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Author Topic: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)  (Read 20182 times)

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Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« on: October 28, 2018, 12:50:23 AM »

Handbook:  Clan Goliath Scorpion

Clan Goliath Scorpion Military Organization

Based upon the concept of mixed Trinaries, Clan Goliath Scorpion’s military Touman is extremely regimented.  There are four basic types of Trinary assigned to the Clusters of the Touman; each contains a mixture of OmniMech, OmniFighter, and/or Elemental forces, designed around a specific tactical function.  There are a few specialized Trinary formations as well that differ from this organization; each will be addressed in turn.

Clan Goliath Scorpion Cluster formations consist of five Trinary.  Each Cluster is assigned a Command Trinary, two Assault Trinary, one Battle Trinary, and one Striker Trinary.

The Command Trinary acts as a stable command element for Scorpion Clusters, while also retaining a reserve of the heaviest OmniMechs within the Cluster to reinforce operations where needed.  The lead Star is a Composite Command Star of 2 OmniMechs, 10 Elemental Warriors, and 2 OmniFighters.  The remaining two Stars of the Trinary contain 5 OmniMechs each.  Transport is provided by a Scorpion I-class Troop Carrier DropShip.

The two Assault Trinary are the primary ground assault elements of the Cluster.  Each consists of two Stars with 5 OmniMechs each and one Star with 25 Elemental Warriors.  Transport is provided by a Scorpion II-class Troop Carrier DropShip.

The Battle Trinary is a multi-role unit containing a mixture of all three elements:  OmniMechs, OmniFighters, and Elementals.  This unit is capable of undertaking independent operations when necessary.  This formation contains one Star of 5 OmniMechs, one Star of 25 Elemental Warriors, and one Star of 10 OmniFighters.  Transport is provided by a Scorpion III-class Troop Carrier DropShip.

The Striker Trinary serves as the reconnaissance and skirmish force of the Cluster.  Each such unit is comprised of two Stars of 5 OmniMechs each and one Star of 10 OmniFighters.  Transport is provided by a Scorpion IV-class Troop Carrier DropShip.

The Reserve Artillery Trinary is a specialized formation dedicated to supplying the Touman with on-call artillery fire support.  Each consists of three Stars of 5 OmniMechs each.  Two of the Stars are outfitted with Desert Tiger E artillery OmniMechs, while the third star consists of Hooded Eagle C-TAG OmniMechs that serve as forward observers and spotters for remainder of the Trinary.  Transport is provided by a Scorpion V-class Troop Carrier DropShip.

Each Cluster in the Scorpion Touman (at full strength) is comprised of 47 OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, and 22 OmniFighters, along with five Troop Carrier DropShips.  Transport is provided by a Voyager-class JumpShip with the sixth docking collar occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip. 

There are five types of Cluster formations found within the Scorpion Touman. 

The single Scorpion Shock Cluster is the heaviest weight unit within the Clan.  Consisting solely of assault-weight OmniMechs and medium-weight OmniFighters, it is the unyielding anvil on which foes of the Scorpion are crushed.  This formation contains 47 Dune Stalker OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, and 22 Sarmatian OmniFighters. 

There are twelve Scorpion Cuirassier Clusters in the Touman.  These are the mobile assault units, with all of their OmniMechs being classified as heavy-weight.  Each Cluster is assigned 29 Goliath Scorpion OmniMechs, 18 Desert Tiger OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, 14 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 8 Comanche OmniFighters.

There are ten Scorpion Dragoon Clusters in the Touman.  These balanced formations blend firepower and mobility with a division of heavy-weight and medium-weight OmniMechs.  Each Cluster is assigned 29 Desert Tiger OmniMechs, 18 Sand Devil OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, 12 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 10 Comanche OmniFighters.

Next, there are eight Scorpion Hussar Clusters in the Touman.  Comprised of medium-weight OmniMechs and OmniFighters, these formations are the fast-moving recon and striker elements of the Scorpion Touman.  Each Cluster is assigned 29 Sand Devil OmniMechs, 18 Hooded Eagle OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, 10 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 12 Comanche OmniFighters.

Finally, the 19th Scorpion Light Horse Cluster is the lightest (and swiftest) element of the Clan.  Organized identically to the remaining Clusters, this Cluster contains 47 Hooded Eagle OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, and 22 Comanche OmniFighters.  Specializing in fast strike and reconnaissance operations, this formation serves as the eyes of the Scorpion Touman.

These Cluster formations are organized into eight Galaxy level formations.  Each Galaxy (with the exception of Chi Galaxy) consists of four Clusters.  Chi Galaxy was formed just before the Scorpion Exodus and at the time of this report contains just two Cluster formations.  The 13th Scorpion Shock Cluster and 19th Scorpion Light Horse Cluster are independent organizations outside of the normal Galaxy hierarchy.

Unlike the majority of other Clans, the Scorpions have deliberately chosen not to have a separate Galaxy level command element.  Instead, the Galaxy Commander also commands one of the four (or two) Clusters assigned to that specific Galaxy.

The Touman also includes four Reserve Artillery Trinary.  These formations provide the Clan with a (limited) ability to provide on-call artillery fire support . . . although they are often bid away and seldom see battle.  Each Reserve Artillery Trinary is assigned an Aggressor-class JumpShip with the second docking collar occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip.

Finally, the Goliath Scorpion military Touman includes three Command Keshiks assigned to the Khan, saKhan, and Loremaster.  The Deathstalker Keshik and Eternal Quest Keshik (assigned to the saKhan and Loremaster, respectively) consist of a single Command Trinary (8 Goliath Scorpion OmniMechs, 4 Desert Tiger OmniMechs, 10 Elemental Warriors, and 2 Sarmatian OmniFighters) transported by a Scorpion I-class Troop Carrier DropShip aboard an Aggressor-class JumpShip.  The second docking collar is occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip.

The Knife Dance Keshik (the Khan’s personal Keshik) is not assigned a JumpShip as organic transport.  Instead, the Knife Dance Keshik is provided with the Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruiser Serket (the Clan’s Flagship).  50 Elemental Warriors, 10 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 10 Comanche OmniFighters are assigned to the Cruiser as well, and can be used to augment the Knife Dance Keshik as needed.  In addition, the Knife Dance Keshik is assigned two more Trinary (for a total of three).  Both of these are standard Assault Trinary (10 OmniMechs and 25 Elementals each) transported by a pair of Scorpion II-class Troop Carrier DropShips.  Knife Dance Trinary Beta and Gamma have a mix of every OmniMech manufactured by Clan Goliath Scorpion, fielding 3 Dune Stalkers, 5 Goliath Scorpions, 5 Desert Tigers, 5 Sand Devils, and 2 Hooded Eagles.  A Warden-class Assault DropShip occupies the fourth docking collar.

The Clan Goliath Scorpion Naval Reserve is organized into two Naval Stars, each consisting of six WarShips.

The Einheriar Naval Star is assigned the McKenna-class Battleship Lei Kung, the Riga-class Frigate Scorpio, the Lola IV-class Destroyers Auriga and Sagitta, and the Essex-class Destroyers Orpheus and Persephone.  Sixteen Warden-class Assault DropShips are assigned, as well as 300 Elemental Marines and 120 OmniFighters (60 Sarmatian and 60 Comanche).

The Wild Hunt Naval Star is assigned the Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers Enceladus, Epimetheus, Kartikeya, and Prometheus, with the Congress-class Frigates Bernlad and Garlon providing escort.   Twenty Warden-class Assault DropShips are assigned, as well as 500 Elemental Marines and 20 OmniFighters (10 Sarmatian and 10 Comanche).  The remaining eighty-four docking collars are typically assigned to 42 Auroch-class Cargo DropShips and 42 Dromedary-class Cargo DropShips.

The Yard Ship Hephaestus (converted from the former Cameron-class Battle Cruiser) is not assigned to any Naval Star and seldom participates in naval actions.  100 Elemental Marines are assigned to the Yard Ship, along with a pair of Mastodon-class Cargo DropShips.

The Scorpions transported three disassembled Space Stations to Circinus:  two Oasis-class Recharge Stations (based upon the venerable and highly effective Olympus-class) and a Haven-class Orbital Transfer Station.  300 Elemental Warriors are stationed aboard these three Stations (100 Elementals apiece).  These Warriors remained part of the Clan’s military Touman while the Stations were being assembled (one Oasis each at the Zenith and Nadir Jump Points, and the Haven in geosynchronous orbit over Circinus itself).  The Haven-class Orbital Transfer Station also serves the Clan as an orbital foundry with twenty factory units, as well as the location for the Circinus System Flight Operations Control Center.  The CSFOCC coordinates all in-system traffic, gives clearances for approach and departures to and from the inner system and conducts customs and boarding inspections of incoming and outgoing cargo and passengers.  The Haven is also the last orbital line of defense for Circinus and is heavily armed with capital grade weaponry (in addition to the standard weapon systems employed for defense against fighters and small craft) and possesses greater levels of armor protection than most Battle Cruisers!

Total Order of Battle Strength of the Clan Goliath Scorpion Military Touman is 1620 OmniMechs (50 Dune Stalker, 377 Goliath Scorpion, 563 Desert Tiger, 417 Sand Devil, 213 Hooded Eagle), 4050 Elemental Warriors, and 870 OmniFighters (476 Sarmatian and 394 Comanche).  Transport consists of 330 DropShips (75 Warden-class Assault DropShips, 35 Scorpion I-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 66 Scorpion II-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 32 Scorpion III-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 32 Scorpion IV-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 4 Scorpion V-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 42 Auroch-class Cargo DropShips, 42 Dromedary-class Cargo DropShips, and 2 Mastodon-class DropShips) and 38 JumpShips (6 Aggressor-class JumpShips and 32 Voyager-class JumpShips).  WarShip support consists of 14 WarShips (1 McKenna-class Battleship, 4 Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers, 1 Hephaestus-class Yard Ship, 1 Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruiser, 2 Congress-class Frigates, 1 Riga-class Frigate, 2 Lola IV-class Destroyers, and 2 Essex-class Destroyers), plus 2 Oasis-class Recharge Stations and 1 Haven-class Orbital Transfer Station dissembled for transport.

The average mass of a Clan Goliath Scorpion OmniMech is 58.706 tons, which places the Clan’s Touman solidly in the heavy-weight range.  Although not to the same degree of the Toumans of Clans Blood Spirit, Coyote, Star Adder, and Smoke Jaguar, this compares well with such Clans as Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon, Nova Cat and Wolf, and exceeds the average mass of the majority of the remaining Clans.

Furthermore, although a heavy-weight formation (overall), the Goliath Scorpion insistence on mobility and speed gives their average OmniMech a walking speed of 6.225.  While this is not as high as some Clans (such as Clan Ice Hellion, for example), it does give the Scorpions a distinct advantage in mobility and maneuver against Clans such as Blood Spirit, Coyote, Jade Falcon, Nova Cat, Smoke Jaguar, Star Adder, and Steel Viper.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 12:53:57 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2018, 12:56:03 AM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Order of Battle (1 January, 3073)

Clan Goliath Scorpion Command

Knife Dance Keshik
Knife Dance Command Keshik (3 Trinary) [Elite/Fanatical]
Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruiser Serket

Deathstalker Keshik
Deathstalker Command Keshik (1 Trinary) [Elite/Fanatical]

Eternal Quest Keshik
Eternal Quest Command Keshik (1 Trinary) [Elite/Fanatical]

Independent Formations
13th Scorpion Shock Cluster (Harbingers of Misfortune) [Elite/Fanatical]
19th Scorpion Light Horse Cluster (Scorpion Lancers) [Veteran/Reliable]
Reserve Artillery Trinary Alpha [Veteran/Reliable]
Reserve Artillery Trinary Beta [Regular/Reliable]
Reserve Artillery Trinary Gamma [Regular/Reliable]
Reserve Artillery Trinary Delta [Regular/Reliable]
Hephaestus-class Yard Ship Hephaestus

Alpha Galaxy (Rock Minders)
24th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (The Khan’s Own) [Elite/Fanatical]
35th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (Scorpions of the Veil) [Elite/Fanatical]
8th Scorpion Dragoon Cluster (Whip-Tail Brigade) [Elite/Fanatical]
14th Scorpion Hussar Cluster (Swift Retribution) [Veteran/Fanatical]

Beta Galaxy (Sand Runners)
1st Scorpion Dragoon Cluster (Heartvenom) [Elite/Reliable]
23rd Scorpion Dragoon Cluster (Ironshell Irregulars) [Elite/Fanatical]
6th Scorpion Hussar Cluster (Desert Wind) [Elite/Fanatical]
22nd Scorpion Hussar Cluster (Eye of the Storm) [Veteran/Fanatical]

Gamma Galaxy (Cave Dwellers)
3rd Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (Kerensky’s Covenant) [Veteran/Fanatical]
34th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (Dark Sting) [Veteran/Fanatical]
16th Scorpion Dragoon Cluster (Gate Crashers) [Veteran/Fanatical]
18th Scorpion Hussar Cluster (Crimson Legion) [Veteran/Fanatical]

Delta Galaxy (Night Hunters)
20th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (Scorpio Ascendant) [Veteran/Reliable]
28th Scorpion Cuirassier Cluster (The Khan’s Castle) [Veteran/Fanatical]
21st Scorpion Dragoon Cluster (Black Sun) [Veteran/Reliable]
25th Scorpion Dragoon Cluster (Obsidian Claws) [Veteran/Reliable]

Rho Galaxy (Storm Lords)
5th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Forked Ambition) [Regular/Reliable]
33rd Scorpion Cuirassiers (Sharman's Boxers) [Regular/Reliable]
27th Scorpion (Solahma) Dragoons (Last Chance Cavaliers) [Veteran/Fanatical]
15th Scorpion Hussars (Scorpion Seekers) [Green/Reliable]

Tau Galaxy (Swift Strikers)
4th Scorpion Cuirassiers (Adamantine Hearts) [Regular/Fanatical]
17th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Golden Horde) [Regular/Fanatical]
10th Scorpion Dragoons (Poisoned Gambit) [Green/Questionable]
2nd Scorpion Hussars (Blinding Stare) [Regular/Fanatical]

Mu Galaxy (Thunderbolt)
7th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Din of Battle) [Regular/Fanatical]
12th Scorpion Cuirassiers (The Highwaymen) [Regular/Questionable]
11th Scorpion Dragoons (The Devil's Tail) [Green/Reliable]
44th Scorpion Hussars (Untamed Will) [Regular/Reliable]

Chi Galaxy (Nova Scorpions)
9th Scorpion Dragoons (The Fire Scorpions) [Regular/Questionable]
31st Scorpion Hussars (Dream Walkers) [Regular/Questionable]

Clan Goliath Scorpion Naval Reserve

Einheriar Naval Star
McKenna-class Battleship Lei Kung
Riga-class Frigate Scorpio
Lola IV-class Destroyer Auriga
Lola IV-class Destroyer Sagitta
Essex-class Destroyer Orpheus
Essex-class Destroyer Persephone

Wild Hunt Naval Star
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Enceladus
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Epimetheus
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Kartikeya
Potemkin-class Troop Cruiser Prometheus
Congress-class Frigate Bernlad
Congress-class Frigate Garlon


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2018, 01:04:20 AM »

I tried to keep to the canon strength of Clan Goliath Scorpion . . . but then I made the decision for these Scorpions to absorb a handful of Provisional Garrison Clusters (three, to be precise) from Clan Nova Cat.  In canon, the Scorpions have 24 Clusters . . . all but one of these are five trinary strong.  Sharman's Boxers is listed as 4 trinary.

And, in canon, the Scorpions added 4 Clusters of Seekers (in some sources; others say three) and two Clusters of the Eridani Lancers.  Plus Wars of Reaving references a Scorpion Solahma Cluster . . . for a Clan that has NO Solahma Clusters!

That gave me the ability to add up to 10 Clusters.  Which I did.  Taken together, the Scorpion Command is five trinary strong (1 Cluster).  I brought each canon Galaxy up to a strength of 4 Clusters (4 Clusters), and added a half-strength Chi Galaxy (2 Clusters).  Then I added the Shock Cluster and Light Horse Cluster as independent units (2 Clusters).  Which left me with another 5 trinary (or 1 Cluster).  Well, I brought Sharman's Boxers up to full strength and used the last four for the Reserve Artillery Trinary.

Anyway, this is the military Touman of the Clan.  If you have any questions or comments, let me know.  And, attached you will find a picture of the Scorpion Expanses.  Including Galaxy deployments.  Alpha, Beta, and the Independent units are stationed on Circinus itself.




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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2018, 01:21:31 AM »

Blood Heritages and Houses

Clan Goliath Scorpion differs from the other Clans in how they treat their Blood Heritages.  In this Clan, it is viewed as a challenge to 'rehabilitate' a poorly performing Blood Heritage.  The failure of one Warrior, after all, does not mean that all who follow will likewise fail.  Doing so confers great honor on the Warrior who manages to 'redeem' a Blood Heritage in decline. 

Because of this, the Scorpions do not Reave Blood Heritages from existence.  Indeed, the Clan attempts to maintain the full one thousand Blood Named Warriors that Nicholas Kerensky decreed was the limit of any Clan.  Although not always successful in this, the Scorpions tend to come closer than the other Clans, despite their small Touman size.  Recently, the Scorpions have added one additional Bloodname to their Blood Heritages.  The Barclay Bloodname was established after the Absorption of the Eridani Light Horse on Huntress to honor their commanding officer (Sandra Barclay) and the history of service by the ELH to the Star League.  All former ELH members are considered members of this Bloodhouse and to date, seven (including now Star Colonel Sandra Barclay) have earned their Bloodname.

Below is a list of all Bloodnames currently possessed by the Scorpions, along with the number of Blood Heritages each name possesses.  Exclusive Bloodnames have a full twenty-five Blood Heritages attached to them (with the exception of Barclay).

Exclusive Scorpion Bloodnames

Arbuthnot, Baba, Barclay (7), Dinour, Ben-Shimon, Djerassi, Elam, Kirov, Myers, Posavatz, Schaffer, Scott, Suvorov, Yeh

Non-Exclusive Scorpion Bloodnames

ar-Rashid (21), Brinker (17), Bungei (19), Collesano (22), Cranstonolv (18), Demos (15), Gorga (16), Hardo (18), Henriquez (22), Ismaila (20), Kreek (19), LeClair (20), Linghui (23), Lunde (17), Madsen (18), Mortelette (23), Nagy (16), Naidu (21), Omid (20), Pakhalina (20), Sang (19), Snell (16), Solheim (22), Sword (21), Tazegul (20), Wagner (23), Zuric (19)

Shared Bloodnames Originating in Other Clans

Blood Spirit:  Blackburn (2), Carmichael (5), Sanchez (3)
Burrock:  Danforth (5)
Cloud Cobra:  Grey (4), McCloud (6), Morales (3), Sheridan (2)
Coyote:  Hollifield (3), Parker (2)
Diamond Shark:  Jackson (5), Marsh (3), Sutherland (6), Vandenberg (4)
Fire Mandrill:  Grant (5), Malone (4)
Ghost Bear:  Cook (3), Forrester (4), Hawkins (2), MacKenzie (4), Wayne (1)
Hell's Horses:  Mendoza (3), Thompson (2)
Ice Hellion:  Bragg (6), Drake (3), Wallace (4)
 Jade Falcon:  NONE
Mongoose:  Henriquez (2), Knox (2)
Nova Cat:  Devereaux (5)
Smoke Jaguar:  Bowen (3), Weaver (2)
Snow Raven:  Hakimi (2), Merrel (3), Yang (1)
Star Adder:  Graves (5), Irons (3), Jamal (4)
Steel Viper:  Callaghan (3), Kearny (3), Monet (4)
Widowmaker:  Isaac (3), Meredith (4), Tomas (2), Wells (2)
Wolf:  Hall (3)


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2018, 01:26:22 AM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Strategic Reserve Depot

Differing from many of the other Clans of Kerensky, the leadership of Clan Goliath Scorpion has—almost since the formation of the Clan—strove to maintain a strategic reserve of BattleMechs, OmniMechs, Aerospace Fighters, OmniFighters, and Battle Armor.  The size of this reserve has waxed and waned across the years as new technologies has come into play (forcing the Scorpions to remove some obsolete designs from the Depot).  In addition, some Khans and high-ranking members of the Scorpion leadership have often neglected the Depot.

Currently, however, Khan Nelson Elam has placed a high priority on building up and maintaining the Clan’s Strategic Reserve Depot, as did both Mikhail Kirov and Nicolai Djerassi before him (Ariel Suvorov, on the other hand, did little to contribute to the Depot).  At the time of the Scorpion Exodus from the Homeworlds and Pentagon, the SRD was stockpiled with modern OmniMechs, OmniFighters, and Elemental Battle Armor . . . enough to fully outfight an entire Galaxy.

These pristine war machines are available as replacement chassis for units lost in combat when production does not meet requirements, but also allow the Clan the option of being able to organize and field four new Clusters  with barely any advance notice.  Provided, of course, that sufficient Warriors are on hand and available to fill the slots in such an expansion!

At this time, the SRD contains 188 OmniMechs (58 Goliath Scorpion, 65 Desert Tiger, 47 Sand Devil, 18 Hooded Eagle), 340 suits of Elemental Battle Armor, and 88 OmniFighters (50 Sarmatian and 38 Comanche).
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 01:03:56 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2018, 01:38:36 AM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Gendarme

The Scorpion Gendarme is technically part of the military Touman . . . but while the Clan leadership espouses that view, few actual Warriors perceive it as such.  The Gendarme includes the Scorpion Watch as well as providing for civilian law enforcement.  In addition, it acts as a tertiary reserve to Scorpion Garrisons, providing un-armored infantry to support military operations during a crisis when needed.

Seldom is it needed to operate in such a fashion, but members of the Gendarme continue to train for that role (often at the expense of their normal day-to-day operations).

Since the tenure of Nicolas Djerassi as Khan, significant efforts have been made to improve the overall effectiveness of the Gendarme.  Djerassi recognized that the Gendarme needed to viewed more than as a “dumping ground” for sub-par Warriors.  And to that goal, he applied much energy and effort.  Incorporating the Clan Watch was the first step in that process, along with the active recruiting of personnel with the correct “mind-set” for criminal investigations, peace-keeping, and intelligence operations.

While much of the rank-and-file of the Gendarme still consists of those who just barely managed to qualify as Warriors, a good portion of their leadership has been transformed.  Veteran Warriors—including many Blood-named—past their prime for combat operations have been “encouraged” to transfer to the Gendarme . . . and sibkin with the raw talent have been identified in training and told that within the ranks of the Gendarme they can make a real difference in the Clan.

While slow, such efforts have produced a noticeable improvement in the performance of the Gendarme.

Currently, the Scorpion Gendarme fields one Detachement for every active duty Cluster in the Clan (32 total).  Each Gendarme Detachement includes a Binary of Peace Enforcers (250 unarmored infantry) and a Binary of Special Weapons, Armor, and Tactical-responders (50 infantry in light power armor).  In addition, each Detachment includes a Support Section of 300 personnel (non-warriors) who provide intelligence, technical, forensic, and other support to the Gendarme (including mundane tasks such as record-keeping and making sure that both prisoners and Gendarme personnel actually eat!). 

In the Scorpion Expanse, each system has been assigned two Detachments . . . Circinus, however, has been assigned twelve

At the present time, the total strength of the Scorpion Gendarme consists of 19,200 personnel . . . half of whom are considered members of the Warrior caste and carry live weapons.

While the Gendarme peace-keepers routinely operate with only light arms (including non-lethal weapons) and un-powered armor, they are trained in the use of--and have been provided with--PA(L) suits should situations arise that they are required to support the military Touman.  These suits are basically direct copies of the SLDF Nighthawk suits, but newly built using Clan technology.  Gendarme troopers using such suits are normally assigned a Mauser IIC as their primary weapon, although heavier weapons are available should they be required.

Field operators routinely deploy in two-man teams utilizing an array of light vehicles (primarily wheeled, but also some hover and VTOL).  More akin to civilian than military in nature, these vehicles are unarmed, but are lightly armored.  Heavier APC-type vehicles are also available for serious criminal threats.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 11:47:50 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2018, 11:04:19 AM »

A lot to take in but your knife dancer keshik made me think of Samoan fire knife dancers should incorporate something like that into them if you think it might add some flair to them
NEVER trust a man who scratches his chin


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2018, 11:52:43 AM »

A lot to take in but your knife dancer keshik made me think of Samoan fire knife dancers should incorporate something like that into them if you think it might add some flair to them

"Knife Dance" refers to the "Dance of the Scars" which is canon for the Scorpions.  From Sarna.net:

Code: [Select]
This ritualized form of combat traces its lineage directly back to the infamous knife fight between
saKhan Scott and Loremaster Kirov for control of the Seekers. A modified Circle of Equals, the dance of the
scars requires the combatants to strike each other in a precisely-defined series of cuts. The first two cuts
must be made across each shoulder, followed by cuts across each wrist, and a final cut across the center of
the chest. The warrior to make the fifth and final cut on his opponent is declared the winner. While normally
conducted unarmored, a number of Scorpion warriors began challenging others to "dance the scars" while
piloting 'Mechs in the years following the Clan invasion, considering these fights to be the ultimate show of

Code: [Select]
On the Black Seam they dance,
moonlit steel gleaming in the twilight.
Black and gold, red and silver,
their clothes stir the still night air.
Five steps taken, five cuts drawn,
the Scars of Moreau's tribulation.
These pay heed to our debt, to our past,
reborn with the death of our Mother.

-The Remembrance (Clan Goliath Scorpion), Passage 316, Verse 12, Lines 1-8
« Last Edit: October 28, 2018, 11:54:01 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2018, 12:43:48 PM »

Circus Honorae

Instituted in 2870 by Khan Shandra Dinour in response to the poor showing of Scorpion Warriors in obtaining the rights for Clan Coyote’s OmniMech technology, the “Circle of Honor” is based in large part upon the SLDF’s Martial Olympiad.

The Circus Honorae occurs every five years and is a celebration of the Warrior and serves the Clan as a means of proving both individual and unit prowess on the battlefield.  Warriors throughout the Clan compete fiercely to win a slot in the next Circle of Honor.  Such Honor Warriors compete against each other in a series of gladiatorial competitions during the Circus; these bouts include not only martial prowess (unarmed, unarmored melee, and augmented), but also “traditional” martial skills such as timed land navigation, traversing obstacles courses, and marksmanship.

But while many Warriors aspire to win an individual slot as an Honor Warrior, the competition also includes unit events.  These competitions pit Star and Trinary formations—as well as WarShips!—against one another in combat simulations that rival (or exceed!) many of the finest Solaris competitions.  Not least because of the danger and risk involved in these live-fire exercises.  Many Scorpions who participate are wounded while more than a few have died during the Circus Honorae.

Scorpion Warriors earn respect and honor just by winning entry into the Circus Honorae . . . but those who excel during the month-long Games of Honor are often considered ristars of the Clan.

The Games of Honor are broadcast throughout Scorpion enclaves and are widely viewed by both Military and Civilian castes alike.

The next scheduled Circus Honorae will occur in the spring of 3075.  Khan Nelson Elam has taken the unprecedented step of opening the upcoming Circle of Honor to Warriors and select units of the Inner Sphere (both House and Mercenary) and the Council of Seven.  Although some within the Clan were taken aback by his decision to do so, the Khan has refused to be deterred.  He believes that by opening the Games of Honor to all willing to participate—not just Warriors of Clan Goliath Scorpion—it will foster a competitiveness that will hone his Warrior’s edge even finer.

While few units or individual Warriors of the Inner Sphere have so far expressed an interest in traveling to Circinus for the 41st Circus Honorae, the remaining six Clans of the Council of Seven have already confirmed their intention of competing.  In addition, several Inner Sphere broadcast institutions have inquired as to obtaining the broadcast rights for the events.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2018, 01:07:50 PM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #9 on: October 31, 2018, 01:33:41 AM »

Clan Goliath Scorpion Merchant Fleet

The Scorpion Merchant Fleet is fairly robust, with one hundred and thirty-eight JumpShips available for operations.  The Merchant Fleet consists of 18 Aggressor-class with two docking collars each, 24 Seeker-class with three docking collars each, 24 Dauntless-class with four docking collars each, 24 Voyager-class with six docking collars each, 24 Endeavor-class with eight docking collars each, and 24 Intrepid-class with nine docking collars each.  Seven hundred and fifty-six docking collars are available in total, divided between 274 Auroch-class DropShips, 40 Onager-class Tugs, 280 Dromedary-class DropShips, and 162 Mastodon-class DropShips.  These vessels are in addition to those JumpShips and DropShips directly assigned to the Military Touman of Clan Goliath Scorpion.

As with the Military Touman, none of the Scorpion Merchant Fleet mounts Lithium-Fusion Batteries; however, every JumpShip is equipped with a Hyper Pulse Generator.

Factoring in both the Merchant and Military Fleets, the Scorpions have a grand total of 1,086 DropShips (75 Warden-class, 169 Scorpion-class (of all models), 316 Auroch-class, 40 Onager-class, 322 Dromedary-class, and 164 Mastodon-class), 176 JumpShips (24 Aggressor class, 24 Seeker-class, 24 Dauntless-class, 56 Voyager-class, 24 Endeavor-class, and 24 Intrepid-class), and 14 WarShips (2 Essex-class, 2 Lola IV-class, 1 Riga-class, 2 Congress-class, 1 Sovetskii Soyuz-class, 1 Hephaestus-class, 4 Potemkin-class, and 1 McKenna-class).

Fuel for the Scorpion Exodus was a major concern, with Clan leadership planning for a journey of up to two years in length.  Although even a cautious astrogation plot to avoid contact with the Lyran Commonwealth and other regional powers indicated that the voyage would require approximately 90 jumps (roughly 630 days, or 21 months), the Khans required that planners provide sufficient fuel, food, water, and life support supplies for a full 720 days.  Giving the Scorpion Fleet a roughly 90 day supply in excess of what was (projected) as the minimum requirements.

Furthermore, the Clan leadership recognized and accepted the fact that no plan ever comes to fruition under ideal conditions.  Consequently, the Khans demanded an additional strategic reserve to consist of—at a minimum—10% of the totality of fuel (both initial and reserve) carried among the vessels of the Fleet.  This strategic reserve would be available for fighters and small craft on patrol and routine transfers between vessels during the voyage, as well as for any unexpected and unplanned combat operations that the Fleet might have to undertake (either offensive or defensive) en route.

Taken altogether, the Scorpion Exodus Fleet would require 946,670 tons of fuel to provide full bunkers for all vessels at their departure, plus an additional 1,325,134 tons to allow for all ships to operate for up to 720 days.  A further 227,181 tons of fuel would have to be held in reserve to meet the Khans minimum requirements for a strategic fuel reserve.

Plans were drafted and then implemented to convert 100 Auroch-class, 100 Dromedary-class, and 45 Mastodon-class DropShips into fuel tankers, with one-third of their cargo bays modified for the storage of liquid fuel for the Fleet.  This provided the Scorpion Exodus Fleet with a total reserve (both standard and strategic) of 1,562,500 tons of fuel—in addition to full fuel bunkers at their departure.

This left the Scorpion Exodus Fleet with 15,643,952 tons of cargo space—exclusive of the spare parts storage aboard every DropShip, JumpShip, and WarShip in the Fleet.  1,522,787 tons was required for additional provisions, water, and life support for the personnel of the Scorpion Exodus, leaving 14,121,165 tons of cargo available for colonization supplies, pre-fabricated factory modules, tools, and other sundry equipment (including the three dissembled Stations being transported that require a total 2.5 million tons of cargo space) that the Scorpions would require in their new home.

The Scorpion Fleet is able to transport a total of 829,275 personnel simultaneously.  This includes 53,228 members of the Military and Civilian castes assigned to the Military Touman and to provide crew for all Small Craft, DropShips, JumpShips, and WarShips, both Military and Merchant alike.  The vast majority of the remaining 776,047 personnel are civilian, although Scorpion Sibling Training Companies and their instructors (3,150), as well as the quasi-Warriors of the Scorpion Gendarme (19,200) and the personnel assigned to the Clan’s three Space Stations (6,300), are included in their number, leaving 747,397 civilians not directly associated with the Clan Military or Merchant Touman.


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2018, 01:06:14 AM »

Lots of views, but no thoughts?  Suggestions?  Critiques?


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2018, 01:08:44 AM »



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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2018, 06:30:56 AM »

The Gendarme is a realistic Clan police force which I am working on for my setting as well. I've always thought they belong with the Watch in third line forces. 'Shadow Warriors' who presence is required but overlooked by real Warriors of 1st and even 2nd line units.

Like the public Circus Honorae thing going on and your organization seems solid enough.

In terms of comparisons between where the Scorpions ended up I like this a hell of a lot better than canon.

However I have to ask where is all of this going? Focusing on the Scorpions as a Periphery Warden Clan while cool seems a bit limited. I'd like to see you team up with another developer such as marauder648 with his My Little Tankies creation for a whole other alternate setting.


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2018, 11:34:32 AM »

However I have to ask where is all of this going? Focusing on the Scorpions as a Periphery Warden Clan while cool seems a bit limited. I'd like to see you team up with another developer such as marauder648 with his My Little Tankies creation for a whole other alternate setting.

I've actually given that some thought.  And while the title is--and remains--Handbook:  Clan Goliath Scorpion, rest assured that I will be paying attention to at least one other Clan that decides to get out of Dodge (i.e., the Homeworlds) when Brett Andrews starts to lose it and kick off the Wars of Reaving.  As to a collaboration . . . I'm open.  I always thought that the Horse/Hellion invasion of the Invading Clans corridors was a little . . . weak.  And that rather than that, how about "liberating" the former worlds of the Lothian League and Illyrian Protectorate from the Marian Hegemony instead?  The Hellions in particular would absolutely LOVE the Lothian worlds, all filled with snow and ice and ski bunnies.  Heh. 

And the Sharks need to have a place to settle down rather than being semi-nomadic merchants.  I could see them getting along with the people of the Illyrian worlds rather nicely . . . especially if they kick the Marians hard in the process.

After all, the Ravens didn't set up shop in the Invasion Corridors, so why should that be the only game in town, right?

« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 11:35:42 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Clan Goliath Scorpion Touman (Handbook: CGS, excerpt)
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2018, 01:13:07 PM »

"Duncan Fisher here and boy do we have some exciting matches coming up.  Although the Arenas on Solaris are closed due to the Word of Blake occupation, we have traveled to Circinus, the capital of the newly formed Scorpion Expanses here at the very edge of the Inner Sphere."

"You are asking, what can these Clanners offer that Solaris watchers can possibly enjoy?  I asked that myself, but we are here for the opening ceremonies of the 41st Circus Honorae of Clan Goliath Scorpion."

"Circus Whatis?" Duncan chuckled.

"Yes.  The "Games of Honor" are a celebration of the Warrior among this enigmatic Clan that we know so little about.  Twenty-five days of live combat including 'Mech mayhem, bare-knuckles brawling, marksmanship, and many other competitions."

"Including live footage of WarShip and DropShip engagements in deep space and close orbit," chimed in a second voice.

"You are correct, Ervin," Duncan added smoothly.  "My co-host for these events, Ervin Rebelke, two time Solaris Grand Champion from 3065 to 3066.  You may remember his days as an unstoppable force of nature in his infamous Atlas that ruled the Coliseum and was feared in the Black Mountain."

"Thank you for the kind words, Duncan, but we are here for the fighting!  After the past few years, watching Clanner beat up on Clanner is going to be pretty damn good, if I do say so myself!"

"Yes, Ervin, but the Games of Honor are not restricted to just Clan this year.  Khan Nelson Elam of the Scorpion Expanses has opened the Games to Inner Sphere participation and we have a wild ride ahead of this over the course of the next month."

A fanfare of trumpets played, and Duncan smiled on camera.  "Entering the Scorpion Coliseum is the contingent from Clan Ghost Bear.  One of the favorites in this year's events, they are out for blood.  Blakist or Clanner, I don't think they care!"

"No, they do not, Duncan.  Can't wait to see both the individual and team events from those motivated Warriors!"

Ervin shook his head, and he sighed.  "But I will never understand the Clans.  'Mech competitions, I get.  Unarmed and melee combat, fine . . . I'll watch it!  Live-fire unit tactical exercises?  I love it! But some of these events?"

He snorted.  "Who wants to watch Timed Land Navigation, Duncan?"

Duncan laughed.  "And if it was just timed land navigation that any junior officer could screw up, you'd be right, Ervin!  But the actual name of that event here is the Timed Land Navigation, Escape, and Evasion in Hostile Territory under Combat Conditions.  And like all events of the Cicus Honorae, this one is live-fire, with opponents selected from the Scorpion Touman and Gendarme seeking to stop the competitors from finishing!"

"That sounds more like it," laughed Ervin.

"Competitors will be ejected from an aerospace fighter flying super-sonic at low atltitudes and the competition begins they moment they punch out!  They will have to traverse 17 kilometers of rugged terrain to reach an extraction point, all the while evading armed patrols of Scorpion infantry with live weapons and avoiding booby-traps--including minefields!--placed throughout the area.  Competitors will be scored not just on the the time to complete the course, but their ability to evade and escape capture . . . or death!"

"Yes, Solaris fans," Ervin added, "death.  The Games of Honor are no-holds barred events that often result in injuries and fatalities.  Look, Duncan, the Kell Hounds team has just entered the Arena!"

"And rumor has it that the Hounds include several Warriors of Clan Wolf-in-Exile in their number . . . be interesting to see how Clan Wolf's team reacts to that!"

"I know I'd pay a C-bill or two to watch!" Ervin exclaimed.

Duncan smiled to the camera, "And we will return to the opening ceremonies, live from Circinus after these messages from our sponsors.  Coming up, a live interview with saKhan Jason Scott of Clan Goliath Scorpion as the 41st Circus Honorae continues!  Stay tuned, sports fans."
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