For my first post here, after being invited to join, let me start off with a project by me (with some help and input by others) that I 100% enjoy:
"We are Clan Burrock!
Strong and clear, moving through all impassible boundaries
With our acid, we burn the weak foundation
And with our mandibles, we feed on its remains and grow stronger
We are an infestation that cannot be contained
Embedded deep within the Way of the Clans
Nicholas chose us
The true, the vigilant, and the redeemed!"
- Clan Burrock Remembrance
One Clan that has never gotten significant coverage in the BattleTech universe is Clan Burrock. Despite their lack of attention, they were an undeniable force to be reckoned with in Clan space. They were primary dealers with the Dark Caste, allies with Clan Star Adder and Clan Cloud Cobra, the thorn in Clan Fire Mandrill's spine and the mortal enemies of Clan Blood Spirit. They were even the inventors of the Clan Gauss Rifle and one of the key influences behind the Executioner OmniMech.
Field Manual Crusader Clans Supplement: Clan Burrock is an addition to Field Manual: Crusader Clans that creates an entry for Clan Burrock before they were absorbed into Clan Star Adder. The resource itself is fanon however it pulls its information and draws inspiration from canon sources. This means that it is not an alternate universe, but a resource that can be used for your BattleTech games, with integrity to the BattleTech Universe. This supplement comes equipped with the history of Clan Burrock, popular tactics, personalities, traditions, even a complete touman with unit abilities. If you are a die-hard Burrock fan like I am, or into the Homeworld Clans, an avid Clan Blood Spirit player who is looking for information on your enemy, or even a Star Adder looking to recreate the Burrock Absorption, then this is for you!
Final Book (Solaris7) (
Final Book (Google Drive) (
Files (MegaMek, Heavy Metal, etc) (