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Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« on: July 20, 2012, 01:33:49 AM »

Part One: The Star League


In May a nuclear explosion destroys a BattleMech production facility on Demeter. Responsibility is claimed by the Chesteron Liberation Battalion. That same night, John Davion dreams of meeting a descendant of his, Hanse Davion, from the mid-31st century. When he wakes, the ghost of Hanse is in his bathroom, as surprised as John is by this. Hanse is intangible and only John can see him but he doesn’t have to stay in John’s presence. At first afraid he is going mad, John accepts this is a bizarre reality when Hanse proves able to accurate report on things he can see that are out of John’s line of sight.

News of Demeter arrives on New Avalon and Hanse provides fore-knowledge of Warex Liao's recent death. John accepts the validity of this when Barbara Liao denies involvement but can't accept Hanse's warnings that the AFFS is in no state for war. He orders troops to seize Valexa, Westphalia and Tecumseh from the Capellan Confederation.

By the end of the summer he has to admit that Hanse has a point, while Hanse admits that this is worse than his own fears. They agree to move more regiments into the combat zone, rotating troops out after six months of action, in order give as many soldiers as possible experience. Hanse also suggests not sending them back to their original postings, to break up the regional loyalties that plague the AFFS.

John manages to schedule a week long retreat where he and Hanse can discuss the latter's knowledge of future events in detail and plan for the future. Hanse believes that the Star League is doomed and that John should focus upon averting the disasterous performance of the AFFS in the First Succession War. John believes that the League can still be saved and Hanse agrees to help him try - it's not as he has many options. They agree to send as many AFFS cadets as possible through Albion and that John will offer to pay for the Warrior's Hall on New Syrtis to be upgraded to a full SLDF academy, which Kerensky is likely to agree to as he wants to create SLDF training bases in the Member-States.


Kerensky declines the offer regarding to Warrior's Hall as he is more interested in building training facilities in the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League. He is also unhappy about the Border War with the Capellans, but the Star League Council are not allowing him to use the SLDF to squash it.

On Hanse's advice, John creates a training facility staffed by the best civilian and military intelligence instructors from existing agencies. Graduates are to become the core of a new Intelligence Ministry, replacing the existing civilian intelligence service with Military Intelligence subordinated to it, rather than the reverse.

Soldiers who perform well in the Border War are promoted out of their regiments, to make up the cadres of three new regiments: the Crucis Dragoons, which are patterned after SLDF dragoon regiments and staffed with young students only a year or two out of their academies. The force is carefully trained against the Davion Guards in preparation for use in the Border War. Hanse also recommends re-organising the Davion Guards RCTs into the more tightly integrated forces he is familiar with.


John takes personal command of the Border War, replacing several generals who have not performed up to his standards. With Hanse's advise he is able to use the Crucis Dragoons to break open key strongholds on Valexa and Tecumseh before he had to leave to attend Richard Cameron's taking of office.

Richard Cameron issues Executive Order 156, which the Star League Council rejects. John seeks a private meeting with Richard and explains why it was not possible, even if he agreed with the Order, for him to obey it. He also warns Richard that giving orders that won't be obeyed will erode the authority of his office. Richard, who believes that he should hold absolute authority, does not take this well.

Barbara Liao brings the Border War to the Star League Council for arbitration. John is concilatory and agrees to this. Vindictively, Richard requires that John pull off Westphalia and relinquish Valexa and Tecumseh. In response, John agrees a ceasefire with the CCAF and to surrender his positions to SLDF units, who can then hand over the positions to the Capellans. Kerensky, glad to no longer have his hands tied, agrees to the use of SLDF troops as peacekeepers in the area.

John returns to New Avalon with deep concerns over Richard Cameron. He his hailed as a great military leader for his achievements but there is a public backlash against Richard for forcing the Federated Suns to give up their gains. John has the AFFS carry out a detailed review of the Border War and recommend reforms to address problems. Hanse recommends a series of large-scale exercises to test logistics and the strategic skills of the AFFS Marshals. He is concerned by the inexperience of many soldiers in the AFFS: having almost doubled in size since 2750, the organisation has had to promote rapidly - sometimes too rapidly.

Hanse suggests that secure and hidden yards could be critical for the maintenance of the Federated Suns Navy in the event of another largescale war, and also the continuing problem posed by the Tortuga pirates over the centuries. John agrees to a covert expedition, slipping away under the cover of the next year's exercises, will try to seize control of Tortuga as a secret base for the FSN.


Richard Cameron increases taxation upon the Periphery states, sparking a wave of opposition. Kerensky has no alternative but to focus his attention on the potential crisis. Meanwhile John attends Richard's wedding.

Operation GALAHAD has almost a quarter of the AFFS moving across the Crucis March with John commanding twelve regimental combat teams 'invading' Minette Operations Area out of Chirikof Operations Area. The defenders, thirteen RCTs led by several conservative generals opposed to John's reforms, lose badly. The SLDF's LXII Corps watch in interest but have to keep most of their focus on the Taurian border.

Two Avalon Hussar RCTs strike at Tortuga, surprising the defenders and successfully taking both jump points. The Hussars lose a dropship of troops to an ambush as they make their transit to the planet and take heavy losses in the fighting against the pirates, but emerge victorious. The action is covered up as a clash with un-identified raiders  while the regiments were 'trying to outflank' the Prince's attack.

A convoy departs Galax carrying goods and engineers to construct a shipyard at Tortuga, along with modest orbital defenses. Officially, the two Hussar RCTs are consolidiated into single RCT due to losses - in fact, both are rebuilt but one is stationed on Tortuga.

The Avalon Hussars begin a systematic reorganisation to turn their 'Mech regiments into SLDF style hussars. They receive equipment from the upgrading Davion Guards to bring their RCTs up to the highest standards, in turn passing their cast off equipment down to the March Militia RCTs of the Draconis and Capellan Marchs.

John requests bids for the design of improved Davion- and New Syrtis-class warships and for refit plans to use on existing ships of these classes.


Stefan Amaris meets with Aleksandr Kerensky and provides him with information on the Taurian Freedom Army, one of the most successful terrorist organisations plaguing the SLDF in the Concordat. Kerensky is unconvinced and tells Amaris that he is a bad influence on the First Lord.

Amaris returns to Terra and tells Cameron that he has been ordered, by Kerensky, to leave Terra. Playing the martyr he insists that obeying is the best way to keep the peace but they sign a secret pact allowing Richard to call onRim Worlds troops if needed.

The FSN accepts bids for the design of the Block III Davion and Block II New Syrtis. Production begins at Galax and Robinson, mirrored at the new Tortuga yard. The AFFS requests modernised variants of the Hammerhands and Battleax to upgrade their heavy BattleMech arm, as well as new hover, medium and battle tanks.

To his surprise, Kerensky finds that the information is valid and a sudden SAS attack secures the leadership of the TFA and information linking it to the Taurian government.


The Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus and Outworlds Alliance continue to cause problems, drawing an increasing number of soldiers into the Periphery. On Hanse's advice John proposes that all five Member-States provide an Infantry Division-equivalent to the SLDF in support, but the other Council Lords decline. John continues alone, offering all three remaining regiments of the Tancredi Loyalist brigade and two infantry brigades for service in the Outworlds Alliance, an offer Kerensky accepts.

In April 2765 an SLDF Fort on Perdition is destroyed by a tactical nuclear weapon smuggled into the base. Two days later, eighteen Taurian worlds secede from the Star League. John Davion acts as Kerensky's voice in the Council but is unable to bring them to a decision. Helplessly he opens his realm's logistics to support Kerensky's movement of troops and does his best to convince the General that the Taurians must have some hidden force to support them, since otherwise they have no hope of victory.

In May dozens of rebel divisions arrived, reinforcing planetary militias and renegade SLDF units. The first sight that the SLDF has of them is of headhunter forces striking directly at their leadership. Hundreds of senior officers, commanding regiments, brigades and divisions are killed along with many of their staffs. Kerensky himself only narrowly manages to avoid death. By the end of the year, fourteen SLDF armies are engaged in fighting in the Periphery. In the Alliance and the Concordat AFFS divisions fight alongside the SLDF, for John doubled the troops he was offering, but these are far from John's best troops.

With the bulk of the SLDF FIrst Army filling gaps in coverage of the thinly stretched Member State garrisons, Kerensky recommends that the Star League hire troops from the Member States - particularly the Federated Suns and Lyran Commonwealth - to garrison the Hegemony. Richard Cameron instead reveals his treaty with Amaris. Kerensky and the Council protest, but most are silenced when news of a rebel division being driven off Gotterdammerung by RWR regiments appears to prove Amaris' fidelity. John Davion and Takiro Kurita continue to protest until Robert Steiner negotiates an agreement for a division-equivalent of the AFFS to take up garrisons spread across Ozawa, New Florence and Rio.


With the SLDF fully mobilised, the tide turns against the rebels. Although fighting remains savage and SLDF losses were high, bastions of resistance were grimly crushed by the overwhelming forces pitted against them. AFFS regiments do not impress Kerensky with their performance: they are ill-disciplined and unco-operative. Unknown to him, Hanse has convinced John Davion to rotate unpromising troops into them as replacements, turning the regiments into a sink for the worst of the AFFS. Troops who prove themselves worthy are transferred out, taking up garrison positions vacated by the nine regiment RCTs on loan to the SLDF. Thes forces form the core of new regimental combat teams: Crucis Dragoons, Avalon Hussars and the new Kentares Light Horse regiments.

FSN ships are also supporting the SLDF, usually aging ships dating back to the Age of War. The best of the crews are headhunted to crew new Davion and New Syrtis ships that are beginning to emerge from the Galax and Robinson yards. Production from Tortuga is slow, but these ships are being held in reserve and not yet crewed.

As the year comes to an end, John admits that short of murdering Amaris the Coup cannot be averted. He and Hanse give serious thought to ordering the assassination but in the end decide that the consequences of failure would be too great: Richard Cameron's active enmity would be encouraged by Kurita and Liao against the Federated Suns. Instead they enact their contingencies to minimise the consequences of losing contact with the Hegemony and potentially save the Star League.

All possible high level presence within the Court of the Star League is brought ot its lowest possible levels - and where possible, limited to those whose reliability is in doubt.  Davion-owned businesses begin to opt out of contracts to buy or sell in the Hegemony, seeking outer markets and sources for their goods. The colossal expense of this is borne by borrowing heavily from Terran financiers Hanse recalls as having been implicated as supporters of Amaris: both Princes agree that the consequences of defaulting on those loans will be minimal compared to the short-term benefits of covering costs.

In order to better support the SLDF, John suggests to Kerensky that more of the still massive stockpiles of supplies in Hegemony bases be shipped up to bases bordering the periphery and offers to clear AFFS depots in the area completely, to house it - surrendering much of the existing contents to the SLDF as a donation to the war effort. He also offers to use his yards to restore retired Riga-class frigates for service in the SLDF, operating at cost. Several massive convoys depart the Hegemony to take advantage of this generosity. In a tacit pay-off, Kerensky authorised the construction of factories in the Federated Suns' Capellan March to build the Cestus heavy 'Mech and three aerospace designs (the Spad, Gotha and Ironsides) for SLDF use.

On 27 December, RWR special forces seized or destroyed the HPGs on every Hegemony world save for that on Dieron. Less than two hours later, Stefan Amaris had personally shot Richard Cameron and his soldiers had seized control of Unity City. A handful of prepositioned and highly trusted MIIO agents moved quickly to abduct members of the House Cameron before they could fall into Amaris' hands. In three cases the agents were unable to penetrate the security of their targets, in seven others they failed to escape before RWR troops with the same mission and overwhelming resources arrived... but four Camerons were whisked away into hiding, including Helena Cameron, Richard's youngest sister.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:52:07 AM by drakensis »


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 04:38:32 AM »

Oh yes this is a nice twist. 4 Cameron family members free
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2012, 04:02:51 AM »

During the next part I'm expecting to cover the reforms of the AFFS structure, which won't be reinventing the ponderous RCTs of Hanse's day (different times require different approaches). While thinking about this, I've also been considering how the other four Council Lords' forces will appear, because simply copying SLDF organisation doesn't strike me as likely. Here's some of my thinking so far. In all cases, I'm starting with the principal strategic unit, not the regiment, but the division (or equivalent).

Armed Forces of the Federated Suns
The traditional RCT of the day was more administrative than operational. John does away with them entirely and reorganises the AFFS around Divisions, of which there are around 140 by the mid-to-late 2770s. A Division is built around three brigades and each brigade is made up of two demi-brigades. The demi-brigade replaces the regiment and is a combined arms force of five battalions (36 Mechs/Tanks/Squads) of which three are of a single type ('Mech, Armor, Infantry) and the other two are of other types - they are modelled upon the independent regiments of the SLDF (John is alarmed by the losses taken by SLDF line regiments when not supported). Approximately half the Divisions are classed as BattleMech Divisions (with 2 BattleMech Demi-Brigades and 2-3 'Mech battalions across the other Demi-Brigades) while the others are Armoured Divisions (with two Tank Demi-Brigades and only 2-3 'Mech battalions).

Capellan Confederation Armed Forces
The CCAF does not have officers above the rank of Colonel and nor does it have permanent formations above the regiment, at least in theory. In practise regiments are grouped into semi-permanent Battle Groups of 2-5 regiments (usually 1 Mech regiment and the rest conventional) led by the Colonel of the Mech regiment and a Senior Colonel might lead a temporary Task Force of 2-5 Battle Groups (anything from 4 to 25 regiments). Capellan Regiments are similarly variable with 2-5 battalions but the battalion is standardised with 3 companies, each of 3 lances (4 Mechs/Vehicles/Squads) and a demi-lance command element. The CCAF has about 180 BattleGroups in service at the fall of the Star League, giving it a military strength around 85% that of the AFFS.

Draconis Combine Mustured Soldiery
The DCMS has the smallest standardised Division: 1 BattleMech Regiment, 3 Infantry Regiments and 1 Artillery Regiment (sometimes actually Armor) which they hold to rigidly. A regiment is made up of 5 companies of 5 platoons (5 Mechs/Vehicles/Squads). With over 200 divisions, they are slightly larger than the AFFS (which suffers numerical attrition through the 2760s and 70s).

Free Worlds League Militia
The regular FWLM keeps more than half its strength in independent regiments and brigades from minor provinces but it still boasts around 95 Divisions. Organisation differs depending on the source: even notionally federal regiments may keep to a traditional pattern from their distant origins. The Captain-Generals have been able to enforce a standard Division of two Brigades, with each Brigade having 2-4 regiments and including at least 3 Mech battalions per brigade. The most common 'Marik' pattern for a regiment is ten companies of ten Mechs/Vehicles/Squads but this applies to fewer than 50% of federal regiments. The next most common pattern is the Oriente style which divides a regiment into 3-4 squadrons, each with 2 troops of 8 lances (4 Mechs/Vehicles/squads per lance). Finally, the Andurien pattern practises combined-arms to the company level with 2 line lances and 1 contrasting lance (4 Mechs/Vehicles/squads per lance) in a Team. Three teams (1 Mech or heavy tanks, 1 hover tank and 1 infantry) make up a Task Force and 3 Task Forces make up a Regiment.

Lyran Commonwealth Armed Forces
On paper the LCAF should be the largest of the Member-State armies: it has only almost forty Divisions but these are rigidly square organisations: 4 Brigades, 16 Regiments (4 'Mech, 5 Tank, 1 Artillery, 6 Infantry), 64 Battalions, 256 Companies, 1024 Sections, 4096 Mechs/Vehicles/Squads. However once a Division is raised, it rarely receives replacements with new recruits used to create new Divisions (the efficient LCAF administration somehow doesn't prevent the sale of excess replacement equipment or the occasional collection of wages for soldiers no longer in service). As soldiers retire, transfer (to cadres for new Divisions or into elite formations such as the Royal Guard Division (which is kept at full strength)) or are killed in action Divisions shrink dramatically. Policy is that once they drop below 50% strength, they are reorganised as independent Brigades and a wise foe treats these Brigades as the real threat, as most personnel will have long service.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2012, 10:22:50 AM »

Part Two: The War Against Amaris


As soon as it becomes clear that the Hegemony HPGs have lost contact, John orders relief expeditions to contact the garrisons he placed on Ozawa, New Florence and Rio as well as the SLD's 36th and 203rd Mechanized Infantry and 99th BattleMech Divisions, the garrisons nearest the Federated Suns. The ships jump in at non-standard jump points and monitor radio signals before making contact or withdrawing. While the expeditions are successful in securing four shared worlds, Tybalt, New Rhodes, Ronel and Galatia III, as well as the their targets garrisons, attempts to probe further discover powerful RWR warship squadrons in place.

With the worst having happened, John sends orders for the MIIO agents embedded into the AFFS forces in the Hegemony to gather technical information from the SLDF where possible and then sent an urgent message to Kerensky to warn him that Amaris now controlled much of the Hegemony. He also alerts the BSLA administrator for the Federated Suns that the core of the Star League's fiscal system is out of touch and that this may not change soon. In the meantime, on Hanse's recommendation, he offers the support of his government in collecting League revenues and operating League programmes in the Federated Suns.

In February, Stefan Amaris sends messages to all the Star League Council, calling on them to recognise him as Director-General of the Hegemony and Emperor of the Star League. John forwards the message to Kerensky and authorises emergency expenditure on construction of factories in the outer regions of the Federated Suns to built munitions and other consumable supplies for the SLDF. He also brings the AFFS to full war footing

Kerensky addresses his soldiers, advising them of the Coup and that the weight of evidence suggests that the First Lord has been overthrown and probably murdered. He also establishes his clear opposition to Amaris. Hasty negotiations have secured a ceasefire with the Periphery - whose forces are already almost destroyed - and he will be pulling back to bases in the Inner Sphere where the SLDF will regroup. This will also allow time to alter SLDF codes, which must now be considered broken by Amaris.

John (and Hanse) meet Kerensky on New Syrtis, where Amaris direct message to Kerensky arrives. Kerensky is disgusted by the provocation but sees that the other House Lords will not directly support him. He explains his general strategy: to take the Rim Worlds Republic first and only then strike at the Hegemony. John sees the value in denying Amaris access to the resources of the Republic but also hears Hanse's warning about the dangers of letting Amaris entrench.

He recommends instead that Army Group 13 in the Outworlds Alliance sweep through the Combine and Commonwealth, picking up volunteers before striking at the corewards Republic worlds; Army Group 12 in the Magistracy of Canopus sweeps through the Free Worlds League in the same way to hit the rimwards Republic; and Army Group 11 in the Taurian Concordat sweeps through Capellan space to rendevous with the AFFS at their foothold in the Hegemony where they can liberate more worlds and prevent Amaris from sending forces back to the Republic. Then, when the Republic has fallen, Kerensky can use the Armies there to launch a hammer blow at Amaris' rear.

Kerensky was not convinced of the advantages here: he was sure that Amaris was expecting a strike at the Hegemony and would be prepared for it. There were also concerns that the SLDF was not prepared in terms of morale or material for the sort of fighting they could expect in the Hegemony. Ultimately, he decided that the risks were acceptable in exchange for keeping the Federated Suns as an active participant in the war. He was reassured when John made it clear that he understood that the SLDF would not be ready for operations in the Hegemony until late in the year.

As part of the agreements made with Kerensky, the Federated Suns will support the BSLA's operations in financing the SLDF. John is also taking steps to mobilise public support with thousand of volunteers from across the Federated Suns already signed up to fight or at least work for the SLDF. Given his previous experience with the AFFS, Kerensky insists that volunteer regiments be trained and led by cadres taken from some of his shattered divisions (with the balance of those divisions disbanded to replace losses in more intact units). Privately, Kerensky instructs the command staff of Army Group 11 that when they reorganise, they can integrate Capellan volunteer regiments into their Divisions but Suns volunteer regiments should be concentrated into a separate Corps and not assigned any critical missions.

By the end of the year, Army Group 11 is stationed on the seven worlds of the Hegemony still free of Amaris and has consolidated into fifteen Corps, one of them a two infantry division-sized force of volunteers from the Federated Suns. It is agreed with John Davion that the AFFS, in addition to securing the base of operations, will provide a force equivalent to two BattleMech divisions (12 BattleMech regiments, 6 infantry regiments and supporting arms) to bolster the Swordsworn, as the Suns Volunteers have been nicknamed, and an Armoured Division to reinforce 4th Army's LXIX Corps. This brings the Army Group to an effective strength of sixty divisions - a far cry from the 100 divisions that they could have boasted a few years before but still a formidable force.

The plan agreed upon was that Third and Fourth Armies would strike at Towne and Addicks, with a goal of leaping onwards towards the provincial capital of Lockdale. At the same time Sixth and Nineteenth Armies would attack Angol and Achernar before pushing in the general direction of Terra Firma. Seventh Army would be held in reserve. The goal was to keep Amaris guessing and hopefully have him commit his forces outside of the shield of the SDS networks.


Landing shortly after the New Year, Sixth Army captured Achernar with very little difficulty as it was only lightly garrisoned and the RWR ships covering it declined to stand and fight against the powerful fleet that had arrived. The SLDF found themselves with a little more difficulty deeming the farming world secure: the local population had been recipients of Amaris' propaganda for a year and as yet his hand had rested relatively lightly upon the farmers.

Nineteenth Army had much more trouble on Angol, not only did the world have substantial Castle Brians, it was defended by a division of Amaris 'Liberation Armies' who did not hesitate to launch nuclear strikes upon the SLDF landing zones. The attack ground on, with the SLDF having to dig the RWR out of their own fortifications and taking painful losses for every victory. The Sixth Army had moved on to Tigress (calling forward a small AFFS garrison to defend Achernar) but found themselves in much the same position. At least here, where Amaris' rule had been harsher and more demanding, the local population were willing to offer some support.

There was a similar disparity with the other arm of the attacks. Towne fell easily to Third Army, which moved quickly on to Helen before hitting serious resistance at Errai. Addicks, on the other hand, was guarded by two Republican brigades in control of three Castle Brians. Furious SLDF troops smashed headlong into the defenses, taking savage losses to nuclear and chemical weapons. The result was a brutal slugging match which the AFFS tankers attached to Third Army suffered in as much as their SLDF comrades. The fighting went on for months before each Castle Brian was taken, and in the process the cities of Addicks were badly damaged.

While this is going on, John is carrying out further reforms in the Federated Suns. The old Combat Regions are dissolved and a larger number of Polymorphous Defense Zones are created, opening more slots for advancement within the AFFS. In the Crucis March, these PDZs are primarily administrative, but in the Draconis, Capellan and Outworlds March, each PDZ is permenantly assigned a division-strength formation built around a BattleMech regiment (Syrtis Fusiliers in the Capellan March, the newly created Robinson Rangers in the Draconis March and the Ceti Hussars in the revived Outworlds March), an armoured brigade and two infantry brigades. In many cases these forces exist more on paper than in practise, but between discards from more senior regiments and new production, equipment is beginning to arrive and the expectation is that they will be at full strength by 2775.

Although Aleksander Kerensky is hundreds of light years away, he still remains in contact with John Davion. In order to secure supplies he offers a contract to Achernar BattleMechs on New Avalon to start building STY-3C Starslayers and CRB-27 Crabs, pledging SLDF accountability for any licensing issues. Blue Shot Weapons had been persistenly slow in putting the former into production, while there had never been more than a trickle of Crabs built by Cosara Weaponry before Northwind was occupied by Amaris. Rather than convert lines, Achernar build a new factory in the Outworlds March for these designs.

In addition to access to these designs, the AFFS is now receiving a fraction of production of the Cestus and of General Motors' new Nightstar (although the bulk are sent to the SLDF). In general the SLDF is spending its revenue where it receives it and the Federated Suns is the only state still paying close to pre-war taxes, which are then being spent in the Davion Military-Industrial sector, much to the benefit of John's own military build up.

 By the end of the year, the Army Group has liberated all the worlds targeted previously and nine further worlds (Hamal, Yangtze, Basalt, Hean, Deneb Kaitos, Ankaa, Quentin, Pokhara and Murchison), more than half of Lockdale province. It is decided that the next step is to knock out the three systems with SDS: Al Na'ir, Lockdale and Epsilon Indi. Because it is unclear how effective the SDS will prove, Seventh Army is called in as a reserve for Third Army that will be taking the lead at Al Na'ir, the first target. According to the plan.

Unfortunately for the SLDF, their intentions had been determined by Republican intelligence and the invasion fleet arrives in a trap, caught between the drones of the Al Na'ir SDS and a large force of RWR warships waiting just outside sensor range. Although the SLDF ships had a numerical advantage, they were poorly positioned and the drones wreaked havoc upon them. Fortunately, they were able to warn off most of the transports from jumping in via HPG but leading elements of XVII Corps had already arrived and their dropships were easy prey. Ultimately the SDLF emerged victorious, destroying all fifty drones and twenty Republican warships, but at a cost of seventy of their own - including the flaghsip of Admiral Brandt - and fourteen FSN warships destroyed and almost all those that remained in need of serious repair. Forty Republican warships had managed to retreat in good order, so a fleet remained in being to threaten them.

Although there was good news from the Rim Worlds where Apollo had just fallen to DeChavilier, the attack on Al Na'ir had to be aborted. Clearly the SDS would be a tough nut to crack.


It is anticipated that the SLDF will require most of the year to finish placing the Rim Worlds Republic under their control, primarily due to the difficulty in reducing the Castle Brians that they were required to handover to the Republic. In the meantime, Kerensky is able to send additional warships to the Hegemony front. He does make it clear that he'd rather someone find a solution to the SDS before the intended 'second front' begins in late 2770.

Hanse suggests an attack on Nirasaki, where the SDS computer systems were developed, recalling that there had been a discovery there of something that hindered SDS co-ordination to an extent. John was unhappy that Hanse hadn't shared this before, but as Hanse pointed out he was having to work from memory.

John travels to New Florence with further FSN ships - arguably more than can be spared - and orders a change of strategy. The demoralised Third Army moved back into reserve while Sixth and Nineteenth Armies liberate worlds between Bharat and Sheratan. Fourth Army will act as a garrison force for the liberated worlds and Seventh Army, with the Swordsworn Corps, will take Nirasaki. Fortunately the world is not protected by the SDS.

The invasion forces encounters the forty Republican warships that escaped at Al Na'ir over Nirasaki. Without drones and with roughly equal ship numbers the Republican fleet is destroyed but five more FSN warships - including two Aegis crusiers - are lost. The garrison engage the attackers with every weapon at their disposal and forcing them to fight building by building for the city of Blue Heron Commune but they were at last driven out into the open and destroyed. Nirasaki Computers Collective wasn't quite levelled in the fighting and no sooner is it secured than salvage crews begin working through it, looking for anything that might suggest a weakness of the SDS.

After weeks of searching, a portable computer in one cellar store was found to contain notes by Professor Catherine Glimp of NCC. The files were rushed to the Federated Suns best technical universe and dozens of the SLDF's best engineers (those not killed by Amaris - or worse, alive in his captivity) were sent by Kerensky with all despatch to join the efforts.

In an effort to allay suspicions, John ordered a new attack upon Al Na'ir. This time, the SLDF achieved strategic surprise and very few drones had been restored to service. Although casualties from ground fire were high, LIII Corps was landed along with the Swordsworn. Three weeks later, the rest of Seventh Army was landed on Lockdale and began to win back that world, although this time the cost to the warship fleet was higher.

Shortly before the end of the year more warships arrived from the Rim Worlds. Kerensky, appalled at the losses taken by the FSN, ordered them out of the theatre. Their courage was undoubted, as was John's commitment, but from now on the battles in space would be fought by the SLDF's more advanced ships alone. In fact, John was deeply relieved as the casualties had weighed upon his mind. Many of the aging ships were to be scrapped and the FSN was authorised to begin build up to force of fully one hunded ships, all new or recently reconditioned. He even signed off on a conversion of all remaining Robinson-class transports into a new light carrier design, finally breaking the tradition tying the FSN to the Army as it's transports.

Finally, researchers produced a counter to the SDS systems. While it did not disable them, the electronic counter-measures that they developed caused some confusion in their co-ordination, preventing the drones from making their deadly concerted attacks. The technology recied its first test at Epsilon Indi and much to the horror of the Republican fleet defending the world, proved entirely effective. The SLDF lost almost fifty warships in the battle, along with seventeen transports, but the Republican fleet suffered equal casualties and all the drones in the system were destroyed.

Refitting the systems to the SL Navy would take several weeks, which forced the return of Army Groups 12 and 13 to the Hegemony to be put back to February 2770, but before Christmas John Davion was able to hand over command of Army Group 11 to General DeChavilier. Before he returned to New Avalon, in a public ceremony, General DeChavilier formally commissioned him as an SLDF General, backdating the rank to the day he took command of the Army Group.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:53:39 AM by drakensis »


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2012, 12:38:58 AM »

Oh Yeah this is great.Keep it up.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2012, 05:17:21 PM »

Sidebar: Organisation of Army Group 11

3rd Army (2750)XVII Corps (6 Divisions)XXXIII Corps (7 Divisions)LXVI Corps (6 Divisions)LXIX Corps (6 Divisions)
(2766)XVII Corps (3 Divisions)XXXIII Corps (5 Divisions)LXVI Corps (4 Divisions)LXIX Corps (3 Divisions)
(2768)XVII Corps (4 Divisions)XXXIII Corps (4 Divisions)LXVI Corps (4 Divisions)
4th Army (2750)XXXVII Corps (6 Divisions)LIV Corps (6 Divisions)LXII Division (6 Divisions)LXX Corps (6 Divisions)
(2766)XXXVII Corps (3 Divisions)LIV Corps (5 Divisions)LXII Division (5 Divisions)LXX Corps (0 Divisions)
(2768)XXXVII Corps (4 Divisions)LIV Corps (4 Divisions)LXIX Division (3 Divisions)1 AFFS Division
6th Army (2750)XXXVIII Corps (5 Divisions)LXIII Corps (5 Divisions)LVII Corps (5 Divisions)
(2766)XXXVIII Corps (1 Divisions)LXIII Corps (2 Divisions)LVII Corps (4 Divisions)
(2768)LVII Corps (4 Divisions)LXIII Corps (4 Divisions)LXII Corps (4 Divisions)
7th Army (2750)LIII Corps (5 Divisions)LVIII Corps (5 Divisions)LXXI Corps (5 Divisions)
(2766)LIII Corps (5 Divisions)LVIII Corps (1 Divisions)LXXI Corps (3 Divisions)
(2768)LIII Corps (4 Divisions)Swordsworn (2 Divisions)LXXI Corps (3 Divisions)2 AFFS Divisions
19th Army (2750)XLVI Corps (7 Divisions)LVI Corps (7 Divisions)LXV Corps (7 Divisions)
(2766)XLVI Corps (5 Divisions)LVI Corps (2 Divisions)LXV Corps (4 Divisions)
(2768)XLVI Corps (4 Divisions)LVI Corps (4 Divisions)LXV Corps (4 Divisions)

Part Three: The Liberation of Terra


The SLDF Army Groups 12 and 13 begin their invasion of the Terran Hegemony, staging through the Lyran Commonwealth. In order to ensure a strong foothold and liberate as many worlds as possible, Corps of the SLDF assault twenty worlds that were not defended by the SDS systems or had Castle Brians, while Third Army resumed action by liberating three worlds near Terra Firma. While no world fell without fighting - in most cases what would have been considered heavy fighting in any other war - it took less than six weeks to liberate twenty-three worlds.

The shock accomplishs what Kerensky and John had hoped for. As he had in Hanse's recollections, Amaris elected to concentrate his forces on worlds with Castle Brians or SDS grids to protect them. By early May, the SLDF has managed to liberate another twenty-two worlds and close the gaps.  While a knot of worlds around Terra remained in Amaris' control, dozens of Republican brigades are isolated on border worlds and can be picked off in isolation.

What remains is the grinding work of digging out heavily defended worlds. After the boost to morale of months of relatively easy victories, this is a blow to the SLDF. Army Group 11 mostly carries out garrison duties as they recover from their heavy exertions of the last two years (this is not entirely peaceful: while there had been resistance to Amaris, there was often now resistance to Kerensky, particularly on worlds where Amaris had not yet bared his fangs). The Army Group watches as one by one worlds defended by Castle Brians were isolated, known fortifications bombarded and then divisions of the other two Army Groups are fed into the meatgrinder of war.

While the other Council Lords shake their heads at the blood and gold being spent by John Davion to support Kerensky, Barbara Liao found the alliance troubling. She foresaw a struggle for the empty throne of Terra and feared that Kerensky or Davion would play kingmaker to the other. In October she committed a division-equivalent of the CCAF to join Third Army although she took care not to send her best or her most loyal soldiers.

John Davion took the opportunity to rotate out the hardened veterans of the AFFS who had served alongside Seventh Army, replacing them with dozens of fresh regiments. These were tested on Thorin, Denebola, Fomalhaut and New Home: worlds with SDS but lacking the massive ground fortifications of Castle Brians. After SLDF warships had cleared the orbitals and hopefully disabled as many as possible of the ground installations, an army from Army Group 11 was landed on each. The fighting would last well into the next year, but only twenty worlds remained in the hands of Amaris: the hardest nuts to crack. Unfortuantely Kerensky's hope - that Amaris would commit his fleet outside of those prized worlds - had not come to pass. While a few ships had been caught and destroyed in isolation, almost half the Republican fleet remained.


Rather than press on immediately, Kerensky decided to pause in operations for three months. This would allow valuable time for repairs and for units rebuilding with volunteers from the schools still operating in the Rim Worlds or from liberated worlds to integrate the personnel into their forces. Even with these reinforcements, Kerensky decided to consolidate his forces by disbanding four armies and regrouping them into four Army Groups, one of which he held back in Lockdale province as it concentrated troops who needed more time to recover combat-readiness. They would be needed as a reserve for when he struck at Terra.

During this period, John Davion was engaged in determined diplomacy with the Periphery States. While he could not make binding promises for the Star League - and was increasingly aware that the Star League's survival remained in doubt - he could ensure that relations between the Federated Suns and his two neighbouring realms were not actively hostile. John made honest representation: it was entirely possible that in ten or twenty years the Star League would launch another Reunification War, but in the meantime he could act to mitigate their economic crisis.

Openly, John signed favourable trade agreements with the independent Outworlds Alliance and the Taurian Concordat, bringing cheap goods from them into his Outback worlds and selling them the goods they needed in order to rebuild their damaged infrastructure. Under the table, he also sells them designs stolen from the Hegemony for the factories needed to build critical power plants and water purification facilities.

On Hanse's recommendation, John continues preparations for a Succession War. A new factory manufacturing Striker assault 'Mechs and dozens of small, well concealed factories to churn out cheap militia gear are opened this year.

In the summer, Kerensky ordered the SLDF onto the attack. His first targets were the three provincial capitals still under Republican rule. Each, faced by an attack by four Corps, fought back desperately but futilely. By the end of the year, not only were all three liberated but fighting was underway on Dieron, New Dallas and Outreach.


Army Group 14 joins the SLDF offensive, which moves on to liberate the remaining hold outs in Tyrfing province. Although mostly symbolic, the fact that only the Core Province remained to be liberated did much to help SLDF morale. Reconstruction of many worlds was well underway, particularly in Lockdale province, which was restoring local supply for many essentials although heavy military manufacture remained rare in the Hegemony.

This has not stopped MIIO from obtaining a vast amount of information, including working samples of some of the SLDF's finest equipment. Even cutting edge designs being prepared for the anticipated re-expansion of the SLDF after victory are not secure as SLIC has unhappily reported to Kerensky that Royal-grade aerospace fighters are in the hands of the AFFS. While Kerensky cannot afford to alienate John Davion entirely, he elects to close the door as best he can, dismissing AFFS and CCAF forces from his command and insisting that they return home.

Barbara and John each welcome their soldiers back as conquering heroes... and let muttering of Kerensky's ingratitude spread through their courts. John in particular is quick to promote these seasoned troops to positions where they can share that experience with soldiers who have less - or no - combat history.

In the summer, Kerensksy elects on a one month pause for his ground forces, turning the SLDF navy loose against the last occupied worlds. Unhampered by the need to guard transports, SLDF warships destroy most of the drones over their targets, albeit at the by now familiar high cost. With this accomplished, ten armies descend upon the worlds. The smaller forces committed against the target make slow progress - but this is a relative term: drastically outnumbered, the defenders are driven back into Castle Brians and dug out in the familiar fashion. Fighting continues almost until Christmas on New Earth and Caph.

The stage was set for the final battle: the Liberation of Terra.


Once again the SLDF is re-organised, this time with regiments consolidated into divisions that are now back at full strength, in some cases for the first time in almost a decade. Several hundred regiments are deemed unready for combat and posted to garrison positions around the Terran Hegemony. There are mass protests but Kerensky is adamant that he will assault Terra only with the most prepared force that he can assemble. The force is broken into only five armies, each of three full-strength corps.

Although the re-organisation was complete on paper, within weeks, Kerensky held back the forces to let them carry out training exercises for another month while the SLDF Navy launched its great assault. Preceded by jumpships carrying kamikaze dropships loaded with nuclear weapons, five hundred warships burst into the system, to be engaged by fixed defenses, over two hundred and fifty Caspar drones and one hundred and fifty republican warships.

The battle that followed was the largest ever fought, but the SLDF had the advantage of tactical surprise and smashed the forces covering the Zenith and Nadir jump points in short order. Even then Amaris might have won but he ordered his forces to contend with both fleets. The republican crews did not have the experience of the veterans of many attacks of this nature and were destroyed either by the SLDF in battle or by Caspar drones in the case of warships that tried to flee. Almost a third of the SLDF fleets were lost in battle... but all the drones protecting Terra were destroyed.

And then the great transport fleets carrying the invasion force arrived, escorted with another two hundred warships. On 4 April they arrived in orbit of Terra and began landing dropships in Asia and Australiasia in the face of fire from the ground stations.

While the SLDF is engaged on Terra, the LCAF invades several RWR worlds. Despite his involvement, Kerensky sends a stern warning to halt operations. Although Robert Steiner obeys the letter of the order by ceasing attacks, his forces remain in place.


Fighting continues on Terra, with the SLDF breaking through republican lines and spilling into Africa and Europe. Kerensky personally leads the liberation of Moscow, rescuing his wife and children.

Help is pouring into the Hegemony by now from all the Member-States to help in the reconstruction. Faced with the flood of spies who come with this aid, the SLIC think back fondly to the days when only the MIIO was engaged in these manoeuvres.

Under the cover of the ongoing fighting MIIO agents manage to smuggle Helena Cameron and her distant cousin Jorge Cameron off Terra using a refugee dropship. Both the other Cameron survivors had been found and executed by Amaris' spies. Once they reach Lockdale, they are conveyed by command circuit to New Avalon where John Davion welcomes them warmly and sends word to Kerensky of their survival.

The news is cause of jubilation among the SLDF, renewing their determination. By the winter Africa and Europe are free of Amaris troops, although harrassment by naval forces had not entirely died down. The great trans-oceanic tunnels were blocked beyond easy use, so Kerensky feinted an amphibious crossing from Africa to South America, seeking to draw out Republican troops from the large concentrations remaining in North Africa. Amaris did not take the bait however, and kept his forces ready for the inevitable invasion of his remaining strongholds: although South America outside of the Castle Brians fell easily, both of those under the Andes had to be dug out at great cost in men and material.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 04:54:47 AM by drakensis »

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2012, 05:06:59 PM »

Wouldn't it be easier to bring the Camerons to the SLDF on Earth?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2012, 06:15:13 PM »

Not if you want to use them as bargaining chips.
Dedicated to committing viciously gratuitous bastardy of the first order.

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You know there is something wrong with the FWL, when Word's spell check changes Impavido to Impetigo and Zechetinu to Secretion.

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2012, 02:13:15 AM »

Then keep them hidden for a while until the fighting over Terra cools down.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2012, 04:59:57 AM »

Part Four: The Crumbling Facade


In January a major SLDF force crosses the Bering Straits and fighting breaks out as Republican defenders strike to keep the attack from breaking past them and into the Pacific Northwest to Unity City. Meanwhile a second thrust strikes up into Central America and a large amphibious force strikes across the North Atlantic into the southeast. With aid from loyal insurgents, the Appalacian Castle Brian is betrayed and opened to the SLDF by a handful of defecting Republicans and without its guns there is nothing to stop the bulk of the SLDF's armies making orbital hops across the Atlantic.

Helena Cameron returns to the Hegemony but there are increasing concerns as to her mental fitness to rule. Jorge Cameron remains on New Avalon as a guest of John.

With the SLDF breaking through the Missisippi defenses, Amaris attempts a gamble and creates an opening for the SLDF Armies in Alaska to break through, calculating that Kerensky will take a personal lead. He is correct, but drastically under-estimates the General's resolve: the republican forces intended to create a pocket around the advance break under the pressure of a reckless assault and by early April, after fighting through the mountains, the SLDF reaches Unity City.

The defenses fall within days and Kerensky personally takes Amaris into custody. Two days later, 'Emperor' Stefan Amaris and his immediate family are executed by a firing squad. Kerensky declares Terra liberated and invites Helena Cameron to take office as Director-General. The Council Lords embark for the first session to be held in almost ten years.

During this interval, Co-ordinator Takiro Kurita had died, leaving his throne to his son Minoru. Minoru was a known quantity, having deputised for his father several times. In fact he arguably had more experience of the Star League Council than Robert Steiner, Kenyon Marik and Babara Liao, all of whom had taken office in the early 2760s, which left John Davion as the old man of the Council. The intangible and invisible Hanse spent much of the first session ineffectually trying to strangle the oblivious Minoru Kurita, which gave the session a surreal feeling to the First Prince.

However the subject matter was not amusing. Minoru Kurita objected to the presence of Helena Cameron as Director-General and would-be First Lord, accusing her of being a fraud or at least a Davion-puppet. While Kenyon Marik was smoother in his opposition, he pointed out that the Director-General should be elected not appointed by Aleksandr Kerensky, although he was willing to acknowledge Helena as acting Director-General of the Hegemony. Lukewarm on inheriting from her brother's throne in the first place, Helena blithely agreed to an election against her cousin Jorge to pacify the two of them.

With that crisis if not removed, at least tabled, the next problem arose when Robert Steiner called for the Council to strip Kerensky of his title Protector of the Star League, and remove him as Commanding General, on the grounds of his failure to protect the Star League.  The Archon spelled out a lengthy list of the damage to the economy and infrastructure of the Star League that hadS taken place while Kerensky was the effective leader of the Star League's government. Even Hanse considers that it's a damning list and only John votes against the measure.

Kerensky accepts the decision, quietly removing the purple robe of office that he had worn over his uniform and without a word also removing rank pins, medals and even his gunslinger badge, piling them upon the table in front of Helena Cameron. The Council ends deliberations for the day, after little more than an hour in conference, only to be called to the Court of the Star League the next day by Kerensky, who is standing in front of the empty throne holding the same laser pistol that had been used to kill Richard Cameron. Nervously (and in the case of Helena Cameron, painfully hungover) the Council Lords have to consider that Kerensky intended to eliminate them and seize power.

Instead the former Commanding General makes an impassioned speech asking for a fair post-war settlement for the Rim Worlds Republic and their soldiers. Minoru slyly asks if Kerensky was seeking to be appointed Protector of the Republic and to Robert Steiner's horror Kerensky stated he would be honoured by that trust. The deal is struck and, with only Robert Steiner in opposition, Kerensky is appointed Protector of the Rim Worlds Republic.

By the end of the year, the volunteer regiments from the Rim Worlds along with their captured Republican foes are formed into a small army that was en route to Apollo. The Council Lords, for the most part, can breathe easier with Kerensky out of the way. (Robert Steiner, with ten of the LCAF's massive 'divisions' already bogged down along the frontier is the main exception).

The election for the new Director-General is set for January to give more time for the restoration of order on Terra. The Council agree on the appointment of Jerome Blake to finish restoring the HPG network. While Blake has worked wonders maintaining communications for the SLDF, lacking access to key factories on Terra he had been forced to begin stripping minor HPGs for parts. Now he threw himself into repairing the factories to put them back into service. However the Council deadlocks over the appointment of a new head of the BSLA and decide to disperse until the DIrector-General was confirmed.

Hanse and John continue to finetune the AFFS and FSN. The RCTs of the Syrtis Fusiliers, Robinson Rangers and the Ceti Hussars now total more than forty, fully equipped and manned if with old equipment and predominantly by local and often inexperienced soldiers. The expanding core of Crucis Dragoons, Avalon Hussars and Kentares Light Horse regiments number more than a hundred. Following experimentation with the Davion Guards, the existing rather loosely organised RCTS are replaced with a new formal structure of Divisions, slightly smaller than their SLDF equivalents.

The Navy is similarly developed with nine battlegroups of two New Syrtis-II carriers and eight Davion-III destroyers, supported by six patrol flotillas of older ships now being supplemented by Robinson-II light carriers. If the Star League does survive then it is planned to retire the older ships into reserves located in the Outback to stay within the legal limits upon force sizes. The Syrtis Fusiliers, Robinson Rangers and Ceti Hussars can be declared to be militia or reserve forces for the same reasons.

Sidebar: Typical AFFS Division Structure

Divsion Type Brigade Demi-Brigade 1st-3rd Battalions 4th Battalion 5th Battalion
BattleMechAlpha1stBattleMech Infantry Armoured
2nd Infantry BattleMech Armoured
Beta1st BattleMech Armoured Infantry
2nd Armoured Infantry Artillery
Gamma1st Armoured BattleMech Infantry
2ndInfantry BattleMech Armoured
ArmouredAlpha1st Armoured Infantry Artillery
2nd Infantry BattleMech Armoured
Beta1st Infantry Armoured Artillery
2nd Armoured Infantry Artillery
Gamma1st Armoured BattleMech Infantry
2ndInfantry BattleMech Armoured


The election of the Director-General has a turn-out estimated at only 25% of the turn-out - although electoral rolls remain in considerable disorder. This is actually higher than the usual number of voters, largely because millions of SLDF soldiers from the Hegemony are present and encouraged by their commanders to vote - by pre-war standards a shocking breach of etiquette. Of those voting, slightly more than a third of the votes are cast for Jorge Cameron, but very nearly as many are write-in votes calling for Aleksandr Kerensky to become Director-General. Most of the SLDF are surprised that the latter number isn't higher.

Although there is no clear majority Helena Cameron, already unhappy as acting-Director-General, simply refuses to attend to her duties on the grounds that whoever was elected, it definitely wasn't her. She petitions John Davion for permission to return to New Avalon, seeking the seclusion of the small estate she had stayed at before. Reluctantly, John agrees to permit this and recognises Jorge Cameron as the twentieth Director-General of the Terran Hegemony and First Lord-elect of the Star League.

Similar recognition does not arrive from the other Council Lords, but it is expected to be confirmed at the regular Council Session in the spring. For his part, Jorge quickly clashes with Aaron DeChavilier when he calls on Royal regiments of the SLDF to transfer back into a revived Hegemony Armed Forces. More than a hundred regiments obey and tens of thousands individual soldiers desert other regiments to come home - predominantly older soldiers who see this as a partial demobilization. The infrastructure to support a HAF is non-existent and Jorge high-handedly assigns SLDF bases and equipment to them.

Barbara Liao is quick to take advantage, offering Capellan soldiers in the SLDF honoured places in the CCAF if they wish to come home and even Capellan citizenship and recruitment bonuses to SLDF veterans from other states. The other Council Lords are quick to follow suite and by the time the Council has reconvened in May, even John has seen no alternative but to do so. Aaron DeChavilier contacts Kerensky seeking support and guidance and receives a promise that the General will do what he can. (Kerensky for his part is torn between being appalled and the recognition that some of those deserters would be welcome recruits for the RWA).

In May the first of several shocks for the Council is Kerensky's attendance, demanding recognition for the Rim Worlds Republic as a full member-state and a place on the Council. Robert Steiner and Kenyon Marik are firmly opposed and after John supports the measure, both Minoru and Barbara also vote against. Kerensky leaves the Council chamber and closets himself with DeChavilier for the rest of the day.

Kenyon refuses to confirm Jorge as Director-General since he failed to secure a clear majority while Minoru again expresses his confidence that Jorge is an imposter set up by MIIO. Robert Steiner and Barbara Liao find it expedient to consider these claims compelling and each nominates themselves as the new First Lord of the Star League. Unsurprisingly, neither musters any support and both Minoru and Kenyon both assert their own candidacy. John refrains from doing so. Where the other four speak as to their merits and offer thinly veiled inducements for their election, the First Prince makes clear that the post of First Lord will be no easy position to occupy with the Star League so weakened.

Debate in the Council continues for several weeks, interspersed with private meetings as the Lords try to win each other. John, having not sought the position, is particularly attractive as possible ally to Robert Steiner and Kenyon Marik and is able to obtain small favours by acting as intermediary or voting favorably in several unimportant votes that are held more so that the Lords can judge their support or otherwise than out of concern for the actual matters of state. He is also able to obtain minor advantage by having Hanse wander the chamber and read over the shoulders of the other Lords as they take notes and receive messages but this is still not enough for him to secure any progress within the Council.

While the politics is going nowhere, Aaron DeChavilier is growing increasingly concerned by the continued trickle of deserters to the House Militaries. He and Kerensky discuss the assignment of SLDF forces to the Rim Worlds to help the Dormax government to maintain order: although Kerensky is acting as head of state he has retained the temporary government as the only leadership remaining to the Rim Worlds. Indeed they have welcomed him as a saviour. DeChavilier is concerned that there will be desertion from the SLDF to the RWA but Kerensky points out that they will also be a source of recruits and - once relations are regularized - of funding.

John recommends that if a permanent First Lord cannot be agreed upon, that the office become rotational with each Council Lord holding the position in turn, the order being determined randomly. There is no support for the offer.

Minoru offers Jorge Cameron his support in election as First Lord if Jorge will support the annexation of the Outworlds Alliance by the Draconis Combine. Jorge is enthusiastic until DeChavilier points out that this simply wouldn't be feasible without the use of the SLDF - which would in turn bring the Taurian Concordat and Magistracy of Canopus into conflict with the Star League. The SLDF, in DeChavilier's view, is not ready for such a conflict. Embarassed, Jorge heaps blame on DeChavelier for the poor state of the SLDF.

DeChavilier offers Kerensky the support of the SLDF in taking the post of the First Lord himself, believing that the Council Lords will accept it rather than fight against the SLDF, still stronger than any one of them. Kerensky makes it clear that he has no interest in the role, he wants to return to Apollo and spend time with his children before they are entirely grown up.

There are demonstrations in the streets of several Hegemony worlds against Jorge Cameron and complaints about the harsh treatment to those who compromised by Amaris. DeChavilier accepts orders to crack down on the demonstrators but releases details of atrocities ordered by Amaris in order to defuse what he regards as dangerous sympathies to the Usurper.

The Council Session drags on and on into the summer. Reluctantly John Davion realises that no consensus is likely. In August he meets one last time with Aleksandr Kerensky and tells him that he does not believe that the Star League will survive. Both leaders leave Terra without ceremony, in the case of Kerensky to make a slow journey to Apollo, stopping at many Lyran worlds on the way. To Robert Steiner's dismay, the old general is greeted with warm affection everywhere that he goes in an eerie parallel to Simon Cameron's tour, three decades before.

From New Avalon John issues a public ultimatum to the Star League Council: unless a new First Lord is elected by the end of the year, the Federated Suns will unilaterally withdraw from the Star League. This succeeds in uniting the other five Lords on one issue: they jointly order Aaron DeChavilier to prepare the SLDF for an invasion of the Federated Suns in 2777 if any such thing is attempted.

DeChaviler and his new wife, Elizabeth Hazen, conclude that this is no longer the Star League that they once served. On 18 October they meet with senior commanders of the SLDF, ostensibly to plan operations. Instead DeChavilier advises that they intend to leave the Inner Sphere entirely and invite any of the SLDF who wish to join him to do likewise. This way, at least, they will not have to participate in another civil war. Almost half ot the SLDF Divisional commanders agreed to join the couple, and those who did not were at least grudgingly ready to keep silent as to their intentions.

While preparations begin under the cover of invasion planning, DeChaviliar offers to visit New Avalon by command circuit representing the Star League Council to reason with John. Instead he confides in John, who agrees to give him safe passage through the Draconis March. MIIO step up recruitment efforts in the SLDF among units not planning to leave and John authorises the top secret construction of improved orbital defenses based on limited data obtained from the Hegemony.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2012, 12:02:19 PM by drakensis »


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2012, 08:03:30 AM »

I am surprised he got that many.
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2012, 10:29:47 AM »

Do the Council Members have to recognize a Head of State?
If the State is a legitimate member and if its new leader is appointed according to the local laws/customs..., what can they say?

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5

Red Pins

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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2012, 11:38:11 AM »

...I like it.  I know the ghost angle is important, but maybe use a JS lost to hyperspace in an accident?  Remember how a JS moves forward in time when there's a mis-jump?  How about backwards instead?  John could use the history files from its computer to try to allay the worst of the Amaris civil war and Succession Wars.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2012, 11:48:42 AM »

Why does the SL have any say in who is the LEader of the Hegemony. leader of the SL maybe, but not confirming the head of state of a state not your own.


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Re: Davion & Davion (Deceased)
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2012, 12:05:51 PM »

The line between the Hegemony government and Star League government had gotten pretty blurred. Also, see Takiro Kurita petitioning the SL Council to declare Vincent Kurita as heir to the Federated Suns.

With that said, a stronger Director-General could have said that and made it stick. Unfortunately Helena is not a strong leader.
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