Yeah, I think 50% of the battle is bringing the right stuff to the battle. A lot of people tend to focusing in on one particular specialty, leaving them vulnerable to other tactics. I'm sure a lot of people see the long-ranged gun line (Lyran) approach in games. While its a good tactics, its not very good when that person is forced to play an objective game requiring them to move or close in for the kill. Additionally, a force that is well balanced, containing long ranged, cavalry, and brawler elements can use the terrain to cover their advance and change the dynamics of the engagement to that of a close ranged brawl.
If you're always playing on a open map against a long range sniper, well that guy is really just playing yatzee. If he rolls well, then you're dead. If he rolls poorly, well then you'll mop him up. Likely, the player running the exclusively long ranged forced has little to no concept of strategy or tactics. Since he knows that he cannot take a balanced force and win because it requires skill. He'll remove skill and replace with dice. That way, if he wins, he can note his superior forces and the fact that he designed a good force with synergy between unit selection. If he loses, he can blame the dice, thus protecting his ego from the loss. Ultimately, that player is going to never grow or evolve in tactics and strategy because he's constantly using the same tired techniques.
The challenge is, to work with that player to step outside their comfort zone, maybe run some pre-gen forces and teach them the intricacies of the game and the various types of units. So really, the reliance of T-Aug and snipers is just a sign of someone who needs help expanding their horizons. Instead of complaining about it, you should approach those players and help them evolve. Show them that winning without using "cheezy" tactics is much more statisfying as well. You'll most likely end up making this gamer a long time gamer as people will enjoy playing with them. Nothing worse than seeing the guy known for "cheezy" who comes to the gaming store and can't get games. Catalyst loses that customer and it hurts the game overall.