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Elysian Republic
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:53:56 PM »

my podcasting cohort High Test and I have been working on this universe for the better part of a few years.  we like to use the idea of it being "semi compatable" with the battletech universe.  the back cover from our first major project  Handbook: Elysium Republic read as such
The Word of Blake Jihad brought many surprises to the Inner Sphere.  Cybernetic super soldiers in esoteric mechs.  Wanton destruction.  Fratricide. One of the most bizarre things to have happened though was the contributions, small though they were, or a new periphery power, born from an older and now hated legacy.  The Elysian Republic, though a tiny coalition of worlds brought significant supporting firepower to Stones Coalition, and without the prejudices of the Houses, were able to function wherever they were needed.
Now the Jihad has past, and this periphery nation is expanding, and attempting to shed its  Rim Worlds Republic roots, the long forgotten but proud people of the Elysian Republic reach for the stars, struggling to claim what they feel is their birthright; A place in the Inner Sphere as a proud, free, and independent people.
The first of three fan made products for the Battletech Universe, Handbook Elysian Republic provides a comprehensive look at a nation born from a hypothetical question.  What if there was a group of Rim Worlds planets were isolated from the Battletech universe until the Jihad.  How would they react to the greater universe being flipped upside down from the golden age of humanity?  More then just a source Materiel, Handbook Elysium Republic includes rules for Battletech and A Time of War, allowing players to integrate the Elysian Republic into any player campaign.

I will release more as time goes on, but feel free to post thoughts and ideas.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 11:00:55 AM by JPArbiter »
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2012, 07:21:29 PM »

Sounds like an interesting little faction.
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2012, 10:06:53 PM »

Hey welcome aboard JP!


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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2012, 11:33:22 PM »

thank you takiro,  here is the first few paragraphs of the book (after yet to be written fiction)  that explains how the planet Elysium was founded.

The Rim Worlds Republic and Elysium
“A whole new world, where the great are not held back by the meek, where hard work and ingenuity result in a symphony of wealth and prosperity!”~ official RWR Colonization Department advertisement
“We came to this planet seeking wealth and opportunity, not to be discarded like garbage” ~ Prime Minister Darius Santiago to the orbiting 47th Amaris Dragoons

   The year was 2603.  The Inner Sphere was trying to rebuild from the destruction of the Reunification War.   The Rim Worlds Republic was particularly ravaged by uprisings, coups, and of course the Star League.  The crushed, resource-poor Republic was desperately clawing its way out of the rubble.  Many planets were scouted by AsRoc survey teams that would become part of the Rim Worlds Republic’s Finmark province by 2750.  Some were earmarked for navigation purposes, others were barely viable dustball worlds.
One, surveyed in 2603, was deliberately kept secret.  Far beyond the farthest border of the Finmark Province, they had located a treasure trove. The initial spectrometry reports were astounding.  The planet appeared to be the motherlode of palladium, iridium, platinum, and most importantly, germanium.  Radioactive elements were abundant.  The only thing that wasn’t present was carbon.  The crust of P3R1757 had â…“ as much carbon as Terra - just barely enough to support life.  P3R1757 was placed in a priority line for development, though Richard Amaris had little desire to surrender the new find to Star League exploration.  The planet’s development was made top priority, and its colonization was placed under the control of AsRoc.   
The Bureau of Star League Affairs had received requests for construction, mining, and farming equipment in the aftermath of the Reunification War.   Equipment flooded in to the hardest hit areas of the Republic, was used on-site for a while, and then vanished.  By the time the BLSA agents set foot on Finmark, Tall Trees, and Apollo to audit the work and survey the repairs, the equipment was long gone.  BLSA auditors, trying to locate the equipment, found a dizzying paper trail that led only to dead ends.  The mighty Star League simply didn’t have the time find out why so much equipment, much of it regarded as disposable anyway was disappearing.
A great deal of this “appropriated equipment” made its way to P3R1757, along with a large group of refugees.  After losing loved ones, homes, and livelihoods in the war, many entire communities (selected by AsRoc) packed up what little they had and emigrated to “a new colony”.  Among them were political prisoners, malcontents, and adventure seekers.  Given the strong Greek heritage espoused by the Republic’s founders and the fertile conditions, many of the settlers took to calling the new planet ‘Elysium’, as it was a sanctuary from the lifetimes of woe they had escaped.
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2012, 02:08:58 AM »

New Direction
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?

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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2012, 04:46:30 AM »

My only trouble with isolated planets is the equilibrium between them and the other States (or am I not making an über State?).

"In turn they tested each Clan namesake
in trial against the Ice Hellion's mettle.
Each chased the Ice Hellion, hunting it down.
All failed to match the predator's speed and grace.
Khan Cage smiled and said, "And that is how we shall be."

The Remembrance (Clan Ice Hellion) Passage 5, Verse 3, Lines 1 - 5


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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2012, 10:18:19 AM »

My only trouble with isolated planets is the equilibrium between them and the other States (or am I not making an über State?).

Which will be offset by much smaller size for us.  expanding out into abandoned rim worlds planets will raise eyebrows, but a war with the Lyran Commonwealth?  House Marik?  Full blown clan retaliation?  that will not go so well for us.

New Direction

I am sorry, what?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 10:19:09 AM by JPArbiter »
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2012, 12:46:49 PM »

like the sound of this

tagged for future
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Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2012, 05:33:33 PM »

With the way things go in this universe this is a new direction to go
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2012, 03:23:43 PM »

Very interesting JP, I like what I see so far. Be an interesting Deep Periphery state.


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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2012, 11:05:04 AM »

another section, further down in the history portion of the book, describing the early life of the Elysian Republics second key Military Unit.

The Lioness Combat Team
“We Kill Blakists...” ~Major James Bixby

“In all my time as a Merchant Warrior, I had never encountered such a chance for Profit, nor truer friends as the Lioness Combat Team.”~Star Captain Robin Maine

While the Peacemakers were stumbling along the periphery to find the planet Elysium itself, a second group of mercenaries were running a campaign of disruption against the Word of Blake, mostly against planetary militias.  The Lioness Combat Team was made up of a group of retired or otherwise inactive mercenaries and other warriors who felt compelled by duty to engage the Blakist menace where ever they can, and arm anyone that was willing to fight.

Their initial campaign took them across fifteen core region worlds before they caught the attention of Chandrasekhar Kurita, a Combine nobleman of some stature who was hiring mercenaries for his own projects.  Inviting the LCT to raid Towne, it was through this first contract that they went from a professional guerrilla organization, to a genuine combat unit.

After actions on Towne, the capture of large stockpiles of Blakist equipment, and a the recruitment of a small Diamond Shark travelling merchant band, the LCT was able to almost quadruple its size, where it then served as one of Lord Kurita’s mercenary feelers.  Along with the Peacemakers and several other mercenary commands the LCT invaded the Lyran World of Nusakan in an effort to draw attention away from Lord Kurita’s plans on Arcturus.  While the feint failed, it did cost the Blakist’s elite 39th Division numerous combat units, an action that kept them tied to the protectorate region for most of the Jihad.

During the aftermath of Nusakan, the Lions were invited to Elysium for rest and refit, bringing themselves up to full strength including the replacement of their short lived aerospace forces.  Continuing their campaign they served as a reserve force for Devlin Stones Coalition from 3076 all the way through to the invasion of Terra itself, where once again fighting alongside the Peacemakers, they helped secure the American Midwest. The climax of their service to the coalition was the Battle of Kansas City, where the LCT fought a brutal six day delaying action, alongside the Peacemakers against a Division made up of Light of Mankind, 51st Shadow, and Terr-Sec forces escorting Cameron St Jamais to the Devil’s Tower Castle Brian.

Beginning in the Independence Sector of the Metropolis, the combined Mercenary team continuously gave ground fighting at extreme range until the battle threatened Downtown Kansas City.  At that point the Mercenaries scattered, drawing in the Shadow  Mechs.  with orders to protect key historic landmarks across downtown, from a financial institution , two separate shopping districts, a brewery, and even a small shack of a restaurant.  The Blakists would have been allowed to pass were it not for continuously stumbling across the mercenaries, whittling both sides down. by the end of the 4th day, the Blakist had found a route out of the city, and the combined forces of the Peacemakers and LCT allowed them to pass, giving only cursory pursuit  Devlin Stone’s forces arrived two days later, and congratulated them on holding the line long enough to close the gap.

the Remainder of the Battle of Terra was spent garrisoning the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, cleaning and rebuilding damaged property, courtesy of several Elysian firms acting as civic engineering contractors...
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2012, 12:37:32 AM »

More Good Stuff
Fear is our most powerful weapon and a Heavy Regiment of Von Rohrs Battlemech's is a very close second.-attributed to Kozo Von Rohrs
Will of Iron,Nerves of Steel,Heart of Gold,Balls of Brass... No wonder I set off metal detectors.Death or Compliance now that's not to much to ask for,is it?


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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2012, 11:14:54 AM »

When High-Test and I were reving Jihad Hoit Spots Terra, and saw explicit mention of Cameron St Jamais running from Texas North through our hometown, we were ecstatic.  we have a whole fictional outline of this battle, sadly it will probably never see publishing.
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2012, 10:31:14 AM »

more stuff from our books
Citizens of Elysian Republic do have certain rights bestowed upon them at birth or upon successful immigration.  The right to vote in federal matters is restricted though to citizens who have performed some variety of civic service.  the easiest and most common route is a two year term of military service, however other avenues exist as well.  push comes to shove, some EDF citizens have even gone as far as paying a substantial fine for sovereign franchise, a route not commonly known about but available to any willing to pay such a fine.  So called Teir 2 Citizen ship not only guarantees the right to vote and run in federal elections, but also gives access to special tax rates and social safety nets.

Sidebar: Inalienable rights
the preamble to the Elysian Republic Constitution of 3070 guarantees five rights to all Elysian Citizens regardless of status, station, or place of birth.

1) No Citizen shall be denied  life, liberty, or property without due process under the law
2) No Citizen shall be denied free and fair access to information about the State of the Republic.
3) No Citizen shall be denied to worship the faith of their choosing, nor denied the right to not worship at all.
4) No Citizen shall be denied the right to impartial jurisprudence in matters criminal or civil
5) No Citizen shall be denied access to the full might of the Elysian economy, and the benefits contained therein, as long as one is willing to reach for one’s own potential.

The People of the Elysian Republic are constitutionally granted freedom of, and from, religion within the republics borders.  The Freedom From Religion is a distinction almost unheard of, and is designed to prevent harassment and proselytizing.  Still the number of religious evangelists is higher then most government officials would like, and has been an issue of litigation for decades.  The debate of where one person’s constitutional right to “spread the good news” as their faith calls, and where it impedes on an other’s right to “not hear it” presents more problems in the legal system than was originally intended.

Below are the list of faiths common in the Elysian Republic.
Judaism -  From Babylon to Egypt, Egypt to Canaan, Jerusalem to the Diaspora, and Terra to the stars, Jews of one division or another form the single largest religious bloc in the Elysian Republic.  Beginning in the mid 25th Century, Jews fed up with antisemitic outbursts in the Rim Worlds Republic settled on the newly colonized world of Megiddo, quickly becoming the majority on that world.  Despite the Jewish majority, the ultra-orthodox Megiddo Rabbinate refused to recognize Reform, Conservative, and reconstructionist Jewish immigrants as Jews, mirroring what happened in the State of Israel in the 21st century.   

At least half of Megiddo’s Jewish population (about seventy million people) left for a new deep periphery colony, leaving only the ultra orthodox and the orthodox who were content with the marginalization of liberal Jews.  Jews once again found themselves the majority on Elysium, but vowed to never again allow any one group to be marginalized. 

Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and Hasidic divisions still remain, though antagonism between the branches has disappeared.  Elysian Jews place a strong emphasis on community service, which leads to a huge percentage of Elysian Jews serving in the EDF.

Despite being the single largest religious bloc in Elysian space, the nearly three thousand year old ban on proselytism is still in place, gaining Elysian Jews the most respect afforded by the very vocal Elysian atheist community.

“Paganisim”- brought about by a combination of more political dissidents, as well as an influx of Canopian and Lyran Immigrants, the term “Pagan” is a catch-all for Wiccans, Odinites, Gardanians, and various other “old religions.”  Seeing the unity that the blanket title gives, the various Pagan communities have accepted the title and used it to become the second largest religious group in Elysian space, so much so that the 90 day cycle of seasonal change has been recognized as a federal holiday.  Contrary to the “witch hunt” attitudes of other states, Pagans are open of their faith and have sparked quite a secular following among other Elysians. This has reach the kind of popularity that  what was once religious festivals becoming large secular spectacles of Elysian unity. 

Christianity- as constant as the morning sun, followers of Christ spread afar and wide throughout the galaxy.  Christian philosophy tends to follow a Presbyterian line, encouraging the whole community to be responsible for theology rather then religious leaders.

Islam: Unlike Christians who sought to bring the word of God to the stars, Muslims were reluctant to leave Terra, and thus has become a minority religion in the galaxy.  Currently  most Muslims in the Republic are either on Elysium itself or oddly, Tel-Aviv, and most of that number are reformist Muslims who sprung up near then end of the 21st century.  Elysian Muslims place a high value on national service despite preaching pacifism as an official doctrine.  Some 65 percent of Elysian Muslims have spent time in one or more forms of public service, be it the Military, police, fire and rescue teams, or public education. 

Smaller faiths: Hindus, Buhddists, and Sikh’s while common enough in other powers are simply few and far between in the Elysium Republic due to lack of strong roots when the planet was first colonized, and little to no immigration.  one other religion that is of note however is the Druze Minority which has managed to tick nearly a full percentage point of the Republic’s total population this past decade.  Often mistaken as an offshoot of Islam or Judaism, this esoteric and misunderstood religous group maintains large colonies on Elysium and smaller settlements on Tel Aviv.
Media and Arts:
The prevailing architecture style that is not related to commercialization, or neo Victorian or 20th century housing is called Neo Utopian.  The style makes use of exaggerated curved lines, and “perfected” human forms.  Wide spaces and higher than standard ceilings can prevail in even the smallest neo utopian buildings.

One of the current trendsetters in modern art is holographic sculpture.  Rather than projecting into an ionized field, Holosclupture relies on  method of projecting images into glass or spun crystal spheres flooded with nano-imperfections.  By reflecting light off of those nano scale air bubbles, fully realized hyper definition images can be rendered.  Most famous of the artists in this field is a man who calls himself Janus. His “Children of Chaos” series has several spheres showing a human being who will change into a primal angelic or demonic form and back.

Perhaps the strangest relic of mass media in the Elysian republic is the survival of the FM and AM Radio bands alongside digital Tri-D broadcasting.  Thanks to technology allowing more efficient broadcasting, Radio station broadcast regions are now 10-15 times larger then they were in the 20th century, allowing information to be spread wide, fast and more cheaply than other forms of broadcasting.

Currently the number one rated radio news show, “Three Dog Mornings”, is a Galaxy News Radio Broadcast that runs in the mornings on Elysium and is uploaded to other planets via HPG the following afternoon.  A combination of big band and jazz music, along with loud and proud political commentary and calls for civilian activism has made the show popular The program has entered its 39th season with the now 65 year old “Three Dog” Williams considered the undisputed king of talk in the Republic.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 12:59:33 PM by JPArbiter »
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Re: Elysian Republic
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2012, 01:16:18 PM »

Another Excertp, dealing with something a little more fun.


The Blue Star of Kerensky –
    Given the Elysian Defense Force’s strong ties to the Blue Star Irregulars, (the peacemakers were formed almost entirely from ex-Blue Star Irregulars) it is not surprising that the highest award for military valor in the nation is an exact reproduction of the two original Blue Stars of Kerensky that made it off of Black Earth in 3069 aboard the Bonhomme Richard.   There is no de jure cap on the number that can be awarded by the Prime minister at the request of the military brass, but the blue star has been awarded only five times since the EDF was founded in 3071. 

The Brass casing –
    The Brass casing started as a joke among the Lioness Combat team about a mechwarrior who managed to return from heavy combat after depleting all ammunition from his War Dog with the machine staying intact.  The award was later officially adopted by the Elysian Defense force, and is given to those who have to declare themselves “Winchester” in heavy combat and successfully return to base.   If the award is given more than once, that person will receive a letter from the prime minister that says “now you’re just showing off.”

The metal itself is a gold stamped medallion of the soldier or tank crew’s parent unit held up by a bar shaped to resemble a rifle bullet casing.

The Prisoner of War medal –(gold coin with a scepter and coiling serpents)
    In the event of anyone captured by enemy forces in combat, that person’s family is immediately presented with the prisoner of war medal.  Next of kin and any children of that service member are automatically given a two-year scholarship to a university of their choice.      Anyone who is rescued or escapes from their internment receives a platinum band around their medal.    Soldiers confirmed to have been killed while a prisoner of war will have the  scepter and serpent inlaid with onyx, and receive a plot at Laconia National Cemetery and his or her name will be added to the prisoner of war memorial on Elysium.

Order of David- Blue Enameled Star of David set on a Violet field
This medal is given out to any solider that is wounded in combat.  If a person is a triple recipient of this medal they are automatically given a promotion and an optional discharge with honors from service.

Prime Minister Unit Citation- a simple colored bar, surrounded by a brass rim, this citation is given to military units as small as a single lance or infantry platoon for exemplary action taken in a campaign.  The Color of the citation depends on the Unit receiving the citation.

Campaign Commendations: Typically small service ribbons given for one of sixteen notable actions in service, including vehicle, mech and aerospace fighter kills, years spent in service to the republic, and marksmanship on and off the battlefield. Each commendation ribbon has 6 levels labeled Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Onyx.   To date no single EDF serviceman has had all sixteen commendations promoted to gold status.

Service Ribbons: if a soldier engages in combat or is deployed to a combat zone, they are granted a service ribbon for said deployment.  The color of the ribbon denotes where combat took place.  Olive for Elysium itself, Red for Marseilles , White for New Edinburgh, Blue for Cardiff, Violet for Seoul, Yellow for Tel-Aviv, Orange for Rostock, Black for the Rim Collection, Grey for service in the Inner Sphere.  Multiple deployments are marked by a small gold band crossing the ribbon.

Unofficial decorations: 
Like any military, there are a number of unofficial decorations that are given out among soldiers.  Often times these unofficial awards are points of pride (or embarrassment) among soldiers.  Each award has a story behind it from the experiences of the Peacemakers or the Lioness Combat Team during the jihad.

The Flying A - Any battlemech pilot who successfully completes a death from above attack on an enemy battlemech is permitted to paint a red letter A with white wings somewhere on his or her machine.

Black Belt – awarded to any mechwarrior that fells at least one battlemech by some sort of physical strike.  Some warriors have taken to painting a Black Band around their mechs waist; others keep a black martial arts belt in their mechs cockpit.

The Black Ace:  Anyone to be shot out of five mechs or aerofighters and survive.  Aside from the mass consumption of alcohol after the completion of this “feat” there is little decorum surrounding this rarely given award. Fellow MechWarriors and aero-jocks have been known to vandalize new machines by painting black spade with a red and white bulls-eye on it.

1000th landing: an often celebrated tradition among aerospace pilots, the 1000th time a pilot lands successfully is celebrated among navy crews.  Pilots who land 1000 times often have a gold letter M painted on the end of their plane’s registry number.  They are also given a service commendation as a result.

Deployment Coins- Usually a privately funded venture among EDF members, a solider deploying away from their base of operations may be selected by their unit to design a coin depicting the deployment.  This award usually serves more as a memento, and there is a whole set of rituals involving the display of such coins.
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