OBT Forum

General BattleTech => Canon Inspired => Topic started by: fearfactory on May 24, 2011, 02:57:14 PM

Title: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock FINISHED
Post by: fearfactory on May 24, 2011, 02:57:14 PM
For my first post here, after being invited to join, let me start off with a project by me (with some help and input by others) that I 100% enjoy:

"We are Clan Burrock!
Strong and clear, moving through all impassible boundaries
With our acid, we burn the weak foundation
And with our mandibles, we feed on its remains and grow stronger
We are an infestation that cannot be contained
Embedded deep within the Way of the Clans
Nicholas chose us
The true, the vigilant, and the redeemed!"

- Clan Burrock Remembrance

     One Clan that has never gotten significant coverage in the BattleTech universe is Clan Burrock.  Despite their lack of attention, they were an undeniable force to be reckoned with in Clan space.  They were primary dealers with the Dark Caste, allies with Clan Star Adder and Clan Cloud Cobra, the thorn in Clan Fire Mandrill's spine and the mortal enemies of Clan Blood Spirit.  They were even the inventors of the Clan Gauss Rifle and one of the key influences behind the Executioner OmniMech.

     Field Manual Crusader Clans Supplement: Clan Burrock is an addition to Field Manual: Crusader Clans that creates an entry for Clan Burrock before they were absorbed into Clan Star Adder.  The resource itself is fanon however it pulls its information and draws inspiration from canon sources.  This means that it is not an alternate universe, but a resource that can be used for your BattleTech games, with integrity to the BattleTech Universe.  This supplement comes equipped with the history of Clan Burrock, popular tactics, personalities, traditions, even a complete touman with unit abilities.  If you are a die-hard Burrock fan like I am, or into the Homeworld Clans, an avid Clan Blood Spirit player who is looking for information on your enemy, or even a Star Adder looking to recreate the Burrock Absorption, then this is for you!

Final Book (Solaris7) (http://www.solaris7.com/files/members/2855/FMCC_Clan_Burrock_-_V4b__FINAL.pdf)
Final Book (Google Drive) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2t6hk3Ijrm2VXlib0xvMnd4bGc/edit?usp=sharing)
Files (MegaMek, Heavy Metal, etc) (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2t6hk3Ijrm2SnNLQXdZXzNOMEU/edit?usp=sharing)
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Knightmare on May 24, 2011, 03:25:56 PM
Yes! The Burrock!

Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Ice Hellion on May 24, 2011, 04:05:48 PM
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Gabriel on May 24, 2011, 11:46:32 PM
Very Interesting    ;D
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on May 25, 2011, 03:54:48 AM
Yes! The Burrock!


HA!  You sure about that?   ;)

I appreciate the comments.  Nice to see that even a hand full of people actually WANT to know about Clan Burrock. 
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on May 26, 2011, 10:41:45 PM
I figure I should post these here as well.  I made camo for each Burrock galaxy for use in MegaMek plus the images for the Crypt Keeper.  I hope you guys enjoy them!

Starting with each galaxy:

Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on May 26, 2011, 10:42:40 PM
Next 3:
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on May 26, 2011, 10:43:33 PM
PLUS each Crypt Keeper:
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on May 26, 2011, 10:44:05 PM
AND, my favorite, Alternate D:
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Dread Moores on May 27, 2011, 12:16:44 AM
I can't really say I'm much of a Clan fan, or even particularly Burrock. But the project is nicely put together and detailed. Big compliments on that, even if the faction isn't quite my thing.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Gabriel on May 27, 2011, 12:20:26 AM
Nicely done.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on May 27, 2011, 02:28:46 AM
Thank you!

If you downloaded the camo patterns...  redo it.  I updated them and they are MUCH better.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: klinktastic on June 01, 2011, 10:45:52 AM
Damn!  Good stuff Fear Factory!  That's pretty indepth stuff.  How did you do all your research?  Just picked apart the various clan and other source books? 
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 01, 2011, 12:22:31 PM
Damn!  Good stuff Fear Factory!  That's pretty indepth stuff.  How did you do all your research?  Just picked apart the various clan and other source books?

That is exactly what I have done.  Wolfcannon actually made it much easier because he had an outline for the Clan Burrock touman put together that he let me have.  Others pointed out things to me that I missed.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 27, 2011, 04:08:32 AM
For those interested I put more work into the twin's history and updated info on the touman.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Blacknova on June 27, 2011, 05:26:34 AM
Did you by any chance write the Burrock history that is on Solaris 7?
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 27, 2011, 09:44:11 AM
I have both of my projects posted on Solaris7.  I think you may have found the history Hawk made.


Yeah, when you do a search for Burrock you get the alternate history written by hawk.  When I started my project he showed me his as kind of a point of reference.  At the time I beleive I was trying to get information on the Burrocks so I can make my fanon handbook.  It's very well written and worth checking out, trust me.

The book I posted here is focused on covering Clan Burrock up until they were absorbed by Clan Star Adder.  It is as faithful to canon as I can possibly be with a few things I came up with to fluff out the Burrocks in order to make them unique.  Yeah, there's a custom Omni in it, but it is purely optional.

Then, I have this for post-absorption:


It's basically a Dark Caste conspiracy.  I'm actually not to fond of it anymore...  however I'm going to go the extra mile and make the "Dark Caste Handbook" which will have details on various Dark Caste pirate bands in different areas of Clan Space.  Something like those who disbanded from Clan Burrock, the survivors and rebels from Kindraa Smythe-Jewel...  much more interesting.

Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 29, 2011, 02:59:04 AM
One more update and I feel like it is pretty a pretty good one.

- More on Herve and Nigel's history against Kerensky
- Added an entry on the Tanite worlds
- Re-write of each Galaxy to incorporate them better with the fluff in the supplement
- Totem Battle Armor (it has an industrial drill, I know it's useless, but hey it should look cool)
- Fix here and there


Also, I'm considering a bonus Galaxy...  something that is one with the Dark Caste.  Basically you'll have the command which happens to be the Burrocks who disbanded into the Dark Caste plus 3 or 4 clusters who are up to no good.  It would basically look into the info that Clan Star Adder dug up.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Blacknova on June 29, 2011, 05:36:04 AM
I have both of my projects posted on Solaris7.  I think you may have found the history Hawk made.


Yeah, when you do a search for Burrock you get the alternate history written by hawk.  When I started my project he showed me his as kind of a point of reference.  At the time I beleive I was trying to get information on the Burrocks so I can make my fanon handbook.  It's very well written and worth checking out, trust me.

The book I posted here is focused on covering Clan Burrock up until they were absorbed by Clan Star Adder.  It is as faithful to canon as I can possibly be with a few things I came up with to fluff out the Burrocks in order to make them unique.  Yeah, there's a custom Omni in it, but it is purely optional.

Then, I have this for post-absorption:


It's basically a Dark Caste conspiracy.  I'm actually not to fond of it anymore...  however I'm going to go the extra mile and make the "Dark Caste Handbook" which will have details on various Dark Caste pirate bands in different areas of Clan Space.  Something like those who disbanded from Clan Burrock, the survivors and rebels from Kindraa Smythe-Jewel...  much more interesting.

Would you have Hawks contact details as we have tried to get in contact with him through solaris 7 but had no luck?
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 29, 2011, 12:17:31 PM
Would you have Hawks contact details as we have tried to get in contact with him through solaris 7 but had no luck?

No idea actually.  Last time I talked to him was before the boards went down.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Knightmare on June 29, 2011, 12:51:17 PM
I've sent PMs, but to no avail. Me thinks he's gone.  :'(
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Dread Moores on August 03, 2011, 05:13:51 PM
FF, you'll have to let us know when you read the WoR book. There's a two page section in there on the Dark (and the Bandit Caste, and what the actual difference is between the two). There were a few surprises in there, regarding equipment and resources.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Ice Hellion on August 04, 2011, 01:51:16 PM
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Dread Moores on August 04, 2011, 09:11:10 PM
Wars of Reaving.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on April 26, 2012, 03:24:46 AM
OK, so I have read through WoR...  and let me say this.  A lot of my assumptions about Clan Burrock were spot-on.

However there is nothing I have to change in this resource.

With that said, A HUGE update!  New BattleMechs, a new Tank, updated history, updated unit logos and renamed a lot of units to go with a scenario from BattleCorps, and much more.

Get it here. (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2t6hk3Ijrm2ZUZ1YkJfWjI4MjQ)

Also, all related MegaMek files and images here (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2t6hk3Ijrm2ZDZpVmZvWUkwcFU).
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Rainbow 6 on April 27, 2012, 01:43:35 PM
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 08, 2013, 03:13:19 PM
Hello my friends.  There is another update to the book.  Trust me, it was HEAVILY updated...  there is info on the Underground operation...   ;D

Update V3.1c (Solaris7) (http://www.solaris7.com/files/members/2855/FMCC_Clan_Burrock_-_Update_V31c.pdf)
Update V3.1c (Google Drive) (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2t6hk3Ijrm2QmM3aGxPamZfRzg/edit?usp=sharing)
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: Gabriel on June 09, 2013, 01:17:52 PM
Hmmmmmmmmm More info to read.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 11, 2013, 11:52:49 PM
Also, all the files associated with this document (OmniMechs, Camo, Mega Mek files, etc.):

FMCCS: CB Files (https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2t6hk3Ijrm2RTJKM3NQTjVBQkU/edit?usp=sharing)
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock
Post by: fearfactory on June 12, 2013, 09:28:57 PM
Updated the links on the first post, among other things.

I'm pretty happy with the new Xi Galaxy writeup.  It's what I always thought Clan Burrock accomplished under the surface.  Xi is basically a Galaxy (6 Clusters made up of Binaries instead of Trinaries), spread among Clan space, raiding and slowly increasing in size.  When Clan Burrock was absorbed, Xi split up, then they reconnected after the Adders sent the former Burrocks to watch the Tanite Worlds.  It basically sets up for the resurrection of Clan Burrock described in Wars of Reaving.

All that's left for this project is to clean it up and make it look like a book.  I'm not a good writer but I gave it an honest try.  We'll see how the year goes.

For those interested, thanks.  It may not be the best project out there but I have fun doing it.
Title: Re: Field Manual Crusader Clan Supplement: Clan Burrock FINISHED
Post by: fearfactory on March 01, 2014, 09:19:08 PM
So guys, after years of hard work, I finally finished the book.

I hope all of you enjoy it.