Tyree's Terrors are a small pirate band that operates in the Rimward periphery preying upon targets along the boreder of the Federated Suns, Taurian Concordat, Capellan Confederation, Magistracy of Canopus and all worlds in between. They've had bases in the Tortuga Dominion and the Aurigan Reach. They are currently on the run with a high price on their collective heads. Enrico Tyree took command of the unit after he, Malinda Renner and Conal Dalgliesh deserted from the 15th Alshain Regulars during the Clan Invasion. The Terrors are divided into three lances, Terror (Command), Torment (Battle) and Tornado (Recon).
The Terrors tend to hit their targets with quickness and inflicting as much terror upon their victims as possible before grabbing as much loot as possible. They have two Drophsips (A Union (Black Terrier) and a Gazelle (Mad Dog)). In addition to the Battlemech they also have a company of Motorized infantry that help with the carrying off their loot. Interstallar transport is provided by the Invader-class Jumpship Starcrossed Wanderer which carries an ancient Typhoon Fighter and a S-7A Bus in the small craft bays. The zJumpShip currently does not carry a third DropShip.
Commander Enrico Tyree pilots the only Mech with any advanced tech, a GHR-5J Grasshopper which he stole when he deserted.
The Terrors have a large support staff that can supply about 65% of their needs. The infantry are transported by anumber of small vehicles (pickups and SUVs) some of which have been fitted with a variety of infantry machine guns and grenade launchers. They have two wheeled APCs and several 5-ton cargo trucks.
Terror Tons BV Mechwarrior G/P Adj BV
Hunchback HBK-4H 50 1,067 Conal Dalgliesh 3/6 1,216
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H 55 1,064 Artie Shawn 4/5 1,064
Cataphract CTF-4X 70 1,216 Jezebel Carmona 3/4 1,678
Grasshopper GHR-5J 70 1,354 Enrico Tyree* 3/3 2,112
Torment Tons BV Mechwarrior G/P Adj BV
Centurion CN9-AL 50 1,057 Noah Blanchard 4/5 1,057
Griffin GRF-1N 55 1,272 Elissa Fontenot 4/5 1,272
Wolverine WVR-6M 55 1,291 Veronika Langhorne* 4/4 1,485
Quickdraw QKD-4G 60 1,192 Oleg Posluzny 4/5 1,192
Tornado Tons BV Mechwarrior G/P Adj BV
Stinger STG-3G 20 497 Malinda Renner* 4/2 696
Commando COM-2D 25 541 Martine Greenblatt 5/5 487
Javelin JVN-10N 30 594 Kwon Sang-jae 4/5 594
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D 45 1,083 Winston Hoshimura 4/5 1,083
BV has been adjusted for Gunner/Piloting abilities. Lance Commander are marked with an asterisk (*). Avg Mech comes in just under 48 tons with a total weight of 585 tons, not including infantry assets