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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2017, 03:17:06 AM »

2785 - Running Up for War
Terran Hegemony
The Terran Hegemony had four primary focuses during 2785, the first being the election of a new Hegemony Government and Director-General to serve for the next 10 years.  The other three areas of effort boiled down to brigades, battle groups and big ships.

The election of the new Hegemony Congress went smoothly, albeit with 11 representatives from each world being selected to provide a larger body.  However, the complicated election of the new Director-General, saw thirty-seven candidates enter the field in June of 2785.  By late October, the field had narrowed to three candidates, each with realistic chances of election on November 12.  Marianna Althaus, Elton Riese, and Clare Sagucio were the three candidates who, more than the three dozen others, grabbed the attention of the citizens of the Hegemony.  Surprisingly, all three were from Terra, though their politics differed markedly. 

Clare Sagucio, from San Ignacio in Baja California, represented the expansionist faction of politics, which wished to take action in the short term to re-establish the Hegemony.  Sagucio was noted for her fiery tone and calls for General Hayes to do more than sit on her hands and let the outer Hegemony fall under “the oppressive yoke of the deceitful House Lords.”.

Elton Reise was raised on the Caribbean island of Curacao, and represented a more moderate expansionist party, one that recognised the reality of the times, but which desired firm plans for the full reintegration of the Hegemony, with a set time table over the medium to long term.  Reise’s views, like those of Sagucio’s, caused concern within the governments of the Inner Sphere, who had just signed a treaty with the Hegemony, recieving title to the very worlds both candidates desired to claim back.

Finally, Marianna Althaus, who called no one place on Terra home, having grown up in an SLDF family, represented those who saw the status quo as something to be worked with and not railed against, let rash action imperil what little remained of the Hegemony. 

In the end, the division of the expansionist vote saw Marianna Althaus elected as the 19th Director-General of the Terran Hegemony, with 52% of the vote.  The other two candidates split the remaining vote between them.  Although the moderates had prevailed for now, there was a sizable portion of the Hegemony desiring a more aggressive stance taken in interstellar politics.  Director-General Althus’s first move, was to confirm Lauren Hayes as Commanding General and them leave her to the work of defending the Hegemony, as Althus began the enormous task of rebuilding war damaged worlds.

The surge in focus with a new government in place and a functioning bureaucracy, saw production in all industries begin to increase across the Hegemony.  The massive military facilities on Terra began to expand their production as damaged capacity came back on line, with production of BattleMechs increasing by more than 30%, with close to 1,000 marching off the assembly lines in 2785.  The JumpShip yards of the system also expanded production, as twenty-five new WarShips began assembly.

The new WarShips under production represented a shift away from SLDF hulls to ships more akin, though generally more powerful than the WarShips of the House navies.  Though the new vessels would not start entering service until 2786, and the first Terra-class Battleships would not be ready until the end of 2787, the Hegemony was confident that the fleet could prevail until then.

Unfortunately, the plan to integrate the volunteer Hegemony formations into the front line proceeded more slowly than planned, with six regiments, not the planned twelve, added to the rolls of the HAF by the end of the year.  These units were largely posted to the border with the Draconis Combine, as the HIB was already developing intelligence that indicated the DCMS may move towards the Hegemony.

Capellan Confederation
The Capellan Confederation planned to get the jump on everybody, using surprise to maximise its opportunities and strike at the Federated Suns in early 2786.  To that end, the Chancellor focused on moving units into position during the end of 2785, and raised six new regiments across the Chesterton Cavalry and Tikonov Lancers to support the campaign.  The first of the Capellans next generation WarShips were also dispatched to Tikonov.

WarShip production was stepped up at the Cappella yards, as industrial centres across the Confederation rapidly expanded production, with Tikonov and Necromo particularly notable in the numbers of new BattleMechs and fighters they produced.  This final surge before the war was largely ignored by the Capellans neighbours, especially the Federated Suns, who did not expect immediate aggressive action from the defensively minded Confederation.

The plan for Operation BLAZING DRAGON, would see forces in the Tikonov and Chesterton Commonalities, twenty-eight regiments strong, reinforced by a further thirteen from the Sarna and Capellan Commonalities, strike directly for Chesterton and the surrounding words, as well as seeking to cut off and reduce the Federated suns Terran Corridor.  Twenty Warships from two of the three Tikonov Squadrons, supported by nine more from the Sarna squadron would cover the invasion.

Wave 1 would seek to take Chesterton and eliminate the Demeter salient, whilst at the same time the drive across the Terran Corridor would be launched from around Tigress towards Ronel.  Wave 2 would seize a series of worlds to act as a shield for Chesterton, whilst the drive to cut off the Addicks Combat Region from the rest of the Draconis March was completed.  Wave 3 would secure a series of worlds to mask Tikonov from direct assault, whilst Waves 4 and 5 would see the reduction of the Addicks pocket.  All together, the CCAF planned to assault a total of twenty-four worlds.  One quarter of the CCAF’s BattleMech regiments and a fifth of the fleet would be tasked to the operation, representing most of the offensive capability of the Confederation.

Draconis Combine
Minoru Kurita was a patient man.  The Coordinator of the Draconis Combine knew that his enemies may rush to establish themselves quickly, and though he saw the benefit in such actions, he instead decided to be prudent, allowing events to begin developing, whilst guard his strength, and striking once the other realms were involved on other fronts.

In the meantime, the Combine built its strength.  Chatham expanded its WarShip construction capacity, whilst select facilities expanded their production of BattleMechs and other war materials. Eight additional regiments were added to the roles of the Galedon Regulars, to offset the diversion of troops into the Dieron District to support the planned offensive against Terra.

To that end, Operations ODA, TOYOTOMI, and TOKUGAWA were planned for 2788, allowing the DCMS to reinforce its strength and properly apply its military might to the problem of its enemy’s continued existences.  Operations ODA and TOYOTOMI (December 2788) were the twin arms of a strike aimed at Robinson, the Federated Suns Draconis March capital, commanded from Benjamin and Galedon respectively.  Operation TOKUGAWA (May 2788) was the invasion, to be led by Jinjiro Kurita, of the Terran Hegemony.

Operation ODA was the arm of the assault into the Federated Suns to come from the Benjamin Military District.  The first wave aimed to punch a hole through the AFFS front lines and drive rapidly into the Clovis Combat region.  At the same time, Operation TOYOTOMI would strike from the Galedon District deep into the Fairfax Combat Region.  The second wave of each assault would seize staging worlds for the assault on Robinson, worlds that would also assist in ensuring the cutting off of the Galtor Salient.  Wave 3 would assault Robinson and complete the envelopment of the Thumb, with Wave 4 concerned with the reduction of the worlds around Galtor.

Operation TOKUGAWA, launching slightly earlier, would seek to capture Dieron and four other Terran Hegemony worlds and then await the counter strike, one which Jinjiro was sure would come from Terra itself.  With the counter strike seen off, the DCMS would secure additional worlds close to Terra in Wave 2, before assaulting the birthplace of humanity in Wave 3.

These three audacious assaults were planned to go off under a complete communications blackout across the HPG network, with the DCMS planning to requisition over 6,300 JumpShips for courier duties, forty percent of the Combine’s merchant service.

Federated Suns
The Federated Suns prepared for war by building a new brigade from scratch, one which would be the point of both its planned invasions, as well as focusing on strengthening naval and aerospace production to support the ground forces.

WarShip production a Delevan doubled, whilst two huge Aerospace fighter production facilities at Galax and Delevan, both capable of producing over 250 fighters per year, began production.  Whilst these industrial projects were ramping up, the First Prince announced the formation of a handpicked brigade of troops, who would act as pathfinders for future AFFS operations.  The Federated Suns Armoured Cavalry came together quickly across the course of 2785, with seven regiments stationed to key posts by the end of the year.

All these efforts were in aid of Prince John Davion’s two grand campaigns, both of which, on close examination, appeared to be based more on high hopes than solid planning, unlike Minoru’s Kurita’s more developed and achievable goals.  Operation STARSLAYER, the invasion of the Benjamin Military District of the Draconis Combine, and Operation GALLANT, the invasion of the core of the Capellan Confederation, were audacious when considered on their own, let alone as a combined operation.

Operation STAR SLAYER (November 2787) was considered by those not devoted to the plan as a simplistic attempt at a singular drive into the Draconis Combine, based on the strategies utilised by the SLDF in its drive on Terra.  However, unlike the SLDF, the AFFS faced a foe that would trade space for time, and would launch spoiling assaults or its own counter-invasions.  Additionally, the depth of the penetration threatened the entire operation with being cut off deep in enemy territory, if large numbers of troops could not be found to hold the long lines of advance, troops that may also be needed for later assaults.  John Davion brushed off most of these concerns, believing that the “New Model” of warfare he saw as coming would nullify existing strategic doctrine.  The initial wave of STAR SLAYER aimed to cripple both the Proserpina and Irurzun Prefectures, before Waves 2, 3 and 4 made an orthodox advance towards Benjamin.  Questions were asked regarding the potential of linking up with Lyran forces, or at least driving to the Lyran border to create havoc in the Dieron Military District, however the Prince brushed these suggestions off as unnecessary.

If STAR SLAYER was audacious through overuse of optimism, then Operation GALLANT (May 2787) was pie in the sky.  Using a similar stratagem, though hitting more critical targets early in the invasion, Operation GALLANT would elicit a savage response from the Confederation.  Although GALLANT aimed to take St. Ives quickly, thereby shocking the Confederation, the operation then followed the lead of STAR SLAYER, by undertaking a staggered advance that in no way hid the end goal of the operation.

Free Worlds League
Kenyon Marik, still unbalanced from his experience on Terra, began his planning for the operations against the Capellan Confederation and Lyran Commonwealth in a manner that did not generate great respect from his subordinates.   Industrial output increased, though not to the extent it could have, and although five new regiments and two WarShips were raised and sent to the Andurien front, little else was accomplished during 2785.

Operation INDIGO (August 2787), the invasion of the Capellan Confederation did not lack for the Captain-General’s failings, as the combined will of the Allison and Humphrey’s clans drove the LCCC planning for the massive undertaking.  With INDIGO planned for August 2787, neither felt the need to rush, despite pressure from those close to The Marik, and a carefully orchestrated plan for the gutting of the Capellan Confederation was put onto paper.

INDIGO used the deception of the lure of Andurien, as the central tenant in pulling the CCAF out of position.  The initial invasion from the Duchy of Andurien into the Andurien Commonality would seek to draw the CCAF down to defend Andurien itself, as well as the surrounding systems.  Once the CCAF was over extended and engaged, hopefully counter-attacking as well, forces from Oriente would begin their own assault.  Follow up waves would link to the two invasions and hopefully begin the drive towards Sian, with the overarching goal the crippling of the Confederation for the foreseeable future.

Operation ROMANESQUE (June 2787) on the other hand, the cutting off and subduing of the Lyran worlds dominated by the Bolan Thumb, was seen as a far more straight forward campaign, albeit one that would be undertaken with more limited resources.  Initial waves would seek to complete the thumb by reaching to the Periphery, then reducing the remaining pocket of worlds step by step.

Lyran Commonwealth
The Lyran Commonwealth kicked its industry into high gear in 2785, no mean feat for a nation already running flat out industrially.  The key worlds of Alarion and Hesperus II benefitted most from the expansion of industry, with Alarion’s capacity to launch ships of war expanding, as Hesperus II spewed forth an ever growing torrent of ground based war machines.  At the same time, the LCAF added ten regiments to the rolls of the Lyran Guards and placed these new regiments into areas guaranteed to see action over the coming years.

As the planning for the Command Reform Act was being put into place for the following year, the LCAF High Command, under the direct supervision of Archon Steiner, began preparing for war.  Three main actions were planned for: the invasion of the Draconis Combine; the reconquest of the Bolan Thumb; and ongoing acquisitions along the Periphery frontier.

The Periphery was seen as a cheap source of territory and the Archon gave free reign to local commanders to take advantage of the situation as they saw fit, as long as two conditions were met.  The first was that no major operations against established Periphery powers were initiated, with the second being Main Street Salient was to be driven through to its Coreward maximum, ensuring no Periphery power could cut the Lyran Commonwealth off from future outwards expansion again.

Operation PITHIA, planned for March 2787, was aimed at the reclamation of the Bolan Thumb, and as combat planning went, it did not strain the limited creativity of the LCAF High Command.  The plan was simple, the Thumb would be cut and Bolan assaulted, then the remainder of the now cut off worlds would be reduced.  Once this was accomplished, it was anticipated that a large number of Lyran troops would become available for use in combat operations elsewhere.

Operation ASGARD (February 2787), was another matter entirely.  Though Archon Jennifer was initially hopeful that the planed campaign would give the Commonwealth the respect it needed militarily and the room to breath and build on its industrial advantage, the scope of the operation began to hit home after two months of planning.  The reality of the LCAF’s limitations, even with the planned improvements under the Command Reform Act, became readily apparent and what had started as an ambitious and rather complex plan was reduced to a series of frontal assaults aimed at Luthien.  In the end, the Archon was not displeased with such a plan, as it played to the LCAF’s strengths, whilst limiting her General’s need to think too deeply.  However, despite maps which showed the Commonwealth marching all the way to Luthien, the Archon was secretly happy if the LCAF even made it to Krenice.

The Periphery
The Periphery, though desiring to move quickly to secure its interests in the face of increasing belligerence and military posturing from the Inner Sphere, was limited in its capacity to quickly adapt to the now highly fluid political situation.

Within the Taurian Concordat, the fallout of the effects of the SLDF’s crushing of resistance meant that economic recovery was proving to be an almost abortive effort kept afloat, if barely, by the beginnings of trade with the Terran Hegemony and held together across the fragile HPG network.  The high points for the Concordat were Protector Calderon’s announcement of the reformation of the Concordat Chasseurs, and the launching of TCS Wildcat.

The Magistracy of Canopus reacted quickly to the opportunities trade with Terra offered, leveraging capital to expand BattleMech production on Canopus, whilst raising a 3rd regiment of the Canopian Light Horse and resurrecting the Magestrix Guard.

Within the Outworlds Alliance, industrial expansions on Alpheratz was the order of the day, as the Alliance government saw investment on the capital world as far easier than trying to get the provinces to cooperate.  A key aspect of pulling the Alliance closer together would come from wider deployment of the military, two new regiments, one old and one new, were added to the rolls, the Pitcairn Guards and Santiago Carabineers.

The remainder of the Periphery continued to struggle, with each nation doing what it could to expand it economy by whatever methods were available.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2017, 03:45:24 AM by Blacknova »
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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2017, 03:58:37 AM »

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #17 on: April 10, 2017, 04:47:11 PM »



Scattered reports from Chesterton indicate a large scale Capellan invasion. Breif intercepts before the world went silent said a large Capellan fleet had defeated the FSN force in system. One source claims the CCAF invasion was like being hit by a SLDF BattleMech Division. The appearance of the badly damaged FSS Joseph Davion over Ulan Batar 24 hours later may be confirmation of these earlier reports.

Contact was also lost with Demeter and New Florence, with a Capellan fleet said to be over the latter.  CCAF forces are also down and fighting on several other worlds in the Federated Suns Terran Corridor.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2017, 08:12:24 PM »



CapCon confirmed in control of Chesterton and Demeter. FSN squadron, 8th Syrtis and CMM confirmed destroyed. Estimated 10+ CCAF regiments and 12+ WarShips at Chesterton. Demeter estimated 4+ CCAF regiments.

New Florence in CCAF hands, 2 regiments and WarShip squadron present.

Fightibg on Rio, Tybalt, and Hean ongoing.

AFFS mobilizing forces at Addicks, Elbar, Cartago, Edwards, and Marlette.

CapCan has announced formation of larger Chesterton Commonality, with parts of Sarna and Capella Commonalities.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2017, 08:36:04 PM »



Reports recieved from Periphery stations indicate moves by LyrCom, RimCom and CirFie to secure free systems. Situation confused, no inter-state conflict apparent.

Fragmentary reports indicate MagCan and TauCon may be active as well. Reports of CapCon activity not confirmed at this stage.

Details to follow. Note HIB Periphery assets limited, other sources may confirm before HIB.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2017, 02:56:52 AM »



Second wave of CCAF attacks confirmed, in conjunction with AFFS counter-attacks.

CapCon forces confirmed invading Galatia III, Ozawa, New Rhodes III, Ulan Batar and Tedibhyr.

FedSuns strikes on Chesterton and New Florence are believed to have defeated or driven off CCN forces in both systems.

Fighting on ground confused. CCAF appears to have advantage in most systems. Elements of Crucis Lancers and The Fighting Urak-hai, however, have strong foothold against reduced CCAF presence on Chesterton.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2017, 04:34:53 PM »

I'll be doing these short updates between yearly write ups. Each year will take a week or so, and whilst setting up the main text, I'll make these intel reports on my way to work and back. They will contain errors, but as they are from the "front", but that's part of the fun
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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #22 on: April 11, 2017, 04:49:58 PM »



CapCon now confirmed to be is possession of Ankaa, Hean, Ozawa, Rio, Ronel, Tedibhyr, and Goshen. AFFS still fighting for New Florence, Chesterton, New Rhodes, Galatia, and Ulan Batar.

Confirmation of fleet battles over Chesterton and New Florence as FSN victories. 8 CCN ships destroyed without loss, with CCN Chesterton squadron destroyed.

Late and limited reports may indicate FedSun withdrawal from Chesterton following loss of Tedibhyr cutting off forces there, despite naval advantage. AFFS units on New Florence holding despite severe losses. CCN squadron over Tikonov apparently assembling for action, destination unknown.

CapCon confirmed annexing worlds in Detroit area. MagCan and TauCon mobilising.

Reports of forces in Niops region seizing worlds has FWLM on high alert.

LyrCom has announced peacekeeping occupations in unclaimed RimRep space. Claims16 worlds, losses apparently high for such actions. RimCom and CirFie protesting and moving to "protect" a similar number of worlds. No inter-state conflict has yet been reported.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #23 on: April 11, 2017, 09:55:47 PM »



CCAF units noted in mobilisation posture on Tikonov and worlds spinward of TerHeg border. Another wave of strikes predicted. All HAF formations are advised to go to Level 2 Alert - Conflict with CapCon considered possible, not likely.

AFFS patterns outside immidiate conflict zones show no notable change in posture.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2017, 02:49:13 AM »



THN to be on alert. New model DCA WarShips have been observed conducting drills in Shimonita system against former THN and SLN units.

As yet unidentified Frigate, Destroyer and Corvette classes observed by THS Mosquito. HIB advises other classes expected to launch soon. New fleet in being over Shimonita represents new threat across entire Benjamin/Dieron front.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2017, 04:58:03 PM »



THN notes fleet reorganization complete. Expeditionary Fleet currently consists of 16 Kuznetsov, Sabre and Triumph-class vessels. Hegemony, Trafalgar, and Terra-classes to join by end 2788.

Home Fleet formed with 70+ ex-SLN vessels, including 3 BB and 7 BC. Large DD and FF  complement. Fleet will primarily remain in Terran system.

Reserve Fleet of 16 vessels of primarily Baron, Carson, and Naga,-classes, will act as training and support unit for Expeditionary and Home Fleets.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2017, 07:09:28 PM »

2786 – Opening Moves
2786 is considered, by some historians, as the opening of the First Succession War, however although the Capellan Confederation launched its assault on the Federated Suns, and the Lyran Commonwealth became active in the Periphery, four of the major power remained unengaged in major operations.  It is this last point which leads many to see the Lyran assaults in early 2787 as the official start of the war, however, for those in the Federated Sun’s Terran regions, the distinction made no difference.

STATE   House   Mercs   Total   WarShips
Draconis Combine   172   18   190   210
Federated Suns   152   25   177   188
Lyran Commonwealth   156   14   170   221
Capellan Confederation   148   18   166   162
Free Worlds League   137   16   153   173
Terran Hegemony   61       61   85
Taurian Concordat   11   3   14   16
Magistracy of Canopus   9   1   10   8
Outworlds Alliance   8   1   9   11
Rim Commonality   7       7   7
Oberon Confederation   3   3   6   3
Circinus Federation   3       3   4
Illyrian Palatinate   3       3   3

The fighting in 2786 would set the scene for the remainder of the war, showing how far the Hegemony would allow the Concord of Terra to be pushed with respect to the Areas Conventions.  Targeting of the JumpShips and DropShips, though frowned upon, became an accepted way of life by the end of the year, as claims that merchant vessels were carrying “war supporting” material was actually provable by law, though a dubious argument at best, as all materials could be seen as supporting the war in some way.  Merchant vessels began to steer clear of war zones and losses, especially to DropShips, began to mount quickly, with both the Capellan Confederation and Federated Suns striking at any target in contested systems that was moving.  Though there were many in the Hegemony Government who urged that action be taken, the limitations of the HAF in backing up any sanctions, meant that the reality of the application of the Ares Conventions of 2786 fell somewhere between the Age of War ideal and the total war of the Amaris Coup and Reunification War.  This fed over into fighting on the ground that generally, but not always, avoided large civilian centres, causing heavy damage to infrastructure on several worlds hit by the fighting.  Hayes’s dream of saving mankind from mass destruction looked to have worked, if just barely, however, the scale and savagery of the fighting would take its toll on all of the belligerents.

Terran Hegemony
The eye of a storm is always the calmest place, however, just beyond the eye is the region of greatest destruction.  Commanding General Lauran Hayes and Director-General Marianna Althaus knew this and feared for their former citizens on the worlds beyond the Hegemony Core.  With the Capellan offensives beginning and DCMS forces massing beyond Chaville, the inability of the HAF to meet growth targets gave both leaders pause.

Matters were not all dark however, as the HAF added six regiments to the rolls and launched twelve new WarShips in 2786, whilst the economy started to rebound, with worlds across the core reporting improved output and conditions.  Terra, where most resources had been spent, was being used by the government to pull the other worlds up by dragging them up, aided by the first large shipments of raw materials from trade with the Periphery.

As the year developed and the DCMS forces around Chaville and Shimonita continued to mass, whilst appearing to the HIB to be exercising against mock SLDF and HAF formations, the THN was restructured to better integrate with Operation TRIPWIRE.  The ships of the fleet were separated by age, with the newest vessels assigned to the Expeditionary Fleet, which at the end of 2786 consisted of sixteen WarShips: eight Triumph-class corvettes; four Sabre-class destroyers; and four Kuznetsov-class carriers.  The Sabre and Triumph were next generation WarShips under development by the SLN before the Exodus, which had been on a long and slow development process during the war against the Usurper. The designs were quickly completed and put into production by the THN during the departure of Kerensky.  The Kuznetsov was a result of the Hegemony’s crash rearmament program and was a redesigned Sovetskii Soyuz hull, with one of the main cargo bays converted to carry Aerospace Fighters.  The Star League had been able to produce Sovetskii Soyuz-class vessels in large numbers and the THN was betting on being able to do the same with the revamped design.  The THN planned to add nearly thirty more ships to the Expeditionary Fleet by the end of 2788, including new Hegemony-class transports, Trafalgar-class missile cruisers and Terra-class battleships.  Though the Expeditionary Fleet would have the newest ships the Terran yards could produce, experience for the new crews was another matter, with transfers from Home Fleet’s ex-SLN regulars limited, to ensure that the Terran system was well defended at all times.

Home Fleet was the largest of the three fleets, consisting of the majority of the ex-SLN vessels and crews, with fifty-nine WarShips in twenty squadrons. Home Fleet was the last integrated SLN task force in the Inner Sphere, with a core of heavy ships only the Lyrans and League could realistically match.  Three battleships, a McKenna, Texas, and a reconditioned Farragut led the fleet, backed by four Black Lion and three Cameron-class battle cruisers.  Fifteen cruisers and frigates supported the main line, all covered by twenty seven destroyers, mainly Lola III and Essex II, with seven Vincents serving as the eyes of the fleet.  Home fleet was integrated, well trained, highly experienced, and represented the most powerful task force in the Inner Sphere.  However, as the THN was no longer building hulls to support it, any losses would slowly erode the fleet’s capabilities, therefore, Home Fleet was tied to the Terran system, to retain its combat value for as long as possible.

Reserve Fleet was to become the training and support unit for the HAF, consisting of old THN designs and the fleet’s few dedicated transport WarShips.  Riga, Naga, Carson, Baron and Bonaventure-class vessels made up the bulk of the eighteen ship fleet, which though based in the Terran system, conducted border patrols with the Expeditionary Fleet.

Capellan Confederation
Chancellor Liao knew that a quick, successful action, before the other realms could get organised, would allow the Capellan state to have a fighting chance in the wars to come.  To that end, the CCAF was to put the AFFS off balance with a quick victory, secure further valuable systems in the former Hegemony, and then pull back, regroup, and be ready to it back at any attempts to drive into the Confederation.

To that end, Operation BLAZING DRAGON launched on 17 February, 2786.  The first wave had three primary aims: shock the AFFS into a defensive mindset; take Chesterton; and begin cutting off AFFS regiments close to Terra.  Six systems were struck over the course of three hours, as the CCAF unleashed its power on key points in the defences of the Federated Suns.

The battle of Chesterton was the main propaganda assault for the Chancellor, and Barbara Liao knew it.  Eschewing additional and more valuable worlds, Liao hit Chesterton with everything she could spare, seeking a fast and decisive victory to set the tone for the campaign.  Eleven BattleMech and more than twenty-five supporting regiments jumped into the Chesterton system, supported by fourteen WarShips, a mix of SLN, old Capellan and new generation designs.  The massive flotilla gave the FSN force in system little opportunity to call for help or organise itself, falling on the defenders en masse.  Four Davion WarShips were destroyed, a cruiser, a destroyer and two Robinson II-class transports, whilst a pair of Davion II-class destroyers were captured, the FSS Richard Davion and Sarah Davion.  The FSS Joseph I Davion managed to escape to get word out, though the ship suffered extensive damage during its run from the system.  For the Capellans, the CCS Jasmine Liao, the flag unit of the task force, a Du Shi Wang-class battleship and the CCS Aer, an Essex-class destroyer, and one of the best crewed ships in the fleet, took heavy damage, with four other CCN WarShips suffering moderate damage.  However, the actions of the fleet ensured that the ground forces landed without interference.

On the ground, the 8th Syrtis Fusiliers planned to fight a mobile campaign, whilst the Chesterton CMM held the capital.  Despite a well prepared plan, the sheer numbers of Capellan troops rendered any coherent battle plan moot, as the AFFS units were broken apart and destroyed in detail.  Barely a battalion survived to surrender, with the prisoners paraded in the streets and sent to Sian to raise the spirits of the Capellan people.  As soon as victory as assured and the troops had rested and rearmed, six regiments lifted off for second wave targets, whilst the Chesterton Cuirassiers, 4th Chesterton Cavalry, and 1st, 2nd and 3rd Chesterton Voltigeurs dug into defend their spiritual home from the expected Davion counter-attack.

The victory on Chesterton was rapidly followed by the Chancellor’s announcement of a larger Chesterton Commonality, with worlds from Sarna and Capella ceded to the Commonality.  Celebrations erupted across Capellan space, with a week of official celebration on Sian marking what would become an annual holiday for the Capellan people on Chesterton Day.

Chesterton was not the only world targeted, with significant Capellan forces dispatched to several other worlds as well.  On Demeter, the Chesterton Guardians, Tristram’s Avengers, and the 1st and 2nd Kearny Highlanders rolled over the Argyle Lancers and 4th Avalon Borderers, who retreated from the world with less than a regiment between them.  On New Florence, Blanford’s Grenadiers dispatched the militia and waited for follow on troops, as the 4th Fleet’s 1st Division covered the system from above and began interdicting Federation shipping in the area.  On Hean, the 10th Confederation Reserve Cavalry and 1st 'Sarna' Lancers brutalised the 8th Deneb Light Cavalry, however the ex-SLDF unit refused to budge, despite being reduced to less than 50% strength.  On Rio, the 4th Liao Guards and 15th Tikonov Lancers had a harder time with the Bald Eagles Regiment of the Screaming Eagles mercenary command, though by the end March, they controlled over two-thirds of the planet.  Meanwhile on Tybalt, the enthusiasm of the 2nd Ariana Fusiliers was sorely tested by the assault on their landing zone undertaken by the Storm Eagles, with matters looking grim until the landing of the 14th Tikonov Lancers relieved the beleaguered Fusiliers.  However, the Storm Eagles withdrew in good order and began harassing both Capellan units.

By the end of March, the Capellan Confederation had claimed three systems, destroyed a Davion squadron and two regiments.  Boyed by the success of the operation so far, Chancellor Liao authorised wave two for early April.  However, the AFFS was not entirely idle, despite the lack of enthusiasm showed by John Davion over protecting the Terran corridor.  Prince John took a middle road, hampered as he was by inter-service and inter-regional animosities in the AFFS, and not desiring to get drawn into a war over territory he had no real interest in any more.  Others could spend the coin to rebuild the Hegemony, as in his own eyes he could always come and claim those worlds once they were rebuilt.  However, two main actions, which would rock the CCAF, were set in motion for Chesterton and New Florence, the two key worlds in Prince Davion’s eyes.  However, even as the limited response from the AFFS began, the CCAF struck at eight more worlds.  Three assaults were designed to shield Chesterton from direct assault and cut off the expected Davion counter-attack, whilst the others were to complete the task of cutting off the Sun’s Hegemony holdings.

The battle for Chesterton reignited in early April, as three Capellan task forces left the system.  The most heavily damaged ships from 7th Fleet headed for the repair bays over Ares, leaving 11 WarShips in system, most of which were damaged to one degree or another.  Two Mech brigades, one with the 5th Capellan Chargers and the 2nd and 8th Confederation Reserve Cavalry, and the other consisting of the 7th Tikonov Lancers and both Grave Walkers Regiments, departed for New Rhodes III and Ankaa respectively.  Five days later, elements of the FSN’s 3rd Fleet – Task Force 3.1.3, eleven ships in all, led by the Davion II-class destroyer FSS Duke Leech, escorting the 3rd and 6th Crucis Lancers and the three regiments of the Fighting Urak-hai arrived.  The fresh Davion squadron closed with the Capellan WarShips and went for the throat, paying back in full the losses suffered two months earlier.  Six Capellan vessels were lost in the one sided exchange, though four of the Davion WarShips were badly handled by the defenders.  The remaining five Capellan vessels jumped away when the battle’s outcome became inevitable.

The landing on Chesterton were largely unopposed, as the relatively inexperienced Capellan forces formed a tight cordon around the capital, with the veteran Chesterton Cuirassiers forming a mobile reserve in the heart of the city.  The AFFS did not want to devastate their own world and so cautiously probed the defences for weeks, until hitting the 4th Chesterton Cavalry hard on the night of May 3rd.  The 4th fell back into the city, where flanking attacks on the advancing troops by the Cuirassiers and 1st Voltigeurs drove the 6th Lancers and Bar Hounds back out of the city.  The AFFS troops continued to probe, striking and fading in an attempt to draw the Capellans out, however, news of the fall of Tedibhyr and Goshen, and the deteriorating situation on Ulan Batar saw Davion call his troops home.  Chesterton was a lesser prize in Davion’s eyes, as he had plans for more important Capellan worlds and did not want to bleed his army prior to his own assaults.

Davion forces also hit hard at New Florence, where 1st Fleets Task Force 1.2.1, led by the Black Lionsclass Battlecruiser FSS Lioness charged into the system and routed the WarShips of the CCN’s 4th Fleet’s 1st Division.  The loss of a corvette and two destroyers, one of which was captured, was not a severe loss for the Capellans, however, the driving off of the remaining six WarShips meant that interdicting the Terran corridor would be far more difficult with a Davion WarShip presence right in the middle of the advance.  However, despite the successes over the world, the landing of the 41st Avalon Hussars and 3rd Deneb Light Cavalry ran headlong into a carefully laid ambush by Blanford’s Grenadiers, who had been secretly reinforced by the 11th Tikonov Lancers. The 41st were sent reeling back to their DropShip, where they retreated to join the fleet and were joined a week later by the 3rd Deneb.  Both units sought reinforcements and supplies before they would be willing land again.

On Deneb Kaitos, a large Capellan battle group consisting of the Chesterton Guardians, Tristram’s Avengers, and the 1st and 2nd Kearny Highlanders were able to secure the system from the 2nd and 9th Deneb Light Cavalry within six days, leaving less than half the AFFS defenders alive to flee the system.  On Galatia III, a critical system, whose fall would cut the corridor, especially if New Florence was cleared of FSN WarShips, the 1st Arcadian Cuirassiers fought a desperate action to hold the world against the 4th Capellan Chargers and the Capellan Cuirassiers.  The Cuirassiers fought valiantly, but were outmatched at every turn, however, they refused to retreat and showed the other regiments in the AFFS what could be accomplished if there was a firm will to resist.

The 9th Robinson Chevaliers had been rushed in to reinforce New Rhodes III, where they faced the 5th Capellan Chargers and the 2nd and 8th Confederation Reserve Cavalry.  Battered from the start, the 9th was barely able to maintain a footing on the worlds whilst it screamed for reinforcements.  Nearby on Ronel, 4th Deneb Light Cavalry were badly handled by the 16th Tikonov Lancers and 15th Dracon, but refused to retreat, hoping for assistance from nearby AFFS units.

On Hean, the arrival of the 1st Liao Guards sealed the fate of the 8th Deneb Light Cavalry, who surrendered on May 21st.  Likewise, the arrival of the 4th Tikonov Lancers on Rio saw the Gold Eagles forced to retreat from the system, unable to cope with an entire Capellan Mech brigade.  On Tybalt, the arrival of the 3rd Chesterton Cavalry forced the Storm Eagles to admit there was no way off world and surrender to the CCAF.

On Goshen, the 3rd Confederation Reserve Cavalry, 13th 'Jonathan' Lancers, and 42nd Striker Regiment of the 12th Star Guards destroyed all but a battalion of Tyson’s Troublemakers before driving the remanets off world.  Tedibhyr saw another Capellan brigade, consisting of the Ariana Grenadiers, 8th Chesterton Cavalry, and 2nd 'Glasgow' Lancers hammer the 28th Avalon Hussars into a hasty retreat.  Only on Ulan Batar was there any good news, but it was tinged with bitter tidings as well.  The 1st Chesterton Cavalry, 1st Confederation Reserve Cavalry and 5th 'Demeter' Lancers landed on top of the 4th Avalon Borderers, who were still recovering from their heavy losses on Chesterton.  Quick thinking by the Argyle Lancers and 12th Syrtis Fusiliers managed to savage the 1st Chesterton Cavalry, but it was too late, as the 4th Borderers were destroyed and the CCAF turned to face the remaining defenders.

By mid-year, the situation within the Terran regions was becoming critical for the AFFS, with ten worlds, four regiments and six WarShips lost3  The only bright spot was the destruction or capture of nine Capellan WarShips in two successful actions, however, these victories had not appreciably slowed the Capellan advance.

July saw the Confederation go for the kill, as waves three and four were authorised on a new timetable.  Capellan troops freed up from successful assaults, and the remaining reserve formations were sent into battle to finish off the spirit of the AFFS in the region, as other troops dug in along the worlds near Chesterton.  The AFFS pulled off Chesterton and redeployed along the inner edge of the Crucis March, as additional troops were rushed to the region, not to strike at the Confederation, but to protect the flank of the advance into the Draconis Combine planned for the following year.

In addition to reinforcing several ongoing battles and dispatching fleet units to clear New Florence, the CCAF hit five additional worlds.  Prince Davion on the other hand was now loathe to waste any more resources in the region and stated that if the troops in place could not hold, he would withdraw all units from the Terran area.  The world of Ozawa fell quickly to the 10th Confederation Reserve Cavalry, 1st Liao Guards, and 1st 'Sarna' Lancers, with only militia remaining on world.  This early setback was critical for later Davion actions and was seen by most as the beginning of the end for the Federated Suns hope for retaining former Hegemony territory.  Meanwhile over New Florence, 7th Fleet returned from refit over Ares and drove off Task Force 1.2.1, capturing the FSS Charles Davion

A series of strikes were launched to cover Tikonov with a line of worlds, like what was underway for Chesterton.  On Caselton, the 4th Liao Guards, 4th Tikonov Lancers, and 15th Tikonov Lancers made life miserable for the Night Eagles, as the Screaming Eagles mercenary command continued to be caught in the middle of the war.  On Mirach, the 2nd Ariana Fusiliers, 3rd Chesterton Cavalry, and 14th Tikonov Lancers drove the Gold and Snow Eagles from the world, whilst on Sonnia, the 1st Ariana Fusiliers and 18th Sian Dragoons sent the Bald Eagles into retreat.

On Galatia III, the arrival of the 25th Robinson Chevaliers was too little too late to save the 1st Arcadian Cuirassiers from being overrun in a heroic last stand.  Likewise, on New Rhodes III, the arrival of the 12th Heavy Assault Group of the 12th Star Guards saw the end of the 9th Robinson Chevaliers.  The invasion of Small World was brought forward, as Hamilton's Highlanders and the 1st and 2nd Kearny Highlanders rampaged through the 2nd, 5th and 9th Deneb Light Cavalry, destroying the 2nd and forcing the remaining AFFS forces to retreat.  On Ulan Batar, the arrival of the 16th 'Valexa' Lancers was too much for the remaining Davion defenders, who retreated into the Crucis March.
On October 11th, Prince Davion issued his recall order, abandoning Galaita III, Addicks, Errai, Towne, Lockdale, and Northwind, with Capellan forces rushing onto each world, lest the Draconis Combine take advantage of the situation.  The Capellan victory was complete and stunning, with all targets taken, the AFFS savaged and the naval war ending in a draw.  Celebrations across the realm erupted, as the CCAF began to quickly apply the lessons of the short war.  The CCN underwent a restructuring, with the mixed fleets giving up their best units to a roving battle fleet.  Meanwhile, as reserve corps was moved into the heart of the Confederation to react with force to any incursion.

Outside of the campaign against the Federated Suns, the Confederation had not been idle.  During the course of the year, ten WarShips had launched – most going to the new 7th Fleet – and thirteen regiments of the Sian Dragoons and the new Capellan Grenadiers had been formed and used to reinforce the Sian Commonality, which had been weakened to support the recent war.  This infusion of strength saw the Capellans begin annexing worlds in the space between the Confederation, Magistracy of Canopus, and Taurian Concordat.

Elements of the Sian Dragoons were able to secure six systems, however, alerted to the CCAF’s moves, both the TDF and MAF reacted.  Fighting on Fronc (24th Sian Dragoons, 4th Canopian Light Horse), Independence (6th Confederation Reserve Cavalry, 15th Sian Dragoons, Hyades Guards, Black Band Legion), and McEvans’ Sacrifice (10th Sian Dragoons, Red Chasseurs) was largely stalemated for most of the second half of 2786.  This remained the status quo until the CCAF upped the ante, by striking the Concordat directly and taking Rockwellawan with the 7th Sian Dragoons.  As the year ended, the potential for escalation was palpable.
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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2017, 07:11:56 PM »

Draconis Combine
Despite opportunities, opportunities that would otherwise have been taken, the coordinator kept a tight rein on the Combine during 2786.  The Warlord’s of Rasalhague, Benjamin and Dieron all lobbied for action against otherwise distracted foes, however, with the gamble of a strike on Terra two years away, every effort had to be made to strengthen the Dragon and not fritter away its strength.

New WarShips, including the new Inazuma, Tatsumaki, Kyushu, and Kirashima-classes, along with more Samarkand II-class carriers entered service and began to mass in the Shimonita system, where ex-Hegemony and SLN vessels ran opfor exercises against them.  The Proserpina Hussars were strengthened in anticipation of their role in the invasion of the Federated Suns, and new formations were raised.

These new formations were largely the work of Jinjiro Kurita, but others were influenced by his father.  Seeking troops that would follow his lead into the Hegemony to total victory or death, Jinjiro petitioned his father to raise several new formations.  The Ronin were formed from fearless warriors utterly devoted to the fall of the Hegemony, and were fanatically loyal to Jinjiro.  Offsetting these almost mad troops were the best of the DCMS who could not, through social limitations, join the Sword of Light regiments.  The Genyosha were every bit as good as the Sword of Light and would be the tip of Jinjiro’s spear.  Minoru dispatched his own loyalists to watch his son, naming them the Dragon’s Claws, whilst he strengthened his own core loyalists, by reinforcing the Otomo and raising two additional Pesht Regular regiments.  Minoru admired his son, but did not entirely trust him.

Federated Suns
The Federated Suns was suffering a measure of turmoil by the end of 2786.  The realm had lost twenty-four systems to the Capellan Confederation, however, the First Prince seemed almost apathetic and unapologetic over the loss of so much territory, with hardly a real shot fired in return.

Those at the highest levels of the government and AFFS knew the reason for the Prince’s reluctance to fight the CCAF, however, the manner of his command had given several senior officers pause, as had the relative lack of coordination across the AFFS during the assaults.  Nevertheless, planning continued for Operations STAR SLAYER and GALLANT.
The FSN, despite the losses to the Capellans, received eight new WarShips from various yards, including two of the new Fox-class corvettes, and a pair each of New Syrtis and Robinson II-class vessels.  However, the real thrill for the FSN was the delivery of the first of the new Crucis-class destroyers.  Essentially a refit of the Davion II-class, the new destroyers carried a new anti-fighter weapons suite, carried forty fighters, and added four massive heavy naval gauss rifles.  The new class was the match for any other destroyer in service, both in firepower and protection and would be the key escorts for the FSN’s heavy carriers.

The AFFS lost seven line formations and a mercenary regiment in 2786, but was able to replace those losses, as seven more regiments of the Avalon Hussars were raised and sent to key positions, ready to form part of the assaults on the Confederation and Combine. 
Knowing that good news in the short term would ease the political pressure starting to be applied for what was coming to be known as “The Prince’s Terran Debacle”, John Davion looked to the example that both the Lyran Commonwealth and Capellan Confederation were setting.  With a dozen worlds just over the Sun’s Periphery border undefended, the Prince considered dispatching forces to seize them, however, with the invasion of the Confederation slated for May, and the Combine invasion planned for six months later, he decided to shelve the plan and stay focused on the main prize.

Free Worlds League
2786 was quiet for the League, apart from a short scare when the actions of the Magistracy of Canopus and Illyrian Palatinate in the Alphard trading zone set the FWLM on alert.  Planning for Operations ROMANESQUE and INDIGO continued apace, with the Captain-General leading the planning for ROMANESQUE, whilst trusting to the Allison and Humphrey’s clans in the planning for INDIGO. 

The Captain-General did not completely ignore the Capellan front however, diverting ten newly raised regiments and a dozen WarShips into the heart of the Duchy of Andurien to lead the invasion.  However, with The Marik’s primary focus on the Lyran front, planning for INDIGO fell behind, more so when the intelligence war with the HIB began.

The Captain-General became concerned with the success of the Lyran Commonwealth’s integration of its Hegemony territories and saw the potential for closer ties between his two enemies.  In order to prevent such an outcome, the Captain-General sent SAFE into the region, to destabilise it and weaken the HIB’s efforts outside of the Hegemony.  A hidden war between SAFE and the HIB erupted, as the LIC watched on a cheered both sides to their mutual end in the area.

Lyran Commonwealth
Throughout 2786, the Lyran Commonwealth kept building regiments, WarShips and new industrial facilities.  The industrial muscle of the Commonwealth began to make itself felt, as the full roster of the Lyran Guards, sixty regiments, was filled out by the end of the year, with most of the new units deployed to face the Draconis Combine.  New destroyers, critically needed by the Commonwealth entered service, along with more Mako II’s and the first of the new Graf Zepplin carriers, reworked Sylvester transports, equivalent in capabilities to the Combine’s Samarkand II’s.

Whilst the realm rearmed, the effects of the Command Reform Act began to be felt, and with the Archon letting the units along the Periphery off the leash, the LCAF began annexing additional systems along its rim.  By the end of the year, the LCAF had added eighteen systems to its edges, whilst inciting both the Rim Compact and the Circinian Fiefs, with the former grabbing every world it could, and the latter moving to protect planets that wished for protection from the Lyrans.  The LCAF came close to blows with both realms, but the Archon’s orders held, and with, as she put it “All the high ranking idiots on Tharkad”, the commanders at the front were able to use something the LCAF had never deployed in battle before: common sense.  Altercations with the Rim and Circinus were avoided, but when rogue SLDF units were encountered, like McLaren’s Forgotten on Melville, no quarter was given, with WarShip fire support considered fitting for such opponents.

Despite the publicised success of the operations, which began field testing other new concepts for the LCAF, such as maneuverer, logistics, and practical planning, the operations were costly for the LCAF, as much of the dead wood still clung to the entire system.  By years end, the equivalent of ten regiments of equipment had been lost, though this was easily accommodated by the LCAF’s massive logistical support base.  These losses gave the Archon pause, even as they were dismissed by the General Staff, as the planning and troops movements for Operations ASGUARD and PYTHIA swung into high gear, and the LCAF prepared to face two powerful and prepared opponents.

The LCAF spent the second half of 2786 moving its forces to the border, both into core areas for both invasions, but also reinforcing border areas adjacent to the planned invasion corridors, to prevent easy gains and threats to the Commonwealth’s rear areas.  The movement of the fleet was the key aspect of both invasions, as the Commonwealth aimed for naval dominance in both theatres to be established quickly.  Over Rosice, near Bolan, seventy-four WarShip gathered, including eleven Tharkad-class battle cruisers, whilst over Rasalgethi seventy-eight WarShips assembled, with 13 Tharkads forming the core of the fleet.  Whilst 1st and 2nd Fleets formed the cores of each respective force, elements from Skye’s 3rd Fleet reinforced both formations.

Meanwhile, the full force of the LCAF was assembling to engage in the two largest offensives in Commonwealth history, both of which would launch within months of each other.  On the Combine border, between Dove and Kufstein, forty-six regiments were massed, with a second line, deeper within the Commonwealth in the Coventry and Donegal provinces holding fifteen regiments in reserve.  Near Bolan, the LCAF brought together thirty-four regiments from Giausar to Poulsbo for the assaults against the Bolan Thumb.  Altogether, ninety-five regiments, more than half of the line strength of the LCAF was to be deployed in two massive actions on opposite sides of Steiner space, whilst still engaged in actions in the Periphery.

Though few said it out loud, there were concerns with the ambition of Jennifer Steiner, as one General put it “One war is bad enough, but only a madwoman starts a war on two…and a lunatic on three.”*

*   Shamelessly referenced line from the Mallorean, by David Eddings.
The Periphery
The Periphery erupted into turmoil in 2786, for reasons both within its control and beyond it.  In some instances, the states of the Periphery reacted to and decried the actions of the Inner Sphere, whilst for some the same actions were their own way of doing business.
For the Taurian Concordat, the main issue still facing the nation was the inability of the economy to effectively rebound, despite trade with Terra rapidly increasing.  Though there were some small signs that the economy may be starting to move in the right way, limitations and structural issues in the economy even managed to shut down production of WarShips across the realm, something not taken lightly by those in power.  Despite these issues, the actions of the Capellan Confederation drove several independent systems Rimward of Brinton into the Concordat, allowing Protector Calderon to announce some good news.  This despite the loss of Rockwellawan to the Capellans and the ongoing fighting on Independence and McEvan’s Sacrifice.

The Magistracy instituted a policy of strength first from 2786, deciding that previous polices had lead it to ruin in the past, and that a stronger and more assertive outlook was required.  To that end, the Canopians aggressively expanded into the Alphard trading zone in response to Illyrian activities there, annexing several systems and finally coming to blows with the Palatinate over Alphard itself.  During 2786, to support the new aggressive politics of the realm, the Magistracy raised two new regiments and launched a pair of WarShips to support operations.  This also allowed the Canopians to oppose the Capellan annexation of Fronc, as the Magestrix had no wish to be cut off from her long-time allies in the Concordat.

The Outworlds Alliance continued to benefit from a realm focused on avoiding war and trading with all comers.  Reality began to set in however, as predation on the realms outer system increased.  With raids from the Draconis Combine also testing the borders of the realm, and the occasional opportunistic strike by Davion raiders, the Alliance was forced to increase the scope of its militarisation.  Though easing tensions for words on the edges of the Alliance, those within the interior, largely shielded from such issues, began to raise ever growing opposition to the actions of the Avellar government on Alpheratz.

The Rim Compact, more than any of the other Periphery powers, attempted to engage directly in military brinkmanship and one-upmanship with an Inner Sphere power.  As the Lyran Commonwealth sought to rapidly annex what it could close to the borders of the Compact, the small realm decided to have nothing of the Steiner’s actions and immediately grabbed what it could and moved to cut the Commonwealth off from deeper gains.  Surprisingly the gambit worked, as the Commonwealth had bigger fish to fry, pulling back and leaving the Compact to its own business, as easier pickings were to be had elsewhere.

The Illyrian Palatinate had been concerned with the Alphard trading zone Spinward of its own territory for some time, as its experience with the collapse of the Lothian League and the pirates that plagued the area due to lack of central authority was still a fresh memory.  With war across the Inner Sphere looking more likely, and lawlessness no doubt to follow on the fringes, Illyria took action.  The newly raised Union Guards were deployed to bring worlds in the region into the Palatinate and by November had reached Alphard.  However, the Canopians had followed the lead of Illyria and arrived on Alphard only two weeks later, where shots were fired and open conflict between the two realms broke out.

The Circinian Fiefs were also involved in securing worlds from potential Lyran predation, however in their case it was generally by invitation.  Other requirements, such as dealing with rogue forces in the region, like the ex-SLDF units gone pirate on Fallen Stars, diverted the Fiefs from their primary objectives, but by the end of 2786, five systems had been incorporated into the small nation.   

The Oberon Confederation made its own first moves in October to secure a larger portion of the former Rim Worlds Republic, though these efforts were minor compared to the activities of the other states in the region.  The annexation of Gotterdammerung, whilst celebrated with the Confederation, went largely unnoticed by the other powers.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2017, 08:52:15 PM »

Map for 2786.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.


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Re: A Hayes-ing Experience
« Reply #29 on: April 16, 2017, 10:54:09 AM »

“One war is bad enough, but only a madwoman starts a war on two…and a lunatic on three.”*

*   Shamelessly referenced line from the Mallorean, by David Eddings.

David Eddings always had good lines to reference.

“We're all entitled to a little stupidity now and then.

― David Eddings, The Seeress of Kell

Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?
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