Okay, this is just the bare bones of an idea right now, but if anyone wants to write this section of Handbook: Clan Goliath Scorpion (Takiro, I'm looking right at YOU and your Diamond Shark heart!!), any contributions would be more than welcome.
To start, I never liked the idea of Clan Diamond Shark dividing up into those roving "Arc-Ship" factions. Why wouldn't they carve out their own little realm, much like the Ravens did (or my Scorpions in this timeline)? So, we know in canon the Sharks are already getting really leery of how the Homeworlds are going . . . and that they are getting ready to jump ship about the time that Brett Andrews is elected ilKhan.
Much like my Scorpions, in fact!
So . . . what if the two Clans collaborate on Operation Xenophon? (My designation for the Scorpion return to the edges of the Inner Sphere.)
The Scorpions are planning on taking and holding the former Circinus Federation (plus New St. Andrews) for a total of 11 worlds. Doesn't leave the Sharks much room, right?
Wrong. After all, neither the former Lothian League or the Illyrian Palatinate really want to be part and parcel of the Marian Hegemony. And with just 11 worlds, well, the Sharks should have a cakewalk taking the Lothian and Illyrian worlds away from Caesar O'Reilly!
And with the history of mercentilism in both of those small Periphery nations, the Sharks are a natural fit (once the current residents get over now being part and parcel of the Clans, that is!).
Anyway, that is the bare bones of this idea: the Diamond Shark Mandate (picture below). What I need is someone to determine what Shark units (and WarShips) will be able to escape the Homeworlds (keep in mind that because of the Scorpion intervention with Clan Burrock Zeta Galaxy to save the remnants of the Hellions, there will be NO battle of Salonika where the Sharks lost who-knows-many Warriors and civilians (bear in mind that in canon the Burrocks captured forty-eight Shark JumpShips!
Would the Sharks want a new homeland? Especially one so far away from all of the other Clans of the Council of Seven (except the Scorpions, who will be next door neighbors). Still, there is the Marian Hegemony right next as well, for those training missions for young Warriors seeking to prove themselves in combat. Plus the Free Worlds League (which may or may not fall apart due to the changing timeline and the loss of Circinus as a hidden base for the World of Blake). And Niops. Don't forget Niops.
Anyway. That is the barest hint of an outline. If no one wants to give this one a shot, I'll work on it myself . . . but it may take a while. So thanks for reading, thanks even more for any thoughts and ideas, and thanks tremendously if someone wants to take up the challenge and write this section!
Until next time.