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Author Topic: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)  (Read 7130 times)

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Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« on: June 02, 2020, 02:16:58 AM »

Okay, this is just the bare bones of an idea right now, but if anyone wants to write this section of Handbook:  Clan Goliath Scorpion (Takiro, I'm looking right at YOU and your Diamond Shark heart!!), any contributions would be more than welcome.

To start, I never liked the idea of Clan Diamond Shark dividing up into those roving "Arc-Ship" factions.  Why wouldn't they carve out their own little realm, much like the Ravens did (or my Scorpions in this timeline)?  So, we know in canon the Sharks are already getting really leery of how the Homeworlds are going . . . and that they are getting ready to jump ship about the time that Brett Andrews is elected ilKhan.

Much like my Scorpions, in fact!

So . . . what if the two Clans collaborate on Operation Xenophon?  (My designation for the Scorpion return to the edges of the Inner Sphere.)

The Scorpions are planning on taking and holding the former Circinus Federation (plus New St. Andrews) for a total of 11 worlds.  Doesn't leave the Sharks much room, right?

Wrong.  After all, neither the former Lothian League or the Illyrian Palatinate really want to be part and parcel of the Marian Hegemony.  And with just 11 worlds, well, the Sharks should have a cakewalk taking the Lothian and Illyrian worlds away from Caesar O'Reilly!

And with the history of mercentilism in both of those small Periphery nations, the Sharks are a natural fit (once the current residents get over now being part and parcel of the Clans, that is!).

Anyway, that is the bare bones of this idea:  the Diamond Shark Mandate (picture below).  What I need is someone to determine what Shark units (and WarShips) will be able to escape the Homeworlds (keep in mind that because of the Scorpion intervention with Clan Burrock Zeta Galaxy to save the remnants of the Hellions, there will be NO battle of Salonika where the Sharks lost who-knows-many Warriors and civilians (bear in mind that in canon the Burrocks captured forty-eight Shark JumpShips!

Would the Sharks want a new homeland?  Especially one so far away from all of the other Clans of the Council of Seven (except the Scorpions, who will be next door neighbors).  Still, there is the Marian Hegemony right next as well, for those training missions for young Warriors seeking to prove themselves in combat.  Plus the Free Worlds League (which may or may not fall apart due to the changing timeline and the loss of Circinus as a hidden base for the World of Blake).  And Niops.  Don't forget Niops.

Anyway.  That is the barest hint of an outline.  If no one wants to give this one a shot, I'll work on it myself . . . but it may take a while.  So thanks for reading, thanks even more for any thoughts and ideas, and thanks tremendously if someone wants to take up the challenge and write this section!

Until next time.

« Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 02:31:22 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2020, 05:55:33 AM »

Hey bud, I got plenty of thoughts for ya but not much time to spare. ;)

Commenting on your piecemeal alternate if I may your right in a lot of your assessments. I don't love the super divided Dark Age Sharks roaming the InnerSphere in Arkships either but I've got several ideas for a Stock Split lets say.

They usually revolve around a more conservative element (let's call them Sea Fox) and a more liberal element (let's call them Diamond Shark) going their own way - sort of. Basically to satisfy political extremists the Clan decides to break into two parts but keep channels open for opportunities. Sort of like the Crusader Wolf - Wolf in Exile development these yin and yang of the Clan go their own ways allowing the maximum return on investment.

This taken on several forms which I'd like to keep close to the chest for future story telling but always maintains the core theme. I figure this arrangement would allow the Clan to deal unofficially with less savory elements in whatever form it officially takes. It also limits liability something business and the merchant Clan(s) would love. I suppose many would catch on to this obvious collusion but proving it and holding someone (who?) accountable would be another matter entirely.

However, what I don't see is them wanting to move down there with Scorpions. Usually I have them set up in the old Rim Worlds which ironically was represented by a Shark and lies between the Homeworlds and the InnerSphere. This gives them the best (central) spot to act as go betweens which is soo Diamond Shark. While the Illyrian Palatine is a natural match merchant-wise it and may even welcome liberation I doubt the Clan would devote a home their for either half of itself in my vision.

If you embrace the New Clans role of the Goliath Scorpions out on Circinus why not have a 'New Clan' eventually undertake this endeavor? 

Ice Hellion

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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2020, 06:35:24 PM »

And with the history of mercentilism in both of those small Periphery nations, the Sharks are a natural fit (once the current residents get over now being part and parcel of the Clans, that is!).

Or conquer the Hansa.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2020, 07:47:03 PM »

There is a myriad of options really. I don't love the Scorpion canon move to Nueva Castille though cause they didn't get far enough away from the Homeworld aka the Untainted or Pure Clans.


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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2020, 01:11:20 AM »

My biggest problem with the DA Sharks is that they have almost no manufacturing and zero resource exploitation (except what they gain through raids and trades).  They become (in essence) little more than bandits . . . at least that is how I see them.

Now, you are right.  The Sharks don't have to go so far to form a new nation.  They could take over the entirety of the  Chainelane Isles and have a nice base of operations with a population to integrate and the resources to begin constructing factories to manufacture the goods they seek to trade.  And it would keep them in close contact with (most) of the other Clans of the Council of Seven (except for the Scorpions and Ravens). 

But that is both a positive and a negative.  Sure, they are close enough that they can trade and exchange technology, but also close enough that any predatory Clan (and the Wolves, Falcons, and Horses are most certainly those during this time frame and afterwards!) might decide to start taking Shark holdings rather than trade for their production.

Plus, remaining on the rim of the Inner Sphere puts them in harm's way should the Homeworld Clans come back to seek revenge on those who left the Unity.  (Yeah, not a major point, but I'm not so sure the Sharks really want to the trip-wire if the survivors of the Reaving come calling.)  Remember, none of the "Inner Sphere" Clans know what happens in the Homeworlds after they leave.  Whose to say that (in their minds) those Clans unite to "punish" the "tainted traitors" who abandoned the Unity and the laws of Kerensky?

I mean, would you want to risk your new society (no pun intended, by the way) by getting steamrollered first by the combined forces of the guys you fled from for a better life in the Inner Sphere (and Near Periphery)?

But, I hadn't really considered your point . . . perhaps the Sharks do "sub-divide" in Clan Diamond Shark and Clan Sea Fox.  Two options and two factions.  One making their home in the Chainelane Isles and staying in close contact with the Council of Seven (or is it now Council of Eight?) and the second forging a new realm a bit further south from the old Illyrian Palatinate and Lothian League? 

If that happens, the Shark/Foxes would have two small (semi-) autonomous realms, each with resources and industries and population, doubling (at least) their long-term chances for survival.  Maybe.  Just spitballing ideas here.

How would the Clan divide?  Would the conservative element (Sea Foxes) want to stay close to the Clans they know and the Occupation Zone or head south?  (And vice-versa!)  What military assets would each have?  What WarShips?  Would the other Clans recognize this division as legitimate . . . and would it matter if they did not?

Thoughts?  Got those in plenty.  Answers?  Not so much.  Which is why I would value the input of folks here on fleshing out this idea.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2020, 01:13:45 AM by masterarminas »


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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2020, 06:24:11 AM »

Thoughts?  Got those in plenty.  Answers?  Not so much.  Which is why I would value the input of folks here on fleshing out this idea.

Time is my problem, which I had more of it to develop my ideas. The subdivision is a natural evolution for the Diamond Sharks in my eyes and occurs for me in at least two different forms for BattleTech settings I had dreamed up. Which I will outline for a food for thought here for ya.

One setting I got dreamed up has a reborn nation called the Terran Union come about at the center of the InnerSphere run by mercenaries which include the Wolf Dragoons. Spurred on by their liberation of Earth from the Word of Blake, ComStar recognition, and a growing chaos which consumes the InnerSphere rather than sees the formation of a Second Star League this land grows as a base for mercenaries. Attracted by the lure of the old Hegemony and recognizing the opportunity of establishing a base therein Sigma Galaxy is sent to do so as a mercenary unit called the Sea Foxes. When confronted in the Grand Council the Diamond Sharks say they have every right to conduct intelligence missions for the Clan (see the Wolf Dragoons) and anyone who has a problem with it will have to defeat them in trial. What they are actually is a conduit for business and a connection to the center of the InnerSphere.


Other concepts similarly have the Shark/Foxes split so that one faction maintains ties to the Clans and the other maintains ties to the InnerSphere. Remember this split is business nothing personal although some have their agendas here. Long has there been a split in the warrior caste about the power of the merchants and it is rather easy to see a conservative faction being appreciated by the Homeworld Clans who has perhaps defeated the lesser caste uprising begun so long ago. On an individual level I have seen some warriors like Ian Hawker fight with unmatched skill tactical but strategic vision they lack. It is these reactionaries I see here forming a Clan Sea Fox and going back to or at least towards the Homeworlds to maintain contact there.

However, one must ask is that a valid point here and now or has this story opportunity passed. The Clan division takes place to maintain exclusive commercial ties where none could exist. Yes the risk is great but wouldn't that make the reward even greater? Now with the Pure (Homeworld) Clans who knows if this is even possible as they don't want any contact with the InnerSphere and its Taint. You'd have to decide their direction in your universe and I have a few ideas in my mind even though the post Jihad Dark Age setting ain't my cup of tea. If you see the Bastion/Aggressor factions having a link to the Tainted in order to keep tabs on them as wise then perhaps this is the way to go still. My latest idea for the Star Adder led Pure Clans is to have them search for a new home deeper in the Periphery rather than stay on the Homeworlds which could be a target for the Tainted. Perhaps leaving the decimated Homeworlds to Clan Sea Fox is their rear guard and a similar Diamond Shark group near the InnerSphere would be the ultimate spyglass backwards by the ever pragmatic Adders with double the buffer to keep clear of the Taint. Meanwhile they go in search of the ultimate homeworld the Kerensky was searching for even deeper in the Periphery a paradise far from the InnerSphere where they can develop the perfect society.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2020, 04:57:00 PM »

I took a good look at the history of Clan Diamond Shark/Sea Fox.

First, I think the obvious and previous point would be to get them a holding in the Chainelane Isles and then towards the Hanseatic League (they fought over the Chainelane Isles around 3055 and are known to fight each other).

This could be the needed base for further development while if we look at cannon, they are moving from enclaves to enclaves in their fleets trying to make a profit out of it.
This reminds me of the Hanseatic League (the historical one) with Kontore in different cities (foreign trading post of the Hanseatic League) and trying to be the only intermediary between the East and the West of the Baltic (there were also other things).

I think there is something there with the Sharks being able to bring in much needed supplies to the HomeWorlds and with the general disdain for the Merchant Caste, they could find a niche there.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2020, 06:08:35 PM »

But has that time passed Ice? The Sharks as intermediaries between the Homeworlds and the InnerSphere is a thing of the past in a post Reavings setting.

Let's face it the remaining Homeworlders are xenophobic isolationists (Bastion) at best or genocidal extremists (Aggressors) at worst. Neither is interested in an exchange with the Tainted. I could see a move to keep an eye on these corrupted remnants but other than that strict non contact policy.

Setting the Sharks up next to them now seems foolish but if during the Reavings a section of the Clan went back and was cleansed to become Sea Fox perhaps back channel communication is possible.

Ice Hellion

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Re: Diamond Shark Mandate (Excerpt from HB:CGS)
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2020, 08:36:10 AM »

But has that time passed Ice? The Sharks as intermediaries between the Homeworlds and the InnerSphere is a thing of the past in a post Reavings setting.

Let's face it the remaining Homeworlders are xenophobic isolationists (Bastion) at best or genocidal extremists (Aggressors) at worst. Neither is interested in an exchange with the Tainted. I could see a move to keep an eye on these corrupted remnants but other than that strict non contact policy.

Setting the Sharks up next to them now seems foolish but if during the Reavings a section of the Clan went back and was cleansed to become Sea Fox perhaps back channel communication is possible.

True but they need goods and supplies to be able to expand and restore their military forces.

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5
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