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Tactical Discussion: Mines
« on: March 07, 2011, 05:52:42 PM »

My latest posting discusses one of my favorite equipment pieces in any strategy game...mines.  Even in Modern Warfare: Black Ops, I nearly always use the claymore mine.  I love mines.  In BattleTech, I love them even more.  Take a read through the article here, http://ourbattletech.com/2011/03/tactical-discussion-mines/, and post your thoughts!
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 08:25:27 AM »

Seems like Mines are getting quite the response, with most replies falling into one of two categories.

1. Love mines they're great
2. Mines are broken or used by Noobs

I mean, how broken can mines really be? Sure, if you've lost a game to minefields you're going to be a bit bitter about it if you've never used mines yourself, or aren't exactly sure how to use them appropriately, but broken? Really!?

Sound tactics are sound tactics and a "W" is a "W." Who cares (except maybe the loser) how you achieve it? Personally, the more I read about the uses of mines in BT, the more and more I'm coming to seriously enjoy the possibility of use. Especially if mines are going to illicit whining.

Whining is indicative of personal frustration. Rather than complain, why not up your personal ante and become a better BT player who is capable of defeating the object of your ire?

So I guess the question becomes are Mines really broken? Is there a valid complaint with the ruleset and equipment?   
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2011, 09:44:37 AM »

The only legitimate complaint about mines was that minefield damage didn''t degrade, but that was fixed by TacOps, where each time a minefield detonates there's a chance it shrinks.  Toss-in mineclearing ammo for missile launchers and it's really just the whining of the unprepared.


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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2011, 10:08:12 AM »

Sun Tzu say's know your enemy.  If the guy you play at the Local Gaming Store rocks Capellans and is heavy into the mines, just come prepared.  As MadCap said, mine clearing ammo and jumpers is an easier counter.  Also, a little artillery or strafing runs on clustered up enemies is always a good time. 

Edit - Oh yeah, hovercraft make excellent attack vehicles when your enemy is using mines, just skip right over them. 
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 10:18:14 AM by klinktastic »
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2011, 10:57:19 AM »

That's what I figured.

Thank you gentlemen.
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 11:51:54 AM »

@KM - I have to agree with you.  Whenever I get beat by a particular tactic, I make sure that I never get beat by it again.  I'll accept defeat once...but after that, I'm going to start formulating game plans to reduce the effectiveness of said plan...not matter what that plan is.  It really boils down to the psychological effective of different things: mines, infantry, hovers, whatever...if you start getting nervous or scared, then you're going to make mistakes.  Table top strategy games boil down to elaborate games of rock, paper, sissors.  You most likely emphasized one in your army composition, but you should have a little of the other two.  Just think about how you can mitigate your weaknesses and let your strength shine.
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2011, 01:06:33 PM »

Klink, I couldn't agree with you more.

I personally believe there is no such thing as "cheese" equipment and tactics. If it works, it works. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about custom designs or equipment.

But if you're seriously worried about mines (and after MadCap's posts and some reading) make counter equipment, like off board artillery available to opposition players prior to game play. Like you said, you need to bring Rocks, Paper and Scissors to a game. If you think a player might bring mines to play, bring something that'll make camping behind a wall of mines uncomfortable  - artillery, fast moving hovers, aerospace fighters, etc.

Just play it smart I say.   
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2011, 01:41:16 PM »

Yeah, I think 50% of the battle is bringing the right stuff to the battle.  A lot of people tend to focusing in on one particular specialty, leaving them vulnerable to other tactics.  I'm sure a lot of people see the long-ranged gun line (Lyran) approach in games.  While its a good tactics, its not very good when that person is forced to play an objective game requiring them to move or close in for the kill.  Additionally, a force that is well balanced, containing long ranged, cavalry, and brawler elements can use the terrain to cover their advance and change the dynamics of the engagement to that of a close ranged brawl. 

If you're always playing on a open map against a long range sniper, well that guy is really just playing yatzee.  If he rolls well, then you're dead.  If he rolls poorly, well then you'll mop him up.  Likely, the player running the exclusively long ranged forced has little to no concept of strategy or tactics.  Since he knows that he cannot take a balanced force and win because it requires skill.  He'll remove skill and replace with dice.  That way, if he wins, he can note his superior forces and the fact that he designed a good force with synergy between unit selection.  If he loses, he can blame the dice, thus protecting his ego from the loss.  Ultimately, that player is going to never grow or evolve in tactics and strategy because he's constantly using the same tired techniques. 

The challenge is, to work with that player to step outside their comfort zone, maybe run some pre-gen forces and teach them the intricacies of the game and the various types of units.  So really, the reliance of T-Aug and snipers is just a sign of someone who needs help expanding their horizons.  Instead of complaining about it, you should approach those players and help them evolve.  Show them that winning without using "cheezy" tactics is much more statisfying as well.  You'll most likely end up making this gamer a long time gamer as people will enjoy playing with them.  Nothing worse than seeing the guy known for "cheezy" who comes to the gaming store and can't get games.  Catalyst loses that customer and it hurts the game overall.
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2011, 01:58:53 PM »

What you just said is also indicative of a good Game Rep or Game Store owner, let alone an active fan of the game system. When I used to work with Independent Retailers one of my most often used cliches was "help foster your gaming groups." Did that mean learning or having a better understanding of the game systems the store sold? Absolutely. Lets face it, you don't open a game store to get rich. You open a game store to get up for work at noon and play games for a living. Understanding the product your selling and being involved with growing, developing and maintaining your in-store gamers and gaming community is key to keeping that lifestyle. I've seen too many independent retailers go the way of the Dodo because they couldn't or wouldn't foster their local gaming scene.

If I were a local Game Store owner I'd be trolling for a guy or guys like you who understand this particular point and bend over backwards to ensure you were an active part of the store. To a Game Store you're worth your weight in product since you'll actively recruit the next generation of players. New players and involved players = purchases, which equals more money.

Purchases maintain the solvency of the gaming system, the store that sells the system locally and a place for congregating to play. It's a life cycle that sadly, many owners and players forget or never learn. 
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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2011, 02:35:20 PM »

The only legitimate complaint about mines was that minefield damage didn''t degrade, but that was fixed by TacOps, where each time a minefield detonates there's a chance it shrinks.  Toss-in mineclearing ammo for missile launchers and it's really just the whining of the unprepared.
What's the chance for shrinking through detonation, and how much does it shrink?


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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2011, 04:37:32 PM »

The only legitimate complaint about mines was that minefield damage didn''t degrade, but that was fixed by TacOps, where each time a minefield detonates there's a chance it shrinks.  Toss-in mineclearing ammo for missile launchers and it's really just the whining of the unprepared.
What's the chance for shrinking through detonation, and how much does it shrink?

Everytime a minefield of a strength of 11 or higher detonates, it is reduced in size to a 10 point minefield on an 8+.  a 6-10 point minefield which detonates is reduced to a 5 point minefield on a 9+.  To reduce a minefield below 5 points, it must be cleared.


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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2011, 10:21:01 PM »

Felt this warranted discussion here, since the entry itself doesn't seem to be friendly to more banter:

Quote from: Ceorl
Having seen, and participated in games, where opponents take a map corner and surrond themselves with Aug minefields, I regard that ammo with only a raised eyebrow.

Two launchers are sufficent to saturate an area, forcing the majority of units to either take inordinate damage, reduce movement, or +4 sniping.

Sure skill beats noob, but Thunder Aug restricts unit choice and encourages game delaying tactics like fire starting or edge camping

Using two launchers firing T-Aug, to cover a corner of a map, defined as an area 9 hexes by 9 hexes, would require 9 salvos or five turns.  The resulting area would still only inflict an average of 6 damage per turn to a jumping 'Mech, assuming LRM-20s were used, and the area could be passed over in two to three turns assuming 5/8/5 movement, resulting in an average of 12 damage being taken by a 'Mech passing through it by jumping.  Comparing that to the amount of damage that could have been dealt if the launchers had just been fired directly at the target, it's obvious that the twelve damage is much easier to handle than the full five turns of missiles.

I hardly consider 12 damage to be  "inordinate", leaping wherever I please as suffering extremely "reduced movement", or closing to point-blank range "+4 sniping."  If you stay outside the minefield, you're simply playing into the mine player's trap!

Mines are a psychological weapon - fear of the unknown.  People who allow that fear to control their actions are those who will lose to the minefield.  Simple analysis reveals that mines cannot be laid outside the range of a LRM rack, the distance covered by a LRM rack's range can easily be crossed in a few turns, and the amount of damage one can take a turn leaping across a minefield is significantly lower than one will take from being shot at by the same launchers directly. 
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 10:23:37 PM by MadCapellan »


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Re: Tactical Discussion: Mines
« Reply #12 on: March 11, 2011, 09:44:12 AM »

Also, those 12 point mine fields are only going off on a 8+, which isn't all that scary.  As my article and MapCap says, mines, even T-Aug are the most effective as a psychological weapon.  They are useful in the right situations, but one can easily fall into a pattern of overreliance on them.  I find them particularly effective on LRM boats that have ample ammo.  Gives you something to do for a few turns until the enemy gets into proper range.  They are easily countered, which is why overreliance is a bad thing.  But in small numbers, it can throw your opponent off his game early one, which can impact the end results.
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