICALLY have a CO - that's me, and a XO - that's David by the way, most decisions are made by a council called the 'Cell'. We're made up of several smaller commanders, or sub-units, that have their own commanding officers. David's one of our most experienced around. Don't let the crappy condition of his machines fool you, he's one heck of a commander." Zi Long smiled as he poured amount of sugar into the mug. "I like to stay piqued." He replied matter of factly to Leo's raised eyebrows.

"Anyway, before I put in my vote for you and your, I hope, awesome unit, I'd like to find out first what rides you'll bring into the Black Stars, and what experience do you and your people have. While we don't usually have problems with all sorts of people walking into the unit, we DO want to know your real story." The Black Star officer suddenly turned serious. "We can't look after each other if we don't know where the dagger from the darkness will come from, can we?"

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078 20:00 Local Time

David walked slowly back to his storage area/shop. “What are the Black Stars becoming these days?” He thought to himself. “That poster boy for Lyran inbreeding back there looked almost respectable… Must be a mistake… probably got caught molesting goats or something… Nah, he’s Lyran, must have given someone a fair deal and correct change, no greater sin for a Lyran than that, molesting goats would just be thought an odd hobby.” David shrugged. “Maybe he’s got relatives from the Magistracy, that’d explain the goats…..”

Arriving at his shop, David rummaged through a standing case for a few moments before pulling a long leather jacket out. Inside the case, at least a dozen others still waited. “Boy looked to be a large-long…This one should fit.”

He shook out the coat and hung it from a hanger over the back of the door, then turned back to the case. Kneeling down, he extracted a dozen Star-shaped Black leather patches. “Probably won’t need this many, but better safe.” He mused. “Better see about doing up a few more, just in case, looks like I’m running low.”

<Scene Break>

David walked into the open ‘Mech hanger currently housing the Black Stars present on Herotitus. A basic facility at best, it consisted of a cavernous hanger, once used for dirigible storage and service and a few small machine shops. Over in one corner a pile of pre-fab staging pieces allowed the Black Stars to assemble needed gantries at will, if not easily. Overhead dangled a single heavy lift hoist.

Along the far wall, dozens of crates served to contain the supplies that the Black Stars might need to repair their units.

New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long fell heavily into one of the thickly padded sofa he had in his room. Since the morning, he had received reports that the return of the bulk of the Black Stars would be this very day. They were supposed to have landed in New Hedon's space port by now. Yet, there had been nothing so far. The mercenary Captain released the band that held his shoulder length hair in a pony tail and let his black hair fell across his back and shoulders. God damnit Aik, what happened to you guys.

A ping, indicating a call on his personal communicator sent Zi Long immediately to his feet. Where the hell did I place that bloody contraption... Making his way to his bed, he threw the pillows onto the floor and ruffled the blanket and bed linen. A soft thud on the other end of the bed brought a smile to his face even as his eyes focused on a patch of dark red on his bed sheet. I wonder who THAT was. Crossing over to the other side of the bed, Zi Long located his communicator, bent down and slapped it lightly. "Zhao here."

The excitable voice on the other end sounded almost relieved at Zi Long's reply. "Sir, we have a message from an incoming commercial DropShip. It's Sergeant Moss from the Major's Bloodhound Company."

Zi Long frowned. "Sergeant Moss? Why didn't the Major call through himself? And why is he on board a COMMERCIAL DropShip?"


"Never mind, I was thinking out loud." Zi Long straightened up. "Patch him through."

It took a couple of seconds before the static cleared and a very tired voice came though. "Zi Long? Is that you boy-o?"

"Yeah, its me. What the fuck's happening Moss? Where's the Major? Hell, where the heck is the rest of the Stars?" Zi Long let the months of pent up frustration bleed through his tone and questions.

"Good afternoo' to ya too boy-o." Despite the jovial words, even the heavy static of could not filter out Moss's weary. "I was thinkin' you'd be wantin' some privacy and confidentiality crap ya kno'? Ba since it's gonna' be common knowledge soon 'nuff', I'll just spill da' beans on ya - en' whoeva' out tha' listenin'." The Black Stars non comm paused for a while. "The Black Stars - they're no more, boy-o."

"What?!" Zi Long would only manage that single word. Seemingly too little and insignificant to the gravity of the piece of news the older Black Stars Sergeant had just announced.

"The Major, Bloodhounds, an' all da' others - they're gone. Dead, captured or worst." Moss replied with a tired voice. "We've been had."

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long looked at the bottle in front of him sullenly. Moss had just touched down on Herotitus's Drop Port and was making his way to the Black Stars' temporary base with information and update. Information that would contain details of how the battalion strong Black Stars was now reduced to less than a company of Battlemechs and support elements. He took a large gulp of the murky liquid. Crap. This tastes worst than it looks. He winced as he felt a searing heat burn its way down his throat. Maybe I should take up David's suggestion to dump the cheap liquor he's been taking and try out the Mao-tai that the native Capellan said he had stashed away. Against his own judgment, he downed another mouthful of the whiskey and felt the same sensation this time spreading through to his entire body. Zi Long smiled without humour. Or maybe not. I'll need this to calm my nerves.

Swivelling his chair to face his noteputer, Zi Long stared at the screen. He still had not idea what happened to the rest of the Black Stars, nor the Commanding Officer Major Aik. What he DID know was that the personnel here on Herotitus, and the two new sub-units he just picked up earlier in the month was most likely the entirety of the Black Stars now. From the initial twenty member strong leadership committee that was known as the Cell, he and David Ten-Bears were most likely the only left. He'd have to rectify that. He checked his chrono. It would be another hour before Moss arrived at base.

The Chinese man sighed. The Black Stars would have to repopulate the Cell. Either that, or they would have to fold. The second option was unacceptable. Reaching forward, he switched on the communicator to the first person he would have to get in touch with.

"Hey, David. Zi Long here." He started when the person on the other end of the line responded. "Can you meet me at our conference room in about half an hour? There's gonna be some news on the Black Stars, and since you and I are the only Cell member here on Herotitus, I thought I'd share it with you first before announcing it to the rest of the unit." Or what's left of it.

Next, Zi Long keyed in the contact numbers of Leo Har-Lavi. The ring tone sounded for quite a while, and just as Zi Long thought that he'd cut the comms, the former First Robinson Rangers Mechjock picked up the line. In the background, Zi Long could hear sounds of heavy machinery not unlike those usually heard in a garage or workshop. "Leo, this is Captain Zhao of the Black Stars. I know I gave you some time to get things in order, but there's been some forthcoming information that I'd like you to hear about. Can you join us in the conference room within our compounds within an hour or so?" Leo's surprised and suspicious tone was evident even over the comms link. Not wishing to divulge more information than necessary at this point in time, Zi Long went on. "Great, see you in sixty. Thanks."

Zi Long thought of the next name on his mental list. He closed his eyes and thought hard. Would it be a mistake to take him in? Their previous... disagreements notwithstanding, Caecilius Jarred Harding, otherwise known as CJ, or to Zi Long - Backstabber, had never been known as a notable Mechwarrior, or tactician, or even a soldier. However, the man had always been a survivor. More than before, the Black Stars would need his skills and connections.

Slowly opening his eyes, Zi Long keyed in the numbers that would get him in touch with CJ.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 05:05:55 AM by Vampire »


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 04:06:27 AM »

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zhao Zi Long picked at one of the buttons of his Black Stars long coat as the members of the "new" sub-units and their commanders streamed into the small bare room that the mercenary had taken to calling their conference room. It was not large in any sense of the word, but it was adequate. He had informed David to meet up earlier before the rest of the new sub-unit commanders came in, with Sergeant Moss briefing them both again on what happened to the rest of the Black Stars on the employment of the Magistracy of Canopus.

"David, glad you could join us." Zhao looked up wearily as the only other veteran Black Star member on Herotitus walked into the conference room. Even though Zi Long had always felt the room to be small, the fact that it was currently occupied by himself, Moss and now David somehow made it forbiddingly cavernous. The Black Stars Captain shivered. The fact that this was to be the place where the death of over two thirds of the Black Stars was to be announced might be another reason why the white washed walls of the room somehow felt colder than ever before.

"We all here yet?" Moss asked gruffly.

"Yeah, you might as well start." Zi Long sighed as David took a seat beside him.

"There ain't nothin' much ta tell actually." Moss began, taking a pull from the bottle Zi Long had brought along. "Yetch! You drink THIS fer fun?!" He bletched. "Anyhoo, we received orders from the Canopians 'bout this band of ravagin' pirates that they managed ta trace back to ta god forsaken' Gal' ron systems."

"Wait." David Ten-Bears interrupted with a raised hand. "Gal' ron? That's like more than a hundred light years from the nearest MoC system!"

"Tell me 'bout it." Moss smirked. "Major Aik signed this pirate huntin' contract, don't ya know. So where the pirates appear, we go." Moss took another swig of Zi Long's offered bottle. "Ya REALLY gotta change ya poison boy-o." He commented before continuing. "Anyhoo, the two companies met lil' resistance burnin' their way onto the system, what with Canopian aerospace cover an' all. They even attached a lance from their so-called elite First Canopian Fusiliers to the assault."

"I thought the pirates only had like a company of old tech 'Mechs and some vees?" Zi Long asked.

"Yeah, so did the Major and the Canopians." Moss spat. "Turned out they had more than a battalion of 'Mechs and vees, plus bloody infantry hidden all over ta place. We were ambushed well and proper even as we make our landin'. We 'ver had a chance. Inferno missiles, mines, ta works man. I tell ya, if not fer the fact that I'M on ta receivin' end, I woulda stayed an' watched the fireworks!"

"So we were wiped out?" David asked in a hushed tone.

"In minutes boy-o, in minutes." Moss shook his head sadly.

"So how the hell did YOU get out?" Zi Long asked with a quizzical look at the older man.

"Well me boy-o, Moss here has his own ways, don't ya know?" The man shrugged. "Both our Droppers got whacked silly, as did half of ta Canopians 'Mechs. I could tell when we're in a fight we couldn't win, so I legged it towards their Leopard and..."

"You DESERTED." Zi Long stated. "You left the rest of the Black Stars to die."

"Well now boy-o, a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do to keep himself in pink health an' all don't ya know." Moss started to fidget in his seat. "If I din' make it outa there, you wouldn't have known what happened to ta Major and all ta others now, would ya? After all, I thought I mighta been able ta find work once I get in touch with ta rest of the Black Stars..."

Despite being half intoxicated with cheap whiskey before the meeting, Zi Long reflected like a war hound released from its leash. Pushing back his chair, the Chinese man dropped onto one knee and swept his other leg around. It knocked over the other seat that Moss was seated on, throwing the other man falling back with a startled shout. Thrown off balance and instinctively flailing his hands to break his fall, Moss released the grip that one of his hands had on his pistol. Even as he landed on his back, he quickly reached for his side arm again. Zi Long was faster. Leaping forward, he pressed one of his knees onto Moss's throat while the other land flashed forward and pinned Moss's outstretched hands. David stepped forwards and held Moss's other still free hand. With his other hand, David reached down and withdrew Moss's side arm from its already unclipped holster.

David looked on impassively as he squatted next to the struggling Moss. "What were you trying to do Moss? I thought the conversation was going on pretty nicely. You HAD to spoil it by going for your gun?"

"Drop ta act of yours boy-o. I've been in the Stars longer than ya did. Death ta those who betray the unit." Moss managed as he finally gave up struggling.

Zi Long nodded. "We'll deal with him later." He looked at David. "Oh, and in case you missed it, seems like I'm now the new CO and you the XO." He grinned lopsidedly. "Sorry if we couldn't arrange for some sort of party in such short notice. But I think you'd understand."

"Oh, and by the way, those filed over there? They're the dossiers, as complete and as accurate as I can hope for, of the couple of new sub-unit commanders that just joined us this month. You might want to go over them a bit before we start the meeting." Zi Long pointed with his chin.

David nodded as he stuffed Moss's pistol into his long coat, and made towards the stack of files.

"Er... David?" Zi Long called out. "Can you get someone to take care of Moss here BEFORE you start your reading?"

David watched impassively as Moss glared at him from where he stood on the chair.

"C'mon now boyo! There weren't nuthin' I could do! If I'd stayed, I'd be dead too, and you'd never have known what happened! Ain't no call for this!" Moss pleaded with David. "I didn't sell t'others out! I just walked away from a losing battle, that's all. Me stayin' wouldn't have helped nuthin'!"

David shrugged. "Doesn't matter. You knew the code when you signed on. Hell, YOU were the one what told me what the code was!" David paused a moment. "If you'd just left the First Catamite Fusiliers to get reamed, that'd be one thing. But you left STARS to die, just to save your own butt! Code says you NEVER walk on Family... doesn't say that only applies when its safe or convenient! You told me that, when I joined up! Blast it, Moss. I WATCHED you cap that tank crew on Fovea Six when they tried to run from a fight. And that one wasn't even a loser."

Moss just stared at David. "That were different! Fight hadn't even started yet and they ran. Weren't like we asked 'em to be scrappin' with an Atlas in a Scorpion... Was an even fight and they didn't hang in. 'Course I shot 'em!"

David shook his head. "Justify it all you like... doesn't make it so." He straightened up and his voice took on a more formal tone. "Sergeant Harold Moss, The Black Star's command council has found you guilty of violating the code. You are cast out from the Stars, your property and funds are forfeit to the unit, and you are to be returned to the circumstances in which we found you." David smiled coldly. "Records say your freedom was purchased right off a Circinian gallows. Well, we don't have a gallows, and no time to build one, so we'll just have to improvise." He kicked the chair out from under Moss' feet.

David turned away from Moss' kicking body and flipped open his comm-unit. Punching a code, he waited for an answer.

"New Hedon Police. How may we help you today?"

David spoke softly but intently. "Yes, I'd like to report a suicide. This is David Ten-Bears of the Black Stars Mercenary command.... I've just discovered one of our troops has hung himself. Could you send someone over? No hurry, he's not going anywhere."

"Right, we'll have a unit swing by in about twenty minutes. Sorry it can't be sooner, but shift change you understand." The bored voice crackled and hissed out of comm-unit. "Try not to touch anything if you can avoid it."

David smiled, but none of it showed in his voice. "Got it. I've already touched the body and the suicide note, is that a problem?"

"Shouldn't be. Just let the Officers know that when they arrive. They'll take your statement at that time."

"OK, I'll be here, Ten-Bears out." He snapped the comm-unit shut and turned back to Moss. The man's struggles were rapidly weakening as oxygen was denied to his brain. "You really should've thought this through a bit more, Moss. If I'd done this elsewhere, either you'd have had enough room for a drop long enough to break your neck and make it quick, or someone might have found you before it was too late." He drew a folded piece of paper from an inside pocket of his long-coat. "But I suppose the remorse over leaving your buddies was just too much and you wanted to suffer a bit."

David tossed the paper onto a small table before taking a seat to await the arrival of the police and to watch Moss' final moments.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

The two men arrived about an hour after the call came in. Not late, exactly, but pretty damn close. CJ was whistling cheerfully to himself again in between puffs on an expensive smelling cigar he had between his teeth and walked up to the desk.

"Hello there! CJ Harding to see Mr. Zhao, i believe he's expecting us, well, probably just me, but He's just a Clanner so it's alright to just ignore him."

The other man behind him just raised an eyebrow. His name was Reed, of Kindaa Sainze. Trueborn and Blooded Mechwarrior of Clan Fire Mandil. or was, until about 3 years ago. He was now Exiled, under pain of death, from most of the Kerensky Cluster, and subsequently two Occupation Zones as well. Just the kind of person one would expect to show up with CJ Harding.

The man behind the desk just narrowed his eyes slightly, giving Reed the look most Spheroids gave him, then turned back to Harding. "Down the hall to your right, conference room is the big room with the opened doors and the sign next to it that says 'conference room'... should be easy enough to find, right?"

CJ laughed a bit and stuck the cigar back in his mouth. "Sarcasm is unprofessional young man... which means much more useful, keep up the good work!" He turned and started walking, motioning for the other man to follow him.

They headed down the hall, CJ Whistling to himself and Reed just sort of staring off into space before speaking out. His voice was more one of amusement than anything else. "Do you not find it strange, Harding, that after three centuries of pounding itself half way back to the stone age, the Inner Sphere is taking so long to just get over the Clan Invasion? They did win, after all."

Harding just shrugged. "Well, I suppose it mostly because you kicked their asses so thoroughly at first. In my opinion, people don't really mind losing that much, if they feel it was a fair fight. The Succession wars were brutal, but because of the slow, grinding nature of 'em people just sort of took a 'you win some, you lose some' approach to it all. Than you buggers showed up and suddenly the whole thing was no longer fun. That and you buggers made a great excuse for the politicos to raise taxes."

Reed was silent for another long moment, than just nodded. "My guess is the latter. In my experience the Inner Sphere is all about money anyways."

CJ Grinned and pushed open the door to the conference room as he answered, a big grin on his face. "You’re a quick learner, buddy boy. It’s ALWAYS about the money."

"Simplistic, but essentially accurate." David didn't even look up from the file he was reading. "A more complete assessment would be that given the way the society and economy works, that in order to get to what is important to you, you have to have the resources to get something done... THAT requires Power, Influence, or Money. And since all three tend to stick close, if you get the one, the other two come a lot easier."

He looked up at the newly arrived pair. "What people like Mr Harding here forget, is that Money is nothing more than a tool. A medium of exchange. It has no more value than what we give it. You cannot eat it, nor can you fix a BattleMech with it. Its only utility is in exchanging it for something else. Money unused and not put to work, is wasted." Glancing over at CJ, he smiled coldly. "Zi let me in on a little of your history together...you have some..."Interesting"... habits." He looked directly at the man. "Keep those habits to outsiders and away from the 'Stars and we'll not have a problem. But we have a policy here. "You don't %&5 where you eat!" Screw with the family, and we'll bury you, got it?"

Turning to Reed, David continued in a friendlier tone. "I am David Ten-Bears. Along with Zhao Zi-Long, we lead the current incarnation of the Black Stars. I see by your dress and tattoos that you are originally from the Clans, though I am unaware of which one, nor do I care particularly. We do not care who you WERE, only what you ARE. Your history and bloodline are unimportant to us. You will be judged solely by your actions from this point forward. The same goes for CJ here. While Captain Zhao has a history with him, when you join the 'Stars, your past becomes irrelevant. Zhao may razz him a bit, and probably won’t ever play cards with him again for money, but other than that, he'll be treated just as any other Sub-Contractor. You yourself might be either a former Ristar from an elite Bloodhouse, or a Dark Caste pirate...doesn't matter to us. Do your job, don't screw the family, and you've got a home with us. Any questions?"

The Two men just sort of stared at Mr. Ten-Bears with amused smirks, waiting for him to finish, then turned to look at each other again.

"My Reputation seems to precede me more and more these days, Reed." Harding said with a chuckle. "And he is essentially correct, if a bit overly pretentious."

"Aff, but mine appears not to, perhaps it is something i should work on." He turned back to Ten-Bears and gave an overly elaborate salute. "Reed, Kindraa Sainze, Trueborn MechWarrior of Clan Fire Mandrill."

"HE'S the one you should be afraid of, Davie, the Mandrills have turned backbiting into a science." It was Harding again as he dropped heavily into a chair at the conference table. "And don't worry about me, you can't lie, cheat and steal effectively without somebody there to watch your back. you've got mine and I’ve got yours."

Reed slid into a different seat, much more gracefully than his companion. "Until such time as the arrangement is no longer conducive to the accumulation of the resources necessary to maintain a lifestyle one deems satisfactory." Reed just looked at David for a moment, then gave him a 'who? me?' smile just as the briefing started.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zhao Zi Long, Captain of the Black Stars mercenary command, and recently self promoted Commanding Officer of the Periphery founded unit sat once again playing with one of the buttons on his long coat as he scanned the various faces within the conference room. The chairs had been roughly rearranged, but Zi Long doubted if anyone would have noticed anything out of place among the normal organized disorganization that is a trademark of the Black Stars.

The pony tailed Chinese man smiled as David Ten-Bears entered the room again. His equally newly appointed Executive Officer gave him a thumps up, which Zi Long replied with a lazy salute. Looking around the room, Zi Long picked out the several potential new sub-unit commanders in the room.

Dressed as usually in his liveries, Caecilius Jarred "CJ" Harding was a direct opposite of the sullen tattoo covered Clansman beside him. Like Zi Long himself, CJ, notoriously known more as Backstabber, was a periphery rat. That was about all the similarity between the two men. Unlike the Black Stars Captain, Harding was born in the Marian Hegemony on the world of Pompey. While never the soldier Zi Long was, Harding survived through his own unique set of skill consisting of scrounging, politics, blackmailing and god knows what else. Despite his personal feelings, the Black Stars would need Harding's skills to service.

Nearly as old as David, Leo Har-Lavi, call sign Templar, was the only Inner Sphere born and breed man in the room. Born on the planet of Robinson to a family of merchants, with all the afforded social ladders, trappings and education such a background could provide. Like many who participated in the FedCom Civil War, Har-Lavi's dossier was filled with accounts of fighting, death, destruction and chaos. However, Zi Long still was sceptical as to why a self professed AFFS loyalist would leave his unit and his entire existence behind him to join the Stars. The Black Stars Captain shrugged. He had checked out the information within, and had confirmed that none of them were fake. Which only worried Zi Long even more. What the hell, if nothing else, we could all retreat to his family estate if need be.

There were a few more other men and women in the room. Some, similar aspiring sub-unit commanders like Backstabber and Templar, while others were just here to check out the Black Stars. Seeing that almost everyone that should be here were already present, Zi Long stood and cleared his throat.

"Alright folks, get yourself seated and we'll begin." He waited a couple of seconds more for the murmuring to die down. "Welcome to the Black Stars. You guys know what and who we are, so I'll save the crap for someone else and cut to the chase." Zi Long started without humour.

"Some of you already heard about the destruction of a substantial portion of the Black Stars while under contract to the Majesty of Canopus. Some others have heard that they have returned to Herotitus with a horde of treasure and lostech. Wonder no more - we have indeed been screwed in our last contract." Zi Long spread his hands wide. "The people you see here, are who I hope will be the new generation of Black Stars."

The murmurings rose to hashed discussions as the information sunk in. "Those of you who feel that the dangers and risk of signing up with a unit more rag tag than you thought, you may leave now." Zi Long nodded at David who had continued to stand at the rear of the room. "Those of you who are willing to give us and yourself all a shot, please stay. We will be discussing on possible contracts in half an hour. I hope to see MOST of you later. Thank you."

As the gather crowd streamed out of the room, Zi Long noticed a commotion at the entrance of the conference room. A massive man bulled his way through the out going traffic, pushing aside men and women with ease. Planting his arms by the side of his hips, the man looked at Zi Long and David who stood at the front of the room. "So, what did I miss?"


"So, where did you say you got your equipment from again?" Zi Long asked the big man seated in front of him. David was once again standing, leaning against one of the walls as he looked on.

"I didn't say." The man winked. "Stop trying to badger me for the information Captain, I won't tell."

"Fine." Zi Long said as he threw up his hands as a sign of surrender. "So, tell me again, what brings you here Markus."

"Again?!" The big man complained. Looking at David and the withering stare of Zi Long, he sighed. "FINE. My name, in case you missed it, is Markus Jackson. I was trained, among other things, to be an Armoured Infantry in the LAAF, where I saw actions against both Inner Sphere and Clan opponents. My small little group that I very affectionately call the Jack-O-Lanterns include two squads of Battle Armour - a squad each of Nighthawk and Ying Long. We have a couple of VTOLs to support our operations as well."

David nodded. "And..."

"And no, I'm not going to tell you WHERE I got my hardware." The man known as Lantern gave David a stare. "Anyhoo, me and my boys need work, and the Black Stars look as legit as any other... as as legit as any other here on Herotitus anyway." He winked.

"Did you, by any chance heard of our latest predicament?" David asked with a mildly amused look.

"Yes, and it’s EXACTLY what me and my boys are looking for in a unit - an organization where we can have a clean start." Marcus beamed.

Zi Long smiled. "That’s what EVERYONE says when they try to join the Stars."

Marcus looked that pony tailed Chinese man. "Meaning?"

"Meaning, we'll be glad to have you on board if you're willing to sign up with us." Zi Long nodded. "Things are a little hectic now, so I won't be able to give your dossier as thorough a check as I usually do, but I guess I'll have to take what you say at face value for now."

"Excellent!" The big man smiled as he stood. "So we're in!" He extended a hand.

Zi Long stood as well and clasped his newest sub-unit commander's hand. "Indeed you are, Lantern, indeed you are."


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 04:10:29 AM »

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long frowned slightly as he counted the number of returning mercenaries. Less than a quarter of the original numbers had returned. In fact, about the only people left were Harding and his strange Clan Fire Mandrill companion, the muscle bound Marcus and the rather stuck up looking Leo Har-Lavi. Them, and David Ten-Bears of course. The newly promoted CO of the Black Stars sighed. Guess I can't blame 'em. At least there's still SOME people still interested.

Straightening, Zi Long stood again and what was essentially the newly reconstituted Black Stars gathered themselves before him. "Gentlemen, thank you for keeping faith with the Black Stars. Now that we've got prissies and ninnies out of the way, let me start with a status update." Zi Long tapped lightly on a control and the lights to the room dimmed. A volo protection glimmered into life and hang just a meter away to his side. The view zoomed in towards the center of the known universe, and settled onto the world known as the cradle of humanity - Terra.

"Currently, the Black Stars are effectively down to less than a company. The good thing is, we actually have a DropShip - an upgraded Union Class no less. Where we got that piece of hardware from is not important - what IS important is that I am currently making arrangements to sell it off so that we can lay our hands on hardware more... suitable of our status and our hotchpotch setup." Zi Long grinned as the various sub-unit commanders nodded in understanding. Slapped together from all over the place, with all sorts of equipment, the new Black Stars would be similar to the older one at least in that sense.

"Regardless of whether my attempt is successful, I have in the meantime shortlisted several contracts offered through the Department of Mercenary Management based on Terra." Zi Long stopped as several murmurs drifted across the room. He raised his hand after a while to call for silence. "Please, I know quite a number of you have had bad run-ins with parties from the Spheroids. I've done quite extensive research, and the DMM is supposed to be the best organization out there in regards to taking care of merc units, be it spanking outfits like the Lexington Battle Group, or small little units like ours."

"I'll have to be honest with you people. For the past couple of years, contracts we came across here on Herotitus had been... of sub par nature. This was one of the main apparent reasons for the destruction of the main Black Stars, and why we're moving under a more... legitimate management. I'm sure we'll all appreciate the ability to work without the need to constantly check our sixes." Zi Long grinned. "Not that it would stop us from doing so."

Another tap on the controls saw the map dissolve to be replaced by three colour coded serial numbers. The first was jade green, the second imperial purple, and the last sunflower yellow. Zi Long tapped onto the first set of serial numbers. The other two sets faded into the background as the green numbers grew, and a rotating planet floated next to Zi Long.

"The first contract is one offered by the Capellan Confederation, on their system of Necromo. It is a high tech and heavily industrialized world that houses a self-contained DropShip repair facility. Its normal garrison, the 2nd Capellan Defense Force, has been scheduled to undergoing a staged refit and reorganization - meaning that they will be inoperative and under strength while they retrain and receive new equipment. Though the garrison commander is confident in his ability to protect Necromo in the event of an attack from our neighbours, the most exalted Chancellor is not one to take risks and seeks to bolster his forces with mercenary troops to ensure that his latest project in Necromo is successfully completed." Zi Long scratched his cheek. "If we choose this contract, we are to protect the Necromo Ship Yards - yet we are NOT to enter the facilities. This will be a half year long Security Duty Contract, where operational elements of the 2nd Capellan Defense Force and 2nd Macarron's Armored Cavalry will be in theatre as well. Whichever merc command that picks up this contract will serve under an integrated command that would be headed by the highest ranking Cappy officer."

Zi Long gave the others some time to take down whatever notes they want and observe provided intel as they flashed across the screen. Satisfied that most already took down what they needed, he scrolled to the next contract.

"Next, we have Registered Contract: FW-SD-02-03. While it’s a contract in the Free World League, it is NOT offered directly by their government. An unremarkable world, Fujidera would not even be of any importance if not for the fact that its three-quarters of a billion inhabitants work for Sumitomo Group; a massive industrial zaibatsu that owns most of the planets production. Those of you who are half awake will have noticed the similarity between Fujidera and Necromo." Zi Long smiled as he tried to make out any nodding heads in the semi-darkness - nodding heads that hinted at sleeping audiences.

"The basic contract states that we are to act as personal body guards for royal dignitaries visiting the world. Our own sources managed to find out, with a VERY high degree of accuracy that the Grand Duke Christopher Halas of Oriente has been scheduled to visit the world for a couple of months to make the final preparation for Fujidera to become a powerhouse in construction of orbital defense satellites to be used throughout the Duchy to discourage adventurism by any of the factions in the Civil War." Zi Long noted. "Of course, if we can discover that information, so can other competent terrorist and factions opposing the Duke. Our objectives therefore, are to work with a company of Oriente Hussars to protect the Grand Duke during his tour of the factories, while helping out to enforce the communications blackout of the planet during the Grand Duke's tour."

"No supplementary contract is offered for this job, so we have to do things right in the main contract itself. Our employer is actually a private company, so we might have more leeway to interpret the contract. Basically, we'd be glorified bodyguards to the Grand Duke Christopher Halas. Due to the nature of the job, I expect LOADS of 'out of 'Mech' actions, though we might need to purchase a couple of tanks to rumble around the planet - something that I've been putting off as I await some... terms and conditions from DMM itself."

Again, Zi Long paused while information were noted, and thoughts collected.

"And finally, we have what I believe will be the most challenging contract available to us." The details of the final contract was brought to the fore.

"Those of you who did NOT have your head in a bottle in the last couple of months will have heard that Clan Star Adders have struck at the backside of the Federated Suns. While the AFFS has taken steps to blunt and extinguish that threat, the SLDF is concerned that the Adders might take over a depot they have nearby. With SLDF armies deployed along the old clan border it will take almost a year before they can redeploy sufficient forces against the Star Adders." The Chinese man took a drink of water from a glass in front of him.

"The SLDF is hiring mercenaries to work in their stead and this contract is the first of many by the Department of the Quartermaster to shore up the defenses of the depot. Whoever undertakes this contract will link up with 'Faha Regiment' 1st Regiment of the 2nd Brigade of the 41st SLDF Division under Lieutenant General Keith Yates to begin preparation for a raid against Clan Star Adder held planets to relieve pressure on AFFS and supporting mercenaries. From what was disclosed, the 3rd NAIS Cadre is the only AFFS unit on planet." The Black Stars officers again tried to pierce the darkness to judge the mood of his sub-unit commanders in vain. "Needless to say, while this contract offers excellent pay and generous salvage rights, it will pit us against the Clans. I personally do not think we are in any condition to do so. This will involve more 'conventional' actions."

Zi Long frowned grimaced slightly. "Like I said, I don't really like it because frankly speaking, we don't have the hardware to do it. However, it offers a supplementary Minor Raid contract, most likely against the Adders. Action against the Clans is good for possible salvage - if we have the means to do it. Which at the end of the day, I don't think we do at the moment. But then, if we can hide choose our fights and make sure we stay close to the SLDF, we MIGHT be able to get enough cash to bulk ourselves out."

With a click, Zi Long brought the lights back to the room while the holo projection dimmed and then faded. "That's it folks, yap away. I want to hear your thoughts."

David just chuckled. "If I remember what I've read on the various clans, I don't think I need to worry about Reed. The Mandrills have a reputation, that's true....But since the 'Stars aren't a competing Kindraa, I don't think we need concern ourselves overmuch. If anything, the Mandrills just have their loyalties a tad too tightly focused." He gestured to the still standing Clan Mech-jock. "Hell, just listen to how he introduces himself....He's so far fallen from grace that he's looking to sign up with the 'Stars as a mercenary, and STILL he introduces himself FIRST as a member of the Sainze line, THEN as a Mandrill....His loyalties aren't in question at all. If his Kindraa would accept him back today, he'd be on the next DropShip, even if he KNEW it would destroy the rest of the Mandrills, Aff?" David looked directly at Reed.

David shrugged. "Anyway, I vote for the Fujidera contract. It's a lowball contract, but it might just be exactly what we need to get back on our feet. The others...well the Capellan contract is a cluster-&^% waiting to happen. How the hell are we supposed to protect something we can't even enter? Plus, working under integrated command? With THIS crew? Nope, not a good idea. The Fujidera contract at least lets us get away with just a liaison officer."

David smiled coldly. "And as for the Clan contract? If the 'Stars want to do that one, they do so without me. We aren't equipped, trained, or staffed for that kind of job right now. And working under integrated command for the Feddies against the Clans? Nah, I've got cleaner ways to kill myself if it comes to that."

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Harding spoke up after David, taking the remains of his cigar out of his mouth and dropping it into an ashtray on the table. "The Fudijera one looks easiest to me. Mercifully little gunfire involved. Well, that is unless this Halas guy is a huge prick and we find up facing half a dozen very pissed off terrorists groups. Still, gives us the best chance for a quick C-Bill AND gives us the best chance to get the hell out of there on a moment’s notice if things go bad. As for the other two..  Well, never piss of a Crusader Clan and never Trust a Liao."

Reed stood up again with Harding was speaking and wandered over to the projection and just studied it for a moment. When Harding was finished he finally spoke up, answering Ten-Bears earlier question. "To be quite honest, the only way i am ever to be allowed to return to the Kerensky Cluster is as a detached head, seeing as how the one that brought me out did not know I was even aboard at the time, and since then my reputation among my fellow Clansman has not improved. So to answer your question, well, my loyalties are to myself and to my word, nothing more. And what do we know of the force disposition of the Federated Commonwealth troops that would be fighting alongside us? The contract against the Adders may not be as difficult as you believe."

Even Harding sat up straighter when he said that, and coughed in surprise. "Look, buddy, I know you're enjoying the Inner Sphere... but what have you been smoking?!"

"Can it Harding, let's hear what our Mandrill friend has to say." Zi Long stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Reed, care to explain?"

Reed turned to Zhao and looked at him for a moment before continuing. "It is an old trick, sure enough, but with the right mix of BattleMech it may just accomplish what we need. If was can convince them we are SLDF, and then issue a convincing enough Challenge to a formal Trial... perhaps we can draw their best BattleMechs to the front and then bomb the snot out of them before they have a chance to do much damage. It would depend on how much concentrated firepower we can bring to bear on them, and how gullible the commander of the Garrison is. All I can say for sure is that I am pretty certain I can walk you through the Batchall formalities well enough that they just might think we are serious."

David grunted. "I've no doubt of that at all, at all.... What I'm doubting is that we've the firepower to close the deal."

He shoved a file across the table. "Besides, that all depends on us actually getting to go our own way. Read the contract, it’s got integrated command restrictions. Meaning we'd be filling a hole or two in some else's TOE. Either the 3rd NAIS Cadre or one of the regiments of the 41st SLDF Division. Pardon me for doubting, but I don't think they'll be the types to let us plan and run our own ops without getting their noses stuck in..... More likely I think, for them to try to use us as bait, or a distraction while they go and do some damned fool thing or other."

David leaned back. "So, either we end up with a bunch of arrogant Davion snot noses looking to make a name for themselves.... or we end up with a bunch of arrogant Star League pansies who're likely to leave us hanging while they look for an excuse to grab the planet as a "Protectorate". Either way, it'll be us that gets stuck out on the sharp end. Like as not without any support. Thanks, but no thanks."

Harding just laughed when he heard it, seeming to find the whole thing hilarious. "Clansman aren't exactly know for crackpot scheming, but Reed here might just change all that by the time his career's over and done with." He shook his head, chuckling some more and picked up his cigar again. "Interesting idea, and it might've actually worked... but let's save the ambitious stuff until AFTER we've got something to fall back on. I say we take the nice, cushy babysitting job in the League... or what's left of it. We can put that one in our back pocket for later, i should think."

Zi Long nodded at Harding's comments. "Looks that it’s settled than. I'll go make a bid for that contract. Get ready your stuff folks. We'll need to make a hope to the cradle of humanity first to register ourselves with the Department of..." The Black Stars CO floundered.

"Mercenary Management." David pointed out helpfully.

"Whatever." Zi Long shrugged. "Looks like we're leaving Herotitus and the Periphery folks." From the frying pan into the fire.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Zi Long planted his hands on his hips as some locally hired temporary workers staggered pass him, moving all manner of items and equipment out from the Black Stars' temporary base to waiting flat bed trucks, who in turn would transfer all these to the Herotitus Drop Port as the rag tag unit ready themselves for their trip to Terra.

According to their dossier, it would be the first time most of the current members of the Stars had ever stepped onto the cradle of human kind. Understandably, most of them were excited and nervous. However, the Black Stars Commanding Officer suspected that it was not all down to that. Zi Long glanced down at the list of hardware that the Black Stars had managed to put together. Some, were top of line machines, others were less valuable than Clan savaged salvaged. Some others... well, Zi Long did not want to remind himself of how some of the equipment came to populate the rather short TO&E list of the new look Black Stars. Zi Long shrugged. The Black Stars ALWAYS had a new look to them since they were always sub-units moving in and out. The Chinese man spat on the dusty and he suspect never swept and cleaned floor that had served as the Black Stars' base for the past two years. He had subcontracted his own equipment and sub-unit to the Major for the Canopian contract for what he thought were rather lucrative payment terms and conditions. Funny how the universe turned around and bit me in the ass.

His eyes settled on the sole DropShip under the procession of the Black Stars. A Seeker is one of the oldest and most versatile military DropShip not only in the Inner Sphere, but even in the Periphery systems as well. What set THIS particular Seeker apart from any other of its class, or even another other DropShip known to man was its history. Zi Long was not a religious person, but even he had shuddered as he thought the Event Horizon would be their ride for the foreseeable future.

The Taurian sighed. Beggars can't be choosers. He checked his chrono again. Most of the sub-unit commanders would be loading their equipment onto the Event Horizon. Some others, like Markus Jackson and his "Jack-O-Lanterns" would be joining the Black Stars either on Terra, or where ever the Stars end up upon successful bidding of their first contract under Zi Long's command.

David had said something about "making arrangements" - leaving Zi Long with really nothing much to do. He had returned to "The Arcade” in hope of staking his make believe 85 ton Katana CRK-5003-CM in exchange for another machine. Unfortunately, Herotitus being Herotitus, news of the Black Stars, and specifically Zi Long's plight leaked. Even before Zi Long could approach potential "sheeps", it became common knowledge that Zi Long had NOTHING of any value he could wager on. Nothing, except his command.

The Black Stars Captain had used the 2 million c-bills he won in his last simulator bout against Greg to bribe that same simulator pod mechanic again to rig the fight. Unfortunately for Zi Long, the other party had paid the man a million more to swing the simulation in THEIR favour. Luckily for Zi Long, he was still a competent enough of a Mechjock to win despite the odds. The pony-tailed man smirked when he thought of the Morningstar City Command Vehicle he won from the fight, as well as the 3 million c-bills he prised from the hands of the mechanic - after he was dropped from the gantry of a four storey warehouse.

Zi Long pulled on his shades and the collar of his long coat - a signature dress item that only Black Stars commanders were given. He grinned. Even though the Black Stars were down trodden, they were most definitely not out. One has to maintain a certain image after all.



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Re: First Contract
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2011, 04:11:54 AM »

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Harding walked up next to Zhao, adjusting the collar on his neck black long coat. As was typical with a man like Harding, the thing was custom tailored to his and garishly adorned with both the Black Stars logo and his own unit insignia, a black crow on a fence post just staring straight ahead and some Latin lettering around it. Frankly the thing was a bit creepy, but knowing Harding that was likely the point.

"So, back to where it all began for us, is it? I must say it's been a few years for me, but I'm quite sure the rest of the Harding clan will be ready to welcome me back with torches and pitchforks." He fished another expensive cigar out of his pocket and offered one to Zhao. "I'm joking, mostly. But if you wanna drop by either leave your wallet at home or turn down any hugs they offer you."

He pulled out a wooden match, an honest to god old fashioned wooden match, and struck it with practiced ease off his leather belt. "I heard about your little.. disagreement with Moss. Don’t you think you over-reacted just a bit there? Yeah, he ran away, but the battle was lost." He took a puff on his cigar, and stopped a moment to take a smell of the aromatic smoke. "He fulfilled his contract as signed, he fought as hard as he could, and then buggered off when it was over."

He turned to watch his ‘Mechs as they started getting loaded, and could feel Zhao's eyes on him. "I know you're not used to this commander thing, but you gotta start thinking in broad terms now, buddy boy. The unit matters more than the men and women who just happened to wear the uniform. I'm under no illusions about this business, if you have to leave me for dead and get the rest of us out of there, I expect you to do it in a heartbeat, you understand? It’s bad enough on the battlefield, but I won't be part of a unit where I have to think about the wrath of my leaders before i pull my troopers out of a death zone."

He turned his head back to Zhao and looked him right in the eye now, his face deathly serious. "I don't particularly fancy dying, but you're the leader now, you're gonna give orders and people are going to die. If you take each one personally, it's gonna drive you insane in short order, and I don't fancy havin' to con my way into a more respectable unit."

He just looked at Zhao for a moment, when suddenly there was a loud bang and a bunch of swearing, which caused Harding to turn his head suddenly and take off t a fast run, shouting profanities about the techs, their parentage and any children they might have had.

Zhao listened to Hardings' words in silence. Inwardly, he cringed. That was too close for comfort. Damn David Ten-Bears for not able to keep things quiet. Looking at Harding storming towards a bunch of techs, a trail of thick cigar smoke drifting like heavy curtain behind him, Zi Long narrowed his eyes.

The truth be told, Zi Long actually agreed with most of what the parrot of a man said. All that crap about the unit being more important than the individual members of the unit, and the need to issue orders that will most likely get people killed, even if it was to make sure MOST of the others survive to see another day.

Still, while grapevine has been positively awashed with reasons why Zi Long and David had gotten rid of Moss, none of them could've been closer to the truth. Moss had brought back with him a communique from Major Aik to disband what's left of the Black Stars on Herotitus. Moss had somehow convinced the former CO of the Black Stars to allow himself full rights to all cash of equipment and hardware sale. That was totally against the rules and ideals of setting up the Black Stars. And with Moss himself a senior in the "Cell", and with still a considerable stable of lackeys, he was bound to win the votes.

It was unacceptable. No one is to know of the misguided, most likely frantic, last orders of Major Aik. No one at all. Whistling a tuneless tone to himself, Zi Long walked towards the technicians and a now screaming and red-faced Hardings. Zi Long hoped they did not damaged his newly... acquired Morningstar command vehicle.

David walked up beside Harding as the man watched his ‘Mechs being loaded. Without looking at the man, he spoke softly and dropped a small object into his pocket. "You might want to take a look at that before you jump to too many conclusions. Zhao said you spoke to him about Moss.... Well, you don't have all the info. We pulled the recording from his ‘Mech's black box. The bastard broke and ran before the first shot was fired. He broke the unit's flank and let the enemy into Aik's rear. Fight was a loser from the start, that's true. But if he'd stuck around a bit longer, he might have been able to hold the door open for the others to extract."

David grunted and walked on, thinking to himself. Didn't even have to fake the chip. Stupid of Moss not to erase the recording, but he never was much of an electronics tech. Not sure where he got those "orders" from Aik, but the Major screaming for Moss to get back in position and hold the flank should go a ways to calming CJ about what we did. Any military out there, you do what he did, you're up for the big nap... we just are a bit quicker about it than some..... Good thing Zhao wiped those orders from Aik... had to have been fakes, but they'd be crap we don't need right now.

Aboard the Dropship "Event Horizon"
New Hedon Spaceport, Herotitus
July, 3078

"Aw, Damnit! Not another one!" The grizzled spacer stood in the cabin's doorway. Before him a scene of chaos and madness. Seated in the center of the cabin, the ship's Third Mate just rocked and drooled, staring at horrors only he could visualize. All around the cabin, papers were strewn, and books scattered. The walls were covered with mysterious writings and symbols, written in all manner of mediums. Paint, Ink, blood, and feces all used to scribe symbols on every available surface. The man was even seated in the center of what appeared to be a large circle of symbols and lines made of smeared grease.

The old spacer stepped back into the hall before signalling the captain over the intercom, making sure NOT to be on general broadcast. "Captain, this is Barnes... Sorry to bother you sir, but it's Third Mate Pierce....He's gone code Nine." Barnes used the ship's code for when a crew member succumbed to the strange madness that affected occasional crew and passengers. Over the decades, no-one had ever managed to determine what caused the problems, and none of the affected had ever returned to sanity long enough to explain what had driven them over the edge.

"Damn!... OK, secure him and I'll be right down." The intercom crackled.

"Aye, Sir, will do." Barnes stepped back to the door of the cabin and surveyed the mess. He could see Pierce clutching a small handmade book as if it would protect him. Embossed on the cover, Barnes could just barely make out a title. "Libris Entropica"

Purple Haze Bar & (and not many dare eat at) Grill
New Pottersville, Diamantina
July, 3078

James thought through things again. Of course that was still a little painful given his hang over. He needed a job, not just for himself but for his unit, his … Family? Yeah, as close as to one he had had for years. They were depending on him to take care of them and if and when there was trouble they would be there to take care of him as well.

He was really faced with a couple of choices. Hop over to Herotitus, with the last money, and see if he could find a job or spend a few C-Bills and see if he could line up a job by "Starmail." The odds of being able to get a job with just a lance of helos was slim to begin with. Try to get it by "Starmail" and the odds were even more slim, especially with no history. James winced. The unit that would hire him would have to be pretty desperate. He sighed, the weight of command, and this was just the beginning.

Oh well, James spend the next hour combing through the listings of units from the guild hall on New Hedon. He found a dozen units that looked promising, but upon further research learned that half of them no longer existed. That done, he ordered another coffee told them to just refill his mug. He drank it black so he didn’t have to worry about the last time it was cleaned. He took a sip and then turned back to the terminal in the back corner of the bar and started to compose the letter he would be submitting to each of the six units he had selected. The rest of his unit was still nursing their hangovers except Billy Ray and Bubba Joe. Those two were still working on theirs. James just shook his head when he thought about how much they drank. He would swear that their mother bottle fed them from the jug and not formula they way they could pack it away. Back to the letter. Personnel files, unit equipment, availability, unit history "Guess that one will be easy." Said James to himself. Contact info, unit name. James paused, they hadn’t discussed it. He needed and decent unit name, one that might help make up for the lack of a unit’s history. One that would inspire a recruiting officer to take a second look.

James turned and looked at his men, and tried to get his brain to think. He watched Slim slide his hand up the back of the leg of the waitress all 140kg (300lb ~) of her if she weighed a gram. She just laughed and looked at "Slim". Slim was maybe 1.6 (5’3’) meters tall and if you filled all his pockets maybe 54kg (120 lbs). Billy Ray and Bubba Joe were brothers and two of his unit’s helo gunners. They each stood around 1.7 meters to 1.8 meters tall (5’ 8" to 5’10") and both came in at around 114kg (250 lbs) with beer guts and a penchant of wearing sleeveless shirts made out of this weird multi-colored fabric. But for all their bragging, they could indeed shoot. Of course they could fight to. Why else would they be unemployed? When an enemy wasn’t around they fought with each other. But don’t pick on one of them, even in the middle of a fight, they will both jump up and let you have it.

Eugene was another pilot and he was must have stood about 2.2 meters tall and maybe weighed in at 65kg. Long and lanky it was a wonder he could even fold into the cockpit let alone fly it. "Hawk" as he was called, had a way of just looking at you and making you feel like you were just prey. He was quiet and didn't say too much. He preferred action not words.

Then there was also Gunther, he didn’t’ know a lot about Gunther, the personnel file he had just received from each of them mentioned a separation for the good of the service. What he did know was that Gunther loved women, and a good time. If James had to guess, the separation probably had to do with a General’s daughter. If it even looked like a women he would make a play for her. The only one he hadn’t made a play for yet was his pilot "Buzz Saw." Her name was Alice and if innocence had a face it would be Alice’s. She stood just a couple of centimeters shorter than "Slim" and weighed about 10 kg less ( 5’2" and 97lbs). She had beautiful shoulder length blonde hair she liked to wear in pigtails. A white shirt and a full length black skirt with a couple of white silhouettes of some critter applied to the front of it and white shoes. She also usually had a piece of sugar candy on a stick in her mouth as well. She looked like a teenager and James wasn’t sure she wasn’t. Unlike the rest of unit she wasn’t military. She was a civilian bush pilot.

They had recruited her here on Diamantina. They had looked around at the other pilots and they didn’t have the skills. Then this girl walked up to James and said she wanted to apply for the job. James was going to tell her no thank you. She was just a little girl. Gunther spoke up and said "No problem, I’ll fly with her. There were no other prospects and Gunther had been around enough pilots to know what to look for so James said nothing. Off they went , Gunther looking back once and giving a thumbs up to the guys, who just shook their heads and laughed. James didn’t get a whole lot from Gunther upon his return though. She hopped down and skipped back to James and said "He going to be my gunner" and hands him a business card.

Cutter’s Cargo

Jake Cutter Owner

and a local comm number.

James looked at Gunther and the man walked slowly by him with a stone cold sombre expression and just said "She’ll do." And kept walking. James was a little shocked but didn’t say anything. He make a brief inquiry at the airfield and a controller there confirmed she was a bush pilot and just after the controller left the office and went back to the tower a very loud WHOOP came from that room. James called the number the next day and offered her the position. She asked him "Do I get Gunther?" He asked her why she wanted him. Her response was "He is the first one who didn’t mess up my ride when I flew." James agreed, and she accepted. James kept an eye on her and Gunther, given his reputation and he didn’t see anything between them. It was all strictly business and he never responded to the inquires from the others of how it went.

The last member of the team was "Pee-Wee" He stood about 2 meters (6’6") and was close to 140kg (300lbs) himself. He was always cracking bad jokes and even worse puns. Even worse, he, was James’s gunner.

James looked again at the entire crew and thought that they were a quite a collection. Regular? No. Irregular’s? No. James looked up and noticed Pee-Wee looking at him and giving him the thumbs up. James smiled and gave a slight nod and had the thought "Wherever we go there will be trouble. We just seem to collect it." His face dropped as it the light came on. It wasn’t flashy and may not cause a second look but he knew right then what the name should be. Trouble, Inc. Trouble finds trouble. Trouble needs trouble. Yeah, Trouble, Inc. it is. James turned back to the screen and filled out the unit’s new name.

Copies went to:

Aero Slam
Cutthroat Cabalero’s
Farroh’s Falcons
Heimie’s Hitmen
Oscar’s Outriders
Black Stars

James sent out the six applications, and went back over to the table and sat down. He felt a little drained with the application process. His left hand started to shake a little. There was a beer mug in front of him a second later. James went to reach for his money., when Bubba Joe spoke up, "Put it away boss your with us."

<Scene Break> Same location, same table, 48hrs later.

The bartender came over and announced "I’ve got StarMail here for …. Trouble, Inc." he said looking up from the header. "That’s you alright! And left them on the table and returned to the bar. The rest of the group around the table looked at one another. James spoke up, after he realized he had forgot to pass that little titbit along, "Yeah, that’s us. Sorry guys, I forgot to mention that I had given us a name. Needed one on the applications. " He reached into the middle of the table and grabbed the mail and started reading them. There were 5 there.

He opened the first and read. Thank you for your interest and application, unfortunately we do not have any current openings for a unit with your particular qualifications. You may want to apply with the Black Stars.

There were 3 more letters exactly the same, except who sent them. The last was from the Aero Slams They stated that unless his unit can play in vacuum that he was not wanted.

"Well, you expected as much James" He told himself. It had only been 2 days, so there was still time. In the meantime he need to do some more research and see if he could generate a few more names to send the application to. He got up and went to the terminal in the back. The rest of the guys around the table had read his face and knew that there wasn’t any good news in there. A couple hours later he came back and had only two more potential names. He sent those two an application as well.

He had no more than sat down when a mug of beer appeared and the bartender was back with one more StarMail. This one was from the Black Stars.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

David chuckled as he read the applications from this "Trouble Inc." that had applied. They sounded like they'd fit right in.

"Diamantina" David mused to himself. "Diamantina...." He punched a query into his mini-comp, smiling at the return. "Yes, that should work nicely."

Quickly grabbing a pen, David sat down to compose a reply.

TO: Commander: Trouble Inc.

From: XO: Black Stars Mercenary Corp.

Re: Employment

Mr. Lockheart. Your application to join the Black Stars has been conditionally approved pending review by the Executive Council. Your first assignment is as follows: Travel to Alphard in the Marian Hegemony. There you will meet with Legate Gaius Marius and take control of a delegation of Infantry troops from him. (The Black Stars will be purchasing the contracts of two platoons of Penal Infantry from the Hegemony Military Justice System.) You will escort these troops as you join us at our next duty assignment. You will rendezvous with the Black Stars no later than October 1st, 3078 on Fujidera in the Duchy of Oriente, FWL. Travel vouchers for your unit and the Infantry you will be escorting, will be forwarded Via Com-Star.

Once the message was composed and sent, David sat down to write the next one. Legate Marius was always good for a few warm bodies at a decent price.

Purple Haze Bar & (and not many dare eat at) Grill
New Pottersville, Diamantina
July, 3078

James let the StarMail sit there, and nursed his beer for a while, he wasn’t ready for another form rejection letter. Then Eugene reached over and pushed the letter in front of him. James looked at the letter on the table again and then reached out and grabbed it. He opened the message and then looked around the table, all eyes were on him as he turned is eyes back to the message. He read it slowly to himself. He stood up and went to the corner once again this time to figure out where things were.

"Wonder what that message said" Said Slim.

"Well I doubt it was another form rejection letter. He would have just tossed it back onto the table. " Said Gunther.

Bubba Joe piped up "Unless he got another kiss off letter like those Aero pukes sent him. That would piss me off enough to tell them exactly where to go. "

"You would have to learn how to write first!" exclaimed Billy Ray.

"Why you!" and at that point Bubba Joe took a swing at Billy Ray. The fist, almost telegraphed, only caught a glancing blow off Billy Ray’s shoulder. Billy Ray sidestepping the punch turned and lunged at Bubba Joe grabbing with both hands and they both fell to the floor and started tussling back and forth. A flurry of short rabbit punches was launched by both of them. Who was on top was changing every few seconds.

James looked again at the message he was looking at. A job, and honest to goodness job. The job he was being offered was basically a courier job. Go there pick up additional forces and escort them to the job site. It would be a little over 600LY of travel and not a lot of leeway, time wise, to make the trip. The good news was it would be covered travel. Baby sitting. Of course this was a prelude to the real job. It should be boring as hell, but it also would give his unit the proper feel of being employed for the whole time. The message didn’t say what the real job would be either. Why would they? He hasn’t even seen them yet. James stood up and walked back to the table. He looked down at the two on the floor and yelled "Attention to orders!" The men on the floor stopped immediately and got to their feet Billy Ray was up first and offered his had to Bubba Joe. Bubba took it and after standing they just smiled at each other. They turned to face James.

James looked at Eugene. "How long will it take to get our gear packed up and ready to ship?"

Billy Ray and Bubba Joe looked at each other and grinned and returned their eyes to James. Slim and Pee-Wee started to smile and turned to Eugene. Alice and Gunther were also looking at Eugene.

Eugene responded "How you want them shipped?"


Eugene scratch the back of his head. "Four birds, figure 20 hrs each, to prep them and put them on pallets." So… 10 days?"

James nodded his head and said, "The next drop ship pulls out of here in 3 days and we need to be on it."

There was a small gasp from Alice.

"Tell us what you need us to do, everybody can be used." Said James. Eugene just nodded, his mind already starting to whirl with the list of tasks that would have to be done.

Alice, You are new here so" James took a quick look around "Gunther here will tell you what you will need and how to prep it. I’d advise pants and or jumpsuits. There isn’t any gravity out in the black." Alice blushed a little.

James walked back and drafted a response to the XO of the Black Stars

To: XO Black Star
Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Heroditus
July, 3078

From CO: Trouble, Inc.

Assignment accepted. ETA to lift 3 days.

After James sent the message he returned to the table, and told his unit. "We have our first job. We are going to Fujidera in the FWL by way of Allard."

Slim just blinked and said "Aren’t those two in totally opposite directions?"

James responded " Yes they are Slim but we need to go there and pick up and play escort to some infantry. "

"Allard? Don’t they have penal units there?" said Pee-Wee.

"Perverts?"said Bubba Joe.

"That’s PENAL not Penile you idjit!" Billy Ray snapped back.

"Just checking." Responded Bubba Joe.

"Yeah right" said Pee-Wee.

"Okay guys, this is what we need to do", said Eugene.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

David yawned as he made a few notes. Before him on his desk a stack of papers waited for him to continue. It had been a little costly, but he now had a good selection of potential recruits to choose from for the infantry platoons.

Keying the intercom, he began to record a message for Zhao. The CO wouldn't be in his office at this hour, but the record function would make sure he got this as soon as he checked his messages in the morning.

"Zhao, its David.... I've got the troop selection about done. I've weeded out the real losers and the ones that're too likely to cause trouble. No pedos or rapists. Most are down for smuggling, forgery, a little B&E, a couple black marketers... you know the types. We did get lucky though. I don't know what's going on in the Hegemony right now, but they had almost a full platoon of MP's in lockup for... What did they call it?" He shuffled through the stack of papers, looking for the information. "Oh yeah... "excessive force, slander, and sedition.".... sounds to me like the arrested somebody with more juice than they expected.... maybe some Senatorial rank pervert got caught diddling little boys and decided to bury the witnesses... I dunno, but Marius seems pretty eager to get them out of his prison."

David yawned again. "Anyway, I'm gonna send the selection list to Marius in the AM unless I hear back from you by ten o'clock. I think we'll pick up most of their gear on Terra, but I'll make sure Gaius includes some training equipment with the purchase."

Releasing the send button, David leaned back and stretched before gathering up the papers into two piles and sliding them into folders.

Now to try to get a little sleep.

Aboard the Dropship "Event Horizon"
New Hedon Spaceport, Herotitus
July, 3078

Captain Harris closed his eyes and sighed before entering Pierce's cabin. He'd been worried that the young man wasn't up to the stress of service on a ship like the "Event Horizon".

Taking in the chaos and destruction around him, he saw Barnes, one of his senior engineers, finish up tightening the restraints on Pierce. "He give you any trouble?" The Captain asked.

"Don't think he even knows we're here, Cap'n." The older man grunted. "But after what happened when Ms. Williams went 'round....didn't want to risk it."

Harris nodded, Helen Williams had appeared passive and harmless at first...until they'd tried to take her off the ship. He'd not have thought that such a tiny woman could have been so strong, or so feral. She'd killed one of the cargo-men before they could subdue her, and pilot-officer Fanshaw would carry the scars for the rest of his life.

"Right then." The Captain nodded. "Get him down to medical and have the doctor sedate him....I don't have to tell you to keep it quiet, do I?"

"No, Cap'n" Barnes replied. "It'd just spook the new kids, then I'd have to break in a couple new greenhorns."

"Good man, Barnes." The Captain almost smiled. "I'll make a couple calls and get this cleaned up."

After Barnes had led the passive Pierce out of the cabin, Harris left as well, locking it behind himself. It was only a short trip to the communications room.

After dismissing the young sailor on watch to go get some food, the Captain connected to an outside line. "Information? Yes, I need the number for the local preceptory of the Society of Jesus."

"It might be under Jesuit Order."

"Yes, Terran Apostolic, not New Avalon Reformation.... Thank you."

As he waited for the call to go through, he mentally counted the money he'd get for this from the Church. He wasn't sure why they always wanted copies of the writings of a madman, but they paid good money, and they'd even take care of the poor sot. The cash should at least go a good ways towards replacing his third mate. Pity about the man, but.... might as well make the best of things.

Black Stars Temporary Base
New Hedon, Herotitus
July, 3078

Leaving the temporary base of the Black Stars, Markus whistled himself a little tune. He was quite contented for the moment. Joining up with the disreputable group hadn’t been on his agenda until the recent small disagreement with his contact in The Capellan Confederation.

The Cappies had wanted to know where he had got his hands on the Ying Long squad. His response of “If you don’t already know then I am not going to tell you” wasn’t particularly well received. This was mainly due to them having absolutely no idea where they had come from, except that they must have been underhandedly obtained given that he had been working for them at the time. They weren’t impressed.

Unfortunately the Ying Longs were hidden away somewhere that Maskirovka couldn’t get their hands on them. They wouldn’t be available for a few months yet, but he did technically own them.

Then there were the VTOL’s he’d picked up, damn but if they weren’t roasting hot then nothing was. Markus grinned as he considered what he’d told the Black Stars management, saying that he actually “had” a couple of VTOL’s supporting the BA squads was again being a little bit flippant with the truth. Yes, technically he owned them too, but getting them out of the Free Worlds League without raising any suspicions from the previous owners was taking a little longer than he expected. What a bonus that the unit was likely heading in that direction now, he could slip them onto the DropShip on the way out after the contract, dodgy up some paperwork and no-one would be the wiser.


For now there wasn’t much left to do. The Nighthawks were already packaged for commercial freight, as was his personal armoury, as sick as that was looking at the moment. He would sort that out on Terra when they arrived, he figured he still had enough contacts there to get his hands on more than just the average supplies most people were offered. No, equipment wasn’t the problem. Getting bodies to fill the equipment, now that would be a different story.

The Jack-o-Lanterns currently officially consisted of himself. Oddly, for the past year or so he had been operating in much the same was the Black Stars themselves, taking on subcontractors here and there as required. Until now that system had worked fine, but he would need slightly more permanent bodies if he planned on becoming a little more mainstream. The reason he was doing that was the thought of having other people around to back him up in a tight situation, the last job he’d taken had been a little too hot even for him.

Meandering thoughts aside, his feet had continued on with purpose and brought him to New Hedon’s HPG uplink. He didn’t want to consider whether it was a ComStar or WoB establishment, at this point he didn’t particularly care. Flipping the clerk one of many fake ID’s he was pointed in the direction of a booth to tap out a quick message, which he blind copied to four colleagues that he thought would answer the call, but addressed it to a fifth name with an address on Terra:

To: Eric Smith, Alice Springs, Terra
From: John Blue

Afternoon tea will be held on the last Friday of August in the Atrium. The tab is on me.

Hitting send, Markus wondered at the transparency of the message. Eric Smith didn’t exist, but the address would direct the others where to meet. Mention of the tab told them he had a contract for them and when it would be starting. Harmless enough. While the Lyran Intelligence Corp didn’t have a bounty out on him yet, it didn’t hurt to be careful. You never knew who was listening in on these things.

Walking out Markus smiled again, he thought that a drink was in order and he wondered if his new employer was as hard a drinker as the stories made him out to be.

Only one way to find out.

FWS DropShip Woolly
Attached to Merchant JumpShip, Enroute to Alphard
July, 3078

The scene in the cargo hold in front of James didn’t seem to be any different today than it was any time earlier since their arrival on board the DropShip Woolly. Thankfully the packing and loading had gone well. They had even been able to quickly convert half a freight container into a small barracks and some lawn chairs had restraint harnesses attached. These latter had been attached to some pallets which were anchored down inside the DropShip. So with the gear container/barracks and the chairs arranged around a portable space heater they had a small sense of camping, as much as you can in Zero Gravity. Most everyone was doing all right. Alice was having trouble getting about, but that was to be expected since this was her first time off planet. She had gotten some jumpsuits to wear. James chuckled. Hot pink jumpsuits, with white … what did she call them …poodles? Until she learned how to operate in zero gravity he had insisted she wear her flight helmet. Good thing too, she already had scratches on it from a few knocks.

James got his crew up to the workout station on one of the Woolly’s few gravity decks. He had them working out twice a day. He had also made sure to adjust their weights by the reduction factor. Most ships didn’t run their gravity at full 1.0G’s, it was too expensive to run that way. Most would start that way when leaving orbit and decrease it slowly down to about 70%. This means a set at 45kg (100) would only be 32kg (70lbs) a couple of days after braking orbit. This would mean having to increase their weights to compensate so they maintained their effectiveness.

James didn’t have any simulators so they could not work on that during the trip. What he did do was run them through ID sets of other helicopters, tanks, and ‘Mechs. Since these didn’t take more than 6hrs a day, most of the group’s time had been spent in a lawn chair bullshitting and drinking.

Then they were at Alphard. The meeting at Alphard went too quickly. Not that the prison was a nice place, but it was on a planet, and there was fresh air and a breeze. Funny how something as trivial as a breeze takes on a real meaning when you get denied it for a long time. The warden was business like and as soon as the paper work sent from the Black Stars XO had been validated he was quickly shuttled out of the prison along with two platoons of infantry. They were only wearing general fatigues but they looked and acted sharp. James guessed any less in a place like this was unacceptable. Two truck appeared and the platoons loaded up into the trucks and followed James car all the was to the spaceport. There the truck left and the infantry were now rucks. James led them through the port and to the lift shuttles. Once back aboard the Woolly, the rest of his unit watched them march in to the hold. This would be home for all of them for the next couple of months. James got the newest recruits settled.

Later that night James noticed one of the platoon leaders watching his unit during one of their BS sessions. Shortly thereafter they had left and the infantry had stayed away from his.

<scene break > Time advanced 7 weeks

James had notice that Slim and Gunther disappeared several times between Alphard and Fujiera. James didn’t even bother to try and chase them down. He had a good idea what they were doing. There were a few women among the infantry and if they were fresh out of prison, well they were all grown adults. The platoon leaders hadn’t said anything so he didn’t either. It would only be another week before they arrived at Fujiera.


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2011, 04:14:48 AM »

Command Bridge
DropShip "Event Horizon"
Geo-synchronous Orbit
18 Aug. 3078

"This is the DropShip "Event Horizon", registry number five five nine one Alpha seven three, requesting landing instructions and pad assignment." Captain Harris spoke clearly into his microphone.

After a short delay, the response came back hesitantly. "This is ground control, Alice Springs, did you say the "Event Horizon"?"

"That is correct, ground control." Harris sighed, it seemed their reputation still preceded them. Though educated, spacers could still be among the most superstitious of folk.

"Thank you, Event Horizon, please stand by."

Moments dragged on into minutes. Almost fifteen minutes later, the ground station again contacted them. "Event Horizon...Primary pads are unavailable at this time, you are assigned auxiliary pad fifteen. You may commence landing....transmitting course instructions...now."

A light on the navigator's console lit up, signifying an incoming data stream. Fanshaw, the pilot officer on duty, nodded to the Captain. "Got it Cap. Ready when you are."

Harris studied the map of Alice Springs for a moment. "Nice to see they love us so much. Pad fifteen is halfway out to the ruins of old-town. You'd think we didn't bathe or something." He chuckled cynically.

Diplomatic Ward AKA 'Promenade' / 'D-Ward'
Department of Mercenary Management
Star League Defense Force
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August 3078

Zi Long stepped into the filtered sunlight and breathed in the air. It might be completely psychological, but breathing in TERRAN air somehow made the Chinese man refreshed... or it might be due to the Black Stars finally getting a contract for the first time under his command. FW-SD-02-03. The few letters and numbers seemed somewhat insignificant to what they really meant. It was the start of a new life for many within the Black Stars. For some, it was as simple as another job, another pay check. For others, it meant that the ideals of the Black Stars and what it stood for was still alive.

The Black Stars CO thought back to the short and totally un-enjoyable meeting with the trio of puffed up peacocks from Sumitomo Group. The obviously expensive and newly tailored suits they wore might had impressed other small time mercenary groups, but Zi Long had the experience of knowing what being well dressed was all about - all thanks to Harding. The mercenary Captain grinned. That's another thing Backstabber was good for. The Sumitomo Group people were not even going to be the liaison for the contract. The contact from the company for the Black Stars would be a certain Mr Roger Temagu-Irez - the Chief Executive Officer of the company. Zi Long shrugged. Better to entertain the three buffoons now in case they stick a couple of knives onto their back and start things badly for the Black Stars even before they enter FWL space. Zi Long had smiled and nodded at their words, but still acted with a pinch of dignity. No reason to let them think less of us than they already did. One of them had went on and on, and on and on, about a 'Mech company from the Oriente Hussars who will be acting as the MAIN security detail for the Grand Duke rather than the Stars. And another of them had repeated at least half a dozen times about the need to keep things quiet and to enforce communications blackout of the planet during the Grand Duke's tour. The only reason anyone would know about it was because you kept repeating yourself, you fool. Zi Long had mused to himself even as he nodded and smiled as a show of understanding to the more than rotund man.

Whistling tunelessly to himself, Zi Long pulled out another printed film from his pocket. Reports had streamed into the Inner Sphere about the Capellan Confederation's recent success in bringing the periphery worlds of Pleos, Cathay, Khitan, Astansi, Parthia, Abaoji Taizu, and Herotitus into their control. Zi Long sighed. He himself had been given a new lease of life on the planet itself. Herotitus had been home to the Black Stars and many within their ranks for longer than many cared to remember. It had provided a HOME.

Blah. All this emotions and passing thoughts. Zi Long mentally stuffed them to the back of his head. They were only going to be on Terra for a week, gathering hardware and any other people they might need before making the trip into the Free Worlds League system of Fujidera. Terra was the cradle of human kind. Zhao Zi Long intends to find out if things would be as... interesting here as back on Herotitus.

Commercial Ward
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August 3078

David watched from the floor as three members of the "Howling Gryphons" Mercenary company put on a flashy martial arts demonstration. He had to admit, they appeared quite good at their style, which appeared to be one of the many kickboxing derivatives. A bit wasteful of energy for David's tastes, and FAR too rigid a style for his preference, but potentially nasty all the same.

The three performers appeared to be advertising a new dojo which was opening up in a storefront of the mall area.

Once the set-piece show was over, the three performers began to address the crowd. "Does anyone out there fancy their chances in the ring?... Come on, just last three minutes with one of us and win a month's free lessons! You don't have to win, just keep going until the bell and you get the prize!"

David could see easily what the three mercenaries were doing. If they won the fights, which was a fairly good bet, they'd have "Proven" the viability and effectiveness of their style, drawing students to them. And even if they lost, they'd still likely draw some students, as the victor would probably make use of the free lessons and gym facilities, likely bringing others with them.

Quickly, two challengers stepped up and were handily defeated. David thought them possibly shills, but they could have been real challengers.

Seeing no more stepping up to play, David shook his head and began to turn away.

"What? No-one else?" The leader of the performers began to question the crowd. "You sir? How about you ma'am?" He spotted David as he began to leave. "Ah, I see we have one of the Black Stars with us today! How about you? Care to try your luck against a REAL warrior?"

David turned back to the stage area, looking amused.

"What's the matter? No stomach for a face to face battle?" The Gryphon merc taunted David. "Afraid you might get hurt?"

David smiled dismissively, rather like you would at a child that had just said something completely foolish, and had no idea what they had said. "Lad, are you sure you wish to do this? Don't be letting your mouth get the better of you."

"As I thought! A coward! Trying to get out of an honest fight? Should I turn my back so as to make you more comfortable?"

The crowd hushed as the taunts spewed forth. What had begun as a demonstration had clearly turned personal.

David didn't know what had so poisoned the Gryphon fighter against the Black Stars, but he'd not stand still while the young fool insulted his family. "Since you will not hear sense, and will not let things go... so be it.... Rules?"

The young man smiled nastily. "Anything short of killing or permanently crippling goes."

"That's it?" David asked. Receiving a nod in reply, he advanced to the stage and climbed up.

Smoothing his long-coat, he snugged his leather gloves a slight bit tighter and nodded to his opponent. "Ready when you are."

"The body armour won't help you, you know." The young man snarked at David.

"Not wearing any." He opened the coat to show the crowd that the only thing under the coat was a gray shirt, and that the coat itself was not armoured.

Getting frustrated, the Gryphon advanced quickly to attack, leading off with several long kicks at David's upper body and head. None of which connected as he slid aside and avoided the younger man.

Sliding around his opponent, David moved to the center of the stage and waited. "You should have asked one question before we started though."

"Really? What's that?" David's opponent gritted out. "Who to call to come get you after I knock your ass out?"

David smiled. "Nope, you should have asked about styles..... I know what you do... you know nothing about me." With that, David went on the attack.

His opponent's eyes widened as David crouched slightly and began to advance in a classic Kung-fu shuffle, his left hand forward and curled into a claw, and his right arm and hand held back, with his fist tightly closed.

Almost before he realized it, the Gryphon warrior was fending off several strikes from David's left hand and feet. His right hand was still held to the rear, cocked back for a strike.

When it came, the Gryphon fighter was ready for it, throwing up his forearms to block the Whirling Hammer strike that David threw at him.

The crack of splintering bone filled the air as David's opponent staggered back, his right arm hanging limp.

Following through, David's left leg rose rapidly in an inside crescent kick that caught the young man solidly, throwing him to his knees on the mats, dazed.

David reached down and grabbed the young man by his hair and lifted his face to the crowd. "It's called Iron Hammer Kung-fu. Designed by and for, those of us carrying replacement limbs. Next time you feel the urge to challenge someone, best to know your mark a bit better."

David's knee rose and caught the Gryphon martial artist flush on the button, knocking him cold.

Standing, he turned to the man's two companions. "Keep the dojo fees, he'll need them for medical.... When he wakes, tell him I said he fought well, even if in a foolishly chosen battle."

As he strode from the scene, his voice carried back to the men and the crowd. "He should also learn to keep his tongue off the Black Stars, most aren't as forgiving as I am."

Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August 3078
1500 hrs

Sitting in the rear, corner booth of the all but derelict bar, Markus covertly watched the other patrons for signs that they were more than they appeared to be. Yes, he thought to himself, he was simply being paranoid. The people that he was watching consisted of little more than a couple of professional drunks and off-duty mercs. Of course, being paranoid had kept him alive for the last year or so.

After a month or so in the DropShip it was good to get out and about again. The Black Stars were an interesting bunch, more so than most of the people he had worked with since being chased out of Alliance space, but even they got tiresome after a while. They became especially tiresome after the booze had run out, things got downright nasty at times, and even worse when someone’s secret stash got found. There was little trust amongst the motley crew as yet.

The door opened and a figure stood in the opening for a moment, silhouetted by the bright desert sun. Markus looked from the corner of his eye, trying to identify the newcomer whilst preserving his low light vision that was required in the less than well lit establishment. He guessed it was a calculated move, allowing the entrant to have the upper hand for a few seconds. After the door closed Markus knew why, and swore quietly under his breath as the figure approached.

“You’ve got quite a nerve showing up here,” the man reproached as he slid into the booth across the table from Markus.

The stranger was male, probably mid to late thirties, with dark hair and dressed in standard desert fashion, tan coloured pants and a light, long sleeve white shirt. No weapons were visible, but that didn’t mean that the man wasn’t dangerous, nor even unarmed for that matter. Markus knew from first hand experience just how dangerous this particular character could be.

“Hello Stephen, is that any way to greet an old friend?” Markus replied with a small smile that belied the tension he felt.

“Bah, you played out the friend card when I helped get you out of the Alliance. I told you not to come back so what the hell are you doing here?”

“I’m surprised you have to ask that question given that you managed to track me down so fast. Still, I owe you an answer I guess. Herotitus was getting a little hot, you might have seen, and I’ve had a disagreement with the Cappies so I took a lifeline that was thrown to me. I was hoping to go under the radar by joining forces with a registered unit, but it doesn’t look like it worked,” Markus stated with a shrug.

“Is there anyone that you don’t piss off on a regular basis? Anyway, your plan worked well enough. No-one else noticed, you aren’t that well known you egotistical bastard. However, when these people all show up in one place it draws attention in certain circles.”

Stephen handed over a manila folder as he finished speaking. He’d always had penchant for paper, even in this modern age. It was an anachronism that his supervisors would continue to overlook, right up until something fell into the wrong hands. It was Stephen’s own personal Sword of Damocles.

Markus picked up the folder and glanced through the dossiers within. It seemed only three of his colleagues had responded. That was fine, at least he could field the full Nighthawk squad. There was even a listing of where each of them could be found, if Stephen was anything he was definitely thorough. He must want something though, he’d gone to a lot of trouble in collecting the information, and there is no such thing as a free lunch.

“I’d say thank you but I’d be wasting my breath. What do you want Stephen?”

“Other than you off Terra? Not much. I know the Black Stars are going into the League for their first official contract, I just want a report of what you see there.”

Markus smiled ever so slightly, “That is worth more than just the locations of my co-workers that I would have found anyway. What’s in it for me?”

Rolling his eyes, Stephen leaned further forward, not that anyone else could hear what they were saying.

“The official title deeds to the Nighthawks. That will bring you above board, at least to start with, plus a set of these,” he handed over a set of machine specs, “I’m sure you will like them.”

Glancing at the specification he’d been handed, Markus’ smile expanded to actually include his eyes, not something that happened often. The machine he was looking at was a recently released all-terrain motorcycle designed specifically with the Nighthawk Power Armour (light) in mind. It effectively made his little squad fully self-sufficient. He had to admit that he was impressed, but still wary.

“You have agents all over the League, what do you need me for?”

Stephen shrugged, “Impartiality, mainly. Do you accept?”


“Good, the Intruders will be delivered tomorrow.”

Both men stood up and they shook hands. Markus allowed Stephen to leave first, giving him a few minutes head start before he himself left the building. He had work to do, but some of the hard work had been handed to him in a gift basket. It was funny how the world worked sometimes.

Whistling a surprisingly merry little tune, Markus walked briskly down the street in the direction of the first name in the dossier: Michelle Edwards.

Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August 3078
1800 hrs

The skies darken early in this part of the planet, and even at this early evening, neon lights were already glaring at Zi Long, cheaply alluring and hinting and pleasures within the many establishments within E-Ward. The Black Stars Captain grinned. Even Terra was not free of the base entertainment of mankind. It was definitely not of the same sleaze on Herotitus, but it was present nonetheless.

The Taurian native had already sampled one of the drinking holes, and he must admit, he actually missed the Periphery set ups that he was so familiar with. It was most probably due to him being a familiar face over in the out back of the Inner Sphere, where a casual wink or a crocked smile would be more than enough to attract the attention of the ladies. Still, money was still the undisputed magnet of female attention. And as he found out a couple of minutes ago, male as well. A bunch of off duty mercs had noticed Zi Long drinking by himself, trying to chat up a petite waitress in a bar interestingly named the "Titty Twister". Swaggering and staggering across from their table to the long bar, one of them had asked if Zi Long knew that this was THEIR hang out, and that the wide eyed girl was "going steady" with their Captain. Zi Long knew drunks when he saw them, and these clowns were far from being so. That could only mean one thing - they were looking for trouble.

The Chinese man had apologized and pushed himself off the bar and made an attempt to leave. They mercs would have none of that. They surrounded him, and without another word, one of them had grabbed a near empty beer bottle and swung at Zi Long's head. Easily ducking, Zi Long quickly stepped beside the assailant. Taking advantage of the momentum of his swing, the Black Stars mercenary had shoved the elbow of the man's hand and neatly redirected the bottle onto the face of one of his unfortunate friend. The bottle shattered, as did his friend's nose.

Squatting down, Zi Long reached into his high boots and pulled out a switch blade. Zi Long had never understood why people liked to do fanciful twists and turns with the switch blade. It wasted time - time which a smart opponent would have used to launch his or her own attack. A quick flick of the handle produced the six inch blade within. Lashing out with his right feet, the steel plate reinforced tip of his boot smashed into the groin of the first speaker. Even as the man sunk onto the floor with a grimace on his face and tears streaming down his cheeks, Zi Long held his short blade in a back handed manner with his left hand and grabbed a fistful of his opponent's hair with his right. Stepping behind the kneeling man, he pointed the tip of the switch blade under his chin. The other member of the party froze - except for their friend with the broken nose who was moaning on the floor.

"While I've enjoyed the company, I'd really like to go now please. Unless of course you'd like another hole to breathe through?" Zi Long asked of the man. He waved his companions back. Zi Long smiled. "I KNEW you'd see it my way." Sharply pulling at his captive's hair again, Zi Long forced the man to stand up. "Now, I'm sure you guys still have drinks at your table, why don't you go back and enjoy a couple more while you friend here escort me out." Uncertainly showed in their eyes until the merc with the blade to his throat ordered them to follow Zi Long's instructions through gritted teeth.

Zi Long slowly backed towards the door as the other men made their way towards their own table. A single step away from the door, Zi Long shoved the man forward, making him sprawl onto the none too clean floor. Turning quickly, the Chinese man had exited the pub and disappeared into the thronging crowd outside. He heard the parting shouted words of the man - "Don't ever let me see you again!"

Adrenaline still pumping through his veins, Zi Long had decided not to let that small adventure get in the way of his intentions to enjoy the evening. Already a few blocks away from the "Titty Twister", Zi Long had looked around for another pub that could provide less violent entertainment for the night when he spotted a figure just as it disappeared into one of the side alleys. What the...

All thoughts of the recently satisfyingly concluded skirmish evaporated from his mind as he quickened his steps as he went after the figure. The back alley which it disappeared into was just like any other all over known worlds. Cheaply and scantily dressed hookers called out to him with attempted seductive voices, while some silly rain coat drabbed figures whispered to him, offering "good stuff". Brushing pass these, Zi Long strained his eyes in the darkness trying not to lose his target. He did managed to close the distance, but lost it as the figure stepped into the back door of what looked like a pub.

Zi Long grinned. Even if the figure was not who he thought it was, it might just have helped him decide on the next drinking place for the night. Stepping into the door, Zi Long was momentarily blinded by flashing lights within, while the quick tempo of a Latino number was playing in the background somewhere. He froze as a cold object was pressed to his neck. "Tailin' me ain't ta best hobby, don't ya knoo boy-o." A crusty voice drooled.

Zi Long smiled. "I was just hoping to buy you a drink, X."

The cold object was withdrawn and Zi Long turned around. Before him was a man easily over fifty years old. Like Zi Long, he wore his long hair in a pony tail. Unlike the Black Stars mercenary, his hair was white all over. Wrinkles crawled across his face, telling of hard years and a harder life. Despite his obvious age, X still has a strong physique. In his right hand, he held an empty beer bottle.

Zi Long grinned. "I thought it was you when I caught you out there. What are you doing on Terra you old dog?"

"I could've asked ta same of you Zhao." X smiled back easily. "Ta last I heard Major Aik an' ta Stars bought it out there in ta Gal' ron systems."

Zi Long tugged at his long coat and gave a non committal shrug. "Yeah, they did. The Stars are under new management now."

"Namely - yours?" X gave Zi Long a look.

"Indeed. We just signed a contract in the Free Worlds League. We're gathering supplies, equipment and manpower here before he head south west." At the last word, X's eyebrows raised just a little, but enough for Zi Long to catch. "You wouldn't be interested would you?"

X narrowed his eyes, before sighing loud. "I must be losin' me touch."

Zi Long laughed. "Maybe, or maybe I've gotten better since we last ran into each other."

X, or more notoriously known as Brandon X, was the code name given to the man as he was employed as a scout under Redjack Ryan. Assigned to a Hi-Scout Drone Carrier, Brandon X established a reputation for persistence and bravery. There were rumours that X destroyed incredible numbers of enemy forces with within his time with the pirates, but Zi Long knew better. Like the Bounty Hunter, Brandon X was a name used by successive scouts that took over the solitary Hi-Scout Drone Carrier employed by Redjack Ryan. It was true that Brandon X had more kills than many dedicated combat vehicles - but all the numbers were accumulated over time. This particular incarnation of the notorious X was known more for his abilities to work scout and command electronics and computers than his fighting prowess - which was what a scout vehicle crew should be. Even more interestingly was that his real name was Brandon Cross - VERY apt given his given code name. He made the transition from Brandon Cross to Brandon X within the blink of an eye.

However, the good times for X lasted until the pirate lord's blood thirsty daughter Susie "One-Eye" Morgraine-Ryan took over. The daughter was more than a chip off the block, displaying the attributes of a borderline sociopath with an unquenchable taste of blood.

It was in one of her many pirate raids that Zi Long first ran into X. Already a sub-unit commander within the Black Stars, Zi Long's lance of tanks had managed to disable one of the pirate 'Mechs before the rest of the Stars hammered them enough to force a withdrawal. However, it was not before Susie had order the razing of two townships that killed thousands of civilians. X's Hi-Scout Drone Carrier was abandoned to its own fate as the faster vehicles and more mobile 'Mechs of the pirate force made their way back to their waiting DropShips.

Major Aik had offered X a slot in his own unit, an offer that the latter had gratefully accepted as a stepping stone to put a distance between himself and his former employer. After three contracts, during which Brandon X proved his skills as a scout and electronics surveillance expert, he unfortunately lost his Hi-Scout Drone Carrier and quietly disappeared from the Black Stars.

Zi Long knew that the older man would only talk when he was ready, and not before. However, his interest could only mean one thing. "Aik contracted my entire unit for the Gal' ron contract. Like the rest of the Stars, they're gone now." X's expression grew sullen at that. "BUT, a new piece of hardware has recently came to be under my possession. Its nothing much - just a Morningstar command vehicle, which I believe comes equipped a targeting computer and a C3 Master system."

"Ya knoo," X looked at Zi Long. "Ya'r still a poor poker player."

"That's why I'll need YOU to play for me old man." Zi Long smirked. "Are you interested?"

A shout from behind him caught Zi Long's attention. He turned around, and saw the same group of mercs, now obviously drunk moving towards them.

"Friends of ya's boy-o?" X asked.

"Something like that." Zi Long shrugged as he pulled out his switch blade again, before asking again. "Crap. This place, its call..."

The white haired man flexed his arms before crouching into a fighting stance. "Ta Titty Twister. Why'd ya ask?"

Zi Long sighed. "At least I managed to get you onboard..."

Commercial Ward
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August 3078

Walking into the crowded bar, she pauses to scan the room as a matter of habit rather than nervousness. The dim lighting of the main room seem to illuminate her eyes while the rest of her remains a mysteriously dark silhouette against the bright Australian outback. Slowly, she moves through the patrons to the far end of the bar, where the stench of too many unwashed bodies, stale beer, and emotions best left in the past and not remembered didn't filter through her face cloth too much.

A black cloth obscures the lower half of her face, keeping most of the patrons from identifying her origins, but the black scorpion worked into the camouflage of her tac vest serves as a reminder to those who know where to look. Unfortunately, those that would know are sitting nearby, clearly indulging in some vile brew which melted the surface of their table when it spilled. Nikita recognized the clan markings even before they turned their scornful gaze on her.

Ignoring the mutterings, she turns her back on them to speak quietly with the bartender, who nods and serves her up a bottle of something that has ice sluicing off the surface. She'd just taken a sip of her drink when the sound of chairs being pushed back put her on alert. The adrenaline began to surge through her system while her warrior nature allowed her to outwardly appear calm and unconcerned. Out of nowhere, a heavy hand descended on her shoulder, gripping tightly.

“Well Well, a little Scorpion that has been kicked out of the nest. What say you, Jergin? Do we allow this piece of filth to dirty the floor of our bar?”

A more than slurred voice off to the other side of her growled, “Neg. No piece of outcast offal should be... burrp... allowed to desecrate a decent establishment like this.”

Turning, Nikita looks down at the hand on her shoulder, then into the man's eyes. “Remove your hand, Freebirth.” Her voice is low and growly, which only seems to enhance the steel in her gaze.

Jergin jerks slightly at the epithet, and looks at the man gripping her shoulder. “You hear that Loki? This insect called you a Freebirth.”

In the near darkness of the bar, the colour draining from Loki's face makes him look almost as pale as a ghost. “If you were a true clanswoman, I would demand a Circle of Equals and claim you as a bondswoman of the Ice Hellions. But you are nothing. Not even worth the effort of demanding surkai. So I am going to do what should be done before your stench offends the rest of those within the room.” With that, he makes the attempt at throwing her rather muscular body towards the door.

Expecting something of the sort, she turns just as Loki tenses to throw her, and head butts him in the face. The sound of breaking bones is rather loud in the silence. “I think what you are going to do, Loki,” She raises a hand to wipe a blood smear off her forehead, an indication of the force she used, “Is to remove yourself and your friend here from my presence and go sleep off the alcohol poisoning that is rotting your brain.”

Jergin, seeing his chance, picks up one of the wooden barstools and brings it down on Nikita's back, breaking it into pieces as one of his comrades bearing all the markings of a Steel Viper clansman lands a good, solid kick to her ribs. Both of them pick her up and toss her into the wall in the back of the bar where she lands on a table full of empty bottles which promptly break... along with the table.

Growling, she gets up, shaking off the stunning effects, and stalks back towards the three men. Not saying a word, she lands a haymaker to Jergin's jaw, sending him crashing into the bar. But the move cost her as a steel toed boot clips her just under the chin and another hit finds the bruise along her ribs. When she gets a second to look, she notes the stance of a trained kick boxer off to her left. Then it's only a flurry of fists and feet from both Loki and the unknown Viper.

Soon, all three of them are on her and it's a brawl for it all. From one end of the bar, things get way out of hand as chairs are smashed, tables tipped over and blood flies from torn flesh and split lips. Even though it's three against one, Nikita seems to be holding her own by playing down and dirty. Years of holding her own against the scum of the IS has taught her that honourable combat can sometimes get you into more trouble than the dirtiest of street fighting.

After a few more moments of fists and feet, Loki makes the monumental mistake of trying to grapple with Nikita while she's on the floor after a boot to the back of the knee. He lets out a high pitched squeal that has most men cringing in sympathy. At least one cups himself and crosses his legs. When he tries to back out of the fight, it's easy to spot the large hand gripping the pants and twisting. Only when Jergin gives her ribs another kick does she actually let go. The Ice Hellion Clanner crumples to the floor, whimpering pathetically in pain as the fight rumbles on past like a freight train out of control.

Seconds later, Jergin goes flying backwards after Nikita delivers a punishing uppercut to his chin. Adrenaline adding the impetus enough to have him, in effect, sliding across the floor to stop at Garret's feet.

“All Right! That's Enough!” The former Ghost Bear Elemental roars in a Stop-The-Mob-In-Full-Frenzy voice.

Everyone else freezes in place except for the two combatants who are now slugging it out near the full window, mindless of anything but their ability to pound each other into the ground. As Garret gets to them, the Viper grabs a heavy glass bottle and smashes it across Nikita's face, cutting several gashes deep down to the bone and cutting away part of her face cloth, revealing the black tribal scorpion tattooed on her neck. In retaliation, she uses the last, unbroken, barstool against his ribs, smashing first the one side, then the other until he's on his knees.

Whatever else would have happened was brought to a screeching halt as Garret pops both of them on the head before heaving their unconscious bodies through the window. His timing is perfect as the cops in charge of the sector just happen to be patrolling his side of the street. “Jack, Mike, if you want these two in one piece, you might want to put them in separate cells. I have also got two more children for you to spank as well. I think each of them need to go to the medics as well.”

The cops, Mike and Jack, begin putting the two Clanners in restraints and calling for backup to come get the rest and taking a statement from Garret.

“RavenWolf Tavern”
Commercial Ward
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August 3078

David sat quietly in the back of the bar watching the events unfolding. He probably should have known better… any bar frequented by former Clanner mercs wouldn’t likely be known for calm and reasoned discussions. He’d only been here for a half-hour and there had already been three near-fights in the bar.

“Ah well,” he thought to himself. “At least I got the ‘Mechs sold, and found the tanks I was looking for, now I just need to find a few crew and I’m set.”

Just as David finished his sandwich and beer, a new person entered the bar that promised to make things a bit more “interesting”.

Unlike the former Steel Vipers and Ice Hellions that made up the majority of the ex-Clanner patrons, the new-comer was very clearly of Goliath Scorpion origin.

After the constabulary had hauled the combatants away, David motioned Garret over to his table.

“Yes? You needed something?” The huge elemental rumbled.

“Maybe.” David smiled. “What would it take for the owners to forget about pressing charges on the ‘Scorp?”

“Just the Scorpion?” Garret looked amused. “Pay her damages plus a bit for Isorla, and she will be allowed Hegira…provided we see her not for at least a year from this day.” The big man chuckled. “She did not start the fight, but by Kerensky, she gave those little fools a good one. All the same though, we can’t have the place broken up without taking price for it, quiaff?...You don’t want the others?”

David laughed, “Aff, big man. I understand. And no, I do not want the others. They’ve no brains to go with those balls that the Hellion came so close to losing.”

Garret chuckled along with David. “So what is the Scorpion to you? Why would you buy her way out of trouble?”

“As a Scorpion? Nothing really.” David shrugged. “But I’ve need of warriors, and she is of need of a place I think. In this we can help each other.”

David stood. “Figure the costs, and let me know when you have the price of her freedom.” He handed Garret a card with his com-number embossed on it. “I’ll be over at the station house discussing things with the cops and giving the young lady a couple choices.”

<Scene Break>

David smiled as the cops led the young woman into the interview room. Apparently they weren’t taking any chances with her as she was in full “Elemental” rated restraints.

Lifting one eyebrow, David sounded amused and slightly bored as he studied a file in front of him. “Assault, three counts, battery, three counts, disturbing the peace…three counts…hmm, attempted murder…nice, but that’s a bit of a stretch I think…destroying private property…public nuisance…one aero-jock wishing someone would just shoot him to make the pain stop…one ‘Mech pilot with a shattered jaw, and another nursing half a dozen broken ribs….oh, and about five grand in property damage….I must say, impressive.”

As the escorting guards forcefully seated the Scorpion warrior across from David, he kept going as if nothing was happening. “Now, some of these charges are nothing but filler and won’t ever see the inside of a courtroom, but there’s enough here…with enough evidence, that you’re looking at at LEAST fifteen grand in fines and restitution, maybe even a few months in lock-up if the judge is in a bad mood that day, or….” He trailed off.

“Or what?” The young lady snarled at him, her voice distorted by the bandages and local anesthetics that were partially paralyzing her mouth and lips. “They jumped ME!”

David nodded. “Yes, they did. Which is why you aren’t looking at five to ten at hard labour right now.” He smiled coldly. “Of course, if you haven’t got the money for fines and restitution, you could also get stuck in a penal labour battalion until you work off your debts….And at a fixed rate of ten credits a day, minus deductions for food and lodging, even half your estimated fines are looking pretty large, quiaff?”

Without waiting for an answer, David just plowed right on. “Fortunately for you, we seem to be in a position to help each other out.” He sat forward and leaned toward where she sat. “My unit needs warriors, and you need a place and a way off planet. So…I have a proposal for you. If you are willing to sign on for a two year hitch, I’ll pay your damages and fines. You’ll probably be confined to our ship until we lift, but we’re planning on leaving Terra within a week, so that’s no great period of time. Oh, and the Tavern says you are barred for a year….not that we are likely to be back in that time, but you never know, eh?”

Nikita listens as she sizes David up. Having been strip searched, cavity checked, blood worked, and tormented by the medical staff with their stitching and poking, she's more than a bit cranky. Add to the fact that they're actually attempting to file charges against her. She looks at man across from her. “You were in the tavern when the fight happened.”

A pause in the business at hand reveals the screams and epithets of a familiar voice as he's dragged, literally, past the door in the same restraints she wears. Only his are triple locked and it takes four guardsmen to shove/drag him down the hallway to his own waiting cell. One of the guards curse and slams the door.

The one side of her face quirks up into something like a smile, stretching the scorpion tattoo along the side of her neck. “You know. I could ease the suffering of that dezgra freebirth. Just let me alone with him for thirty seconds. By now the alcohol he had been consuming is completely gone from his system, eaten up by the pain.” Her green eyes gleam, “Perhaps I could give him... how do you say it, peace? Aff?” Somehow she gives the impression that it wouldn't be the peace of sleep either. Vindictive little woman, aint she??

One of the guards whacks the back of her chair with a baton. “Enough of that. You've done enough damage. One more threat out of you and we'll just see how badly you want out of those restraints when it comes time to eat.”

His partner frowns at him. “Joey, one more incident like that and you'll be on report. I swear, every time we get an ex Clanner in lockup, you go schizo on them. So knock it off or I'll have Brody send you back home for retraining.”

That last comment about retraining shuts him up and he moves to a corner away from the proceedings and simply glares.

Leaning back into the chair, she lifts her shackled feet up to thump then down on the table. “I used my last few major credits to walk off a Rom trader and into what I had hoped would have been a decent bartending job. I spent the last credits I had on a beer and lodging for a week at the hostel nearby. I didn't want any trouble, I did not need any hassles. For my troubles, I am assaulted, damaged, and now you tell me that there are charges against me? Great, just great.” She begins muttering to herself in the Romany language, Gypsy lingo. The words are almost liquid music on her lips, but the tone speaks for itself. Disgust, anger, frustration.

Thumping her feet back down on the floor, she winces as some of the bruises are still tender. “You still have not told me who you are and who you work for that can simply make things go away?”

The man actually blinks. “Me? I'm Me? I'm David Ten-Bears. I lead the "Lupos Negros", a small merc unit sub-contracted to the Black Stars mercenary command. as for the charges? Well, the bar only wanted to get paid for the damages plus a little extra and you to stay away for at least a year to not press charges.” He leans back in his chair, glancing at the folder in front of him, which includes everything from the medical workup to everything that may have been on record when she put her print on file for the hostel room. “The others in your little scuffle? Well, if you drop charges on them, they've no reason to press for charges on you, weak though they are and the local constabulary would be just as happy for you to go away as to have to deal with you for however long it would take for you to pay your debts off.”

That causes Nikita to blink slightly. “Woah Woah Woah. Back up a moment. Charges? I have not pressed any charges. I have not even had time to think, let alone contact anyone about pressing charges. Someone in this center is definitely trying to jump the gun on that point. Their weakness is the alcohol they were consuming and their mouths. My recommendation to their Commanding Officer would be...” she shrugs in her heavy restraints, causing them to clank and rattle. “We will not go into that.”

David grins slightly at that, then, as if someone flipped a switch, his face returns to the indifferent mercenary commander he is. “Oh, and don't think your dance partners are getting off... their CO was coming in a few minutes ago and did NOT look happy. So, I’m really not getting all the charges to go away... just most of them, and the others are just a few fines... I pay them and you walk out of here.” He taps a finger on the metal table, “Of course, the locals will probably want you confined to the ship until we lift, lessening the chance of a repeat, or maybe the three idiots trying their luck again. No hat, just some cash and everyone getting a little of what they want.”

Nodding, she looks around the dull gray room, and sighs. “I do not suppose that you will be able to retrieve my weapons, clothes, and my gear from the hostel if I sign on.”

He nodded, “We can do that. As your weapons weren't used during the fight, the law has no reason not to give them back. They may not like it,” he pauses to give a glare to the men standing behind her, “But they will return them along with your clothes. When you sign, we can collect your things from the hostel on the way to the DropShip.”

Shaking her head, she looks at David across the table. “Get me out of this heavy metal rig and I will sign on. I am Nikita, trueborn dezgra outcast of Clan Goliath Scorpion. If you will have me, I will join you.” Ignoring the hostile looks directed at her, she stands up and rattles the restraints. “I have an itch on my neck that is in need of scratching.” She glances meaningfully at the key card the older of the two has.

David grinned as he glanced at the guards. "Then I think we have a deal." He placed a contract on the table as the calmer of the two guards unlocked Nikita's restraints from his position across the room with a small remote.

Once the shackles fell away from her body and limbs, Nikita stretched like a cat, smiling nastily at the angry younger guard. "You know, in the clans, the prison guards are only one step removed from Solahma. Warriors by courtesy, but highly unlikely ever to rise in stature.... or be chosen to breed. Perhaps this is why so many have such poor attitudes?"

David laughed softly. "There might be something to that, Nikita, but your theories will have to wait for another time." He placed a pen next to the contract. "Just read and sign, and we are out of here."

<Scene Break>

As the two walked out of the station, David paused for a moment and turned to Nikita. "You friend from the bar back there looked a bit angry did he not?"

As she nodded, a little puzzled as to where David was going with this, he continued. "All the charges from the bar have been dropped...but if he were to somehow get free of his restraints...." David smiled slightly as he touched a certain spot on the wrist of his cyber-arm. From inside the station, shouting erupted and an alarm sounded as chaos erupted. "Let's go....we have places to be."

Nikita looked puzzled, glancing back at the station.

David shrugged. "Lots of those restraint systems have a hardwired override code built in... probably so that if the cops get put in their own restraints, they can get free. Your friend must have discovered the code somehow, or had a friend of his help him. Won't help him of course, being where he is, with that many police around, but if he's dumb, and takes a swing at one of them...." He smiled serenely. "Assault on an officer gets you two to six at hard labour in these parts..."

Primary Penal Labour Facility
Testing Range Number One
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August, 3087

David grinned as he led Nikita's new crew out of the facility. None of them had raised any objections to signing on under similar conditions to their new Tank Commander. Most of them had been in the Penal Labour pool for at least six months and were looking at at LEAST another two years to get their debts paid off. One of them, the driver, had been looking at fifteen if she hadn't taken the deal.

Glen, the only Clanner in the bunch, originated from the Snow Ravens. One of the few survivors of a failed genetic experiment, blending Pilot and Elemental bloodlines, Glen was smaller and faster than most Elementals, though still large by normal human standards, but not fast enough to make up the loss in mass.

As a result, Glen's line found itself smaller and somewhat weaker than "Normal Elementals", and while faster than most un-augmented humans, still inferior to the more specialized pilot genome.

Discarded as a failure, the sibko members found themselves relegated to Solahma units and other dead end assignments. How Glen had ended up a mercenary on Terra, David hadn't asked. What was important was that Glen's resentment of his fate had led to a hair trigger temper and an extended stay in state custody due to a few too many brawls. He'd probably end up as Nikita's gunner.

Following along behind, the driver, a woman who called herself "Wheels". Susan Harshfeldt, a native of Solaris VII, and a professional race driver. Susan claimed to be able to drive "Anything, anywhere, anytime." David wasn't sure that was entirely true, but her record did seem to mostly back it up. She was in for a little joyride a while back, which led the constabulary a merry chase. It had taken the cops 12 ground vehicles and another three VTOL's to corral her.

Bringing up the rear was Harold "Sparky" Faunce. A local teenager with a penchant for computer hacking and hot rods. Sparky had no military experience, but his mechanical and electronic skills should serve him well as Nikita's engineer/radioman.

Local Detention Center
Penal Ward
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
19th August, 3087

Nikita merely arches an eyebrow at David's actions, fully noting the arm and how he uses it. Along the way in the transport, she goes over her clothes and the weapons that were handed back to her when she left. They never even gave her time to change. Whether a pathetic attempt at humiliation or just plain procedure, she simply ignores it.

Holding one of her knives to the light, she sighs and shakes her head. “The last time someone deliberately dulled my blades, they figured out why a dull blade hurts more. Especially when it is being rammed into certain parts of the anatomy.”

When they finally pulled up to the hostel, she led the way to her tiny cubicle and keyed the lock. Smiling, she walked in to have something furry come flying at her face, chittering angrily. To prevent David from taking evasive action, she stepped up and caught the little guy. “Max. Yes, I know.” chitter chitter chitter. “Yes, well, I got into a bit of trouble. I promise you and Jax will not be left alone again. Now behave. Max,” she turns to show a black ferret with a white stripe down the exact center of the body... like a skunk. “Meet David. Our new commander. David, this is Max. My fetch and carry being. I got him from one of the Gypsy ships I was bartending on. Broke up a nasty fight between a couple feuding groups. They feud worse than the clans do, aff?” she grins.

Putting down the ferret and, without so much as a twitch of modesty, she literally strips off the jump suit, revealing her back to the dim light. A roadmap of pain, from the looks of it. Strangely enough, all of the marks are raised, as if they had been infected and didn't heal right. David sees it for only a moment before a black t-shirt covers it. Black BDU military pants and combat boots are clean, if a bit scuffed in a few places and the Tac vest with a black Scorpion blazoned on the back. It's steel stinger seems to simply dangle in the light.

“One more thing.” she pulls out a fresh face scarf and ties it on. “Do not ever, ever, touch this duffel bag.” she picks it up. “At least not without me present.”

Frowning, David looks at it. “Why?”

Grinning, she opens it up and sticks her hand in. Crawling up her arm is the largest Emperor Scorpion he's ever seen. “Jax is my security.” the scorpion simply climbs to her shoulder and sits there, tail curled. “Do not ask where I got him from because I will not tell you.” she picks up her gear, adjusting the left side of her tac vest slightly. Max simply wormed his way up her leg and into what looked to be an inner pocket sewn in just for him. “I'm ready.”

The Event Horizon
Auxillury Pad Fifteen
Nikita's can.

After getting her gear stowed and her friends safely tucked away in a spare area of her small cabin, she went exploring. A map embedded in the wall across from her room gave her a starting point and, for the next hour, familiarized herself with the essential spots in the ship and how to get there. Once she had most of it down in her head, Nikita made her way back to the rec room, and the bar.

Glancing at the selection, her lip curled in disgust. “Substandard liquid. If there were ever a chance to enjoy a good drink, they need to update their stock.”

Turning her back on the alcohol and wanders back into the area. After checking out the various equipment, she heads for the sims. Passing a group of the crew standing around discussing the pros and cons of the latest technology, she looks over the ‘Mechs listed.

One of them glances her way and pipes up, loud enough for her to hear. “But of course, real Mechjocks don't need genetic tampering to be good. It's just skill and enough firepower to rock your world.”

Turning, she arches an eyebrow, eyes glittering over her face scarf. “Of course, all the rocking would be in your head, Aff? Of course, it would be after your ‘Mech hit the ground in shut down mode.”

The crew laughed while the man grinned. “How about we try that out? With you on the ground and me standing tall?”

Nikita chuckled, “You are offering a Batchall?”

The stocky man looked confused until one of his buddies talked to him. “Uh, yeah.”

Nodding, she said, “I am Nikita, I bid a single ‘Mech against any you choose.”

Blinking, he nodded. “I am Loren, call sign Ghost, I will fight you with an Atlas and a squad of battle armoured Infantry.”

“Bargained and Done.” she tilts her head. “Urban setting winter time.”

He grinned and nodded. “Agreed.” Turning, he palmed one of the sims while his friend went to program it in the computer. When he was set, she walked over to the controls and, with a chuckle, selected her ‘Mech and added full camouflage for urban warfare. Then slipped into the pod. “Activate.”


Ghost, who didn't know what he was facing, began working his way through the urban landscape. “Combat mode, Battle squad, initiate search and destroy mode.” An electronically programmed voice spoke in his ear, “Yes Sir.” as orders are relayed to the men.

Meanwhile, Nikita... call sign Nightmare.. moves her ‘Mech into position, taking advantage of the quadmech's shorter chassis and begins to move. The Fire Scorpion 2's armament read full load and fully charged. “Okay, let us see what can be done.” Using the ‘Mech's active probe, she swiftly began to stalk the battle armour. Making sure she is strapped snugly into the chair, she uses her full range of skills to chase down and eliminate the Battle Armour before quickly backing up behind a stadium.

Ghost, hearing the screams of the dying in his earphones started looking around, checking his radar and looking for the ‘Mech. Suddenly, a tone sounds in his cockpit as a barrage of LRM's slam into the back of his ‘Mech, rocking him forward, then slamming him back into the cushioning. Glancing at the screen, all he sees is the call sign 'Nightmare'. Not making the connection, he turns his ‘Mech down a street, watching, tracking.

Nightmare, aka Nikita, simply runs her ‘Mech out in front of the Atlas, giving him time to spot her and allowing him to pull the trigger before scampering out of the way. This cat and mouse game goes on for some time until Ghost is frustrated all out of proportion and begins demolishing buildings and all but creating a wasteland of a city that he may have been protecting.

Shaking her head, she abandons her taunting and begins to use her firepower in earnest. Keying her mike to Ghosts com unit, she speaks. “You have already lost. Emotions have no place on the battleground.” she pulls a trigger, busting armour off joints, backing up and letting loose with LRM's at the cockpit. “We can stop if you like.”

What came over the headset would have peeled the paint off the interior if there were any. “Then let us end this.” with her chatter, she'd been lining up at the head of the Atlas, aligning even the AC and machine guns. “Now.” Pulling the triggers, all her weapons fired one last time, leaving Ghost with no option but to die.

-Rec Room holovid-

The head of the Atlas exploded in a violent shower of sparks. The rest of the fired weaponry had slammed into the center torso, knocking it backwards, making it look like a drunk as it staggered backwards to slam into a parking garage. After a moment, it slowly slid down to the ground, as if it had just passed out for a good long nap.

-Rec Room-

A cry of rage emerges from one pod as Nikita emerges from the other. She stretches slightly, then watches a pod door slam open and the crew member come out, red faced. “Why you....” and starts forward.

"Loren!" David's voice cracked out over the rec-bay, pulling the angry man up short. "You wouldn't be thinking about something so stupid as to be attacking another Black Star over a sim match would you?" David's voice was soft, but his tone lowered the temperature on the deck by at LEAST fifteen degrees. "Besides the fact she'd kick your ass up and down the bay without breaking a sweat, you know the code. We don't fight with our own."

"The bitch suckered me!" Loren whined, clearly still upset about his loss. "It wasn't a fair fight!"

David laughed. "Of course she did, you damned fool! And you LET HER DO IT!" He roared out the last bit. "I came in late, but your boys here filled me in on the terms. You walked into it eyes open and head high! You could have objected to the terms and conditions, could have suggested terrain and setting. Nope, you let her choose terms, setting, and weather conditions. THEN you didn't even settle on unit limits other than limiting her to a single mech. No tech limits, no availability limits, just pick one and go....Well ok, that's fine, just don't complain when she hands you your ass because you were an IDIOT!"

David motioned to the big screen projection unit, where the match was beginning a playback. "’Mech to ‘Mech, it wasn't a bad match...you even had some crunchies for back-up. So what do you do? First, you throw away your battle armour by sending them out unsupported to hunt. They got cut off and ground into paste while you were blundering about like an elephant with haemorrhoids!"

David pointed at the screen, where Nikita's Fire Scorpion was harassing Loren's Atlas. "She was in a faster, more manoeuvrable ‘Mech, with longer ranged weapons. What the HELL did you think you were doing, chasing her?" David waved down any response Loren might make. "Never mind, I don't want to know, it would probably just piss me off more!"

David wiped his brow. "So having been outbid and out manoeuvred, you decide to do just about the WORST thing you could have done, go racing after a ‘Mech you can't catch, and blaze away with shots you couldn't have hoped to hit with, from shallow ammo bins. Tell me Loren, were you born stupid, or did you have to work at it?"

Loren couldn't speak, embarrassment and rage had combined to leash his tongue. All he could do was stand there and take the dressing down, his face an impressive shade of crimson.

"Nikita!" David snapped at his new recruit. "What SHOULD Loren have done, given his tactical situation?"

Without pausing to think, she automatically answered, "Pilot Loren should have considered the opponent in front of him before allowing his prejudices to colour his thinking." She looked at Loren, "Before and after the Batchall was concluded, he underestimated his opponent and should have learned the terrain in which he would be fighting. With his battle armoured group, he should have sent them out as hunter-seekers to allow him to know exactly what he would be facing. That being accomplished, he should have used his men appropriately as snipers, and hunt and run units. Small enough to cause me to have to deal with them, but not large enough to hit.

She blinked and tilted her head slightly, "Though it would not have worked in this scenario because the Fire Scorpion 2 is equipped with a probe to discern such things. There are, however, other ‘Mech variants that do not. In essence, the tactical advantage should have been his if he had simply left his emotions outside the simulator and not allowed them to interfere with his combat sense."

David shook his head slightly. “The presence of an active probe as part of your ‘Mech’s equipment would have been known, had he made ANY inquiry as to ‘Mech selection. Facing an unknown opponent, you are correct though.”

Speaking clearly, and with no emotions, as if addressing a classroom, David continued his lecture. "Loren should have found an area of restricted terrain, and forced you to come to HIM. Given the difference in ‘Mech capabilities, Loren should have sought to limit your advantages with terrain that both restricted your ‘Mech's movement, and prevented you from taking advantage of your greater range capabilities. Ideally, he should also have combined action with his Battle Armour in order to lead you into a situation where you were forced to deal with both forces simultaneously."

David addressed both of the warriors. “You both come from warrior traditions that favour offensive action. Nikita, you from the Clans, and You, Loren, from the Lyran Commonwealth… In both traditions, there is a tendency among many warriors to equate offensive manoeuvre with effective action… This is not always true however. As we have seen demonstrated here, sometimes the best move is to just wait. At some times, the best action is no action.”

David sighed and looked at Loren. “Loren, we’ve spoken about your temper before. If you cannot control yourself, we will be unable to retain your services. I would regret having to take that step, but we cannot afford weak links in the unit right now. Take a few hours to cool off in town and do some thinking. If you are ready to work hard and keep your temper under control, we really could use you.”

Turning back to Nikita, David kept talking. “And as for you…. it’s nekulturny to be preying on sim-jocks. You didn’t need to turn the screws that tight. This ain’t the clans, and no-one is your competition here. You don’t need to play the one-up games.”

David smiled. “If you wanna humiliate folks, jack into the local sim-net and play with OUTSIDERS. Channel three is for money matches, though the locals enforce a fifty c-bill limit on registered bets…. Tell you what, I’ll stake you a hundred to get started. I get 20% of your winnings for the time we are here on planet… we have a deal?”

Nikita merely arched an eyebrow at David's dressing down, remaining silent. When he finished, she flicks a glance at the holovid. “Commander, if I were to even think about 'tightening the screws' as you say, your cyber jock would be even more furious. I did not offer the challenge and I had no intention of 'preying' on anyone. My intent was to begin training my reflexes against the programmed parameters of a simulation. This is only an explanation, not an excuse.”

At David's mention of money fights, she nods. She watches Loren stalk across the room and exit through a door that would lead him outside. “Perhaps you should assign him a keeper. If he finds those that would rather have my head, there may be trouble. But that is only a suggestion, not something to take to heart, aff?”

She turns slightly to shut off the vid and glance up, taking in the group of people clustered near one wall. “These are new like myself?”


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 04:23:28 AM »

Glen, as if knowing he was being stared at, lifts his head and watches silently, his ice blue ones clashing with her green ones. He must have seen something in her, because he nodded slightly, then leaned against the far wall while the rest of the group found places to sit.

Harold, the youngest, his eyes widened. “Oh hey! How cool is this??” he goes over to one of the many entertainment units. “An SPS 180 fast track network node!” He frowns and mutters, “They're almost obsolete, but they still run like a dream as long as there are parts for them. Look at this...” he says in disgust after much twitching. He lifts up a piece of... something.. that seems to have started becoming sentient in the corner of the booth. “How can you treat such equipment this way?!?! This is disgusting. How can you..” His tirade is stopped when the woman pops him upside the head. “Oowwww!'

“Sparky.” the woman shakes her head. “You talk too much, you know that? You want to sit down, shut up, and let the boss man make the introductions and tell us what's going on?”

Glen's voice, deep and rumbling, “I agree. It is more...healthy... to sit in silence when you are surrounded by strangers than to touch things that are not yours to touch. It is never a good idea to assume, neg?”

David just smiles at her. "That you'll have to ask them yourself. We don't care how a 'Star arrives to us, just that they are here.” He pulls out a chip from his pocket. “They're also your crew. The chip holds the specs on the tank you're going to be commanding, it's capabilities, technical upgrades, and anything else. When we have a ‘Mech for you to ride in, we'll get you saddled up with that. But for now, I think I'll leave you to get acquainted with your team.”

With that, he reaches behind the bar, snags a bottle of something, and heads out the door.

Taptapping the small info chip in her hand, she walks over to the group, looking each one over. “I am Nikita, call sign Nightmare. Apparently I have just been given you three as part of a tank crew and this.” she holds up the chip, “Will be our vehicle until we are dead or assigned something different. Now, what are your names and your skills so that I can know where to place you in this crew.”

Glen, looks her over and is the first to speak. “I am Glen. I have no call sign as I am a trueborn of the Snow Raven Clan. Relegated to the Solahma.” He glared at her. “But I am still Trueborn and from the looks of you, you are of the Clans as well.” He spit on the floor at her feet. “Freebirth! I will not deal with you. To do so would...”

Glen's tirade stopped as he found himself backed up into the wall, a finger all but buried in his throat. Not enough to damage, but Nikita was not one to push it that far. “Be grateful that we are all brothers in arms, Glen. If you wish to return to the Stockade, I am sure the Commander would be willing to do so. If you wish to join us in the Stars, then we work together, aff?” She pulled her finger back.

He coughed and inhaled. “Aff.”

She waits a moment, then hears him say “Aff, you are right. We must work together to attain our honour.” He stands up a bit straighter, “I retract my words and offer my apologies.”

Nikita nods, “Aff, Accepted.” she turns to the others and arches an eyebrow.

The woman puts her feet up on a nearby table. “They call me Wheels, ma'am.” The woman has a southern drawl to her voice, “Actually, my real name is Susan Harshfeldt. Used to run the race circuit over on Solaris VII and made it to Terra for a season.” she grins. “Woulda worked if that sweet little beauty of a car hadn't been rigged with a tracking system. But the view in the rear view mirror was worth the ride.” she sighs and shakes her head. “Thankfully the boss man got me outa hock before they put me out to the Labour Colony.”

They all looked over at the kid who, by his colouring and the accent, sounded more like one of the Rom families than some street kid. Under the intense gaze of all three people, he cleared his throat. “I.. Um... well.. my name is H..Harold Faunce. B..but.. everyone keeps calling me Sparkie.” He looked at the floor. “Got caught trying to settle a score.” He muttered in the language of the Gypsies.. or Rom people, “Wasn't my fault and yet Tamlin dumped the whole thing on me to get offline and off planet.”

Chuckling, Nikita replies in the same manner, startling the kid, “When two get caught together, especially in an illegal deed, one will ultimately turn on the other with the promise of freedom. No Rom likes to be behind bars, young one. And make sure you do not use the lingo of your people too much for talking when you think others do not understand. It will get you into trouble.” She winks at him.

Dropping back into English he nodsnods. “I'm good with electronics and things. I can try and be useful.”

Looking over everyone, she holds up the disk. “Okay, gather round. This is what we're going to be saddling up in. Everyone take a good look. Wheels, from what you've told me, I'm going to put you behind the wheel of this thing, no matter what it is. Glen,” she looks at him, sizing him up. “Can you work with me on the guns, loading and firing?”

He nods, “Aff. I can do that.”

She plugs in the chip and boots up the small holo tank on the table they're near. After a few minutes, the schematics of a Po class tank comes into view. Sparkie, looks over at her. “Uh, ma'am.. Nightmare.. uh Commander?”

“For now, just Nightmare. I will tell you when to use formalities.” Nikita looks over the tank, then taps in a few commands, only to have the squib of data start spinning and shuffling itself and morphing into a bizarre form of a large bipedal green lizard stomping on some block houses and chewing on sparklers. She curses and watches the data as it marches around the vid tank..

Sparkie's hand reaches over and begins to tap quickly on the command keys... which effectively kills the monster, slows the spinning and shuffling, and forcing it back into the tank and specs everyone was viewing. “Someone was playing a movie called Godzilla and forgot to wipe the holgraphic memory chip before we started using it. If I had my kit, I could fix it, but.” he squints. “The circuit readout shouldn't look like that. Someone's crosswired .... “ and off he goes. It isn't until Wheels pops him in the head lightly that he realizes what he's done.

“I think, people, we have our electronics Tech.” Nikita announces to the chuckling group.

Wheels laughs. “What you don't know, Nightmare, is that this young scamp can also work on engines. He and I've been talking hot rods while we were waiting for our turn in front of the court. Seems Sparkie has a bit of a thing for fast cars as well as high speed electrons.”

That got her attention as she looks at the two of them. “Okaay. Wheels, you and Sparkie work it out and get a copy of the file. Glen, get one too. Let us see what we can make of our new ride.”

And, with that, they all settle in, looking at, and pointing out different things on the tank that may need looking at. Sparkie even pulled up a real time picture of a Po so that everyone can get an idea of the arrangement...

Black Stars Compound
Department of Mercenary Management
Star League Defense Force
Alice Springs Castle Brian Complex
Central Australia, Terra
21st August 3078
1830 hours

Wedge Donovan resisted the urge the land his spanner onto the head of the kneeling astech before him. Instead, he clenched his jaws and gripped the spanner hard enough that his knuckles turned white. Going down onto one knee, the pointed the heavy tool in his hand before the astech. "This goes HERE, and THIS goes THERE."

The fair hair astech who could not had been more than fourteen or fifteen years old started to protest. "But..."

"NO buts." Wedge managed through gritted teeth. "Just do as I instructed."

Reluctantly, the boy-man did as he was told. Task performed, Wedge stood and nodded to another technician standing opposite them and gave him a thumbs up. The latter nodded in understanding and switched on a large black tag. Instantly, the mobile generator roared to life, emitting black smoke.

"Well done, Master Technician Donovan."

Wedge turned around at the complement, as well as accompanying claps and stared at the man grinning before him. "You're gonna get find me dead in my own blood and puke one of these days... actually, make that within a week."

"What?" Zi Long asked with wide eyes. "You don't like the food they've been feeding you with?"

"You can drop the act Zhao." Wedge simmered. "You know what I'm talkin' about. First, you 'win' me in a game of simulated 'Mech combat, than you pull me off Herotitus back to the Inner Sphere - where I've spent ALL of my life savings to get out from, and NOW, you put me in charge of a bunch of kids and incompetents who can't even fix a god-damned gen set!" The young astech looked up and gave Zi Long a withering grin.

"Well, you didn't tell me that you would rather rot in the employment and slavery of Bobby's unit." Zi Long shrugged. "What's it called again? Slave Dogs? Smash Hounds?"

"Slavering Hounds." The helpful youth provided.

"Thank you Edd." Zi Long flashed him a winsome smile even as Wedge shot him an angry look. The Black Stars Captain looked back at Wedge. "Right, the Slavering Hounds. I do believe that they had been hired to go pirate hunting again - out in the Fronc Reaches no less, even as the Stars confirmed our contract with Sumitomo Group?"

"Yes, but..."

"And seriously, I thought that given the Hounds' most excellent TO&E including century old 'Mechs and vees that even Quikscell Company wouldn't have the balls to sell, the Stars would have been a much better choice?" Zi Long scratched his chin thoughtfully.

"That's not the point..."

"Oh, and I've also heard of rumours that Bobby's outfit actually trade non-combat employees, technicians and engineers like yourself, to ransom back captured members?" Zi Long arched an eyebrow at Wedge. "Given their most impressive track record, I'm surprised they haven't traded in their parents."

"Well, that..."

Zi Long raised his hands, an action comically similar to the one Wedge himself had performed against Edd just moments before. "I know the Black Stars are not the premiere unit that you and a kazillion other techs would love to serve in. Even at our peak, we were seldom thought of more than Periphery wannabe mercenary scum. I can't promise that we will be otherwise under my command, but each and every one is family." The Chinese man looked at Wedge, all trace of banter and humour gone from his eyes now. "No matter what." Wedge could find no answer to those words.

A twinkle returned to Zi Long's eyes as he suddenly winked. "Besides, you have Will over there who seems to know at least how to start a gen set."

Wedge's retort was cut off as another shout echoed through the bay. "Zhao! You've got a LOT to answer for you son of a bitch!"

"Now what." Zi Long muttered under his breath as he rolled his eyes and turned towards the new comer. "What is it now Doc?"

Kaplan Bowes was a former commander in one of the Crucis Lancers' MASH detachments during the FedCom Civil War, and later the fighting for Memphis against the previously unidentified Clan Star Adder. Unable and to relocate his MASH command during a concentrated Star Adder breakthrough, and refusing to leave his patients to death, his half dozen-truck MASH unit was overrun while performing critical surgery on several wounded soldiers. As the Adder forces approached his theatre, Bowes quickly stepped out of the unit, and told him he would surrender the entire unit after all the men and women within were cared for.

The Star Adder commander refused. Checking the soldiers under medical care, he found out that one of them was a battalion commander. Calling in his DropShip, the Clanners carried off all AFFS officers, while declaring the MASH units too low tech to be of isrola to be of value to him.

When the Crucis Lancers retook the area around the MASH area, Bowes was court martialled for causing the lost of a pair of officers to the Adders even though his actions saved nearly two dozen of other lives. Disgraced and drummed out of the AFFS, Kaplan Bowes made his way to the Periphery, and eventually to Herotitus.

"Your Black Stars!" Kaplan started. "What kind of a unit doesn't have even the most basic medical supplies to even treat burns?!"

"I've always gotten away with applying tooth paste actually." Zi Long replied.

"And you don't even have a proper medical team!" The doctor raved. "The Event Horizon has one of the best medical facilities of any DropShip, and it’s all gonna rust away from un-use!"

"Well, I was hoping YOU would recruit some medics for us actually Doc." Zi Long smiled. "I mean, other than knowing that you're one heck of a medical officer, just like I know Wedge here is an excellent technician." Zi Long threw a side long grin at the still fuming Master Technician. "Look guys, I know nuts about how competent your support staff should be to recruit efficiently, so I'll leave the hiring to you." He stated matter of factly. "As long as it’s all within my budget of course."

Both men started to protest but Zi Long raise his arms again. "Can it people. Most of the others will have their own small support staff. Heck, given our background, most of us actually do know a bit about repairing and maintaining our own hardware," Zi Long looked at Wedge, "and seeing to our own burn marks and cuts," he turned back to Kaplan. "Its only the more delicate and specialized chores that we'd need your expertise. We're on Terra, and will be here til the end of the month. You have all the time to recruit whoever you feel who'd make the cut. Furthermore, we can always hire local help and temps where ever we go. If you find someone REALLY good, we can sign them on a contract like everyone else."

"As for supplies, we just got our advance down payment for the Fujidera contract. Let me know how much you need, and what the cash is for and I'll let you know if you get your greens." Zi Long stretched as he stifled a yawn. "And now gentlemen, you'll excuse me if I go educate some lucky ladies from 'E Ward' about how we Periph rats REALLY enjoy our vices."

Both men glared at the retreating back of Zhao Zi Long as he whistled tunelessly. "Oh, and Kaplan." The Black Stars officer stopped mid stride and turned around as he remembered something. He looked at both men before setting his sights on Kaplan. "It's not MY Black Stars, it's OUR Black Stars."

Event Horizon
Black Stars Seeker Class DropShip
Enroute towards Fujidera, Duchy of Orient, Free Worlds League
30th August 3078
0530 hours

Zi Long was in a pensive mood this morning. Not that he usually was feeling any better, since his body was more often than not pumped to near bursting capacity with all sorts of alcoholic liquids. This particular morning was not EXACTLY similar. He HAD of course took in substantial amounts of hard liquor the night before, but that was not it. It was the schedule and details of their contract. The Black Stars Captain had pondered for quite a while if he should call in David so that they can go through the information and data before disseminating to the rest of the mercenary unit, but decided that just because he himself had not been able to sleep well, there was no reason to deprive his XO of HIS slumber.

Forcing himself from his bed, he trotted to the door to his bunk and slowly opened the steel door. Looking out, he scanned the passageways to make sure that there would be no one coming this way. A DropShip, especially one on its way towards its jump point, would always have working personnel on board. Zi Long had long ago concluded that the constant darkness of space had made spacers immune to the difference of night and day. In fact, Zi Long had found out on more than one occasion that space vessel crew was usually much less awake when there is sunlight if they happen to be on planet side. Just my kind of people. He mused. Certain that no one would disturb his privacy, Zi Long retreated back to his room, and shut the door. Moving to his locker, he opened it and withdrew a small air tight foil package. The Chinese man sat himself down at his table and gingerly placed the package on the table. He next slid opened one of the larger drawers and pulled out a small machine and a glass globe pot. He plugged in the machine before carefully filling the glass pot with water. Next, he opened a cap at the top of the machine. Looking in to make sure that the white paper filter within was clean, he than measure two spoonfuls of contents from the package before pouring them in. Nearly immediately, a sweet and thick aroma filled the small cabin, raising his spirit. The aroma also reminded him to turn up the air ventilator of the room. He REALLY did not want the smell to linger.

Three minutes later, Zi Long was enjoying his first cup of Hacienda la Esmeralda Geisha coffee, a brand praised for its fruit and floral flavours, and harvested only from coffee bean plantations from Terra's Panama.

Reluctantly placing the cup down, Zi Long turned to the next issue on hand. The Sumitomo representatives had insisted that Zi Long open up the package with finer points of the contract after lifting off from Terra. While Zi Long had baulked at the tactical and strategic limitation incomplete intel would place on him and his people, they had threatened to cancel the contract agreement if it was not followed. The Taurian had finally agreed when Sumitomo Group's "Three Stooges" had added in a clause in the contract that would allow the Black Stars to call dips on additional support equipment from the former's own stores if necessary and within reason. These would include small arms, body armour, ammunition, communications equipment, and even ground vehicular support in the form of paramilitary armoured cars. The last item which Zi Long had to haggle for nearly an hour before they gave way was to provide transport to other parts of the planet if necessary rather than burning precious fuel of the Seeker. Frankly speaking, Zi Long had no intention of encasing himself or anyone from the Stars in one of those paper thin armoured fixed wings air craft himself if the threat of being shot at was possible, but they would serve to bring supplies and other logistical support to the unit if there were to be stationed away from such support for any length of time.

He glanced down the contract details again.

Code: [Select]

Registered Contract: FW-SD-02-03

Region: Free Worlds League
System: Fujidera
Galactic Coordinates: X: -77.46 Y: -227.42
Planet: Fujidera
Capital City: Kintetsu
Primary Operational Terrain: Heavy, Urban
Primary Planetary Climate: Continental
Contract Type: Security Duty
Contract Duration: 2 Months
Employer: Sumitomo Group
Employer Contact: Chief Executive Officer, Mr Roger Temagu-Irez
Command Rights: Liaison Assigned
Forces Recommended: A Company Strength Detachment
Supporting Forces: None
Enemy Forces: Unknown
Supplement Contracts Offered: None
Bonus Salvage Bounty: None

Fujidera is a small world. It holds a breathable, but thin atmosphere (sea level equivalent of 7000 feet on Terra). Within the last few thousand years, Fujidera suffered a major climate change. The terrain is primarily salt flats and marshes, cut by steep mountain chains. These mountains create a rain shadow. During the climate shift, the major wind patterns reversed direction, causing the flats and marshes to change sides. A massive extinction event wiped out most of the local fauna.

Currently, Fujidera is inhabited by three-quarters of a billion inhabitants. The culture is fairly homogenous, but there are some deep political divisions. Strangely, this has not affected the profits of the Sumitomo Group; a massive industrial zaibatsu that owns most of the planets production.

Socio-Industrial Levels:

Technological Development
Advanced world with access to many new technologies; world hosts universities; good medical care available, though without benefit of bionics and other cutting-edge technologies; basic microelectronics industry.
Industrialization Level

Basic heavy industry at level of 22nd century; fusion engines possible but no complex products (including BattleMechs)

Raw Material Dependence
World/system produces some of the raw materials needed and imports the rest.

Industrial Output
World has a moderate industrial base that produces a few different categories of products, exporting some of the output.

Agricultural Dependence
World is agriculturally poor and must import much of its food to supplement what is grown.

The Sumitomo Group is worried about the protection of Grand Duke Christopher Halas of Oriente as he secretly visits the world for a couple of months to make the final preparation for Fujidera to become a powerhouse in construction of orbital defense satellites to be used throughout the Duchy to discourage adventurism by any of the factions in the Civil War.

1) Work with the Company of Oriente Hussars to Protect the Grand Duke during his tour of the factories.

1) Help enforce the communications blackout of the planet during the Grand Duke's tour.

Zi Long shook his head again. Some of the points were simply ridiculous, downright stupid even. How could the Black Stars even help to enforce communications blackout of an entire planet? He was sure, as was most of the Black Stars sub-unit commanders after initial discussions, that the local authorities, as well as those from Oriente itself would have seen to it that information of the Grand Duke's visit was a closely guarded secret. What the Black Stars needed to do was just to refrain from disclosing the information while on planet. He would need to remind everyone of this when they land.

Next was the list detailing the company that the Oriente Hussars that would be accompanying the Grand Duke on his visit. That was somewhat strange to Zi Long. Traditionally and commonly the Oriente Hussars had been seen as poorer cousins of the prestigious Fusiliers of Oriente regiments. To draw the assignment as personal body guards to the Grand Duke must had been some sort of coup for the unit. Known for being grimly practical, the Hussars had always been engaged in sometimes less than friendly rivalry with the Fusiliers. Materially, the two formations have reached parity after long years during which the Hussars remained at a disadvantage. Several regiments strong, the Oriente Hussars nonetheless had established themselves as a no nonsense unit in their long years of service.

After some extensive research, Zi Long had discovered that units of the Oriente Hussars display their group insignia prominently, usually on the upper torso of their BattleMechs or the turret-front of armor units. Their insignia depicts a stylized white Oriente Hawk, its torso on a red background surrounded by a golden box. The wings of the hawk extend beyond the box reaching across a green, lozenge-shaped background. In general, the Oriente Hussars use a wide range of field camouflage schemes but most often prefer a two-tone green paint scheme, dark on the lower parts, lighter on the top, for vehicles and 'Mechs. The BattleMech company that would be accompanying the Grand Duke would be from the 2nd Regiment. Zi Long looked at the printed regimental insignia of the unit, that of a short man with a small knife chasing a BattleMech, and shrugged before looking at the list of equipment they would be bringing along.

Code: [Select]
2nd Oriente Hussars: The Crazy Second
1st Battalion
Martina's Maulers

Command Lance
Grand Titan T-IT-N11M - Captain Martina Lowe
Cerberus MR-5M - Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonathan Tiller
Albatross ALB-3U - Sergeant Edmund Young
Orion ON2-M - Private First Class Macy Able

Fire Lance
Awesome AWS-9M - Lieutenant Senior Grade Jason Hall
Awesome AWS-9M - Sergeant Eddie Ngong
Archer ARC-8M - Private First Class June O'Hara
Tempest TMP-3M - Private Anafee Wright Phillips

Attack Lance
Ostsol OTL-5M - Lieutenant Junior Grade Stacy Urlich
Anvil ANV-3M - Corporal Michael Gray
Shadow Hawk SHD-7M - Private Thomas Simpson
Wraith TR1 - Private Benjamin Jowell

The Black Stars officer gave a low whistle as he finished reading the list for a second time. The company's TO&E looked like a Christmas wish list of some young kid. Filled with top of the line BattleMechs that walk off factories within the Free Worlds League, they would prove to be a match for any comparable conventional forces both from the Inner Sphere or even the Clans.

To Zi Long that was a problem. They were not going to come up against any sort of conventional enemies, if any at all. The most likely sort of opponents they might come across would be terrorists, dissidents, or some irregular units sent by other jealous factions who got wind of the Grand Duke's plans. While the Black Stars would appear greatly under strength and paper weight next to the Oriente Hussars company, their mixed force consisting of infantry troopers, Battle Armour, VTOLs, tanks and the odd lance of 'Mechs would be much more suitable to deal with such threats.

For safety reasons, the schedule and itinerary of the Grand Duke's tour would not be disclosed to the Black Stars until they arrived on Fujidera. However, the representatives from Sumitomo Group did at least concede that the Duke will be for only three weeks. The Black Stars' arrival will predate the visit by at least a couple of weeks so that all preparation and coordination work can be completed. Zi Long seriously doubted if the wait would be anything more than a month - two weeks at most. After all, why would the locals want a merc set up to hang around for any extended period of time? Zi Long knew that HE certainly would not. How much longer the Stars wish to stay after the tour would be entirely up to them. Zi Long snorted. Unless other opportunities came along, he doubted that the mercenary unit would do so longer than absolutely necessary. That would mean that the Grand Duke would most probably arrive sometime in mid October, latest end of the month. Enough time for everyone to get familiar with the place and each other.

Zi Long refilled his emptied mug even as the air ventilator whirled in the background. Despite the treatment of themselves by more 'prestigious' units, the Oriente Hussars were still a House unit after all. While Zi Long doubted that there would be any sort of combat, he strongly suspected that the Hussars, or at least certain elements of them, will try to smear the Black Star name and reputation - not that they needed that much help in that department in the first place, while the Stars try to do their job. Zi Long thought of the carnage and mayhem that would ensue as the Black Stars smear them back, get into fist fights with them in pubs and bars, among other things... the Black Stars way.

And then, there's Mr. Roger Temagu-Irez, Chief Executive Officer of Sumitomo Group who would be their liaison officer. If the Three Stooges were an example of how their employer would be treating the Black Stars, Zi Long would be more than glad that the contract was only for a short couple of months. Still, dealing with corporate types would be right up the Black Stars alley, especially now with Hardings on board. Then again, things might go south if Backstabber decided once again to 'liberate' certain of Sumitomo Group's possessions from their ownership. Zi Long sighed.

Briefly, he wondered if he would rather see actual conventional combat after all as he took another seep of the black liquid. Letting the warm contents flow down into his stomach, Zi Long grinned. He swivelled his chair and slapped a button the comms system. "David! You awake yet?"

It took another two tries before Zi Long slapped his own forehead. He downed the rest of the coffee and stood. David Ten-Bears was not one who slept long hours - at most six hours a day, usually 10 at night to 4 in the morning. The Black Stars Captain looked at his wrist chrono again. 0540 hours. Instead of trying to ask someone bring David along, Zi Long decided to head towards the most likely location of his XO. Pulling on a jumper and his own cross trainers, he decided that he might as well give the on board gym a go. It was the place David should be at the unearthly hour. Gathering the data under his arm, he headed out of his room - after spending another ten minutes cleaning up his coffee maker and almost reverently repacking and storing his precious coffee powder.

DropShip "Event Horizon"
Enroute to Fujidera, Duchy of Orient, Free Worlds League
30th August 3078
0600 hours

David nodded to Zhao as he entered the small gymnasium and then turned back to his workout, cranking through another dozen curls before setting the weights down. His right arm didn't need any exercise, being artificial, but his left certainly did, if he wanted to keep it in shape, and some exercises really required both arms to be effective.

Straightening up, David stretched and turned back to Zhao. "Up early today? Did you need something?"

Before Zhao could reply, a young crewman dashed into the gym area. Panting from his exertions, the young man gasped. "Pardon, Sirs, but the Captain says you better get down to deck three double-quick. That Castilian, Fernando...he's gone crazy! Captain thinks he's killed mister Har-Lavi! He went after the Chief with a knife, and now he's barricaded himself into one of the empty armour bays!"

David looked at Zhao. "You better see about the unit and Har-Lavi, I'll go deal with Fernando and the Captain, right?

<Scene Break>

"Ia! F'Thagn!" The crazed Castilian screamed at them as they showed themselves outside the observation port. "Hijo de Puta! Ia! You'll not get my soul! I eat yours first! Tekeli- Li!"

David stared at the crazed figure though the heavy crystal sheet. "What the hell?" He was stunned by the man's appearance. At some point, he had carved strange symbols into his own flesh. Blood covered the man, as if he had bathed in it. The fresh wounds explained some of it, but there was far too much of it evident for Fernando to have been the sole source and still breathing, much less conscious.

"He's been like that since the deck crew chased him in there." The Captain grimaced. "We know he's got at least a couple blades. The Bosun is up in medical getting a cut stitched up right now....We could probably dig him out, but...."

"But in there, he's not your problem anymore, he's OUR problem, is that right Captain?" David sighed.

"Exactly!" The Captain smiled. "I'm glad you agree. Now, just do something about the loony, and we can get back to more important things."

David grimaced. "Any idea on where Mr. Har-Lavi is?"

The Captain shook his head. "We know he isn't in there with the crazy guy. beyond that, we've found a bit of blood and some hair. No body, or indication of where he might have hidden one. I have some of the deck gang searching, but nothing yet."

An soft beep attracted the Captain's attention. "Just a moment." He flipped open his com-link. "Captain here."

"Jenkins, Sir...we've found Mr. Har-Lavi... part of him anyway." The man sounded sickened, even through the tiny little speaker.

"Part of him?" the Captain pressed for details.

"Yes, Sir, Part.... We've found his face." There came a pause. "Looks like someone skinned it off him, then nailed it to the inside lid of the toilet seat in Fernando's cabin." It sounded as if the man was having considerable difficulty keeping his last meal in place.

David closed his eyes in a momentary prayer for Leo's soul. When he opened them, there was no emotion visible.

"Captain, I see no reason to risk any more lives this day. Do you agree?" His voice was cold and even.

The older man looked quizzically at David. "What are you getting at?"

David motioned over his shoulder, to where Fernando was barricaded into the bay. "I've no interest in risking any troops to dig that one out his hole. As Captain of a ship in transit, you have the power to authorize terminal measures for persons posing a direct threat to passengers or ship. He is in a secured vehicle bay....one that functions as a very large airlock....."

"You are suggesting we space him?" The Captain sounded shocked, spacing someone was something very rarely ever done, despite occasional threats of it. "Just like that?"

"No, not "Just like that."" David sneered. "He gets ONE chance to surrender first. But I'm not sending good troops in after him. Looks really likely to have killed Har-Lavi and desecrated his body. He's also cut your bosun, and threatened a good number of others. I see no reason to risk good troops just to restrain a nutcase murderer. If he gives up, fine, you can brig him 'til we get dirtside, he can hang there, or spend the rest of his life in a nut farm. But if he doesn't....I'm inclined to let him suck vacuum."

The Captain still seemed disinclined to agree, but when David added, "It's either that, or you send in your deck-crewmen. They MIGHT be able to do the job.....Shouldn't lose more than three of them." He slumped and nodded.

"Do what you need to do. But I'll not stay to watch."


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 04:26:14 AM »

DropShip "Event Horizon"
Enroute to Fujidera, Duchy of Orient, Free Worlds League
30th August 3078
0600 hours

Zi Long was redirected on route on his way to Har-Lavi's quarters when news came in that "some part at least" of the former First Robinson Rangers officer in Fernando's cabin instead. A small crowd had already gathered outside the bunk when the Black Stars Captain arrived. Two of the DropShip crew were busily and rather nosily discharging their breakfast a little further down the small passage way. The Black Star medical officer, Kaplan Bowes was just stepping out of the cabin, his face a shade of white more pale than his usual self.

"I take it things are not pretty?" Zi Long asked lightly as he approached the doctor. The other man turned around and levelled a steely look at the Chinese man. Zi Long braced himself for another outburst from the Crucis Lancer. Much to his surprise, the man slumped his shoulders and heaved a heavy sigh.

"That would be an understatement." He lifted his gaze and looked briefly at Zi Long. "Even from you." The mercenary Captain kept quiet, waiting for more details. "There's blood smeared all over the room. Most looked like some sort of language that I'm pretty sure are not your Japanese, Mandarin or any other modern spoken tongue. In fact, quite a few of them looked more like symbols. I'm not linguist, but I don't think I'm too far off if I say that you won't find anyone on this ship that would comprehend them."

Zi Long nodded. He shouldered his way through the small crowd, most of who were obviously more than glad to melt out of his way. Zi Long tapped the shoulder of one of the security detail. "Get these people out and away from here. No one is to enter without my permission." The other man nodded mutely before casting another haunted look and the room. He began to roughly shove the others in the bunk out and chased them down the passage way. Satisfied that the task was being carried out, Zi Long finally turned to look at the small room. "Blood smeared all over the room" as Kaplan reported was way off mark. Zi Long did not even have the mood to chide the medical officer for ironically calling himself understating. At first glance, unrecognizable but what were obviously words and symbols were scribbled all over the walls of the cabin. However, they seemed to come alive and crawl like uncountable number of centipedes crawling over each other as Zi Long's gaze was drawn to them. It took all his mental will to pull himself away from them and made towards the toilet, bloody and sticky gore squashed under his boots.

The site within the cabin toilet, if even possible, was even more disturbing than that outside. The toilet bowl was overflowed, not with water or even human waste, but a thick, dark red liquid that not only looked like blood, but smelt like it. Scribbling like those outside were smeared all over the walls as well, though for some reason that Zi Long could not put his finger to, they emitted mixed emotions of anger and fear. Stretched and nailed to the cover seat of the toilet was the face of Har-Lavi. Despite his own disgust, Zi Long stepped closer to it. Whoever did the job of skinning the man did a hell of a job. The layer of peeled skin was unnaturally even, with nearly no blood on the surface. The only exception was two trails of red that rain from the empty holes where the eyes would be if there were staring out from behind them. Even more horrifyingly fascinating was that the mouth was shaped into a crocked and ghastly grin.

"We couldn't find any other part of his body."

Zi Long nodded silently to Kaplan's words, and continued to stare at the twisted mask before tearing himself away. "Try to see what you can find out Doc. I'll make sure that you have at least two other people with you while you're in this room, doing whatever you need to." The Black Stars medical officer could only grit his teeth before nodding slightly.

Zi Long stood and activated the device. "Captain Harris, this is Captain Zhao. I've instructed a pair of your security people to post guards outside Fernando's cabin while the Doc try to make sense of all this. I will let my people know that no one is to enter unless ordered, and I'd appreciate it if you tell your people the same." The Chinese man ghosted pass the stoic Kaplan and stood in the middle of the cabin. "I believe that there are also a lot more bunks than crew on and passengers on the Event Horizon at the moment. Can you make arrangements for this sector to be cleared out? At least until the doc finished his investigations and we clean up the place."

Receiving an affirmative from the DropShip Captain, Zi Long next got online with his Executive Officer. "David, I know what happened would put all of the Stars in unrest. Let's get them together and update them on the contract. I want a status report of all the sub-units as well before we make the next jump which will bring us into the Free Worlds League." He absently lifted one of his boots and stared at the gore stuck on it. "I also believe we have a Hunchback and Commando that are without pilots now. Get our techs to crack the access codes to the pair of them as soon as possible. I'm sure we have more than a couple of tech who are rather experienced in that field." Zi Long allowed a slight smile at that thought. "You and Nikita can be reinstated as Mechjocks if you guys want to. If not, we'll sell them at the next available chance."

Zi Long turned around again and noticed that Kaplen had not moved since he brushed pass him moments ago. "Doc?"

It took a tap on the shoulder from Zi Long to startle the medical officer back from his deep reverie. "Hmm? Yeah?"

"Get cleaned up and some rest before you organize a screen through of the room." Zi Long suggested. "If you can't find anything, and judge that you won't find out anything within a week, forget it. We'll clean up the cabin and get on."

Event Horizon
Crew Quarters

After long, exhausting hours that had started in the morning and lasted til the wee hours of the next, Nikita worked her people, watching them to judge their endurance and giving them the basis to work as a team. Having done that, they'd all gone for chow together, and managed to keep them awake long enough for a shower and into bed. A few moments and they were all snoring in some unholy harmony that would have caused others to peek in and check to see if someone hadn't stuffed an angry bear into the compartment.

Worn out herself, she attempted to sleep and succeeded for a little while, but a couple hours later it found her prowling the corridors, heading back towards the gym to work out. Blinking, she looks around the corridors and then double checks the diagram map. Finding the icon indicator for where she was, she shook her head. Muttering a rather nasty comment to the plaque, she turns back the way she found herself in the lounge.

Off in one corner was a couple of the younger crew, looking rather pale and green tinged. At her entrance, they twitched, looked up with haunted eyes, then stared at the table. All the signs of something wrong sent her senses onto full alert as she headed for the bar and checked the level of the alcohol. “You two want anything?”

The older looking of the two. “Yeah, a hot dagger so I can put my eyes out.”

She shook her head. “I can fix you up with a Flaming Dragon, but I am afraid your Captain and Mine would take exception to having one of his crew making a mess on the deck.” she smiled and began to fix the drinks.

He swallowed, “Just... don't... oh don't say that. Just give me something that'll make me forget.”

His mate nodded silently.

Quietly, she set them both up with flaming dragons... lighting them and quickly dousing the alcohol before the suppression system decided to take effect. “You go easy on these. Just one each is all you will need.”

Looking up at the new people coming in, she nodded as the sleepy crew began mumbling and grumbling. Only Sparky seemed to be awake enough to say something, “Uh, boss?”

Blinking, she looked over, “Yes?”

Sparky laughs a bit and squirms. “Um, I found your friend hiding under my covers when I went to sleep last night.” He opened up his vest to reveal the black masked ferret who, spotting her, literally launched itself out of the boy's clothes and onto the bar, scrambling for his special pocket.

Rolling her eyes, she obligingly opened her own vest and shakes her head. “Max, you know better.” she mutters. Looking at the boy again. “You did not mess with any of my stuff or anything, did you?”

Glen rumbled from his seat. “If you mean that scorpion you have got guarding your duffel, no, he did not. We came to find you and found your guardian instead.”

Wheels simply sat in the chair and muttered, “Coffee. There should be a law about being awake this early in the morning.” She cast a glare at Nikita. “Especially after what you just put us through.”

Nikita simply shrugs and puts on a pot of coffee and checks the menu to see if food can be delivered down here. “I needed to know what you could do under duress, Wheels. If I had not tested you, then you would not respect me as your commanding officer, aff?”

She sighed and nodded. “Well, yea... but..”

“No buts. If we are to work as a team we must all know the strength and weakness of the one who fights beside us. From the one who mans the turret, to the one who sits in the driving seat. Which one of you would trust a person who you just met with the ability to keep you alive?”

When the coffee was finished, she filled up the mugs, adding cream and sugar containers to the tray and set them down, then looked over at the two crew members, who seemed oblivious to the rest of the room, the drinks half gone. “Now that we know how we work together, we can survive together, Aff? Is anyone hungry yet?”

Heads shaking all around as she watches. A soft churr in her vest let her know that her friend finally got comfortable again and asleep. “Okay.” She sat down and pulled out a data recorder and looks at Sparky, who added sugar to his coffee while the others simply drank it black. “Sparky, did you get the electronics figured out.” at his nod, she grunts. “How soon can you get the glitches removed and the programs re-installed?”

He thinks, “Bout three days.”

Wheels smiled. “Don't worry, we'll get it done and ready in time.... “

Reaching for her own mug, she glances at the wall clock and watches the hour hand finally hit 08:00. Another work day lies ahead. I wonder what other surprises will be in store.

Black Stars Seeker Class DropShip "Event Horizon"
Enroute to Fujidera, Duchy of Orient, Free Worlds League
In FWL Space
20th September 3078
0410 hours

Zi Long stared in disbelief at the empty canister that had contained his precious coffee powder. What the fucking hell... He had just returned from yet another bust up among his troops. There had been an incredible number of incidents which saw fist fights and other scuffles breaking out in the DropShip in the three weeks since they left Terra. There was even one that turned fatal, when a shoving match resulted in one DropShip loading crew falling down an open shaft. The fact that the shaft should NEVER had been open in the first place sobered all the Stars - especially since the shaft had been unused for years, and had been welded shut.

Peace however, only lasted for three days, before an irate repair technician got into a fight with another while carrying out regular maintenance work. Zi Long resisted the urge to scream. What the heck is happening? The Black Stars may have never claimed to be a unit of iron discipline, but they had always been able to maintain a surprising level of harmony within themselves. After all, the unit that was founded on Herotitus had been based more on the relationship of a family - and while more than one family had back stabbed each other for one reason or another, things had never turned this sour nor fiery. He himself had even engaged in a couple of ill tempered arguments about the most trivial things - ranging from KP duty schedule to logistics status report.

The sharp pain on his arm drew Zi Long's attention from his fuming to his left arm. He had dug his right fingers deep into his left arm. Small trails of blood had oozed from where they had cut deeply into the flesh. The Black Stars officer cursed. Pushing his chair back, he crossed the few steps of his all to small personal bunk room to where a small washing basin was located and bathed the wound with water.

The icy cold liquid seemed to clear the fog of anger that clouded his mind. What are we doing? Zi Long continued to hold his arm under the water. Is the curse of the Event Horizon true after all? Is it the reason behind all these? The Chinese man softly switched off the tap. "Nonsense." He spat with a growl. "The DropShip is just a DropShip. The stories are just myths - and the universe is full of them."

Shaking the water from his hands, the mercenary Captain walked back to his table. They had actually managed to make faster time than expected even though the JumpShip that they had hooked on for the trip to Fujidera had blown a casket two jumps ago. Fortunately, they were in a occupied system where the company that the Black Stars had chartered had another waiting JumpShip ready. Instead of the need to wait for repairs and recharge, the Event Horizon had been transferred to the other FTL ship. That meant that they would actually arrive more than a week ahead of schedule. The first and only piece of good news so far. Zi Long rubbed his chin. Maybe we've been ground pounders for too long. Too much time spent in space.

Whatever the reason, Zi Long was just glad that they'd be arriving on Fujidera in another week or so - some time in late September. And than, they'd get down to business at hand. He looked at a single sheet of paper forgotten at one corner of his table. Kaplan had submitted the report over the incident involving Fernando and Har-Lavi after four days of investigation. He knotted his brows in further frustration. "There is an incredibly noted lack of forensics that could explain the death of Har-Lavi." It had read. "Other than traces of blood found on the walls and the removed facial mask, no other sign of Har-Lavi was found. In fact, most of the other blood samples taken from the wall writings and toilet bowl had been confirmed as blood of Fernando himself. The other samples tested had came up negative against all other crew and passengers on board the Event Horizon. How blood of anybody other than those present on board the DropShip, in such large quantity, could not be determined satisfactory. Recommend total cleansing and sterilization of the cabin and destruction of all organic samples to prevent possible contamination."

After a short discussion with David, Zi Long had approved just that. The entire sector had been off limits since than.

Primary Spaceport Facility
Fujidera, Free Worlds League
28 Sept. 3078

David stepped down the ramp as he disembarked from the Event Horizon and took a deep breath of the local air. It was so very good to smell real dirt-side air again after so long confined in a space-going tin can.

As he stepped down onto real soil for the first time in several weeks, he noticed the load-master arguing with a uniformed local official.

"I don't care what yer manky local boss says!" The Loadmaster was snarling at the man. "Canna ye read?! This ship's cargo and passengers were cleared at lift-off by the League customs facility on Terra. This is a military transport, not a buggerin' merchant ye great git! Import duties are NOT due, ye eejit!"

The customs man smiled as he responded. "Then I guess we'll just have to impound everything until it all gets sorted out then, now won't we?" The nasty grin on his face showed that he KNEW he was being unreasonable, but was enjoying putting the screws to the loadmaster. "Shouldn't take more than a month or two to get things all straightened out."

David sighed as he took in the scene. It was instantly clear what was going on...the local customs agents seemed to have decided that their normal pay wasn't quite enough to make ends meet, and were shaking down incoming strangers for "Processing fees" and such. Too bad for them, David had seen this sort of thing before.

Placing a hand on the loadmaster's shoulder, David stepped forward and addressed the customs agent. "Certainly!" He smiled. "You go ahead and do that! I'll just let the Sumitomo group know that you've decided to unilaterally rewrite League transport regs, and that as a result, you've voided our contract."

David shrugged, appearing unconcerned. "Doesn't matter to me. We get paid either way...Of course, the Sumitomo board might get a bit upset, and have a quiet word with your superiors." He grinned. "Of course, since you've nothing to hide, and are just doing your job, I'm SURE that they'll back you up against a multi-billion Eagle corporation."

The customs man paled. "Sumitomo?...But...."

Slumping, the man admitted defeat, but couldn't say so in as many words. Instead, he began to luster. "Well, I think I can let things go...THIS TIME! Just because we have only limited impound space." He looked at the papers again. "Alright, it says here you are staying on planet for at least sixty days. OK, then, I'll just kick this upstairs...we'll investigate the matter and get back to you."

David smiled and nodded. "Pleasure doing business with you! Enjoy your day, sir!"

With that, David turned and walked back to the ship, dragging the loadmaster with him.

FWS Dropship Woolly
Enroute to Fujiera
October 1, 3078

James reset his watch to local time. The drop ship captain had just informed him they would reach orbit in about 12 hrs. It would feel good to put his feet back on real ground. They had been inside this mammoth class drop ship for about 12 weeks. James had sent a comm to the Blac …. his new employers, letting them know that they were running a day behind due to a docking collar issue back at the jump point. He had sent one other back on Alphard letting them know he had arrived and picked up the packages. After meeting the drop ship’s XO he had no doubt that his employer knew his route progress better than he did. The man missed an excellent career as an accountant/tax collector. Those travel vouchers were probably being cashed, submitted as soon as he could. James stopped by where the infantry had been stationed and let the two platoon leaders know when they were due to hit orbit. They just said yes sir and that they would be ready. James knew that they would be too. Even after almost two months the starch hadn’t left their mannerisms. James moved on down 3 decks and to the other side of the ship from the infantry to where his crew was billeted. He stopped to watch them from the small catwalk before going down to them. Pee-Wee was passing out a new round of beer and more ration bars. James looked up in time to see Slim enter the bay onto the other catwalk. He noticed James just before he started down the ladder. He gave a nod to James which he acknowledged and proceeded down the ladder to the rest of the group. James realized, while looking at his crew, that they were trusting him to take care of them. He could tell they were getting anxious as well. They knew it would be only another day or so, and were more than ready to be off this ship. He just stood there and watched for a few more minutes. He then went down into the hold and approached his crew. “Heads up!” he shouted. They all stopped and looked at him. It had been a long time since he had used a command voice and it had caught them off guard. He continued “Last call at the bar. After this I expect all of you to get a full eight hours rack time. We will be hitting orbit in about 12hrs. Things will be crazy from that point on. We will have to transfer our gear to a shuttle for our trip down from orbit and then off it again. We will then need to uncrate the birds and get them flight ready again. Eugene, you have the required checklists and schedules we worked out. I want those birds ready and flight tested ASAP. I will get us checked in, billets, and find out about maintenance supply. Drink up.” James turned and left. He wanted one more work out to try and burn off some of the anxiety he was feeling. Otherwise he probably wouldn’t be able to sleep.

FWL DS Wooly
Cargo Bay 2
Orbiting Fujiera
October 1st
02:00 Local time

James woke with a start, the thunderous cacophony that filled his ears was deafening, it was like being inside a drum being played. He rushed to the door and saw the senior load master and an assistant there banging on the side of the cargo container James and his crew were sleeping in.

"Rise and shine!" the senior load master said, with a wicked smile on his face, when he saw James. James’s look of shock turned to venomous hate when he saw what had caused the noise.

James had already clenched a fist and was about to start a one on two fight when the senior load master said, "There’s been a change in plans. You’re loading in 90 minutes. So get your shit together when we come back your stuff is being loaded … ready or not."

James stopped in his tracks at the words 90 minutes. He reflexively checked his watch. The snarling grin on the Senior load master’s face, showed that he would enjoy that as he turned and left with his assistant close behind. James could hear all the groans and curses from the rest of his crew. James turned and almost bumped into Bubba Joe staggering out in a t-shirt and boxers. He was still groggy and was scratching his messed up hair.

"What give Boss?" He asked.

James was looking over Bubba Joe’s shoulder at the rest of his crew Then he shouted into the container. "That noise was our senior load master giving us the latest update. We are to be packed and ready to go in … 89 minutes!" James said pausing to look at his watch.

"Let’s go people! We have got a lot to do and no time to spare. "

The crew came to alert rather quickly after that. Alice almost ran into James, avoiding hitting him by turning sideways at the last instant, mess kit in hand. Pee-Wee and Hawk were only a few seconds behind her. James, with a moment’s notice had flattened himself against the container wall as those two went by. All three were running for the latrine and a quick shower. James knew it would be quick because they still had to square away their section. The others went to work rolling up and securing the bedding and any other loose personal items, especially the breakables. Slim was trying to sweep all the empties out of the container.

Eugene had slipped out of the container and went to one of the chairs and then stood and shouted "@#$%#$%*"

He jogged back and yelled into the container, " Somebody give me a cutting torch!"

Billy Ray grabbed one from the tool box at the foot of the bunk and after a brief whistle tossed it to Gunther who in turn tossed it out the door to Eugene. After catching the torch he checked the fuel gauge and turned and ran back to the chairs and started cutting them loose from the pallets.

After making sure his people were working effectively James grabbed his mess kit and moved quickly to the latrine for his turn. He passed the first three just outside the latrine, they were on their way back. Alice was still toweling her hair. James figured he had about 15 minutes before the second wave got up here for their turn. So James quickly disrobed and set the controls for warm and then quickly cranked them up to hot. He enjoyed the stream pounding into his flesh and the stinging of the hot droplets as they tried to scald his skin. He quickly lathered up and rinsed off. He didn’t have time to enjoy the hot water now. He quickly wrapped a towel around himself and went to the sink to shave. Of course the mirror was steamed but that didn’t matter, he rarely used one. He had the routine down so well now that he didn’t need to actually see what he was doing he could see it inside his mind. He had just finished when more of his crew showed up. Bubba Joe, Slim and Gunther came running in, Bubba Joe was already down to just his boxers and it was a scary sight seeing that much of a man shake with every step. James rinsed off his razor and deposited it back into his mess kit and started to make his way back to the hold and a fresh set of clothes. A pressed black shirt and pressed black slacks with a white web belt. He stashed the tie into the light leather jacket. He then went about securing all of his gear and then went out to Eugene who was finishing the last cut.

"Eugene, hit the showers, we will start stowing this gear while your cleaning up."

The 3 others nearby were already unhooking the hold down straps and clips that held the pallets down. With everybody’s gear stowed but Eugene’s the started loading the chairs, the coolers, and the portable heating unit into the cargo shipping container. After those were stowed they started on the cargo pallets as well. About half way through Eugene returned from the latrine.

He quickly stowed his gear while the others took a short break. Then they all finished loading the last pallets and strapped them all down. They were closing the container doors when the senior load master returned. This time there was a crew with them. The overhead hoists were heard as they started to manoeuvre them to the pallets that were being loaded. One of the freight handlers herded them to the Shuttles. Both platoons of infantry were already there.

There were 4 ST-46 shuttles. One Warrior was loaded onto each one. The 20T cargo container that housed all the crews gear was loaded into one of them and then the two platoons were loaded, one each into two of the remaining shuttles. James insisted that one crew went with each helicopter. Then they were launching from the drop ship and headed dirt side.

ST-46 Shuttle
October 1, 3078 01:15 Local

The shuttle felt more like the inside of a blender as it entered the atmosphere. James was wondering if the pilot had found the biggest storm on planet to fly through. Then things smoothed out. Meanwhile the scene was being replayed on 3 other shuttles almost simultaneously, though there would be clean up on the shuttles carrying the infantry platoons, all managed to survive. The next loud sounds to be heard were the chirp of tires on ferrocrete and reverse thrusters engaging.

The shuttle then taxied to the unloading area. The cargo door hissed as the vacuum seal was broke and then started to whine as the motors opened the doors. There were cargo handlers at the ready to unload James’s Shuttle. The first two were unhooking the tie downs another was flagging something James couldn’t see. The next thing he saw as he finished unhooking his safety restraints was his helo leaving the shuttle. As soon as it was clear the ground crew hopped off. The co-pilot appeared next. He gave James a look of why are you still here, get off already. James lazily smiled back and slowly rose to his feet and grabbed his small valv-pak and left.

At the top of the shuttle’s cargo ramp he saw his helo being pulled toward a hangar by a tugger. He started off briskly in pursuit of his helo. Before he had made it half way to the hangar he had to slow down significantly, he was short of breath. James was briefly worried that his conditioning was shot by travelling for so long in space, then he realized it was because the local air was thin. He continued on towards the hangar but it now felt like he was in slow motion. He didn’t want to push himself with the thin air.

At the hangar he saw a man with a data pad verifying the cargo. What James didn’t’ see was the rest of his unit. He approached the man with the data pad and inquired as to where the rest of his crew and equipment was. The man looked at him and said that was all that the shuttle was carrying and it was all there. James took a moment and rephrased his question "Where were the rest of the shuttles from the drop ship that have the rest of my equipment and people?" The man spoke into his boom mike for a moment and after a brief pause spit out 4 different hangar buildings. James asked where those locations were. Part way through the directions James realized that they were at almost literally at the most distant locations from here they could be.

James nodded to the man and reached into his pocket for the customs documents and tried to check his helo through. The man looked at them and said that he couldn’t do it.

"Why?" asked James "It is on the manifest."

"Yes it is" said the man whose name tag read Fellows, "but it also lists 3 more and a cargo crate and sixty two more people than are here, so no, I cannot partially check you through."

James was about to ask more questions when it hit him what was happening, a shake down. He hadn‘t been on planet 5 minutes yet. He lowered his head for a moment and minutely shook his head. He then raised it and looked this guy Fellows in the eye and asked "Would you be able to arrange for all of my gear and personnel to be consolidated into one place to facilitate getting through customs?"

The guy smiled, "I think that could be arranged, but of course that would mean talking to all the other agents and a monitoring of all items to ensure nothing interferes with the chain of custody. Then there is the transportation and .."

"I understand that there are …difficulties involved" James waved his hand down and continued "significant difficulties involved. I also understand that my request is not a standard request. I also understand that I am under a time constraint." James thought of his orders and the fact that he did not want to piss off his new employer, which he hadn’t met yet, though the delay with the docking collar was well out of his control as was everything else of the journey until now.

"Lastly I am also under the very real constraint of having only … 210 C-bills and some lint." James said after opening his wallet right in front of the man and thumbing through what few bills remained and looking at the man with a pleading look.

The man named Fellows had watched James as he opened the wallet and riffled through what few bills remained. He smiled inwardly, he had found another one that didn’t know how to play the game. He shook his head slowly and said "That is a less than what your request would require, but I don’t want to seem insensitive to your plight especially to a new visitor to Fujiera."

He paused, looked down, and sighed. When he looked up again he looked at James and said "Tell you what, I‘ll make an exception for you. I wouldn’t do this for anybody else, mind you, but for you it will only cost the 210, you can keep the lint. The difference will end up costing me a favour or two, but you really seem like a nice guy."

James put a look of relief and gratitude on his face as he pulled all the bills out of his wallet and shaking the lint onto the floor before handing over the 210 C-bills. Fellows took the bills and put them on top of his data pad and pointed to a corner and told James to wait over there and then proceeded to talk into his comm set.

From the corner where James had been directed to wait he watched Fellows go through his act of making all the calls and pleading with the faceless people on the other side of the comm. James noted he was a good actor and very good at his job. An hour later, there were 4 heleos, one cargo container and all his people, all in the one warehouse.

James handed over the paperwork and the guy went through the procedures to check in all the equipment and gear. He even opened the cargo container and went through that. When he left he held up a bottle of wine that had been purchased back on Alphard and told James that the bottle of wine was illegal on Fujiera and that he would have to confiscate it. James knew that there were 3 more bottles of it in that container and that Fellows would have found those as well so James nodded and quickly apologized for unknowingly breaking any law, and thanking the man for his kindness for pointing it out. Fellows put the bottle on the floor off to one side and continued with the customs inspection going through all the individuals’ paperwork. After he had done that he walked up to James slotted the paper work through the data pad, and handed him back his paperwork and said "You’re all set. Welcome to Fujiera, enjoy your stay. You will need to have this gear out of here in 6 hours or there will be storage charges assessed. "

James took the paperwork and thanked the man. Fellows then turned and walked back over to the bottle picked it up and continued walking out of the hanger through a small side door marked Authorized personnel only. He then turned and started back to his crew and the infantry when he saw a man in the hangar entrance. He was wearing a long black leather duster. He was also looking straight at James.

David stood silently, watching Lockheart and the customs man approach. Chuckling softly, he thought to himself. “Seems our local squeeze play is still operating.”

Stepping forward, he addressed the two. “Good morning, Gentlemen.” The customs man’s face showed his resentment and dislike. “Mr. Lockheart I presume?” David nodded to the pilot.

Receiving a nod, David kept on. “So… how much did he extort out of you for “Extra Processing fees?”

Surprised to be so openly confronted, the customs man was stunned for a moment while Lockheart replied softly. “Just over two hundred and a bottle of booze.”

With a quick glance around to make sure he wasn’t being overheard, the customs man hissed, “Stay out of this! He wants special efforts, he pays for it! Otherwise he could pay a lot more to get the stuff moved himself!”

David laughed loudly. “Please… DO continue! I haven’t heard something quite as funny in a while! You ALMOST make it sound like you hadn’t had his gear diverted to four different warehouses on purpose.”

“So?” The man sneered. “Not my problem if he can’t keep track of his stuff.”

David just shook his head. “Ah, but it IS your problem. You see, you aren’t the only one who can read the regs. “ He pulled out a small notebook. “Regulation four-three-nine-seven B: Associated cargo SHALL be retained in close association and storage until cleared by customs. Regulation five-five-two-seven: Cargo movement as a function of customs inspection is the responsibility of the Customs department, including all associated costs and liabilities. Regulation two-nine-four-four: Confiscating items under false pretences or knowingly assessing fraudulent fees, duties, and/or taxes on legal goods shall constitute a felony and shall be prosecuted under League judicial statutes.”

David smiled as he pointed to three groups of uniformed men at various doors. “Well, Mr. Fellows… It seems you have a choice… Sumitomo security wants to talk to you about restraint of trade and some theft accusations… something about items missing from cargo and personal luggage… Fujidera security wants to discuss smuggling allegations, and local income tax evasion… and the Large gentlemen over there.” He pointed. “They seem to be members of the League Criminal Investigations Bureau…. They don’t look happy, do they? I’d say you have to choose who you want to talk to first.”

A few minutes later, as Fellows was being led away in handcuffs, David nodded to the local CID agent in charge. "Glad to be of service."

Apartment #335
Sumitomo Group Transient Worker's Hab.
Halon City, Fujidera, Free Worlds League
2 Oct. 3078

"And Blake saw the unrestricted lust for technology corrupting his fellows." The stern visaged man intoned, reading from a tattered book.

"Blessed be his clear vision." His gathered congregation murmured in response.

"Blake meditated for a time on the corruption, and came to understand that man had quested too far in search of knowledge. Man's thirst for forbidden lore had gained him learning before he was prepared. Man's greed for technology and power had outstripped his ability to control." The leader's voice gained intensity.

"Blessed be the holy Blake." Came the soft response.

"Blake urged his fellow men to step back from their road to ruin.... But their pride would not allow them to see. They laughed at Blake's vision, they dismissed him and drove him from their sight."

"Woe be to the unbeliever."

"In time, Man's hubris outstripped all bounds and the gods struck back, bringing down the Star League and plunging the whole of Humanity into centuries of culling and suffering. Jewels of humanity were snuffed from existence in moments, punished for man's great pride. The gods would not be mocked, and took back much of the knowledge that had been stolen from them."

"Pride is the path to damnation."

"So it was, that Blake came to understand. To save man, he and the few who understood the threat, would have to take control of man's development. No longer could man be allowed to seek knowledge he was not ready for."

"Praised be the name of Blake."

"So it was, when Blake sought to curb man's fall. When he and his disciples sought to save mankind from itself. Alas, the Gods would not be swayed. For centuries mankind was scourged with war and suffering."

"Great sins require great penance."

"Centuries would pass before the gods would be convinced to relent in some measure... Alas, many had failed to grasp the lessons that were so clear to Blake."

"Sin stops up the eyes of unbelievers."

"No sooner had the gods lifted their hands from mankind's neck, then did man seek to repeat his error. Once again, mankind sought knowledge he was ill prepared to bear. Even as the gods sent the Clans to the Inner Sphere to serve as an example of what corruption and sin could lead us to, they still sinned."

"Blessed be the name of Blake, who brought the way."

"Even of those who heard the Holy Word, there were some who were seduced down the path of sin. Our once brothers of Com-Star, who for so long understood the truth of Blake's vision, were led astray by false promises and easy sins."

"None are so vile as the Apostate and Traitor."

"And so, Brethren, it falls to the few faithful who remain. We who still see the purity of Blake's understanding. We see what must be done. Mankind must not be allowed to reach beyond its station. Technology must be restrained and learning held back to the pace mankind may accept safely. Only those who have shown purity of thought and true understanding of what must be done, may be permitted to guide man's rise. Blake's Word is the one such order which has that vision and purity in these dark days."

"Blessed be the Word."

"Of those who would seek to drag mankind into sin and corruption, we must be ever vigilant. We who still see the truth, we are the first line of guardians. It is WE who must step up and tell the Lords and Money-Men that some things come at too high a cost. That some sins are too great to tolerate."

"Bring Witness to the Sinner!"

"But have no illusions my brethren. The Sinners will not take kindly to our words. They will not listen unless MADE to listen. None are so blind as those who refuse to see. No truth is so resisted as a hard truth. We will need a way to force their attention. A way to draw their eyes and ears."

"Blake's word carry true."

"And make no mistake my friends...Few are those that will thank us for lifting their blinders. Many will seek to prevent the Word from reaching the masses. We must be prepared to do hard things in our quest. Necessary things, but hard."

"Holy work is it's own reward."

"Be ready, oh faithful. The time comes, so very soon, when we may finally take the next step in the salvation of mankind."

"Blake's vision be one, Blake's will be done."

Sumitomo Group Head Office
Duchy of Orient, Free Worlds League
2nd October 3078
1130 hours

"I'm sorry Sir, Mr. Temagu-Irez is still engaged in the meeting." The receptionist smiled apologetically at Zi Long. The Chinese man smile back with a nod.

"It’s ok. I have that excellent coffee and you for company in the meantime." He winked back.

"I'll get you another one." The petite lady blushed slightly, stood up quickly and headed for the small pantry behind her receptionist counter and emerged with cup of the piping black liquid moments later. Zi Long accepted the cup with another winsome smile before sitting himself down again in one of the plush sofa in the waiting lounge. His absently looked through the glass panels that lined the lounge at the dark murky skies outside.

Roger Temagu-Irez, the CEO and appointed liaison to the Black Stars from Sumitomo Group for their current contract had surprising allowed Zi Long a full day to get his unit sorted and moved into their allocated quarters before calling him up for their first official meet up. That the quarters allocated to the Black Stars were more than reasonably well furbished and maintained was even more surprising. Most of the time, employers tend to chuck mercenary units they hired into nearly collapsing structures where even basic amenities like water, electricity supply and sewage systems most likely did not function. Furthermore, employers would usually ask for a parade style inspection, with themselves as the VIP.

Not so this Mr. Temagu-Irez. In fact, the man had even apologized that he could not be there to welcome the Black Stars to Fujidera, nor meet Zi Long and his command in person upon their arrival. The Black Stars officer was no so naive as to believe that all these meant that their liaison was all bubbly, nice and an overall good guy. However, at least he could hope that he was at least half better than the Three Stooges he met on Terra.

The long wait for the meeting here at Sumitomo's Headquarters seemed only to enforce the idea that the niceties were only acts to put Zi Long and the Stars at ease before slamming them with the hidden hammer behind a smiling face. On the other hand, Zi Long was glad of the delay. It at least made it all the likely that David would be able to join him after he had seen to the settling in of the Black Stars in their facilities.

Zi Long did not have the time to finish the cuppa. The receptionist received a buzz on her comm and ushered him into a room further in the level. The room he was led into was huge but tastefully laid out. Everywhere he looked, it was either off white, chromed metal or dark wood. On the wall opposite the glass panels that overlooked the city below, a huge oil painting that seemed to depict flashing lights dancing across black inky space was the only piece of item in the room that broke the colour monotony of the room. Seated at the far end of the room behind a massive oak desk was a surprisingly hulking man. Zi Long could easily picture the man as a Battle Armour soldier. Dressed in an obviously tailored to size suit, he wore his balding hair with ease and grace.

As Zi Long approached the table, Roger Temagu-Irez rose from his seat. Even though he towered at least a head above Zi Long, his easy smile did not give him an overbearing nor threatening feel.

"Mr. Zhao, we meet at last!" He beamed while extending a hand, which Zi Long accepted. Both men pumped their hands firmly. "I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, but I'm sure a man of your position understand that responsibilities sometimes dictates our time rather than the other way round eh?" Zi Long could only politely nod at the unexpected hospitality.

"Please, be seated and make yourself comfortable." Temagu-Irez waved Zi Long towards one of the thickly padded chairs in front of his desk before he turned towards the receptionist. "Klara, get us something to drink before Mr. Zhao and myself perish of dehydration will you?" The huge man looked at Zi Long. "Scotch?"

"Don't mind if I do, thank you."

"Excellent!" Sumitomo Group's CEO beamed. "Double shots for both of us."

As Klara left the room and shut the doors with a soft click, the older man turned back towards Zi Long. "Let me officially welcome you to Fujidera. We might not be the prettiest planet, and the air is definitely on the thin side, but I'm sure you'll find your stay here enjoyable nonetheless."

"Next, I believe you must be itching to know the Grand Duke's schedule and itinerary." Temagu-Irez gave Zi Long a conspicuous grin. "Ponder no longer." He pressed a button under his desk, and the large art piece on the wall slowly slid aside as a holovid projector lowered into place. The glass panels darkened, and a table flashed into view.

"As you can see, the Grand Duke will arrive on the 15th of October." Temagu-Irez announced even as Zi Long devoured the information presented. "He will be housed in our main complex instead of any hotel due to the need to reduce any sort of publicity. There will be a dinner held in his honour during the night, after which the visits will start."

Zi Long nodded. While the contract the Black Stars signed had stated that the Grand Duke will be visiting for "a couple of months", the official itinerary before him declared that the visit will last for only three weeks.

"Of course, other than yourself and your Black Stars, Sumitomo Group will have our own security details providing additional protection to His Person." Temagu-Irez smiled. "And the local constabulary will lend any sort of support as and when necessary." The smile on his fast faded when the next screen of data flashed across the holovid. "And than, for reasons unknown to me, the Grand Duke has decided to surround himself with a bodyguard BattleMech company drawn from the ranks of the 2nd Oriente Hussars."

"You do not approve of that?" Zi Long asked.

Sumitomo Group's CEO snarled slightly. "I completely approve that one of the Duchy of Oriente regiments provide security of course - it is only proper. I just cannot understand why the honour was not bestowed upon one of the Fusiliers of Oriente regiments."

"That you were a former member of?" Zi Long prodded again.

"Indeed." The man straightened himself with obvious pride. "I had the honour to serve in the Ducal Guards for over a decade."

Zi Long nodded in appreciation. It was no wonder that the task of constructing orbital defense satellites to be used throughout the Duchy of Oriente would fall to a company that had members of its own Provincial Units in the higher management levels.

"Still, they would no doubt be nothing more than decoration. I fully expect your Black Stars to do the majority of the work actually." Temagu-Irez smiled. "The Grand Duke will be visiting our plants, where smaller components are fabricated, assembled and tested. After that, we will bring him to our orbital factory facilities where the final assembly of all the parts will be carried out. Most of them are already on line and operating. However, we will have the Grand Duke officiate the opening of the latest of our factories."

Several layout plans and locations of the various factories flashed by on the holovid display. "Don't worry about memorizing them now, I have downloaded them in a data pack for you and your people to review, and in the two weeks before the Grand Duke's arrival, you have full access to visit the factories, with advanced notice, so that you can get yourself familiar with them."

"As you would have noticed, all the places where we will be visiting are not accessible to BattleMechs. Heck, there's even only so many places a small vehicle can go to." The large man took a sip from his glass. "I therefore expect most of the REAL work to be on foot."

Zi Long nodded again. "I agree. We will have our VTOLs on aerial support, and our vehicles to provide additional protection to any convoy movement. We will also have our foot troops and BA ready. Our 'Mechs will be on standby. Unless the situation becomes critical, I do not expect, nor hope for them to be mobilized."

"I expected nothing less of your unit Captain." Temagu-Irez graced Zi Long with yet another beam. "In fact, I might recommend that the Grand Duke select your Morningstar as his personal ride for the duration of his visit."

That, surprised Zi Long somewhat. Maybe it was because of his military background, or it might be because he took his job VERY seriously. The Chinese man had not expected Temagu-Irez to go through the TO&E of the Black Stars in detail as to know what they had. The smile on his face however, gave no indication of his surprise. "It would be my honour." He bowed slightly.

"Spoken like a true military man." The man looked at Zi Long. "Now that you've seen MY office, could I bother you to show me YOUR unit? It’s been too long since I had been back in the camaraderie and kinship of a military unit. It’s something I yearn to feel again." He closed his eyes, as if recalling his days back in the Ducal Guards, before opening them and looking at Zi Long. "And I've heard that the Black Stars are more than a mercenary unit - you call yourselves a family."

Vehicle Bays Event Horizon
Space Port, Halon City, Fujidera, Free Worlds League
2nd October 3078
1200 Hours

The crew was taking a lunch break from prepping their heloes. They had been at it for over 6hrs today plus the 14hrs yesterday. The curses and the sweat had been flowing steady. The good news was they already had two up and ready for flight testing. They had just started on their 3rd. James was happy to see them getting along while sober.

They had stayed in their cargo crate again last night, not because they really wanted to, but because it was close and they were exhausted. Having the bays was making the prep work much easier. So was getting a work flow down. Eugene was the only tech they had, the rest including himself, in his fresh grease stained coveralls, were not much more than half-as-techs. With patient instruction and words of encouragement (well … colourful aspersions of heritage anyways) they were getting things done.

The sandwich was chicken salad, the apple juice was from concentrate but tasted great. The brownies were the best they had had in several months. The bay had some activity, but most of the crews were working outside on the tarmac. James did not understand that, some of the work they were doing could be done a lot more efficiently inside, but they were doing it outside. James shrugged, must be good to be back on real ground with fresh air and sunshine.

Fifteen minutes later, they were back to work on their 3rd helo. They worked steady and by chow they had finished the 3rd and had just started on their last bird. Chow was salibury steak, vegetable medley fresh …. Spuds? Well what passed for spuds on this world. They were a light blue in colour and were still a little crispy. The cherry compote was a big hit as well. The ships mess sergeant was very kind in serving them down in the vehicle bay. Of course a bottle of Alphard wine was a great incentive. They ended up working up to 22:00 getting the last one prepped. The bird was being stubborn, and his crew was tired. They were all feeling irritable. With the job done they staggered to their bunks and crashed for the night.

Fujidera Capital City
Duchy of Orient, Free Worlds League
19th October 3078
2300 hours

The arrival of His Grace, Grand Duke Christopher Halas of of Oriente on the world of Fujidera was strangely but understandably muted and without much fanfare. Escalation of rivalry and tension within the Free Worlds League itself had all the more highlighted the sham of a 'united' League between the Duchy of Oriente and most of the other regions and League Houses. The second clan to rule Oriente, the Halas family had became close allies of the Mariks, with the Captain-General taking a Halas as his bride. This was despite the Free Worlds League Parliament appointing Blair Halas to the post because of the clan’s distance from the Mariks and thus independence from interference by the Captain-General. Frequently allied with the Captain-General or else standing as loyal opposition depending on who the Marik on the seat of power was, the province has commonly acted as the “swing vote” between the more confrontational power blocs of Marik and Regulus.

The present lord of House Halas, Grand Duke Halas, was a former confidant of Janos Marik and the father-in-law of Thomas Marik’s father-in-law. The Grand Duke had seen Oriente’s power wane as the Captain-General centralized authority in his own hands. Consequently, the other noble Houses had seen that as a sign that the once closely House Marik aligned Duchy of Oriente had lost its position in the eyes of the Captain-General. That had seen them stepping up efforts against House Halas both in the Atreus Courts and across the Duchy's borders. With the ongoing civil war that ravaged the entire League, the Duchy of Oriente seemed torn as to whom it should support. Instead, it had apparently decided to reinforce its borders, repelling anyone who might decide to undertake actions against itself.

That was the backdrop, as far as Zi Long's understand, on the current massive undertaking in the construction of orbital defense satellites to be used throughout the Duchy to discourage adventurism by the other rival factions. The Black Stars Captain had always been surprised at how the Free Worlds League could have survived as an entity throughout the many years where civil wars had reared its ugly on more than several occasions down the centuries.

Out of wanton fascination, Zi Long had dug through historic information to search back to the one of the very first Marik coups which occurred even before the formation of the Star League where Carlos Marik was deposed by his brother, Brion Marik, after the former had gathered a fleet in the Oriente system in preparation to attack the Terran Hegemony in 2475. Hegemony intelligence services managed to get wind of the planned assault and a Hegemony fleet destroyed the Marik forces at anchor. Carlos was certified mentally unstable after that debacle and was replaced after Brion staged a coup against his elder brother.

The next notable occurrence of civil unrest would hit the Free Worlds League during the period between the 2720s to the 2730s. The strife had its genesis in 2703 after Elise Marik succeeded her father Gerald's death. The new Captain-General claimed that her father was murdered and started a twenty give year witch hunt through the League. Her removal from position by Parliament in 2728 in turned saw Elise Marik and her loyalists dissolve Parliament and arrest many MPs, sparking a civil war. A “proxy Parliament” installed her brother Oliver as the nation’s Council Lord and his son, Boris Marik, as Captain-General.

A year later forces loyal to Oliver and Boris Marik capture Elise, while Elise’s son Bertram continues to fight. In 2734, Bertram Marik liberated Atreus and his mother, finally ending this chapter of the Free Worlds League civil war with the signing of the Treaty of Verona between Oliver and Bertram Marik. Parliament reconvened, and appointed Bertram Marik as Captain-General and Council Lord.

The next incident of note involved the famed Wolf's Dragoons, when Anton Marik rallied his forces, hired the Dragoons and proclaimed himself Captain-General in 3014 against Jonas Marik. The rebellion ended in early 3015 with the annihilation of Anton and his troops as a vengeful Wolf’s Dragoons descended on New Delos led by the Black Widows.

In 3030, the Duchy of Andurien seceded from the Free Worlds League allied with the Magistracy of Canopus. It was not until a decade later, in 3040 that the Free Worlds League, under the new leadership of Thomas Mairk, recaptured the Duchy.

And now, civil war once against plagued the Free Worlds League after the death of Thomas Marik in late 3076. The Free Worlds League plunged into civil strife with the Parliament squabbling to support the candidate that would best suit their ambitions. At the moment, the two sides had been warring, one under Alys Rousset-Marik, and the other Janos Marik II.

Adding to all that chaos was the continued involvement of the Word of Blake. Zi Long had long ago refused to view them simply as a splinter from ComStar, no matter how true that statement was, the fanatical faction had proved most dangerous indeed. The mercenary officer shock his head. While their current contract seemed to be a cake walk on the surface, any or all of many previously unaccounted parties might make sudden and unexpected appearance.

Fortunately, that had not happened in the four days since the Grand Duke's arrival. In fact, the worst trouble Zi Long and David had had to deal with were incidents of their people getting into fist fights with member of the Oriente Hussars in local taverns and bars. Despite all her arrogance and snobbish attitude towards the mercenaries, Zi Long still smiled at the image of Captain Martina Lowe scowing each time they met. "But she has SUCH a pretty nose." Zi Long had exclaimed to David's protest about his fascination with the commander of the Hussar Company commander. After all, pub waitresses were such easy pick ups. Guess its time to upgrade.

Still, Zi Long had openly laughed at the insistence of the Oriente Hussars to escort the Grand Duke in their BattleMechs. It was not so much the image of the green camouflage painted 'Mechs trying to maneuver through the streets of Fujidera, trying to keep up with the motorcade led by a pair of unmarked local police cars. It was the fact that the oversized tin cans, more than anything, declared the importance of the of person they were escorting - which was completely in the face of the objective of trying to keep the Grand Duke's visit a secret. With the deployment of the 'Mechs spoiling all attempts at keeping things "quiet", Zi Long had approved the deployment of the VTOLs, combat tanks and his own Morningstar as well. He hoped the fun of all these would continue. If the heavy hardware were to be required, things would have turned very nasty indeed.

Capital City of Fujidera
on patrol near the barracks

Nikita and her tanker crew stand by in their tank, watching the progress. Sparky has his ears to the com unit while the rest of them sit and wait for orders. After a few moments, she ducks down into the tank and smiles. “Well, we are officially a crew now. Sparky, anything on the grid yet?”

Without turning around he scribbles a few things on a notepad, then adjusts a few knobs. “Mostly calls to the local office about the presence of the large ‘Mechs stumbling around and why they're here.” A chuckle escapes his lips. “If they wanted Incognito, they should have gone for tanks or even a hovercraft with baffled exhausts. As it is people are going to know something’s up.”

Wheels shakes her head. “Too late for that, kid. Even if they did that, that green camouflage sticks out so badly it's like throwing a white cat in a room full of black ones and expecting no one to notice.” Rolling her eyes, she watches an overhead view of the procession from a satellite that Sparky had tapped into.

Glen double checked the equipment for the third time in a row before settling into his chair to wait. “If they had wanted discretion, they should have used an alternative paint method and not shown such arrogance. They have only served to paint a target on the person they are attempting to protect. Aff?”

Nikita nodded, “Aff. Thankfully we are more discrete and will probably be the ghosts that seem to appear, take care of the mess that has been made, and disappear. At least we of the Black Stars know how to apply the term 'discrete'.”

Quietly they all managed to get through the first half of the day with only a small blip on Sparky's grid, which was duly noted and set up the firing line to the person in charge. A tech crew knocked on the door and sent in what passed for lunch, along with bottles of water for all.

As time went on, Sparky had more blips to send up the line. Mostly irate messages and empty threats from the citizens, but most of them were on private communications. Suddenly, the kid sits up straight in his chair as if zapped by a tazer. “Contact! We got contact. Someone's trying to get a vidfeed onto the public holofeed.”

“Jam them” Nikita orders then gets topside and opens a private link to David. “Commander, there is an attempt to get a live holofeed onto the public networks. My electronics person is jamming their efforts.” She pauses to listen to the activity below, she smiles. “As to how a mere tank crew got this lucky, I have you to thank. The boy is an electronics genius as well as an adrenaline junkie. He's used his knowledge to get every electronics device patched into his system here in the tank.” Another pause, “Yes, I know that out communications team has been getting information on hits, who do you think sent them up the line? This latest one is important enough for him to get excited over.”
« Last Edit: September 15, 2011, 04:30:18 AM by Vampire »


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2011, 04:32:04 AM »

She would have said more except Sparky crowed, “Jammed and I even know where it's coming from.”

Nikita looked at him. “Give our boys the co-ordinates and let them deal with it. Just keep the media blackout on track.”

Turning back to her com link, she chuckled. “Your main team is going to be getting a big squib of data in a few moments. Warn them.” Clicking off the link she pulls out a set of binoculars and scans the area nearby, just in case. Not really expecting anything, and yet not really relaxing too much either. Pulling a bit of food from one pocket, she slips it into the another, smiling behind her mask at the wriggling churring that qualifies a hungry ferret's thank you.

The hours wore on, yet they stayed put and, finally, their task was at an end. The relief tank came by and allowed them to return back to the parking garage. “Okay, sack out, take some rest, eat food and shower. You never know what other tricks might happen in the meantime. I will go find the commander and give my vocal report.”

Waiting until her people dispersed in their directions, she pulled off her helmet, stashed it in the locker provided, then went over to David's office door and knocked.

Apartment # 447
Halon City Civil Maintenance Worker's Hab.
Halon City, Fujidera, Free Worlds League
22 Oct. 3078, 1600 Hours Local Time

Brother Gemini set the phone receiver down on the desk and peered through the shadows at the waiting man. With the lighting as low as it was, he couldn’t make out any features, just the fact that the robed individual waited patiently, with his hands folded in his lap.

“Sister Harp reports that the Duke will be at the Juniper Fields assembly plant the day after tomorrow. He’ll be dedicating the new line and feeding the sheep a new line of propaganda.” Gemini’s distaste and loathing of the Duke was palpable. “Is it not bad enough that he would turn away from Blake’s word, but he must seduce others into his sins?”

The reply, when it came, was spoken in a harsh whisper that only barely carried across the desk to Gemini’s ears. “So be it…. The Duke has chosen his path… let him suffer the results of his choice.”

The mysterious figure gestured to the phone, still speaking in a raspy wheeze. “Summon the faithful… We cannot allow this world to fall to darkness without a fight…. I had hoped…. alas, harsh times call for harsh measures. If THIS Duke will not hear the Word, then perhaps the next one may.”

Brother Gemini paused, then nodded. “It shall be as you say, Brother Argus.” He looked up at the man. “This will be costly to the cause.”

Argus nodded. “Yes, it will… but few things truly worthwhile come without a dear price…. fortunately, the faithful understand the need, and are strong enough to bear the burden.”

Brother Gemini thought for a moment before continuing. “Will you be joining us when we show the Duke his errors?”

Argus shook his head. “No, I will not. Nor will you be taking direct part, my Brother.”

Gemini looked shocked. “Not take part? How could I not lead my flock? They will do battle against the unbelievers! I must be there to show the way!”

Argus made a quelling motion with his shrouded hands. “Would that it were so, Brother. Alas, victory is far from assured, brave and strong though the Faithful be. The unbelievers are many, and their evil technology powerful… While the Duke must be brought low, and his taint purged, we must face the real possibility that none shall return from the mission, successful or not.”

Gemini nodded. “True, this is, which is all the more why I should be with my flock! How may I ask this of them, and not be there as well?”

Argus nodded again. “Your desire does you credit, Brother, but your thoughts are too narrow….. Let me ask of you, should you fall with your cohort of the Faithful, then what of the children? What of those who remain, never having heard Blake’s holy word? Do you not also owe them a duty? Do you not have a calling... a NEED, to spread the Word? While your loyalty to your flock is righteous and true, should you not also consider your loyalty to the next generation? Of what use would your sacrifice be, if there be none to take up the torch?... No, my Brother, you must remain behind, ready to support your faithful should they return, and ready to rebuild the flock and continue the struggle, should they not.”

Gemini lowered his head, flushing slightly. “I confess, Brother Argus, I had not considered the larger picture. I am grateful to you for reminding me of my duty. Though it is not what my heart wishes, I shall abide by your word.”

Argus folded his hands again. “I understand your desire, my Brother, and sympathize. In many ways, the faithful who go forth have a much easier path to follow. But none have claimed that Blake promised an easy path, just the right one.”

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera. Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078 14:00 Hours Local Time

David smiled as he watched from the commander’s cupola of the Zhukov heavy tank. So far, this job had been pretty quiet, and getting to watch the Hussars make fools of themselves was just icing on the cake.

He chuckled as he remembered the Hussar CO’s reaction when told she wouldn’t be able to bring her ‘Mechs into the complex. The woman had turned a most interesting shade of purple when told that not only wouldn’t her ‘Mechs fit, that the Black Stars would be handling close security. It had taken almost half an hour before the woman calmed enough to speak coherently. Even then she’d sulked until allowed to personally accompany the Duke on foot.

David turned his attention back to the task at hand as he watched his two infantry platoons escort the Duke through the crowd and up to the dais. Big men all, the armour and riot shields only added to their bulk. Adding in the helmets only lent them an imposing presence.

Once the Duke had taken his place behind the podium, the infantry spread out, forming a protective circle around the Duke and the Sumitomo officials.

Off to the side, the Hussar commander glared at the Black Stars, clearly resentful of the current situation. Unfortunately for her self-esteem, the infantry troopers took no more notice of her regard than they would of that from a stray dog. Her demeanour and bearing, when combined with her physical appearance, brought to mind a pampered Chihuahua facing a pack of wolves. It wasn’t a flattering image.

<Scene Break>

Senior Technician’s Break Area, Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
14:15 Hours Local time

“Not much longer.” The woman leading this section hissed to her coterie of the Faithful. “Time to prepare.”

Popping the vents off the air conditioning ducts, the small cluster of Faithful reached in and extracted several bundles of weapons. Mostly short blades, there were a few larger implements… a couple fire axes, and even a sword, though its quality was unknown.

“No guns?” One of the Faithful asked, not petulantly, but in the manner of one asking for information.

“Not here.” Sister Penance replied. “Some of the other sections will have a few though. Sister Harp and Brother Haven were limited in what they could hide and where. This spot was too likely to be discovered if the security brought in a sniffer.”

The questioner nodded. “I understand… Blake will provide.”

Sister Penance smiled. “That he will, Brother. There’s a security post just one corridor over. We are in position to take them from behind and they should have a few weapons that might be turned to a better use than oppressing the Faithful.”

The two fanatics smiled like sharks as they readied themselves for battle.

Sister Penance glanced at her wristwatch. “Three minutes! The other sections are counting on us to do our part. We will not fail them, or Blake.”

Sister Penance took one last look over her small coterie. Kin both in blood and faith, they were as close knit a group as could be found anywhere. Her husband and two of her children grasped weapons as they murmured last benedictions. In one corner, her blood-sister and brother-in-law embraced one last time before taking up their tools. Over by the coffee makers, the Brothers Comedy and Farce sat quietly, twins in both blood and faith.

When Sister Penance thought about what price her family and the Faithful were about to pay, her heart wept. But Blake’s Word must prevail, or all would fall to corruption. Some must be willing to sacrifice, lest all be swept aside.

As the dozen Faithful lined up by the door, Sister Penance prepared to lead them into battle for the souls of humanity.

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera. Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078 14:25 Hours Local Time

“For the Glory of Blake, and the Soul of Man!” The shout snapped everyone’s heads around as a flood of wild eyed fanatics streamed into the assembly bay.

The Duke had just finished his dedication speech, and was preparing to cut the ribbon and start the machinery, when everything went to hell.

From several directions, clusters of armed fanatics poured from access corridors, howling and waving weapons… mostly simple blades, but here and there, a cultist waved a light pistol or shotgun around.

Plant Security tried to interpose themselves, but were almost instantly overwhelmed and pulled down, their weapons snatched from their hands, and blades plunged into their bodies.

The Black Star Infantry nearest the Duke had no idea where the cultists had come from, or how they had gotten so close with no warning, but didn’t care right at the moment. All that mattered was that close to three platoons worth of enemy were now close at hand.

A squad of troopers pushed the Duke to a crouch against the wall, and formed a wall of shields around him.

The rest of the ‘Star infantry units formed an outer shield wall and prepared to defend both themselves, and the VIP’s within their circle.

The Hussar officer began to scream orders at the infantry, but was roundly ignored by everyone present.

“Formation Cestus!” Lieutenant Conti screamed to his troops, who instantly responded, along with Lieutenant Gallagher’s platoon.

Every fifth man dropped back into the perimeter, with the remaining troops closing ranks and tightening the circle. As they did so, they drew their short swords and prepared to spill the blood of any who dared approach. Those that fell back to the interior, dropped their shields and un-slung their short assault rifles, snapping the folding stocks into place in one smooth motion.

Chaos reigned in the bay, as the fanatics pushed towards the Duke’s position, hacking down any worker or guest that was so unfortunate as to cross their paths. Dozens of workers and guest dignitaries scattered and ran for cover creating mass confusion and preventing the gunman on both sides from getting clean shots. Not that this stopped the attacking cultists in any way.

Gunshots rang out, and blood sprayed as those fanatics who carried firearms used them indiscriminately, cutting down many of those who sought only to flee.

On the Black Star’s side, the infantry waited. Their foes would come to them, and to step from their protective wall would be to invite disaster. Within the circle, the troopers wielding rifles also waited…. once, then again, a clear shot presented itself through the chaos of the assembly bay, allowing the waiting troopers to precisely remove one of the enemy gunmen.

After what seemed like hours, but was in actuality less than a minute, the two forces finally came together with a resounding crash.

The first wave of cultists threw themselves heedlessly and howling at the disciplined wall of Black Star infantry, swinging blades and attempting to plow the defenders under with numbers…… the attempt was not successful.

For a moment, the line bent, as individuals were pushed back slightly, but the cultists were unable to force a breach. Axes and knives were swung wildly, seeking flesh, but most just scraped along the surface of armour and shields. Here and there, an infantry trooper cursed as he was cut slightly, but none were seriously harmed.

The same could not be said for the cultists…..Razor sharp short swords flashed as they darted through the gaps between the defender’s shields. Quick, precise thrusts to bellies and thighs. Nothing flashy, no wasted motions, just a quick thrust, a twist to open the wounds wider, and withdrawal. Blood quickly slicked the floor and made footing even more uncertain for the attackers.

Bodies quickly began to accumulate before the wall as wounded cultists were no longer able to stand, blood loss and trauma stealing their strength.

The first wave of cultists could not continue and fell back as the second slammed forward. This wave contained most of the remaining gunmen of the attackers, and gunfire rang out once more.

This time, the defenders did not escape unscathed. Half a dozen troopers fell back, wounded or dead as bullets found weak points in their armour. Light pistols, such as made up the majority of the enemy firearms, could not penetrate the heavy plates of the Infantry’s armour, but the joints and seams were not so able to deflect the low-calibre rounds. The shotguns that a few of the enemy carried, were another matter. The rounds they fired at such short range WERE able to break through the armour in most places… not the breastplate, but the limbs and head areas were very vulnerable, and one fallen trooper would never rise again, his faceplate shattered by the point blank blast of buckshot.

As each trooper fell, the defenders closed ranks, grimly falling back and tightening the lines to prevent holes for the enemy to enter.

The riflemen stepped forward at this point, each one thrusting the barrel of his weapon over the shoulder of one of the shield-men and firing a long burst of hollow-point rounds into the clustered fanatics. Dozens of enemy fell screaming and thrashing as their bodies were shredded.

For a moment, there was nothing but silence in the cavernous bay, punctuated only by the soft sobs of the wounded. Then, as the fanatics began to grasp what had just happened, the two ‘Star infantry Lieutenants stepped up. “First Platoon! Advance on line!” Conti bellowed.

“Second Platoon! Stand fast! Formation Testudo!” Gallagher echoed.

Grim faced and silently, First platoon began a slow, inexorable march forward, swords no longer gleaming.

Fanatics the enemy might be, but immune from fear they were not. The shocks and failure of the day proved too much for many to bear, and most of the survivors broke and ran for the open shipping doors.

Those few who stood and still fought, did not do so for long.

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
14:50 Hours Local Time

The twenty five minutes from the moment the crazed attackers stormed the assembly area to the point where survivors broke and flee saw the Overlook J11 Master C3 systems on the Morningstar received the most comms exchange in its decade of existence. Zi Long would have shot the complaining Brandon a grin if not for the potentially grievance of the situation. However, he DID allow the old comms wizard to respond as he pleased to the wails and complains of the Hussars' Captain Martina Lowe. He could still remember more than a couple of exchanges David and a couple of the officers in the Blacks Stars shared after the first few less eventful tours of the Duke, as well as statements from the local police as to the reasons for a number of bar fights in the pubs in between visits.

"She's not in our chain of Command.... and she's an idiot... any more questions?"

"Why an idiot? Well... she wants to use ‘Mechs for a job they aren't suited for, she wants to take command where she is neither entitled, nor wanted.... and she's very obviously the product of extended inbreeding"

David had given Zi Long a very level and smug look as one of the infantry officers - Zi Long thought it was Conti, had past THAT particular comment. His XO had more than once questioned the Chinese man's fascination with Martina.

"We in the 'Stars do believe in hiring the handicapped, but not to run ‘Mech companies."

"...Yes, of course... but only an idiot would consider a company of ultra-modern ‘Mechs in THAT camo scheme discreet."

Those two had started off AT LEAST three fights between Black Star and Oriente Hussar personnel on a little R&R.

"Why no, I DON'T know who your daddy is, nor do I care.... but he really should stay out of the livestock pens the next time he's feeling a bit randy."

And THAT, had resulted in fight that landed one of the Oriente Hussar lance commanders in hospital after he started a fight, and Zi Long having to rather reluctantly compose a lengthy, eloquent and totally non-heart felt apology letter to the Oriente Hussars.

Right now, the Taurian had more important tasks to handle than entertain her woes about being ignored by basically everybody - including her company of Mechjocks who had enough common sense to run for cover rather than trying to get into the way of the tidal wave of attackers. For once, the image of her turning all purple and red with anger did not appear in Zi Long's mind... not TOO much anyway.

While much more suitable compared to the Battlemechs of the Oriente Hussars for the streets of Kintetsu and the Juniper Fields Assembly Plant compounds, they were still not allowed to enter the building. Idly training the turret mounted Mydron Excel Class 10 Autocannon at the main bay doors, the tank gunner, Frederick had made fun about Louie's request to smash and crash the Morningstar, all guns blazing, into the area to extract the Duke and the Black Stars infantry. "That stuff only appears in the Immortal Warrior series." He had chided. "We'll just as likely kill more than half our own people and maybe even the Duke if we do that."

Brandon called out to Zi Long as he patched Lieutenant Gallagher through. "The attackers are fleeing. Mostly through the main bay doors, some through the side doors."

"Roger that." Zi Long responded with a nod that the infantry commander would not see. "Hold positions and stand fast. We'll bring the CCV around."

Switching to the company frequency of the rest of the Black Stars, Zi Long sat up in his command seat. "David, swing your vehicles along to the main bay entrance and main side exit. Cut them off, offer surrender. If they resist, take them out." He finished grimly. "We have enough injured inside for questioning and interrogations as it is." Remembering Nikita and her crew, the mercenary commander continued. "Nikita's got a kid in her team who's an electronics genius who can locate transmissions and stuff yes? Get the kid to monitor sudden spikes of comms exchange - that may be where the lair of our friends are."

"James, bring your birds over the compounds. Keep a look out for getaway vehicles or larger clusters of escaping attackers. Try to keep a tag on them. Let me know where the slink off to for wound lickin'." Zi Long next instructed. "Also use the standby bird at base to bring in the Doc. I'm sure we'll be needing his services."

Mercenary they may be, and oft times considered ill disciplined. However, efficiency had always been the hallmark of the Black Stars. Quick responses were returned as each went about their assigned tasks.

"We're not gonna take part in the turkey shoot?!" Frederick nearly cried.

"No, we're doing something more important." Zi Long replied. "We're gonna pull the Duke's ass out of the fire and out of the way of our infantry so that they can close the escape door on those attackers." He smiled and he looked at Brandon. "I do believe that Captain Lowe was not contactable during all this chaos? Too bad than. I can't help it if she continues to scream her pretty little head off even though the Duke and Temagu-Irez would have been far away and safe, can I?"

"Ooooo.... so we'll make her look even badder?" The despair on the Morningstar's gunner face turned into childish delight.

Louie sighed even as he kicked the sixty ton machine into speed. "There's no such a word as 'badder' Fred."

"So what." The gunner replied. "There is now."

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
14:35 Hours Local Time

David grinned as the first enemy cultists appeared, silhouetted in the bay doors. Clearly fleeing in panic, they missed seeing his Zhukov parked to the side, tracking them with its huge main guns.

As more of them exited the building, they began to cluster together, seeking support from close contact with their brethren. Unfortunately for them, this also caused them to concentrate, making David's shot easier.

With their group reformed, the cultists began to move away from the assembly plant, seeking escape and shelter. David waited, tracking them with his tank's cannons until the line of fire gained a sufficient backstop.

It is doubtful that any of the cultists knew what killed them.

As the grouping of enemy passed between David and a heavy warehouse wall, he triggered the main guns. As he did so, the comm-system sit up with a message from Zhao.

Two one-hundred thirty five Millimeter Sar-Lon Maxi-Cannons, loaded with Flechette ammunition, plus two dozen fleeing cultists... equals meat paste.

The reinforced walls of the warehouse were only superficially harmed by the blow through, and by the flechettes that missed flesh.

"David, swing your vehicles along to the main bay entrance and main side exit. Cut them off, offer surrender. If they resist, take them out." The message came through as the echoes of the main guns reverberated through the whole complex.

David looked out at the sea of blood and shredded flesh before activating his lip-mike to respond. "A bit late for that.... we'll need a mop and bucket on aisle five."

<Scene shift>

Lieutenant Gallagher paused for a moment as he listened to Captain Zhao over his earbug. "Right! Second Platoon! Extraction! Bay Seven!"

"Aye, Sir!" Both of his Sergeants sprang to action, yelling squad orders and reforming the platoon to a full defensive "testudo" formation, with the Duke and Temagu-Irez securely in the center of it.

Captain Lowe of the Hussars ran to try to join the Duke, but as she approached, she found herself staring down the barrels of at least three assault rifles and skidded to a halt. "Stand aside!" She yelled. "I must protect the Duke!"

The muzzle never wavered as the Black Star infantry men replied. "Go Bugger yersel'! Yer not one of ours, and we ain't bein' paid t' protect YOUR arse! Peddle it elsewhere, or get it shot off!"

Realizing that advancing on the 'Star formation was good way to get very dead, the Captain backed off, clearly fuming at the indignity as the Black Stars slowly retreated away from where she stood and towards their chosen exit.

Carefully, deliberately, the infantry formation escorted their charges out of the assembly bay and unceremoniously shoved them into one of the side hatches of the Morningstar.

Juniper Assembly Plant,
Front Entrance.

Nikita watches from the main turret hatch at the gathering hordes of fanatics trying to escape the bloodbath that David was giving them. A grim smile is hidden by her scarf as she watches intently.

Hearing the commands filter through her headset, she looks away for a second. “Sparky, you heard what needs to be done. Find the commander what he needs so we can remove this nest of vipers out of the way. Glen, I need you manning the secondary guns. Wheels, button up the front, if they do not wish to surrender, I do not want you having to fight flying blood and gore.”

Each answered in their own affirmative way before she looked back up and patched into the loudspeakers. “HALT!” Her deep voice echoing off the doors could stop an angry bull elephant in full charge. To these, it had most of them skidding to a stop, sliding into each other.

“YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED TO SURRENDER. IF YOU DO NOT..” She got no further as a throwing ax came flying at her head, followed by a throwing knife and a stone.

The ax she caught, the stone spranged off the metal casing, and the knife carved a groove across her left bicep before clattering away behind her. “That is enough.” she growled and switched off the speakers. “They have drawn blood, they can damn well taste it.” She opened up a link to David. “Be careful when offering surrender. They have drawn my blood. They will pay in kind. I am fine, and next time I will learn to duck faster.”

With that, she looks at Glen who is manning the autocannon. “Do it. But make sure that nothing goes inside the building.”

“Aff.” Glen sites down the line and the guns open up with their deadly messengers, letting them streak across the distance between the two of them.

Blood spurted, bones pulped, and yet they refused to surrender.

Wheels squirmed out of her seat and got the aid pack from its holder as Nikita tightened the hatch down. “You should know better than to actually try and talk to them. They're no better than the mindless fans on race day. If one of them gets hurt, their friends'll make sure to talk them up, make em into a hero for being out there. Give them enough bodies and they'll call em Martyrs.”

Sighing, Nikita rolls her eyes. “I was afraid of that. I distinctly heard the words Blasphemy, Defilers, and a couple other words thrown in.”

Spitting in disgust. “Blakists. They're like leeches on the backside of civilization. Wish they'd all just crawl back into whatever hole that spawned em and die.”

Glen continued to spray bullets into the mass until there was nothing left but a squirming, writhing mass of flesh, blood, and unidentifiable body parts laying on the ground. If it moved, he shot it again to make sure it died.

Nikita looked over at Sparky and handed him the thrown ax. “Find me that nest and when you do, relay it to those who need to know. And see what you can do about finding any indent marks on this thing.”

The kid looked it over and nodded, then went back to work. The screen icons flowed faster than anyone could read. It took him several minutes and a lot of cursing in the Rom lingo before he got it. “Sector Five point Three, division one. It's in the housing complex there. It's as far as I can get to where the signal is coming from. Anything after that is a Shielded mess.”

Scene Break

From atop one of the many towers away from the carnage, eyes watch dispassionately as their comrades are mowed down by the mercenaries. “Brother Markus, have you been recording all this?”

A rake thin man standing off to one side nods. “Yes sir. Even the recordings from inside the building as the martyrs sacrificed themselves.”

Scarred and malformed, the first man turned to gaze upon the younger man. “Good, Gooood. Send the footage, encrypted, to Sister Deveau in the staging area. She will be our shining light and spread the evil deeds of these filthy rabble amongst all our faithful. Soon, we will be able to claim victory.”

“Thy will be done, Sir.” the man sat down and began to type.


Back in the tank, a howl of triumph comes through. “I've got a high end encryption message going through.”

Nikita came over to lean down. “What does it say?”

Sparky shook his head. “I don't know, but I think it's a vidcast of some sort.”

“Crack it, then keep any more from coming through. Then tell the boss man where it is coming from and where it's going.”

He nodded, “Got it.” his typing seemed loud in the silence while Nikita unsealed the top hatch of the tank and took up position once again. Activating her private com link. “Commander, we got something.”

Quickly and with as few words as possible, she relayed the information, location, and what just came through.

“What do you want us to do now? Aside from sending in the mop and bucket brigade?”

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
14:52 Hours Local Time

David smiled as he watched Nikita’s Po slaughter the cultists that had tried to escape out the side of the building. A few of them even threw blades at the tank!

He shrugged and activated his com-link. "Conti, Gallagher… Ten-Bears here. Once you get the Duke loaded up... Conti, your platoon is on sweep, search the building, make sure they didn’t leave any presents for us, and that we don’t have any more hid out in the woodwork, ok? Gallagher… Go half and half, half on med duty, priority for our boys, then Civvies and any Hussars, last for the attackers. Don’t kill ‘em, we want to get some answers, but no need to make ‘em comfortable either.”

Overhead, David could see Lockheart’s VTOLs dart off in pursuit of something on the other end of the building. One or more of the cultists must have gotten hold of a ground car.

<Scene Break>

David set the phone back down into its cradle before looking up at Zhao. “That was the local Security…. the location Sparks pinpointed was a relay. Just a receiver and forwarding set… looks like he got it shut down pretty quick though... the electronics guy the cops had look at it doesn’t think very much got through the link.”

He sat back into the soft office chair. “Stolen gear, wiped clean, so it isn’t too likely they’ll be able to trace anyone with it… Hope the interrogators get something useful from the prisoners.”

Before Zhao could reply, the intercom buzzed. David reached over and pressed the “Talk” button. “Ten-Bears… what is it?”

“Mr. Temagu-Irez and Captain Lowe to see Captain Zhao, Sir. Should I send them up?” The cheap intercom’s speaker turned the voice tinny and slightly distorted.

David looked over to Zhao, and getting a nod, responded. “Sure, send them up… Oh, and make sure that Captain Lowe complies with weapons regs.”

“Sir, I don’t understand.”

“Nobody but Black Stars are to be armed within the Black Star Perimeter…. Captain Lowe is NOT a ‘Star, and as such is not allowed a sidearm. She can comply, or wait in the lobby. If she tries to come up armed… Call Conti, his boys are at all the stairs and elevator nodes.”

Black Stars Temporary Compounds
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
15:35 Hours Local Time

It was nearly ten minutes before Temagu-Irez and Lowe were both shown into the office where Zi Long and David were waiting. Despite of the episode that just took place just an hour ago, the Chief Executive Officer of Sumitomo Group was grinning from ear to ear. Somehow, he even managed to change from the crumpled suit he was in during the attack into a clean one. His employees might attribute the bounce in his stride and the sparkle in his electric blue eyes as those belonging to a seasoned soldier who had just survived a close encounter against deadly force, and adrenaline pumping through his veins. Somehow, Zi Long thought it would be more than that.

Captain Martina Lowe, on the other hand, could not have been a more complete contrast. Her brunette hair, usually worn in a severe bun at the back of her head, was a mess with locks hanging down across her shoulders and face. Her hand constantly and absently swept the offending hair strands, which made her look even sillier as they inadvertently fell across her eyes again. Her face was smeared with grime, dirt and not a small amount of blood as well. Casting a quick glance on her, Zi Long decided that it was not hers. Unlike Temagu-Irez, she had not had the chance, or maybe even the sense to change out of her dress uniform. Torn at several locations, and even dirtier than her face, it completed her image of a total mess. Adding to that was the inevitable tussle she would have had with the Black Stars people at the entrance when they demanded for her weapons.

"Captain Zhao! Lieutenant Ten-Bears!" Temagu-Irez bellowed, the grin on his face exploding into a near laugh as he embraced both Black Stars officers in a massive bear hug. "Jolly good show out there!"

"Thank you." Zi Long managed as the former Fusilier of Oriente tightened his grip on the two men below releasing them, a radiant beam on his face. "We were just doing what we were employed to do. Is His Grace ok?"

"Grand Duke Halas was a little shaken at first of course, given the sudden and ferocious attack. But he recovered quickly enough and would have came here personally to thank you and your command for a job well done and executed. Unfortunately, protocol dictated that he had to report the incident back to Atreus." Temagu-Irez rolled his eyes. "I do not see the need to, since it was likely that the attack here might actually have had their origins traced back to the League capital world, and most definitely Gibson, but I would not care to question his Grace's decisions. Still, if it was up to me, I'd recommend the Black Stars be awarded the Oriente Legion of Merit!"

"Bah! The Oriente Legion of Merit?!" Lowe spat at that, drawing the attention of the three men in the room. "That is only for warriors who have demonstrated the proper blend of bravery and wisdom, not a bunch of blood thirsty butchers who slaughter callously without tact or care for collateral damage!" The Oriente Hussars Captain absently brushed another strand of hair from her face. "And certainly not for mercenaries who do not have even the ability to follow orders and adhere to the proper chain of command!"

Zi Long's face was a total calm in the face of her raging storm. He stood and walked up to her. Even though he had never been able to boast of his 1.75 meters height, he still rather easily topped her by half a head. "Captain Lowe, in case you are not aware of the situation, the Black Stars are under contract to the Sumitomo Group, not the Free Worlds League Military, and certainly NOT the Oriente Hussars. Our orders are to work WITH the Oriente Hussars to protect the Grand Duke during his tour of the factories, not work UNDER. We take orders from Mr. Temagu-Irez and his Company, and you have absolutely no command or authority over us." Anger continued to seethe on Lowe's face as Zi Long continued. "The Black Stars are not hired to carry out counter-insurgency work. I could have given you right here, right now the standard we followed our contract TO THE LETTER speech, if not for the fact that we have in fact gone beyond our duties by helping the local security forces pinpoint the locations of where they had retreated to. Despite your claims otherwise, we've kept the Duke and Temagu-Irez alive and unharmed, thinned the ranks of the cultists rather well, and with minimal collateral damage." Zi Long might have added unlike your Hussars who did nothing more than get in the way of things, if he not for the thought that going that far might offend even Temagu-Irez. He is a Oriente citizen after all, even though he had made his disdain of the Oriente Hussars clear enough on several occasions. He also refrained from pointing out that if the Hussars had decided to keep buttoned up in their 'Mechs, they might actually have contributed to the containment, or at least the defeat of the attackers.

"And what about your troopers threatening me with their weapons?" Lowe continued, anger further fuelled by frustration. "That action alone could have been considered treachery even without taking into the account of your people landing one of my Lance Commanders in hospital!"

"You were in the way of them getting their job done Captain. Be glad that they actually gave you verbal warning before hand though. Given the chaotic situation, lesser disciplined soldiers might have blasted your head off your shoulders without a second thought with as much care as they did an approaching cultist." Zi Long sneered. "As for your man landing in a hospital, forgive me for saying this, but he should have thought before he acted. Lieutenant Jason Hall swung first - at a trained infantry trooper."

"He's lucky it was just the hospital." David added nonchalantly.

Zi Long held back the laughter that threatened to break uncontrollably as he thought back to the talk he had with David as he was penning the apology letter to the Oriente Hussars about the incident.

"If I had written it, it would have read - We are sorry that your pilot was so woefully unprepared for hand to hand defense. Our infantry trooper sends his apologies, he wasn't aware that the man was so weak and fragile. In the future, you may wish to screen your applicants a bit better, this one was obviously a bit defective. Again, we apologize for not realizing this and being more gentle with him. Perhaps you should have your lance commander's escorted in the future, to avoid a repeat of this unfortunate situation - this one clearly needed more adult supervision." David had declared deadpan.

Zi Long had replied with an equally straight face. "Their reply would have been - unfortunately, we would have to provide escort for the escorts, and even more escorts for the latter. This was why we only sent 'Mechs for this mission. We had thought that being buttoned up in 100 ton tin cans would prevent them from inflicting bodily harm onto themselves. Much to our chagrin, not for the first time, we were proved wrong in our assumptions again."

The Black Stars officers had shared a laugh at that before Zi Long continued. "Upon which we would have to reply - NEVER assume. It makes an ASS out of U and ME, though in this case, more of U than ME.

"Perhaps, as I said, an improved screening process?" David suggested again. "Maybe require genetic screening? Weed out at least the dangerously inbred ones?"

Zi Long shook his head in mock despair. "Sadly, I suspect that the FWLM would have no military to speak of if they were to conduct such screening procedures."

"Please." Tamagu-Irez's intervention into the argument brought Zi Long's thoughts back to the room. "The important thing here is that the Duke is unharmed, and that the local security forces are moving in to the cultists' hideout now even as we speak." The grin on his face however, told Zi Long that he was actually enjoying the Black Stars putting down the Oriente Hussar officer. "As much as it displeases his Grace to allow the cultists the luxury of thinking that they had successfully scared the Duchy, he has decided to cut short his tour."

Zi Long raised an eyebrow at that. "I do hope that Sumitomo Group will not reduce our payments because of a shortened contract duration?"

"Rest assured Captain Zhao." Tamagu-Irez beamed. "The Black Stars have fulfilled their contract above and beyond your duties. You will be paid in full. As to the Grand Duke, he will still proceed with the scheduled visit of our orbital factory facilities, after which he and his retinue will directly board their waiting DropShips and return to Oriente."

"WHAT?!" Lowe shouted again. "Why was I not informed of such a change in itinerary?"

Tamagu-Irez turned his gaze towards her, the humour on his face fading. "I am telling you now am I not?"

At a loss for words, Lowe spluttered without a retort. Tamagu-Irez turned back towards Zi Long and David. "I trust that you and your people will be ready for the final leg of the tour gentlemen, and I understand that you have duties to attend to after the earlier unpleasant episode. I shall leave you to your chores and take my leave. However, you and your officers are invited to my humble abode tonight for a private dinner function, in honour of your performance and as a small gesture of my appreciation for saving me and my life."

Zi Long bowed slightly, as did David. The large man smiled again, shook both their hands before making for the exit. Ignored, Lowe followed suit, but not before shooting both Black Star officers a venomous stare. "You've not heard the last of this." She spat before leaving.

"I have no doubt." Zi Long smiled as he watched her retreating back.


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2011, 04:34:35 AM »

Juniper Fields Assembly Plant
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
21:37 Hours Local Time

James sat at his small desk and reviewed the after action report he had just written. He played back the entire scene in his mind. The day had started as routine.

<Flash back to earlier>

The guard duty patrols had become routine. Almost boring, but he was working and flying. The latest trip to the Juniper Fields plant was just another trip and he was in a slow lazy orbit around the plant with Slim and Billy Ray 180 degrees away in the same orbit. Slim was due to be rotated off station soon. James checked chrono and keyed the mike “Trouble 2, what’s your ETA?”

“Ten minutes out.” Hawk responded into his comm.

Right on time James thought. “Any updates on 4?” James asked.

“Negative.” Hawk responded.

James cursed silently under his breath. The birds had all checked out fine except for 4. The inertial nav wasn’t working properly. So far the source had been elusive. James was ready to ground the bird until it could be fixed or a new unit could be found. Alice said she was willing to fly it anyways. Her normal machine back home never had a fancy device like that so she didn’t have any problem if the one in hers didn’t work. James was unsure at first but she didn’t’ seem to have any problems getting around after the first flight. She and Gunther were on ready five back at base. And in an hour and half they were due out to relieve James.

“I think I’m going to see if that pretty looking Brunette from the other day wants to play some more tonight after shift.” Slim said over their air frequency.

“That Hussars bitch? The one that was all uppity and everything? What makes you think she won’t just break your arm if you even try and ask? …Wait a sec what do you mean play some more? When did you get any time with her!” Billy Ray said.

“We got acquainted during that brawl the other day. She was real pleasant, and seemed very receptive to my advances.” We didn’t’ get to spend as long as I would have liked, but ….” Slim responded.

“And just when did this take place?” Billy Ray asked with scepticism?

After a pregnant pause Slim said “Just after your brother cold cocked her in that bar fight.”

Billy Ray just shook his head and said “Slim, you are one sick mother.”

The Company net roared to life right then.

"David, swing your vehicles along to the main bay entrance and main side exit. Cut them off, offer surrender. If they resist, take them out." He finished grimly. "We have enough injured inside for questioning and interrogations as it is." Remembering Nikita and her crew, the mercenary commander continued. "Nikita's got a kid in her team who's an electronics genius who can locate transmissions and stuff yes? Get the kid to monitor sudden spikes of comms exchange - that may be where the lair of our friends are."

"James, bring your birds over the compounds. Keep a look out for getaway vehicles or larger clusters of escaping attackers. Try to keep a tag on them. Let me know where the slink off to for wound linkin'." Zi Long next instructed. "Also use the standby bird at base to bring in the Doc. I'm sure we'll be needing his services."

James had already broke orbit before the orders had been issued. He put his bird into a long swooping dive. He keyed his air comms and started issuing orders. “Alice! Get the Doc and get his ass out here now! We have wounded! Slim! Watch for enemy units escaping, on foot or liberating vehicles. Orders are to track and report. Eugene! Get your ass up here! The bad guys made a play! “

“Roger! On top of it boss!” Came Slim’s response.

“Affirmative.” was Hawks response.

“Holy Shit!” Came over the line along with the sound of a dropped live mike.

James thought “We will have to work on that.”

Pee Wee’s voice came in over the intercom “Target on the roof! 10 O’ clock low! Trying to lock up!"

James realized that he had just blew by the target too fast for Pee Wee. He nosed up, dropped throttle and slewed the tail around so hard they both groaned under the Gee’s. As the helo was now pointed in the correct direction and nose down once more, Pee Wee a second later screamed “Going short! Got tone! Got tone! Fox two!”

James had a much better view of the situation. A lone person in a workers jumpsuit had a gun levelled at a target in a security troop mass making it’s way to Zi Long’s Mornignstar. Then he saw the orange plumes and smoke trail as four fragmentation missiles streaked out and exploded against the roof top just short of the target but not too short to stop the fragments from bouncing up and spraying the man while throwing him off the roof top in a number of pieces that left no doubt that the target was neutralized.

Slim’s voice came over the comm line. “Target has commandeered a car and is making a run for it. Wait... Wait… Target isn’t leaving! Target is has changed course! HE’S HEADING TOWARD THE CHEMICAL TANKS! HE’S SPEEDING UP! HE’S GONNA RAM!”

“Like hell he is!” was Billy Ray’s comments just before a volley of long range missiles impacted into the civilian unarmoured car and lifted and flipped it into the air in a fiery explosion. The car had flipped three times before coming to rest on it’s roof.

After that, James and Slim started circling scissor sweeps across the compound. It didn’t look like any body else was showing themselves.

<Scene Break>

Hawk saw a glint out of the corner of his eye at the same time as Bubba Joe announce the contact, vector and speed. It was heading toward the assembly plant at full speed. Hawk could just make out a black shape under the chin of the other helicopter. Given the shit had hit the fan Hawk couldn’t’ take any chances. He alter course and keyed the intercom. “Bubba Joe! I don’t like it, get rid of it!”

Bubba Joe heard the order and in two seconds was responding back “ I’ve got tone! Good tone! Fox 1!” The volley of long range missiles jumped out of the launcher as if their ass was on fire, and indeed they were. Both watched the missiles streak out leaving their contrails pointing their progress all the way to the unidentified helicopter and then the fiery mass as it fell from the sky into the ground. Hawk did a flyby to confirm the kill and look for survivors. There were none. The sad part was what Hawk saw as he was pulling away. It was a large number 5 on a door that had been thrown from the wreckage.

<Scene Break>

The doctor left the helo and headed for the waiting infantry trooper to escort him to the wounded. He wasn’t’ sure how much help he was going to be right now. His hands were white and his whole body was shaking.

<Back in the Present>

James did another quick check of the report and forwarded the report to the XO.

It was time to check on his team and check on the birds.

Black Stars Compound.

Wheels adroitly spins the tank and parks it in it's allotted place amongst the rest of the equipment and went through the shutdown sequence. Each member of the team quickly, but efficiently got their stations locked down and taken care of.

As the silence settled in, Nikita nodded. “Go get some food, shower, or whatever you want. Glen, give the tech guys a nudge, the AC on the right side sounded sluggish. I need that taken care of.”

“Aff Captain.”

Nikita stowed her helmet and walked off towards the main office to report to the Boss. At the entrance, under the watchful eyes of some of the Stars, a pair of pissed off Hussar were pacing and occasionally glaring at the men who watched them.

Ignoring them, she walked over to the main desk. “Is the Commander available? I have to make my report.”

He looked up and flicked a glance behind her. “Actually, I think it'd be best if you waited. They're... occupied at the moment.”

Chuckling, she pulls a small disk out from her jacket and puts it on the desk. “This is the transmission log that my communications person pulled off the list. While I do not know who it should go to, I'm sure that the Commander will.”

“HEY! How did you get that!” A hand comes down on her shoulder, squeezing hard.

Turning her head, she comes face to face with one of the Hussars. “If you do not remove your hand from my shoulder, I and my brothers in arms will remove it from your body in the most painful manner we can devise.”

Grinning, his fingers dug into her shoulder a bit more until his partner came over. “Gordon! Knock it off! Don't you know who that is?”

Gordon shrugged. “Like I care about a two bit...” that's as far as he got before the adjutant put the barrel of a gun on his forehead.

“Well I do, The Black Stars Do, And if you don't let go of Captain Nikita, your brother in arms will be seeing how much of your brain can stain his uniform.”

THAT got Gordon's attention. Not just the gun, but Nikita's name. “Nikita,” he had the good grace to blanch white. “The Clanner who...” he swallowed, “The... Scorpion that...” Quickly, he released his hands and backed away, slowly, keeping his hands up in the air. “Forgive me. I didn't recognise you.”

It's a good thing Nikita's face scarf was firmly in place, otherwise the lip twitching and the biting of lips would have ruined the moment. As it was, she had to exert firm control over herself before she could speak. “Now that we have settled down. You two will be nice and behave until your commander returns. I have things I must do” She looked over at the desk man who had managed to holster his weapon and sit back down to look normal. “I'm sure you know where to send that disk.”

“Yes ma'am. I do.” He winked.

The sound of soldiers snapping to attention had her standing up slightly to look at the Hussars. There, in the doorway, Lowe stood. Her face suffused with rage as she stalked over to the desk. “Weapons. Now.”

Once she had them buckled on or put on, she looked at the big man next to her. “If you will please come this way, we will finish our business.... elsewhere!” She aimed a glare at the surrounding company and the two soldiers took up their flanking spots. “Away from these rabble and their stench.”

Nikita arched an eyebrow and lifted an arm to sniff her cloths. “Gee. I know I took a shower this morning. But, it has been a long day killing insane cultists, I may have actually broken out in a sweat.”

Her casual comment brought spluttered laughter from the Stars as the group walked away, escorted by the Black Stars that brought them here. Silently, she runs a hand through her hair and stretches. Minutes later, the men are back and one of them pipes up. “What in hell did you do to that trooper? All Bobby here said was your name?”

Laughing. “I did not recognise the face until his comrade spoke his name. But a few years ago, I was bartending on one of the outer planets and someone made the mistake of trying to rob the place while I was on duty.” At their astonished looks. “Those who did so also had the mistaken impression that a female behind the bar itself was also a prostitute, or a ...” Her brow wrinkled as she tried to think.. “Wench, I believe was the term used.”

One of the other men asked the obvious. “So what happened?”

“There were three who had to have their weapons removed surgically from their backsides and a fourth.” An evil laugh escaped the confines of the scarf. “The fourth got used as a mop on the floor after I removed the offending arms from the body and beat him unconscious with them.”

All of them winced in agony, then took a step back. “We're glad you're on our side. We don't want to have that happen to us.” came the response from one.

She shrugged. “Gordon just happened to be in a seat with a perfect eye view of the insertion process. Not my fault he still remembers it.” Glancing at them all. “Enough of my stories, the commander would not think kindly on us for forgetting that we're all on duty, and I have a mind to raid the kitchen for food.”

That being said, everyone scurried back to their places while she walked away, unconsciously rubbing the bandage on her right bicep.

Black Stars Temporary Compounds
Kintetsu, Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
24 October, 3078
16:00 Hours Local Time

Zi Long yawned expansively as Temagu-Irez left the Black Stars office and he was once alone with David. "You wanna do the report writing on this one?" Getting a withering look from his XO, the Black Stars Captain could only laugh. "Hey, you can't blame me for trying yeah?"

A knock on the door caught their attention next. A young soldier with a wide grin on his face entered. "A data disc from Lieutenant Nikita Sirs. She said that its the transmission log that her communications people tapped and downloaded."

"Thanks." Zi Long nodded as he accepted the small item before turning to David. The soldier snapped a sharp salute before leaving the door, closing the door quietly behind him, leaving the pair of Black Stars officers on their own. "Care for a movie date?"

Zi Long slotted the disc into the small noteputer on his desk as both men settled themselves before the small screen. Black and white static blazed for a few seconds before the screen cleared up. Both men needed no introduction to know that the screen was that within Juniper Fields Assembly Plant. The person who was recording was obviously perched in a high position, most likely on one of the many gantries running along the top of the massive factory building.

The screen centered on the balding and aged figure of Grand Duke Halas, with the hulking Temagu-Irez next to him. They were ringed by the black clad and armoured soldiers of the Black Stars as they made a rather stately procession to the aisle erected within the production floor. Zi Long grinned at the sight of Lowe and several other Oriente Hussars Mechjocks jockeying for a way to get into the protective circle in vain. Their fleeting movement in predominantly green dress uniforms against the slow and steady advance of the Black Stars black made them look like pesticide bugs trying to pierce the armoured hide of a massive rhino.

To both their sides, a large gathering of factory workers and invited guests stood and applauded as the Grand Duke finally mounted the aisle, Tamagu-Irez taking up a position just to his rear. Before them, the Black Stars soldiers fanned out, blocking any advances to the pair on the small stage - including Lowe and her people. The Duke gave a rousing speech, dedicating the factory to the hard work of the Fujidera citizens and the Duchy of Oriente. Zi Long found the absence of mention of the Free Worlds League as a whole amusing.

The Duke finished his dedication speech to another round of applause from the assembled gathering and was preparing to cut the ribbon and start the machinery when the camera suddenly swung in an opposite direction. Like ants from a smashed ant hill, a wave of screaming cultists poured into the assembly area with melee weapons waving above their heads. They slashed, chopped and cut their way through the panicking crowd towards the aisle and their target. When the camera view was able to show both the cultist and the Black Stars bodyguards together, the latter had already pushed both the Duke and Tamagu-Irez into a wall and set up a layer of shields around him. The other soldiers stepped slightly forward and formed yet another tight circle of shields and sword, while a small squad in between the two layers, assault rifles drawn.

The sharp bark of gun shots echoed across the massive assembly plant, punctuating the screams of fleeing civilians and crazed fanatics alike. On the screen several dignitaries and factory workers fell as they were hit by the indiscriminate shots from the attackers. Against the fast approaching and chaotic advance of the cultist, the Black Stars infantry waited unmoving. Only a few shots rang out from the rifles of their ranks, each taking down a cultist.

When the two forces finally clashed, it was like a rain storm against immobile rocks. None of the attackers seemed to be able to land a hit on the Black Stars lines, and when the latter struck back, more than a few cultist fell back, blood spraying from wounds. Even as the attackers fell back, another wave struck the defensive shields. With fire arms within their ranks, the attackers finally started falling Black Star warriors. Zi Long grimaced as he saw one of his man forcefully thrown backwards, face plate shattered by a shot gun round.

As a few more black dressed troopers fell, the assault rifle armed soldiers in the second rank stepped forward. Long bursts from their weapons into the massed ranks of the cultist saw blood and gore spraying into their comrades as the assault rifles did their deadly work.

As the attackers were mauled down like wheat before a sickle, the mike on the camera caught Conti and Gallagher's orders.

“First Platoon! Advance on line!”

“Second Platoon! Stand fast! Formation Testudo!”

Deathly silent, the front lines of the Black Stars advanced even as the attackers broke and ran. A few that stood their ground were easily cut down by smooth, efficient strokes of Black Stars blades.

The screen broke into static again. When it next cleared up, it was from a vintage point overlooking the front of the assembly plant. Zi Long recognized his own Morningstar as well as the tracked Zhukov tank of David, both in grey urban camouflage patterns. The camera caught sight of a pair of similarly painted Po tanks rumbling off towards another end of the Juniper Fields Assembly Plant building just as the first cultist streamed from the main bays where they had suffered horrendous casualties against the Black Star infantry.

Against what they next came up against would've seemed like heaven compared to what they encountered within the main bay. Vaguely, the camera caught some words from the external speakers of the Black Star tanks. Above in the skies, a trio of Warrior VTOLs sped towards the other end of the compound towards some unseen target. “YOU ARE ... ORDERED TO ... IF YOU ... NOT..” Than all hell broke loose as the tanks opened fire on the cultist at what seemed like spitting range. Bodies were shredded into unrecognizable blobs, and blood splattered onto the concrete floor and walls alike. Less than a minute later, nothing but red gore and body parts littered the front of the Juniper Plant. An eerie silence settled over the area as the camera closed in on the killing zone, before dissolving into static again.

Zi Long and David both remained quiet for a while. "That's disturbing." The Chinese man finally commented. David arched an eyebrow in question. Zi Long looked at him mutely. "I didn't manage to get off a shot."

As David stood with a shake of his head, Zi Long ejected the disc from his noteputer. "I guess I'll have to hand this over to Tamagu-Irez. We'll let him decide on what to do with it. Agreed?"

"Sure, we did our job. Cleaning things up isn't what we signed up for." His second in commanded replied.

"I'll see it it immediately." The Taurian stretched himself again before standing up. "After we have our long delayed lunch. And a few drinks." He continued with a smile. "Fighting always makes me hungry."

As the pair made towards the exit, Zi Long clasped David on his shoulder. "Oh, and get our people cleaned up and refreshed. We have a dinner function to attend."


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2011, 04:35:47 AM »

Fujidera, Free Worlds League
Space Port, Halon City,
1st November, 3078
0530 Hours

The birds were warming up on the pad. After the excitement of the day before, Trouble Inc. was hoping for an anti-climatic day today. Buzzsaw and Hawk were up for the first patrol. They approached their birds in their flight gear. Each started their preflight walk around on the outside. Each opened their doors and climbed in. James watched them strap in and don their helmets. They then continued on through their internal preflight checklists. When all was ready James watched them adjust the mic booms and heard the requests for take off. James heard the tower give the all clear and to proceed immediately to 300 meters and report back in. James noted that the tower had enunciated and emphasized the 300 meters. He wasn’t sure why but tower operators could be a strange lot.

James reread the updated orders for the day. Keep up the patrols until noon. The duke is scheduled to be lifting off at 10:30 for the orbital facility. After that they had some down time.

James also had a another matter to deal with. He turned and sat down at his desk and reread the report that had come in with the revised orders. It was an official complaint report. A Lt. Sarah Jameson was alleging assault and inappropriate sexual advances by a Black Star at a bar named Hell Fire three nights ago. The details in the report were sketchy. He would like nothing more than to throw it away but he would have to investigate. He got up and asked Slim to come in. He had heard the banter over the air yesterday. He needed more details.

There was a knock on the door and Slim entered. James motioned for him to have a seat. Slim sat in the chair and looked at James. James then started asking questions on what happened. Afterwards he sat back and pondered the situation while staring at Slim. It was true that Slim had gone too far, but at the same time the Black Stars hadn’t started that fight and the Hussars had injured a couple of the Stars in that brawl. James stared at Slim for a long time and was making him sweat it out. He finally broke the stare and dismissed Slim.

James pulled the keypad to him and started typing up his official response.

In response to the above allegation of assault and sexual misconduct, an investigation was launched. The results were inconclusive. Due to the lack of a physical description, identification of the party or parties involved cannot be obtained. As far as this officer is concerned, though the charges are serious, the lack of identification leaves open the possibility that the attacker or attackers were civilians and not a member of this mercenary command or were fabricated by an above average inebriated individual who couldn’t remember their actions. Please remind the individual of the consequences of filing false statements. Lastly, given the choice of any number of bad tattoos available, the choice of a nipple ring with star is a refreshing change.

James attached his signature to it and sent it back up the line. He sat back and reflected on how crazy things had become ever since he had become the boss of his group.

James picked up the maintenance reports and started to review those.

Space Station Oriente Light
Orbit above Fujidera, Duchy of Oriente
Free Worlds League
1st November, 3078
1200 Hours

The line of Black Stars officers in their predominantly black, custom tailored long coat were a stark contrast to the bright green of the Oriente Hussars soldiers, and the bright orange work suits of the Sumitomo representatives. Silent but ominous, a squad of each of Black Stars infantry in body armour stood protective guard at the entrance to the link way to the Duke's waiting DropShip as well as behind the Duke as well. The deaths resulting from the cultist attack nearly a week ago still hung like a heavy shroud over the assembled group, making the atmosphere somewhat sullen.

The Duke was clasping the hand of Tamagu-Irez, exchanging a few quiet words - no doubt words of praise for Sumitomo Group's efforts and contribution to the Duchy of Orient. The elderly man's back was ramrod straight despite suffering the thin atmosphere of Fujidera for the past two weeks, as well as the punishingly hectic schedule and itinerary, and of course the cultist attack one week ago. Even beside the massive frame of Temagu-Irez, he looked even inch the warrior that had driven the powerful Duchy of Oriente and House Halas.

As the two men released their handshake, the Duke walked up to Zi Long and David. Both mercenaries snapped to a sharp salute which the Duke returned equally crisply, before breaking into a warm smile.

"I'm sorry I've not had the time to properly thank and commend you and your soldiers on a job well done." Christopher Halas began.

"Unnecessary your Grace." Zi Long replied with an easy smile. "It was our job."

"Indeed." The old man chuckled. "While that may be expected, especially from mercenaries, it still does not take away the fact that your command rose to the occasion admirably." Behind the Duke, Lowe could not hide the sneer in her face. "Still, I understand that one of the soldiers had lost his life protecting me?"

"Yes Sir. Trooper Edward Belloq suffered a shotgun round in his face." The smile on both Zi Long and David's face faded somewhat. "The fortunate thing, according to our medical officer, was that he died instantly and did not suffer."

"I am sorry to hear that." The Duke shook his head slightly at the news. "While it would go against protocol to compensate your unit more than what was on contract, I shall try to acknowledge his sacrifice some other ways. It is the least this old fossil can still do."

"Thank you your Grace." Zi Long and David bowed.

The Duke turned towards the squad of Black Stars troopers behind him, and caught all by surprise by giving the group a salute. It took a few seconds before they shouldered their assault rifles and presented arms in return. With a smile, Christopher Halas allowed his hands to fall to his side before making towards his waiting DropShip. As he passed by Temagu-Irez, he patted the man on his shoulders, both sharing a nod and smile before he disappeared into the air lock of the space craft, followed closely behind by Lowe and her contingent. The Oriente Hussar Captain was the last to board, turning at the entrance of the air lock and fixing both Zi Long and David a stare of hatred before following her charge into the DropShip.

As the procession cleared after the DropShip detached itself from the Space Station, Tamagu-Irez walked up to the pair of Black Stars officers. "Well, I dare say you guys made a rather good impression on his Grace."

Zi Long shrugged. "I don't really care as long as we get paid for keeping his royal ass safe."

Tamagu-Irez stared in mock shock at the Chinese man before breaking out in a boisterous laugh. "Spoken like a mercenary. Regardless of your attitude, his Grace has reminded me to send an independent assessment and reports of the events over the past month to the Oriente Military command."

"Just so because he doesn't trust Captain Lowe to relate things... accurately?" Zi Long asked with a raised eyebrow. Temagu-Irez winked at Zi Long with a bright twinkle in his eyes. "And of course, it has got absolutely nothing to do with the chance of yourself having the opportunity to put your well polished shoe into her petite behind." Zi Long added.

The Chief Executive Officer of Sumitomo Group laughed again. "Anyone ever told you that you're too direct and too smart for your own good sometimes Captain?"

"More than I care to remember." Zi Long replied matter of factly.

"Hmm. I foresee that I might "forget" to include Captain Lowe in the copy list of my report. All well and good if her own reports are accurate even though she might not know that another viewpoint is getting submitted." Tamagu-Irez next said, stroking his chin. "On the other hand, if the two reports are very different, someone might start asking questions... pointed ones."

"It'd be a shame if that was to happen." David said in deadpan. "She might even get cashiered."

"C'mon." Zi Long looked at both men more than a little defensively. "Lowe's most likely a more than capable combat officer. Just not a good PR person in any way." He ignored the look David gave him. "What? I'm just saying that she just wasn't suited for THIS job."

"Indeed Captain." Tamagu-Irez looked at Zi Long in knowing amusement. "Despite my bias against the Oriente Hussars, I'm sure they would not simply allow anyone to rise to command and officer ranks, regardless of birthrights." It was Zi Long and David's turn to give him a wry look. "It's true!"

All three men laughed at that before Tamagu-Irez looked at the Black Stars again. "So, what's next for the Black Stars mercenary command?"

"To be frank, we're not sure yet." Zi Long turned and looked out of one of the glass panels at the black space beyond. "Where ever there's cash to be earned I guess. The universe is full of opportunities."

The CEO of Sumitomo Group joined him in his view. "I wish I could join you on your adventures."

All three men remained silent. They all knew it was a lie.


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2011, 03:45:32 PM »

Like whoa.

Honestly, it seems you could go either way - breaking down your contracts into multiple posts and assign each contract to a specific thread. Sort of how Dragon Cat organizes his AU.

Alternatively there is more than enough text to justify a dedicated WP category to keep entire contracts assigned to single posts.

There are benefits and detriments to using either. Keeping your text forum based means adhering to the limitations of the forum's software, i.e. text length, pic & attachments limits, people posting, etc. Using WP has its own limitations, such as limited interaction (comments only), and a slightly more complicated usage, etc. One of the main benefits of using WP over the forum's SMF is the stylistic control you'll have over your text (text by definition also include images, multimedia, etc.), better search-ability and great control over user interaction.

Which one is best really depends on you...

Quote from: Dragon Cat
WORD (of Blake) is good for two things. 1. Leaving inappropriate notes on other people's work. 2. Adding fake words (of Blake) to the dictionary.


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Re: First Contract
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2011, 09:01:05 PM »

If possible, I'd like to have each contract started as a thread since it seems like the best way to do, and as mentioned, would allow for more interaction from readers and such. So... a sub-thread for the Black Stars thread for the individual contracts?
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