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Author Topic: Davion & Davion (Deceased)  (Read 17190 times)

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  • Duke of Avalon
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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2012, 12:27:26 PM »

...I like it.  I know the ghost angle is important, but maybe use a JS lost to hyperspace in an accident?  Remember how a JS moves forward in time when there's a mis-jump?  How about backwards instead?  John could use the history files from its computer to try to allay the worst of the Amaris civil war and Succession Wars.
No reason it couldn't be tried. My original concept for this was Hanse-in-John's-shape as First Prince, but I decided it would be too implausible for Hanse to cover for all the things he wouldn't know.

Besides I already have an idea for a jumpship travelling back in time. Except that it's 3067 > 3050.

Red Pins

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2012, 01:17:09 PM »

Fair enough.  More already!


  • Duke of Avalon
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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2012, 05:17:11 PM »


Well, next update isn't ready yet. Have this extra instead:

AFFS BattleMechs

Code: [Select]
Jackrabbit JKR-9A

Mass: 25 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Age of War/Star League
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/D-F-E
Production Year: 2768
Cost: 1,843,750 C-Bills
Battle Value: 619

Chassis: Skobel 100-ROB Endo_Steel Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Gm 150 150 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 64.8 km/h
Maximum Speed: 97.2 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Krupp 150 Ferro-Fibrous Ferro-Fibrous
    1 Photech 806c Medium Laser
    3 Holly-5 LRMs
Manufacturer: Skobel MechWorks
    Primary Factory: Gillingham
Communications System: Exeter Longscan 200
Targeting and Tracking System: Garret T15AJ

Following his conquest of Terra, Stefan Amaris ordered the JKR-8T Jackrabbit
into mass production for his forces. Although basically sound, the design's
armament was lacking and most were destroyed or captured during the fighting
against John Davion;'s Army Group 11.

Seeing promise in the design which Kerensky despised, identifying it with
Amaris's forces, Davion purchased all captured and salvaged Jackrabbits,
rearming them. The result was sufficiently successful that Skobel were invited
to build new Jackrabbits for the AFFS

The improved Jackrabbit replaces the light autocannon with three LRM launchers
and the Streak SRM launcher with a medium laser. This provides considerably
more firepower for the light 'Mech, comparable to the Lyran Commando, but also
allows the addition of another half ton of armour.

Jackrabbits are used widely by the Syrtis Fusiliers and Robinson Rangers. They
aren't popular with the Kentares Light Horse, who fought against them in the
Terran Hegemony.

The -9B model of the Jackrabbit uses Harpoon-4 SRM launchers instead of Holly-5
LRMs. This version is popular with the Syrtis Fusiliers.

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    43 points                1.50
    Internal Locations: 2 CT, 2 LT, 2 RT, 2 LA, 2 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             Fusion Engine                150                       5.50
    Walking MP: 6
    Running MP: 9
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 3 LT, 1 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Ferro-Fibrous                AV -  71                  4.00
    Armor Locations: 4 LT, 4 RT, 4 LA, 2 RA

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     8            13       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  3         
                                           L/R Torso     6            7         
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  3         
                                             L/R Arm     4            6         
                                             L/R Leg     6            7         

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
3 LRM-5s                                     RA        6         3         6.00
Medium Laser                                 LA        3         1         1.00
@LRM-5 (48)                                  RT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 11

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      2    Points: 6
6          1       2       1       0      1     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, IF 1

Code: [Select]
Centurion CN9-AD

Mass: 50 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Age of War/Star League
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/E-F-E
Production Year: 2779
Cost: 8,396,000 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,249

Chassis: Corean Model L7 Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Magna 250 XL
Walking Speed: 54.0 km/h
Maximum Speed: 86.4 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: StarGuard III Standard Armor
    1 Luballin LB 10-X Autocannon
    1 Photech 806c Medium Laser
    4 Holly-5 LRM Launcher
    1 Tronel XII Medium Pulse Laser
Manufacturer: Corean Enterprises
    Primary Factory: New Avalon, Gillingham
Communications System: Corean Transband-J9
Targeting and Tracking System: Corean B-Tech

Developed by Corean Enterprises on a special commission for the First Prince,
the Centurion was intended as a flagship design for lance commanders in Hussar
and Light Horse regiments. During the 2780s every 'Mech from the factories was
rushed to the frontlines and heavily employed in fighting against the DCMS and

The Centurion is built around a endosteel structure and an extra-light engine
that propells it at over eighty kilometres per hour, equal to the classic
55-ton medium battlemechs used by the SLDF.

The primary armament of the Centurion is the Luballin autocannon in the right
arm, with 20% more range than the classic heavy autocannon. The chest is marked
by a medium laser and mirroring it on the rear is a medium pulse laser,
providing close-quarter firepower.

For longer range engagements, the Centurion has four long range missile
launchers, capable of matching the volleys of the Dervish and Whitworth fire
support battlemechs. Advanced heatsinks make this entirely sustainable during
an engagement (although at maximum rate of fire the Centurion will empty its
missile bins in just under a minute).

To ensure it has that time in action, the Centurion is wrapped in ten tons
armour, again, giving it protection comparable to 'Mechs five or ten tons

Battle History:
The first action of the Centurion was on Le Blanc in 2781 where a lance of four
of the new 'Mechs spearheaded a counter-attack upon positions held by a DCMS
heavy 'Mech platoon. Moving swiftly to cover each other the AFFS mechwarriors
concentrated fire on one Dragon after another, destroying all five in rapid
succession for the loss of only one Centurion.

Placed into heavy production, the Centurion is being assigned as a replacement
'Mech to demi-brigades of the Avalon Hussars and Kentares Light Horse. As a
result it has seen a great deal of action in the fighting in the Capellan and
Draconis Marches.

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                    83 points                2.50
    Internal Locations: 1 HD, 2 LT, 3 RT, 3 LA, 1 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             XL Fusion Engine             250                       6.50
    Walking MP: 5
    Running MP: 8
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             10(20)                    0.00
Gyro:               Standard                                               3.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 160                 10.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     16           24       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  7         
                                           L/R Torso     12           18       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  6         
                                             L/R Arm     8            16       
                                             L/R Leg     12           20       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Laser                                 CT        3         1         1.00
(R) Medium Pulse Laser                       CT        4         1         2.00
2 LRM-5s                                     RT        4         2         4.00
2 LRM-5s                                     LT        4         2         4.00
LB 10-X AC                                   RA        2         6        11.00
@LRM-5 (24)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
@LB 10-X (Cluster) (10)                      RA        -         1         1.00
@LB 10-X (Slug) (10)                         RA        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 13

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 12
5          2       2       1       0      2     0   Structure:  2
Special Abilities: SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, LRM 1/1/1, IF 1, FLK 1/1/1

Code: [Select]
JagerMech JM5-D

Mass: 65 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Tournament Legal
Era: Age of War/Star League
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/E-F-E
Production Year: 2750
Cost: 4,904,625 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,136

Chassis: Kallon Type XX Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Magna 260 195 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 32.4 km/h
Maximum Speed: 54.0 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Kallon RoyalStar Standard Armor w/ CASE
    2 KWI AC/5 Ultra Autocannon
    2 Tronel XII Medium Pulse Laser
    2 Myrdon Model C Medium Autocannons
Manufacturer: Kallon Industries
    Primary Factory: Talon
Communications System: Garrett T11-A
Targeting and Tracking System: Garrett D2j

For better or for worse, the AFFS has a long-standing fondness for Kallon
Industries' JagerMech design so in the late 2760s Price Davion commissioned an
upgraded model.

On the Prince's suggestion the top speed of the JagerMech was cut to only 54
kph, freeing up tonnage for the greater mass of the medium lasers and
autocannon desired. This also allowed the armour coverage to be improved
although unfortunately Kallon were not able to upgrade to the advanced armour
composites that were desired.

The Ceti Hussars swear by the JagerMech and most of their fire support lances
contain at least one. Two production runs were also sent to the Crucis Dragoons
where it is less popular.

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   104 points                3.50
    Internal Locations: 2 LT, 2 RT, 3 LA, 3 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             Fusion Engine                195                       8.00
    Walking MP: 3
    Running MP: 5
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Single Heat Sink             10                        0.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 HD, 1 LT, 1 RT
Gyro:               Standard                                               2.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA    R: SH+UA
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 136                  8.50
    CASE Locations: 1 LT, 1 RT                                             1.00

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     21           21       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  6         
                                           L/R Torso     15           20       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  4         
                                             L/R Arm     10           11       
                                             L/R Leg     15           15       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
Medium Pulse Laser                           RT        4         1         2.00
Medium Pulse Laser                           LT        4         1         2.00
Ultra AC/5                                   RA        1         5         9.00
Autocannon/2                                 RA        1         1         6.00
Ultra AC/5                                   LA        1         5         9.00
Autocannon/2                                 LA        1         1         6.00
@AC/2 (45)                                   CT        -         1         1.00
@Ultra AC/5 (40)                             RT        -         2         2.00
@Ultra AC/5 (40)                             LT        -         2         2.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 13

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      5    Points: 11
3          3       3       2       0      3     1   Structure:  5
Special Abilities: CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA

Code: [Select]
Battlemaster BLR-1JD

Mass: 85 tons
Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Chassis Config: Biped
Rules Level: Experimental Tech
Era: Clan Invasion
Tech Rating/Era Availability: E/X-X-F
Production Year: 3070
Cost: 9,648,243 C-Bills
Battle Value: 1,772

Chassis: Unknown Endo-Steel
Power Plant: Unknown 340 Fusion Engine
Walking Speed: 43.2 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64.8 km/h
Jump Jets: None
    Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Unknown Standard Armor w/ CASE
    2 Parti-Kill Snub-Nose PPCs
    6 Photech 806c Medium Lasers
    2 Harpoon-4 SRM-4s
Manufacturer: Custom
    Primary Factory: Unknown
Communications System: Unknown
Targeting and Tracking System: Unknown

During the early 2770s the possibility of licensing the Battlemaster for
construction in the Federated Suns for the SLDF. As part of this process a
prototype for a new variant using the cutting edge of SLDF Royal technology was
created by engineers from Hollis at Achernar's New Avalon mechworks.
The deal fell through but John Davion purchased the prototype for his personal

The 1JD Battlemaster followed the pattern of the SLDF's Royal BattleMaster by
doubling up the PPCs although it kept them both in the right arm and using the
new snub-nosed model. However it retained the classic laser and SRM combination
for short range fire, slightly upgrading the latterto a pair of Harpoon-4
In order to make space for the extensive double heatsinks and extra PPC the
Battlemaster gave up half a ton of armour, both machineguns and made use of a
lightweight internal structure. To make up for the loss of armour, improved
ammunition storage technology was applied to limit the damage that an internal
detonation of SRMs could cause.

Battle History:
The Battlemaster 1JD saw its first - and perhaps last - battle on Robinson at
New Haifa during the legendary face-to-face confrontation with Minoru Kurita.
While John's piloting was not the decisive factor, the 'Mech did prove to be a
superior infighter compared to the Coordinator's 1Gb model.

Notable 'Mechs & MechWarriors:
John Davion's personal BattleMech the "Hanse Hands" is the only example of the
1JD ever made.

Equipment           Type                         Rating                   Mass 
Internal Structure: Endo-Steel                   130 points                4.50
    Internal Locations: 2 CT, 2 LT, 5 LA, 1 RA, 2 LL, 2 RL
Engine:             Fusion Engine                340                      27.00
    Walking MP: 4
    Running MP: 6
    Jumping MP: 0
Heat Sinks:         Double Heat Sink             19(38)                    9.00
    Heat Sink Locations: 1 LT, 3 RT, 1 LA, 1 RA
Gyro:               Standard                                               4.00
Cockpit:            Standard                                               3.00
    Actuators:      L: SH+UA+LA+H    R: SH+UA+LA+H
Armor:              Standard Armor               AV - 224                 14.00
    CASE Locations: 1 LT                                                   0.50

                                                      Internal       Armor     
                                                      Structure      Factor     
                                                Head     3            9         
                                        Center Torso     27           40       
                                 Center Torso (rear)                  11       
                                           L/R Torso     18           28       
                                    L/R Torso (rear)                  7         
                                             L/R Arm     14           23       
                                             L/R Leg     18           24       

Equipment                                 Location    Heat    Critical    Mass 
2 Medium Lasers                              RT        6         2         2.00
(R) Medium Laser                             RT        3         1         1.00
2 Medium Lasers                              LT        6         2         2.00
(R) Medium Laser                             LT        3         1         1.00
2 SRM-4s                                     LT        6         2         4.00
2 Snub-Nose PPCs                             RA        20        4        12.00
@SRM-4 (25)                                  LT        -         1         1.00
                                            Free Critical Slots: 1

BattleForce Statistics
MV      S (+0)  M (+2)  L (+4)  E (+6)   Wt.   Ov   Armor:      7    Points: 18
4          4       4       0       0      4     0   Structure:  7
Special Abilities: CASE, SRCH, ES, SEAL, SOA, SRM 1/1/0
« Last Edit: July 29, 2012, 03:03:23 AM by drakensis »


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #18 on: July 28, 2012, 07:29:02 PM »

Insuring dynastic succession was one of the Star League's greatest selling points however in practice such things (War of Davion Succession and Free Worlds League Civil War) were deemed internal disputes. I find it fitting that the House Lords can now "play god" with such disputes much as the First Lords did to them in the past.

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2012, 10:33:01 PM »

...Slight typo on the Centurion write-up.

although at maximum rate of fire the Centurion will emotyl its missile bins in just under a minute


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2012, 03:03:37 AM »

Thanks for the catch.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2012, 05:11:40 PM »

Sidebar: AFFS Random Unit Assigment

RollLight ‘MechMedium ‘MechHeavy ‘MechAssault ‘MechLight ArmourHeavy ArmourAerospace
1LCT-1V Locust PXH-1b Phoenix HawkJM5-D JagerMechSTC-2C StrikerPlainsmanVon Luckner CNT-1D Centurion
2STG-3R Stinger STY-3C StarslayerJM5-D JagerMech VTR-9B VictorJ. EdgarManticoreSPR-H5 Sparrowhawk
3WSP-1A WaspCRB-27 Crab ARC-2Rb Archer VTR-9B VictorVedetteManticore SB-27b Sabre
4JVN-10N JavelinDV-6M Dervish CTS-6Y Cestus NSR-9J NightstarStrikerDemonCSR-V12b Corsair
5VLK-QA Valkyrie Centurion CN9-AD MAD-2R MarauderHGN-732b HighlanderHunterFuryEGL-R6b Eagle
6JKR-9A JackrabbitSHD-2Hb Shadow HawkMAD-2R MarauderBLR-1Gb BattleMaster PegasusBulldog STU-K5b Stuka

Part Five: The Doom of the Star League


With no First Lord elected, the Federated Suns formally withdraws from the Star League and appears ready for war. As part of this John Davion declares himself Duke of Avalon, taking up the powers previously granted to the First Lord when within the Suns. Due to years of preparation BSLA offices are absorbed seamlessly into the Ministry of Administration and SLDF bases are for the most part already defenseless and often in AFFS hands. The Star League Council, having dispersed to their own homeworlds, issue the final go order for what they dub Operation KESTREL. While the SLDF is intended to bear the brunt of the fighting, the CCAF and DCMS are readied upon the border to take their share of the spoils.

On 28 January SLDF Army Group Alpha crosses into the Federated Suns space, as do the Draconis and Capellan Auxiliary Corps. The Capellan front runs into trouble almost immediately with Thomas Green-Davion leading a ferocious defence of Kathil. Meanwhille AFFS divisions land on Mira, Mesartim and Almach, threatening Tikonov. The Capellans quickly find that their ad hoc Task Forces and Battle Groups are no match for the closely co-ordinated operations of six AFFS demi-brigades, even when numbers appear to favour the CCAF.

On the other front, Jinjiro Kurita is making heady progress towards Robinson, with almost no oppostion except for the Robinson Rangers, who are fighting bravely but with little strategy against almost forty DCMS Divisions. (The DCMS has adopted a pentagonal structure, with 5 Mechs forming a Platoon, 5 Platoons a Company, 5 Companies a Regiment and a Division combining a 'Mech regiment, three infantry regiments and an armour or artillery regiment). The FSN refuses to stand and fight, their carriers staying well out of range of the DCA's cruisers and battleships... but their fighters are more than ready to mix it up and with their generally larger fighter groups are racking up an impressive score of fighters, dropships and even warship kills.

Reports to the Star League Council claim that Army Group Alpha is engaged in heavy fighting on worlds as deep as Kentares IV, Waycross and Edwards. However these are false reports - two SLDF divisions (272nd BattleMech and 2221st Mechanized Infantry, which have absorbed the bulk of the survivors of LVIII and LXXI Corps) that served under John Davion in 2769 have chosen to defect to the AFFS and are sending falsified reports. Meanwhile the bulk of Army Group Alpha and their dependents are making their way towards their final departure world of New Delos, picking up supplies and small numbers of volunteers from Federated Suns worlds.

On the far side of the Inner Sphere, LCAF forces begin to encroach upon the Rim Worlds Republic once more and Kerensky mobilises the Rim Worlds Army to stop them. The LCAF, having been directing recruits into new formations, has left the existing regiments understrength. Combined with existing graft, this has left the Divisions posted along the Rim border far less effective than the hardened forces that Kerensky can bring to bear. While he can't stop the LCAF everywhere, when he does commit troops the Lyrans are dealt painful defeats.

In April Barbara Liao sends orders to DeChavilier that either Army Group Alpha's reserves or regiments still in the Hegemony should be used to fight off the AFFS on Capellan worlds. She's stunned when the reply to this supposedly secure message come not from the General but from the amused First Prince. Reserve units from the Capellan front are launched forwards, spearheaded by two 'Mech divisions and several SLDF warships that were supposedly under repair at Addicks, landing forces on Tikonov, Alrescha and New Hessen.

However, the bulk of the reserves are in waiting in the Draconis March and Jinjiro Kurita suddenly finds the cream of the DCMS are in over-extended positions when resistance stiffens and four demi-brigades of the Kentares Light Horse strike with devestating effect at his supply bases. Rather than retreat, he jumps a powerful invasion force into the Robinson system intending to draw pressure against himself. He succeeds only too well as half of the FSN are close enough to jump in using a pirate point and intercept his force as they try to enter orbit. The fighting lasts four days and ends with only a quarter of the DCA warships escaping, and more than forty regiments destroyed without setting foot on Robinson.

Jinjiro escapes death in battle but his disgrace is such that Minoru Kurita has no alternative but to order the seppuku of his own elder son and refuse the reformation of the 3rd and 4th Sword of Light Divisions around survivors. Meanwhile other DCMS Divisions are finding themselves torn apart by the larger and more mechanized AFFS divisions committed against them.

With Aaron DeChavilier's desertion now public, the remaining SLDF disintegrates with entire divisions scattering in lance, company or battalion-sized forces, either to take service with their home nation or to seek employment as a mercenary. While the Hegemony Armed Forces are the biggest recipients of the former, lavish offers from the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns draw a strong share of the latter. Two SLDF divisions (and one HAF division disenchanted with Jorge Cameron), desert en masse, heading for the Rim Worlds Republic with intent of pledging their allegiance to Aleksandr Kerensky and enough warships to keep House Steiner from blocking their path.

At the height of this, a sniper kills Jorge Cameron as he exits his Geneva residence. The death of the Director-General leaves the Hegemony leaderless and the assassin is never identified. In July the first regiments of the FWLM begin crossing the border into Tyrfing and Terra Firma provinces to 'restore order'. Lyran, Draconian and Capellan regiments follow suite. In the latter two cases this involved drawing off resources from the fighting against the Federated Suns but since John Davion was for the most part consolidating his position and at most launching spoiling attacks that were more about gathering information than causing damage, both consider attempting to continue the invasion to be ill-advised - particularly as they had not yet confirmed that Army Group Alpha had really left the Inner Sphere and might not re-emerge as part of the AFFS.

While John's reticence is partly a desire to restore his forces after the fighting earlier in the year, his decision not to try to annex parts of Lockdale Province stemmed from two factors: firstly his own distaste for vulture-like picking at the Hegemony and secondly Hanse's distaste for the losses that would be suffered fighting against the HAF, equipped with royal-grade equipment. This didn't stop John from sending heavy escorts as far as his old stomping grounds on Ozawa, Rio and New Florence to escort refugees out of the Hegemony. These people, often skilled technicans and their families, are in his eyes the true treasures to extract from the Hegemony. They also return with messages from the planetary governments sounding out the possibilities of AFFS protection if the Hegemony does not stabilise.

MIIO runs several operations late in the year. Some of these are directly military: with their assistance the 56th Avalon Hussars demi-brigade are successful in making off with a considerable stock of supplies from SLDF depots on Towne without alerting the local populace of this fact. Two months later, the DCMS and CCAF would fight a bloody battle on Towne for possession of the empty depots. Another operation ensures that the 250th BattleMech Division, aka the Stalingrad Division, takes employment from House Marik.


While the other four Great Houses continue to batter at the Terran Hegemony, which has now found some measure of unity following the declaration of martial law by General James McEvedy (the self-proclaimed Commanding General of the HAF), the Federated Suns is busier absorbing refugees from the Hegemony into the worlds of the Outworlds March. Using the authorities he assumed the previous year, John awards noble titles to many refugees - although he is careful to ensure that many more distinguished Federated Suns citizens and soldiers are also raised to the nobility.

A more concrete step in bolstering his realm follows in April when the AFFS quietly takes control of HPGs within the Federated Suns in an operation modelled on that used by Amaris in the Hegemony eleven years before. By taking exclusive control over interstellar communications within the Suns, John places a significant barrier to the flow of information from foreign spies within the Suns to their employers. He also infuriates Jerome Blake, who pre-emptively warns that he will not sell parts to maintain the HPGs.

This doesn't overly concern John as he ordered the relocation of HPGs to fortified locations... or the fortification of their locations if the former was not feasible. Nor did it deter the other Houses from seizing their domestic HPGs or from fighting over HPGs located within the Hegemony. By the end of the year, Blake's once expansive network is a threadbare spider-web connecting to fewer than half of the Hegemony worlds.

272nd BattleMech and 2221st Mechanized Infantry formally join the AFFS, amalgamating into two AFFS-pattern divisions dubbed the Tikonov Borderers in honor of their new headquarters. John Davion gives them broad discretion over who is shuffled out of the Borderers into other AFFS units but makes sure to send highly trusted graduates of Albion to fill vacancies. At around the same time Minoru Kurita allows his remaining son Zabu to sponsor the creation of the 6th and 7th Sword of Light and their assignment to the continued skirmishing on the border with the Federated Suns.

On the other side of the Inner Sphere, the LCAF and RWA continued to spar along the lengthy border, with the LCAF's diversion of resources to the Hegemony campaign leaving the balance of power more even than they liked. The RWA was smaller and didn't have quite the resources, but they did retain some of the factories used by Amaris and Kerensky had brought a cadre of highly experienced officers with him to rebuild the RWA around: John Fletcher as his infantry commander, Cyrus Elam as commander of engineers and Phillip Drummond to head the RWA's military intelligence division.

The first production Snub-Nosed PPCs are deployed by the Davion Guards, copied from samples used by some Royal SLDF regiments in the 2760s. Royal designs are in increasing use by the AFFS' elite regiments and they - for now - maintain and replace their losses of them. Hanse may not be familiar with Royal designs but he has some idea of what did and did not work when advanced equipment was being adopted again in the 3050s. One project he has encouraged John to start ahead of time was the Centurion, although with Corean making full use of advanced technology the design is considerably in advance of the CN9-A that he recalls them developing in 2801.

Hanse notices that Joshua Davion (John's son) did not have a son this year, despite being married to his distant cousin Mary Halder-Davion as per the history Hanse remembers. He begins to worry about the succession to John Davion being endangered by his presence.


After more than a year of service with House Marik, covering the Lyran border, the Stalingrad Division launch a sudden raid upon Helm and seize control of the Nagayan Mountain Complex briefly before departing the League with their cargo dropships full of booty. Six months later, John Davion contracts what appears to be an SLDF BattleMech Division gone mercenary under the name of 'The Screaming Eagles' and assigns them generous landholds on Tancredi IV.

The Screaming Eagles, of course, are the Stalingrad Division in disguise, having been Davion agents for the entire period. In addition to bringing the Federated Suns a massive stock of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, they also brought a Star League Technical Library, copies of which are provided to dozens of universities across the Federated Suns. One of the first priorities was to replicate the construction of key components within HPGs.

Hanse's concerns regarding the Davion succession are relieved slightly by the birth of John's first grandson: Paul. Of course, now Hanse has to worry about whether his namesake will be the brilliant leader that the historical (and slightly older) Paul Davion was. Not that he's against Joshua Davion inheriting, but he is worried.

This is far from the only scheme to affect the balance of power within the Inner Sphere. Kenyon Marik may hate Aleksandr Kerensky but he isn't foolish enough to ignore his potential as an ally against House Steiner. The rimwards regions of the Republic are still notably leary of control of Apollo and so the Protector offered Marik a valuable prize: he cedes Erdvynn Province to the Free Worlds League, shortening his own lines, in return for a massive shipment of materials to help with the rebuilding of the Republic. Control of Erdvynn, together with the League's existing Duchy of Bolan, leaves more than a dozen Lyran border worlds threatened by encirclement.

Under this pressure Robert Steiner has little option but to call off further attempts to seize worlds from the Rim Worlds and bolster his border with House Marik. It is likely the strain of this on his already weak health that leads to Robert's death in September, leaving the Lyran throne to his sister Jennifer. The new Archon elects to pursue diplomatic approaches with Kenyon Marik and Aleksandr Kerensky, suggesting that the three of them might form the core of a new Star League. Kerensky appears interested but Marik is at best lukewarm to the idea.

Jennifer is also distracted by heavy raiding from the Draconis Combine and the outright invasion of Skondia which fell within four months despite a large LCN fleet doing their best to relieve the defenders. Jennifer is infuriated to learn that the two brigades of the 14th Division stationed on Skondia were at little more than sixty percent of that reported (with the entire 7th Arcturan Guards regiment existing only on paper). They were however drawing the full wages and maintenance funding, with the money siphoning into various officer's pockets and their supplies into the black market. The Archon institutes reforms to try to purge LCAF's corruption but any progress will be slow given the entrenched nature of the problems.

Sidebar: AFFS BattleMech Corps in 2779

Davion Corps of Guards: the elite bodyguard regiments of House Davion, these nine regiments are usually concentrated in three Divisions although demi-brigades rotate to the frontlines frequently in order to maintain their edge.
Avalon Hussars: The oldest regiments in the AFFS, tracing their history back to the Terran Alliance, the fifty regiments of the Hussars are the backbone of the Federated Suns BattleMech. Almost every BattleMech Division has at least one demi-brigade built around their medium and heavy ‘Mechs.
Crucis Dragoons: Raised since the 2760s the Crucis Dragoons are shock troops with heavy and assault 'Mechs accustomed to operate alongside heavy tanks and artillery to break lines and fortifications by brute force.
Kentares Light Horse: The 'Swordsworn' who volunteered to fight for Kerensky only to be turned away before reaching Terra are now honing their expertise in recon and raiding work in the regular ranks of the AFFS alongside hover tanks and jump infantry. Often they split their battalions between Demi-Brigades rather than remaining enmassed, providing the 'third regiment' in a BattleMech Division or the only Mechs in an Armoured Division.
Federated Suns Armored Cavalry: This blanket term applies to any of the independent BattleMech regiments operating under AFFS orders. Most are mercenaries like the Screaming Eagles but others are bodyguard units of powerful and patriotic nobles. Ex-SLDF units make up the third group of units, although most of these elected to join the Tikonov Borderers. These regiments are usually attached to a Division as supplementary units for specific operations but some operate truly independently.
Syrtis Fusiliers: These regiments are broken up into battalions assigned to various Divisions along the Capellan March. They use medium and light battlemechs and optimise for close quarter fighting.
Ceti Hussars: These regiments are broken up into battalions assigned to various Divisions along the Outworlds March. They primarily use heavy and medium battlemechs and several act as training battalions for the AFFS.
Robinson Rangers: These regiments are broken up into battalions assigned to various Divisions along the Draconis March. Mostly using medium and light battlemechs they cultivate fanatical hatred of House Kurita.
Tikonov Borderers: Formed of two SLDF Divisions that defected to the AFFS following the Exodus, the Borderers hold one of the key worlds of the Federated Suns' border with the Hegemony and the Confederation. They are still getting to grips with their new identity as part of the AFFS.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2012, 09:50:57 PM »

Interesting stuff drakensis


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2012, 02:28:04 AM »

Cool very well done
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2012, 05:22:33 AM »

Part Six: The New Age of War


In what many consider the first real campaign of the new Age of War, Kenyon Marik turns the main focus of the FWLM from the twice-blasted worlds of the Terran Hegemony upon the Capellan Confederation, launching a two-pronged assault towards the Commonality capitals of Sarna and Andurien. The two least predictable armies in the Inner Sphere clash in a conflict that rests at least as heavily upon their respective intelligence services as the militaries. CCAF Task Forces range from 4 to 25 regiments while the FWLM's divisions vary from 4-8 with wide variance between the rigid Marik-pattern regiments, Oriente-style cavalry and the combined-arms Andurien organisation, so identifying the strength of forces deployed proves critical. Failures - and both sides face this on occasion - can leave a half-dozen regiments to be overwhelmed and crushed.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Hanse urges John Davion to launch limited attacks in hope of securing former SLDF fortifications on the Capellan side of the border, reasoning that complete control over these fortresses will give the AFFS a commanding position in the event of an all out war, which seems far more likely than not. Cautious in light of the horrific losses taken by the SLDF in such operations, John orders MIIO to lay the groundwork for compromising the garrisons of the forts, but only those in St Ives Commonality and not all of them at once.

Already committed to fighting the DCMS for the relatively valuable worlds of Lockdale Province, which had mostly recovered from the Amaris coup by the mid-2770s, the CCAF finds itself badly stretched in fighting off the League invasions. It is particularly damaged by the FWLM deliberately targeting HPGs for capture or destruction, depriving the Chancellor of intelligence data upon worlds that were under attack. Naturally the CCAF retaliates, devestating the local FWLM communications, but they are already behind the curve. Observing this, John decides to up the manufacture of HPG parts as in any conflict now his own HPGs will be targets.

In addition to pulling as many regiments as she dared from the Federated Suns border, Barbara Liao orders a major attack upon New Delos, knowing that it is a major supply base for the push on Sarna. The commander of the operation is specifically reminded that the Ares Conventions are not in force and takes the hint, destroying points of resistance with nuclear weapons regardless of proximity to civilian settlements and infrastructure. Colonel Devlin destroys the supply base for FWLM operaitons against the Sarna Commonality, setting that arm of the invasion back by six months. He also earns a price on his head and retaliation in kind by FWL troops in the Confederation.

Within a few months both the FWLM and CCAF have gone from using nuclear weapons against each other to using them against their opponents in the Terran Hegemony. Naturally the remaining HAF, seriously depleted after a decade and a half of warfare, has little choice but to retaliate although they are using nuclear weapons on their own homeworlds. Neither the DCMS nor the LCAF shows even this much restraint and John has the AFFS replan the St Ives operations  in the basis that nuclear weapons will be used against them but he will only authorise their use by the AFFS in the most extreme circumstances as he does not want to see the objectives destroyed.


The AFFS begins Operation PALADIN, striking at five border worlds in the Capellan Confederation. In three cases, meticulous MIIO preparation pays off and the fortifications of the world fall into the invaders' hands within days: although fighting continues for months the defenders are on the back foot. Bethel, Atlas and Avigait are added to the Federated Suns by the end of the year despite limited use of nuclear and chemical weapons against them (the defenders supplies of both were limited).

Stein's Folly proves the reverse, the garrison had been undermined but were then pulled off the border at the last minute for redeployment against the FWLM, replaced with a crack Capellan brigade. The over-confident AFFS commander leads a demi-brigade of Avalon Hussars to their almost complete destruction, although his supporting armor demi-brigade is able to make a fighting retreat to their dropships. Laong, only a single jump from St Ives, was a mixed success: the AFFS seized one Castle Brian but not the other, and Capellan reinforcements arrived quickly. The AFFS retained a foothold but further effort would be needed to hold onto it.

Pressed on three sides, Barbara Liao was actively considering the possibilities of a truce with John Davion (who has show far more restraint than Kenyon) and seeking some sort of negotiated truce when news arrived of war in the Draconis March. Minoru Kurita had not forgotten the shameful death of his son Jinjiro and believed that the AFFS had not fully repaired its defenses along the border. Althougn more cautious than his son, the Coordinator once again focused his attack towards Robinson, although he confused the issue by spreading the force of his first wave against almost the entire width of the front. John sees no option but to call off the second wave of PALADIN attacks (although he does reinforce Laong) and redeploy those forces towards the Draconis March.

The FWL is the first state to dare raiding the Terran system itself. Although they do not attack Terra itself, a League squadron manage to take the orbitals of Mars and hold them long enough for raiders to tear through several factories and make off with several shiploads of manufacturing gear. This embarassment (on top of HAF use of nukes on Hegemony worlds) is too much for General McEvedy's fellow generals and the Commanding General is found dead in his office within weeks, apparently due to suicide. He is replaced by a figurehead: a junior divisional commander Ethan Moreau, who factions within the High Command believe will be malleable. Moreau's first order is for retaliatory raids into the League targeting Irian and Stewart.

DCMS progress in the Draconis March is slow and grinding, with the AFFS willing to spend space in order to win time for reinforcements to cross the farflung state. This time John authorises nuclear retaliation when the DCMS starts beginning each invasion with nuclear strikes on . They are also more than willing make attacks of their own. A Crucis Dragoon division reinforced by a brigades of the Davion Heavy Guards invades Proserpina, control of the prefecture capital would for more than a year and draw off men and supplies from both sides.

The fighting spreads along the border as local commanders on both sides use their initiative to raid in force or even establish footholds. The AFFS is even drawn into the Hegemony when the planetary militia of New Rhodes III, having been driven underground by the DCMS, overthrow the local garrison and invite back not the HAF but John Davion's regiments. This time John decides to activate the Tikonov Borderers to secure his grip on thos worlds. The public has been carefully primed for no longer having a link to Terra if they're cut off, but John would prefer not to put the matter to the test and he knows the value of New Rhodes III as a base.

Seeing that the LCAF remains in poor condition to fight a conventional war, Jennifer organises a series of heavy raids intended to shatter the industrial might of the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League. Brigades backed by warships storm onto the surface of dozens of worlds in heavy raids, smashing industrial complexes and employing nuclear and chemical weapons to deter reconstruction - something that inevitably spills over into the homes of the workers in those complexes. Added to biological weapons used against crops, kicking the props out of many already fragile local economies.

Unsurprisingly this leads to retaliation by both states, particularly by Kenyon Marik who further orders a strategic strike to take out the Bolson shipyards and hastily gathers forces for an invasion of Hesperus II. Minoru also starts launching similar attacks into the Federated Suns. These attacks also trigger action by John Davion: primed by Hanse for this eventuality, as soon as word of the atrocities arrive (delayed by the loss of so many HPGs) he orders pre-planned operations by the AFFS and MIIO.

With the advantage of having had years to plan the attacks, not to mention massive stocks of nuclear weapons from Nagayan and a much more specific list of targets, the FSN is able to hit most of its targets: Chatham, Dover and Midway shipyards in the Draconis Combine are destroyed while the New Samarkand Yards are reduced to half-capacity. Added to the damage to Prosperina's yards in the fighting and the DCA's ability to maintain, much less replace, their warships is seriously hampered. The FSN has similar success in a daring attack on Capella but at St Ives it takes serious losses - almost an entire battle group - when Barbara Liao predicts such an attack and reinforces the systme with a dozen warships. MIIO agents also make more subtle attacks - bombs and computer viruses taking out government offices and systems, in several cases planting information to suggest that they are work of internal opposition to House Kurita and Liao - prompting witch-hunts by both states' internal security.

Struck from both sides, the DCMS faces what would be crippling supply shortages for a less fanatical, and admittedly resourceful, army. However Minoru Kurita pithily observes that supplies exist, they are merely in enemy hands. While the Warlords of Rasalhague and Bejamin focus on the legendarily stockpiles of the LCAF, capturing or destroying tens of thousands of tons of equipment, Minoru leads a surprise attack on Le Blanc in the Draconis March. The bases on this world contain enough supplies to keep his forces in action briefly but many of the warehouses stand empty. Intelligence gathered suggests a large shipment is expected within weeks from the entire March's principal supply base: Robinson.


As raiders deploying nuclear, biological and chemical weapons fan out across the Inner Sphere, Minoru Kurita wrestles with the idea of striking at Robinson. It is the system where his son Jinjiro Kurita was defeated, but it is also a world of immense political and logistical significance. If he can take it then he has a foothold in easy range of the Crucis March... but if he fails...

The Coordinator gives his orders and the DCMS and DCA swing into action.

Light years away, Laong falls to the AFFS - with the Ares Conventions cast aside both Castles Brian are subjected to sustained nuclear bombardment. Chancellor Liao withdraws her forces and the AFFS takes a world that now lacks the strategic advantages that they were fighting for. House Liao have their own problems of course. Not only have they lost several valuable worlds to House Davion but the Free Worlds League has taken a nasty bite and is still pressing towards Andurien. On the plus side, the Hegemony worlds seized may act as a compensation.

Barbara Liao orders Colonel Devlin to repeat his New Delos strategy against Kanata. The attack is a costly failure - while sufficent supplies are destroyed to hamper the FWLM somewhat, the Task Force of twenty-one regiments finds itself fighting for its life against five Divisions of the Defenders of Andurien while FWLN warships contest their retreat. Devlin himself and one of Barbara's sons do not make it off Kanata alive: they are publically executed by Duke Humphreys himself.

Kenyon Marik is slightly satisfied by this outcome, although losses among the Defenders are heavy. His main attention however is on Hesperus II and the attack he is preparing for there. The initial scouting of the region suggested that the LCN was in better shape than its ground-based counterpart so an elaborate feint would be needed to draw off forces for the FWLN to punch through and land troops.

On Tharkad, Jennifer Steiner was in no position to attempt a further offensive. A draconian purge of the upper ranks of the LCAF had made a beginning on obtaining access to the actual state of the LCAF but it had also made her several deadly enemies within the Estates General. The most she could hope for was the use of a few crack brigades such as the Tamar Tigers and of former SLDF officers to keep her neighbours offbalance while she tried to carve the fat off the rest of her regiments.

On and over Robinson, the AFFS closed a trap against the invasion force but found that they had taken the Dragon by the tail: both in space and on the surface the two sides were almost evenly matched and Minoru proved to be a general of formidable skill. The only good news was that with resources devoted to keeping him fighting on Robinson, the Coordinator could spare little for Proserpina and the tide there was swinging in John's favour.

In the Hegemony, Ethan Moreau had proven more politically shrewd than the rest of the HAF High Command had expected and in May he was inaugurated as the new Director-General. Although the Terran Hegemony was much shrunken, Moreau calculated that his neighbours had not been ready for a war of this nature and must be relatively exhausted. Although he dared not publically declare the Star League dead, he did send diplomats to meet with John Davion, Barbara Liao, Jennifer Steiner and Aleksandr Kerensky to explore the possibility of a negotiated settlement of their differences.

Before the diplomats could even make their pitches, Kenyon Marik set the ball rolling on his march for Hesperus II by leaking information suggesting he was intent on seizing the worlds between Erdvynn and Bolan. This succeeds in convincing Jennifer to move reinforcements to that area, hundreds of light years from Hesperus II, leaving them unavailable when Kenyon suddenly crosses the border, landing forces to seize New Kyoto and then moving on to Lamon without waiting for his son Thaddeus to finish securing their first objective. This places his spearhead only one jump away from Hesperus II within weeks.

Joshua Davion's second child is born. Hanse asked John Davion to name the child Peter, to make events closer to the family history he recalls. However, as the child is a daughter the best John can do is call her Petra. Hanse dearly wishes he could drink in his current state.


Kenyon Marik personally leads four divisions onto Hesperus II, the two powerful but elderly capital ships guading the world both destroyed by FWLN warships. Some of the Lyran escorts manage to get past the League ships, causing serious losses to one Division before they are driven off. The defenders - the understrength 7th Division, the Defiance Industries defense force and 4th Brigade of the Royal Guards Division - do not contest the dropzones but prepare a layered defense that takes advantage of the rugged terrain. Marik's first attempt to break past the Lyrans does not go well and he is forced to pull back with losses about equal after failing to break past the assault Mechs of the 17th Lyran Guards regiment, reinforced by a battalion of the 3rd Donegal Guards.

Lyran reinforcements are on their way but must also act to contain opportunitic attacks by Thaddeus Marik upon nearby worlds, some of which appear to be attempts to move towards the Furillo factories that support Hesperus II. With the defenses for now holding on Hesperus II, Jennifer has to trust that they will continue to do so. At least there is a victory of sorts to raise morale, something that will be of great valute in the protracted struggle for Hesperus II.

On the Draconis front Proserpina is finally secured for the Federated Suns and John orders reinforcement of the world and construction of new fixed defenses. Along with Tikonov it is heralded as the gateway to Terra. Fighting continues on Robinson although both sides were now below half of their initial size, despite a trickle of replacement men and machines. Minoru gives up on taking control of the Robinson shipyards for the DCA and instead orders their destruction. Thousands of fighters clash around the strategic yards, which are left crippled beyond cost-effective repair, but DCA losses are shocking and include more than a third of their total strength in fighters as Davion Royal Corsairs and Sabres press in close and use nuclear weapons with great effect.

All six states are now sending out wide-ranging raiding forces that are destroying any concentration of industry that they see an opportunity to target, regardless of obvious military value. The Terran Hegemony, targeted by all except for House Davion, is savaged cruelly except where they have been able to rebuild tiny fractions of the old SDS. House Davion has managed to build approximations of the SLDF's M-3 drones and these provide vital cover to the most critical worlds but there are never enough. Nonetheless, between the drones and the enormous distances to reach their Outworlds March factories the Suns are in better shape than John's rivals.

In the Periphery, the three independent states and the Rim Worlds Republic are suffering economic collapse that is crippling their ability to rebuild losses over the last two decades. The Outworlds Alliance and Taurian Concordat can at least offset this to some degree with covert trading into the Federated Suns. This isn't objected to by John but the discretion is necessary to avoid dragging the two states into the conflagration. As it is, bands of independent raiders from the old SLDF and from the occasional renegade are wearing upon the remaining militaries outside the Inner Sphere.

Ethan Moreau's diplomats are making slow progress but they secure their first real coup with Barbara Liao who indicates she is willing to consider a private peace treaty with John Davion. Although the Capellan Confederation has lost a number of worlds to him, Barbara is a realist and is willing to accept that... as long as she can offset it at the expense of the Terran Hegemony. Moreau may not enjoy that but it is simple recognition of the self-evident fact that the HAF cannot reclaim many worlds. In May of this year a draft treaty is offered to John Davion offering a tripartite peace with the Hegemony and the Confederation. Current borders will be formalized with the Terran Hegemony ceding more than a dozen worlds to Barbara and roughly half as many to John. Without hesitation John agrees.

With pressure relieved upon one flank Barbara Liao is able to at last bring the FWLM advance to a halt (assisted by the continued drain of operations on Hesperus II). Unfortunately while she has halted Kenyon's advance, fighting has reached Andurien and the outcome there remains in doubt. If the commonality captial falls then much of the rimwards region of the Confederation will be vulnerable.

John cancels Operation ROLAND - a proposed follow up to PALADIN - and allocates supplies to restore defenses in the Capellan March but his main focus is the Draconian March. Rather than further reinforcing Robinson he retakes several border worlds than have fallen in the last year and seizes Mara and David to secure the flank of Proserpina. This prolongs the brutal fighting on the March capital but this is a price John is willing to pay.

The price comes back to haunt him when reports arrive from Robinson's Canaan continent, almost entirely in Draconian hands. MIIO provide evidence that almost all the civilian inhabitants of the continent have been forced into work camps to support the DCMS. Vasily Sandoval, the fiery Duke of Robinson, leads a sudden orbital assault to try to rescue his people - and the result is a military disaster with two entire divisions of the Robinson Rangers torn to shreds and the Duke himself captured and paraded as a trophy by Minoru. Only by iron determination does Joshua, now the senior political figure on Robinson, keep the AFFS from reinforcing failure and rerganise operations given the priceless intelligence that has fallen into DCMS hands.

The reverses that follow were probably not avoidable by the Prince Imperial but the situation almost stabilizes before a botched MIIO rescue operation leaves Duke Sandoval dead. His son and heir takes office but has nothing but hot words for Joshua. The two young nobles' arguements culminate in a clash in BattleMechs. Joshua's Mech shouldering past John Sandoval's Dervish while forming up in column leads to the young Duke opening up with a point-blank alpha strike on the Prince's Marauder. Joshua survives although seriously injured, but the young Duke is killed by the quick and overwhelming respone of Joshua's bodyguards and John has to rush to Robinson to take personal control of the situtation. His son he sends back to New Avalon before confirming Vasily Sandoval's youngest daughter, Susan as the new Duchess since in his judgement she is the most level-headed of the brood.

To put an end to the battle once and for all, John calls forward two of the three Divisions that make up the Davion Corps of Guards. The Light Guards and the Assault Guards are at full strength having been deployed in core systems and have the finest equipment of any units in the AFFS. On 4 December they are unleashed in a series of operations that drive the DCMS entirely from Megiddo and Solomon continents with severe losses to the DCMS. Seeing defeat on the walls, Minoru prepares to defend Canaan but is considering whether withdrawal from Robinson would be the better course of action.

Davion Corps of Guards

As part of the reforms to the AFFS, John Davion renamed the Davion Brigade of Guards to reflect their size. The Guards were also re-organised as part of this, with the Light Guards, Heavy Guards and Assault Guards each formed the core of a Division-sized force, spreading their battalions between several demi-brigades while the other regiments were restructured as the BattleMech Demi-Brigades of the three Divisions - 1st and 3rd Gardes in the Heavy Division, 2nd and 4th Gards in the Light Division and 5th Gardes in the Assault Division. An entirely new force, the 6th Gardes, joined the Assault Division in 2775. All three Divisions participated in fighting against the DCMS in the years that followed.

The Davion Corps of Guards recruit directly from AFFS academies, headhunting the best, brightest and most trusted. Since infantry service in the Corps typically includes service in Castle Royal and other palaces, it is actually quite sought after as an assignment by graduates of Infantry acadmies. They also strongly prefer to promote internally and give preference to recruiting the families of existing members, which leads to each regiment forming something of an extended family. To balance this, the First Prince has made service with another regiment a pre-requisite for any officer to receive a battalion command or higher in the Corps and occasionally honours particuarly accomplished soldiers from other corps by transferring them in.

In addition to the two BattleMech Demi-Brigades, each Corps includes two Infantry Demi-Brigades and two Armor Demi-Brigades, most of which have their own BattleMechs and enjoy a good-natured rivalry with the 'poster boys' of the 1st through 6th Demi-Brigades. Equipment assigned to the Corps is always of the highest quality and when not on the battlefield or securing the Royal Palace on New Avalon the Corps have an exceptionally heavy training cycle. While this training rarely produces warriors of the exceptional standards demanded by the Sword of Light or SLDF Gunslinger training, it does produce exceptionally effective teamwork at the lance, regiment and battalion level.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2012, 08:54:37 AM »

Part Seven: The Death of Princes


Ultimately Minoru Kurita decides that he will not be ignominiously driven from Robinson in defeat. Instead the Coordinator will seek one last victory so that he leaves on a high note. While the AFFS makes preparations for the invasion of Canaan, the DCMS prepares to abandon their remaining foothold of the Draconis March. These preparations include the deployment of chemical weapons to dispose of the many conscripted civilians being used in work battalions although the Coordinator mercifully decides against employing the same tactic against the dependents of the conscripts (still in Canaan's cities as hostages against the work battalions' good behaviour).

On 3 February the DCMS board dropships. Although many of the regiments are departing directly for the fleet of well-escorted jumpships preparing to carry them away, fourteen (including the entire 2nd Sword of Light and the Otomo Divisions), make a sub-orbital hop to attack John Davion's field headquarters in the coastal city of New Haifa. At their head, Minoru Kurita in his personal (Royal) Battlemaster, has set their mission as the death of the First Prince and he intends to accomplish this personally.

With much of the AFFS forces dispersed to board their transports, John's forces at hand are a single brigade of the Assault Guards (with only a single battalion of Mechs) and the under-strength 10th Crucis Dragoon Armoured Division (with two battalions of heavy BattleMechs). Seriously outnumbered, he follows Hanse's advice and falls back into New Haifa sending the civilians into shelters or away in the transports intended for the invasion of Canaan. Minoru is forced to hurl his regiments into brutal streetfighting if he is to overcome the defenders before AFFS reinforcements can arrive.

At the height of the fighting the Coordinator has his hoped for confrontation with the First Prince, sighting a Battlemaster with royal markings in one smoke-filled plaza and leading his Otomo bodyguards in a reckless charge. The two Mechs clash briefly - Minoru having an edge in skill but John's Battlemaster being a hair more advanced with a pair of snub-nosed PPCs ideal for close combat - before the battalion of AFFS assault tanks surrounding the plaza in ambush add their firepower to the Prince's bodyguards, cutting down the Otomo before crippling the Coordinator's Mech with a massed salvo of their heavy autocannon.

Minoru Kurita's last words are a condemnation of his foe as a coward. After tearing the crushed cockpit away, John Davion answers his corpse: "Tell it to Joseph Davion." (His grandfather, who had been killed by DCMS troops after failing to eject during the War of Davion Succession in 2729). The First Prince does not let go of the cockpit until he can place Minoru Kurita's mortal remains before Susah Sandoval's Marauder late that day. By that hour the attack on New Haifa had been crushed between the defenders, the rapidly redeployed Davion Light Guards Division and an ad hoc force of Crucis Dragoons and Robinson Rangers that followed them. The gesture does much to repair the damage done to relations between House Davion and House Sandoval.

On Hesperus II, despite painfully slow progress, Kenyon Marik is at last in striking distance of the Defiance Industries factories. This has cost him many regiments battered to the point that they can only be used to guard his rear but far more importantly it has allowed Jennifer Steiner to send substantial forces to consolidate Lyran positions around Hesperus II and send thousands of soldiers to be armed with the output of the factories and form new regiments there.

The LCAF has also made genuine progress in reform. Hundreds of officers have been broken out of service or demoted but by using the former SLDF soldiers that make up the Lyran Regulars as a cadre, Jennifer has built up a more effective force. She has concentrated upon bringing the Lyran Guards into line, purging paper units to the point that their brigades are no larger than SLDF units and pairing them with Lyran Regulars in 'light' divisions of only two brigades, each built around one BattleMech regiment from each formation. Rather than directly confronting Kenyon, the Archon orders three such divsions to land on Lamon, cutting off the supply route from the Free Worlds League.

The Captain-General is not blind to the dangers of his position: even if he can take the factories now he cannot reasonably hold them. Although he gives weight to the option of seizing the factories solely to wreck them, the death of Minoru Kurita convinces him against such grand-standing. Instead he calls on his heir Thaddeus to provide naval cover for a withdrawal and uses long range bombardment to hammer the hills and mountains over the underground factories with cobalt-clad nuclear weapons to complicate access and inflict what damage he can. The Lyran Commonwealth can claim victory but the price has been painfully high.

Certainly it is high enough that Archon Steiner accedes to the pressure from diplomats of Ethan Moreau and Aleksandr Kerensky. On 1 May she agrees to peace treaties with both states. The Terran Hegemony is now at war with only the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine. Director-General Moreau cannot help but consider the possibilty of converting this into alliances with the four other states - possibly even into the seeds of a new Star League - and he invites the four heads of state to Terra to discuss bringing the destructive wars to an end. While only Kerensky agrees to attend personally, John sends his recovering son Joshua and both the Chancellor and the Archon send highly trusted ministers as ambassadors.

Invitations are also issued to the leaders of the Free Worlds League, Draconis Combine, Magistrcy of Canopus, Taurian Concordat and Outworlds Alliance. Three of these states decline curtly and the Taurian Protector doesn't even bother to reply but the Magistracy of Canopus does send an observer in case it is ever of use to have leverage against the neighbouring League. They are also interested in any possibility of connections that might abort the near free-fall that their economy has entered. Kenyon Marik is far too interested in seeking a military solution to the current deadlock to participate and while Zabu Kurita sees the advantages, the new Coordinator cannot afford to alienate the powerful military leadership of the DCMS and is therefore committed to launching an invasion of the Lyran Commonwealth in the near future.


All eyes are upon the restored centrepiece of the Court of the Star League in the hopes that the already fabled peace of the revious two centuries can be restored. Thus far unprecendented co-operation between HPG networks (included limited sale of replacement parts to the Lyran and Capellan networks by the Hegemony's Ministry of Communications) ensures that almost no one in the Inner Sphere is unaware of the importance of the conference.

And thus billions of citizens see on a live broadcast when a suicide bomber apparently part of the Hegemony-provided support staff kills himself, the First Prince's heir and the Protector of the Rim Worlds Republic on the steps outside the great hall.

Aleksandr Kerensky and Joshua Davion die instantly, and the peace conference is brought to a similarly untimely end. Blame falls first upon the Hegemony and Director-General Moreau's political position is seriously weakened when he is forced to admit that evidence points to this having been a Maskirova operation. The new Protector of the Rim Worlds Republic, Nicholas Kerensky, is only twenty-one and the Republic enters a period of uncertainty: not all of the former SLDF are convinced of his readiness to rule despite being the son of the great General they followed for so long, and that relationship remains a negative when dealing with some who still resent the conquest of the Republic in the late 2760s. The risk of a more calamitous succession forces John Davion to return home to New Avalon from the frontlines: with his new heir only six years old, the sixty-six year old First Prince cannot be risked.

On Luthien, Zabu Kurita quietly congratulates the Head of the ISF on a job well done and keeps any regrets to himself.

In response to Joshua's death, John is under public pressure to resume war against the Capellan Confederation and has no inclination to resist. Operation ROLAND is rushed back into action as quickly as possible to act before Barbara can re-deploy. AFFS divisions are fighting on Bodnath, Kumquat, Bacum and Abruzzi by the summer and progress is very good. Stein's Folly resists a second attack, made in the autumn, with fighting indecisive and expensive for both sides. The CCN, stretched to cover the fighting on two fronts, is reportedly almost at breaking point due to the loss of vital shipyards to maintain their vessels.

Kenyon Marik is only too pleased to take advantage and orchestrates the invasion of Andurien itself in the autumn as well as pushing a new invasion corridor into the Capellan Commonality. On the Steiner front he once against threatens action against the 'Buena Pocket' at the anti-spinward border and this time it is not a feint: using mostly provincial regiments while his federal units recover from the fighting around Hesperus, he takes over a dozen worlds at a run.

Before the end of the year Zabu has completed his reorganisation from the losses in the AFFS campaigns. Rather than risk identifying himself with the new campaign as his father and brother had, Zabu instead delegates the leadership to the Warlords of Benjamin and Rasalhague, giving them the missions of seizing Skye and Tamar respectively. The Coordinator fans competition between the two Warlords, hoping that their rivalry will undermine the political power of the DCMS. If they succeed, Zabu can claim credit and if either or both fail then he will have little difficulty in removing them.

However, on balance the Coordinator would prefer to succeed in extending his power at the expense of the Archon and he therefore plays one more card. In a secret meeting at an uninhabited system between their realms he confides in the young Nicholas Kerensky his belief that the Hegemony's evidence condemning the Maskirova was fabricated (which is of course true) by the Hegemony in order to spare the Director-General's Lyran ally. The inexperienced Protector was easily prey for the perfidious Coordinator and was swiftly won over to the idea of reclaiming the worlds lost to Lyran aggression during his father's reign.


As the new year dawned the Lyran Commonwealth found itself under attack from three directions, a situation that would have taxed their pre-war strength, much less the depleted forces still at the Archon's command. Jennifer Steiner's reaction was to endeavour to impede the Free Worlds League and Rim Worlds Republic while throwing the bulk of her reserves against the spearheads of the Draconis Combine. Her hope was that a swift and overwhelming reaction would break the momentum of the DCMS, exhausted by the fighting against House Davion.

To impede the Rim Worlds the LCAF unleashed an intensive series of raids intended to shatter the industrial infrastructure of the Rim, setting their recovery from the Amaris Coup back by years and preventing them from supporting a war effort. The first part of this was successful as dozens of worlds lost space ports, factories and transport nodes to nuclear and chemical attacks. The economy of the Rim Worlds would almost certainly have collapsed if Nicholas hadn't essentially seized control of it and imposed draconian controls to prevent an implosion. However, the RIm Worlds still retained many small and hidden factories on colony worlds considerable distances from Lyran space and LIC was a long way from having mapped them all for the LCAF to destroy. Thus supplies continued to flow to Nicholas' forces, if never in the quantities that he might have desired.

On the Free Worlds League front, although Jennifer was unable to take back the worlds cut off, she was successful in landing an invasion force on Bolan. With the supply centre for the entire area under attack, Kenyon Marik did not dare attempt major movements on that section of the front or redeploy the forces there to make another stab for Hesperus. It did nothing to stop the tit-for-tat raiding that had destroyed every yard capable of building or maintaining jumpships and warships that was within two hundred light years of the two states' shared borders.

It was arguably this fact that put the nail in the coffin of Kenyon Marik's attempts to gather enough forces to attempt another attack on Hesperus II. In order to replace his losses he despatched his son Thaddeus with a naval task force to seize control of the one remaining jumpship yard in Canopian space, the SLDF repair yard over Canopus III. In addition to stripping it for parts to restore his own yards he intended this as punishment for the Canopian diplomatic contact with the Terran Hegemony.

Thaddeus made the mistake of discounting the small Canopian Navy, which still had a tiny handful of warships based by necessity at that very yard. The battle of Canopus III was technically a victory for the FWLN, since despite losing three warships they annihilated the Canopian Navy. However, rather than see the FWLM take the yards, the Canopians destroyed them... and when Thaddeus elected to carry out a limited bombardment of Canopus IV as a warning to them not to deny House Marik he destroyed the centuries old goodwill that dated back to the chivalry shown by his ancestors Marion and Ian Marik in the Reunification War. It also destroyed the only yard (except Quatre Belle in the Alliance) in the Periphery capable of building jumpships in any great number.

The Captain-General's heir did not live to enjoy his return to Atreus for more than a few weeks. No one ever proved that the courtesan who slit Thaddeus' throat before jumping from his 75th floor balcony to her death was a Canopian agent... but proof was hardly necessary and only the current involvement in war on two fronts kept Kenyon from avenging his son with the FWLM. As it was, he turned SAFE loose in a hidden war against the Periphery state.

With the HPG network of the Lyran Commonwealth in tatters, Jennifer Steiner assigns trusted officers as 'Archonettes' to administer border regions that she cannot reliably stay in direct contact with. Loosening control over generals and governors forces her to slow the ongoing efforts to suppress corruption in her military and government although the tide has turned in her favour in that struggle at least.

The Capellans are reeling under the Davion onslaught. John has ordered a shift of focus away from seizing fortifications towards hammering production and the coherence of military units. Almost a third of the CCAF BattleMech regiments facing the Federated Suns have to be disbanded or folded together into composite forces by the end of the year but AFFS losses have also mounted. Feeling that the public mood will now support an end to operations, John lays plans for a grand finale, not against the St Ives Commonality where it might be expected but to thicken up the Capellan March where it is narrowest.

The Great Divide

The nature of the AFFS Divisional structure has led to the divide of their BattleMech regiments into two rival camps. While the rivalry is to some extent friendly, it is a cause for concern by the AFFS command since it does lead to occasional personal conflicts. While this is mostly a matter for military police, i.e., when a sergeant from a ‘fighting’ regiment’ and his counterpart in a ‘command’ regiment engage blows in a bar; it becomes more serious when the divide causes a rift between senior officers.

Almost half of all BattleMech Regiment operate as the core of a demi-brigade, which means that they tend to fight as a regiment and their regimental leadership constitutes the demi-brigade’s command element. These regiments tend to see themselves as elite combat formations while other regiments see them as arrogant prima donnas who think warfare is all about big, smashing battles. Surprising nobody, officers in infantry and armoured regiments seem to consider all BattleMech officers to fall into this category.

In contrast, a similar number of regiments are assigned directly to a division with their battalions assigned to different demi-brigades within the division. In these cases the Division takes its name from the regiment and the regimental headquarters will act as the command element for a Brigade or the entire Division, meaning that the ‘colonel’ may actually be a Leftenant or Major General. Not unreasonably these regiments consider themselves to be the backbone of the Division and the natural leaders but the ‘fighting’ regiments tend to treat them as overly-ambitious and more interested in flaunting their rank than in fighting.

This isn’t a problem in many divisions – Armoured Divisions only include ‘Mech regiments of the latter sort and a unit where all ‘Mech regiments are from a single Corps such as the 46th Avalon Hussar BattleMech Division (built around the 46th Avalon Hussars but including the 10th and 55th Avalon Hussars Demi-Brigades) will generally have enough camaraderie to render it a minor factor. However officers in a Division such as the 10th Kentares Light Horse BattleMech Division will generally have to be alert for friction between the battalions of the 10th Kentares Light Horse and the 19th and 21st Crucis Dragoon Demi-Brigades.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2012, 02:16:13 AM »

Part Eight: The End of History


Having had a couple of years to recover from previous action, the Hegemony Armed Forces are preparing for operations against the Free Worlds League's occupation zone when the Director-General receives a request for aid from the Commonwealth - not from the Archon but from one of her prominent nobles: Benito Lestrade, Duke of Skye. With the DCMS now holding Alphecca and Zebebelgenubi and raiding Skye to soften it up, Lestrade has lost faith in the Archon: blaming her reforms for weakening the LCAF.

Lestrade's offer is simple: if Moreau will save the Isle of Skye from the Combine then the Duke will lead the Isle into the Hegemony as a new province. While betraying Jennifer Steiner would be a drastic step for Moreau, he is aware of Nicholas Kerensky's belief that LIC was behind the death of Aleksandr Kerensky and considers it somewhat plausible. The HAF's orders are changed: a two pronged strike will be aimed both at reclaiming worlds that fell to the Draconis Combine over the last decade and at cutting off the Combine's thrust at Skye.

At first this appears entirely innocent to Tharkad and the Lyran populations on occupied worlds welcome Terran troops as liberators. The Archon, in relief, is able to direct more reserves against the marh on Tamar, further alienating Lestrade. There is even a notable Lyran victory when the Tamar Tigers, one of the LCAF's most elite brigades, launches a daring attack on Luthien, destroying the shipyards there and considerable other infrastructure. Zabu is unharmed desite minor damage to the Imperial City but he deploys with the Otomo personally, bolstering his martial reputation. He recalls a small squadron of three warships and a second Sword of Light regiment to cover the capital.

Operation FOXTROT leapfrogs CCAF formations on the border and lands divisions of the AFFS (including fresh divisions of the Ceti Hussars that have seen no serious action for years) on Menkar, Jonathon, Ashkum, Axton and Acala. Barbara Liao decides she must meet this with full force and orders every remaining heavy warship in the CCN (four Du Shi Wang battleships and three Aegis cruisers) to concentrate with their escorting destroyers and corvettes at Plataea near the latter two worlds. Given the damage that these ships can inflict by bombardment upon the invasion forces, John has no realistic option but to commit the FSN to a head-on confrontation with them.

Three FSN battlegroups (seven carriers and fourteen destroyers) engage the twenty Capellan warships  over Plataea and for once the Suns' carriers are not trying to avoid close action. Although the Capellans do manage to inflict crippling damage upon two New Syrtis-class carriers (forcing them to be scuttled) and destroy five of their destroyers, they find the heavily armoured Davion-III destroyers are formidable enemies capable of duelling with the ancient Du Shi Wangs on even terms and the FSN aerowings smash through their Capellan counterparts. While this will spark a reformation of the CCAF's aerospace forces and lead to the procurement of new designs, the Battle of Plataea goes down in the annals of the FSN as the Great Capellan Turkey Shoot.

Barbara Liao knows the price of peace and decides to pay it: on 9 July she meets face to face with the three most senior AFFS officers in Capellan captivity and gives them an offer to carry to John Davion. She offers the surrender of not only the five invaded worlds but also five other worlds that are 'cut off' by their loss, along with the return of all AFFS captives. In return she asks for the release of captured CCAF personnel and for a peace treaty. Wanting time to rebuild from the new wave of losses, John agrees. He can also point as part of this triumph to the fact that among the worlds ceded to the Suns are all three that were contested in the Border War of 2760-2.

Pointing at the devestation caused on both realm's worlds John suggests that he and Barbara re-instate the Ares Conventions, at least between themselves. While Barbara isn't enitrely convinced that this will hold, John has a reputation for honesty and if there's any possibility of slowling the damage ravaging her industries she's willing to try it. In order to allow time for communication with raiding forces, she sets a six month grace period before the restrictions into effect but otherwise agrees. Ethan Moreau, knowing that benefits even more than John Davion and Barbara Liao from such a treaty is offering them both similar reciprocal agreements almost before the ink is dry - underlining just how well Hegemony Intelligence has them both penetrated (an enormous number of citizens of all six Inner Sphere states are willing to aid the Hegemony out of reverence for their place at the heart of the Star League).

Seeing the momentum of the DCMS invasions diminsihing, Zabu begins to lay the groundwork to bring operations to an end. The Skye thrust now appears doomed but the gains of the Tamar thrust can be held onto and Zabu sends fresh regiments of the Pesht Regulars to seize three lightly defended border worlds, stripped to defend more strategically planets.

Archon Steiner is increasingly suspicious of the Hegemony and the truth is finally leaked to her by a mole in the Rim Worlds diplomatic service: the Isle of Skye has been functionally annexed to the Terran Hegemony. Although the information is genuine, the leak is orchestrated by young Andery Kerensky, who had eschewed a military career to focus upon the bureaucracy of the Rim Worlds government. Under this pressure, the Archon sees little choice and negotiates a peace treaty with Nicholas Kerensky, one that each can accept without being truly satisfied. She also takes the opportunity to suggest that the two of them revive the Ares Conventions as House Davion and House Liao had earlier in the year. Under pressure from his brother and mother, Nicholas grudgingly agrees.


The year begins with the sudden death of Kenyon Marik. Only fifty-four years old, the Captain-General's death is reported as natural causes. Many observers note that cessation of life after poisoning is an entirely natural outcome. Both of Kenyon's sons were dead and his his oldest grandchild, Jeanette, was only twelve. As a result of internecine conflicts through the early 28th century, there are no close cousins to step in and House Marik finds itself deprived of the Captain-Generalcy when Duchess Elsa Cameron-Jones secures election with a mandate to execute a more defensive strategy than Kenyon's grand dreams of conquest. There are sighs of relief on Tharkad and Sian.

With peace on all borders and only sporadic raids from the Free Worlds League and Lyran Commonwealth, John Davion orders a census of the Federated Suns' people, economy and military. Since pulling out of the Star League, tax receipts have dropped by almost fifty percent and the civilian death toll is in the billions. Heavy fighting has reduced the fighting power of the FSN by half and the AFFS by a third. The Federal Broadcasting Corporation, responsible for interstellar communication had only a few clusters of C-rank HPGs left in the Draconis and Capellan Marches, except for the well-defended spurs connecting to Robinson and New Syrtis. Even in the comparitively unscarred Crucis March only sixty percent of the Star League's network survived.

Dire as this information is, compared to Hanse's information and MIIO's intelligence on the other realms, the Federated Suns has come out of the Star League remarkably well: the mighty Hegemony is reduced to a battered sliver of worlds stretching from Skye to Achernar; the Commonwealth's economy has been battered down to parity with the Suns, the DCMS has lost literally half its regiments in action, the Capellan navy stands at no more than three warships and the Free Worlds League is at the brink of civil war between adherents of House Marik and House Cameron-Jones. And there's the unanswered question: what happened to DeChavilier and his Exodus fleet?

In contrast the Federated Suns is on the road to recovery and already bouncing back using stockpiles of equipment hidden years before. New ships, tanks and 'Mechs are emerging from the Outworlds March, refilling the ranks of the AFFS' divisions and the battered squadrons of a FSN that still stands at almost a fifty warships - equalled only by the Hegemony's navy. The economy is, if not booming, nonetheless recovering and if the FBC has limited coverage, it is still far better off than other states, most of which only have intact networks in peripheral regions and are frequently missing the major nodal systems necessary for efficient operations.

Most importantly of all, the Federated Suns is united behind John Davion, who can hope in twenty or thirty years to pass on a strong and wealthy realm to his grandchilden.

After almost thirty years, for the first time John wakes to find Hanse Davion no longer in evidence. He never knows for certain the fate of his ghostly descendant although he does have to wonder at his grand-daughter Petra's decision to name her stuffed toy fox 'Hanse'...

The End

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2012, 10:18:03 AM »


...Very good!  And a good ending, too.  It may not have been canon, but I really enjoyed this one.  Well done, sir.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2012, 02:31:37 AM »

What? The End? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! So you are going to continue with this with Petra, right? You'd better. >.>


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2012, 04:12:58 AM »

Having been pressed for this:


Cat's Eye, Caprice
New Star League, Deep Periphery
18 December 2800

Jason Karrige closed the dossier on the latest report on the fighting around King Henry. The settlement, housing veterans and dependents of the 349th Royal BattleMech Division, was still refusing to submit to the authority of the First Lord despite volunteer forces from the other settlements on Terra Nova holding it under siege for six months now.

"There is one more thing," the young officer - he was only in his thirties - added. "The Argussent back their preliminary report this morning."

Having half expected the reports to be over, Elizabeth Hazen-DeChavilier paused with her hand on the drawer that contained her cigars. "Something of interest Major?"

The Argus, a battered Tramp jumpship was the New Star League's primary link back to the Inner Sphere, making the eighteen month round-trip to the Mica worlds every two years. Under the cover of trading metals from Caprice's mines for electronics (and as she was officially unaware, for a few luxury goods) the crew picked up the real treasure: news from the Inner Sphere and brought it home.

"A change of power, ma'am." Karrige pulled out a disk. "The First Prince died last year. News reached Mica just before the Argus departed."

She sighed. "There goes the last of the old ones." Since Barbara Liao's death five years ago, John Davion had been the last living person to have been part of the Star League Council. "I guess if one of them was going to survive at least it was the one who didn't screw us over. So who's First Prince now?"

"Duke Hasek was regent when the Argus left - the Prince's grandson Paul wasn't quite of age. I imagine he's taken the throne now: he turned twenty-one this year."

"What implications are there for the stability of the Federated Suns?" asked the First Lord.

Kerrige shook his head slightly. "Very little, ma'am. The Chancellor Quinn appears to be fully focused on trying to reclaim Andurien from the League and the Combine's still bogged down fighting in the Outworlds Alliance. Zabu Kurita isn't crazy enough to give the Federated Suns reason to do more than sell the Alliance military hardware at scrap prices and he'd rather have a morass he can use to keep his generals busy with than have the AFFS make another push for An Ting the way they did in '96 after that 'ronin' invasion of Prosperpina."

Hazen-Dechavilier scribbled a note to herself to bring that up at the next Council meeting. "Alright, thanks for the heads up." No doubt the representatives from Jotunheim and Home would want to press for re-establishing contact again with the Inner Sphere on the excuse that now the last of the 'Old Council' was dead...
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