Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Entrance Mouth to Valley of Devil's Embrace
Near Main Pirate Base
7th Sept 3080
0300 Hours, Local Time
Brandon Cross, formerly under the employment of the notorious pirate Redjack Ryan and then Susie "One-Eye" Morgraine-Ryan, peered through the night vision binoculars into the dead lands of the very aptly named Valley of Devil's Embrace. Based on the various intel reports and recon photos, there was little chance of the pirates making any moves in the dead of the night. However, with surprise once again being the primary weapon of choice for the Black Stars, they had not wanted to risk things.
Behind him, the MechWarriors, vehicle crew members and infantry troopers of both the Los Lupos Negros and the Sharp Shooters had been digging into the hard surfaces, a task that they had been involved in since the previous night. Most of the hardest work had already been completed, with the Stars now concentrating on positioning their war machines, sighting their weapons into the bottom of the valley, putting up camo nets, as well as planting explosives to rain down tons of rocks and boulders onto the unfortunate pirates.
Brandon scanned the entrance mouth to the valley again and nodded. It was an excellent choice for the ambush the Stars were preparing. Being the sole route both in and out of the Valley, there was no other way that the pirates were going to take if they were to rush to reinforce the soon to be attacked air base. Of course, it is possible that whatever jump capable BattleMechs would attempt to cross the bad lands using the most direct route to the Drop Port. However, Brandon seriously doubt any of the pirates would want to break from the main force and meet the Black Stars forces that would be attacking their air base. After all, there would be very little of such jump capable machines. They would be fools to try to engage the Stars in small numbers rather than hit them with their own perceived superior numbers.
The veteran scout tried in vain to search for tell tale movements below him. With their Pegasus rendered useless due to the thin atmosphere, Tim Larson, Jack Brown, Leo Buscema and Nora Webster had initially helped with the digging in and entrenchment works for the strike force. Once that stage of the work was near completion, Zi Long had allowed them a short break before dispatching them down to into the valley itself.
While the Stars had no doubt about their ability to spring the trap on the pirates, they would still want as much early warning as possible of the pirates' approach to their established kill zone. While there was only one way in and out of the valley, there were multiple routes to the mouth itself. In their need for haste, the pirates might not move in a snaking convoy, but spread their forces along the numerous routes. It would allow them to move out of the valley without a possible bottlenecking of their own forces, but still allow them to consolidate themselves once they exit the valley.
The four vehicular scouts were tasked with setting up observation posts along likely routes that the pirates would be taking. If the pirates do indeed spread themselves out, Zi Long and David would have to know in advance so that they could decide which group of the pirates they would want to trap, or even allow to move out of the valley. Brandon snorted. He did not think that the pirates would have such tactically developed thoughts even in the best of time, let alone when they were rushing to reinforce the pair of DropShips which were their only tickets out of this piece of rock.
On the other hand, Zi Long had reminded the Stars that for the highest chance of them winning any battle, they would have to assume that their enemies are as smart, if not smarter than themselves, rather than thinking them stupid. He would rather their contingencies proved to be unnecessary, rather than regretting later not to have prepared for them.
Always the smart ass. Brandon rolled his eyes. He dug his left hand into one of the pockets and fished out the packet of cigarettes that Zi Long had gave him earlier. Smiling, he pulled a stick out before stuffing the rest of the packet back. Brandon withdrew a lighter, another gift from Zi Long before lifting the cancer stick towards his mouth. The cigarette squashed against the face plate of his environmental suit helmet and broke into pieces. Brandon cursed as he turned around and picked out the night vision enhanced image of Zi Long. Damn you Zhao Zi Long!
Scene and time break:
7th September 3080
“You’re late.â€
“I know, now shut it and get me out of this suit. Have we heard from Lochnivar? And where are the Niboids?â€
“They are already in place. You are late, remember?â€
Finally finishing placing their varied traps and devices, Markus and remedy had met back up with Luna and Lockout at the agreed rendezvous point. It had taken longer than expected to get access to the gun emplacements, and a couple they had to bypass and return to later when they discovered that the locations were being used for more amorous pursuits. Remedy had grumbled at that point that they may as well have been back on Novo Franklin. It was a fair point.
The rendezvous point was the Jack o’ Lanterns recently acquired Hiryo WiGE. Despite being useless on this low atmosphere planet, it proved to be a brilliant temporary shelter and workshop. It had been set up under over-sized the hostile environment tent that the Nibo Armed Forces had taken on in exchange for training their men. Waiting for Markus and Remedy had been Patrick the tech, Yannick and the rest of the Hiryo crew, and Luna and Lockout who were already three quarters of the way suited up into their Ying Long battle armour.
Scant minutes later and all four troopers had disappeared into their armoured and sharp clawed monsters. Patrick was giving them one last look over when one suit, Remedy’s, all but disappeared from view.
“Goddamn that is creepy,†Patrick said with a shudder. “Now would you stop screwing around so I can finish the diagnostics?â€
The suit reappeared, and Remedy’s snigger could be heard clearly under the tent. Despite working together on the Aerospace delivery system, Remedy and Patrick still antagonised each other.
“That is enough, children, we are late enough as it is. Patrick, can we go now?â€
“You are all set… Good luck, and remember that if the suits are breached you will need to find clean air in a big hurry.â€
“Thanks for the reminder. Ok kids, move out. Time to go storm a castle!â€
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
7th September 3080
06:25 Hours, Local Time
Daylight was beginning to spread itself across the plateau and soon the whole area would be bathed in it. Natasha only had 5 more minutes before the explosives were set to go off. She was running systems checks and hoping that she would not be stuck here if there was no explosion. Sneaking back undetected would be extremely difficult in broad daylight. Sitting in a cockpit in the sun all day did not thrill her either. Turning down the external mikes and switching on the Spector's ECM for what it worth, expecting when her moves out of the affected area, it would useful again. Five, Four, Three, Two, One and a muted explosion is heard as well as a sudden jolt as the ground shakes beneath the Spector's feet. Throwing the throttle fully forward, the Spector leaps from the depression and rounds the rock formation. As soon as the large laser is in range she fires at the base of wall, as it carries the most stress at that point. The laser hits and the stone is seriously scorched. She continues to close until all the Spector's weapons are at point blank range and a strange roar penetrates the cockpit. She fires at the same time and at the same section of the wall which blasts inwards. The heat in the cockpit rises sharply but falls quickly. Still not seeing any Mech activity she sweeps up the side of castle and swings around to the front gate. Amazingly it appears both Mechs have moved to investigate what had happened and both were within 15 metres of the edge. Natasha wasted no time and advances at a run towards the Vulcan, pushing it with the full weight of Spector behind it. It stumbles forward and then topples over the edge. She had expected it to use its jump jets to at least slow it's descend, but since it toppled over the edge the pilot would have a near impossible time of doing that now.
While she doubted the fall with be critical to the Mech, but there would be damaged none the least. Hitting the Spector's jump jets before she went over the edge, the Mech rose up and angled itself over the castle to put distance between itself and the Panther. The spot the Spector had just vacated was briefly filled with blue lightning and missiles, that slammed into the castle wall destroying more of it. Natasha lands the Spector and forces it into a dead run straight back towards the Panther as it jumps over the corner of the castle and the Spector at the same time. Swinging the Spector around , she fires all weapons into the Panther PNT-10K rear armour. The large laser hitting the right leg, a medium strikes the right torso vaporising all the armour, another medium laser scars the centre torso and the small laser sears the left leg. The Panther twists right and fires its ER PPC narrowly missing the Spector's right side. Natasha thinks “I think I have their attention now.†Checking the thermal scan on the Panther its heat had risen enough to affect its movement. The Spector leaps further away from the castle and lands behind a low rise hoping to draw the Panther away. Surprisingly it does not move but tracks the Spector's movement with the ER PPC. The Panther fires the ER PPC again and still the shot goes wide and the Spector's responds with a large laser finding the Panther's right side and medium missing completely. Natasha reverses the Spector further away. The Vulcan VT-5M suddenly appears at the edge of the plateau. The Mech had lost over 50% of its armour in the fall and Natasha suspects the pilot must be petty irate with her at the moment. The Panther finally advances and the ER PPC fires again, but can't hit its tormentor. The Panther's heat level continues to climb into the orange. Natasha snaps off a shot at the Panther and misses. The Spector continues to fall back and both opponents advance. The Vulcan is still out range to fire its weapons, the Panther misses again with ER PPC and its heat continues to climb. Natasha slowly but surely draws them away.
Whispering to herself “Go Lantern and good luck.â€
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Haruki Moutains (former mining site)
7 September 3080
0625 Hours, Local Time
“We weren’t expecting that, were we.â€
It was a statement, not a question, that Michelle Edwards, better known as Luna, had muttered. The Jack o’ Lanterns, nearly invisible in their stationary Ying Long Battle Armour suits, were looking over the edge of the canyon from their concealed deployment point. Far below on the floor of the canyon was the entrance to the mines that had both the pirates and the Kingdom of Nibo interested. What had caught Luna’s eye, and brought on the comment, was the steady stream of people that seemed to materialise out of nowhere on the canyon floor, barely visible in the low light conditions.
“Slaves?†Luna asked.
Resisting the urge to nod, Markus replied with, “Certainly. Not all, but most I would guess.â€
“What do we do?†a quiet voice behind them asked.
“Diddly we can do now, every damn thing is on a timer. We committed with the first device we planted,†The question had come from Lockout, the answer from Remedy. As much as Markus hated to admit it, the man was right.
With the minerals from the mine screwing with anything electromagnetic, all the traps and explosives that the Jack o’ Lanterns had planted were set to go off on timers, and a bare few minutes hence. Markus felt a stab of pity for the men and women in the bottom of the canyon, but it was just pure, dumb luck. Bad luck at that. They hadn’t been there yesterday during the recon.
“Hold your tongues. We maintain the plan, got it? When we go in we kill anyone with a gun, but no-one else unless it looks like they are in charge. We don’t know how many slaves they have in there,†Markus reminded them.
“Aww hell Lantern, we’d be putting ‘em outta their misery anyway. Soon as we breach that wall anyone inside’ll be breathing marsh gas.†This was, as usual, also from Remedy.
“Shut it, Remedy. Still doesn’t mean we have to shoot them. They might have a chance. Luna, what’s our count?â€
“One minute.â€
“Steady as she goes, hold to the plan.â€
“You reckon the Nibo boys will survive?†Lockout asked.
“I’d be more worried about the suits,†Remedy replied.
“Would you two shut up!†Markus barked.
“’Ere, what’s got your knickers in a twist?â€
“Thirty seconds.â€
“Could I please watch the fireworks in peace?â€
“Sure boss.â€
“Twenty second,†Luna intoned.
“Ten seconds… five, four, three, two and…â€
Clouds of dust filled the canyon, and small bursts of rock ricocheted of the far wall and down toward the unprotected people on the canyon floor. The dust obscured all vision in that direction, which would have been a blessing except that it also obscured from sight the two ‘Mechs that were guarding the mine entrance.
At first nothing further happened. The wall remained in place, the explosives seemingly ineffective. As the dust started to clear, something else started happening. Puffs of smoke and dust started appearing on the top surface of the castle.
“Right on time with the mortars. Congratulations you two. Shame about the wall, I really thought at least some of it would come down,†Markus stated dejectedly.
“Don’t speak too soon there Markus, check it out,†Luna told him.
The dust was starting to clear in the canyon, and Markus feared what would happen when the ‘Mechjocks could see again. Something was amiss though, and he looked back to the wall to see what Luna had been talking about. He spotted it almost immediately, more dust and a trickle of rocks, that was accelerating with every mortar hit.
“Think it will come down before the mortars finish?†Lockout asked?
The questions were answered by the wall itself before Markus had a chance to speak. A great slab of the centre section of the wall seemed to crumble slightly, and then the whole thing slid straight down as the supporting rock beneath gave way, leaving a gaping hole some thirty or forty metres long. The hundreds, maybe thousands, of tonnes of rock tumbled into the canyon below.
“Weren’t that near on straight over the mine entrance?â€
“Yes, Remedy, and that should be the last of the mortars, now for the…â€
Luna was cut off as further explosions occurred, these ones from inside many of the numerous turrets and gun emplacements around the castle. There was no way to know if they were manned or not, it had been pure guesswork figuring out which ones to trap and which ones not to with their limited supply of explosives and time. They would soon find out if they were right, that is for sure.
“Ok folks, get ready to move out as soon as Headhunter does her stuff.â€
Right on time, the Spector piloted by the newest member of the Black Stars made an appearance. Markus smiled slightly inside his suit, it was time to get dirty.
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Entrance Mouth to Valley of Devil's Embrace
Near Main Pirate Base
7th Sept 3080
0630 Hours, Local Time
Like clockwork, the sounds of the explosives planted by the Jack O' Lanterns echoed across the barren landscape even though the Black Wolves and the Sharp Shooters were nearly seven hundred kilometers away from the castle. Even though the sounds were muted and dull due to the distance, as well as the deflection off the many rock cropping, Zi Long could easily imagine the effects on the castle walls. Hao kan bu hao chi. Zi Long grinned. Despite the very impressive, though still silly looking facade, Lantern and his people had reported what aerial recon had confirmed. They would come down against a hard sneeze.
Zi Long shifted in the seat beside Brandon as data streamed in through the massive multi ton Master Command, Control and Communications system. Easily among the Inner Sphere’s most potent recent inventions, it was also one of the most original, considering that it emerged not as the result of a Star League tech recovery, but as a new application of technologies. As much a revolution in battlefield technology as one of combat philosophy for its creators in the Draconis Combine, the system was essentially an elaborate tight-beam communications suite, designed to link the sensors and targeting systems of up to a full lance of friendly units in a single, closed network. The C3 system enabled those within its network to draw targeting data from one another and coordinate fire with amazing ease. As long as effective weapon ranges and lines of fire permit, a member of a C3 network can essentially strike at a target with the same accuracy as the nearest friendly network member. Moreover, units that mount a C3 master computer can use the computer’s coordination as an improvised TAG system.
The system, of course, has its limits. Only units in the same network, generally a single lance, though creative deployment of multiple master computers per unit may allow for networks as large as a company, may share targeting data in this fashion. Friendly units with systems outside the network cannot simply “tap in†at will. Further, the network signals and data streams are susceptible to jamming by enemy electronic counter measures. This particular problem has been heightened with the recent increasing deployment of such systems from small support vehicles, BattleMechs and even Battle Armour and infantry troopers.
Still, despite having the latest generation of C3 equipped Pegasus and Manteuffel tanks within his own sub-unit being equipped with C3 slave units, the C3 Master further allowed Zi Long to better coordinate the entire Black Stars operations short of deploying an even more sophisticated mobile HQ unit. That job now fell to James Lockheart in the command centre onboard the Event Horizon.
Zi Long tapped his own communicator as Brandon linked him to the four Pegasus crew deployed further within the Valley as forward observation posts.
"Anything there?"
It took a while before the reply came back. "Nothing yet." Despite Tim Larson whispering his reply, his voice sounded shockingly large over the heavy shroud of silence that had seemed to settle over the Black Stars ambush point.
Zi Long nodded. If the pirates do indeed react mere seconds after the first explosives went off, they would be much more of a worthy foe than the Stars gave them credit for. "Noted. Keep us posted."
"Roger." Tim's replied cackled through his earpiece.
Now, Zi Long could only wait as the second strike force consisting of the group forces consisting of BattleMechs and Battle Armour of the Trouble Inc., as well as the pair of 'Mechs under Aina's Fallen Falcons hit the air base.
Despite already landed hours before and embarking on a tiring long trek towards the air base, there had been no hiccups or unexpected encounters with any enemy forces. Barring a shockingly large garrison force that they had failed to anticipate, Zi Long did not expect any trouble at that quarter as well. The Chinese man tapped Brandon on his shoulder and threw a thumb backwards. The older man nodded in understanding as Zi Long fitted the helmet of his environmental suit in place. Frederick was already waiting at the turret as Zi Long approached. Nodding wordlessly, the Morningstar gunner twisted the turret hatch open and pushed the latch wide, which Zi Long quickly scrambled through. Even as he cleared the opening, Frederick slammed the cover shut again. The Taurian native stood on the top of the vehicle for a while, eyes scanning the distance where the castle, than air base, and finally the largest pirate base were.
Nothing. No signs of movement betrayed whatever activities might be unfolding at the three locations. All that will change soon enough. He muttered to himself and he leap lightly from the Morningstar to the orange ground and strode towards the Sanitarium.
September 7th, 3080
0630 hours, Local time
Less than two kilometers from Pirate Spaceport.
Near Pirate Spaceport
Old SLDF Mining Colony: DD-456-M-2
Deep Periphery
Aina watched the chronometer slowly ticked to show exactly 0630 hours inside the cockpit of her TLN-5W Talon.
The moment it did so, she pushed her 35-ton Mech straight to maximum speed, and raced from behind the small hill she used as cover just moments ago right into the open, where the sensors of her Mech immediately painted the spaceport, its buildings, the two DropShips still parked there, as well as the three Mechs visibly patrolling around them. The third Mech was one they haven’t identified earlier, but her computer immediately tagged it as a 70-ton Warhammer, an identification that she could have done herself anyway for there was no mistaking its silhouette. WHM-6K was the tag given by the computer, which was good, designating a variant dating all the way back to the succession wars.
Further away from them the computer tagged an equally ancient ARC-2R Archer. The Mech seemed to have just noticed them at that moment, and started turning ponderously their way, which is precisely what Aina wished for, since her smaller force were to act as a distraction for the Trouble Inc.’s much more substantial Mech and battle-armour forces. In the sensor shadow of the large Mule-class DropShip was the third defending Mech, which she recalled was a Rifleman from the aerial photograph, although the computer could not tag it properly with it still being hidden by the DropShip.
“Falcon lead to all Falcons. Begin the operation.†She commanded through her unit’s communication channel.
As if to punctuate her own command, she swiftly drew a bead on the nearest Mech, the Warhammer. The enemy machine is twice as heavy as her own Mech, with twice the firepower and also nearly double the armour, but unless it had been modified, it carried only old-tech Particle cannons, which could not reach out to the same sort of distances her own Extended-Range PPC can go at. Years of intensive training dating back from her childhood days took over, and her hands were sure at the controls of the mech. She drew a solid bead on her target, and pulled the trigger on the right-hand control stick, discharging an azure stream of accelerated ionized particles at her target at many many times the speed of sound.
Despite the distance involved – she was nearly at the Extended-Range PPC’s maximum range of 690 meters – and the speed her Mech was moving at – similarly, pushing its top speed of well over one-hundred and twenty kilometres an hour – Aina managed to land a solid hit with her first shot. The Warhammer she targeted had taken the shot just as it started to turn her way, and took the hit high on its left shoulder – she would have struck it full on at the head assembly had it not turned – where the stream of accelerated particles completely smashed through the searchlight assembly on that shoulder, but failing to do any serious damage otherwise.
Behind Aina, her only Mech-piloting teammate so far, Hazel “Longshot†Burns, the fresh recruit she picked up right off Nibo, pushed her borrowed Mongoose II over a hundred meters closer to the enemy Mech to account for the shorter range of her ‘Mech’s only armament, a single Extended-Range Large Laser. The slightly heavier Mech was more poorly armed than Aina’s Talon, although its MASC allowed Hazel to push it to even higher speeds, as she did just now. Her laser shot missed the Warhammer by a meter or so, not something that Aina was pleased at, but considering the girl’s inexperience, not unexpected either. Either way, she’d do well enough in their diversionary role today.
Several kilometres above the battlefield, Erica “Schwarzeufel†Hartmann and her wing mate Theresa heard Aina’s command, both girls inside their respective aerospace fighters, each also loaded with enough external rocket pods that would be of great effect for the ground attack mission they are planned to execute, having found no enemy aerospace fighters to contend with. Erica smiled inside her cockpit, the command to initiate the operation was one she had been waiting for since they took off.
“Zeit furs Geschaft, Sasha. Auf die Platze, Fertig, und los geht’s!“
Both girls twisted their control sticks to the right, half-rolling their crafts and bringing them from a stable, gliding flight right into a very steep dive straight for the enemy base. They had their assignment, namely to use the surprise moment of their first strike to try down as many of the gunner emplacements seen from the aerial recon as possible, as well as take out any target of opportunities, should time permit, since by the time they return for a second run the enemy Mechs – most probably that Rifleman would be alert and waiting.
Erica can feel the multiple G forces pushing her back against her seat, but the slim, wiry girl is a lot tougher than she looks, and enduring forces like these are part of her daily vocation. She basically ignored the feeling of having six people her own weight sitting on top of her, and guided her S-7 Sai aerospace fighter in its gravity-aided dive right towards the pirate base. Theresa followed closely behind her in her SL-25 Samurai, both seemingly heading for a one-way trip straight to the ground to an unaccustomed observer.
Of course, that appearance was completely deceiving, for less than half a kilometre above the spaceport, both of them pulled sharply out of the dive, enduring more gravitational forces acting on them and stressing their craft’s structural endurance nearly to the limit, yet both of them were experienced with the tactics, and did not overstress their crafts, quickly switching from a near-vertical dive to an angled strafing run of the area. Multiple laser beam shots as well as over two-hundred rockets and missiles rained down on the unsuspecting pirates running towards the gun emplacements – and one missile barrage of Erica’s actually demolished one of the buildings that evidently served as a barrack of sorts for the pirates, not doing enough damage to kill all the inhabitants, but more than enough to send a bunch of scantily-clad pirates running around gasping for breathable air in the planet’s poisonous atmosphere.
Not everything ran as planned during the attack run, however, for as Erica passed rather close to the Mule-class DropShip, she also came in sight of the Rifleman. Just one quick glance from the closer range told her the bad news. Unlike its succession-war era compatriots, the Mech was of an evidently much newer make, as noted from the different armour layout and unusual radar array instead of the more trusted sight of the old model. Her on-board computer confirmed for her what her eyes already suggested, as it tagged the enemy Mech as a RFL-6X model, one of the newer variants of the old machine, and a much more potent anti-aircraft Mech and any of its older variants.
Killian “Killer†Gilder made a note to shoot whoever was on radar watch this morning.
Not only did there were two Mechs somehow sneaking their way to the vicinity of the spaceport that housed their only two DropShips undetected, but the fool did not even notice a pair of fighters coming down on them. Granted, he had to admit that the fighter pilots had guts. He had spotted them coming, but too late to take action, them having taken a nearly vertical route which did not give him much reaction time if any, and the DropShip preventing him from even establishing line of sight to the bogeys even as they strafed the hell out of the makeshift defensive gun emplacements they put around the port.
“Killer†Gilder was boss of the pirates left at the spaceport not because of any superior experience or ability, but mostly due to the fact that he pilots one of the very few new-model Mechs in the pirates’ arsenal. His RFL-6X Rifleman was a far cry when compared to the older machines that dominate the pirates’ roster, and with its pair of Large-Bore Extended Autocannons it also made a superior anti-air Mech, especially since “Killer†happened to prefer a load of buckshot-like cluster ammunition.
Because of all those factors, he couldn’t help but to turn his frown into a sadistic grin when one of the attacking fighters – a Draconis Combine made S-7 Sai flew right into his sight. He just took a rough bead on the fighter – there was little time for much more than that considering how fast that fighter moves – and let loose with a double blast of cluster shots. He felt confident that the shots would quite likely down that fighter right then and there.
To his surprise – and dismay – the enemy pilot seems to have expected him to do just what he did, and put the craft into a quick barrel roll to the side that cast it out of the way of most of the pellet-like grenades fired from the Rifleman’s autocannons, although a couple still managed to make contact and blew off some armour from the fighter’s right wing. Despite the proximity to the ground – the Sai was flying less than a hundred meters above ground thanks to the evasive roll it did – the enemy pilot managed to keep control over the craft, and kept it steady despite the multiple hits to its wing. He hastily fired off another double-salvo from his autocannons, but by then the Sai had flown out of his weapons’ reach, and none of the shots hit.
“Verdammte Miststuck!†Cursed Erica as she flew her craft away from the enemy Rifleman. A glance at the status diagram of her fighter showed only minor damages to the armor plating, which was fortunate, since LB-X autocannons were about a fighter pilot’s worst nightmare, often disabling their planes more through sheer chance of one of the many pellets hitting a control surface or other critical equipment than anything. The presence of that kind of Mech certainly changed her estimate on how soon she could finish off the enemy Mech in question.
“Beta lead to Falcon lead. We got a RFL-6X, repeat, six X-ray, on our hands. Will take a bit longer to finish things off. Over and out.†She reported over to Aina.
The usually empty-headed, uncaring and careless girl seemingly transformed once strapped inside the cockpit of her fighter, and with a couple quick commands, she ordered Theresa to go for an attack run at the annoying anti-air Mech their opponent have, from two sides. Erica doesn’t know exactly how good the enemy Mech pilot is, but however good they are, they cannot shoot to the front and to the back at the same time, which was the dilemma she planned to present to the enemy pilot.
She acted on her own command, and still pushing her plane to top speed, pulled a flawless Immelmann turn – a half roll and a half loop – that brought her somewhat higher off the ground and flying at high speed back at the direction of the enemy Rifleman. Her sensor showed that her partner, Theresa, just pulled an identical manoeuvre off on the other side of the enemy Mech, and they both raced straight towards the enemy Mech, all weapons primed and ready to fire, keeping their target inside a pincer manoeuvre where he would not be able to shoot at one of them without revealing his back to the other.
The enemy pilot chose Erica’s lighter Sai as his target – a decision she would have approved, as her fighter not only has lighter armour, but also more devastating weaponry compared to Theresa’s Samurai – and fired several salvos of cluster rounds at her, this time alternating his shots to keep up a weaker, if steadier barrage as she threw her craft into all sorts of evasive manoeuvres. Cluster rounds were notoriously difficult to avoid though, and by the time she found herself finally getting into her own weapons’ range, her craft had taken at least five more hits, although none of them managing to do anything more serious than throw a shake into her flight – something she can handle well enough.
Just about then Theresa – who did not have to slow her own flight by performing evasive manoeuvres – opened up with her entire forward array of armaments on the Rifleman’s back, scouring its virgin armour plating with multiple daggers of light from its medium and small lasers. This Rifleman is a good bit better armoured than the old models – which were notorious for having toilet paper for rear armour – though, and Theresa’s barrage failed to punch through the armour plating. She did manage to distract the enemy pilot a good bit however, and that was all the chance Erica needed.
Forty medium-range missiles slammed head-on into the Rifleman just moments after a pair of emerald beams melted gobs of armour from the Mech’s torso. Nearly a dozen missiles missed the Mech, but some of those managed to slam into the DropShip not too far behind it, while the rest blew armour in shard off the entire front side of the machine. The pilot failed to keep his balance after such a bombardment, and the machine crashed down on its back, further denting the armor plating left there.
Meanwhile, Erica herself had to pull a quick climb in order to avoid slamming right against the DropShip. Her aerospace fighter pulled into a nearly vertical climb with less than ten meters space between its fuselage and the hull of the DropShip, since she had to cut it rather close in order to get a good shooting angle on the mech. The DropShip itself was not high on her list of worries though, for it appeared that not only its radar officer was lack on his duty station, but most of the turrets were unmanned as well.
From her location on the other side of the base, Aina did not get to see much other than the initial attack run of the two aerospace fighters, the massive DropShip shielding the combat taking place behind it from her sight. Not that she would have time to watch anyway, for at the moment, the pirate Warhammer was taking up her concentration. She moved her Talon a quick step to the side, just at the right time to evade a double blast from the enemy machine’s particle cannons, and she returned the favour by slamming another particle bolt right at the heavy pirate Mech, this time cutting a deep groove along the outer side of the heavy Mech’s left-hand PPC barrel.
Meanwhile, Hazel seemed to have taken an extra moment – Aina knew that her weapon must have loaded at least a couple second ago – before she finally shot at the same Mech for a second time. This time she hit, adding to the enemy pilot’s misery by melting armour right over the heavy Mech’s centreline. In doing so, she inadvertently brought her own Mech into the range of the approaching Archer however, which made its presence noticed at once by unleashing a salvo of twenty long-range missiles right at Hazel.
Hazel abruptly braked her Mech – a rather difficult feat when you are moving at speeds in excess of one-hundred and seventy kilometres and hour – and just as quickly ran it backwards at roughly half her forward speed, which allowed her to move herself completely out of the way of the missile salvo. For her first battle, Aina decided that the girl did well enough. She kept her calm, and did not panic or did other foolish things, but the battle was still young, so she might have assessed that prematurely.
The WHM-6K Warhammer was coming closer. That was good. Aina wanted it and its friends to keep their attention headed their way, which would result in a nastier attack when Trouble Inc’s larger force made their presence known. She and Hazel fired their next shots nearly simultaneously, and while neither hit their target, the two shots both passed less than a meter from the Warhammer’s cockpit canopy, which seemed to have given the pilot some food for thought, for he slowed his march forward somewhat after the near-death experience.
“Longshot, keep at it. We do not want them looking any other way for the time being.â€