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Author Topic: A Dream, A Life  (Read 4887 times)

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Dragon Cat

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A Dream, A Life
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:43:43 PM »

Something a little different than my normal AU fictions, I hope you enjoy it

A Dream, A Life


Dragon Cat

“Inspired by life, and by BattleTech”


It was a beautiful summers day in Aberdeen and Mike was trying to enjoy himself after a long day at work, it wasn't as if it was this warm and bright all the time, the walk home up the steep hill of George St was a short one but for once it was nice.

The climb up the five flights of ninety-two steps was no better today than it had been for the last five years he had lived there, nor would it be in the future, but this was home.  Entering the flat his cat, Missy, was almost immediately around his legs purring and meowing looking for food “Good Evening to you too” he said bending down to feed the animal which nearly immediately began to devour the biscuits he'd poured out.  “I'm sure you only like me because I feed you” he muttered, the cat predictably didn't turn around instead continued to eat.

Hanging his jacket on the door peg he moved into the sitting room sticking on the TV as he sat down on the couch.  Beside him were a stack of books all related to the same topic 'BattleTech' Mike's one obsession in life, he had a busy working life, sociable friends, a games console, a literal mountain of novels and an on/off girlfriend but 'BattleTech' was probably the one thing that kept drawing him away from the rest into a fictional world of warriors, heroes, villains, lords and victims.  It was one of those things that Mike allowed himself to get totally lost in he could spend hours pouring over books he'd read a dozen times sometimes reading over things taking in the information as if it was for the first time again revealing in this fictional look of the future.

There was nothing on TV, there rarely was, instead he picked up his games console controller and activated the machine it was completely wireless everything at a touch of a button.  Still in the machine from the night before was a popular first person shooter where the player took over a character who fought his battle in a green battle armour suit.  As he began searching of other players to play using the 'LIVE' system he scanned over one of the BattleTech books, it was an easy way to kill the time between games and it kept Mike's mind working.

After only a few games Mike already felt tired, it had been a long day, but instead of going to bed he soldiered on despite his tiredness.  His mind racing with thoughts of BattleTech as he played the game, there was little chance of falling asleep...

“GET UP YOU LAZY WASTE OF A HUMAN BEING!”  A voice screamed at Mike... it was impossible he locked the front door behind him when he got home, he always did.  Oh no!  What if he didn't someone could have entered, he could be in danger, his cat could have gotten out.  Wiping the sleep crusts from his eyes he looked around, he wasn't in his flat any more as he became more awake his couch, books and cat all disappeared instead a hastily arranged bed was arranged against some boxes for support and a large man in a green uniform stood over him “JUST WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING MECHWARRIOR!”  The man continued to scream “there's time to sleep when your in the ground dead, the war might be over but we are still officers in the Star League Defence Force and I expect a little bit of professionalism from my people.  Do you understand me?”

“Star League... what the hell?”  Mike muttered coming fully awake.  The Star League Defence Force, or SLDF, was a fictional faction from the BattleTech universe not real.  Looking around though Mike could see his flat was gone instead they were in a massive hanger several others were present and behind them... behind them were twelve BattleMechs... BattleMechs... real gods honest truth BattleMechs all were over ten metres tall, weighing between twenty and one hundred tons.  They were the kings of BattleTech's battlefields, but they were also very fictional... as was all of this it had to be.  Rubbing his eyes Mike realized the screaming man was still staring at him.

“I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME, SON?” he screamed again “that normally requires a simple but effective two word answer” he explained sarcastically

“Yes, sir” Mike said but really he didn't understand a word of what was happening around him, he couldn't be in the BattleTech universe this had to be a dream.  Everything felt and looked real, the smells, the sounds it was everything he'd expected a Mechbay to sound and look like, all the way down to a pissed off CO.”

“Well I hope so, since I have no-one else to fill your Mech.”  He said glancing over Mike's shoulder, turning following the man's gaze Mike saw a ninety ton Highlander.

“I must be dreaming” Mike whispered

“WHAT WAS THAT SON!”  “Shouting man” screamed again immediately gaining Mike's full attention.

“Nothing, sir”

“I didn't think so.  Now to business since I have everyone's attention.”  Shouting man said turning to the rest, for the first time Mike could see them eleven in total including him made twelve and a full company.  Eight men, three women ranging from a couple in their late forties to two that looked like they were still in their teens.  “As of last night the war officially ended” a couple of the warriors cheered “Stephan Amaris has been captured alive and will be tried”

“Hang the bastard” one of the warriors said he was older than Mike, perhaps in his late thirties, with dark hair that was beginning to go grey at the front.  A well trimmed moustache and goatee distinguished his face as did a scar that ran down the side of his right cheek.

“I'm sure they will Lieutenant, for now he's under arrest.  With the war over, however, there are a few things we still need to do housekeeping mostly.  According to reports when Sandhurst fell Amaris troops with possibly a battalion's worth of equipment fled north, they “bumped” into a striker company on the Yorkshire hills before retreating further north.”

“Sir, one battalion is hardly worry some, with Amaris dead we control all the space around Terra, every continent, even Antarctica has SLDF boots on them.  A single Battalion nothing.”

“I agree with you Captain.  Unfortunately command doesn't this particular Battalion have caused quiet a bit of damage in London including smashing the Cameron-Winsor family's palace.  It's rumoured they are heading north to attack Edinburgh as it is the ancestral home of the Cameron family.  From all reports we've looked at Edinburgh was ravaged by Amaris thugs as badly as the rest of Terra and the Hegemony but this lot seem to think they can make a further example of the people before they are dead.  The SLDF are in charge of this world, we need to maintain law and order, we need to send a message.”  Shouting main said far more calmly now.  “It also appears that the Cameron-Winsor family have been hiding under Amaris nose the entire conflict, they are at a summer residence Balmoral Castle in the north east near the abandoned city of Aberdeen.  Since the SLDF arrived back on the scene the Cameron-Winsors have resurfaced, according to media reports the family fought with Terra's resistance throughout the war with three of the Duke's sons killed in the fighting.”  He explained “we owe the people of Terra to put these Amaris troops in the ground, and if we can get the Cameron-Winsors on our side even better, the SLDF needs all the friends it can get at the moment even with the old man back in charge.”  He said refering to Commanding-General Aleksandr Kerensky by the nickname favoured by the troops.  “Charlie Companies orders are simple, head north find the Amaris forces still in operation, report there whereabouts so the rest of the Black Prince Division can move in and crush them.  Do not engage them directly unless you have to, we want this done right.  Understood?”

A chorus of “yes, sirs” followed including one from Mike who seemed to forget this wasn't a real world.

“You ready sleepy?”  The shouting man asked looking at Mike directly.

“Yes, Colonel Carter” Mike replied instantly as if he remembered the name.

“Good get to it ladies and gentlemen, clocks ticking DropShip boosts to Edinburgh spaceport in thirty minutes make sure you are all aboard.”  All nodded turning towards their Mechs, Mike turned and walked slowly towards the Highlander, no his Highlander he corrected himself.

“Tech Matthews, how is she?”

“Missy's all repaired boss, weapons are all loaded.”  He reported Mike smiled he remembered the Mech the last time he'd seen it almost all the Armour was gone, the left leg buckled, the gauss rifle left arm destroyed, missile launchers both long and short range empty.

“Good to hear, it's time to go to work, make sure your stuff is on the DropShip and your ready to boost.”  Mike said moving forward not waiting for a reply he began to climb up the BattleMech's frame.  “Just don't let me wake up yet...” He whispered as he cracked the hatch to the Highlander's cockpit open, as dreams went this was an interesting one.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: A Dream, A Life
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2013, 10:57:02 PM »


The trip north had been a short and uninteresting one.  Due to the fear of Amaris loyalist controlled anti-air weapons the Company's Union-class DropShip had boosted to orbit briefly, reorientated, and then came back down on Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland.  The great historical city had gone unchanged for centuries as many refused to change historical landmarks despite the continuing changes across Terra.  The Amaris occupation of Terra had done little to change things the first week of the occupation the so called Emperor himself had visited Edinburgh, as it was the historical home of the Cameron Family and it required a visit.  He ordered all residence of the Cameron family crushed by BattleMechs and the Scottish Parliament Building smashed.  He then warned the people of the city if they continued to resist he would crush every building.

Over the course of the occupation there was sporadic violence in the city however unlike other areas of Terra there was little of the wanton slaughter although the population experienced plenty of the manhunts and had been at the whim of the Amaris troops who made changes day to day.  Fortunately none of these changes or damage had done anything to the DropPort allowing for rapid and easy deployments for the SLDF liberators.  According to the population the Amaris forces the SLDF now hunted were not Rim Worlds born troops instead they were from one of the Loyalist forces raised by the Emperor to “protect” Terra from the aggressor SLDF.  These troops were now afraid that the SLDF were out to get them and were looking for anything and everything they could use as leverage and the Cameron-Windsor family would make perfect bargaining chips.

For almost the entire trip Mike had remained in the Highlander's cockpit making sure he knew what everything was.  It was like a dream but not a dream, he knew what everything was and did, but he didn't know if that was because he'd read about BattleMechs for the last twenty years or because this was his Mech.  He'd been able to get the Mech from the bay to the DropShip at Sandhurst without tripping it over so it seemed that he was a MechWarrior so was this a dream and everything was playing out as he wanted, or was this his life?  Was his flat and the stack of BattleTech books the reality or the fiction?  Instead of questioning things he decided to try and embrace it, if this was a dream he would enjoy it while it lasted, if it was his life... he would live.

Gaining all they could from Edinburgh the company began to head north, because there was no functional DropPorts north of the capital and due to the fear of Amaris anti air units they would travel by ground north to search for the Amaris loyal forces.  Heading along the main road the company made steady progress passing the largely abandoned city of Dundee without incident.  Abandoned much like others across Terra as the population explored the Inner Sphere, there was some hold outs who refused to leave and others who fled Amaris troops during the occupation.  Seeing no sign of recent disturbance Charlie Company continued north.

Stopping ten kilometres south of the city of Aberdeen at a fuel station the SLDF MechWarriors camped for the night.  Taking four hour shifts a single lance remained on patrol at all time.  Mike moved slowly through the other warriors listening to their stories of the war and their conflict against Amaris.  He tried to remain quiet his memories and thoughts were all jumbled up, one moment he was remembering the battles that had taken them through the Terran Hegemony and the next he remembered walking down a 21st Century street on Terra.  It was the strangest feeling, all of these people considered him a friend and a battle hardened warrior, Mike questioned whether he was ready for a fight.

The next day the Captain pulled them all around “okay ladies and gentlemen, scans from orbit show there is nothing out of the ordinary but with the WarShips redeploying around the Hegemony putting out the brushfires Amaris and his goons have left.”

“At this rate the Hegemony has no chance” Katherine said, she was in her late twenties with long brown hair.  “The old man needs to tell the Succession Lords to back off or we'll do to them what we did to Amaris...”

“And become the next meal on their banquet table” Thomas interrupted “they've already started their encroachments on the Hegemony, the next war will come to us before we take it to them.”

“Are you so ready for another war when this one is just done.”  Bruce snapped

“All of you quieten down” the Captain said “I don't know what is coming, but we have a mission to complete.”  He said “this Loyalist Battalion could be looking for a fight or it could be looking to stay hidden until the SLDF has issues with one of our neighbours.  Either way we need to check on Balmoral Castle here” he said pointing to a point in land isolated from everything in the area.  “It has its own launch pad so the Loyalists may be heading there to try and escape the planet.  If they are, we let them run, we pass them onto Fleet not our problem any more.”

“If they run its suicide, even a Vincent would blow it to pieces smaller than my fist in a single volley.”  James said quietly

“Exactly we head north in thirty minutes.”  The Captain said quietly, Mike turned around and walked back towards his Highlander, a sleeping giant.

“Mr Quiet, what's up?”  Katherine moved up beside him “you've been quiet since the new orders came in.  I thought you'd be happy, you never stop going on about home, we're here.”

“It's different from what I remember.”  Mike said quietly forcing a smile “lots of things have changed.”  He said thinking not just of the changed Terra since Amaris' occupation but also the changes since his dream, it really was a different world.

“But it's still home” she said nudging his shoulder.  Mike stopped and turned towards her for a moment he was tempted to blurt out his entire story try to put into words what the dream had shown him and how it made him feel but instead he closed his eyes and took a deep, deep breath slowly letting it go again.

“It certainly is.”  He said smiling “and whatever happens it'll always hold a place in my heart.”

“You have one of those?”  She joked Mike roared with laughter that slowly turned into a more sinister laugh “just what I thought.”  She commented turning walking back towards her Orion BattleMech.  Mike watched her move slowly her body clad in her coolant suit it did little to obstruct her figure “eyes up soldier” she said glancing over her shoulder catching him out.  Mike shrugged his shoulders but didn't move his eyes off her, to her credit Katherine just continued to walk off.

Nearly an hour later Mike was watching Katherine's back again but this time in far different circumstances “on the left Striker Three!”  Mike called out, as they had passed through the woods elements of the Loyalist Battalion had struck them Harry's twenty ton Wasp had disintegrated under the fire not even giving the warrior time to escape his dying machine.  Both Katherine's Orion and Mike's Highlander fired at nearly the same time showering a Loyalist Catapult with missiles and laser fire.  The gauss rifle slug from Mike's Highlander tore the missile pod from the Catapult's left side while Katherine's autocannon tore down the Mech's other side.  Losing so much armour and systems in a single attack the Catapult crashed to the ground on fire as its ammunition stores detonated “That's for Harry” Mike said turning to the right seeing a Loyalist Awesome, missiles flew from the Highlander's torso mounted launchers poured from the assault Mech.  Guided by the Artemis Fire Control Systems the missiles bore down on the Awesome peppering its already damaged armour, Mike added missile and laser fire to the attack as he launched the Highlander into the air using its Jump Jets.

Considering this was Mike's first use of the massive Mech's jump jets he found it as natural as he did walking along down the street the ninety ton Mech flew through the air towards the Awesome on jets of fire.  At the end of the jump the Highlander fell like a brick straight at the Awesome, this move every Highlander pilot was acquainted with was known as the “Highlander Burial.”  As the Mech came into a landing its feet smashed into the back of the Awesome's head metal twisted, bent and broke as the two Mechs impacted.  Mike fought to control his BattleMech as his Highlander literally crushed the other Mech and proceeded to the ground, staggering forward Mike kept the BattleMech moving twisting the torso to see the crushed remains of the Awesome sprawled over the ground its head smashed into its torso.  “Two down” he said twisting the torso back into a particle blast from an enemy Loyalist BattleMech.  Mike looked up to see a Dragoon type Heavy BattleMech “didn't think those went to Loyalist forces?” Mike muttered as the Dragoon turned and blasted Bruce's Mongoose with one of its autocannons then twisted and blasted the Captain's Warhammer with its second autocannon.  “Son of a...” Mike cursed as the Dragoon hit his Highlander again with its particle cannon before turning away “I don't deserve your attention?”  He said angrily blasting the Mech with his Gauss rifle and long range missiles.  The enemy Mech was peppered with fire but it continued to battle against Charlie Company as it backed out of the battle causing damage to all of Charlie's Mechs as it retreated.

“All units do not engage, this was an advanced group, we're not charging after them into another ambush.”  The Captain said his Warhammer sending a parting shot at a retreating Amaris Mech.

“Boss, that was a frigging Dragoon!  Loyalist forces don't normally have those.”  Libby said her Guillotine had taken a few hits from the enemy Mech's autocannons.

“Indeed they don't.  Intel must have been on a holiday, keep your wits about you people.”  The Captain said pausing for a moment “there is a clearing three hundred metres to the east, we're moving there and will call the DropShip down to effect some repairs.”  He said their DropShip held all their supplies and techs it would remain in orbit until they needed it only landing when required.  The idea was its random landings would keep any Amaris gunners from being able to get a fix on the vessel's movements, although each time it landed the DropShip would be vulnerable to weapons fire.

“Sir, Harry's Wasp will also need recovered.” Lieutenant Cameron Lewis said quietly, Cameron's Griffin stood over the fallen lighter Mech the pilot's body still remained in the Wasp's shattered cockpit.

“We take care of our own, Lieutenant.”  The Captain promised as the company turned towards the clearing.  It had been their first battle since the end of the Amaris campaign, all of them were tired of the fighting but after seeing what had been done to Terra it was nice to get a little extra revenge, each of them had fought with that little bit extra vengeance battling the ambush force.  However Harry's death had reminded them all just how much this fight had cost so far and how much it would continue to driving them on to eradicate Amaris last hold outs.

As they moved through the trees Mike quickly “safed” all his triggers, it was easy for a warrior to accidentally trigger a weapon after a fight was over their adrenaline still pumping.  Mike had survived the battle doing a lot better than he'd expected, he'd come through it like it was second nature not like someone who had dreamt it up but someone who had fought and lived through countless battles.  His dream of a small peaceful flat seemed more and more distant, this terrifying wonderful world seemed more and more like his place.  Maybe Katherine had been right maybe he was home.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 08:13:41 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.


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Re: A Dream, A Life
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2013, 08:44:42 PM »

Good stuff DC, though that highlander stomp is affectionately referred to as the "Highlander Burial" if memory serves correctly.  My only gripe:)

Dragon Cat

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Re: A Dream, A Life
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2013, 05:06:20 PM »

Fixed shwagpo thanks


Charlie Company's DropShip had been able to land and make repairs to the unit unmolested.  Harry Forsyth's destroyed Wasp was also recovered along with the pilot's broken body before the ship blasted off again returning to space.

The company moved forwards in near silence the war was supposed to be over the suffering and dying at an end.  They were all sick of conflict most ready to forget their lives as MechWarriors.  Mike tried to remain out of those discussions part of him understood and remembered what they felt but another part loved every minute of what was happening.  He didn't know what was worse the fact that all this could be a dream or that all of this was his life and he enjoyed the conflict and... the killing.  There was something frightful, almost primal, but he consciously knew that he had killed the Awesome pilot with the 'Death From Above' attack in the last fight.  He felt no remorse for it just the thrill of combat, he tried to rationalise that it was a kill or be killed as Harry had learned by paying the ultimate price, but there was no real rational way to explain it.

They traveled through the wilderness in places there was evidence of broken Tarmac or frequented dirt tracks but for the most part this was a reclaimed and reborn Terra.  Abandoned for centuries as the people of this world spread to the stars Mother Nature had returned to this part of Terra and retaken what man had borrowed.  Mike had always loved the outdoors he knew how to live off the land and had always enjoyed trips into the 'sticks' as his grandfather had called it, now seeing what an unhindered Scotland looked like he loved home even more it was truly beautiful.

That night they broke for camp nearly three kilometres south of Barmoral they could have pushed on but the wild had slowed their pace and the Captain didn't fancy a night fight.  Instead they sat around small fires as the wild closed in around them, everywhere they could hear the trees and animals as if they were reacting to the uninvited guests.  Katherine sat shivering beside the fire Mike offered her his jacket "funny place to call home.  It's creepy, wet, cold..."

"Beautiful, wild and amazing" Mike finished for her.

"Why thank you.  Aren't you the charmer?"  She said with a wink as she huddled into his jacket and into Mike's arms. "You really love it here don't you?"

"It's where I belong doesn't matter what time, just here.  Things can change, people can move or die, but this place it's always the same."

"What about the SLDF?  If we get orders to move on?"

 "I'll follow the Old Man wherever he orders me.  But I'll always see this place as home."  He said

"Funny place to call home" she repeated as she slowly holding close to him.

"I want to tell you something Kat, it sounds weird but don't laugh..." He started but noticed she had drifted off to sleep.  Mike let her rest tomorrow would be busy enough.

The next day certainly was busy enough the push on Barmoral had taken them only a couple of hours pushing through the undergrowth.  At the summer home they'd found an assault lance supported by automated defences the lance had little chance against Charlie Company's eleven remaining Mechs but they had enough fight in them to kill Steven Shran's Archer.  A freak missile hit had consumed his, many times rebuilt, BattleMech with an ammunition strike Shran's ejection seat had fired taking him to safety but his battle was over.

One of the Loyalist warriors had also survived the battle he revealed they had expected to find a DropShip there to take them off Terra.  Behind the castle there was indeed an ancient Manatee type DropShip but its nose had been cored by a capital missile that had gutted the vessel.  The warrior went on to say the remains of the Loyalist number which was no more than a company had headed to the abandoned City of Aberdeen to the east where it was rumoured there was an SLDF bunker hidden in the city.

Aberdeen had been a prosperous city with a thriving oil industry that was until the Soviet Civil War when a rogue commander had fired two high yield missiles at the city devastating the city's airport and industrial sector to the north.

Rumours that followed the attack that one of the weapons was nuclear or biological, which were proven false, did the rest of the job with people leaving in droves.  By the late 21st Century only those working in the failing oil industry remained as space flight and colonisation of the stars became more popular the opportunities and adventure in space killed what remained of the City's appeal.  The City became one of Terra's first to be formally classed as abandoned over the years small groups had returned but they had been largely passing visitors.

During the Amaris Occupation a small population had found refuge in the overgrown ruins.  Now it appeared Amaris own people were trying to use it.  Charlie Company moved along the broken roads from Barmoral through abandoned towns, occasionally there was signs of occupation or movement of small civilian vehicles but nothing to indicate an armed force or a community mostly just stubborn isolationists.

They entered the City passing a sign that said

 "A93 North Deeside Road Ballatar-Aberdeen.  You are now entering Aberdeen"

The sign looked ancient and had rusted badly but was still clearly visible "built them to last" Mike whispered.

"From what we know people the Loyalists think this bunker is inside one of four locations so we will search them one by one as a unit."  The Captain ordered as they moved forwards no one complained two members of the company were down, one was dead, there was no need to lose anyone else in a dead city.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 04:15:31 AM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: A Dream, A Life
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2013, 10:01:28 AM »


Moving into the City Charlie Company first searched through an industrial and storage zone south of the city which included a partially decommissioned oil rig along the coast line.  After several hours of searching the area they found nothing of interest instead moving into the city centre.  As they moved along the main road past the harbour front they approached a retail centre, as the company turned to search the centre a volley of autocannon blasts slammed into James' Rifleman II.  The company dived for cover as further autocannon and missile blasts landed around them, James trying to stand his ground returned fire with his own Autocannons and lasers cutting into a multi-storey car park where a pair of Autocannon Carriers were situated his blasts rocked the structure but did minimal damage to the enemy units.  Missiles and autocannon blasts landed all around the Rifleman II tearing into armour plate, weapons and structure.  The Rifleman II's left arm took three successive autocannon blasts which tore through the weapons housed there, one autocannon shell shattering the Rifleman II's autocannon into two pieces as part of the arm fell to the ground.  With the rest of the company still pinned James marched his Rifleman II forward in a defiant display of bravery firing his weapons constantly into the parking structure even as his Mech began to overheat.  One of the enemy autocannon carriers was torn to pieces by his fire while the structure they had used as cover was severely weakened.  Charlie company began to provide James with cover fire as he stood in harms way taking all the fire from the enemy units, missiles and autocannon fire tore through his assault Mech but James ignored it keeping his Mech standing under the fire and returning fire with everything he had.  As the Rifleman II began to falter under the damage so to did the parking structure to James credit he continued to fire his weapons despite his failing Mech, one when the structure, and with it their enemies, began to fall did he allow his Mech to crumple to the ground in a heap of twisted and broken metal.

“James respond” the Captain ordered quietly but there was no answer “James do you read?”  He asked still there was only static.  “Mike, Libby check on him.”  He ordered “Charlie Company defence overwatch on the Rifleman.”  He ordered “call out any movement.”

Switching his BattleMech to stand-by mode Mike grabbed the medkit and laser rifle from the back of the Highlander's cramped cockpit.  It was standard practice for SLDF MechWarriors to carry their own sidearm in the cockpit, normally a hold-out laser pistol or a small slug thrower pistol, but with the Highlander's marginally larger cockpit there was room for a larger laser rifle.  This made Mike the perfect choice to disembark and provide cover fire if a pilot needed checked on after a battle.  Libby was the company medic combining her medkit with Mike's would provide them with anything they would need to stabilize James condition.

The ground between the company's position and the fallen Rifleman II was broken the tarmac smashed after years of decay and lack of any maintenance.  Mike moved slowly the medkit over his back his rifle raised to meet any threat, the rifle would be good against any infantry or lightly armoured vehicles but hardened targets wouldn't worry about him.  Behind Mike was what vehicles or Mechs would worry about as the remaining Mechs of Charlie Company watched the roads and buildings around for any movement ready to meet any threat.  Reaching the Rifleman Mike called out James name but there was still no response Libby arrived just behind Mike her own laser pistol drawn “no answer” Mike informed her “I'll cover you peak?”  He said lowering his medkit to the ground

“Affirmative.”  She confirmed holstering her pistol she slung his kit over her shoulder and climbed the broken leg of the downed BattleMech.  The armour was so badly torn in places Libby was able to move over the Mech quickly reaching the Rifleman's head “head armour penetrated” she commented into her communicator as she moved over the Mech “James do you hear me!”  She called out but there was still now answer “entering cockpit” she said moving around the Mech's head opening the rear hatch the keypad access responding to her Company's access code.  “Captain, Command Three is KIA, repeat Command Three is down.”  She said after a few moments being in the cockpit.

“Understood return to your Mech.”  The captain ordered

On the ground Mike was looking around he felt strange as if this place had been visited by millions of people over the years and they all had left parts of them here.  The now crumbling parking structure was massive as was the retail centre, it would have looked very impressive in its prime, a hive of activity when the city was occupied.  Libby rejoined him on the ground “Ready to move” she said passing his medkit back.

“Affirmative, I have cover” Mike replied within moments Libby was gone running across the ground back towards her Mech.  Two cracks filled the air “Sniper!” Mike called opening fire on the approximate area of where the shots originated “Command Four is down!”  He said seeing Libby fall “Libby are you okay?”  He said moving slowly towards her continuing to fire his rifle.  He moved slowly towards her and knelt down as he reached her fallen form.  Lieutenant Lewis' Griffin and Recon Lance's Falcon moved forward blasting the area where Mike had been firing with their BattleMech scale weapons keeping the sniper down if they still lived.

“I'm okay! My vest and suit took it” she replied breathing heavily trying to recover from the blast Mike helped her back onto her feet and back towards the company as the two Mechs continued to pummel the buildings around where the sniper had been smashing the ancient buildings with their weapons fire.

“Cease fire” the Captain ordered “John, mark the position for recovery operations.”  He said addressing the Company's communication officer his Osprey carried additional communication and sensor equipment to assist the company at the expense of firepower and speed.

“Already done sir, I've uplinked to the DropShip they will recover the Rifleman and James' body after we secure the area.”

“Good, Libby are you okay?”

“Affirmative sir, coolant suit is a little ruined but otherwise I'm fine.”

“Understood, it seems our captured Loyalist pilot neglected to mention the remaining company had armour support.  Be ready for any further surprises people, we don't want to be sloppy and make mistakes.”

“Sir permission to take the high ground.”  Mike said “that retail structure looks solid enough to take my Mech's weight and should offer a nice vantage point.”  He said the parking structure had completely collapsed but the structure itself was still intact and looked like it had a relatively flat roof.

“Not on your own, Thomas detach from Striker you're with Mike, be careful no chances.  We will take the main road into the city.”  The Captain answered Thomas' Mech was a Catapult twenty-five tons lighter than Mike's Mech it carried long range missile launchers like the one carried in his Highlander's torso and had jump jets for increased mobility but it's armour was distinctly sub-par.

As the seven other Mechs of Charlie Company moved into the city the Highlander and Catapult approached the retail centre slowly “Thomas switch dedicated channel six” Mike ordered taking the lead neither had rank on their side but it was his idea and he had the bigger Mech.

“Done” Thomas said quietly on their private channel “how do you want to play this?”  He said indicating he'd play by Mike's ideas.

“I bait you kill?”  Mike suggested his armour could take more hits than the Catapult and he had better close in weapons.

“Sounds good, I'll stay 120 metres to your back and right.”  He confirmed taking a support position, that way if Mike brought additional fire from any direction Thomas could move and not cause Mike any movement issues.

“Understood, taking high ground now.”  Mike said stepping down on both pedals in the Highlander's cockpit launching the Mech into the air on its jump jets.  He half expected weapons fire to strike his ninety-ton Mech as soon as it left the ground but the air was empty.  Landing on the retail centre he was relieved to find old building was solid enough to take his Highlander's Mech.  Scanning the area he saw no signs of life or movement “heading out” he sent to Thomas a single click of acknowledgement was all he received in reply.  Walking carefully over the roof of the building the Highlander smashed the abandoned equipment that littered the structure Mike constantly kept one eye on the sensor read out watching for enemy movement there was nothing in the area.

“I've got movement” Thomas called out Mike turned his BattleMech around to see the Catapult behind him being struck by a gauss rifle slug.  The projectile travelling faster than the speed of sound impacted with the Catapult's cockpit window.  The impact tore through the armour and windows, through the cockpit and into the Mech's torso, the sixty-five ton BattleMech fell to the side and then off the building roof.  As it hit the ground the ammunition stores within the BattleMech exploded consuming the wrecked design.

“Jesus...”  Mike exclaimed following the track of the gauss rifle shot a Rim Worlds Republic designed Rampage “bad move.”  Running back along the roof Mike cut in his Highlander's jump jets launching the BattleMech into the air, as it lifted into the air he triggered his own gauss rifle and torso mounted missile launchers and lasers.  The Rampage was covered in a coat of fire but the eighty-five ton assault Mech stood its ground returning fire with his own autocannon, pulse laser and missiles tearing into the falling Highlander.  Just before the Mech landed Mike cut in the jump jets softening the blow of landing at the same time blasting the Rampage with the Highlander's arm mounted short range missiles and lasers coating the Rampage in fire for a second time.  The pilot lost his footing firing his Mech's own short range missiles in defiance striking the Highlander's leg armour as the Rampage fell to the ground.  Mike walked his Mech forward slowly raising his arm mounted missile launcher firing a tightly packed salvo of six short range missiles into the downed Mech as the pilot tried to stand his Rampage up.  Stepping forwards Mike drew back the Highlander's leg kicking out at the Rampage's out-stretched arm knocking the Rampage down to the ground again, as the enemy Mech fell again he blasted it with his torso mounted lasers cutting into the armour covering the Rampage's back.  As the loyalist MechWarrior tried to raise for a second time Mike kicked out knocking the enemy down again, the eighty-five ton, Rampage slammed into the ground again causing yet more damage to the Mech.  He didn't feel sorry for the downed warrior he'd killed Thomas with a single shot, now stuck in a downed Mech with little hope of survival was the least this warrior deserved.

“Command Four, we need assistance!” Katherine's voice cracked through the communication system “we need you and Thomas quickly main force engaged in the city centre they are retreating north.”  She said not knowing Thomas was down.  Without a thought Mike raised his Mech's arm and fired a salvo of short range missiles into the cockpit of the downed Rampage armour plates cracked and gave way.  The Mech went loose its struggle to stand up over as the pilot died, the Mech's brain and will for destruction gone.

“On my way” Mike replied without emotion turning the Highlander onto the main road running towards the city centre where the rest of Charlie Company had headed.  Ahead he could see rising flames and smoke so far his unit had lost much now it was their enemies turn.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: A Dream, A Life
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2014, 09:35:20 PM »

Time for a little thread-necro but it's my thread so not too bad.

Finally decided to get back to this story and finish the next part.  This time I want to finish this story so watch this space.

I hope you enjoy


   It didn't take long for Mike to reach the rest of the company he could see Katherine's Mech was crouched behind a building while the Falcon of Recon Lance was down its cockpit a burning wreck.  Seeing one of the Dragoon Mechs a light Wasp Mike aimed his gauss rifle on the move the slug slammed into the light Mech travelling down through the Mech's side torso severing the arm and leg from the Mech he followed up quickly with the Mech's medium lasers finishing off the Wasp.

   Stepping further into the fight Mike saw a pair of Ignis armoured vehicles moving up on Katherine's Mech targeting the units he triggered his short range missile launcher coring the rear armour on one of the units moments later the vehicle exploded showering its companion in shrapnel.  Katherine stepped forward crushing the second Ignis under her Mech's foot.  “Thanks for the Support”

   â€œAffirmative” he replied turning back to the enemy a Dragoon BattleMech fired its two autocannons into his Mech showering the Highlander with dozens of pellets from the LB-X type weapons.  Instead of doing a single solid hit the Highlander's armour was subjected to the equivalent of a two shotgun blasts.  The Dragoon then turned lighting off its Jump Jets soaring over a nearby building.

   â€œYou cheeky...” Mike said running his big Highlander after the heavy Mech.

   â€œDon't go after it yourself!”  Katherine shouted a warning but it was too late Mike's Highlander had already stepped up onto a low level building scanning for the enemy Mech.  When he couldn't see the Dragoon Mike ran his Highlander up onto the first building which looked like a badly beaten down shopping centre running over it he approached a second lighting off the Highlander's own jump jets Mike's Mech soared into the air on plasma jets of fire.  As his Mech jumped over the building from within it a thirty ton Javelin BattleMech rose from inside the building smashing through glass windows which had survived intact for centuries.  As the Mech rose its SRM launchers spat out fire at Mike's Highlander scoring hits all down the assault Mech's legs and back.

   â€œOh crap!”  Mike exclaimed fighting to turn to face the new opponent and control his Mech.

   â€œIgnore him I've got it!”  Katherine shouted seeing the newcomer her Orion's gauss rifle spitting out a ferro-nickel slug at supersonic speeds targeting the Javelin.  Hating to turn his Mech on an opponent but knowing he needed to land the Highlander and chase down the Dragoon Mike wrestled the ninety ton Mech back around as it began to fall from the air.

   Moments later the Mike slammed into the ground his palms slamming into the ground pain shooting into his knee.  “Are you alright?”  A voice asked glancing up he saw Katherine but she was dressed in white t-shirt with I “heart” NYC on the front and a pair of jean shorts.  Glancing around he saw a beautiful summer's day with other people walking the street, some were using bank machines while more people were using the food stalls and in nearby shops enjoying the day.  “Are you alright?”  She asked again Mike just looked at her bewildered “that was quite a landing Command Four can you get up?”  She asked Mike was suddenly back in his Highlander cockpit the big Mech in a kneeling position.  Slowly bringing the Mech back to its feet he noticed his landing had done some minor armour damage, the right knee actuator flashed red for a moment then went back to yellow indicating minor damage, nothing too extreme.

   â€œI'm good” he said glancing at his sensors Katherine's Orion was with him scanning the street ahead.

   â€œSensors say he went that way, the Captain has detached us to hunt down and destroy that Mech while the rest take care of the Dragoons in the city centre.”

   â€œWonder if he has any friends waiting?”  Mike muttered to himself

   â€œWe'll soon find out, George Street” she said quietly reading a street sign “I knew a George once, a long time ago.”

   â€œI knew a street named George once” he said trying to make his words sound light hearted but looking up the long street his memory of that street mixed with the reality of what he was seeing.

   â€œI bet it wasn't in as bad a condition as this one” Katherine muttered stepping her Orion over several wrecked ancient road vehicles each rusted beyond recognition.

   â€œYou should have seen it at the weekend” Mike whispered following her carefully stepping around a long ago abandoned food stall which looked like it had stood up well under the tests of time.  Silently he wondered what else this street would have in store for him.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 09:41:49 PM by Dragon Cat »
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.

Dragon Cat

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Re: A Dream, A Life
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2014, 03:53:47 PM »

A bit more for this I hope you enjoy


   The street was roughly two kilometres long which was hardly anything to a BattleMech Mike's own could reach a top speed of fifty-four kilometres an hour in open terrain, unfortunately with a Dragoon on the loose and the broken terrain that was George Street two kilometres seemed like it would take forever to cover.  Every step the two Star League BattleMechs were having to make extra carefully due to the unstable ground under them buildings had fallen, wrecked vehicles had been left to rot in the street and trees had far overgrown everything.  What buildings remained standing looked like they had been around for centuries most were about four or five stories high putting their roofs just above the BattleMech's cockpits Mike kept scanning these rooftops as he stepped his Highlander forward any of them would make a perfect launching point for Infantry wanting to make a swarm attack or to use short range missile launchers against them.

   â€œJust shows the power of nature” Katherine said quietly stepping her Orion behind his Highlander “when this city was in its prime I bet there was barely a tree now you can barely see the buildings for the trees.”

   â€œEverything comes to an end” Mike whispered looking out his cockpit window in front of him he could imagine George Street as a busy road leading into the centre of town with shops running either side under apartment buildings and offices.  Wheeled road vehicles filled the streets with pedestrians moving around those stuck in traffic jams.

   â€œAnd this search will never end if you don't move your heavy ass forward” she joked Mike had been lost looking at the busy street of the past and his Highlander had completely blocked the narrow road.

   â€œI thought I saw something was just having a look” he countered knowing there wasn't a chance she would believe him.  Before she could answer he moved his Mech forward a bit reaching a crossroads.  Slowly he moved his Mech far enough out to look one way down the right hand side of the street before turning around and looking down the left side.  “All clear” he said stepping forward “you think he went either way?”  Mike asked glancing down both streets his hands near the weapon controls.

   â€œNeg, down right looks like it turns into a swamp, the ground's sunk, anything heavier than a light Mech is going to struggle to move ten metres before getting stuck.”  She said looking down the street “down left all I see is fallen buildings and rubble.”

   â€œA Dragoon has jump jets” Mike reminded her.

   â€œAffirmative I know, but we'd have seen a jet plume over the buildings, there hasn't been any flames that I've seen.  Unless that's what you saw when you stopped?”  She queried him Mike shook his head shaking the image of the past from his thoughts now wasn't the time.

   â€œNegative” Mike said calmly trying to clear his head “it was nothing, we push on?”  He said stepping his Mech forward he heard the communication channel shared by him and Katherine click in response.  The moved forwards deliberately slowly scanning as they went finding little of interest as they approached the end of the road where it met a much wider road and a small bridge crossing an ancient railway system.

   With the wider street Katherine was able to maneuver around Mike's Highlander and gain some distance making it less likely the two of them would be hit by a single shot.  Mike slowly looked around the area watching his sensors and using his own eyes to see if he could spot anything.  As he turned he saw a light on in one of the buildings on the fourth floor the light was exactly level with his cockpit.  “Striker Three, I've possibly got something here.”  He said taking a step closer to the building peering through the surprisingly intact windows.  As he did a young man dressed in a red t-shirt and jeans stepped closer to the window and looked out, on the window sill there appeared to be a small domesticated cat curled up in a ball as it looked out.  “Katherine, do you think there could be people living in these buildings?”  Mike asked quietly.

   â€œNo-one permanent I don't think but, it's possible maybe nomads who refused to live in the big cities or came out here to get away from Amaris and his thugs.  Or maybe just scavengers who like living it rough.  You got someone?”  She asked twisting her Mech's torso to face his.  Mike glanced at his sensors and then back at the person in the window who waved their arm in his direction.

   â€œCome take a look” he said stepping his Mech back away from the building, as he did Mike turned to see the Dragoon BattleMech they had been hunting smash its way out of the building adjacent to him hammering Katherine's Orion with a pair of autocannon blasts.  Unlike when his Highlander had been targeted this time the Dragoon used solid shells hitting the Orion hard in the chest and left leg before firing a particle cannon straight into the Orion's head Mike watched as the Orion stumbled and fell under the blasts.  Twisting his own Highlander's torso section Mike opened fire with both his Mech's missile systems the long range missiles went wildly wide while the shorter ranged missiles tore into the Dragoon.  “Striker Three respond!”  Mike snapped seeing the Orion was trying to get up.

   As Katherine brought her Mech back partly to its feet another pair of autocannon blasts tore into the Mech's side and back knocking the seventy-five ton Mech to the ground.  Mike heard Katherine scream in fear and pain before he saw the head section of the Mech burst open and her cockpit chair launch out of the BattleMech.  At least it looked like a clean ejection he through as he watched the seat fly through the air turning away from it for a moment he watched as the Dragoon launched itself into the air making a short jump down to the railway track before running off at full speed.

   â€œCome back here and fight me you cowardly bastard!”  Mike screamed into the open channel firing his Mech's gauss rifle and long range missile system at the retreating Mech.  The gauss slug travelled at supersonic speeds but also did so in a straight line in this case slamming straight into the ground near the Dragoon tearing up the earth around the retreating heavy Mech.  His missiles were more effective arcing through the air they landed around the Dragoon causing several strikes to the Mech's arm and back armour.  “Striker Three this is Command Four respond on emergency channel” Mike called out ejection seats carried enough power to make short burst transmissions for short periods after a pilot had left their Mech in this case however there was no response.  “Striker Three, respond.”  Mike ordered stepping his Mech carefully forward closer to the edge of the railway line the Dragoon was long gone disappearing into the wilderness.  “Command One, this is Command Four, Striker Three is down I repeat Striker Three is down.  Good ejection, I have tracked her escape path, unless you order otherwise I am going to find Striker Three's landing point and recover pilot, over.”  He transmitted this time trying to reach the Company Commander again there was no response probably caused by all the wrecked buildings and debris between him and the other Mechs.  “This is Command Four continuing with plan, out.”  He said finally after a few minutes closing the channel switching to a secondary general channel “This is the Star League Defence Force MechWarrior to the Dragoon pilot, it's just us left, we've kicked your bosses ass now I'm hunting you, keep your eyes open because I'm coming.”  He said jumping his Mech off the road onto the railway cutting in the jump jets to cushion the fall Mike then took his Mech into a run along the railway path.  Now there were two objectives, find Katherine alive and kill the Dragoon he didn't particularly care in which order these happened as long as they happened exactly like that, no more day dreams no more questioning what was going on just kill the enemy and find his friend.
My stuff, and my AU timeline follow link and enjoy


The original CBT thread
Dragon Cat on CBT

Really, as long as there is an unbroken line of people calling themselves "Clan Nova Cat," it doesn't really matter to me if they're still using Iron Wombs or not. They may be dead as a faction, but as a people they still exist. It's not uncommon in the real world, after all.
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