Handbook: Clan Goliath Scorpion
Clan Goliath Scorpion Military Organization
Based upon the concept of mixed Trinaries, Clan Goliath Scorpion’s military Touman is extremely regimented. There are four basic types of Trinary assigned to the Clusters of the Touman; each contains a mixture of OmniMech, OmniFighter, and/or Elemental forces, designed around a specific tactical function. There are a few specialized Trinary formations as well that differ from this organization; each will be addressed in turn.
Clan Goliath Scorpion Cluster formations consist of five Trinary. Each Cluster is assigned a Command Trinary, two Assault Trinary, one Battle Trinary, and one Striker Trinary.
The Command Trinary acts as a stable command element for Scorpion Clusters, while also retaining a reserve of the heaviest OmniMechs within the Cluster to reinforce operations where needed. The lead Star is a Composite Command Star of 2 OmniMechs, 10 Elemental Warriors, and 2 OmniFighters. The remaining two Stars of the Trinary contain 5 OmniMechs each. Transport is provided by a Scorpion I-class Troop Carrier DropShip.
The two Assault Trinary are the primary ground assault elements of the Cluster. Each consists of two Stars with 5 OmniMechs each and one Star with 25 Elemental Warriors. Transport is provided by a Scorpion II-class Troop Carrier DropShip.
The Battle Trinary is a multi-role unit containing a mixture of all three elements: OmniMechs, OmniFighters, and Elementals. This unit is capable of undertaking independent operations when necessary. This formation contains one Star of 5 OmniMechs, one Star of 25 Elemental Warriors, and one Star of 10 OmniFighters. Transport is provided by a Scorpion III-class Troop Carrier DropShip.
The Striker Trinary serves as the reconnaissance and skirmish force of the Cluster. Each such unit is comprised of two Stars of 5 OmniMechs each and one Star of 10 OmniFighters. Transport is provided by a Scorpion IV-class Troop Carrier DropShip.
The Reserve Artillery Trinary is a specialized formation dedicated to supplying the Touman with on-call artillery fire support. Each consists of three Stars of 5 OmniMechs each. Two of the Stars are outfitted with Desert Tiger E artillery OmniMechs, while the third star consists of Hooded Eagle C-TAG OmniMechs that serve as forward observers and spotters for remainder of the Trinary. Transport is provided by a Scorpion V-class Troop Carrier DropShip.
Each Cluster in the Scorpion Touman (at full strength) is comprised of 47 OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, and 22 OmniFighters, along with five Troop Carrier DropShips. Transport is provided by a Voyager-class JumpShip with the sixth docking collar occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip.
There are five types of Cluster formations found within the Scorpion Touman.
The single Scorpion Shock Cluster is the heaviest weight unit within the Clan. Consisting solely of assault-weight OmniMechs and medium-weight OmniFighters, it is the unyielding anvil on which foes of the Scorpion are crushed. This formation contains 47 Dune Stalker OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, and 22 Sarmatian OmniFighters.
There are twelve Scorpion Cuirassier Clusters in the Touman. These are the mobile assault units, with all of their OmniMechs being classified as heavy-weight. Each Cluster is assigned 29 Goliath Scorpion OmniMechs, 18 Desert Tiger OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, 14 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 8 Comanche OmniFighters.
There are ten Scorpion Dragoon Clusters in the Touman. These balanced formations blend firepower and mobility with a division of heavy-weight and medium-weight OmniMechs. Each Cluster is assigned 29 Desert Tiger OmniMechs, 18 Sand Devil OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, 12 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 10 Comanche OmniFighters.
Next, there are eight Scorpion Hussar Clusters in the Touman. Comprised of medium-weight OmniMechs and OmniFighters, these formations are the fast-moving recon and striker elements of the Scorpion Touman. Each Cluster is assigned 29 Sand Devil OmniMechs, 18 Hooded Eagle OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, 10 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 12 Comanche OmniFighters.
Finally, the 19th Scorpion Light Horse Cluster is the lightest (and swiftest) element of the Clan. Organized identically to the remaining Clusters, this Cluster contains 47 Hooded Eagle OmniMechs, 85 Elemental Warriors, and 22 Comanche OmniFighters. Specializing in fast strike and reconnaissance operations, this formation serves as the eyes of the Scorpion Touman.
These Cluster formations are organized into eight Galaxy level formations. Each Galaxy (with the exception of Chi Galaxy) consists of four Clusters. Chi Galaxy was formed just before the Scorpion Exodus and at the time of this report contains just two Cluster formations. The 13th Scorpion Shock Cluster and 19th Scorpion Light Horse Cluster are independent organizations outside of the normal Galaxy hierarchy.
Unlike the majority of other Clans, the Scorpions have deliberately chosen not to have a separate Galaxy level command element. Instead, the Galaxy Commander also commands one of the four (or two) Clusters assigned to that specific Galaxy.
The Touman also includes four Reserve Artillery Trinary. These formations provide the Clan with a (limited) ability to provide on-call artillery fire support . . . although they are often bid away and seldom see battle. Each Reserve Artillery Trinary is assigned an Aggressor-class JumpShip with the second docking collar occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip.
Finally, the Goliath Scorpion military Touman includes three Command Keshiks assigned to the Khan, saKhan, and Loremaster. The Deathstalker Keshik and Eternal Quest Keshik (assigned to the saKhan and Loremaster, respectively) consist of a single Command Trinary (8 Goliath Scorpion OmniMechs, 4 Desert Tiger OmniMechs, 10 Elemental Warriors, and 2 Sarmatian OmniFighters) transported by a Scorpion I-class Troop Carrier DropShip aboard an Aggressor-class JumpShip. The second docking collar is occupied by a Warden-class Assault DropShip.
The Knife Dance Keshik (the Khan’s personal Keshik) is not assigned a JumpShip as organic transport. Instead, the Knife Dance Keshik is provided with the Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruiser Serket (the Clan’s Flagship). 50 Elemental Warriors, 10 Sarmatian OmniFighters, and 10 Comanche OmniFighters are assigned to the Cruiser as well, and can be used to augment the Knife Dance Keshik as needed. In addition, the Knife Dance Keshik is assigned two more Trinary (for a total of three). Both of these are standard Assault Trinary (10 OmniMechs and 25 Elementals each) transported by a pair of Scorpion II-class Troop Carrier DropShips. Knife Dance Trinary Beta and Gamma have a mix of every OmniMech manufactured by Clan Goliath Scorpion, fielding 3 Dune Stalkers, 5 Goliath Scorpions, 5 Desert Tigers, 5 Sand Devils, and 2 Hooded Eagles. A Warden-class Assault DropShip occupies the fourth docking collar.
The Clan Goliath Scorpion Naval Reserve is organized into two Naval Stars, each consisting of six WarShips.
The Einheriar Naval Star is assigned the McKenna-class Battleship Lei Kung, the Riga-class Frigate Scorpio, the Lola IV-class Destroyers Auriga and Sagitta, and the Essex-class Destroyers Orpheus and Persephone. Sixteen Warden-class Assault DropShips are assigned, as well as 300 Elemental Marines and 120 OmniFighters (60 Sarmatian and 60 Comanche).
The Wild Hunt Naval Star is assigned the Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers Enceladus, Epimetheus, Kartikeya, and Prometheus, with the Congress-class Frigates Bernlad and Garlon providing escort. Twenty Warden-class Assault DropShips are assigned, as well as 500 Elemental Marines and 20 OmniFighters (10 Sarmatian and 10 Comanche). The remaining eighty-four docking collars are typically assigned to 42 Auroch-class Cargo DropShips and 42 Dromedary-class Cargo DropShips.
The Yard Ship Hephaestus (converted from the former Cameron-class Battle Cruiser) is not assigned to any Naval Star and seldom participates in naval actions. 100 Elemental Marines are assigned to the Yard Ship, along with a pair of Mastodon-class Cargo DropShips.
The Scorpions transported three disassembled Space Stations to Circinus: two Oasis-class Recharge Stations (based upon the venerable and highly effective Olympus-class) and a Haven-class Orbital Transfer Station. 300 Elemental Warriors are stationed aboard these three Stations (100 Elementals apiece). These Warriors remained part of the Clan’s military Touman while the Stations were being assembled (one Oasis each at the Zenith and Nadir Jump Points, and the Haven in geosynchronous orbit over Circinus itself). The Haven-class Orbital Transfer Station also serves the Clan as an orbital foundry with twenty factory units, as well as the location for the Circinus System Flight Operations Control Center. The CSFOCC coordinates all in-system traffic, gives clearances for approach and departures to and from the inner system and conducts customs and boarding inspections of incoming and outgoing cargo and passengers. The Haven is also the last orbital line of defense for Circinus and is heavily armed with capital grade weaponry (in addition to the standard weapon systems employed for defense against fighters and small craft) and possesses greater levels of armor protection than most Battle Cruisers!
Total Order of Battle Strength of the Clan Goliath Scorpion Military Touman is 1620 OmniMechs (50 Dune Stalker, 377 Goliath Scorpion, 563 Desert Tiger, 417 Sand Devil, 213 Hooded Eagle), 4050 Elemental Warriors, and 870 OmniFighters (476 Sarmatian and 394 Comanche). Transport consists of 330 DropShips (75 Warden-class Assault DropShips, 35 Scorpion I-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 66 Scorpion II-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 32 Scorpion III-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 32 Scorpion IV-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 4 Scorpion V-class Troop Carrier DropShips, 42 Auroch-class Cargo DropShips, 42 Dromedary-class Cargo DropShips, and 2 Mastodon-class DropShips) and 38 JumpShips (6 Aggressor-class JumpShips and 32 Voyager-class JumpShips). WarShip support consists of 14 WarShips (1 McKenna-class Battleship, 4 Potemkin-class Troop Cruisers, 1 Hephaestus-class Yard Ship, 1 Sovetskii Soyuz-class Cruiser, 2 Congress-class Frigates, 1 Riga-class Frigate, 2 Lola IV-class Destroyers, and 2 Essex-class Destroyers), plus 2 Oasis-class Recharge Stations and 1 Haven-class Orbital Transfer Station dissembled for transport.
The average mass of a Clan Goliath Scorpion OmniMech is 58.706 tons, which places the Clan’s Touman solidly in the heavy-weight range. Although not to the same degree of the Toumans of Clans Blood Spirit, Coyote, Star Adder, and Smoke Jaguar, this compares well with such Clans as Ghost Bear, Jade Falcon, Nova Cat and Wolf, and exceeds the average mass of the majority of the remaining Clans.
Furthermore, although a heavy-weight formation (overall), the Goliath Scorpion insistence on mobility and speed gives their average OmniMech a walking speed of 6.225. While this is not as high as some Clans (such as Clan Ice Hellion, for example), it does give the Scorpions a distinct advantage in mobility and maneuver against Clans such as Blood Spirit, Coyote, Jade Falcon, Nova Cat, Smoke Jaguar, Star Adder, and Steel Viper.